fast Salem EAST SALEM Tta January ateetinf of Hoover Parent Teach ers auoeiatioa waa held at the school hotue Uoainf nighL The president. Dr. Hoccrt Anderson, presided at the meetinf. Reports were .fivea by the treasurer, Don Culp and Mrs. Fred Cartensen who Is keeping the association's scrap book. Mrs. Robert Stephenson reported that Teas Ave. was now graded, the county having done the work. Don Heburn reported his at tendance at the meeting of, the state PTA council and the state meeting to be held in Salem. James Cslvert represented the Cub Scout troop giving a report of their activities and Mrs. Rob ert Anderson, camp tire guardian of one group, told oi the need for another guardian for girls who want a group and have no leader. The principal, Mrs. Mabel Sumpter, reported on the specisl project of the astocistion, stage equipment and Al Morris, stage lighting. He recommended that this psrt be deferred for this yesr. Dr. Ian McDonsld had at tended meetings of the Salem school board as representative of the school Recomendstions were msde for more recreation grounds either to be provided by the city or school board. Al Moms, program chairman, introduced Arthur A. Atherton, chairman of the Marion County March of Dimes drive, and he eresented Rsy Keston of the Toastmasters club who gave the talk on the need for this drive. Mothers of the fourth and fifth grade pupils of Miss Kuby Bolles were hostesses for the social hour. The room of Mrs. Kenneth Lun day received the awsrd for the most parents present The 4-H cooking club of Wsth Ingtnn school girls met the past week at the home of the assistant leader, Mrs. Fred Smalley. Gay Lee Keppinger, vice president. presided at the business meet ing. The demonstration in baking muffins wss given by Jackie Smalley. The 16 members were present The next meeting will be with Kay Engle. The January meeting of Au burn Mothers club will be held in the community hall Thursday. A dessert luncheon will be served at noon with hostesses, Mrs. S. W. Burris and Mrs. Melvin D. Bru infield. Mrs. Fsul Gilmer was hostess for the meeting Wednesday of the Monroe Avenue Sewing club. MT. A NOEL SCD TO MEET MOUNT ANGEL The first an nil a I meeting of the Mount Angel Soil Conservation District is sched uled for Friday evening, Jan. 15, at I o'clock, in the Legion Memor ial Hall In Mount Angel. All in terested persona are welcome to attend. LEGALS ADHlNISTKATOB'tt FINAL NOTICE Metlce U hereby .. that HARLAN SCOTT M mdmtnUtr&tor of thi aUU t stadia Wtlmtr Scott, Dett-ted, hii filed All flBfJ account j inch and rdT of til Circuit Court of the MHU of Orttoa for the Count? oi Marion. tAo tn day of Joouiry. in, Jo tho fere booh of Mid day bu seen llzod tu tho urn, mad Lao courtroom of said court naa bees fliee as tho place for tho bear- tnc of owcctloiu to laid final account and tho m (fitment or mm iiliti. XMted and first publlahcd: Dec. St. HARLAN SCOTT. Administrator of the Bilata of Zarlto Wflrncr Sroti. Deroaiod. NHOTEN. RHOTKN eV SPEKRSTRA lie Pioneer Trual Bldi. alftn, Or von. Attorncra for Administrator. Dec. 33, M: Jan. I. IS, SO Make this tun piece nunv ways: the jarkc: as a huxy m ro buttiincrl nr in the Innsrr Ifneth rersinn wilh Inns sleeves. Newsnmrlhy way tn cut a skirl Is slender! Wide variety n fab- ' rics csn be used. No. 2485 is cut in sites 10, 12 K 16. 18. 20. Sic 16: 3'a vds' 54 in. faliric. Send 30c tor !'A TTKHN with Name, Address. Style Number and Sue. Addtess PATTKRN BUREAU. Cspi'jl Juurnal. 652 ', Mission St., San Krancisco S Calif. Patterns read) to fill orders Immediately. For special hand line of order vis first-class mall Include an eilra 5c per pattern. I Also available the 1M3 1954 ! FALL WINTKK FASHION BOOK, beautifully illustrated in COLOR and presenting over one l-undred new fuli'ons t n bridee the seasons. Easy to-makc prac tical pattern d"igns for every age and type rf figure. Order your copy now iht price it only 2Sc. 400 Agriculture 42S Auction Soles AUCTION Office Equipment & Furniture 4 Secretary Osaka. I work desk 4 -er. Invtnclbia Metal OMs I Steel wardrobe I Swivel office chair S Swivel steaocrapher chairs I Arm desk attain Desk chain 3-Pe. chrome actus set FURNITURE S-PC. MAPLE B. K. BET, PHILCO BEriUGIRATOK. DAVZNOf AND DAVENPORT. LAMP TABLES, KNZEHOLE DESK, BEDS, MAT TRESSES, COIL SPRINGS, OCC. CHAIRS. et-GAL, EXEC. WATER HEATER. I CHEST-O-DRAWEHS, AND MANY OTHER ARTICLES OF FURNITURE BY SALE DATE. LANE SUDTELL'S AUCTION SALES YARD 3015 SUverton Rd. Pbont 24099 ADS IN THIS COLUMN RECEIVED , . . Too Late To Classify. 1961 FORD "S" I ooor with radio and heater. 19.000 mllos. Price 11.424. Phone 1-2880. 1JTK AND STATE rum. house. 2 bedrooms, adults, 830 Ph. 3-4370. FOR RENT or sale. 3 bedroom bouae. Almoit new. Attached garage. Let. yard. Ph. HIM. DUPLEX, 3 rm-. clean, unfum. quiet. Store room. Ph. 1-4811. 1603 N. 4th, WARM rooms, kttrhen privileges. Ladies.630 N. Winter Slrcct. WILLAMETTE student, married vet eran, wlahea parttime employment Experienced In clerical and legal work, cabinet making, salesman, elc. Ph. 4-5790. 300 Personal 310 Meeting Notices SALEM LODGE No. 4. AT at A M. Wed., Jan. 11. E. A. de gree. 7:10 P.M. 312 Lost and Found LOST: I pair lady'i glasses. Brown Bhrll rim with Jeweled corners. Finder please call Evelyn Clemen at Modern Beauty School. Mill. 316 Personal READER Will tell past, present and future. Help to solve your problems. Call for appointment. 4-383i. Popular Piano Leaaoni A life time of fun. Our course, based on 17 yra. cxp. offer valuable short cut that five all busy people the chance to know the thrill of playing the piano. Ber. or Adv. alt ages. For a per sonal meeting rail Salem Music Co., a-noa. Absolutely no obliga tion. SAFE, permanent removal of un sightly facial hairs. Erich of N Y. PALM1STBY READINGS Tills past, preient and future, advice 'on all matters, Will solve your proraema. Tnis aa wan one aoiiar, for five dollar reading. Open a.m 10 iv p.m. mwmj i, nexi 10 norui aaiem ij rive -in, , uaroens. SECURITY DETECTIVE AGENCY Private investigations, civil crimin al, oomesnc, misting person. Qualified questioned document ex aminer. Latest equipment. Con nections throughout the world. See telephone directory or phone dav or night 4-.17B6 or 4-2348. Popular Piano A LIFE TIME OF FUN FOR YOU TRY IT! NORMAN STUDIO OF MODERN HA NO. PHONE 2-8708. MtrsiC LESSONS, piano and violin. Slate accredited teacher. Phone 2-6013. As cheertul 3s a big pot of pansies blooming in a sunny kitchen window in wintertime, is this handsome apron gaily decorated with a pansy applique I'lK-kcl! Pattern .or apron comes in three sizes small, medium nd large; the big pansy aa well as the six smaller flowers which are to he embroidered on the big are included in a transfer pat tern Make the apron in pale violet, lavender, green or yel low cotton. The "pansy" shows up handsomely on such colors! Send 25c tor tissue pattern and transfer design for the PANSY APRON (Psttern No. 16S) siies small, medium and large, in structions for making pocket, embroidering YOUR NAMK, AD DRKSS, PATTKRN NUMBER and PATTERN SIZE to CAROL (THUS, Capital Journal, 652 Mission St, San Francisco 5, Calif. Patterns ready to fill orders immediately. For special hand I ling af order via first-class mall I Include aa ritra it pe.- palterm. 400 Aericultare 425 AucSoa Sole I chrome Louogc chairs I Wood (Ua S plastt, oovcice chain s-Or. tied cue Underwood Typewriter a. C. AUca beak adding machine . And ether office equipment 400 Agriculture 402 LiYeslock SALE Lars, black Jcrser cow and calf, itt. t. iox . ABERDEEN Anus bull, t yn. old. Good grade. Proven. Pa, 1-4031. 408 Pets GOING going, almost gone I Lovely registered German Shepherd pup- onepne female. pies. 1 rnoae rOR SALE: A. X. C. registered Enf luh Bull-Boston and Dachshund puppies, Aum shots. Phone Albany is a s. TO GIVE away, black Angora moth er cat and kitten. Ph. 1-2503. PART COCKER puppies to give away. 4-6310. AIREDALE, registered months fe male. Excellent pet. Phone 1-2348. PEDIGREED German Shepherd. 14 mo., good with children, 310 8. 16th. Evenings. IRISH-SPRINGER Spaniel pups, 3 ca. Black and tan hound pups. 910 ea. Earl Littleton. I ml. W. of Mon mouth near Antiocn Sen Cooper Hollow. BOXER female. Moore's tropical fish equipment. Parakeets, peta. Mac leay Rd. 4-3773. Closed Wed- PARAKEETS, Cages, supplies. Rea sonable. Bird Paradise. SIM Uvlng ston. 2-1M1. HOLLYWOOD AQUARIUM, ISM Me, Coy. 1 block east of N. Capitol, l'fc blocks north of Madison. Ph. t-6897. 412 Fruit and Farm Product APPLES Many varieties. 11.50 bushel and up. Bananas 10 lb. for I ,09, while they last. Alaman's fruit stand. Corner Lancaster and SUverton Rd. CLOVER BAY, 121 per ton. Rt. S, Box 401. Phone 3-126 for direc tion. FERTILIZER Rotted manure, weed free. 1-0774. SPECIAL data prunes available In duik. vauey rarm More. rn. 4-4624. Lancaster-Sllverton roads. 425 Auction Sales LIVESTOCK AUCTION THURSDAY. JAN. 14th 10 A.M. Misc., farm machinery, pro duce and Misc. furniture. 1P.M. LIVESTOCK Chickens and rabbits, calves and veal, weaner and feeder pigs, heif ers, milk and beef cows, bulls. iccrs. anvep ana goais. Lane SudteJl's Auction SaJes Yard 3913 SUverton Rd. Phone 3-0006 FURNITURE AUCTION tonlte at I o'clock at LANE SUDTELL S AUC TION SALES YARD, located 1 mile east of Salem on SUverton road. Ph. 3-S0U. 'SO Merchandise 455 Hsehold Goods For Sale EXCELLENT IMS Coronado refrlg. Must sell. Reasonable offer taken. 52S S. Liberty. DA VENOS Davenports . S 4.93 unys- mcycies, Excellent Con dition t B9S i Recnndltiontv, oil heaters $ S.9S Wanhlng Machines Good condi tion . . , f HQ Bunk Red Complete $29.93 RefrigeratorsExcellent condl- 1 tion S.H.M Baby Bed 314 .90 Coll Springs 4 1)5 Chrome Dinette Set 329.95 USED MERCHANDISE MART 210 S. LIBERTY St. SAI.EM. OREGON Phone 4 -Mil Arrow from the Armory Terms 1fdesirrd COMPLETE furnishing for 2-bedroom house. Phone 4-429. 1173 S. 16th. 456 Wanted, Hsehold Goods (.nn luUAt Uooa usea lurmture or wlU sU on consignment Ph. 3-imos Siidiell s Auction WANTED I SLD FU11MTUKE TOP PRICE a Icy I'urn. Co. 2-7 172 4S8 Building Matartola METAL FENCES Permenrnt . No upkeep. Free wtl metcs. 3ft mos. to py. Rorkmen Lbr A Hdwr. Phone 33701. 160 Slt St. REDUCED S3 00 PER DAY UNTIL SOLDI One Office Desk with Glass Top. STARTING PRICE. JANUARY 1. 171 January 13, $60 Keith Brown Lumber Yard Phone 3-SUI . Pront and Court We Cive SAH Green Siampa ALL NEw'luinber. shlplap 30 00 per M and up. 3x4 and larger SM 00 per M ami uo. Some lumber $13 00 per M delivered Phonr To Place Ad Call 2-2441 n:wiT'7iTsiM!i nan 450 Merchandise 4SI BuOdlnq Mcrtdrtciig New Data tuba complete ts gal. water beaters lis SO Plaaue dralnbd. coeennf J so. ft. Hdwd. plywd, ideal foe paneling or cabineta rK"T Loose Insulation pr bag . S14t Fiberglass roll blaaket insuL Cheap U-l clec. Wiring 'i 1S-1 eler wirinar ..fte Nails . .. St M M keg Asbestos siding per so. 8 Painted shakes with undcrs 10 50 New doors, all sixes 15 50 Used windows 3B x 41" " 100 used doors with frames New toilets with seats . S24 Double kitchen sinks, complete t41J0 40 gal, cleo. water heaters ,,. ssm Lnundry trays, pipe, basins Rrg-"" SsOO gal Steel sepU? tanks 4" cast Iron soil jfpe 4" solid orangeburg pipe . , Roll roofing, large supply 1 tab como. roof ins Cedar shingles. 4 grade Cheap New Galv. iron , Cheap Ptywortd. new carload Bargains New pvcture windows . 14.00 New weather stripped windows I14J0 Cedar fence posts , rhtan New plaster board 11.40 Steel garage doors, com p e ta. S44 .00 Over-bead garage hardware -IllJO C. G. LONG & SON Ph. 4-5051 1 ml. N. of Kclier REMODEL NOW Pre Uorrve Planning Service. Let us ncip you oian your new Kitcnen arda beauliful wood cab lneu. We also Install plastic tile. mlcarU drain boards, roofing, eavesirc-glw and siding, for your free estimate call 3-31B1," Montgomery Ward es m aa worm MOtny, PLYWOOD PLYWOOD PLYWOOD Honest! You oufht to see It, It we can t xina your size, we 11 cut It. no charce. Lots of doors, too. All kinds, low prices. New car of oak floorlnc. down 1000 M. Pinf-ponf tops SSOO ea. Sldlnf 5. up Shakes cheap. WaUboard 11.40. Hardboard S1-7S Mahogany plywood ISc ft, V loo. Cellini tile, cement, roofinff, windows, frames, every thins to suit your needs. Nothing down. 3 months to pay. Come In and visit, we're happy to have you. Send In your friends, tool Portland Road Lumber Yard iUi Portland Road 4-4431 "Open all day Saturday" 460 Musical Instruments BALDWIN Acrosonla piano. Phone 462 Sports Equipment WINCHESTER model 11, 11 (uate shot aun ana wincnesier model 84. .32 Special Carbine. 1S79 N. lath. Ph. 2-ues. CELAN outboard 14', 55" beam. All steel trailer with lights. Wood bunks. 1129. 1170 Boon Rd. 1-2951. 468 For Rent Miscellaneous FOR RENT or lease, Ige. warehouse space, cement uoors, brick bide, down town. Inquire H. L. Stllf furo. S-118S. 470 For Sale. Miscellaneous SPEED QUEEN AntomaUc lroner. aij.oo. Phone 2-01M. UNDERWOOD tVDewrlter eomnletelv I overhauled 6 muoths ago. S25. Call ii'iHi, v to a. OIL CIRCULATOR, used only three weeks. Heats 3 er rooms. No 'scratches! Guaranteed. Regular price, M6.9S. NOW ONLY. $39.77. Try-and then buyl Montgomery Ward it Co., Appliance Dept. Phone 3-3191. SLIGHTLY used Supreme electric range, lompieieiy reconditioned, guaranteed. Fully automatic. Deep well with pop-up burner. Push but ton control. Manual timer. Picture window In oven. Also warmer oven, with two storage drawers. THIS IS THE BUY OF THE YEAR. $159.77. Montgomery Ward Ac Co., Appli ance Dept. Phone 3-3191. SIMMONS used coll bedsprings, $7.50. nog uros. usea store. 137 S. Coml USED combination radio-phonograph . nogg eroa. usea store, 137 6. Com'l. USED 9 pc walnut bedroom suite. $89. Hogg Bros. Used Store, 137 S. Com'l. TV LATE model console. Price rea- soname. Phone 2-3.179. LADY'S Blark kid Karakul fur coat. Size 16-8. $100. Phone 1-8705 alter S p.m. EXCELLENT used Easy Spindlier, sou. i )M Kverirecn. 1 SMITH-CORONA Skywriter port- aDie lypewnicr. i portaoic elcc. heater. 1 portable Arvin radio. All conri condition. Very reasonable. 4-5170. OIL CIRCULATOR with fan. 1 single oea.ji x 12 rug, pn. 3-bbm. BABY TEN DA. Phone 1-53.15 be- iween 8-5. WOOD LAHE. pedestal grinder. swing ssw with steel table with or without I.H.P. motor. 5160 Newberg Dr. Ph. eve. 3-8700. SPINET PIANO, cedur cheet, elee. runce. rcirlfi., Hiher. kitchenware and silver. 2 table rc.Ug. porlnble phonoiraph. Elcc. power sod hand UU. Vt. 3-7212. RANGE. EXCELLENT ennd . bum 1 wood or oil, hoi water. Front, 4910 Lenier. Ph. 2-685. ADDING-MACIIIN hTV co I vjrmiwl tii ubtract., $60. 10-key with crrdit balance. SIW Phone 2-3373. . MAHOGANY Kuhler end CsinpbeTl upnini piano, txrfiifru con a moo. Reasonable price. Phone 4-3103. GOOD ITS ED uprlKht model piano for aie. excellent condition, tncludinjt raae and tuninjt. $130.00. Ph. 3-3782. USED SINGER, famous round bob bin. F.ler. rblnt si wing, machine A-l rond. nnlv $79 SO. Sincrr Srw Inf Crntrr. 130 N. Commercial. Open Fn eventm. LA H APARTMENT sire Tnee. tM Spmninf .heei lamp, 110 2.(53 Iaurrl. rpx"aps $ rw-is a"7o-V3 sues. Nationwide guarantee. lnO'r cold rubber. Lytle Tire, N. ComJ eV Pine. B ATTERIES All cars. $6 93, V 93. $8 93. exchangr lj mo guarantee. Lvtle'i Tire. N. Com'l St Pine. 4-8033. COW FERTILIZER Wr II rotted, one year old, delivered Ph. 2-22311. SINGtR ELECT. atnuT cabinet Like new. sews forward and re verse. New niachm guarantee. And free sewinj sons for bal nee of contract Smier Sewtnt Center. 130 N. Conirremel. Open Frl. e-ening. NEW UTTLB GIRIS dresses and aprons. Sues J-s Indies' aprons Jcobbler style) MS B-lmont. 2-6S33. BABY BUG G Y . bo v ' i "jickftViTli, cork boots, size I Phone 4-3394. HOSPITAL BED forMlp or rmt H L. Stiff Turn. Co. I' i 3-9IM rORTIFIED E.r " m.v -nlv 93c sack, t Ideal fnr mulrinnf Valley Farm Stnrc Phone 4-4?l FOR SALE new Mayflower fo'ced air oil furnare ron'nlet with duct work, controls. 275 ajetl tank. Half price $430 On. phone 240K2. CHARTS feundatlnn itrdles bra Ph a-Mll e 9-3071 harr E. Bale. 450 Mfixhandifte 473 Wanted MiftceOaneotift WANT to buy. set est Welding gauges. Phone 4-a22. GOOD LOGS. TOP PRirtt. DELtV EAED. INDEPENDENCE. WEST ERN LOGGING CO. PHONE &A LEM Z-lsfig EVES. Logs Wanted Good tnd growth loss. Prem. peitf for No. s logs ZS and hmser. Alee stud kcs or rouUipea of a plus trim S" to IS" dlam. BURKLANO LBB. CO. Ph. Tuner Ull Evea. XMI Toner ar 1-7SM. Salem. 474 Miscellaneous BEE-HIVE TRUCKS U-DRIV MOVE YOURSELF SAVE , CAS RENTALS - STAKES . VANS TEXACO STATION Sit COURT ST. PHONE I-1M1 PAGE STEVENSON end AL MEEORD DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 1-HR. SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolph Bide state & Coml. sts. SALEM PH. -Slll 476 Fuel MILL WOOD. ir. 1 er i-cord load. Phone 3-7309. West Salem Fuel Co. Tube or Push Out Biwduit Ash. Maple and Oak Wood Green, dry alao Planer Ends IKS Edtewaler Phone -4Bl WALNUT SHELLS for fuel, St ptr ton. Klorfeln Packins Co, ess N. Eront SL Pickup Your Presto-logs Briquets end wood at 1st B. Coml St. Phone 9-7711. WOOD Green' or dry. Anderson Fuel. Phone 1-7791 or 4-42U. Highway Fuel Co. dean sawdust, wood, ireen or dry, Stove-Diesel oils. Ph. .S-SM4, 500 Bus. & Finance 510 Money to Loan SHOPPING FOR A LOAN? Personal Personal Offers These Benefits: "Yes" promptly to employed peo ple married, single! Nationwide credit. Single visit loanphone first. Select best payment date! LOANS UP TO $1,300 On Auto, Furniture or Salary Personal FINANCE COMPANY Phone 2-2464 Salem 105 S. High Street State License S-122. M-16S Loans over $300 made by Personal ""i nance Co. of Marlon County under the Industrial Loan Companies Act of Oregon. Consolidate All Bills Twenty-five years ago General i"l- nanct ,orpa was organizta oy aa iem business and professional men to give you a loan service. We have lent mill tons. TRY OUR StRVlCX You can rcpiy enyllme to reduce costs. No endorsers or help from friends lc.r !ts to repay- Ph. first for a one trip loan. Loans S2J.00 to 1300.00 on Ifutursj. furniture and equipment. Loans to 9500.00 on cars, trucks, and trailer houses. free customer parkin at "Marlon ar arars : across irom Ollice, 136 S. Commercial St L!e No Slla and M31S AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 181 Soul Church Parking a-Plcnty Ph. 1-1457 Lie. No. M-iO, S-1H PHIVATF. monevo loan Ph 2-07M. REAL ESTATE LOANS COLONIAL INVESTMENT CO. R0BFR.T W 60RHSEN. Pftii 687 Court t.c. 4-2283 600 Kmploymcnt 602 Help Wanted WE ARE now Uklng applications lir Paper Routes at Carrier Divl aion. Statesman Building Boys m-'it be 13 years or over and have the written consent of their par ents If you have already applied kind W do so as am THE OREGON STATESMAN 604 Help Wanted, Male PAINTER wanted Must have exp. in estimating and workinc a crew. Man selected will take over paint dept. Call Mathis Bios. 3-4A42 for appl. " PART TIME JOB FULL TIME PAY For young men sued 17 to 18'. One night e.irh week. Beginning salary of $1.7(1 hour. Only a few appli cants will be accepted at this time. On the job training. Some of the m iny poMtlnn offered are for; Communications Personnel Clerk Supply Personnel Truck Driver Apphcalionn will be tok'-n this com. inn Thursday from 7 30 to 9 M P. M Serve vour country at borne In one of Its finest organisation,,, your Nat l Guard Hdqv Co O. ld Inf The Armorv. Sem. Ore. " $1.76 HOUR"" ! For young men aged 17 to 18'j. Eighteen applications only will be accepted at this time. You will be trained on the Job in one of many fields such as communications, supplies, clerical, truck driving, or others. Applications will be taken this com ini Thursday at the Salem Ar mory from 7.30 to 9 30 P.M. ii rwu quauiy. you ran serve your obligation to your country at home in one of it's finest organ isations, your Ore Natl Guard unit. Co D. l2d Inf. i MEN Interested tn a htg!ier Income, wilting to work lhr. days, report to Oregon Stare Employment of fice. Wed 9 to 11 and 1 to 4 For i Interviews. ak for Mr. Naughten. To Place Ad Call 2-2441 Call 2.2441 for Pflllitift 9, twer 600 Employment 606 Help Wanted, Female AVOW COSMETICS haa tneeUest earning opportunity lor house wives. Hours at vour roAvenaaMif. For personal Interview, writ irene Stewart, p. U. Box Jill Portland t, Oregon. STENO'S 4 SECRETARY'S Many wonderful openings in Port land for immediate employment. Starting aaiarys from (223 $27$ per ma Call 4-3331. Commercial ria cement Agcy. lor appointment. WOMAN lor housework and care ef children. 340 Water SL 6l0 Sola. P Wonled ereons If AN TO SELL ' roofing material Selling experience absolutely nec essary. Apply 9 to 12 Thur. and Snday only to Mr. F-mbrey at the L. EUitrom Co 20 S. Liberty St. TO SELL and service fire equipment. Call la person Thura. ic FrL after noon between 1 k pm. 329 B. Bush. SALES ASSOCIATE This position offers a profes sional sales career with Income opportunity exceeding $10,000 an nually. We are a leading 30-year-old Insurance company writing the finest Disability Income, Hoe pitallifetson and Life on market. Thorough training will be given. We are only Interested In an ac tive. Intelligent man who desires a permanent fecal connection. Choice territories available throughout Oregon. Please write M. c. Fields. 423 Plttock Block Portland. Oregon. Hi Work Waned. Mai. TAX RETURNS prepared In your home at reasonable) rates. Phone 4-2033. HEDGES and shrubs trimmed, yard cleaned up and trash hauled. 2-7464. CEMENT work, all kinds. Ernest Drake. Phone 4-3129. 11&3 B. 14th. WANTED: Bulldozing, land clearing, jrard work. etc. R. V. Stoops. Phone X-3326 614 Work Wanted, Female EXCELLENT child care tn my home daijy. Ph. 2-708 1. MIDDLE AGE woman wants house work and child care. Phone 24423 Woodburn. TYPING la my home or out. Excel lent References. Phone 3-9922. S WOMEN want office clean-up af ter hours or week ends. 3-4209. 615 Situations Wanted CARE FOR lU or Invalid person. Ph. I 2-4270. CHILD CARE in my home. 2780 jannng Ave, ynone 4-C3Z3. EXP. BOOKKEEPER desires work. my noma. P. O. Box 143, Amity, Ore. NEAT, competent lady wants house- worn mornings or pan aay. fn. 2-7043. MAN WITH 13 years experience pro amnion control, scneauiing, expe diting, stock and inventory control. Like permanent position with es tablished western firm. Presently employed as excutive. College graduate, married. 39 years old. Box 141 Statesman-Journal. CLOTHES washed and dried. My home. 1122 Nebraska. Ph. 2-0385. WILL take care of children between a-a.n. between 8-3. 2-5335. LANDSCAPING, complete lawn and garden service. Service Center. 4-3373. CHILD CARE, my home, day, week, hour. Fenced yard. 3-6437. PAINTING St decorating, ph. 3-7332. 23 yrs. cxp. In Salem. Free esti mates. CEMETERY WORK of all kinds. Phone 4-2970. GENERAL cleaning by the hour. Ph. IRONING, 30c an hour. Bring hang- m. urn nu at. wen aaiem. PAPER Hanging and painUng. Jerry 4 uiiiiaon. rnunt m. ROOFING, new work or repair. All types roofing. Call Klefcr 2-5908. Free estimates anywhere. TRLE work, topping, trimming, re moving. Insured. John Payne. Ph. 2-0383. PAPER HANGING & Painting. Jerry Johnson. Phone 2-0794. MIMEOGRAPHING, typing. ream b)c.Mrs. Poe. 665 N 16th. 3-3643. GOOD C. RE for your ehild7n8t Shipping St. Phone 3-9924. TREES TOPPED, trimmed and re moved. Free estimates. Ph. 2-7464, RELIABLE baby titter. Will go days or nightshone 2-9964 or 3-3323. PAINTING. PAPERHANGING. Con traet, sma'l jobs welcome. Phone 2-7692. QUALITY wood work'n- home cah- Inets. store fixtures. Dick High - brfr- 3-8904. NEW Construction, remodeling it repair. Free estimates. Dale Biles. Phone 3-609. HAVING AUTO RADLATOB TROUBLES? V y Motor Co. experts will solve f".r oroblemt and save vou money ree estimate, speedy service. Center and Liberty LlGHT crawler dozer7irteVehng grading. Phon 2-3220. CARPENTER New" remodeling or repair. Contract orjlme. Call 2-3025. CARPENTER WORK. Any kind Rea sonable. 4240 Maclcay Rd- Phone 4!1 CARPENTER work of all kinds. 31R0 Livingston. 2-1842. 2-1439. 616 Employment Agencies DO YOU NEED A JOB? We place professional, semi-professional, managerial, clerical, sales, domestic, personal, practical nurses. Capital Employment Agen cy. Ph 2-0636 334 N. Winter, Sa lem. Ore. 618 Education KINDERGARTEN 1 block from Keirer Srhol. Certified exp school 1;,rher. Limited registration. Rea sonable 4-4.MR morning 700 HrnlaU OFFICE & warehouse space for rent. I'P 'o 2. W nq. ft Arrangements can be made for taking calls V or ders .T033 Portland Rd. Ph 3-7K43. RESIDENCE or business. 4txI2TN Com l. Box 138 c-o Statesman Journal. LARC irehouse space for rent or leas ent ;lnors. brick build- in!. wn town. Inquire H L. Stiff Furniture Co. Phone 3-9183. 702 Sleeping Rooms. BoarJ LARGE attractive furnished room for Sentleman. 1030 Nora-ay. Ph. 3-4647. SLEEPING room In new modern prl vate home. Warm and nicely fur nished. Close to General Hospital. Phone 4-S4M. SI.EFPING ROOM. 715 S. 12th. Ph. S-TSSl. PLEASANT RM. with hwi. CIomIiC Gentleman. PhL3-4T91. ROOM A board .Ike home. Packed lunchei $15 aeek4-2l'tt. LARGE .Ireoin, 'oom with private bath and entrance Olf-.treet park ins Opposite Capitol Shoppms center. . r.. t. apitoi z-,m. SLErrrNG ROOMS. n."ar raoltol bids. Phone S-S2U. S4S N. Capitol. 700 Rentals 7M Si ping Booms. Board LOVELY furntahed room, fentlemaa preferred. Also very nice basement room, enoa-inl pnvUefe. S3S St. Winter. SLEEPING BOOM, kitchen lacUitb. Foe 1 or J, lit E.rry L 705 Apartmtrt for Rut ruRN. S-bJtm. apt close to school, bus at door, ino, an s. uuu Pa. -7ll. rURNISHEO clean apartment rent 1110 N. Capitol. NICE DRY S rm. basement furnlahed apartment. tSS. All ullUues ptf. laao Center. ' .ROOM furnished apartment, second floor, for 1 or S women. IXS. UU1- Itles pp. 13QU center at. NEAR Capital bulldlnf. Small, clean apartment. S27. Uulltlea. 1SS Mar- VERY NICE 1 bedroom unfurnished apartment. Water, ran and refus ers tor furnlahed. Inquire at S20 N. 14th. Phone 4-S447. NICE 1 bedroom furnished apt. In. quire at ISM 8. 13th. rURN. small, clean basement apt. Private shower. Hollywood. 130. 3-S64S. 1990 McCoy. FURNISHED small apt, private bath, aU electric. 1H S. Cotlase. CLOSE IN, north, S37.SO. J-room apartment furnlahed. Including re frigerator, private bath. All utili ties furnlahed except gas. Burt Pl cha. Realtor. 7t N. High. Phone 1-4047. 28 50. 1-ROOM housekeeping apart ment Furnished Including range and refrigerator. Pr.vate entrance. Close to downtown. North. Burt Pl ena. Realtor. J7S N. High, Phone 1-4047. J-URN. 3-RM. basement apt. Private bath and entrance. Refrif. HJ. SW Union. Phone 1-S34S. MOD. UNFURN. court cottage, walk dut.. available 18th. Ph. 3-5211. APTS. PRIV. entrance. Clean. Adults. 760 N. Church. Ph. 1-0302. -ROOM furnished, close to school. Private entrance. Phone S-B388. NEWLY decorated 2-room furnlahed. Private bath. 423 N. Winter. FURNISHED apartment. SU and S33. close tn. Phone 4-4S19. 1 WORKING girls to share complete ly rum. 3 norm. Home, cacn nave bdrm. Access to all utilities. TV. dryer, bus by door. Ph. 4-Sta. ass Tryon after 3:00 p.m. 1-ROOM Furnished Court Apt with garage. S55. Close In on No. Com'L Ph. 1-S64S or 3-SM4. I'URN. single tt double apt 444 N. uoiuige. rn. a-iaet. CLEAN 2-room furnlahed. ground. Snvate oatn, enuaJKe, sarace. Sds . 12th. GROUND floor, llv. room, bdrm. aitcnen, newly decorated, retrlg, range, small yard, 135. Call Mrs. Riley, lias N. Church. Ambassador Furnished apt,. 850 N. Summer THREE rooms furnished. S30. Trailer Mouse, sail. itfbB n. commercial. 1 RM. FURN., 1 rm. turn. Close In. private entrance, bath. a-S7QB. PRIVATE 1 room court apts. Clean. turn, a.a. AOUlts. 4500 rorllano Ha. DELUXE nicely turn. Clean 1 bedrm. apt., laundry, garage. W. Salem, 3-8347. FURNISHED 1 rooms, on, or two adults. S40. 940 Leslie St. FIRST FLOOR. Furnished apart ment Clean. Adulta. Thono 3-6375. 60 N. High. 3 RM. FURN. apt. Private entrance. near nign acnooi. ttn n. Phone 2-U843 after p.m. 1 RM. NICELY fura. apt with bath. Plenty of neat, near university and CapltoL Phone 3-8933. NEWLY DECORATED, nicely furn, 2 rm. court apt 10SS Madison. 4-4734. 1 LGE. ROOMS. Utilities furnished. i. an 4-O301. see at 2310 Lansing Ave. 1-BDRM. modern furn. court apt S33. Ph. 4-1761. 1 ROOMS, private bath, entrance. refrigerator, aduuiu. Reasonable. 735 S. 13th. 3 RMS. furn. Utilities paid. Women preterrea. 153J state. WILL REDUCE rent on nice apt. for nam worK arouna apt. house. Inq. 1595 N. Cottage. 1-BDRM. apt, unfurn, stesm heat. S50. Ph. 4-1432 after 4 p.m. 2133 s. Coml. St. 1-R.M. furn, S22.S0. utilities. 3-rm. - apt, S30, utlilties. 790 N. Com'l. CLEAN 3 room furnlahed apartment. i-nvaie entrance. Dam. utilities furnished. 41, S. 11th. 1 RM. FURN. apt. Utilities, refrlg. Close in. 24S Marlon. CLEAN 1 rm. furnished apt. Util ities furn. 127.50. Ph. 2-9084. 2261 Hazel Ave. 707 Houses For Bent S-BEDROOM unfurnished house. ISO Inquire 1970 Broadway . 2-ROOM cabin. 1341 Waller St Phone 3-4673. 2-BEDROOM modern unfurnished wlth Jireplace.375 mo. Ph. 3-5729. 4-BDRM. furn. house. Automatic oil furnace, near .hopping center and town. Adults. 63. Ph. 3-4957 after 5 p.m. 2-uF.DROOM furnished home, eicc tnc heat, insulated, close In So. 4th. ,73 mo. Inquire 4430 Silverton Rd. 3-YEAR OLD 4 bedroom house. 85 Phone 2-3538. WHY RENT? Phone 2-2031. S500 down buys modern home. Star Realty 3330.PaclflcHihway. NEAT 1 Br. house.Wiredelectrtc sujve. nquire 865 Shipping. 1 tth' 4 yr' old craPh. 4 ROOMS unfurnished. 1273"Frana lin. S40. 1 BEDRMS. stove and refrlger. S73 Phone 3-7687. 2 BEDROOM hse. at 7SO e S60 00. PSlM Jeferences please. t BEDRM. house In residential court j niurn. enccpt stove and refrtg. Inquire Gas Station, corner Lee At Mission. 2 BEDRM home, niceTat 2330AdamT Ph. 2-0R21 2-BEDROOM house Partly furnished. 857 Inquire at 3130 Broun Rr 4-RM MODERN hou.e Eler. rsnie and water hester. 123. 1530 Wood row SMALL 2-BDRM All elec. bouse, ga- mr. Mr aeVChtn. 3 AND 1-ROOM. modern, furn. cot- MODERNISTIC, beamed celling, dif ferent. 1-bedroom clean furnished house close In. No children or pets Inquire altemonns. 147 N. 18th. ONE-BDRM. house, partly furnished. S50 per mon. Ca.l 2-S591. Roy Todd Real EsUle MEAT, unfurn 2-bdrm. home" alt garage. N. S33. Good 2-bdrm. du plex; stove, refrig. furn. Excellent locstlon N. S35 See Joe L. Bourne. 1140 N. Capitol Ph. 3-121S. DESIRABLE 1-bedroom furnished house, garage. W. Salem, 130. 1311 tVlgewaler. 3-3109 1-BDRM house, clean, Havesvtlle dist. Year's lease, su Inquire 4990 Lancaster Dr. pa. 4.1247 or 2-3337 rv I-BDRM. comolefelv ruriv fUaeZ ( ment Wood furnace. Garage Nice vsrd Ac shruh.. I yr leae. S3 mo i Reference. Th. 3-ms Owner. 251 ' Renter; i 3-BDRM. home, earage. basement I flrenlaee Hnllvwiwl rnit 17B im Aallable Jan. is. Ph. 4-1537. 700 Rfntals 107 Honasrs for flsrni 4-It OOM clean bouse, partly turn. Pn. 4-2SJS. i-BDRM. unfurn. Claaa. t' i A for ranee. Pn. S-SBBB. 1-BEDROOM unfurnished house. 123. Rj. - Phooe-1000 fBEDRM. furn. house. Couple only. No peta. Ph. 3-1861. , 1-BDRM, modern, rang, as r.frlg. furn. S4S. Ph. 4-17SL FOR RENT 2-bdrm, nous. Meat, ..fc Hut sea. Ph. 4-1761. ! CLEAN 1 bdrm. bouse. North, floor ou rurnace. nipw, '- -k- -ly turn, hardwood floors, elec. heat Inquire 331 Portland Rd. . Pn. 4-iua. RM. UNFURN. cottage Elec. heat, ... ... m i' . ..ri i.srutr FURN. 1-bdrm. stucco cotuge with Jsrage. Near Sears. Adulu only, o pets. CaU alter l:39 la S J Garnet St Ph. 3-7643. COTTAGE Unfurnished, SJ. or S rooms, cloa, to town. 44t N. COtUge. 3-3444 ONE-BEDROOM cottage, attached garage. Phone 4-3237. FURN. SINGLE St double Apt 44 N. Cotuge. Ph. 3-iae'. 3-ROOM home, located cloa. In North, 655. B. af. Mason. Bit 164 S. Coml. NICE UNFURN. 1-bdrm. court cot. Uge. range, walking dist. Ph. 3-3211 COMPLETELY furnished. 1-bedroom home. Full basement, oil furnace, garage, good neighborhood. Adults. S83. Phone 3-4370. NEAT, 1 bdrm home. Furnished, 330. Adults. Phone 1-1329. FURN. 1 or 1 bdrm. duplex apt, ga. rage. S4S N. Winter. Ph. 3-S9S0. LGE. 1 BEDROOM house In court Water furn. 1783 Market GOOD 3-bedroom. gaa floor furnace, gal range, cloae in. 330. Phots, 3-4810. 709 Wtmttrd to fic-nt WANTED Outstanding Auto Club from Salem would like to rent double garage or good barn to use aa club house and work shop. Rent must be reasonable. Phone 3-1063, ask for Gary. COUPLE with 14-mo. child wanU cheertul furn. 1-2 bdrm. house or gr. fl. apt. for 1-3 mo. Close in. CaU Hotel Senator. Rm. 447. . 710 WanloJ to Bent, Housm FAMILY needs clean 3-bdrm. house, close to grade school by F,b. 1st. Call 4-6614. 714 Business Rentals SPACE In new oldg. 144 8. 131b, Jewelry, shoe shop, etc. 3-3222. 800 Real Estate 25 ACRES ' . Only 11500 me Wei down payment on a dandy farm with good bottom land. Ideal for nigh lncom crops. Nice 2-bdrm. home with utility room. Barn. 1 chicken houaei and other buildings. Paved road. 20 minutei to downtown Salem. LIFETIME JOS foei free with thia home St bus Inest. Here li a wonderful oppor tunity for Independence. Hatchery an poultry business plus an ex cellent 3-be room home with base ment on 13 acres of Rood land. Incubator for 30,000 eggs plus ev erything needed for one of the most complete setups In the north west. Owner ready to retire and will sell for about $8000 down, or will trade for home In Salem area. $5250 Make an offer or down payment. An extra neat and clean expansion home In 4 'Corner, dist. Every, thing In tip-top shape. Large lot. 201 South High Street phone 3-9203 Phone evenings && Sundays 4-1761. 3-3838, 3-4678. 4-3319, 3-1264 IjimtTJ 33 NEW MODERNISTIC This very new, up-to-the-minute 2-bedroom home h situated among beautiful trees. 19x13 llv. rm. with unusual fireplace. 18300 F.H A. or E. A. McGLAUFLIN. REALTOR UI3S Broadway 2-8611 Ee. 1-1843 FOR TRADE i, acre ground with older type house for trailer house. Equity 12,000. Phone 2-2702. 801 Business Oportunlties APARTMENT HOUSE One of the beat, gross annual In come $0700. Net .8O0. ARed owner will take $11,500 with ennrl fr" end residential trade. Call Dick Severin Art Msdsen Realty Ph. 3-5380 . Eve. 4-2633 FOR RENT offices or other busi ness. Upstairs livinr quarters or 2 family borne. Located 593 N. Front Ph. jvt. 3-4.139 AN OUTSTANDING opportunity for a capable woman to own a food pavlr.a lysines., protected by an exclusive franchise in Salem. World famous STAUFFER SYS TEM of slenderizing offers this special opportunity for a nominal Inve-tment. Now you may enjoy interesting career as Owner and Director of a service th.t Is dignified and proven successful for years. All replle. confidential. For details write - FRANK BREM ER K A MP. Field Mgr.. 230 N Juan- JtaAvc. Los 4. Calif. COMBINHD grocery and cafe foT lease, nice location between WU lamlna and Sheridan. Write Spen cer Smith, Rt 2. Box 16, Sheridan. Oregon. WORKING share in Plywood Corp. house, trade for rental proper ty or what have you? Phone 393JX Albany. 932 S. Terry St 804 Suburban 'i-ACRE. Pen-4 Cor bu. Llr.c-ln school. Box 142. Bub Houses For Sola HOME WITH Income. Urge living room dining room, bedroom, breakfast nook 3. kitchen Baie ment Beautiful yard, furnished . Pt. upstairs. 17.000. Tel. l-gSM RV nwurn New 2-bdrm. home, close to school and bus, 2963 Larscn A, So. of Silverton Rd. NO MISSPRINT Priced for quick sale. New 3-bdrm. home. 1 dn., 1 up Att. garage, rs.930. 17.000 loan available to buyer. See at 2820 Brown Rd. Owner at 3S10 Auburn Rd. 3-BDRM. hse. In Keller Dist. 17x22 liv. rm, nice kitchen .utility porch oil floor furnace, att dble. garare Urge lot 3 huts to school. sio down. Fun price SI.500. Ph. 1-707S after 1:30. WILL TAKE trailer house as down suburban. Ph. 4-2039 I . Pavmeni on small, modern house. ri'.viGitrn ,u . i ..uwrm. nouse. E; East i..ii.j,rir nospitai. Ph. 4-6264 OWNER. 1-hedroom home i l acre ground. Can h. subdivided. Chicken houw. birn. good welL 3445 Ri ilge Dr. Ph.4-1 ls. School Dttl. Owner 36 630 lu E Wilaon. Phon, 3-6734.