Wednesday, January 13, 1954 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Urcoa Pan 11 ONE POINT LANDING m X mi Six Philadelphia General Hospital employees were injured, two seriously, and wound up in a hospital after their car plunged through a guard rail on the South Street bridge and dropped 25 feet on to a concrete driveway below. The car fell against the side of a warehouse and the injured were taken , from the car in its tail-up position. (AP Wirephoto) Storage Space Among Needs of School District The Salem school district has kept apace with the demand for classrooms, brought about by a growing population, but now it finds itself seeking additional storage space. Not entirely unlike the house wife who has accumulated a mis cellany of objects and is fearful of discarding any of it, the school board has in its possession a wide variety oi articles which students of the South Salem high school It is estimated the tost will be between $7000 and J10, 000. An inspection of the stage by the buildings and grounds committee revealed that the cy clorama, the lighting and front curtain are in While no official action was taken since the matter was not brought to their attention from an outside source, the directors might prove useful. So, during Tuesday night's meeting of the directors, the de cision was reached to expand the second floor space of the ware house at Ferry and 13th streets. Upon the recommendation of voiced opposition to the inclusion of a course In learning to drive Director Harry Scott, used ma terials will be used as much as possible. He said dimension tim bers from the old cannery being rased nearby could be secured. The work will be done by the district's maintenance crew. - The. need for warehouse apace wilil become acute when the dis trict is forced to abandon its present quarters in the old high school building. Two frame shop buildings located there also con tain quantities of materials that must be saved. Superintendent Walter Snyder rrnorted concerning the salvag ing of furniture from the pres ent administration building for use in the new building now in course of construction at Ferry and 13th streets. He said virtual iv ll of it could be used at the new location, but added that new equipment for seven rooms in cluding the one to be used by th directors. It is probable this new equip ment will be purchased at the time furnishings are bought for the new South Salem high i i cmnfH nf classroom and office equipment have arrived j 4k will he viewed by t.u-hm and directors during 41a Tanimrv 1R.21 oerioa. ta. will he called for the renovation of the Leslie junior v:u ..hnni itiee. The aaditor- ium and stage will be usedby Host Firemen SUBLIMITY Tlie Sublimity Fire Department will be hosts to h. Marion County Firemen's Association Wednesday evening, Jan. 13, at the Sublimity Fire Hall Election of officers will take place at this meeting. The State Department of Vo cational Education will present The instruction on certain phases of Fire Fighting Techni que." Lunch will follow the program- No Tru-TiMl Silverlon Prepares For Dimes Collection SILVERTON - Leonard Kcp hart, local March of Dimes chair man. is announcing the begin ning of plans for the regular cam- TRU-TIWT TNI IMPIOVID HOME MAII COIOIIMO THAT ure'itn mvonrr m4lf r Ninety boxes have been distrib i or town in public places Including business houses; the members of the Moose Lodge are preparing a "Talent Show' evening In the near future: the members of the Rotary club have asked for the block-of-dimes privilege for the last Saturday in the month, Name Jan. 30; the Jaycees win prooauijr 1 take the Saturday. Jan. 23. date, 1 and the chairman is planning Sat urdav. Jan. 16. for the members of the Lions club if this can be ar ranged. Toe final word from the , Lions club is to be given it this) week's Wednesday evening dinner program at Toneys. 1 Benefit CARE A northwest - writer who ex ' I perienced the terror and de struction .of war wbea she was a prisoner of the Japanese, is de termined to do all she can to alleviate the sufferings of war victims. 1 She is Alice Franklin Bryant, j who was one of the half-starved i prisoner liberated from Santa i Tonus and who in 1851 used her war inemnity compensation to purchase materials for a com i munity bouse w Hiroshima. Now she is going to lecture for the benefit ef CARE: organ izations for which she speaks will make out checks to CARE for food parcels to be given to hungry Koreans. And all royal ties from her book "Reliiion for the Hardheaded, " recently pub-1 lished bv Dodd. Mead and Com-' pany, will be given to the Am erican Friends' Service Commit tee for relief work in Korea. Of the book Mrs. Bryant says: j "I tried to write a brief volume that would be not only clear and i meaty, but also entertaining. So I put it in the form of a down-' to-brass-tacks conversation be-! tween Believer, who expresses j my viewpoint; Hardhead, who j thinks that seeing is believing; ; Agnostic, who has great faith in science: and Skeptic, who has faith in nothing. It is a good book to give to your irreligious j friends." I Mrs. Bryant has related her : war experiences of hiding in the Philippine jungle and of cap ture and imprisonment in her bonk. "The Sun Was Darkened." William Cheney Bryant, her husband, was for many years a provincial governor in the Phil ippines and later a coconut plant er. Since their repatriation . in 1045 they have lived in Seattle, Washington. Thc have a daugh ter, a son-in-law who is a veter an of the Korean war, and two baby granddaughters. automobiles in the high school 1 1 curriculum, it was estimated that I such a course would cost the district no less than $25,000 for 1 the instruction of sophomores alone. The board acccepted the invi- I poor conition. tat ion of the Hoover PTA to , hold the February 9 meeting at I the Hoover school. However, ! Supt. Snyder recommended that ! it was desirable to hold regular I meetings at the customary and omciai place. 1 1 Richard Hudnut introduces an Exciting New - Home Hair Coloring "RAul 44wlMtr TRU-TINT . . . guaranteed to give your hair a color that looks and glowt like the color of bright, young hair Hue a home hair coloring too can trurt, for is ii the result of 2 years' tertini in the world famous Richard Hudnut Salon on Fifth Arenoa, rU-TINT...S WAYS BITTER Condition, hair. Doeu'l in or eoanee K. Tro-Tirt em hair toller, silkier. r,ir teller ontrcf. Coma each uraod emir widi lifelike, young color. Trv-TM giv kmir tnet colors. ..will s tkeea like that of radiant, young hair. Trm-Tutt it . Emt, ru eatier th a home permeneoi. Merely fUow Richard Hudont's foolproof S.I.Sioo octioa Mow lh rolorin, ia IS in"- fear ol ow-liotins or m-lappiag. U very economical. OtMIS BITICTION cvtum uta I usM I mi PAVLESS DRVG STORE 4M SUte St Salrm. OieKon . Dear Sirs: Find Enclosed $2Jt plus SOc Fed. Tai for Richerd Hudnut Tro Tint Kit, Address City II tmi"".,",,,'iflTT'"""""" ' " ............. j January Tables! Chairs of Dining Room Furniture! Sharp Price j Reductions On Fine Home Furnishings The Very Finest in our Quality Furnish ings and Floor Coverings are DRASTIC ALLY REDUCED in this January Sole. Reductions up to 50 And Mare in Every Department. BUDGET TERMS OF COURSE! SAVE ON: 20 VANITY LAMPS $J00 $495 Values to 4.95. HOW 20 TABLE LAMPS Values to 1 1 .75. NOW . , . 25 TABLE LAMPS V off : Values to 39.95. NOW 20 FLOOR LAMPS Values to 39.50. NOW ? Oil SAVE ON: Blond - Mohogany - Maple 2 LAMP TABLES 1ft 50 Reg. 54.50 V7 2 END TABLES 1ft 50 Reg. 54.50 17 20 LAMP l END TABLES 1 Value. to 39.50 V? Oil 20 COFFEE TABLES 1 ff Values to 42.50 '2 OTT 20 Occasional Tablet, Corner Tables, Step Tables, Book Tables, Drum Tables, values to i rr 39.50 V?OU Included in this stock are many modern, traditional, 18th century. Early American and French provincial L.R. tablet. CARPET SPECIALS FREE Measuring, Installation, Binding, Culling and Lining On Rolls Listed Below Only 12-FT. CINNAMON ALL- 1195 WOOL WILTON. I I Reg. 14.95 15-FT. BEIGE LOOP WEAVE. 1195 All-wool Wilton. I I Reg. 14.95 12-FT. GREEN ALL WOOL 1150 BROADLOOM. Beoutiful Mosaic pattern. Reg. 14.50 THIS OFER GOOD FOR ONE WEEK ONLY! H - Closeout on All Standard Inlaid Linoleum. Jq. Yd. $1.59 Hi All Kinds! Sofas! Davenos! Floor Coverings! Bed Room Furniture! Living Room FURNITURE SOFA WITH MATCHING CHAIR Oft 5 Peorl gray f riere cover. Reg. 289.50 CONTEMPORARY SOFA Dura green tweed cover. Reg . 357.50 . . SOFA and MATCHING CHAIR -Luxurious green frieze. Reg. 445.00 TWEED SOFA Smort Brown Tone. Reg. 259.95..: SOFA and MATCHING CHAIR ' Cocoa rose, flat mohair, reg. 425.00 J HANDSOME QUEEN ANNE SOFA Grey beige tapestry cover. Reg. 245.00. HAND CARVED FRAME SOFA and 3 ") f"00 CHAIR. Copper rose matelassee. Reg. 432.00 KROEHLER DAVENO Rose Beige cover. Reg. 169.50. DURACHARM DAVENO 99" liftso Rose beige cover. Reg. 1 S9.50 ..... BEAUTIFUL 2 PIECE SECTIONAL . Cocoa brown frieze cover. Reg. 314.00. - 25900 3-PC. SECTIONAL Brown with Q COO green overtone cover. ; Reg. 375.00 LUXURIOUS CHAIR OTTOMAN lift 50 Olive green cover. Reg. 214.50. .. , y FULL FOAM RUBBER CHAIR AND 1 O "150 OTTOMAN. New charcoal grey ZmZm -cover. Reg. 245.00 HANDSOME CHIPPENDALE CHAIR 1 Aft SO Soft rose print. Reg. 209.50 . . J BEAUTIFUL LOUNGE CHAIR. OftSO Green topestry cover. Reg. 125.00. . OJr BERK-LOCK ROCKER t OTTOMAN QQ50 Rosemohoir. Reg. 109.00 Ox PAIR OF MATCHING ARMLESS 2Q50 CHAIRS: Green frieze cover. Reg. Eoch 54.50. This is only a Partial Listing of a Tremendous Stock at Similar Savings! Over 50 Cedar Chests INCLUDED IN OUR SALE AT SUBSTANTIAL SAVINGS. LUGGAGE 27 Assorted Pieces Leading Brand Names 'Vi OFF DINING ROOM SERYERS 1 Light Wheat Mahogany Rrg . .SO 1 Lark Natural Mahogany Res. I1S0 1 Mahogany 1 Walnut Reg. 14.I0 Reg. 7S.I0 Fine Furniture 230 Park Free On Our Lot While You Shop At You'll start 1954 off right if you shop and save during Hamil ton's Terrific Clearance . . . and such Quality too! Living Room Furniture! Bed Room FURNITURE S-Pc. BLOND MODERN 23?" DRESSER. Bookcase head board. Reg. 313.00 NO' 6-PC CHERRY VANITY SET. Reg. 550. NOW 399.o 4-PC. ASH TRIPLE DRESSER IftSO Modern, bookcase headboard. J lf Reg. 41 1.50 .. NOW S-PC. SUITE DOUBLE BUREAU. 18th Century Reg. 650.00 NOW 495" 23950 29900 yllftso 6-PC. VANITY SUITE. ; 18th Century Reg; 319.50 NOW . 6-PC. VANITY SUITE. 1 8th Century Reg. 392.50 NOW 6-PC. DOUBLE DRESSER SET. 18th Century. Reg. 595.00 NOW . TT7 6-PC. BLOND MODERN SET. Reg. 453.00 NOW 3-PC. BLOND MODERN. 299. 129" Chest, Bed, Stand : Reg. 208.50 NOW . 1 BUNK BED SET, 99 Innarspring Mattresses NOW Box Spring & Maffreu Special frtt.hnwwif harder. Beautiful ' Tic k. Cord Handles. air ventilators. Layers of ell felt upholstery. JZt Coll sprint's. Her. . value per unit. Now each unit . DINING R00A1 -PC. WALNUT DINING ROOM SUITE. Reg. 189.50 NOW 7- PC. WALNUT DINING ROOM SUITE. Reg. 129.50 NOW 8- PC. BLOND DROP LEAF TABLE SUITE. Reg. 238.50 NOW 139" 99" 189" 7-PC. CHERRY DROP- 239" LEAF DIN. ROOM SUITE. Rea. 327.50 NOW 9-PC. MAPLE DINING ROOM SUITE. Reg. 575.00 NOW 8-PC. MODERN BEECH DINING ROOM SUITE. Reg. 437.00 NOW 5nroo 5 n ft so 9-PC. MODERN PARQUET eftCOO TOP COPPERTONE MHG. Reg. 1047.50 NOW B-PC. MHG. 18TH CEN T7ft50 TURY DIN. ROOM SUITE. atC7 Rea. 385.00 NOW 8-PC. CHERRY PROVIN CIAL DIN. ROOM SUITE. Reg. 495.00 NOW -ilTAOO 59.50 CO CA 37.JW BEAUTIFUL MAHOGANY DROP-LEAF TABLE. 47" wide 72 long extended. 79.50 48.50 A Virtnrinn Side Chairs and fully uphol stered Host ond Hostess 1ftft50 Chairs. Wos atC7 495.00 NOW, ' At Popular Prices Since 1894 Chemeketa St. 50 Ties. Layers Bprlnrs. 39.95