PaK 14 MARKET QUOTATIONS PORTLAND Iff Butlerfat Tentative, aubject to immediate change Premium quality, maxi mum to .35 to one per cot acidity. delivered in Portland. t-71 lb; first quality, t&M: second quality, M7. Valley routes aid country points 1 cents less. Butter-Wholesale, fob. bulk cubes to wholesalers Grade A A, M score, M hi lb: 92 score, 65 V,; W score, MH; score, M. Cheese Sellinf price to Portland wholesalers Oregon singles, 42 Vi- 42 lb; Oregon S-lb loaf, 4 Eggs To wholesalers Candled eggs containing no lots, cases in cluded, l o b. Portland A grade. large, 51 ; A medium. 50 52 W; A grade, small, 47 Vi-4t Vi. EggTo retailers-Grade AA, large, 57-M: A large. 55-57; AA medium, 55; A medium, 53-54: A small, 43-50. Cartons 3 cents addi tional. Live chickens No. 1 quality, f ob. plants r ryers 27: roasters, 37; heavy hens, 25-28; light hens, 15- 17; old roosters, 14-15. Rabbits Average to growers Live white. 3 tt-5 lbs, 19-21, M lbs, 16- 20; old does, 10-12, few higher. Fresh dressed fryers to retailers, (5-57; cut up, S9-&3. Wholesale dressed meats: Beef, steers, choice, 500-700 lbs, 39.00-41.00; good. 3S.00-40.00; com jnercial, 32.00-37.00: utility 29.00 33.00; commercial cows 26.00-ners-cutters, 22.00-23.00. Beef cuts choice steers Hind quarters, 47.00-52.00; rounds, , 43,00-48.00; full loins, trimmed, 73.0040.00; triangles, 29.00-34.00; fore-quarters, 31.00-36.00; chucks, 37.00-40.00; ribs, 55.0062.00. Pork cuts Loins, choice, 8-12 lbs., 2 00-64 00; shoulders, 16 lbs., 49.0044.00; sparerlbs, 48.00 B4.00; fresh hams, 10-14 lbs., 60.00-6S.00. I Veal and calves Gnodhoire, ' ill weights, 34.0043.00; commer cial, 29.00-37.00. Lambs Choice-prime, 38.00 41.00: good, 34 00-39.00. Wool Grease basis, Willamette ' Valley medium, 51-55 lb; Eastern Oregon fine and half blood, 55-62; Willamette Valley lamb wool, 42; 12-month wool, 45-50. country-dressed meats, f.a.b. Fartland: Beef-Cows, utility, 22-25 lb; canners-cutters, 18-19. Veal Top quality, lightweignt, 12-33; rough heavies. 22-25. Hogs Lean blockers, 35-36; sows, light, 31-33. Lambs Best, 33-35. '" Fresh Produce: Onions 50 lb sacks, Wash, yel lows, med., 1.00-10; large, 1.10-25; Idaho yellows, med., 1.25-50; large, 1.75-2.00; whites, 2.25-50. Potatoes-Ore. local Long Whites, 1.00-25; Deschutes Russets, No. 1, 1.15-25; siu A, 2.50-75 ; 25 lb ak, to-83; 10 lb mesh, 4045; paper, 30 33; windows, 35-37; No. 3, 50 lbs, M5; Wash. Russets, No. 1-A, 2.25 (0: Idaho, S 15-25. Hay U. 8. No. 1 green alfalfa, mostly . 2t.00-30.00, delivered car . and truck Jots, f.o.b. Portland and oeauie. Filberts Wholesale selling price r.o.o. uregon plants, No. 1 jumbo ssrceiona. 29 ID; large, 37 H; medium, 25 h. Walnuts-Wholesale selling prices: First quality Franquettes, 32-33 V, lb: lichl halves. 70.M- shelled light amber halves, 70-75. Chicago Livestock CHICAGO (ft - Hog prlcei dropped Tuesday as salable re ceipts totaled 17,000 head. largest for a Tuesday in about a year. Trading was fairly active with butchers off 75 cents to $1.00 while sows lost 25 to 50 cents. Choice 1R0 to 230 pound butchers sold at o.- to s-i.oo. Several loads of prime 1,100 to 1.300 pound steers moved at 27 50 i to 29.50, the top Ma-t (,!-- . , ' i j 'a w kwi ann cnotre ChOtre i to "wru uimos were in 20.75 ranae. Other Ratable recripts were esti mated at 10.000 cattle, 500 calves and 3.500 sheep. Portland Livestock PORTLAND USDA-Cattle salable aw: market active: fullv steady; two loads good-choice fed sieers 22.7.V24 00: utility-low com mercial steers 13.50-18.00; utility commercial hcilcrs 12.00 - 17.00; canncr-cutter cows mostly ti ,50 111.50; few utility cows 11 50-13 00; commercial grades salable 13 50 l&.OU: rutlcr-utilily hulls 12.OD-I3.oo. Calves salable 25: goodihoice scalers scarce; salable steady at 2ti 00-24 00; prime quotable to 27.00 tw daughter.. Man Ann. aged or above; lew cull-utility calesig ,n, Sandra 5. She n i 10 00-15.00. Hors salable 400; market About teady; choice lHO-ns lbs. 27 7i to mostly 28 so, chonce 32.v.vfo lb. nws salable 22 50-4.50, Sheep salnble 2.r0; small lots Choice wooled lambs 19 00; one lot choice-prime lambs 20 25: utilliy Limbs down to 15 no; gvxl choice feeders salable H 50-15 50. ulility lEood ewes 4.00-5 .V) SALEM MARKETS fat ! taManare ml I iplUt "j.mrVtl" Rvlall reed PrkM: RakM! reileu - 1.145 .Mm ha), 4 IS -a M fire-ib hi Datrr re4 - ) JT-) 43 'W-!h bag': I3WO-4M 1100 t . raaiirr ! rrlre --Colored f rr. toitiarn ion. ir. roiorM rc.atnt r Bmiint PHr-Bn, aa 4: lane a, 832! .:.T,m. V.;..,.T.r.",p',;; tntrallr S-T cnt. hlsh.r Ih.n prlr., soon: larsa srads A s.n.rsll. .m .1 S2ri medium, at Ue Iterfat Buytnt prlr. Fr.mium 7,. l eenU' Ne. I, S1-SS rents; No. 1. sr Portland Eostside Pnrtians as r.rr -v. i',. .""""" '"''' I w.t.. m .tor, .n tu.n ta. s.s.i ik.s nn aamuiaur suadr. THE STOCKS By The Associated Press Adiriral Cor porta tioa It Allied Chemical 74 Alike Chalmers 46 American Airlines 11 H American Power at Light American Tel. A Tel. 136 ' American Tobjcco Anaconda Copper Atchison Railroad Bethlehem Steel Boeing Airplane Co. Borg Warner 60 Vi 31 V4 94 V, 30 48 76 Va Burroughs Adding Machine IS Vt California Packing Canadian Pacific Caterpillar Tractor Celanese Corporation Chrysler Corporation Cities Service Consolidated Edison Consolidated Vultea Crown Zellerbach Curtiss Wright Douglas Aircraft du Pont de Nemours Eastman Kodak Emerson Radio General Electric General Foods General Motors Georgia Pac. Plywood Goodyear Tire Homestake Mining Co. International Harvester International Paper Johns Manville Kaiser Aluminum Kennecott Cooper Libby, McNeill Lockheed Aircraft Loew s Incorporated Long Bell A Montgomery Ward 22 '4 48 19 39 79 i 42 y 18 33 7 80 104 , 47 10 Vs 88 39 H 39 ft 11 Vt S3 4 33 28 i S6 Vs 63 26 ft 65 i 9 V 26 U 13 Vi 23 37 H 17 S 18 ' S3 7 4 39 113 3 '4 77 Vi 17 V4 14 Vt 28 , 22 28 Vi 48 32 49 39 Vi 69 ft 60 Vi 33 ft 36 ft 53 ft 73 v, 21 H 7 4 43 ft 27 20 Vi 39 108 21 ft 45 ft S tt 24 ft 39 13 ft 40 V, 24 'A 31 1,4 Nash Kclvinator New York Central Northern Pacific Pacific American Fish Pacific Gas & Eliclric Pacific Tel. A Trl. Packard Motor Car Penney (J. C.) Co. Pennsylvania R.R. Pepsi Cola Co. Philro Radio Radio Corporation Rayonier Incorp. Rayonier Incorp. Tfd. Republic Steel Reynolds Metals Richfield Oil Safeway Stores Inc. Scott Paper Co. Sears Roebuck & Co. Socony-Vacuum Oil Southern Pacific Standard Oil Calif. Standard Oil N. J. Studebaker Corp. Sunshine Mining Swift 4 Company Transamerica Corp. Twentieth Ontury Fox Union Oil Company Union Pacific United Airlines United Aircraft United Corporation United States Plywood United States Steel Warner Picture Western Union Tel. Wcstinghouse Air Braka WeslinRhouae Electric Woolworth Company Chicago Grain 43 Chicago un Grains drifted lower on the board of trade Tuesday wiui soybeans and corn falling the most. An increase in offerings in cash corn and soybeans by the country was considered the main factor be hind easiness in these commodi ties. In addition, deliveries of cash soybeans on January contracts have been running relatively large. Wheat closed (4 to Vs lower, March 2.09-2.09H: corn Vk to 2 cents lower, March 1.52: Oats 'i-l'i lower, March 78:(4-78; rye ll.-2U lower, March 1.19; soy beans lft-314 lower, Jan. 3.03V4- 3 04. and lard 10 to 72 cents a hun dred pounds lower, Jan. 16.75-16.70. , - , 11.1X000 01.1011$ chicaoo tunv supoiw modi-rat., too limited tisdlnc arcounl low temperatui In ttbiuh m.rkft ton.. Mrwl httpn I i I Mtd: Michiain Yftiow oiobM i pr i font 3-lnrh snd tarsfr .10 tnn Bpnlsh S-lnrh and Utter 1 M-l S!k; Whltn 3-inch and Ursfr nt mrdlumi 1 IS-a HO. trrrtular 9 00: Color rlo WhIMs mrdtum J 30; MtdWfut Yallow Olohn mt dlum 1.00-1 la. firtnm ('v S-lb. ctl lot 1 U-Ul; Rfd olobti medium 1.3S. Mid Willamette Obituaries Mrs. Mary Petzoldt MT. ANCKL Mrs. Mary Pet toltlt, 35, died at her Portland home follow in; a long illness. She was the wift nf llonrv Pot. uhn ....... Th. ..,i h.. member of St. Rose fansh. Port- . a Independence. Ore. !,! I Surviving are his wife. Mrs. Al- Born Julv 13, 1918. at Oervais, dena '"'. Woodburn; two daugh daughlerof I-uigi Wood- I Tj ' JJ i enK : . ' and, burn. Route 1. who was a mem- i f.n(1 Mr. lj,ma' " Cleveland, ber of St. Mary's parish. Mt. An gel and was married nine years a so. In addition to the immediate members ol her family, j.he is survived by two brothers, Ven- ard Bean rn Hean , .Salem. Arthur Bean, Route 1. Woodhurn; and four si - ters. Mrs Kulhenia Rotlck of Portland; Mrs Cenna Bergsang. Portland; Mrs Arvella Tuss, nt Woodburn and Mrs. Angela lirirsenauer, Mt Angel. Recitation of the Rosarv at 8 I p m.. Tuesday at the Ringo fu - neral home. Woodburn. Kuner - .1 j i day at St. Mary s ( atholic church, j Mt. Angel. Burial in Calvary I " . Ansa ! n " , " CmeSt DOrker ! Sli.VF.RTON Commlllsl sfr 1 Ij.'s wi1' at Silvrrton Bethany cemetery Thursday. jan. H ,'. I 1 o'rlork .(or Krnest Rarke? of (ycesn I.,ikr. formerly ol verton. Kuneral services will be i Thursrlsy, 10 s m. at Batesons' ' '"1 f hapel. Ocean ijke. Mr. I Barker died at Ocean Lake, Sun- CAPITAL JOURNAL, Slm, day. Us was bora Nov. 1, 1907 it Aston, N. D, and bad lived for ths past 14 years In Ocean Lak. Surviving an tha wife, Con stance L, two sons, Kenneth C. Barker of Oakland, Calif., naval base; Bruce A. of Forest Grove, Ore.; a daughter, Mrs. Arlene Brecke of Alameda, .Calif; five grandchildren; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Barker of Oce lli Lake: two brothers, R. W. and A. L. Barker, both of Port Ian', and a sister, Mrs. Gladys Hensley. of Silverton. Mr. Barker was a member of the Eaglea Lodge. So villa I.Chilcore LEBANOI Funeral services for Mrs. Savilla Ida Chilcote, 777 Park street, were held Monday afternoon at the Jost chapel She was born at Pittsburgh, Pa.. Aug. 3, 1873, living at Lebanon for tha pa . 26 years. She was mar ried in Pittsburgh to Alonzo E. Chilcote. Survivors include her children, Mrs. L. H. Rice, Portland; Mrs. H. S. Cox. Bend; Mrs. C. K. Crain and Paul Chilcote. both of Leba non, and two sisters and a bro ther of Pittsburgh. There are 12 grandchildren and one great grandchild. George C. Foster WOODBURN George C Foster, 45, died in a Portland hospital Sunday. Mr. Foster was bom July 8, 1908, In Chicago, and came to Woodburn in 1934. He married Fern Wadsworth July 30, 1932, who surivves. Other survivors are ( daugh ter, Carole Leo Foster, at home; his mother, Mrs. Grace C. Foster, Los Angeles: a brother, A. W Foster, Molalla. Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 14, at the Ringo Funeral chapel. Wood burn. Final commitment will be at Mt. Crest Abbey, Salem. Mabel lone Hunt WOODBURN Mrs. Mabel lone Hunt. 6A. died Tueday, Jan. 12, at her home near Broad acres after a long illness. Mrs. Hunt was born Feb. 12, 1885, at Aurora, the daughter ol the late Mr. and Mrs. William Kraus. She had lived in her present home since her marriage to Hen ry Hunt. Dec. 13, 1911. surviving are ner nusDana; two daughters, Mrs. Justine Has sing, Rt. 1, Aurora, and Mrs. Elizabeth Sonncn, Broadacres: a sister. Mrs. Hannah Hunt, Hub bard: and seven grandchildren. Mrs. Hunt was a member ol Amies Catholic church and the St. Agnes Altar society of Hubbard. The Tosary will be recited at 8 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 14, in St. Lukes Catholic cnurcn, wooo burn. Funeral serices will be at 0:30 a.m. Friday, Jan. 15, at St Luke's church with burial in ise church cemetery under the di rection of the Ringo chapeL La Rene Boden Snider FOUR CORNERS Mrs. LaRene Boden Snider,- former resident of K-ti,f Cnmmra and recently of Oak land. Calif., died In a Salem hos- niinl Mondav. She had been a aueat at the home of a sister, Mrs. Jess Mcllnay at Four Corners. Surviving are ner latner, nenry nden: her sister. Mrs. Eleanor Mcllnay, Four Corners: two broth ers, Albert lioaen, uorcnraier, Neb., and Ben Boden, Crete, Neb.; five nephews and one niece. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Ooden and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Boden arrived in Salem Monday. Funeral announcements will be made by the Howell-Edwards Fu neral Home. Edward H. Bohle DALLAS Edward Henry Bohle, W. died at his home in Dallas Sun day. Mr. Bohle was horn at Wash incton. Mo., .lulv 27. 1868, and ram in rinlln. in 111Q He was a ",rJhLeeer and of the Dallas lodge. Modern Wood ftf AmprjPa inT 2l vears. Mr. Bohle married Anna Kissel at Johnston, Neb., August IB, 1894. She died February 29, 1018. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Kva Muir, Dallas, and Mrs. tdna Savery, Tempe, Ariz. Funeral services will be at Boll man's Funeral Chapel at 2 p.m. Wednesday, January 13, with the Rev. Dr. Karl Benbow officiating. Burial will be in Dallas cemetery. John Newton Jones WOODBURN - John Newton Jones, R4, died in a Brooks nursing 1 home Sunday. He had lived in ! Woodburn for 15 years. Mr. Jones ! ! retired ramher and was Ohio, and one grandson Funeral services wilt he at 1:30 p.m. Friday, at Ihe Rinso-Corn-well Funeral Chapel with inter ment following at Belle Pass! rem- nery. . - . KenCtlth Meeker , enenrn i. rvteeKer o rt u l, a s ivennetn tern Meeker, an engineer, died In the Dallas hospital Sunday. Mr. Meeker was born Oct. 18. 1903, at i F.lkton, Ore. He was married to Bonnie D. Barnes Feb. 3, IMS, , at Marysville, Wash. They had ' lived at Valseti since 194J. Surviving are his wife; a daugh ter. Mrs. Ronald Boucher, Leb anon: a son, Kenneth Ivern Meeker. Jr.. Salem: a sister, Mrs. W. R. Johnson, Reedsport: step daughters, Mrs. Margaret Black, Kent, Wash., and Mrs. Carmen Burchcll, Valseti, and a stepson, Otis Curchell, Valseti, and three grandchildren. 1 e'uneral services were held at ! 2 p.m. Tuesday at Bellman's fu neral Chapel, Dallas with inter ment following In Pallas cemetery. Oretoe DEATHS Fraak T. NclbM In thie city Jaa. It. at tha age of 83, Survived by sisters, Mr. Ldith Mast, Portland. Mr. Jom phitM Olftoa, Portland. Mcmbtr of tha Church of Jesua Christ of letter Day Saint. Services war held Tuea.. Jan. II at 1:30 p.m. tn tha Howell Ed wards ChapcL Rev, Bishop J. X. Salisbury officiated. Infer, ment at City VU Cemetery. ( Ottar Jofcasoa Lata resident ok 1596 N. ITth at a local hospital Jan. 12. Survived by wit, Helen Johnson. Salem. An nouncement of services later by Clough-Barrtck Co. i William Harris Wits At Coos Bay, Ore., Jan. t. Late resident of Coos Bay. Ore. Survived by son, Jorrest Wilson. Portland. Boyd O. Wilson, Los Angela. Calif.; niece, Mrs. Irene Am matin, Salem; and nephew, U. O. Thomas. Coo Bay. Granddaughter, Mrs. Nancy Holmes, Portland; J great grand children. David and Diana Holmes, Portland. Services will be held in the Virgil T. Golden Chapel, Wed.. Jan. 13 at 3:30 p.m. Interment city View Cemetery, Rev. Donald Payne officiating. Baby Boy Earls Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Earls. Brooks at a local hospital, Jan. 10. Grandparent, Mr. and Mrs Emery Fcedrtcks, Salem, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Earls. San Diego, Calif. Announcement of services Is lei by th Clough Bar rick Co. Jennie Catherine Miller Lata resident of 252 N. Cottage, In this city Jan. 10. Sister of Mrs. Floyd Smith. Aurora; aunt of Mrs Otto Hansen, Aurora. Mrs. Virginia Rohwer, Paulllna, Iowa. Services will be held In the W. T. Rigdon Chapel Wednesday. Jan. 13. at 1:30 p.m Rev. Louis E. Whit officiating. Mrs. Jessie M. ft rd fear Lat resident of 323 Union St.. at a local hosoltal Jan. 11. Survived by sisters, Mrs. Florence Stott, Beloit, Wise.; Mrs. Laurel Frederick, Bend, Ore.: aunt. Mrs. Florence Jewett. Beaverton, Ore. Services will be held In Chapel Wed., Jan. 13 at 3:00 p m. Rev. W. H Lyman officiating. Shipment will be made to Galena, 111., for Inter ment. Glenn Morgan Late resident of ?M Clsxter Rd., at a local hospital Jan. It. Brother of Richard L. Morgan. Salem. Tred P. Morgan, Portlana, Miss Tern Mor- ?an, Silem. Mrs. J. H. Cowan, haunavon. Safka.. Canada. Also survived hv 7 nephews. Services will be held Wed . Jan. 13 at 1:30 in the ""1'""w"i vIr'!Il,id,n, Larene Snider Lte resident of 3730 Mahrt St.. at a local hospital Jan. 11. Sister of Mrs. Eleanor Mcllnay, Salm. Announce ment of services later by the Howell Edwards Chapel. Mrs. Minnie Maryuun Hadley At the family residence in Brookl, Ore. Jan. 9 at the age of 51 years. Survived by husband, Urshel W. Hadley. Brooks: mother, Mrs. Ella McCaffery. Salem; sister, Mrs. Wil liam iiTU?i. "saiem; oroiners, Frank and i'cte McCaffery, both oi Salem, Joe (Pat l McCaffery, Dalla.v. Ore ; and three nephews. Recitation of roaary Tues., Jan 12 at 8:00 pjn. services Wed., Jan. 13 at 10:00 am. In 4he Howell Edwards Chapel. Concluding serv ices at St. Barbara Cemetery. William White Late resident of 103 Marion St.. Jan. 11. Survived by wife, Hazel White, Salem. Announcement of services later by Virgil T, Golden Co. Arthur Fred Zlrgenhagel At Loai, i am., Jan. n. i-aie rest dent of 2410 laurel Ave., Salem. Survived by wife, Gertrude 7.igen haiel. Salem: daus hters. Miss Inez Ziegenhagel, Salem. Mrs. Betty Lou CarroU, Monroe City, Minamirt: son Aiden Ziegenhagel. Salem; father, Fred Ziegenhagel, Lehr, N. Dakota; sisters. Mrs. Alma Dawson. Los An geles, Calif.: Mrs. Jacob riechtner, Lehr, N. Dakota: brothers. Jake Zie senhaael. Nevada Citv. Calif.. David Ziegenhagel. Lehr. N. Dakota: two grandchildren. Announcment of serv ices later bv the Vlreil T. Golden LO. Cora Belle Level) In this city Jan. 11 at the age of 78. Survived by children, Mrs. Helen Becke. Salem. Dow Lovell, Salem, ADS IN THIS COLUMN RECEIVED . . . Too Late To Classify. LOST: 1 pair lady's glasses. Brown shell rim with jeweled corners. Finder please call F.velyn Clemen at modern Beauty School. 3-8141. PART COCKER puppies to give away. CLOVER HAY, 823 per ton. Rt. 6. Box 404. Phone 3-1269 for direc tion. BALDWIN Acrosonic piano. Phone 11-INCH Hallicrafter TV. Beautiful mahogany console with full doors. Lest lhan one year old. Cost over S500. Will sell for $205. 4215 Shore line Dr. Manhr!nGardrnai BY OWNER, l-bedroom home. IS 1 iiwunu, o iitxiivinefl. Chlrktn house, barn, good well. M Ridge Dr. Ph. 4-1295. LGE. 1 BEDHOOM houVe In court Water furn JS Market. DUPLEX turn. Rround floorLarVe room Spotleii clean, automatic heat, bailment, garafce. Nlcelv furn. Show 1-B p.m. 1410Mtll. 3-3748. WILL PAY caih for level building lot. South of city limits. Ph. 4-l07 TO SELL and nervue fire equipment". Call in prrunn Trims A- Kn atlci- niKn between 1 A. 8 pin. 329 K, liKOUNU tlwr. Hv. room, tnlrm . kitchen, newly de-.-ur.ited, rrfnf.. "" yara. call Mn, Riley. llSS N. Chun-n. rOR SALE or trade. Duplex. I-eslle ?.cnooi ntst. Owner J9.fi50. 155 E. W lion, Phone 3-R724. 1MJ NASH Stat' W.ron RAvH. I "v,rd II. .1)10 Th 4-17S.1 ... . 425 Auction Sales AUCTION Office Equipment & Furniture 4 Secretary d 1 work dek a-dr. Invincible Mrtal files 1 Steel wardrebe 1 Swtvel office chair $ Swivel stenographer chairs 1 Arm desk chain $ Desk chairs 1-Pc. chrome settee it FURNITURE t-PC. MAPI t B. K SET. rillLCO RETRIC.ERATOR DAVENOS AND DAVENPORT. LAMP TABLES KNEEKOI.E DESK. REDS. MAT TRESSES. COII. STRINGS. Oct' CHAIRS. 40-GAL El EC. W ATER HEATER, I CHEST-O-DRAW ERS AND MANY OTHER ARTICLES Or ri'RNITURE BY SALE DATE LANE SUDTELL'S AITTION SALES YARD 3915 Silvrrton Rd. Thone 2&m Tuendajr. Jnoary 12. 1954 CUntoa LaoveO. Portland. Jamee Lov til, HernusWB. Ore, Margaret Lov iU ftatem: brother. Harry Harper. WlUlanisport. Peosu Mrs. Charles Wood. Wdbaiaspart. Pcoa.; seven grandchildren, two neat grandchil dren. Service will be held Ua the W T Rigdoa Chapel Thursday, Jan. U at 1:30 p m. Concluding services at Jason Let Cemetery. To Place Ad Call 2-2441 300 Personal 310 MHncj WoBc SAI.EM LODGE No. 4. AT. A U. WMl.. Jan. 13, K. A. dc irM. 130 P M. 312 Lost and Found" LOST-5-yr -old Cecaiwaka Bay l. trlvcr. lemle, dead gru. r Wrd. Rt Box ;2. Ph. -4S31. LOST on S. Com! i rown kltun. grr with buck stripes and black fce. Ph. J-UM S25 REWARD lor loit Sew Eaiy portable F.I.C. .ewlnl mach. Serial KuT K-70S1U. W. H. Grant. J140 S. 316 Personal READER Will let! pait, present and future. Help to wive your problems. Call for appointment. 4-3S3S. Popular Piano Lesson-A life time of fun. Our course. bsed on 17 yrs. exp. offers valuable short cuts that give all busy people the chance to know the thrill of playing the piano. Beg or Adv. all ages. For a per sonal meeting call Salem Music Co., et-nos. Absolutely no obliga tion. SAFE, permanent removal of un sightly facial hairs. Erich of N.Y. PALMISTRY READINGS Tells past, present and future, advice on all nutters. Will solve your problems. This ad with one dollar, for five dollar reading. Open 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. Hiwsy 99, next to North Salem Dnve-inLabish Gardens. SECURITY-i DETECTIVE AGENCY Private investigations, civil crimin al, domestic. misilng person. Qualified questioned dorument ex aminer. Latest equipment. Con nections throughout the world. See telephone directory or phuue dav or nifht 4-3766 or 4-2248. Popular Piano A LIFE TIME OF FUN FOR YOU TRY IT! NORMAN STUDIO OF MuDERN PIA NO. PHONE 2-8708. MUSIC LESSONS, piano and violin. State accredited teacher. Phpne 1-6013. 00 Agriculture 402 Livestock ABERDEEN Angus bull. 1 yr. old. Good trade. Proven. Ph. 3-4031. GUERNSEY Jersey. Fresh one month. Call -HS0. 3730 Fl.her Rd. FOR SALE or trade for cattle or ptgi. nearly new .addle, bridle, blanket, breast harness. S135. James H. Redden, Rt. 5. Box 175. 31348. POLED Hereford heifer, fresh. Rt. 4, Box 199. Phone 3-0081. 408 Pels COCKER PUPS to tv, away. 33o ElectricJ AIREDALE, registered months fe male. Excellent pet. Phone 3-2348. PEDIGREED German Shepherd, 14 mo., sood with children. 310 S. 15th. Evenings. IRISH-SPRINGER Spaniel pups. S3 ea. BlacK and tan nound pups, no ea. Earl Littleton. 5 ml. W. of Mon mouth near Antioch Sen., Cooper Hollow. BOXER female. Moore's tropical fish equipment, parakeets, peta. Mac leayRd. 4-3773. Cloaed Wed. SIAMESE kittens with or without papers, 2 months old. Prices re duced. Ph. 3-3073. PARAKEETS. Cages, supplies. Rea sonable. Bird Paradise, 31B0 Living ston 3-1842. THEY'RE HERE I Sired by an International champion. neauurui oerman snepnera pup pies. All colors. Registered A.K.C. Ph. 3-8909! HOLLYWOOD AQUARIUM. 1958 Mc. Coy. 1 block east of N Capitol. 1", blocks north of Madison. Ph. 3-6897. 410 Seeds and Plants EVERGREENS. TREFS. roses. We de sign and plant at no extra cost. Middle Grove Nursery. 4920 Silver- ton Hd. Pn. 412 Fruit and Farm Produce APPLES. Spltzenberg. Delicious. Worm free. Fro.n Si - W bu. 5795 C.nler. Ph i-715.1. rFRTILlZFR Kotted manurt. weed free, i-0774 SPFXIAL date prunes available in ou!k. Valley Tann Stole. Ph. 4-4fi24, Lancaster-Silverton cross roads. 42S Auction Sales AUCTION OF FURNITURE AT SCOTTY'S TONITE. 4840 CF.NTEH S. SALEM 455 Hsehold Goods For Sal COMPLETE furnUhtnc for J -bed room noue. pnont ins s. 16th GOOD uted daveno, platform rork er. -yr -old crib. Th. 4-513. 2293 Townaend Wajr. TORY dlRhwinher. $fl107 Hiihland" 42S Auction Sals S chrome Lounge chain 1 Wood file 1 plastic covered chairs 2-Dr. steel Me I'nderwood Typewriter R C. Allen 8 bank adding machine And other office equipment. 4,0 frclianl!e 45 Wanted. RMhold Goods .. iuua) tiijoo umq runutur or will acil ob conufDMPi ra. HOM SudtcU'i AucUoa. WANTED USED FURNITURE TOP PRICE Valley Furn. Co. 2-7472 458 Bufldlnq MrtoriaU Garage On your lot to your aprcificatloni. so mo. to pay. rre ciTimaiei. Dor man Lbr. and Hdw. Ok Ph. 1-3101. 2460 Stat. BUILDING? New bath tuba complete 159 50 A6 gal. water heaters .$89.50 Plastic' dralnbd. coVerlnf JQ iq. ft. Udwa. piywa iaeai lor paneling or cabinets Cheap Loom tntulatloa per bag .. .11.00 Fibers lau roll blanket IniuL .Cheap 14-2 elec wiring 12-2 elec wiring 5'ic NalU $8.78 it M M keg Asbeitot aiding per q. 49.50 Painted ihakei with under 410.50 New doon. all eizea , -S5.50 Uied wlndowa 36" X 43" 13-ftU 100 used doors with frames New toileU with seats 424.50 Double kitchen sinks, complete 40 gat elec. water heaters 468.50 Laundry trays, pipe, basins .-Bargain 500 gal. steel septic tanks 162.50 4" cast Iron soil pipe -. 75c 4" solid orangeburg pipe - 3ac Roll roofmg. large supply $2.25 3 tab comp. roofing - $7.5$ Cedar shingles. 4 grades Cheap New, CalV. iron root uneap Plywood, new carload Bargains New picture windows $t.00 New weather stripped windows $14.20 Cedar fence posts ,-. fheap New piaster onara ixbv.- Steel garage doors, complete.. Over-head garage hardware .. $44.00 $13.95 C,G. LONG & SON 1 ml. N. of Kelzer Shower Cabinets . .439-50 Wash Basins . 415 4 in. cast Iron soil pipe, per fet..8Bc Complete line of all pipe and. fittings. Tremenaous savings in coiorea xix tures. CAPITAL BARGAIN HOUSE 145 Center Salem LUMBER 1 X I lap No. I & beta. SS9 per M. It. no. a lam. ib per inous. No. 4 Com. (20 S x 4 2xS St 2-8 R-L1& better, ISO. NO 3 Com. S38. No. 4 Com. 120. Ph. 2519 Dallas Ellen Dale. N. Dallas La Creole Lumber Co. REMODEL NOW Free Home Planning Service. Let tit help you plan your new kitchen with Wards beautiful wood cab inets. We also Install plastic tile, mtcarta dralnboards, roofing, eavestroughs and aiding. For your free estimate rail 3-3191. Montgomery Ward 4c Co., 155 North Liberty. KEITH BROWN SPECIALS Oak Flooring 3532x2 ',x RL 3 Com 190.00 DOOMS: 2-Ox6-8xl'i Maho(. a.32 3.1 2-4X6-8XP, Mahos. 10.4S 7.20 2-6x6-Sxl, Mahof. 10.97 7.27 2- 8X6-8XH. Mahof. 11.16 7.73 3- 0x6-8x1 Marios. 16.90 11.27 Welser Handle Sets 12.M 7 95 Passage Seta 2.68 2.03 Butt Hinges .50 Light Fixtures 23 off Flooring 1x1 47 C&Btr MG 100.00 M Siding IiXRiLD 106 110.00 M .X6 H&LE108 50.00 M 2X4 R&L 4 Com S4S 25.00 M Keith Brown Lumber Yard Phone 3-9111 Front Ac Court we Give S&H GreenStamps ALL, NEW lumber, shlplap 30.00 per m ana up, 2X4 ana larger sza.w per M and uo. Some lumber $15.00 per M delivered. Phone 2-2042. PLYWOOD PLYWOOD PLYWOOD Honejitt You ought to see it, If we can't find your size, we'll cut It, no charge. Its of doors, too. All kinds, low prices. New car of oak flooring, down $10.00 M. Ping-pong tops $8.00 ea. Siding $59.50 up. Shakes cheap. Wallboard $1.40, Hardboard $1.75 Mahogany plywood 35c ft.. V too. Ceiling tile, cement, roofing, windows, frames, every thing tn suit your needs. Nothing down. 38 months to p.iy. Come In and visit, we're happy tfl have you. Send In your friends, toot Portland Road Lumber Yard 3545 Portland Road 4-4433 "Open all day Saturday" REDUCED S.100 HER DAY UNTIL SOLD' One Office Desk with Glass Top. STARTING PRICE. JANUARY 7. 75 January 12, $63.00 Keith Brown Lumber Yard Phone 3-9111 Front and Court We Give SAH Green Stamps J 460 Musical Instruments ' BFAl'TiriX iiptuht Cambritlfe M. j is., food ton. Phone 3-8215 I 462 Spot1 SKIS. POLES hoi (size 9), good condition IIS. Phone 3-8238. 468 For Rent, Mi8CtUanout ton KtNT or lease. Ige. warehouse space cement floors. Brick bldg. down town. Inquire B. L Still run. 470 For Sal: MiscUanoui BABY TKNDA. Phone I-5J3S be- twoen 8J, BFaDS Allkinds G. Woodry TL'LL SIZE box wring. feltc4 mat- o. ncnifni anape. a-iiny. CHINA cwphoard 129 50, G." Woodry SPINNING WHEEL . f Gone With Wind Lamp 23.80 Black Walnut Organ. rrnnrtuinfd . T8 08 TRADER LOIME. line ljtna Ave DESKS W no W crwoodfy. 450 MrrcKan3! 470 For Solo. Mteoltooons 0t CHESTS drawer $8.71 up. GlM Woodxy'a. Ifc4 N. Summer. WOOD LATHE. . pedesUl grinder. wing taw Wltn sieei udm wiui or without 1HP motor. I1M New berg Dr. Ph. eve. a-aTw. NEW furniture cheapv. C I Woodrya. SPINET PIANO, "cedar cheat, elec range, wrig., wasner. wicnrawin and silver. 2 table radios, portable phonograph. Elec power and hand tools. iti. 3-7212 RANGE, EXCELLENT eond.. burns wood or ou, noi waier. rom, wi Cen tar. Ph. 2-6388. . , DUO-THERM oil circulator with blower, lite new, xw.w, i raae Lwie. 1870 Lena Ave. ADDING MACH1NS. column with subtract, sou. 10-aey wnn creaii balance. $W. Phone 2-5378. MAHOGANY KorJer and CampbeU upright piano. Excellent condition. Reasonable price. Phone 4-3105. PLATE MIRRORS. $2.75. C. Woodry. GOOD USED upright model piano for sale, .excellent condition, including case and tuning. $150-00. Ph. 3-5782. GAS water heater, $18. Glen Wood- y ,iwa n. summer. USED SINGER, .famous round bob bin. Elec. cabinet a. wing machin. A-l cond. onlyiS7B.50. Singer Sew. ing Center. 130 N. Commercial. Open Fri. evening. . SMALL refrig.. 3a. C. Woodry. COOLERATOR freezer. 11 cu. ft. This freezer Is slightly used but you would never know It Guar anteed. Was US? US. Now S2S9 99. You save S200.00. TRADER LOUIE. 1S70 Lana Ave. REG. IS.U lamp tables IS.S4. O Woodry. 1S03 N. Summer. PARTS for FROGIL oil heaters Mt RELIANCE oU burners. 3-5428. DINETTE sets cheaper. G. Woodry. L&H APARTMENT six range, SS0. Spinning wheel lamp, $10. XS55 Laurel. FLOOR LAMPS S1.93. G. Woodry. DE LUXE electric washer, used 1 yr. Excel, condition. Ph. 4-S188. SWING ROCKER I0. C. Woodry. BASSINET, teeter-babe, buggy, car bed. car seat, some clothing. Good condition. Ph. 3-0530. OLD PICTURES G. Woodry. AUTOMATIC WASHERS AND DRY. ERS. We take most anything In trade. This may mean NO DOWN PAYMENT. TRADER LOUIE, 1170 Lana Ave. BEER STEIN sale. G. Woodry . COMPLETE household furniture for 3-bedroom house. Phone 49273. PAINT m gal. (J. Woodry. RECAPS SS.95. 800-18 & 870-15 sizes. Nationwide guarantee. 100 cold rubber. Lytic' Tire. N. Com'l &,Plne. MAPLE ARM daveno 929.50. Trailer daveno $19.50. Glen Woodry's Bar gains. 1603 N. Summer. BETTER BUYS Glen Woodry. BATTERIES All cars. $6 95, 17.93, W.95, exchange. 12 mo. guarantee. Lytle's Tire, N. Com'l It Pine. 4-6033. BEDROOM SET. HP .50. G. Woodry. ALLEN IGNITION testing equipment. First clasi condition. Sell or trade. T RADER LOU I E. 1870 Lana Ave. BIKE 818.00. Glen Woodry. PIANOS 877.00-888.00-899. 00. Woodry, 1603 N. Summer. COW FERTILIZER Well rotted, one year old, delivered reasonable. Ph. 2-2238. BABY BED 17.50. G. Woodry. SINGER ELECT., walnut cabinet. Like new, lews forward and re verse. New machine guarantee. And free aewing 1-ssom for bal ance of contract. Singer Sewing Center, 130 N. Commercial. Open Fri. evening. WESTINGHOUSE radio-phono con sole 869 50. Woodry, 1605 N. Sum mer. tt-H.P. MOTOR 87.30. Woodry, CABLE upright piano won ferul con dition. 8250. If you are looking for something special in pianos, be sure to see thit one. Others are low as 8123. TRADER LOUIE, 1870 Lana Ave. . 0 X 12 LINOLEUM, 84.99. Glen woodry. 1605 N. Summer. NEW LITTLE GIRLS' dressei and aprons. Sizes 2-6. Ladies' aprons (cobbler style). 645 Belmont. 2-6838. GIBSON 8400 push-button super de luxe electric range, immaculate, pc. $189.50. Terms. Woory, 1605 N. Summer. BABY BUGGY, boy'a jacket size 16. cork Joot8, size 8 Phone 4-3594. 7" SKILL SAW $50.1enWoodr7. 1605 N. Summer. AUTOMATIC Ironer. good cond.. 825. T RADER LOUIE. 1 870 Lana Ave. WESTINGHOUSE Automatic Washer. A-l, $89.50. Woodry, 1605 N. Sum mer. HOSPITAL BED for sale or rint H. ,.L: Atlff F4rn" C2 .Ph.jS-B185. BEST BARGAINS in new" furniture R-2-B-found at Glen Woodry's, 1603 N. Summer. FORTIFIED PEAT mos?, onlv 95c nack. (Ideal for mulching. Valley Farm Store. Phone 4-4624. 5-PC. CHROK jTdinette S29.95TGlen Woodry11605 N. Summer. 8-PC. BLONDE D I N 1 N G RET. li ice nrw, W3. l HAUMi L,OUIE, 1870 Lana Ave. 8PCrDUNc7NHYFrdtnVg?iiit?. Very spec. $99.00. Glen Woodry's. 1605 N. Summer. Terms. FOR SALE new Mayflower forced air oil furnace. Complete fth duct work, controls, 275 gal tank. Half price $45OL00.Phone 2-4062. OIL STOVE closeout"$3,00 upornf. -Ty I03. w- Summer. CHAR1S foundation 7dles7bra7Ph 3-5918 or 3-5072 Mary E. Bales. OAK ARM CHAIRS office desk cards. $4 50. Glen Woodry'i Bar gain. TWIN BOXs"pRINGSn ' r95Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. 472 Wanted, Mlicellaneou WANT to buy. set of Welding gauges Phone 4.5229. COOD LOGS. TOP PRICE, DKI.IV ERED. INDEPENDENCE. WEST ERN LOGGING CU. PHONE SA I.EM 2-lHtia EVES. Logs Wanted j Good 2nd growth logs Prrm paid for No 2 logs 28 and lonrrr AIo 8' Hurt logt nr multipea of t plus trim " to 18" diam. I BUR K LAND LBR CO Ph. Turner 112S Eves. 2303 Turner or S-7828. Salem. 476 Ful Mlt.L WOOD. 18" l or l-cord load Phone 3-7289. West Salem Fuel Co. Tube or Push Out Sawdust Ash, Maple and Oak Wood Green, dry alao. Planer Did 152$ Edgewater Phone 2-4031 OAK WOOD lor sale. Phone l-2M$. WALNUT SHELLS for fuel, $4 per ton. Klorfeia Packing Co, 400 N. Front St. Pickup Your Presto-lop Briquets and wood at Is 8 Coral Sl ont 2-7721, WOOD - Green or dry.ndfnoet fuel, Phone 2-7751 or 4-253 Highway' Fuel Co. Clan sawduV wrvxj. green or dm tovt-Diesal oils. Piv S-8444. t.'O Mrrlianl!fte 474 mscollaBooni BEE-HtVI TRUCKS U-DRTVB -MOVE YOURSELT ' SAVE '. CA1 RENTALS STAKES - VANS TEXACO WATION 81 COURT ST. PHONE 1-1831 PAGE STEVENSON Slid AL MIOTJRD DENTAL PLATE REPAIR J-HR. SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST . Adolph Bids, Slat tt Coml. gta. SALEM PH. 3-3311 500 Bu. & Finance 510 MonT to Loan .ma. YOU NEED MONEY su. All types of personal loans. Tennf to suit. No Invasugatioa charges. AU ' dealings Strictly Confidential Home Owned, Home Operated Hollywood Finance Co. 1980 Fairgrounds Road lNtxt Door to Bank, Pre Parking Lot. CaU t-twt M3. SUM SHOPPING FOR A LOAN? PersonaJ Personal ' Offers These Benefit: "Yes" promptly to employed peo pie married, singlel Nationwide credit. Single visit loan phone first. i delect. Mail payment aaiei , LOANS UP TO $1,500 On Auto, Fur alt ura or Salary . Personal FINANCE COMPANY Phone 2-2464 Salem 10S S. High Street Stale License S-122. M-lflS I Loans over KtOO made by Personal nance Co. of Marion County under the Industrial Loan Companies Act of Oregon. . Consolidate All Bills Twenty-five years ago General Fi nance corps was organized oy aa lem business and professional men tt give you a loan service. Wo have lent millions. TRY OUR SERVICE Ysu can repsy anytime to redue costs. No endorsers or help from friends longer time to repay. Ph. first for one trip loan. Loans 823.00 to $300.00 on signature. furniture and equipment Loans to 8500.00 oa can. trucks, and trailer houses. Free customer parking at "Marlon Car Park': across (rom office. 136 S. Commercial St Lie No S13S and M33S AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. IS2 South Church Parking a-Plenty Ph. J.-24S7 Lie. No. M-50, g-lM PRIVATE money to loan. Ph. 2-079t REAL ESTATE LOANS COLONIAL INVESTMENT CO. SOBERT W. 60RMSEN. Pais. 687 Court 4-2283 600 Employment 602 Help Wanted NIGHT SCHOOL. 115 a month. Mon day and Thursday nighta, 6-9. Al ways a Job tor well-trained office workers. Merrlt Davis School of Commerce, 420 State St. Phone 2-14IS, ' WE ARE now taking application, lor Paper Routes at Carrier Divi sion. Statesman Building. Boy, must be 13 years or over and have the written consent of their par ent, If you have already applied kindly do so again THE OREGON STATESMAN 604 Heip Wanted. Male MEN interested tn a higher income, willing to work 8-hr, days, report to Oregon State Errplovment of fice. Wed. 8 to 11 and 1 to 4. For Interviews, ask for Mr. Na tighten . AnE-YOUlNARUt? Is your present Job tedious, boring, in" paying and without a future? Du you get any more pay if you work han'er than a fellow worker who does not work hard? Will you ever realize your dreams of a fine home, new car and security for yourself and family? Are you ambitious enough to take 30 minutes time this Monday or Tues day for an interview concerning a position that offers a real future and opportunity for advancement. We pay guarantee of minimum of $100 per week while in training, be ginning with third day. Work re quires a serviceable automobile, away from home four nights each week, at least 21 years of age and available for employment in the near future. Slav home If you are lazy or are only vaguely curious. For personal interview, please phone for appoint ment. Contact: Mr. Sando, Senator Hotel. Salem, Oregon on Wednes day, January 13. lt)M between 10:00 a m. and 5:00 p.m. 605 Help Wanted, Female" AVON COSMETICS has excellent earning opportunity for house wives. Hours at your convenience. For personal interview, write Irene Stewart. P. O. Box 3761, Portland. Oregon. WANTED Woman with pfeaVant voice to uw telephone from your own home. No cxperienres neces- sary. Ph. 4;8?2. 4-6 p.m, STENO'S SECRETARY'S Manv wonderful openings in Port land for immediate emplovmnt. Starting salary from $225 - $275 per mo. Call 4-3351. Commercial Plarement Agcy. for appointment. WOMAN for housework and care of children. 30 Water St. IS THERE someone who really nawj and wants to work? Honest, clean, capable. Must like children. Ref erence. Excellent salary. Ltve-tn. Write Statesman -Journal box 138. 610 Sales Persons Wanted SALES ASSOCIATE This position offers a profes sional sales career with income opportunity exceeding $10,000 an nually. We are a leading 50-vear-old insurance company writing the finest Disability Income. Hos pitalization and Life on market. Thorough training will be given. We are only Interested tn an ac tive, intelligent man who desires a permanent local connection. Choice territories available throughout Oregon Please write 5 ?,eM"- 422 Plock Block. Portland, Oregon.