r Wrfnawtar. JtnoarT IS. Four From Same By CHARLES MONZE1XA I - Newsleatures) HUNTINGTON, W. Va. A warm eneer, "Co, Goheen.' would almost apply to the full Dasaetnait team at St. Joseph's four membcra of the Irish elan Goheen, ineludinf three brother! end a cousin, are on the vanity squad. There always has been and al- wiu De, it seems, a Gohecn at su jo i. It all started 24 years ago when Harry B. tioheen from County urcenorier (w. va.) and his wile, the former Esther M. Ripley of nunungton, sent their first ' cniid to st Joseph's. They had 12 children. 10 of them boys, and St Jo has not Been without a Goheen since Patricia, now 29, entered the ele mentary school here in 1929. Patricia is now Mrs. Walter P. Cipprich of Reading. Pa. The .others in the Goheen fam ily include: Harry Jr.. 27. Jimmy 25. Johnnv 24, Robert 21, David 18, Richard 18, Tommy 13, Larry 13 Daniel JO. Martha 9 and dale 6. AU those from 6 through 18 are at St. Joseph's, either elementary or high school, and David, Rich ard and Tommy are the brothers on the basketball squad. A cousin, Denny Joe, 17, also is on the team. Harry, Jimmy and Johnny, all athletes, served in the -armed forces overseas. Harry is a high school coach at St Joseph's, Ironton, Ohio; Jimmy attends Valparaiso University, and John ny, just back from service in Japan, attends St. Joseph's Col lege in Philadelphia. Little Gale, if he progresses as expected, will graduate in 1965 to maintain an unbroken brother and sister attendance at the school over 36 years. The third generation is still to be heard from. Ben Hogan Wins Hickock Award ROCHESTER, N. Y. The honors keep piling up for Ben Hogan for his unprecedented sweep of the V. S. and British Open championships and the Au gusta Masters Tournament in 1953. Hogan, named as the Male Ath lete of the Year in the Asso ciated Press poll last week, yes terday won the Ray Hickok $10, 000 belt as "Professional Ath lete of the Year." In addition, the Metropolitan Golf Writers announced in New York that a new golf trophy, to be known as the Ben Hogan Award, would be given for the first time Jan. 21 to "a person who has overcome a handicap in order to play golf and thus has proved an inspiration to others." ADMITTED TO LEAGUE NEW YORK Richmond, Va., and Havana will he formally admitted to the triple-A Inter national League today. Acts at once on Child's Cough Spasms due to colds Thousands bf doctors have prescribed Pertussin Pleasant-tasting PERTUSSIN not only reli'ves local irritation, but works internally, too! Loosens phlegm. Thus "bnakn-up" coughing spells ol colds. Contains DCDTIICCIN no harmful drus! rLBIUOJlrl For Better Health Correct HEMORRHOIDS (Piles) and ether Rectal, Stomach and Colon Disorders Convenient Credit DR. R. REYNOLDS CLINIC Proctologist Naturopath 1144 Center St Salem, Ore. Phone 3-9460 NO MONTHLY CRAMPS... not even on the VERY FIRST DAY! Dacttn' H ihawamwir.9 pfiv Hm ralUI i " ' kockstkn, fMlkifi. tvi Hw nl, want Many women and girls And that the fint day of the menstrual period is the most dlfflcult to bearl It s the day on which those tortur ing cramps, miserable headache and dreadful "limp" feelings take their chief toll. Those sickening feelings may not be necessary at all. No, not even on the first day! In tests by doctors. Lvdia E. Rnkham s Vege table Compound stopped or gap ttntang relief from such func tional distress In J out of 4 cases I Many women obtained relief for the first tune in yeorsf Surely . . . these clinical find ings will prove of interest to you I Stat. Haw PtakhMi's warksl Inrhidt bnwScliil af firm u "ealmlno" rfftrt rm Ihtf mtma . . . flwllnff eim fTBrttoii chrtt lhrt ift envn mu9 wwtnjll cramp and other dutrcM. 19S ' Goheens, left te right: Brothers Richard, David and Tommy Joseph's High School, Huntington, W. vi, baaketbaU I leanT Pro Rook's Past To Be Checked In Betting Case NEW YORK tm Inverfluati, of the Jack Molinaa incident. which rocked nro basket hall marked time Tuesday but both po lice officials and officials of the National Basketball Assn. an nounced steps growing out of the basketball star's suspension. Bronx District Attv. Genrce TV. f.lir-A niri that all nh,.u f W ; ...... piuwca vi mv 1 . Unas hieh school and miiAo.i"'' basketball career would be invexii- gated when the former Columbia university player comes here from Fort Wayne in few days. NBRA President Maurice Podol off, who set in motion the investi gation leading to Molinaa' suspen sion, announced he plans to hire a permanent investigator to pre vent future incidents similar to the Molinas case. Molinas. star rookie of the Fort Wayne Pistons, was suspended Sunday for betting on his team's games, even though he insisted he did not "shave" points or throw games but bet instead on his team to win. Molinas said he placed the best by telephone with a man in New York. TO HEAD I.B.C. CHICAGO UP Former Base ball Commissioner A. B. "Happy" Chandler next Monday will sign a contract as -president of the International Baseball Congress calling for the 1955 world non professional baseball tourney in Milwaukee's County Stadium. Crisler Finds Football As Good Under SARASOTA, Fla. Wl H. O. (Fritz) Crisler. often called the father of modern two-platoon foot ball, said Monday the game is just as good under one-platoon, with the exception of kicking. "Mechanics of the game last season with limited substitution were just as good, except for kick ing," said Crisler. chairman of the NCAA Football Rules Committee which opened sessions here Mon day. "Coaches will see that kicking comes back up, given a little time. Trouble was that so many schools depended on their kicking from a fellow who usually couldn't or didn't do anything else." Amid signs that one-platoon root ball is here to stay, although there j may be some liberalization of the limited substitution rule. Crisler said he believes college football is a better game with double-duty players in action. i "Statistics show that pass de fense improved considerably last year," the Michigan athletic di- I rector and former coach declared. ' "I think that is because coachs are keeping their 'blue chip' play ers in on defense as well as of fense. "Under the two-platoon system, in many instances, coaches would let their top-notch boys especial ly backfield menplay offense and ' their second stringers play de fense. Now we get the best boys both ways. He noted that coaches last year voted 4-1 in favor of two-platoons. but this year they are 3-1 on the I side of limited substitution. I Many coaches, however, are Nw . . . wMimt Biti-vadnlnf tfrvf tf Scientific sss Mitre la acuta You know, of course, how Lydla Pinkham't has benefited many thousands. You have probably tiiought of trying It for your own racking cramps. Then act on tne basis of medical evidence! Take Lydla Plnkham regularly. Bee U your very next period Isnl easier ...from the rr first dayf Oet Lydla PinkhanYs (liquid) Compound or the new. Improved Tablet with added Iron so eon Teruent to carry and to take. Trial aire only 6. tt , , And remember Plnkhsm s It wonderful for functional "hot flsshes- and other dlstrraa that older women so often sutler dur ing chasge of Ula, L JL 9. io n life 14 J5 It 17 8 mm Clan on WBB Baltimore U. Averages 101 BALTIMORE W When Coach Al Barthelme adopts a basketball style he goes for it whole hog. Five years ago his teams had to be practically bribed to shoot and the scores read like a football re sult Today, his Baltimore U team pops at the basket fast as a wink and is averaging a whopping 101.9 points t game, highest in the coun- I" their last two came thv poured in 142 and 131 points, the fourth time in seven games they've gone over the century. Thev don't 'iUT' makin lr I The outburst of scoring from the business college has the Mason Dixon Conference popeyed. Two seasons ago, Baltimore won the conference post season tournament by avoiding shooting. It beat three teams for the title by a margin of only five total points, 119-114. The three victims went into the tournament with a season's scoring average of around 70 points. They were held to a combined average of 38. "Make every point try as much of a certainty as possible" were Bathelme's instructions then and his players followed them to the nervousness of opponent and fan. oanneime lirsl went to the ex ttreme with possession basketball five years ago while coaching Tow son Catholic High School. His team lost in a scholastic association playoff by the (core of 14-12. One ' Unit clamorning for some modification of the rule, which divides the game into six segments and prohibits a player from returning to action if he already has played in that seg ment Lou Little of Columbia, chairman of the rules committee of the American Football Coaches Assn., said the coaches would like to see the rule changed so a player could see action twice in each period, with no time limits. The greatest weight difference in a world championship fight oc curred in the match between Pri- mo Camera and Tommy Lough- raBi March 1, 1934. Camera weighed 270, Loughran 184. Strehh yovr day tht Mahlintr Way COMMUTE via UNITED to SEATTLE -Pr 14 a. m if 'SfMk.. e chargel f IS united )f r (as iqiz&S i awaw ssBBjaawaaa. 9mtm4 PrrrW . ' THE CAPITA E JOCKNAE, SaTem", Oregon Quintet M and Cousin Dena ml ih. s? ' 8t All-Pro Football Bowl Expected To Be Hot One LOS ANGELES III The Cleve land Browns' head man, Paul Brown, says he expects both teams to score at least three touchdowns Sunday in the annual AU-Pro Bowl football game in Me morial Coliseum, and that- a field goal may decide the issue. Brown has the best field coal kicker in the business, Lou (The Toe Groza. The Los Angeles Rams remember distinctly that .he beat them in the waning seconds of the playoff game for the world title in Cleveland. 30-28, Brown said be is well pleased the way things are going with hit' collection of Eastern Confer ence stars, who will oppose the Western Conference outfit coached by Buddy Parker of the world champion Detroit Lions. . Brown has been working his squad twice a day, while Parker has been content to ooperate only once daily. The Eastern squad will continue right up through a Satur day morning workout, but Parker said he would finish Friday. mm Suspended Jack Moli nas, showa la action when he played for Co lumbia University, has beea suspended indefinitely by the National Basketball Associa tion. Pres. Maurice Podoloff announced In New York that the 21-year-old player was sus pended for betting on games. (UP Telephoto) over-Lv 8:40 a.m. bock-lv 3:50 p.m. or choose from 2 other flights daily each way Ml ft H Shop, visit, work ... UnitrcTs time-saving Mainliner com muter service conserves your energy; gives you plenty of lime at your destination with out spending nights away from ' home! Economical, too, and you enjoy Mainliner cuisine aloft at mealtime without extra chargel Action May Be Taken to Stop Faking Injuries SARASOTA, Fla. IB Injury faking by football players to stop the dock is being studied by the NCAA Football Rules Committee and there is a possibility some ac tion may be taken to prevent it "I don't know bow we can legis late ethics," said committee Chair man H. O. (Fritxl Chrialer of. the University of Michigan, "but there are many things that could be duie to prevent such faking. "We could, for instance, stop the clock after each play in the last two minutes of the first and ond halves. Or we could let it run during Owe periods." . I The discussion was inspired by un iowa-notre uame came last season which ended in a 14-14 tie. Twice in the closing seconds of the two naives the Irish came from behind and scored touchdowns wnen players claimed injuries. Last week in Cincinnati the American Football Coaches Assn. denounced faking of injuries to stop the clock. The coaches said tbey would give full assitance to outlawing such faking in an effort to "maintain football on a high moral and ethical plane." The rules committee received 25 suggestions Monday for changing the one-platoon system and reject ed 21 of them, strengthening the general oeuer mat tne limited sub stitution rule is to stay. NO RESERVED SEATS CORVALLIS UP-There are no reserved seat ticked for i. ther Oregon-Oregon State basket ball game to be played in Cor vallis this season. Business Man ager Jim Barratt said today. How ever, 3000 general admissiion s.ata will go on sale the date of each local game, Jan. 29 and Feb, 27. Sports Shorts Patricia Keller McCormlrV Olympic springboard and plat form diving ehammon. won IS American diving championships uuring we years luw-iuoa. Cincinnati Redleg third base man Bobby Adams led the Na tional League at that position in assists (324), total chancel (508) and double plays (39) during 1UM. The Philadelphia Athletics have dropped eight players from their roster and have added six since Eddie Joost replaced Jim- mie Dykea as manager. . Major Sammy Lee. double Olympic high diving winner in the 1948 and 1952 Olympics, it a three-time national AAU cham pion. In three of his four years In the National Football League. Doak Walker of the Detroit Lions haa scored more than SO points, He tallied 128 in I960, 97 in 1951 and 83 in 1953. - Gua Bell, outfielder for the Cincinnati Redleas. hit IS home runs at nia noma para ana ioon The fastest same fish is the sailfish. It hss been clocked tak ing out 100 yards of line In three seconds. tt stands fa reason that you'll gat tho 'naif Vofvo-aWiVod eogme t fha low-prfce fieM from tho world' lorgett builder with 40 yaors of experience In developing ana Improving thit typo of onglno. And now for '54... New power! Now aconomy of operation! Smoother, quieter, finer performance! For 1954, Chevrolet brings you your choice of two great high-compression Va!ve-in-Head engines. One, the advanced "Blue-Flame 125" engine, delivering 125-h.p. and teamd with the highly perfected Powerglide Auto matic Transmission, now available on all models at extra cost. And the other, the advanced "Blue-Flame Hi" engine, deliver 510 N. Commercial FANFARE Dark Star's Derby Win Voted Upset .T.W.r K J?" Ufe!!cid ;vuan at Syracuse, first loss in the afternoon at rambting old uiurcmu clowns last May 2 and more than 100,000 persona had been milling around for hours waiting to ace a "sura thing" be come the first grey horse in history win the Kentucky Derby. At 4:32 p.m. that warm, aunnv day, 11 of the nation's best 3 year-olds slammed out of the start ing gate, with a tough mile and one quarter run ahead of them, and 90,000 prue for the winner. Native Dancer, never beaten In his brilliant career, just had to win at odds of 70 cents on the dollar. .i But a fleet little colt iumd Dark Star, almost 25 to 1 on the tote hoard, came out of there with a rush, jumped into the lead almost at once, and then stayed there to the end as he beat off the closing spurt of the touted dancer to win by a head. Harry F. Guggenheim's Cain Hoy Stable, trained by Eddie Hay ward and with Henry Moreno in the saddle, had pulled off one of the greatest upsets in the history of racing. - This was voted the snorts unset I of 1953 Monday in the 23rd annual year-end Associated Press poll. In a nationwide noil of snort writers and sportacasters, the de feat of Alfred Vanderbilt's grey galloper received 41 first place votes of the 128 cast, in a close ballot battle with Purdue's 60 upset win over Michigan State's football team last fall. The Iowa Notre Dame football 14-14 tie got 14 firsts, and 85 points to rank third among the year'a up- aeu. . Other major upsets during the year, in the order they were rated: Mississippi Bouuiern's 25-19 foot ball victory over Alabama; Danny Womber's 10-round decision over EKROLl K0W1 SPRING SEMESTER STARTS JAN. 18 f A-reaJil) i V del I liltiuERGARTtli I DAY NURSERY Ph.2-1482 Ph.2-3045 ing 115-h.p. and teamed with the highly improved Synchro-Mesh Transmitsion, pro viding smooth, quiet gear engagement Both of these engines bring you sensational new power and performance as well as new act unproved gasoline economy. Come in; see and drive this smarter, livelier, thriftier tifvrolet and place your order nowl DOUGLAS McKAY CHEVROLET St. i of the Year or the welterweight king in al most three years; Houston's 37-7 football victory over Baylor; Nino Valdea' 10-round victory over Ex tard Charles at Miami Beach; Tony Trabert's 8-3. 8-2, 4-3 victory over Wimbledon champion Vic Seixas in the finals of the U.S. Nationals at Forest Hills: The Bos ton Bruins eliminating the suppos edly invincible Detroit Red Wings from the Stanley Cun hockev nlav. offs, and the Philadelphia Eagles 42-27 victory over Cleveland, end ing the Browns' 11-gama winning streak in the National Football League. Vancouver Gets Catcher Pesut From Tri-City SEATTLE W Vancouver of the Western International Baseball League ia sending three players to Tri-City In exchange for Nick Pe sut, one of the WIL's top catchers in lass, me Tri-city general man ager said Monday. Eddie Taylor said right-handed pitcher John Guldborg, shortstop i. names Davit and aouthpaw Hurl er Hooen Knuason will wear a Tri-City uniform in 1954 as a re sult of the deal. Gat Relief (QUICKER rnm rear Cms MHiciir with tl Alt-ImprUnl A-C Ttcttr m m Nttr Intnuiud w m w liaaaassaaai And p is tyWALTDITXIN Sox Contenders; Trucks Thinks r CHICAGO tfl Veteran right, hander Virgil (Fire) Trucks did aome crystal gazing Tuesday and aaw the White Sox aa 1864 penant contender! with a chance for the title "if another deal or two ia made." , ..T .would not elaborate on the deals in mind a department ruled over by Trader Horn Frank LJ"le - but the 34-year-old pitcher thought the Sox "need a little mora strength." , Trucks will receive the Chicago Baseball Writers' Assn. award Sunday for making the outstanding comeback of 1953. Georges Carpentier of Franca was the first boxer ever .to win all the chcmpionshjps of his coun try, from bantamweight to heavy weight How Does Christian Science Heal? HAVE yon ever wondered Whether th mih heallnr disease. KMnlm "a.t um flavoring nar- ..u. . - wowu LDim Jesua employed can be success fully nsea nowT For an an twer in simple, understand aoie tertna attend A Free Lecture entitled "Christian Science: Tha Joyoiii Way Of Ua" By ARCH BAJLY. C. S. Of Sacramento, Calif. I Mm. f tha Baata at Uttan. I M Wmm HflUM CkMMk. WhA Irirtt Ctmrck M carl it, scMstUat, Friday; January IS p.m. In First Church Of Christ Scientist biBwrry m wnamewara an. Tint dank of Christ, . scjeanast, .,,..(. , of Salem, Oregon Cordially Invites You Builder of more than twice at many VAIYE-IN-HIAD ENGINES at all ether maker combined CO. Salem, Oregon