Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, January 12, 1954, Page 9, Image 9

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    Tanadar. January It 1954 .
fete Q
laanl till laftirn .. . J
Tb original Studebaker Conestoga wagon built In 1834 and
la which the Studebakcr family moved to South Bend, Indiana,
in 1891, provide! authentic background for the new Coneitoga,
Studebaker'i all-steel station wagon. The old "prairie schooner"
waa in use for nearly thirty years, and now ii preserved in
the Studebakcr museum.
Conestogas Roll Again
On Highways of America
Coneitogai are rolling again!
iNearly a bunded yeari ago the
about of "California here we
come" rang out along the Santa
Fa trail from old St "J" to the
Cimarron country as trains of 30
to 90 Conestoga wagons rolled
and .jolted toward the "new"
West Peope were going places.
Comet Jetliners
Are Grounded
LONDON 1 The pride of
British commercial aviation, the
Comet jetliner, was a groundling
casualty Tuesday pending a "min
ute" investigation of Sunday's
crash of the eight-mile-a-minute
aircraft in which 35 persona died
off Elba.
The government-owned British
Overseas Airways Corp. took its
seven Comets off commercial runs
in Europe, Asia and Africa. The
crash in the Mediterranean was
the seventh involving a Comet
since the aircraft went into reg
ular service IS months ago, and
the third in 10 months with fatal
ities. In all, M persons have died in
the aircraft.
Today, for people who to
places, the sound bss changed,
but the sturdy, dependable trans
portation again bears the proud
name of Conestoga. It's the new
all-steel station wagon by Studebaker.
Up In the conestoga valley of
Pennsylvania, from which the
original wagon took its name.
John Studebaker was recognized
among the skilled German crafts
men ss an expert wagon builder
and blacksmith. His vehicles
were among those that withstood
the crossing of the Allegheny
range in freight service from
Philadelphia to Pittsburgh.
John Studebaker built his first
Conestoga in 1934, and in 18S1
this same wagon, with its swamp
oak wheels and hand wrought
hardware, brought the Stude
baker family to South Bend. Here
they plied their trade during the
westward expansion, building
more Conestogas, and later the
equally famous farm wagon.
Then came the automobile.
The year 1904 saw the first
Stuacbaker gasoline automobile.
During the next 90 years apJ
proximately four million Stude
baker vehicles followed the 'na
tion's highways wherever people
traveled. ,
America is still on the move,
and for people who go places the
new Studebaker Conestoga sta
tion wagon proudly lives up to
the name at its. Pennsylvania an-
Can Company
Calls Workers
PORTLAND W The American
Can Co. plant here began Tuesday
calling some 350 employes back to
work following Monday night's set
tlement of the CIO Steelworkers
Lee Caldwell, international rep
resentative of the union, said he
understood the workers would be
producing half-pint milk containers
and coffee cans.
John G. Griffin, assistant plant
manager, said he expects that
about the same number of workers
will be employed as when the
plant was closed by the Dec 1
Meetings Listed by
Home Extension Units
Marion County Home Extension i
unit meetings for the week of Jan- j f I A-l iswirtr
uary 1116 are listed below. Any ,QgT) UPIIITalSTS
- limA intntoH tn Attend. I '
For additional information write or
call the Marion County Home Ex
tension office, 47S N. Church St.
The dates, units, time, place
and projects are as follows:
All units will have the project
"Simple Home Repairs" during
January 12 Donald, 1:30. Ma
sonic Hall: Fruitland, 10:30. with
Mrs. John Shamberger; Hayesville,
10:30, Halbert Memorial Church.
January 13 Aumsville: Bethany,
10:30, with Miss Merle Bowen: La
bish Center, 1:30, Labish Center
January 14 Pringle, 10:30,
Woman's club; Middle Grove,
10:30, with Mrs. Wilbur Wilson:
Lansing Neighbors, 10:30, Grace
Lutheran church.
January 19 Clear Lake, 10:30,
with Mrs. T. C. Mason; Marion,
10:30, with Mrs. Chris Schmidt
Poster Panel
Bill Killed
By indefinite Dostnonement the
City Council Monday night killed
an ordinance bill that would have
placed further regulation on bill
boards by restricting their location
as well as requiring renewal of per
mits each year.
The council tabled the controver
sial bill that would have boosted
the license fees exacted from ped
dlers operating from vehicles.
It passed a bill providing that
tie votes in city primary or fall
elections may be decided by cast
ing lots. Alderman Claud Jorgen
sen is now serving as a member
of the council although Clayton
Jones, his opponent, tied his vote
in the election year. Jorgensen
continued Is serve under the law
providing that i official shall
serve until his successor is elect
ed and qualified.
The council tabled for two weeks
a petition for the improvement of
Brooks avenue in the J. F. McDon
ald Fruit Tracts. City Engineer
Davis reported that a petition was
sufficient for the improvement of
Kansas avenue from North 18th to
North 19th street.
Arch Bailey to
Lecture Here
Trust ia God as a powerful
means to solve dally problems
will be the topic of a public lec
ture oa Christian Science to be
given in Salem oa January 19 by
Arch Bailey of Sacramento, Calif.
Bailey, who is a member of
The Christian Science Board of
Lectureship, wil speak at the In
vitation of First Church of
Christ, Scientist, Salem, in the
church edifice. Liberty and Che.
meketa Streets, at 8 p.m. Ad
mission is fee and there is no eo
lection. Bailey's subject will be "Chris
tian Science: Too Joyous Way of
Currently on a nationwide tour,
be has devoted his time to the
practice of Christian Science
healing since 1940. Prior to that
he had a distinguished career in
the field of music. He Is a na
tive of Kansas. He was director
of the music depatment of Iowa
State colege at Ames, and served
on the faculty of the Home In
stitute of Fine Arts, Kansas City,
Mo., and the Chicago Musical
college, Chicago.
Arch Bailey of Sacramento,
who will lecture her Friday
night on Christian Science.
Four teen-agers accused of string
ing a steel cable across a street
two feet above the pavement ex
plained they were bored because
there were no recreational facili
ties in their neighborhood.
Easing Sought
For Quarantine
Oregon is urging seme modi
fication ia the new Porto Rico
quarantine affecting the ship
ment of gladiolus bulbs into that
country, according to Frank ate-
Kennon, chief of the division of
plant industry of the 'Oregon
state department of agreuttiure.
A bearng on the matter is slated
for January 11 at San Juan,
. Shipment of at least one order
about $2000 worth of Oregon
glad bulbs is being held up until
this quarantine a clarified or
modified, says McKennon.
The Puerto Rico quarantine,
which went into effect last De
cember 8, apparently requires
that gladiolus bulbs entering the
island bo grown in an area free
from Curvularia tunata and Fit-1
sariura ozysporum diseases and
also be from planting, not flow
ering, stock. The quarantine
(Oregon officials have not yet
received a eopy) also prohibits
entry of four varieties cf glad
bulbs Picardy, Spotlight, Corona
and Purple Supreme.
McKennon has advised the
Puerto Rico plant quarantine
service director, Luis A. Catonia,
that Oregon can certify to free
dom from Curvularia lunata on
bulbs grown ia the northern part
of. the state but that Fusarium
oxysporum is known to be pres
ent wherever glads are grown
although Northwest Oregon is
the most favorable area tor pro
duction of gladio
lus eornu. This disease is not I
difficult to control" "
McKennon supported his letter
urging modification with infor
mation from Dr. Roy A. Young,
plant pathologist at Oregon Slate
College, relative to the disease
covered in the quarantine order.
Jaycee-ettes Meet
WOODBURN Members of the
Wood burn Jaycee-ettes will meet
Thursday, Jan. 14 at 8 p.m. at
the borne of Mrs. Ray Miller. Fol
lowing the business meeting a
program will be presented by
Mrs, Miller and Mrs. Thomas V.
Engle, chairmen. Refreshments
will be served by Mrs. L. H. Hil
debrandt Mrs. Waller Scarbor-'
ouga, J., and Mrs. A. B, WiMeford
during the socitl hour.
Three Killed in
Plane Crash
KNIGHTSTOWN. Ind. (1 -rThree
men from Columbus, Ohio, were
killed early Tuesday when their
four-place Stiiuon plane crashed
on a farm a mile and a half north
east of Knightstown.
They were: Walter M. Clark, S3,
Joseph W. Dobbins, 37, and John
Edward Oyer, 47.
Dobbins was identified as a
sports announcer for radio station
WCOL in Columbus. He broadcast
the Ohio State- University-Illinois
basketball game from Champaign.
111.. Monday night Oyer was identic
tied as a real estate operator.
The cause of the crash was not
known. Temperatures were near
zero and a stiff wind was blowing.
Ltt BKU). V
Furniture Refinishing 1
Leading All Others
Salem's Optimist club is lead
ing all of the other Optimist clnbs
in District 13 in the number of
points for achievement, with the
Salem, club having a total of 600
In second place is one of the
Portland clubs. Peninsula club.
which has 450 points. 1
District No. 13 includes 29 clubs j
in the states of Oregon. Washing
ton. Montana and Idaho and clubs
in Edmonton. Alberta, Canada, and
in British Columbia.
Points are received on boy's
work, attendance, membership, life
memberships, attendance at board
meetings and other projects under
taken by members of the Optimist
More than 70 per cent of the
forest fires in the Rocky Moun
tain region are started by lightning.
Council Lets
River Leases
The City Council Monday night
rejected a ground lease proposal
from Willard Taylor, operator of
the Salem Boat House whereby
Taylor would have paid the city a
nominal rental of 150 a year for
five years, but with obligations to
maintain a rescue service on the
Instead, the council, on motion
of Alderman Dan Fry, voted ta
ebnrga him IV a month free at
obligations. Under a lease that ex
pired last . May, Taylor paid the.
city s5o a month. .
Just before considering the Tay
lor proposal the council approved
a permit to C. E. Staller, Phillip
Tuor and Gain Merwin to use S5
feet of the river bank for moorage
purposes for SIS a month.
Among the obligations that Tay-'
lor offered to take on, if his nom
inal rental proposal was accepted,
was to keep a watch over children
playing in the vicinity of the river,
maintain rescue boats, and assist
the police whenever their services
oh the river were necessary.
White Re-elected as
President of Council
Alderman Robert F. White of j
Ward 7 was re-elected Monday
night as president of the city
White was elected first a year
ago when the post of council
president was created. He pre-
sides over the council in the ab-1
sence of the mayor end repre-!
sents the mayor at other times
when the mayor for any reason
is unable to' act. !
White is a probable candidate
for mayor in this year's elec-!
tions. 1
Up to Senate
Eisenhower's first big batch of !
nominations of the 1954 session ap
peared likely Tuesday to win quick 1
Senate approval. j
The President sent 121 names
to the Senate Monday for posts
ranging in importance from chief
justice of the United States to
lieutenant junior grade in the 1
Coast and Geodetic Survey. j
Judiciary Committee sources
said hearingr might be conducted
next week on the nomination of
former Gov. Earl Warren of Cali
fornia to be chief justice. Warren,
named last fall to succeed the late
Fred M. Vinson, has been serving
since the current court term
opened Oct 6.
No important opposition has de
veloped to Warren, although Ju
diciary Chairman Langer (R-ND)
has said a few letters have come
in attacking the appointment. i
Similarly, a spot check of Sen
ate Labor Commttee members in
dicated James P. Mitchell of New
Jersey would be confirmed with no
trouble as secretary of labor.
Wirth Accepts
Park Position
Unexpectedly, Walter Wirth
of Harriabure". Pa., accented an
offer from the city of Salem to
be ite tuperlhtendtnt of parks at
a salary of xooou a year. -Several
weeks ago the Parks
Advisory Board, which had been
looking about for a superintend
ent, requested that an offer be
made Wirth, and City Manager
J. L. Fransea was directed by
the city council to write him.
A telegram from Wirth, accept
ing the offer, came Monday
He is said to be an exper
ienced man in park work, and it
is said also that he has received
larger salaries than the offer
made him here.
anp CHiLPaiw
Oil-Heated Homes
Need This,
Cost-Free Service
My Yn Hew Rn Drj"
wrtti oar 'KmKiIM Strict
Thousands With Insomnia
An Wooden Furniture
Repaired Refinished
Bums and spots
Phone 2-7001
4020 Stat St.
Sound All Night-Awokt Frtsh
Vtm tt arw
CmuIm have found-- roe
blmed sound sleep. Dorm kaa
been clinically tetted for safety and
M guaranteed one-habit forminc.
The world of aatdkia. preti isass
d h tolerate a atoepkea ni(M tbat
makes roe tired and wore out tbc
eat day. Now for only He per
eaprak you can Sad the test yva
want. Dorma eoeta but $. for 3
capsule- to safe ptsacnptJew
ia seeded and Dona earn, kelp
you or yaur eaoaey beckt Accept
no substitute.
There 1$ No SuMitut For
Reservists Receive
Latest Jeep Type
Salem Armv Reservists Monday
received another piece of equip
mentthe latest type of jeep.
The new jeep, which came di
rectly from the factory, can be
used in amphibious operations, be
ing capable of taking 754 inches
of water.
Friday a ton and a half trailer
arrived and a few months ago the
armory received a three-quarter
ton truck. That truck is now used
in communications and equipped
with a radio.
In addition to this equipment lor
the reserves the advisor group for
the reserves has a carry-alt
William S. Chin, S5, of New
York, was injured in sn automo
bile accident on the Wilbur Cross
Parkway. Received a cut on the
Now, and all '
you can forget about I
ofl worries.
You 11 never ran oat of oil
with as supplying yon. Oar
weather charting system
keeps record of daily em
peratnre changes helps an
estimate how mack oil toot
banter consuming day to
day. We refill your tank weS
before you run dry.
Pot carefree beat fwftea,
to Shed Furnace CM with
FOA-5X. FOA-6Z as tba
mating ingredient that
keepa filter screen m yoar
oi burner dean ail winter
long . . . ehminatea a major
eaaane of service earls. Costa
no more than ordinary beat
kf oAs. Call an today.
Errol Ross Oil Co.
Shell Agent Bos S
2611 Portland Rd.
All 1953 General Electric Appliances!
Now you can buy General Electric Appliances at a Huge
Saving. Look at these p.? with Very Easy Terms.
q?H" Green Stamps.
FREE 4 Piece Set I G.E. Stratoliner
Deluxe Electric
G.E, Stevardess
29.95 VALUI G.F. With lib
erator 2-oven range. KEG. 5 1 9.95
yo'uTo'dran. 10000
Your cost ONLY 419.95
-Or 10.00 down, than only 5.00 par
G.E. Constellation
Double Oven
Electric Range
R.g 359.95 CQ QC
You save 77eaf
Now Only 300.00
Or 10.00 down, 3.50 par week.
G.E. Dishwasher
Under Counter Model
Demonstrator, rcg 339.95
Only . . .
SAVf 90.00
Or 10.00 down, 3.00 par wk.
G.E. Vacuum
Rag 89.95
Laos old
Leaves Only
Or 5.00 down; 1.25 per wk.
. 469.95-
for .
tn your old
Yours for 369.95
Or 10.00 down; 4.25 per week.
G.E. Apt. Range
4 element full sii. oven, r.g.
sVv'," 29.95
Now ONLY . 160.00
Or $5.00 down; 2.00 par week.
G.E. Refrigerator
7.6 cu. ft. only 24 In. wide. Ktg.
1 ONLY at 180.00
Or 5.00 down; 2.00 par week.
G.E. Automatic
Cabinet Model
Re 181.45 TOO Q1
2 ONLY at . . . 7.7al
Your SAVING is . 51.50
A low as 5.00 down; 2.00 per wk.
Jt educed
Your Cost
Or 10.00 down and .nfjr 2.50 pier
.... .230.00
G.E. Combination
9' u. ft. Reg. 449.95
Las your 1AA A A
old refrigerator UvV. AMJ
Leaves only
Or 10.00 down; 4.00 par wk.
G,E. Refrigerator
1.7 cu. ft. Automatic Defrost, full
width weier chest. Rag. 3 1 9.95
Reduced . .
49 95
Y.uri for ONLY 270.00
Or 10.00 down; 3.25 par week.
G.E. Freezer
Reduced dua to
49 95
Reg. 299.95.
10.00 down; 3.00 per week.
Several good used ranges, refrigerators, washers, and a food freezer
at prices yonwill like. All above prices are on present stock. Shop
soon and save.
Open Friday Nites Till 9:00
365 N. Commercial St., Salem, Oregon
Pho. 34163
thone J JIM
Salem, Ore.