Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, January 13, 1954, Page 17, Image 17

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    Wednesday, January 13, 195
Page 17
Tele -
Doet your baby look like Bob Hope? .
Bob Hope ii iponsorinf a contest during the next two weeks
In search of children, not over three years of age that look like him.
The national winner will be announced on The Bob Hope
Show" on KPTV. Channel 27. Tuesday, January 26 at 8 00 p.m.. and
will receive a $1,000 bond and a trip to Hollywood for Baby. Mom
and Pop via United Airlines. There will also be 50 other prises,
and the first 50 to enter the contest will be presented with a aift
1:31 Armchair. Theatre "Secrets of the Underground"
starring John Hubbard and Virginia Urey.
t:M p.m. Kit Carson Kit Carson and his pal. El Toro, foil a
counterfeiter's plot to substitute phony money for all the legal
currency in a frontier town bank in a half-hour western thriller
titled "The Secret Sheriff".
7 p.m. Blue Klbben Fight Eaard Charles, of Cincinnati, con
tinues his efforts to regain the heavyweight title when be meets
Bob Satterfield of Chicago in a 10-round contest to be telecast
exclusively over the, CBS Television Network from the Chicago
stadium. .
S p.m., Arthur Godfrey and His Friends With Frank Parker,
Haleloke, Janette Davis, Marion Marlowe, the Mariners, the Mc
Guire Sisters, Lu Ann Sims and Tony Marvin.
II p.m. Wrestling from Hollywood In the semi-main event
an exciting tag team match will be featured. The Great Bolo and
Bonito Gardini team to challenge Jerry Woods and Singer Sandor
Szabo. The main event of the evening finds Wild Red Berry
matching mat strength with Leo Garibaldi.
- .
Name's the Same, (Robert Q. Lewis is emcee.
Plane and Porter, 6:30 Sid Porter at the piano.
Life is Worth Living, 7 "Why People Become Communists"
will be Bishop Sheen's topic.
I Married Joan, Jean tries to barbecue spareribs and has to
build a barbecue to do the job but something goes wrong in the
construction process.
My Little Margie, g:3o "Vera Gets the Bird" Margie attempts
to salvage a promised ski trip.
Kraft Theatre "A Cup of Kindness" stars Lllya Skala, Con
stance Ford, Elaine Stritch, Mark Roberts and James Costigan.
A story of a German-American family at the turn of the century.
A grandmother tries to impose her will on her family and turns to
This Is Your Life, 10 The detailed story of the life of some
individual selected by Edwards.
Nite Owl Theatre, 11 "Star Reporter" starring Warren Hull
and Martha Hunt
What'a Cooking? 10:3 Barbara Angell will prepare Wacky
Matinee Theatre, 1 "Freckles Comes Home" starring Johnny
Downs and Gale Storm.
Hunting and Fishing News, 6:30 Rudy Lachenmeier will have
two top rifle shooters as his guests, Adrea Yarton and Ragna Neu
hauser. Miss Neuhauser will show the correct way to use a
rifle and demonstrate the various target positions, while Miss Yar
ton provides commentary. Both women will compete in the North
west Rifle Tournament Sunday, January 17.
Yon Bet Your Life, ft Groucho Marx emcees comedy quia.
Dragnet, 9 Top realistic mystery drama starring Jack Webb.
Ford Theatre, 9:30 "The Ardent Woodsman" stars Gilbert Ro
land, Phyllis Thaxer and Marcel Dalie. Story of a tough woodsman
and a schoolteacher. a
Martin Kane, 10 Kane proves a "natural death" was murder.
Nite Owl Theatre, 11:15 "Hidden Enemy" stars Warren Hull
and Kay Linaker.
3:15 p.m.. Armchair Theatre "The Old Homestead" starring
Dick Purcel and Ann Jeffreys.
8 p.m.. Four Star Playhouse Charles Boyer stars in 'The Bad
Streak", the story of a young man who tries to get revenge on
his father for a fancied wrong.
p.m. Video Theatre A mysterious wedding gift, at first
believed to be a macabre prank played on a newly married couple,
proves to be a "plant" in a homicide plot in "All Dressed in White
starrini? screen actor Richard Carlson.
9:30 p.m. Big Town Steve Wilson of the Illustrated Press
becomes a target for the underworld when his articles on the
truck hijacking racket start hitting too close to the gang s boss, on
his exciting thirty minues. ....
10 p.m. The Playhouse "Kitty Doone," the story of a movie
actress whose fading career causes her to again seek the limelight,
stars Constance Bennett, Jerome Cowan, Nydia Westman and Elliot
Re'dil p.m. Showtime on Six "I'm a Stranger" starring Greta
Gynt and James Hayter.
Soles Service - Installation
Open from a.nv to int
Ph. 1-1611 tltt 8 Comt
Salem's First Televlnlon Store
Sales Service
Installations ,
1880 STATE ST. PH. 3-7577
" fniss
Tonight 5:30 P.M.
KOIN-TV Channel 6
Technicians on Duty
Till 9:30 p.m. Daily
1410 S. 12th Ph 45512
Does TV Hurt Your
PHONE 21913
2303 Fairgrounds Rd.
Valley TV Center
Sales Service Installation
Open Till 9 P. M. Daily
Sunday from 1 to 6 P. M.
Any timt Is limi
Jor Com-CoW, hut
Eddie Fisher
and his
7:30 p.m. KPTV (h. 27
"Cain" a waawnd . ifc,
On Television
KFTV (27)
II M am. KFTV-DUw Dot ftcfeoftj
W n im EPT Whit. Cooklait
M tt ft-am. KPTV Wht . Cookitut
KOMI poillt JUvue
11 M tm. KPTV Wbtu Cook in tt
U:M l a. KITVJ Iun la Heave
U S KPTV Friend 1 rtaiiy
Hi -am. KPTVrmotJ C TmU$
KOIN Hewera
U:M MM KPTV Bride d OrM
KOIN Big Piroft
11U .. KPTV The Beast U4
KOI M-Bit Pmntt
KOI Bom CrtMk
1 M p.m. KPTV Matinee
COIN Love tf Lift
1:11 p.m. KPTV Met) nee
KOIM trca TQBBorrmv
1-M p.m. KPTV wninee
KOIN OuldLn light
l:U p.m. KPTV ftUUnrm
KOIN V Allan I Lftdf . '
I N P-m. KPTV Me tine)
KOIN Double or Mothtnt
I N B-BL KPTV Oa Yonr Aeeouml
KOIN Btiike It Rich
1:M pm. KPTV Kai Bmtth
KOIN Otrre Moor
Tit KPTV Kb. M BralLb
KOIN- Armchair TbMttr
M KPTV Welcome Traveler!
KOIN Armchair The Lex
4 J g am. KPTV The Torauker
roiN Armchair Theater
U p.m. rPTV Thg ToraaUet
KOIN Mr. Moon
I M pa. KPTV--Howdy Doedr
KOIN BakUe Pali
) p .na. kptv Bar n Corrtl
KOIN Kit Caraoa
4 M tm. KPTV Names the Sam
KOIN lit. Weatherman
It p.m. KPTV Name the Bmime
KOIN Photo Quig
pm. KPTV Porter
roiN Done Edwftrda
:U p.m. KPTV World oa View
KOIN ThU Is Tsar Mill
T:M p.m. KPTV Bishop Sheco
KOIN Fight
T:M p.m. KPTV -Coke TIbm
KOIN Pliht
T: p m. KPTV-Nfwi CtrtTtB
KOIN Plght
l:0f p.m. KPTV 1 Mirrltd Joam
KOIN Arthur Godfrey
I I p.m. KPTV My Little Merit
roiN Arthur Godfrey
:M p.m. KPTV Kraft Theater
KOIN Btrite It Rich 4
p.m. KPTV Kraft Theater
KOIN I've Oot o Becrfl
II :M p.m. KPTV ThU fa Tour Uf
KOIN Hollywood WresUlof
10:1) p.m. KPTV Cavakao
KOIN Wreitimg
11:1 p a. KPTV Nil Owl Thctttr
I 00 t m. KPTV Ding Dong BQ
10:30 a.m. KPTV What'a Cooking
10:41 a.m. KPTV Whafi Cooking
KOIN flpoUlte Revue
11:00 a.m. KPTV Hawkins Palls
KOIN Hospitality Houso
11:11 a.m. KPTV 3 Steps to Heartm
11:30 a.m. KPTV Friend of Famtl?
11:41 a.m. KPTV Friend ol Famllr
- KOIN Newireel
13:00 doob KPTV Br We tod Oroom
KOIN -Els Parol!
13:11 pm. KPTV Bennetts
13.10 p.m. KPTV TBA
KOIN Bob Crosby
1:00 p.m. KPTV Matinee
KOIN Love ol Life
1:11 p.m. KPTV Matinee
KOIN dearth Tomorrow
1:30 p.m. KPTV Matinee
KOIN Ouldtng Light
1:4S p.m. KPTV Ha tine
KOIN Valiant Lady
3 00 p m. KPTV Matinee
KOIN Oarry Wooro
3:1B p m. KPTV--Hollywood Reel
3:30 p.m. KPTV On Tour Account
KOIN Strike It Rich
1:00 p.m. KPTV Kat Bui 1th
KOIN Oarry Moor
3:11 p.m. KPTV Kat Smith
KOIN Armchair Bhow
4:00 p.m. KPTV Welcome Traveler
roiN Armchair Show
4:30 p.m. KPTV Toy maker
KOIN Armchair Bhow
4:41 p.m. KPTV Toy maker
, KOIN Mr. Mooa
1:00 p.Ba. KPTV Howdy Dood
ROIN Saddle Pals
1:30 p.m. KPTV Bar 71 Corral
KOIN flpac Ranger '
100 p.m. KPTV TBA
KOIN Mr. Wtathtrmaa
KOIN Photo Quia
30 p.m. KPTV Huntlnt and Fishing
KOIN Doug Bdwarda News
1:41 p.m. KPTV World on View
KOIN Sport Scholar
7:00 p.m. KPTV Sports
FOIN Cisco Kid
1:30 p.m. KPTV Dinah Shore
KOIN Place the race
1:49 p.m. KPTV New. Sports
KOIN Place the Face
1:00 p.m. KPTV Groucho Man
KOIN Meet Ut. McNultf
30 p.m. KPTV Chevron Theater
KOIN Pour Star Playhouse
I 00 p.m. KPTV Dragnet
KOIN Video Playhouse
1:30 p.m. KPTV Ford Theater
KOIN Big Town
to 00 p m. KPTV Martin Kane
Kl:n The Playhouse
10 30 p.m. KPTV Arthur Murray
KOIN Mr. and Mrs. North
II 00 pm. KPTV News. Sport
KOIN Showtime on flit
11:08 pm. KPTV Nile Owl Theater
Bioodmobile Due at
Sweet Home Jan. 19
SWEET HOME The American i
Red Cross bioodmobile will be
in Sweet Home Jan. 19 at the j
Sweet Home high school gym-
nasium between the hours of
1:30 and 5:30 p.m.
Sweet Home Elks will spon
sor the visit with William Hcse
man as chairman.
. j - i
.."""T rZTZM
will be supervised by Peg Hat
field of Lebanon. Linn County
.bioodmobile chairman; and Vir
ginia Falkncr, of Albany, execu-
Dies in Hosnilal
William P. Catchell, who sine
1938 had operated a grocery star
at 3293 South Commercial street,
died at local hospital Tuesday.
Gatrhcll suffered a stroke at his
home and was' taken to the hos
pital where ha died a short time
later. He had had a heart ailment
for the past four years.
Born in Brookings, S.D., Nov.
ember 30. 1884, Gatchell, with hit I
parents, Kichard and Anna Gat
chell, cam to Oregon when about
three years of age and the family
settled at Lebanon, where he
made his home until after his
in 1812 it Lebanon Gatchell
waa married to Bertha C. Cook,
and for a time the couple oper
ated a confectionery store there.
Later they moved to Woodburn
and made their home in that
tiwn far four years while oper
ating a motion picture theater
From Woodburn the Gatchells
moved to Jefferson and in that
town were the receiving; agents
for Swift and company and oper
ated a feed and cleaning store.
They came to Salem from Jef
ferson. Gatchell was a member of the
Court Street Christian church.
Surviving besides the wife are
a son, Fred Gatchell of Jefferson:
a brother, Leslie W. Gatchell of
Albany; and two grandsons.
Funeral services will be held at
the Howell-Edwards chapel Fri
day morning at 10 o'clock with
Rev. Harold Lyman officiating.
Interment is to be at Lebanon.
Chicago Grain
CHICAGO If) Grains rallied to
close higher on the board of trade
Wednesday after going through
two concentrated selling waves at
ine start ana aooui nau an nour
before the close.
Dealings were active with short
covering having an important part
in the late spurt.
Selling seemed to come mainly
from bulls who had grown tired of
maintaining their position without
any strength being shown in recent
- Wheat closed unchanged, to V
higher, March 2.09-2.09, corn un
changed to tt higher, March 1.52'i
i, oats tt lower to V higher,
March 78-79, rye 1 to ltt higher.
March 1.20H, soybeans V2tt
higher, Jan 3.04tt-K, and lard un
changed to 10 cents a hundred
pounds higher. Jan 16.80-16.70.
Portland Grain
PORTLAND UH No bids or
Wednesday's car receipts: wheat
25; barley 2; flour 6; corn 1; mill
feed 10. -.
Chicago Onions
CHICAOO (UF) flunplles moderate.
demanad fair, market sllahtly weaker.
Track sales SS lbs.: D. i. I wnless
stated: Idaho Spanish 3-lnch and laraer
Street sale so lbs.: Idaho and Oreton
Spsntsh 3-tneh and larser 1.U-1.S3:
Whites 3-lneh and lartcr. also S to
3-lnch. S.JS-3.M: Colorado Whites S to
3-lnch 1.40: Midwest Yellow a lobes me
dium .so-Lit. smell and Irresular. .is
.15. cartons twe)e t -pound cellos 1.10
NEW YORK W Demand for
railroads started a rally YVednes-
day in the stock market.
The move ahead came in the
second hour on expanded volume.
Prices held doggedly to their gains
bat gave ground a little in late
Gains went to around a point at
the best with most sections of the
list getting the benefit of the ad -
vance. (
Trading for the day came to an
estimated million and a half shares
as compared with a million and a
: quarter traded Tuesday.
LONDON UP Rationed Britain
is dickering with the United States
for the purchase of surplus meat
to help fill pinched kitchen larders,
the treasury said Wednesday. A
spokesman said the meat would
De imDoneu in
be imported in excess ot our nor
buying and wont displace our
regular suppliers.'
tive secretary for the Linn coun
ty Red Cross chapter.
By Ketcham
i ! i .
r v - Ur7T -as MY.wJ
: - ' ' . ' .
1 -igJ. Je,iL
Traffic is virtually at aUndsUll on TSth Street near Madison
and Fifth Avenues, New York City, as city waa hit by worst
snowstorm in five years. Most motorists were not able to move
their cars from overnight parking spaces after plows had piled
anow around them. (AP Wirephoto)
Globemasfer Collapses
But Crew Uninjured
Wash. 11 A big C124 Globe
master collapsed onto its nose on
runway landing here early
Wednesday, but the . nine crew
members aboard got out safely
through the escape hatches.
The information office of the
base, outside Moses Lake, said
fire broke out in the big troop
carrier's interior, but it was quick-
ly extinguished.
The plane s door, below the nose.
was jammed badly as the big craft
skidded several hundred yards on
lis nose, so tne crew members had
to escape through the emergency
The information officer said the
giant plane, capable of carrying
200 troops, flipped onto Its nose
as it touched the runway at top
landing speed. Damage to the nose
section waa extensive.
The pilot and co-pilot ride high
in the top section of the nose of
the Globemaster, above the badly
smashed section. !
The plane, of the 15th Troop Car-
Admiral Corporation 19
Allied Chemical 73's
Allii Chalmers ' ... 46 Vi
American Airlines ' 12
American Power At light .-; '
American Tel. ft Tel, . . 157
American Tobacco t AO
Anaconda Copper 31
Atchison Railroad - 95 W
Bethlehem Steel 51
dots wamer 75
Burroughs Adding Machine' 16 H
California Packing 22
Canadian Pacific 22
Caterpillar Tractor 49 44
Celanese Corporation 60 4,
cities Service M
Consolidated Edison 42 i
Consolidated Vultee IB'i
Crown Zellerbach 35
' Curtiss Wright 6
Douglas Aircraft 81
i du Pont de Nemours los t.
Eastman Kodak 47 1.
jE.lcrson Radio 10
( General Electric M
: General Foods 59 S
1 General Motors 60
Geoia Pacific Plywood
1 Goodyear Tire 54
i Homestake Mining Company 35 4
International Harvester
28 4
International Paper
56 4.
66 44
13 V,
57 Vi
17 4.
Johns Manville
Kaiser Aluminum
Kennecott Copper
Libby, McNeill
Lockheed Aircraft
Loew s Incorporated
Long Bell A
Montgomery Ward
Nash Kelvinator
New York Central
Northern Pacific
Pacific American Fish
Pacific Gas & Electric
Pacific Tel. k Tel.
Packard Motor Car
Penney J. C.i Co.
Pennsylvania Railroad
Pepso Cola Co.
55. I
11S ',.
4 ;
76 S
17 "4 i
14 S
26 b
48 1.
S3 V.
60 V,
37 1,
73 '4
21 N
20 H
24 V,
13 4,
40 4,
24 4,
51 H
44 V.
Philco Radio
Radio Corporation
Rayonier Incorp.
Rayonier Incorp. Pfd
Republic Steel
Reynolds Metals
Richfield Oil
Safeway Stores Inc.
Scott Paper Company
Scars Roebuck It Co.
Socony-Vacuum Oil
Southern Pacific
Standard Oil California
Standard Oil N. J.
Stiidehsker Corporation
Sunshine Mining
Swift at Company
Transamcrica Corporation
Twentieth Century Fox
Union Oil Company
Union Pacific
United Airlines
United Aircraft
United Corporation
United Slates Plywood
United States Steel
Warner Pictures
Western Union Tel.
Westinghouse Air Brake
Weslinghouse Electric
Woolworlh Company
Ifch'nf mnd Ivrnne !
Simple PILES
Im i at) n1 eimiie tmfrr tMMe m n
t4i. isM rrttevre Hrhy trtiintknti. Fee
ffii cVfMtett ve tMl4 Wt.
rier Squadron, was returning to
the base after an extended train
ing flight
An investigating board will try
to determine the cause of the ac
cident, which was not known im
mediately. In the last previous Globemaster
accident at Larson Base, 87 men
lost their lives in a crash after a
takeoff for a Christmas holiday
flight home in 1952. -
PORTLAND un Butterfat
Tentative, subject to immediate
change Premium quality, maxi
mum to .35 to one per cent acidity,
delivered in Portland. 68-71 lb.;
first quality, 66-69; second quality,
ft-A7 VaiuJ rnniP. m n Mnntrt)
Doints 1 centi less.
Butr Wholesale, f o b. bulk
cubes to wholesalers-Grade AA.
M score. 86H lb; W score. 8514;
M score. 4; N score, 62.
Cheese Selling price to Portland
wnuiesaiers uregon singles, 42V-
44 lb; Oregon S-lb loal, 484-51.
Eggs To wholesalers Candled
eggs containing no loss, case in
cluded, f.o.b. Portland A grade,
large, 51Vi-55; A medium SOV,.
524; A grade, small, 474-48V4.
Eggs To retailers Grade AA,
large, 57-56; A large, 55-87; AA
medium. 55; A medium, 53-54; A
small, 49-50. Cartons 1 cents addi
tional. Live chickens No 1 aualitr.
1 f.o b. plants Fryers 27: roasters,
27; heavy hens, 25-26; light hens, I
15-17: old roosters, 14-15. ,
Rabbits Average to growers I
Live white, 3 Vi-5 lbs, 19-23: 6-6 lbs, I
20-22: oia aoes, 10-12: few higher.
Fresh dressed fryers to retailers,
57-60: cut up, 6346.
Wholesale dressed meats:
Beef, steers, choice. 500-700 lbs,
39.00-41.00: good, 36.00-40.00; com
mercial, 32.00-37.00: utility, 29.00-
33.00: commercial cows 26.00-ners-cutters,
Beef cuts choice steers H 1 n d j
quarters, 47.00-52.00: rounds. I
43.00-48 00: full loins, trimmed,
73.00-8000: triangles. 29.00-34.00;
fore quarters. 31.00-36.00: chucks,
37.00-40.00; ribs, 35.00-62.00.
Pork cuts Loins, choice. 8-12
lbs.. 62.00-64.00: shoulders. 16 lbs.,
49.00-44.00; spareribs, 48.00-54.00;
fresh hams, 10-14 lbs., 60.0045.00.
Veal and calves Good-choice,
all weights, 34.00-43.00; commer- steady to 50 cents down. A few
cial, 29.00-37.00. ondi of average-prime to high-
Lambs Choice-prime, 38 00- prime steers moved at $30.25 to
41 00: good, 34.00-39.00. i $31.25. the top. Most choics grades
Wool Grease basis, Willamette brought 24.00 to $26.00.
Valley medium, 51-55 lb; Eastern I Slaughter lambs found a slow de
Oregon fine and half blood, 55-62; mand, dropping 25 to 50 cents.
Willamette Valley lamb wool, 42; Good and choice wooled lambs sold
12-month wool, 45-oO.
Country-dressed meats, f.a.b.
Beef-Cows, utility, 25-21 lb;
canners-cutters, 21-22.
Veal Top quality, lightweight,
32-4; rough heavies, 24-28.
Hogs Lean blockers, 37-38; sows,
light, 31-33.
Lambs Best, 34-36.
Mutton-Best, 13-15; cull-utility.
Fresh Produce: !
Onions 50 lb sacks, Wash, yel-:
ows. med., 1.00-10; large. 1.10-25; !
Idaho yellows, med., 1.25-50; large. '
1 75-2 00; whites, 2 25-50.
Potatoes Ore. local Long Whites,
2.00-23; Deschutes Russeta. No. 1,
2 15-25; sire A, 2 50-75 ; 25 lb sk..
80-83; 10 lb. mesh. 40-43: paper. 30
33: windows. 35-37: Nn. 2. 50 Ihs.'
80-83: Wash. Russets, No. 1-A, 2 23
50: Id.lho, 3.15-23. I
Hay V. S. No. 2 green alfalfa.
mnlly 28; delivered car
and truck lots, f.o b.Vortland and
Filberts Wholesale selling price .
: f o b. Oregon plants. No. I jumbo
i Barcclonas, 29 lb: large. 274;
medium, 254.
Walnuts Wholesale selling
prices: First quality Franquettes,
1 32 334 lb; light halves, 79-83: shell
ed light amber halves, 7075.
fa ier,ei DOCTORS' TESTS
WITHOUT tUIOIRT I Irt cm eJter ttv ol
Mtnpte c. tiledNlinf eitTrpnl. e'luif f
etif t , rnxki"! tarnVti. infai rarwh IT II
Ol r .M,t HY.lhtink(eanaistr.ct'A7(
( m' rwffil ! In 9 re rii nf tt, ptrtn jtj
mfi4 w mti'eriei.v Ti'ttn r' art n
hirwaral". rWtevtf itfinne mt4y ltm'l'1e
V rVsr" prawrtbe tt'. In mhee. ' nvw4fi
ftupprawianee. Oct I'Ajrya.flTjrkrWrlretietU
Compiled frwn re parte el Hales dealer
fee the leisure of CeplUl Jearaal
reader. (Kevleed aU.)
leun Feed Frteeat .
KbH reikis U U fOO-lh, ha.
4 1S-. M uot-lb. hai l
Est Mash 14. U-IS 30.
Dalrr reed I3.31.3U (10-la. ha)l
SJP0-4M 1 100 M.
Pealtrr Bovine Prises Colored fryer,
tie i eld Meiers, laei eelered fowl. Mci
lechorn fowl, lie: colored roasters, 3&c.
Baring Frleee Kcta AA, Uei lane A
43'4ci medium A A. 41c; medluc A.
30-43c; small. 31. Kta. wholesale prices
enerallr 1-1 cents hither than prleea
above; lerte trad A fenerally tooted at
Mri mediums at Mc.
BwUerfet Buying price: Premium. If.
Tl cent: he. U ! cental He. a. ate.
Portland Eastsido '
PORTLAND OJJSv-Uost prleea were n-
ehanted whu traolni waa anoderatel
active al the Bastsld Farmers' market
today: la wholesale produce market trad
ing largo Washington Delicious fancy
aopiss topped market at
Portland Livestock
salable 300; market fairly active
and steady except canner and cut
ter cows slow and fully SO lower
for two days; few choice fed steers
24.00; scattered lots commercial
and good steers 18.50-22.00; utility
! and Uow commercial steers 14.00-
ill.W; cutter and utility heifers
1050- 15 00; commercial grades
mmltu Ifi AA1 CO. Unl.uliKH w
lo,d ,t ,8.oo: ca'nner and cutter
U,, 8 0O-.M: few 10.00; utility
. n nn.iinrv. or..
1J 50-14.50: cutter and utility bulla
12 00-15 50,
Calves anlnhl 100- mf4rt ahmit
waives aauDie liw, mancn sdoui
steady considering quality; (ew
good and low choice veal era 20.00-
23.00; prim quotable to 27.00
above: lew lota commercial
good slaughter calves 18.00; one
good 465 lb stock calves IB 00.
Hogs salable 300; market
active, steady to 25 lower; choice:
1 and 2 lots 180-235 lb butchers; several lota mostly
cnoice 3 outcners down to 27.50:
Choice 250-320 lb 25.50-26.50; choice ,11. Albany. Annoujicement of aerv
160 lb 26.50; SOWS scarce. Choice I ice, later by th. UoweU-Edwarda
. 320-550 lb salable 22.50-24.00.
I Sheep salable 200: market active,
steady; scattered Iota choice and
prime wooled Iambs 20.00-20.50;
good and choice Iambs mostly
18.O0-19.00; utility grades down to
15.00; good and choice slaughter
ewes S 00-6.00; utility ewes down to
3.00. .
Chicago Livestock
CHICAGO Ii" Hogs Closed
Steady to weak Wednesday after
early salet were made at strong to
25 cents higher prices.
Choice 180 to 230-pound butcher
hogs brought $25 50 to $26.25 with a
top of (26.50 paid aparingly in
opening sales.
lr the cattle section, prime
Iaa... .nA haifac anlil at firm
i nri. ,hii. mw orHc were
ot SIQ nn In S90 50
i r.M,inl. vittr. aetimalMl
at 9.000 hogs. 14.000 cattle, 400
calves and 5.500 sheep,
Mid Willamette
John Reese Mallow
ALBANY Services fin- John
Reese Mallow, 53, well-known
Benton and Li nr. county farmer,
who died at his home near Cor
vallis Thursday, were held at
the Fortmiller - Fredericksen
chapel Mimdav afternoon. Rev.
Earl Riddle officiated.
Henry R. Handtmann
S1LVERTON The time of
funeral serlces Inr Henry R.
Handtmann has been changed
from 2 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 14.
to 10.30 a.m. at Valley View
cemetery. Rev. Father Thiele
will officiate.
If torn tMvt wemble triih pum
Ihet liin.rocii.caMM eere cuat
ut BrieaaBi fleni-Liaier Otx ppIkbimi
th plitfi at itrnglr u itbtml pvrmt psm
beceuM bfirseae PUmi - Ijewr hntem perme
emir o ftmi plete. Relitm end rests looe
letee U ef eto por4t Of Mt CM eVo
ea oa old moMr Weia$ ftm set gooa
era mnnihiro rnrof toairer. TOM CAN 11
MTTHiMt ftiejiplr Ut eoli tin ct met.
line Oft tmblefiMetc ppef lower. bU
J ii etHtltle ptrtrxf. e Brte, cteteleee
ttlofl',e. ItBTMleee to torn mwd rout letet
tleitioihlt directeel. MrHter if
fynnH'"'? taiftrd. A't wrr trt1"tl
Blanche) Geyetie
Late resident of S5S H. Summer
In this eitjr at the age of M. Wife of
Ernest F. Govwttc: mother of Wit
lard K. Oorette. Forest Oroee. Ore ,
eon: I grandchildren. Announcement
of service will be mad lata by the
w. . nisaun ce,
Mary lane Darislsan
Late resident of 13 10 N. 4th St at
i local hospital Jan. IS at the in
of S3 yr. Survived by daughter.
Mrs. Emma Lemon, nalexn. Mrs. UllF
Mae Bates, Vancouver. Wash-, Mrs.
Pearl Hampton. Roaeburt: sons. Abel
Douchty, Davton. Ore- Roy Doughty.
Oeltftndale, W a s bw Alfred PeuahtPa.
The Dalles. Ore. Member of the
Frtenda Church. Services will be held
In the Howell-Edward Chapel Sat
urday. Jan. IS. at 1:00 p m. Rev.
Barnert oifirtattna. uiermenl at CitF
Vplew. Cemetery.
4 -- .
Ottar Juhnaea
Late resident of 15A9 N. nth at a
local hospital Jan. IS. Surflved by .
wife. Helen O. Johnson, Salem.
Oautfhters. Alice and Mary J on neon.
Salem: one slater and I brothers In
Norway. Services wiu be held la the
dough-Ba nick Chapel Friday. Jan.
19 at 1:30 p.m. Rev. John L. Cauble
Car Belle Levell
in this city Jan. 11 at th ate of
78. Mother of Mrs. Helen L. Becke.
Salem. Dow Lovell, Salem. Chnton
Lovell, Portland, James Lovell. Her
mlaton. Ore. Marearct E. Lovell. Sa
lem; slater of Harry Harper, Wil
li smspon. pcnn.: aars. cnaries wooa,
WiUlamaport, Penn1. seven grand
children, two great grandchildren.
Service will be held In the W. T.
Rifdon Chapel Thursday. Jan. 14. at
1:30 p.m. Private concluding service
at Jason Lee Cemetery. Rev. Paul
Poling and Rev. A. O. Jamteaon of
ficiating. In lieu of flowers aend con
tribution to the American Heart
Association by contacting Paul Allen
at the Ladd Sr Bush Bank. The cas
ket will be open to friend until
1 :00 p.m.
Florin Margaret Burgess
: Late resident of Jefferson at a local
rtoepltal Jan. IS at the age of 40
vears. Survived by husband. Joseph
P. Burgess. Jefferson: daughter. Jo
lien Burgees. Jefferson: son. Wayne
land James Bursjess, both of Jeffer pr. Mrs. Frsncea Thompson,
Choudrant. La.: brothers, R. W. Pll
I cher. Antlers, Ok la., Howard Pik-her,
I Monroe. La.. Julian Ptlcher. Batton
Rouge La., Ernest Pitcher. ElDorado.
Ark.. Herman Ptlcher. Bastrop, la
father, Rufus Pllcher, Antlers, Okla.
Announcement oz service will oe
mace later toy the Howell-Edwards
Chap!. ...
Baby Boy Earls
Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. timer
Earls, Brooks, at a local hospital,
Ian. 10, Grandparents. Mr. and Mrs.
Emery Fred ricks, Salem, Mr. and
Mrs. C C. Earls. San Diego. Calif.
Services will be held In the Clough
Barrick Chapel Thursday. Jan. 14 at
1:00 p.m. Rev. Brooks H. Moore offi
ciating Interment at City View Cem-
Arthur frta Zlcscnhms.l
At Lodl, Call!.. Jan. 11. Lat, ml
drnt of 1410 Laurel Ave., Salem.
Survived b wife. Gertrude Ztcsen.
.-Alel. Sal.r.: uaufhterl. Mita Inez
Zkesenhasel. Salem. Mn. Betty Lou
Carroll, Monro. City, MlfMurt; Km
Ald.n ztesennalal, Baiem; lawer,
Fred Zlesenhasel. Lehr. N. Dakota;
utter. Mn. Alma uawaon. uoa An
teles, Calif.; Mrs. Jamb Flechtner.
Leht, M. Dakota; brother,. Jaka Zl.
rM.ha.el. Nevada City. Calif.. David
Zleeenhasel. Lehr. N. DakoU; tw.t
1 Crandchlldren. Service, will b, held
. . q.,,,.,, chaoei Tim-
Idav. Jan. IS, at 3:00 p.m. Interment
at City View Cemetery.
Wlnlam Whit, -
LaU realdent or las Marion Bt..
Ian. It. Survived by wife. Hani
White. Salem. Announcement of serv
ica later by Vlrsll T. Golden Co.
Wllllaa, r. Oaiebell
Late realdent of SSSi 8. Coml St.
at a local hoiplta! Jan. U at the ae
I of SO. Survived by wife. Bertha C.
"".". '";
Robert Renfrew
Lat. realdent of Rt. t. Box 2S.
rurner. at a local noapital Jan. 11
at th, ate of 00 year. Announcement
of aervlcea later by the Howell
Edward, Chapel.
Prescription-like medicine '
stops Sour Heartburn-Gas
Pmt. l fir. . metj H.mmck
Now It. a..elw, to nflVr bnralae !.. f' ln.ira.tio.. n,. Mrt.uncU..ks t.
1" el r. a.
rfttntter, Ph.Q. Me4,i0jprerve4 PijW'
Tablet eewthe ewr pmim wltn hIIhmi
trelUltic Aim. Ye eat most anrtliiBV rog
I Ike without tr caf ttietreee. Ame-instr
quiek relief tarti4 or mener lfk I Get
riUB4r TAbieW uwar. iw.wv.ww mwm.
Don't Neglect Slipping
Do falN teeth drop, flip or wobble
when you talk. eat,lau(h or idmmI
Don't be annoyed and .nUjjlrjaeMI
br rucb handicap,. FABTEfc-rH.
alkaline (non-addl powder to ,prln
kl, on your platea. keep, fala, tjetil
mora firmly in. Olvae eonfldentferl.
Ins of wcurlty and add comfort.
No summy. RooeyjP.wy taMe or frf I
in, O.t A5TtsH today at any
drug counter.
Almost Frantic Irea
First applications of Zemo
doctor's soothing antiseptic
relieve itch of surface skin and
scalp Irritations. iSemostopa
scratching and so fJ0tXf
aids healing. aLvttaVVf
Quick! BreakUp
Congestion of Kids'
is aeie, Urnxt, aeyer rluaites
Rub on rwid-a Mint wol
Sa". JTrwiall, for lddlM. MuawrolJ
prompily cw.tea a
on rhe.1. throat and bara. It rel
courha. and h.lpa break up local
ron-ritlnn. RecommenrtM by mnf
leading baby doctoral Buy todajl as
i and ttw nW
; (Cllll Ul tlMUU ueini
IffllM (Isrta)
0e It wmtlt I IU4f Hf0 fr4u.
Vttl I .a. Wertaje-, We1iter fte1 PfM.
CMreet ftvenUifttvt ..,! aljeaj ymf
Ml NOITHlMt tAnWV OVirvt
TetepHaxTft tAtt 31 Um4 1 3. Of.