Powerful Co!lis Slips Salem Tall Gambee Scores 22 Spartan Points By PAUL HARVEY, III The Corvallis Spartans, led by 6-7 Dave Gambee with 22 points, defeated the Salem high Vikings 52-38 at CorvallU last night for Uw tint Viking lou in Big Six play. The Sptruns led almost from the very start to grab "be win. Salem feU behind at the start as Gambee made free throw ana Crawford had a field goal "or i 3-0 lead. Salem bounced back to hold the lead for several minutes but fell back again at ne ena oi tne first quarter. 4 Feints In 2nd Onirw The Spartans led 12-10 with one quarter gone although they bad but three field goals to four ior ine vikings. Harold Hauk's 'Salem squad fell back farther in tba second quarter as Corvallis cored ten points and held Sa lem to but four. They led 22-14 at halftime with Gambee lead ing with ten. Corvallis sewed up the con test in the third quarter. The Vikings hit but one. field goal and three free throws for five pointi while Gambee was lead ing bis team to IS points and a .18-19 lead. Only in the last quarter could Salem begin a scoring drive as Salem reserves closed the Spar tan gap to 14 points with a 19 point period. Herb Triplett and Wayne Ericksen led the Vikings with six points apiece in the final period. , They got only slightly closer as Corvallis made 14 points. Gambee, although falling slight ly below his Big Six aerage of 25 points a game, had the lead m rebounds along with total points. Sslem Bit .240 Herb Triplett wss high point man for the losing Vikings with seven, while Ericksen had six. Domogalla and- Wulf had five apiece, and Knapp had four. Sa lem shot at a 240 average and gone one-third of the rebounds. Salem now has a 1-1 league mark. Lee Gustafson's Salem Ugh Junior varsity ran its victory string to seven straight last night ai they edged the Corvallis JVs 43-41. A field goal and a free shot by Dale Jones in the last 28 seconds gave the Vikings the win. Bob Tom had a free throw at the last to make it 43-41. Tom grabbed his point honors for the Vikings with 19 points but Jack uamoee, brother of Dave Gambee, led with 20 points. The Vikin JVa were behind 21 18 at halftime. Salem plays Bend Friday and Saturday at Salem, . (111 iali Zen (I) Piaster 3 Jones (7) Tom 1 MlchaeUa (3) . (It Graham (30) Gambee . (3) Carpenter (3) Doty (3) Sletto n.wM mflnf! Salem Santee 4, foreman I. CorvaLUe Allea 1, Apple fate t. liJeae ) corrami fsftpttp ffftpttp Whtme,c I I S 4 Gmbecc U J Dm(lla.( J'd, J i 9 J Xnapp.s HI Taylor 1 J 4 I CrtherM 0 J J Clmanj 0 0 0 0 Vrsksna 3 0 3 0 Slnettej a a 1 0 Sprnl?; llll M.th.n.t 1 I J 3 Rhine H". . 1 ? 1 u..w. m 1 1 3 BentonA I I M Trlpltt llll Boej e o l o rwiiva 1113 Crwfrd.i 0 111 Tntal 13 14 25 38 Total 15 22 18 S3 i""ltk JTii: salem-lrlcliiea D,, Whltmlre 111. Mather. (II. Rhine (1); and Knapp ill: Cor.ellla LensKrn (11 Osmose Hi. Mstossea (1). lowarai (31, and Roe (31. Perrydale Stays Unbeaten in HRV PERRYDALE The Perrydale Writes keot their perfect league record as they copped their sec ond Hill River Valley league win. 53-37, over HiU Military Acao emy of Portland last night on the Pirates home floor. Coach DeEagle's Military boys were never close to Don Miller's Pirates, who led at all the quar ter stops, 134, 32-18, and 42-25. Sam Stewart fouled out mid way through the final uarter, but he still managed to score 17 to match teammate Larry Mas sey's 17. Wilkerson was high for Hill with 12. Hill Military won the J.V. game, 28-26, in an overtime pe riod. Ascol scored 13 for Hill and Rudy Gingerich hit 12 for Perrydale. ttrn Military (IT) Ketchum (1) T. Mark (101 F. (in Perrydale.. (11 Boeaer , (21 Mrlntoen Tfeidin on... C .ill Cooper WtlVerann (131 17) Massey Reserves scorini: ' Perrydsie - tes rtnTnd'orI.,nr,Ch Kottre Tapers Off for Thursday Boatsman Bout SILVERTON Horold Kottre tapered off yesterday in his train Ine and rested today for bis 10- round "farewell" bout Thursday Bight at Portland's Armory against Bill Boatsman. It will be Kottre's last fight before entering military service at the end of the month and the scrap ia billed as the one to de cide the Nortnwest ngnineavy weight championship. Both Kot tre and Boatsman have defeated other contenders in their division but have not met before. Th fiiivt-Hnn rinsstpr has won Basketball Scores COLLEGE BASKETBALL By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS FAK WEST Wyoming 72. Colorado Stat (1 Hoa Tech 82. Eastern Oregon Pasadena ' Naiarene (1, Pomona- iiaremom 60 Western Montana at, Northern Montana St Eastern. Montana 82, M a a t a I a Mines 71 Shasta JC 54. Southern Oregni Jayveea 47 Ft Lewis 74, Grays Harbor Junior louege 9S EAST Lafayette 57, Lehigh St Marshall 86, Morns Harvey 80 Columbia 62, Princeton 40 Connecticut 82, Boston University Brown 68, Providence (4 Maaaachusetta 58, Springfield 49 Niagara 77, Mexico 41 Rochester 66, Alfred 48 Holy Cross 83, Boston College 57 ueorgeiown tut) 75, NYU 87 Lasalle 88, Manhattan 81 MIDWEST Oklahoma AIM 54. Kansas 50 Wayne (Mich) 75, -Detroit 87 Hanover 83, Franklin 74 Indiana Central 7. Anderson 87 Taylor 94. Manchester 81 Hamliae 78. Augsberg 48 SOUTHWEST Rice 88, Texas Christian 52 Texas 49. Texaa A&M 48 Arizona 87, New Mexico AIM 85 west Texas 64. Hardin-Simnvmi 2 Arkansas State Tchrs 88, Ouachita 7 ( Arkansas College 83, Hendrix 87 SOUTH George Washington 88, Virginia Military 50 North Carolina State 88, South Car olina 62 Virginia 95, Virginia Tech 71 Furman 87, Clemson 89 Wake Forest 98, Duke 89 Murray (Ky) 93, Tennessee Tech 77 Memphis State 88, Florence (Ala) 60 Kentucky State 66, Fisk 58 Rutgers 83, Johns Hopkins 50 to a attiooi. Conrallla S3. Salem n Salem JV 43, CorvaUla JV 41 Concordia S3, Salem Academy 50 Gervals 47, Chemewa 41 Sclo 61, Galea 41 Sublimity 94. Detroit 4S St. Paul 52. Deaf School 44 Mill City 1. Jefferson S3 North Marlon 4S, Banks 41 Yamhin 49. Amity as Willamina 44. Dayton 44 Sherwood 44. Sheridan 44 MolaUa 54, ML Ansel 41 Sandy 5S, Woodburn 50 Estacada 47. Dallaa 43 SUverton 53. Canby 41 OCt Froeh 52, Central HI 50 Caacade 47, Sweet Home 43 Perrydale S3. HIU Military 37 McLaren School 39. Corbett St Shedd 71. Falls City 40 Salem Sophs SO. Stayton JV 30 Washlnston (Portland) (7, Park Roe 35 , Beaverton 90, Tlsara as Seaside 73, St. Helens 05 Vancouver (Wash. I 54. .Central Catholic ( Portland 1 54 Slutlaw 54, wamport 3a CUUkanle 71, Rainier 53 Cottaae Grove 59. Oakrldfe 91 The Dalles 04. Wy-East 55 Star of the sea (Aaiona) 4, ne halem 33 Eusene 87. Junction City 41 St. Francis lEufenel 07. Elmlra 34 Pleaaant Hill 50. Mohawk 43 Roseburf 40. SuUierlln 31 Bandon 50, Drain 41 Central Point 75. Glendale 53 Canyonville 34. Riddle .12 Day Creek 54. Camaa Valley 11 Elkton 30. Yoncalla 37 Glide 73, Oakland 40 Pilot Rork 04, Umaplne SO Joseph 47. Lostlne 39 Sprlnffteld 50, Willamette (Eufene) 41 West IJnn 50. Newberf SO Newport 49. Toledo 34 Hsrrisburf 73. Philomath 33 Nestucca 50. Tait 42 A Ufa 01. ValseU 43 Milwaukie 62. Lake Osweso 33 Warrenton 50. Neahkahnle 48 McMlnnvllle 02. Oregon City 57 Hillsboro 00. Forest Grove 50 Yalenti, Carlson to Be 30-Sfaler Speakers At Banquet Tonight Paul Valenti, Oregon State I college junior varsity basketball coach, and Ted Hal Carlson, as- sintant alumni director, will ipeak to Salem 30-States tonight on Oregon State basketball and oth er activities at the China Cafe at a 6:45 dinner meeting. Valenti, long an assistant to Slats Gill, will discuss the pre season wins and losses, Swede Halbrook'i improvement, and his own squad with seven-footer Phil Shadoin. . The nrnffram for the ensuing i , ore,ented to mem- I beri by Chet Loe. president Tol- lowing the meeting, a basketball I film will b. ih.wn. drawing two and losing only three. Boatsman can boast of a record of 28 victories in 29 matches lince the war, including wins over Joe Kahut and Jim Burns He Is lix yeirs older than Kottre. Kottre has been iparring with Burns, W. C. Cage and Ralph Col trin, driving daily to Portland to work out Cage will meet Freddie Miller of Seattle in a lix-rounder and there will be two other prelimJ. I niiiM. Thf opener is to tun ASSOCIATED MESS Salem, Oregon. .Wednesday, Top Amateur Brace CmU Sanitk nei . i 5 1 'w; finishing the Los Angeles Opts with 28s, two strokes he hind the winner Fred Wampler. The University of Portland junior nred s 97 tor his beat tournament round. (AP Wirephoto) - 5.V !4 Pow! Right in the Eye (right) fills one of them with a hard right during their 18 rounder in Brooklyn's Eastern Parkway Arena. The Wisconsin middleweight, making an impressive Eastern debut, wen a un animous decision ever Brooklyn's Klein. (VP Telephoto) North Marion Tie for Lead in Yawama Leasee W L Prt. w L rrl. K. Marlon 3 0 LOW Amltr 1 3 J33 YamhtU 3 1.000 Sherwood 1 3 J31 Dtnkl 3 1 .47 Wlllsmlns 1 3 .333 Dartan 1 3 .333 Bherldso 0 3 .000 Tueiasy remlti: onerwnoa e. onen Osn 45: wtllsmlns 4S. Derton 44; Yam hill 40. Amitr Jt; North Msrioa IS. Banks II. North Marion and Yamhill are having a brief rest on top the Yawama league ladder today but it will last only until Friday when they meet at North Marion. Yamhill handed Amity another one of its narrow defeats last night, 40-38. Amity lost by one point last week to uaylon ana aroppea close one to Willamina before that. There is a four-way tie for fourth place, leaving Sheridan alone on the bottom s ; i a dnriUQn lOSS : s J IIO dnerWOOO ; curouinnn .chHmi Anr. i ci,..i.. v.i.k -k.i ,ne Yaw,m, ,,ague cellar here Tuesday night, 64-43. it was a case of leading alLjthe game with quartertime scores of 18-13, ii 23 snd 48-34. Sherwood, with a 1-2 league re cord, was led by Joyce with 14 points snd Sheppard with 13. High for Sheridan was Calrk, 9. Sheridan jayvees took the pre liminary. Sherldan (45) Green if) C'.srk III Edam (41 (04) Sherwood (13) Shepard I 1141 Joyae .C (13) Krueser Burkey (I) G (71 Murdock i. Papen (3) .C . (3) Turner Reserves SCO rim : Sheridan Knlekeraon I. Wood 3. Bsller 4. O PaDen 3. Sherwood Martin 1. Bny der 5. Cheney 3. Adams 3. felitrom a omcials: r-adoera ana aucaiison. Hickok ond Swonk Accessories for Any And All Occasions SHRYOCK'S MEN'S WEAR Capitol Shopping Center UNITED PRESS January 13, 1954 Pag IS -'ir. CI' j 5 stands betide the MaeDonald uetnal imilriir triknhv aft Welterweight Joey Klein's eyes go glassy as AI Andre its and Yamhill Willamina Wins Dayton Contest WILLAMINA Willamina high school went ahead in the middle of the first quarter and held about a four-point lead throughout to defeat Dayton, 48 44, here Tuesday night High scorer in the Yawama league contest was Williams of Dayton with 20. Doug Littlejohn had 11 for Willamina. Quarter time scores were 11-10, 27 23 and 38-24 for Willamina. Willamina "won the junior varsity game, 45-37, Bob Fowler hitting 24 for the victors and Hadley and Johnson earning 13 and 12, respectively, for Day ton. Willamina (4l Littlejohn ill) r baker (7 -.. T (44) flsvton Hi Tomktns (101 Ellis (20) Williams (Ii Boll 101 Dooley Johnston ill . c Salmon ill . . ft . rorbes (Si G Reserves srorinf Willamina O'Leary S Hslftime score: Wills- mine 21 usyion as. uruciais: no bine and Olson. Worth Marlon 4ti 4I lUnhi Mrlrfn ii . P.. 1 n I Trout Driver 4 IB) P Sl P?ter. i CaJlosway (t) C 1 5 Jackson i Col (Hi G iJt Vandh8y I Entiffn tot G - oi Lirh ( RMrvi imnfir North Marion , Hauflinf 3. FlanKs Seller. 10, Crapt IS. Haltim 3-r-or: North Marion 23, Bank 22. Of fi eta la: Nelson and An derson. Phone a a a eaiM 195 $. Commercial T3&t0&&4kM&filY ja9W8jaswM Finley Not SureOSC To Vin ND By ELDON BARRETT SEATTLE. UP Fiva fellows whose beans snd bacon depend on how much they know about the bustling business of basketball will tell you almost to a man Pro lan State ia the No. 1 team in the Northern Division oi the Pa cific Coast Conference. The only reason the opinion is not unanimous is that Coach Chuck Finley of Idaho has a pretty fair outfit himself and Mr. Finley does not like to nlar sec ond fiddle. But in the eyes of the other Northern Division coaches, the Beavers stand aa high in the cir cuit as seven-foot, three-inch Wade Halhronk. Tippy Dye. whose ireen Wash. ington Huskies go up against the Beavers in Seattle next Friday and Saturday had this to say: -uregon State still is the top team with Idaho and Oregon pushing pretty strongly. The Hus kies don't have enough site to compete with OSC but the Beav ers are not unbeatable." Or you' might ask Bill Borcher of Oregon. "You're spotting Ore gon State 30 points when you start the ball game.'1 said the Duck director. Jack Friel ow Washington State College aaid Idaho had a good chance to "sneak in" but "Oregon State should be favored. They have a lot of power, experi ence and are a good, solid all- around ball team." ' Slata Gill, the coach of this odds-on favorite, said he didn't know where OSC belonged. "It will be a close race," said Gill, who usually saves bis words for basketball referees. But, natural ly, he thinks his Beavers are tops. Finley Hopeful Finley, on the other hand, made this remark: "I expect the race to be ao close that I wouldn't care to even guess as. to who will be the favorite team. They are very evenly matched." Finley hasn't taken to wearing I rose-colored glasses either. The other coaches put Idaho right be hind the Beavers. After all OSC and the Vandals split when they played a series at Corvallis last week-end. Maybe the question can be de cided when Oregon State takes on Idaho at Moscow, Jan. 22-23. Charles' Boss Slurs Sotterfield CHICAGO, OP) Ezsard Char- lea tllU Boo Sotterfield in Chicago Stadium tonight as a 3-1 lavonte and the whole thins is summed up oy Jake Hints. Charles' enthusiastic little co- manager aaid today: "The last time I aeen Satterfjeld, Rex Layne waa standing over his prone body. Don't tell me that bum got off the floor again . . . All we want to know is what's par on Sstterfield's chin?" Satterfield isn't that bad. He's probably one of the hardest punchers in the business today. Like Rocky Marciano, he can knock out a guy with one shot Yamhill Shades Amity, 40 to 38 YAMHILL The Amity War riors lost another Yawama league game by a narrow margin here Tuesday night, falling to Yam hill. 40-38. Yamhill now is tied with North Marlon for the lesd. Yamhill led at quarter times, 14-9. 23-18 and 30-28, and with stood Amity threats in the fourth quarter. Ray Toier scured 14 for the losers and Larry Hermens made 16 for Yamhill. The Junior varsity game went to Amitv. 49-32. Amity (II) (40) Yamhill Ehlerrf 101 Toier (14) Stephens (7) . Campion (II y(ll) L. Hermens ..r (ai wiiae .CIS) X. Hermens Om . (51 Swain C. . III Morellt Reserves scortnK: Amity Lenhardl Z. Officials: Rogers and Sproul. Gavilanto Box Olson in Chicago CHICAGO (P) Kid Gavilan, convinced Chicago is hot for him, has won hit first skirmish with Bobo Olson, the man he'll meet for the middleweight champion ship of the world April 2. Olson, middleweight titleholder by virtue of his recent victory over England'i Randy Turpin, had been holding out for San Fran cisco, his adopted home town. ran PEN REPAIRS Varit leatskaf ptm akra Imv CwMt Mrta. Scrrktai kty faaUry. tnimt4 nptrtt. Wa mrrk Fariar Stiraffcr, EvataraaafJ aHsrfnaks. NEEDHAM'S Stotiontry-Off ic Supplies 465 Stat Street WVL in 6-Way Tie After Estacada Topples Dallas WUUeaeue VeSer leaeae IM W t Pet. Dallas I I 441 OJhtrtaa 3 .en an. anaei a 1 .est aaiaceda 1 1 Ml sands I I .en weosmn s 3 .eoe Mel aua 1 an cents 0 I an Tneaaay seavlU: Bstaeeda 41. Dallaa Helens 54, Mt. anaet 4S: smeneet la. Cant l; aaaay la, WeMMra 50. Estacada's rude- upset of unde feated Dallaa. Willamette Valley league defending champion breath' ed life into hopes of other con tenders, who today number six wno are lied for tne lead. Holding records of 2-1 are Dal las, Mt. Angel, Saifdy. MolaUa, SUverton and Estacada. That leaves only Woodburn and Canby in the cellar with records of O-J. Friday night's schedule win match four of the leaders Dallaa at Mt. Angel and MolaUa vs. Silver- ton. Sandy Victorious Over Woodburn SANDY Sandy hich school moved into a six-wsy tie for sec ond place at the expense of Wood burn. 59-50, here Tuesday night in the Willamette Valley league. Roberts, Ford, Haddix, Ashburn Reject Offers PHILADELPHIA UV-Three ma-, lor league hurlers who viewed the prowess of opposing hitters with a certain amount of contempt last year are eyeing 1954 contracts in the same fashion. The Philadelphia PhiUiea had double-barreled contract problems today with both 23-game winner Robin Roberta and outfielder Richie Ashburn picking up where Gorkys Take Match With 'Wolf Leap's One can feel sorry for the Si berian wolves, judging by the "wolf leap" applied to Carl Eng- strom's throat by Soldat Gorky tor the deciding fall last night at the Armory. The hair-raising clincher won for Soldat and Ivan Gorky the ug team ma ten over Engirrom ana ueorge uusette. the fans' favorites. Soldat ' winninat tae- tie Consisted of findine Encatmm in a groggy state from a beating aaminisierea or ivan. lea Dins high into the air and comine - down with his ahin bone on Eng - Strom's throat, or so it appeared. Elbows and Fists Soldate, who had taken quite a pasting from elbows and fists in the face, then pinned Eng- strom easily. It waa one of those matches In which venom was ankle deep over the ring, ao enfuriated were the combatants at the opposition's methods. Tony Ross, the inside referee, drew particular attention in the first two falls for trying to discipline the rough Gorky's, who threatened to walk out II Bronko Lubich, the other referee, did not take the ring Job. inside. Ross gave Soldat the quick count in the second fall as Du-1 sctte floored Soldat by slugging him and pounced on the Russian. What is more. Hois wai holding Soldat'i arm to prevent slugging on the ropes. Knees In Bark The first fall went to Ivan, who pinned Dusette after the Gorkys threw kneel into the Canadian'i back to weaken him. Danno McDonald won from 'The Great" Yamato on a dis qualification in the semi-final. Referee Lubich counting him out when Yamato was choking Mc Donald in the ropes and wouldn't break the hold. Ivan Kameroff and Kurt von Poppenheim fought to a draw with one fall apiece in the spe cial event. The first fall went to the Canadian Russian on a "bear hug" and the lecond to Poppen heim on a pin. For Dependable Service Cascade Transfer & Storage Wallace Bonesteele & Son (ttwMrtW Treklng, WeVerirtfilnk a)d Dhtrlbollea Sorrko 1625 Front SI. Phone 3-4444 30, oei ft Sin Woodburn, now lied with Can by in the cellar, put up a real scrap for the decision, leading at halftime 27-23 before Sandy forged ahead late In the third quarter to take a S&Jfi margin cuucnng me nnai period. I iron ucyers hit 18 for Sandy, and Ryyce Noma 19 for Wood-1 points for the winners. Siitver burn. Leon Nilsen. a Sandy r- ton jayveea took the opener. (2 serve. added 15. '32 with Jack Weeka and Rnn.i. in.. pre-, Urn, 40-11. Weodkara 130) () Sandy Garno (10) T (101 Thornton H.stla (51 F (II) Meyers Plank tl) C (3) Rhode Hlioina (31 G II) Westlmk Norm (13) C. (I) Peterson Reserve scortnc: Woodburn Bckelsen 1, stafne I. Sandy Nilsen 15. Skalla 4. Officials: Copperstone and Laurens. Silverton Whips -Canby, 55-42 SILVERTON The Silver Foxes of Silverton methodically moved to a Willamette Valley league victory over Canby here Tues day night, 53-42. Silverton now is deadlocked for second spot, while Canby is Both fielded their 1M contracts ; for the victors. In the prelimin on one hop yesterday and whipped ary, Mt Angel jayveea won, 49 Sf,m k 11110 PhiUies' front 85. Moyer scored 21 for MolaUa w.i ouo vnrpenter vanaar. ratu e-uua oau Msao VV4U line." Seea Ne Trouble "I have no intention of signing that contract," said Roberta. "I'm asking auite a bit more." said Ashburn. Carpenter said: "I dont antici pate trouble in adjusting the dif- lerence. , The St. Ixwia Cardinals, on the other hand, wouldn't aay whether they expected trouble from their 20 game - winnu left-hander Harvey Haddix, who likewise re turned his unsigned contract. 'They offered me a small raise but not enough," aaid the 28-year- old hurler ail his winter horn South Vienna. Ohio. And Wlutey Ford, who contrib uted II victories to the New York Yankees' pennant drive last year. rejected wnai ne too called, a tmau Increase in pay, becoming the firat nronx domouc at isse, i .' 4 H . f ROAD ENTERS 8ERVTCK I SYDNEY im Lanvia Horn Ane. I trailan Davis Cup star, today be - came i-vr. iwis noma or tne istn 1 National Service Traininc Battalion 1 as be traded his racquet for rifle. ROBES Beautifully Cleaned and Pressed 35 Here Is a grand op portunity to get your overworked rebel restored to their or iginal good looki by the amaiing SAM TONE process. 1264 Broadway Rawlins ohl's in the cellar with Woodburn wit i 0-3 records. . t Quartertime Korea were 17-10, 28-17 and 35-31 aa Canby cut the deficit to four points before Sil verton finished with a 20-point quarter. Koger Umbenhower hit 18 Totte making 14 apiece for the rox runs ana Pellets 12 for Caaky (43) Ben (3 Gleaeon (I) BlRham II) Raley ill . (M) SUverte.' r (in ooppi, Z ID WoU C IT) Kaysei 0 '10) Umbenho O III Blark Knoi (10) Hevervea ocorlnl: CannyHarms -SUverton weitnns 1. Huchen- dorf l. Cilham 31. Ribhlna a. Of orown ana aariuo. MolaUa Upset; Angels, 56-48 MT. ANGEL MolaUa high school alipped one over on Mt. Angel here Tuesday night for a 56-48 upset that handed the An gels their first Willamette Val ley league defeat It was Stan Childera with hi 25 points tor Mnialla who broke ' Mt Angel's back during the last . part of the fourth quarter, when ML Angel led 4241 after a hot rally by the Angela trimmed a 29-37 deficit at t'w three-fourths mark. At halftinis It waa 26-18 for MolaUa. elh mtTilJers h and Pfleiger 15 lor Mt AngeL Mt. Ansel () (10) erey to) Traefer IS) , (31 Day (1) Howell r c icauner (I) , () Alexander sucnnoit ill) . (8) Fresor Warva (0) O...I35) D. Schildera Reserves aconns: Mt Ansel tarry Gorman 10, Ruef 3. MolaUa Naylor 4. Parker 0, Aho 1. Half time score: Mt. Ansel IS, MolaUa 30. Officiate: Cobb and IreUnd. EsUrada (41) (45) Dallas Ames (13) f, (I) Domns'sky Kiislm. D 111) r (I) Hoffman Kieeins. r (0)..c (13) Domoskv Msrchbar.k (01 -O. IS) Holdort siayoen (a) u... (13) Hranan ermu I, Hare 3. rnypryk I. Dallas mnoa a. uavis i. naiiuma score; Istacada 33 Dallaa IS. Officials: Harper and Tawcett in h V af - 8k m osseeakl latatkst f . MR lftVlj.ll RENTALS J94 North CMorelt Ffranc $-9400 a , Phone 3-3165 I I ) : : C. fell 27 of 22 profeuional matches, I at 3a