-f I.'. f in it r ll .1 ( j-'li- f f f Oklahoma Ags Win 14th Of 15 Games, 11 in Row Br BEN PHLEGM I KEW YORK TlM Oklahoma AIM Cowboy today put in a strong bid to aplit tb trio of teams which have dominated tb top tpota la the Associated Press weekly basketball polls. Hank Iba'a terrors of the pralrtea have been runninf weak fourth behind Kentucky, Duqueane and Indiana. But In their support now they can offer a season's record of 14 victories in It games with the one loss cominf by a single point against Minnesota. The Cowboys lassoed the 11th ranking Jayhawks. Last year's NCAA Western UtlisU. last night (4-50 for ueir 11th straight triumph and their 77th in a row on their homa court Mill City Holds Morion B Lead, Meets Scio Friday artea Ceeeir w L Pel. w t Pet. siin cr s ii mkiiim s I .see aria s 1 sn cftfmm s .in oervaie Jtii eueiimiu s .m St. Pal 4 1 .eTl Detrelt I I .1ST J.lfcnoa I ) .IMO. I. D. SO Tueadar reaulta: Bubllaalty M. Dttroll 4S; Oaraals ST. Obeaaawa 4Si Si. Paul SI. OSD. 44: Sele II, OWl 44) UlU cur SI, Jeflereea 11. The game of the week is cut out for the Marion County B league this Friday when unbeat en Mill City plays host to Scio, currently the top rated contend er. Mill City took Jefferson to task, 61-S3, last night to attain a 54 league record, while Sciio stayed warm with a 91-40 win over Gates. Crusaders Lose Concordia Tilt By 63-50 Count Salem Academy ran Into a son defense and a tall, hot Concordia high school team at Portland last night and lost 03-50, despite afull fledged rally by the Crusader sec ond team. At the end of the third quar ter, the Salem team waa trailing 50-25, so Coach Bob Funk sent in three reserves to go with Virgil Fadenrecht end Dave Phillips. They began to click and scored 21 points In the final eight minutes to 13 for Concordis. Phillips fouled out with two min utes to go alter tallying It points for the Academy. Jim Wallace, a junior substitute was the warmest, dropping In 11 points in the final period. There were 22 fouls called on the Academy and II for Concordia. Friday night. Cascade will bs at the Academy gym for a Capitol league game, and Saturday night Lebam, Wash., will play here at 0 o does. There win oe no prelimin ary Saturday. Salens AeaSeasy (M) ! CeaenSI Schraeder III .. T.. (51 Kehr Alllater () -F (S) Schramm Dahlke (I) C (T) Vesper radrnrecht (It) G.. (101 Trautman Phillips (It) G (7) Volkman Reaerves scorins: Salem Academy Hainan . Wallace 11, Warkentln I Concordia Wloteraten t, Kranlch t Hilnrlchs 1. Ofllclalt: Haslord and Kuraah. One Undefeated Team on Slate Only on undefeated Church League Basketball team will be in action tonight That one ii First ConsreRational, which will meet the Pint MethodltU in the Intermediate "B" league at 7 o'clock. The Methodist have a 2-3 lea nut record. The schedule: Otm tenliM: untn ItMutv a .OC. Parrs. nm, . m BftoUtt v. CBlvsrv BftptUti tM. Firrlih, auiltht U.mwll ntl PrM feTtcrtui. laurmteSlate) mk" 00. Ben trm Wrt OhrliMM Cftlvtrr BtrtUI oa. atrto trm, at. Pttj. bvimopvU v, Taiott Lm. InUrmtdUU "B' 1:M, VftrrUh. Flrtt UtthtMltai . TittX ConiMtkUoaali Boya tint, Bnilt! BUB ft. BouUl Btitnt Prttndt. Junior 1:00, Olrlt tim, at. W"H Luthvrta i. txt BchMl. Junitt "a" I t. Bei trm. Knltht Uf-noTUl . nral MtlhstJUt: 00. Olflt Irm, ant BUB t, DmI School. COLGATE. PALMOLIVE S rAITIRlRaiPMSKdM IMOOrHIRl tneiet-Shev eaves (ce.Na K.a, a a-k, na"vcliT CHAMttl UpHShmwmimH m N nw df , m mm mM n After a poor start Kansas had oti six straight, including the Big Seven's pre-seaaon tourna ment at Kansas City. Toe Jay hawks stayed even through the first 20 minutes but Altai spurted into a 41-32 lead in the third pe riod ami stayed well in front. Bob Mattkk. the Oklahoma-t-U center, held B. R Bom, the Kansas big boy, to six points and scored 14 himself. Frank Bigham led the third-period surge and endef high man with IS. Ninth-ranking Duke was upset by Wake Forest a-at but two other top 10 members won easily. Holy Cross. No. , outscored Boston Col lege 53-12 m sits final quarter m wuining SJ-57. George Washington, No. 7, overpowered Virginia MUi- Itary ft-M. The Crusaders and Sublimity ended a losing streak by whipping Detroit, 84-46, while the Deaf School aded its sixth loss. Gsmei Friday: Scio at Mill City, OSD at Subliimity, Jefferson at Cervais, Detroit at SI Paul and Cbemawa at Gates, Mia enr t rrefory (111 -Ward (II U Jefreraea T 111) HarUH f (S) Hawkins Carey 111 . .c (HI wrtelit Maltlns 111) C 141 Meyers Crook (2) u Ill Lolmaa Reserves seer in a: asm city Thomaa 111. Croaslar 111. Official!! Bales and Sllchardaoa. Ostea () (ill Sri Bernhardt (II F Devlne IS) -V. Romey I HI C. Larson (10) G. Vall 141 G (10) Radser (Ul O'RciUy (41 Day . (IT) Slover (1) Gibson Reserves scorins: Scio i Jaeobaon (t). Strang (31. Stewart (II. Half. Ume score: Scio 2S. Gsls 24. offi ciate: Kelly and Kvans. (M) SuSlbatty T (14) Bents F (SI Parriih C (II) Prank O (13) Sullivan O (SI Lewis Reaerves scorins: Ketchum 1. Half- time score: Sublimity J0, Detroit XI. St, Paul (St) (44) OSD S. Smith 114) P (1) McCann Merlon (a) . r (3) Thompaon Frith (1) C... 113) Maynard Klrah 110) O (II Lewln Van Dom (l . G. . ISI Heath Raaervta acorlne: St. Faul u. Smith (IT). Officials: UcCallltcr and Albrecht. Oarvals (41) (45) Chemaws Heppmger (9) ,1 -., (13) Umluch Helling l la) r... isj tenants acniecler 131 til norm Thompaon 111) 0 IS) Telller gape (101 j... G (II gwllzler Reaerves scorins: cervais ucey I. Chemaws - Scott, Othorne 3, Galllnaau 1. Racehorse S. Officials: McNatt ana ughtner. MacLaren Boys Upset Corbett WOODBURN The MacLaren School for Boys at Woodburn up set Corbett 3SJ9 in a Hill Kiver Valley league game at the Mac Laren gym last night MacLaren now has a league record of two wins and one loss. Corbett grabbed the opening tip-off, scored in the first sec onds, and were leading, 13-8, at the end of the opening stanza. Corbett still led, 18-17, at the half, but the Macs tied the score early in the third quarter end led 30-29 into the final canto. Corbett again went ahead but Mac player made two quick buckets to put MacLaren back in the lead, aa the crowd roared. A Mac forward scored 18 to lead the scoring and the Cor bett center, Berney, bit 12 to lead Corbett Corett wbon the J.V. game, 32- 18. Salem Sophs Top Stayton Jayvees Salem sophomores moved out side the City BasketbaU league Tuesday night to defeat the Stay- ton Junior varsity, 51-39. at the Salem High gymnasium. Ken Carl, who played a good all around game for Salem, led scorers with 15 points. Bruce Pstterson sdded 10 for the loth graders and Trahan 10 for Stayton. Ken Brophy'a team lrd It-. 2S 14 and 40-M ,t the rest periods. CUTCIIAVi-3 MY LATHER OR ERUSHLESS CREAM! Detreat (4 Hopaon (I) Ladr (131 Rice IS) Vlckere (II) Snvdar (II v)Wl KHCiS l THE TOP F0R ii irin err-nM &b af I t INSTANT LATHER! SAVES TIME, FACt.TROUBtE MAItV t MONTHl' MPPir-ONtV Colonials each have woa U without a defeat. Dickie Hemrie. playing his first full game since injuring his ankle Jan. 2, scored 4 pouts for Wake Forest as the Deacons handed Duke its first loss in Atlantic Con ference play. Niagara, No. II. coasted ever the University of Mexico 77-41, and Rice, No. It, whipped Texas Chris tian m-il la the Southwest Cea- 4 Petals by Berry Texas remained unbeaten la Southwest Conference play by edg ing Texas Aaaf 4M. Tb Umg borns have won three. Frank Sdvy, the nation's highest scorer, hit for 40 points, well under his season's best, as his Furmaa team beat CleirBon 0740. I Capitol League Headlights atv DAVE BAKKOWS Well, here we are back at the old tvnewriter. Chute a lot happened since the last column before Christmas. Before the holidays Joe Boyle's Stsvton Eagles got as far as the finals in the Llnfield College Old Grads tournament, where they were defeated by the Madras Buf faloes. 60-18. They gave a good accounting of themselves when yon consider that they led at the half, 23-23. While talking about the Esgles we think we should mention a boy we're sure fans around the cir cuit will remember from last year, Gene Small. Gene was on the All- League team last season and this year has gone on to his cosch's alma mater. Linfield. And from all reoorta be has been doing well. According to Coach Roy Helser, Small is one of the finest frosh to hit Linfield in a long Ume. He has an excellent Jump snot, is re bounding well and is close to be ing one of the lasies. men so the squad. Now let's look over the first round of League play. In the open ing contests last friday. sacrea Heart dropped Central in a thrill- lnng overtime contest, Stayton stomned Salem Academy, 61-3(1, and Cascade ripped through Philo math, 50-38. In the Sacred Heart-Central bit, it took the Cardinals three periods to get going. They were then trail ing, 39-30. It waa all knotted up at 48-48 when the regulation time ended. By virtue of two free throws and a field goal, the Cardi nals got three points to the good and stalled until the buzzer. Vince Matt led the winners with 18. It was Stayton all the way as the Salem Academy had a little trouble finding themselves. Wayne Minton was high with 11 toward the winning cause, while Roger Nielson, Dsve Nietllng and Sam Vvallen all contributed 11. Virgil Fadenrecht was tops for the losers with 11. In a rugged game that saw a lot of fouling. Cascade downed Philo math. Cascade's nine players col lected 18 fouls while Philomath's six were getting 19. Gene Winkle, Bill Brown, Howard Speer, and Don Mickey got 10, 1, (, and 7 points respectively for the winners. however, scoring honors went to Dave Vincent and Cliff Leach, who collected 12 and U for the losers. So the first round went Next Friday's schedule: Plulnmath at Central, Cascade at Salem Academy, Stayton at Sacred Heart Standings Cascade 1 0 Stayton 1 0 Sacred Heart 1 0 1.000 l ooo l.ooo .000 .000 .000 Salem Academy 0 1 fnuomath 0 1 Central 0 1 Edmonton Signs Southpaw Hurler EDMONTON, Alia. OP A young southpaw pitcher who won ii games and lost 4 for the Trail U.K.. smoke r aters in lKi was signed by the Edmonton Eskimos Tuesday for duty in the Western inirrnauotuu L.easue una season, The chucker. a-year-old Pet. Boisvert, is the econd Canadian to sign with the Eskimos. Earlier the club bouuht pitcher Art Worth, of Victoria, B.C., from the Spokane Indians. ROBINS ON FIRST TEAM COHVALLIS (UP i Hon Robins, at S feet I inchea the smallest regular in the Northern Division, has regained his first team spot on the Oregon State basketball team. Coach Slats Gill said today. Robins, a good two-handed shot, was an all-second team choice on the coaches' ND all-star team last season. TIOI TABLE TIm Ur T.fl, Own Jutwarv. 1M rs rrUM, Or. Hit It Wittra Lev Wtttn HvtTt Tirntt Hfliht Tlmt HettM U ll a w. 11 11 n m. 1 I it pi. I ll $ H TMm. Tl 1 01 m. 1 11 U w.m. 4 U m j t.uifgcjtj I THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Onto Huskies Waiting ForOSC SEATTLE Their stock bolstered by a split against Washington State in the opening Northern Di vision series. University ef Wash ington's Huskies return to Ed- mundson Pavilion full of hope for their Friday and Saturday sight games with the tall, talented Ore 'gon State Beavers. Near-capacity crowds should be on hand for both I o'clock tipoffs to wstch Tippy Dye's improving young Huskies take a whirl at stop ping the Beavers and their much discussed 7-foot t-tnch center, Swede Hslbrook. One gent that will take more than casual interest in Halbrook will be Dean Parsons, the Washington center, who will be given the assignment of checking the Splendid Spire. "II Can Be Done" A truly fine Idaho quintet earn ed a split with OSC last weekend in Corvallls, showing toe rest of the league that it can be done. and Coach Pye is hopeful that the underdog Huskies can imitate the Vandal performance. If we can put together our best game, Dye says, "we can make it tough for Oregon Stat But it must be our best!" Nobody can argue with the popu lar Husky mentor on that score. becsuss the uregoniana aires dy have proved their mettle with a 87-51 win over Indiana, the 1953 NCAA champion. The Orange were rated 10th in the nation in the Associated Press voting prior to their split with the Vandals. Except for Halbrook, a future at center, the OSC lineup is only a guess, since Coach Slats Gill has used Tex Whitemsn (Ml and Tony Vlastelila (6-5) at forwards on some occssions, snd Ted Romanoff (5-8) and Reggie Halligan (8-2) on other occasions. Similarly, he has alternated Bill Toole, Ron Robins and Johnny Jar bo at the guard spots. 3 City League Teams Winners St Paul Salem YMCA snd Marion Motors recorded victories last night in the Salem City Bas ketball league. Tonights schedule is ss fol lows: 7:00, Wolgamott's vs. Na val Reserve; 8:15, Salem Sophs vs. St. Paul: 9:30, Marion Motors vs. Marine Reserve. Director Vern Gilmore said to day that a change has been made in the schedule for Tuesday, Jan. 19, and Wednesday, Jan. 20. The Marine Reserve will play the Na val Reserve at 7 o'clock instead of the Salem Sophs playing the sailors. The Sophs will play the Naval Reserve at 9:30 Wednes day. Results last night: St. Paul (17) Snelde (T) (34) Marina Reserve (9) Dousherty . T (3) Wilaon . C (S) Zumwalt - G 13) Hallam Smith (11) Kirn (Bl Smith (13) Smith (131 C (0) Dlymer Reaervea acorlne: Godsev ntrahon 3. Jonea I. Settlemelar a. Ttrarilav 4. Officiate: GotUrted and Valdei. Aunsvllle t (43) TMCA r (131 Unruh F , (6) Zueake C (01 Coey G () Peddlcord G ISI Klekel HU69CI1 121 Dalke (101 Kllleneer, R. (31.. Klllenger. B. (). Huaoy (2) Reaervea scoring: Brandon 2. Mnee . Wtnkleblack 2. Rlantll 1. Officlala: Gottfried and Slancheck. Navy Reservea (11) (ST) Marlon Mtrl. Wlnesar 2) F.., (3) Bertram Bauer (21 r IB) Miller Werner 101 C (141 Henalee Croaa (17) G (11) Jaeemann Lng IS) G (41 Palton Reserves scorins: Havemlck S, Nef fendorf S. Bardilev S. Roe 1. Offi cial: Rlencheck end Valdes. Yakima Selects Hollingberry YAKIMA m Former Wash. ingtun Stale College football coach Orin (Babe) Hollingberry ia the president and board chairman of Yakima Valley Baseball Club, Inc.. recently organized here to acquire Yakima's franchise in the Western International League. Hollingberry, now a Yakima businessman, was a leader in' a public campaign to raise funds to k.... .i , . j t"ST IT ment from Frederick Mercy Jr. Others elected at a directors' meeting were Lloyd Hammerstad. who started the "Save the Bears" drive, vice president, and Yakima hanker Floyd Uuenther, secretary treasurer. ts YOUt GETTING WORSE EACH YEAR? Wear a DOBBS TRUSS BULBLESS BELTLESS STRAPLESS 8t lkhTiriC4l.IT PITTKD NO OBLIGATIONS A BOBBS TKt HS batda Ma tea aad SAMTtkT raa tt oara eblta aatbias. Oaa aal atrat Mat rtflara. ll kale wilk a raetava so. Baataa ahaal aiaiS eta oat 4a alart a aalb aa bad la eeeetn af raeaara, tbae kaapra aba atavaaa teiia seen. Single $ 14.se) a 1 Mea. Women. Children No matter what truss yon now wear, yea owe It tl yourself to ceme see the DOBBS TRl SS 1 A. M. to I P. M. Write lor Free PamphleU rCOO Trade-in for Your Old Truss w This Week Only CAPITAL DRUG STORE. 405 State St. (Corner ef liberty) WE Give SH Creen Stamps JOE PAL00KA SjasaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaaaalsssaasBJaaaaiSSaaaaaaaaaaaaaBea sBSSWaSBBBSSSSaSBaalMSBHSnBaSBaBBSSSBSaSSSsa) WmmSSSSSS In The Alleys University Alleys Ladles Caualc Lassw HERJtOU) PHIIXIPPI 141 Xre)et 44S, Carbartno 41S. Curry IM, Clark 104. MiieUhaunt 4ST: CHINA CITY (0) -Thomas 3SS. Lemke US.-HIIUrtrh MJ. Ada 391. VanDell 4M. ROBERTS BROS. (4) Aleahlr SOS, Jackson 34, H annum 403. Black ass. Powld 144; SIMMONS INS. AGCY. (01 Moon 404, Grafttua 44, ArnAold MS. Haley 374. Smith 4JS. OSKO INS. AGCY. (1) Upstoa 41(, tuts 45S. Colvln 411. Bradlay 41S, Thompaon 40S; THRIFTWAY CLAAN. ERS (II Rounds 434. Hausu 401, raUen 3. Loken T7I. Kunk 44S. LESVS flNX CARS 131 MerreU STS, rWlnke jas. Hildreth 403, Kaneskl 371, Aaron 411: CARRS HIGHLAND MKT. (It Lelohard 453. Hopflnser 401, Murray 404. Lawless 413, Can Dalvartllr MsreaatUe SVaasne BaaiUsWa Baa 14) SerlasS S34, Slot Ball 411, Rabola 3SS, Hardan SIS, C4 burn S73. Gemaae Shall Servlee a SavUi Saleaa Pkaraaaer (l Brawn 431. Or 141, oudereon US. Baaae SS3. melt 4SS efs aXaaaaSlea (41 Oatolt 40, Ke Oslre MS. Kaaa S4T, Csrr SIS. Bar 4M. rarer Saaja laeereaee l)-4Umoas 41. Bolaw 41. MarrU 44. Talk 411. CaaS "atarlee Fee Seat (Sl-Isen 4ST. Smith 41T, Llaohar 111 Balaiaa SS. Carlaea 4SS. Maatrr Pharataay (3) Sellers 43S, Donaldson 41, OeUIss 444, Leerh all. Smith Sll. Naar.Marlne Seaerv (41 Oartnar 433, Dorle 411. Bllod 117, Johnien 434. Black S03. Craerelt Taaaa () Raaka 0S, DeLapp 4H. Barilr 433, cracroft 41. Crarcroft in. BarklaX Lasakee Ca. (D H. Webb 47. B. Burklen 43. P. Webb sss. SchlietS 4S4. D. Brklaa 4SS. Bknak Meter (11 OUaea 47S. HlUerteh 4S1, Aadereea 4SS, Hanaaa M. Bunnell e. SaMar Bleeuie (41 Jacobean 41T, Mer rla ess. Mccala 4S3. Arthur 411. ceover SO. SUaMse'a Beraraeaa () Ad 43, fallen lit. Anosreoa t, Eoffr L Mlchol 411. Hlsh Taaai Oaaw Hers AetessetlT. 1011 Risk Tsaa Series Bef Astomatrre, 4. Hub Individual Game BUI Keea t Boy'a AutamoUv. 334. Hleh individual aarlaa But ceaa ex Dtar Sena Insurance, T. Capitol Alleys INDUSTRIAL LEAtJUB MAYFLOWEH MILK 13) D. Brown 437. J. Mcrarlane 4S3, B. Helitrom 468, at. Case 4S3, J. Brown 437. VALLEY MOTOR CO. (3) J. rar- lev 425, G. Schrower 483, A. Holmes 42S. C. Parker 421. E. Bullock 4S3. SALEM POLICE (41 D. nichol- aon 4H. S. Frleae 44S. W. OeVaU 32. C. Creasy SB0, M. Mathers 453. BLUE LAKE 101 J. Wanser J7a. 7. Eckley 34. D. Draser 1ST, P. Ayara 3Bfi. It. Lawla sa. KLlia tai i. inompaon r, W. Walls 13, L. UcKinnay 48, W. Kmtt sot. STEVENS jrnncLatRa (1) sc. Clark 413. J. Albrica SIS. L, Jones u. a. Gedd , 1. obm" sss. CAL PAK (3) L. Lance S3. T. Sloan 4M, P. Helnke 447, R. War- bowakt S3. F. Scheldegser 477. CURLEYS DAIRY (2) K. Val leau 489. A. WrKht 493, B. Shawn 303. 1. Schlmoera 40. L. Stanley 479. NATIONAL BATTERY (31 G. Lewis 442, A. Camerson SOX, R. Modv 378. M. Dooba 1SS. H. BSr- tholmew 480. POSTAL CLERKS (I) S. Schlch- tenbers 370, J. Burkhart 389, M. Hadley 408, J. Daley 444, O. Torse son 418. JIM'S RICHFIELD SERVICE (41 3. McCallliter 393. H. MerreU 539. P Clark 920, D. Aleahlr 47, 4. Hurd 404. ELWOODS MASONRY (0) R Elwood 914. B. Cravcrnft 418, R. Shipman 471. E. Wllkalls 48. D Buach 50. laSealrlal Na. S Capital Allara Eta Patta laaaraaaa lit T. Ray 431. D. Fry 343. R. Schorl! 431. R. Schick 343. R. Sullivan 473. Wait Salaia Hard ware (SI J. Clan 414. H. Wackan sss, J. Day 437. a. rrlaaa tot. 14. Mathere 4S3. Hose Bretbera (8) M. Carter 4SS. Tt. Coa ttl. P. Camtenwn 403. P. Rrrnolda IIS. O. Nuu 413. Pranka Haaaa ef kaaa (11 H. T.leoo 44. c. BchrqetMr 10. M. Pakar SOS. T. Morrla 441, Bill SuUlvaa 491 Parttaa Oaa an Caka (l T. Pen Saraatt 4SS. B. Staler 444. L Waatphal lis. I. 14U!! 431. J. K::r 3al. emll- lae Jack, laa. i3i H. Landla 4S3. D. Notdnrlt S3T. c. Hanoum tel. r. Drom au 481. L. Bertram SIT. tteaara Baal Eauta S L Brlsai 411. W. Arnunda S44. K. Hill 41s. D. Tandv 474. P. Karr 111. Backa an WaStwarUI (II B. Racvei 481. w. Martin 3SS, L. tanlay 4ftt. o. Cauaar lit, v. Turner U MrTane Paa Salaa 111 D. Thurman 47. W. atcCuna 144. L Odora 414. S. Wllkalta Slf. B. Comitock S47. Brawaa Jcwalara (II V. Heasen 141. H. Barn vall 47. C. Hauaan 441, J. Taylor 47. H Rauaco 111 Btliar atarrbaata IS) J. Morlay 4SS. D. White 471. a Brciltr 411. J. Cootn tcr IIS. R. Parntr S14. Vallav Oil Ca, ill A. Warner 131. 4. Mann 3SS. c. Pranac 411. B riautcn IU. Hlfh Team Oama and Scries McCune Pood Sa sal and 1440 Hlth lid oame w. McCune f Poo Salaa 130. RUPTURE Dnuhle $:.) 50 Pros Qualify In Crosby Event PEBBLE BEACH, Calif. If) Fifty ptrfesxiocals compete Wednesday in aa K-hole qualifying round for 10 open spots in Bing vrosby-s annual fio.ooo Natioiuu We mutt move 2 CARLOADS just immttiMMi RECEIVED feg-j these tires quickly TREMENDOUS SAVINGS Here's your chance to save on the Brand 1 Standard I jf suit ma ymfi U U Vgty 1 If YOUt OlD TWr l ""Vi ' ' 1 1 IS MCAPA QS4L nmXty. a l the New --LStJr A Tirtsfon Standard I ALSO REDUCED Size 6,0-15 STANDARD FIRESTONE STORE Center and liberty Sis. Phone 2-2491 Pro-Amateur Golf TournamenL The' tourruuneot starts riday with U pro-amateur teams at fa mous Cypress Point course and tb same number on the Monterey Peninsula course. Tha groups re verse courses Saturday, then com plete the 54-bole totirnament with a final round Sunday on the Peb ble Beach course. : : v" " ' 3 1 & V 1 . m All Types, All Sizes, Passenger and Truck Included. Both Black and White Sidewalls, Tubeless and Blowout-Safe, Puncture Safe Tires in This Shipment! YOUR OlD TIRE WILL COVER THE DOWN PAYMENT 0)95 PIUS TAX IXCMSMOI Wednesday, Jnuary IS. '954 By Ham Fisher The celebrity-aiudded field like in fliae m eeL. IH yew, lery of more than lOJWO-lndudea such notables as comediana Bob Hope, Dean Martin ana rau nu lis; baseball mea Ralph Kiner, "Lefty" O'Doul and Hank Sauer, a host of golfing greats and Geo. Omar N. Bradley, retired chair man of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. tOW AS A WEEK BATDORF'S FIRESTONE STORE OPEN EVENINGS TIL Hth fc Stota Srs. Ph. 3-9582 209S Foirqroundt Rti. Ph. 3-7455 We Give Green Stamps