- ,.- m-T a. - H Monday, Juimjy u, 1954 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Sikn. Oregon Pft 17 1 DALLAS BUILDING PROGRAM ACTIVE I Vt" Jlr iril 5 I IP .11:. " ft o II I I Planning Huge Atom Smasher WASHINGTON UB-Th. Atomic Energy Comrrustioo, Marching (or (till mora power out of th bout of th atom, plant a "amaahing machint" M timet mora powerful than any now la operation. about half a mile around, will be buut at Broouiaven national u oratory. Upton, Long Island . IU principal component will be m hna 4rrllAP miflMl Til Sfi- million-dollar installation will take about fix yean to bulla. H u designed to tpeed up tub-tlomic "bulleU" nearly to the velocity of light and .beam them at atomic mir m4 The resulting knowledge, sci entists nope, will help trap more of the nuclear energy released when an atom it smashed. Most of M now it lost Bethel lave rjiti.ii tEcQfiiiMy . V BETHEL Chsrlet Sapping- field Jr., ton of Mr. and Mn. Salem, hat been a patient for tne pan 12 weeu ai aaiem nnral hncnitnl Hit tn an In. Jury to hit foot which happen ed at the Pratum cooperative grain cievaior wncre ne was working. On Tuesday morning he underwent major surgery from which he la making a satisfactory recovery. It , It hoped he will toon be able to tee hit friends Cocker and springer ipaniels p. 1 r. o . . 1 n d In run 1 1 r 1 tu hunting dogs, especially for pheas ant, grouse ana w 00a cock. iL-v m&kXWJr ir- : itSAFEWAV ' Top U. S. Gov't Grade of foiling Beef Cut from the Mm lid f beef ur finest T-lon Steokt (uorantaed render and juicy. Whether your brait 'in ar brail 'am, you can bat they'll ba wall ractlvao at yaur dinner table! lb. w Not only relieve coughs Wm but.. v Loosest toeky klefm and tkaa VBraakMs" mining asella. VCsataiR nsnetica. No wonderso many doctors have prescribed PERTUSSIN tor coughs of colds for all the family. DALLAS Many Dallas businesses are starting the new year in new or re-modeled quarters. Top photo showt remodel ing of front of the building formerly occupied by the Polk County Federal Savings and Loan Corp., now used by the Dalles Pharmacy. Middle photo shows the new building occupied by the loan firm and Wood's Insurance sgency. Bottom photo it of tb new building being utd bj Finseth Men Wear ttor and a clinic operated by Dr. WilUam Charlev . M.D., and Dr. L. V. Casey, M.D. All Ike Can Be Sure of Is Klalljf People Angry By JAMES MARLOW , icorwr.TnM isu-All President, it view, and very unusual if one Eisenhower could be sure about today, when be handed Congress his suggestions tar changing the Taft-Hartley labor law, was that he'd make quite a few people mad f -l. kot kiwnun his oignt unsecu, - - ... ideas on changes were descnDeo as moderate, Eisenhower was cinch to displease union leaders wno wanico u la" ' ' , and those businessmen who wanted k made tougher or not changed it au. The most he could hope was that a majority of businessmen . and organiied worker would con- j i: .m fanannAblft llsU good and that Congress would feel presented his considered opinion. nevenneiess, uw nuunuun cn- tUD)eci were tairiy mua wnen com pared with those of former Presi dent Truman, unaer wdon ianw idration, when the Republicans controlled Conaress in 1M7, T-H was passed. Truman went a lot further man Eisenhower, He wanted T-H taken tum luuib. ohii-h was what Oil UTC wwnat union labor leaden wanted. But in the following yean, wnen nn Democrats ran Congress, be couldn't do anything either. During hi administration when it was clear that enough Demo crat and Republicans in Congress -.7. Were joined togemer in oppuius tMtfvmi tor uie ""- u would have fallen to the secretary of labor, Martin r. uur. stayed away. The result: Congress didn t act T-H in 1953. Later, when Durkin quit Cabinet in Septemb i became preiiy cicoi gone before the committee. The administration uiroun winter, spring and- summer naa been unable to mase up 1 on what T-H changes it thought should be maae. Durkin complained, on the day . immA that he had been wuTO White Take a Lessea Tone Temerrew cut it wouldn't And it lot noth ing. Any changes this Congress might make won 1 ena me uwpuic. Organized labor will certainly be in pitching next year for more changes. This is a quarrel wmca win pi us ably go on for yean since T-H is at the very heart of management-labor relations. Beginnera Advanced CaU Salem Mutt Co., or Ph. 2-t7M Norman STUDIO Modern1 Piano GROUND BEEF Le.. .b. 39c BEEF RIB STEAK top 0 ib. S5c BEEF ROUND STEAK Topcr.de. .b. 89c lsiRlOINTTPSTEAKTopOr.de. .b. 98c jlUNCHEON MEAT ' .b.49c FRESH OYSTERS sec n-t 59c PoLSausacje leef Liver Pork liver Sliced 39' Sliced 29 "Change of Life Made Me Scream at My Husband" wHm tin. a. w M Tan, m. r. Hmw I aaal Itmm W SuW mm imnmii fctl k' mtdm. It von are tuff erlnt from the Irrita ble feelings and hot flashes of change of life listen! In doctors' tests. Lydia Plnkham's relieved such functionally-caused distress In 83 and 10 (respectively) of the cases) Complete or striking relief I Try aalr, ttWam Nw Taalattl LTdla Plnkham's VetrUMa Compound and Tablata ara both modtrn in action But women br thousands ara chanitlnK to naw. Improved Tablets (with added Iron) because easier to carry and take. Olte ilonous relief from nervoua. "out ot eoru" feellnsa of mld-llfe "cbansa Wonderful, wo. ol TuucUonal paina ox monthly periods. Oat . bottle todayl it arte tara aywaMBeue JELL-0 DESSERTS Several Delicious Flavor Limit of JELL-VJELL DESSERTS or Pudding Variafy Limit of GERBER'S FOODS Select loby Food Strain! ar Junior CHERUB Rich In Vftamln D Ivaporafed Limit f i m i5' 5' S2.80' !S mcuce w j . mc" : j I good and that wngres. ,' orkin wi Eisenhower'i White the same way and translate them Hi(w7on tuestcd changes, into law. f;r..ur.u. ht white House ap- But he couldn't be sure before hand. And particularly he couldn t be sure that Congress, before quit ting next summer, would make any changes or. if it did. that they would be the ones he sug- 1 What Eisenhower offered today represented the end, of much stumbling around Inside the att minlatraiion and the Presidents own official family on the ques tion of amending Taft-Hartley. . u-elnnnl commit uasi year t-ouni ,h tees held weeks of hearings on the law. letting all interested parues -labor, business and others-have their say on what should or shouldn't be done. .iA. When committee is consider ing legislation on a troversial and basic Taft Hart ley, it would be usual -r n " ministration spokesman to state Till HOST H.jo.imI TRUSTIB I rnn cHiuaiii-- lircaSwafc . aaw, - - Blast. CaatalM ae " ,UM- Sought they had Whit House ap Prov.nd..Un found c they d on't, tiserui""" never broken his word to an at- between last September and now the Eisenhower people have whipped up a list of changes, prob ably fewer than Durkin wanted. FOR YOUR APPROVAL CHILDREN'S I PIECE BOl'CLeS SUITS MARGWENS Capitol Shopping Center EXPERIENCED DISPLAYMAN Give age, marital status and de tails of display experience. Personnel Department OLDS & KING Portland, Oregon Grapefruit Oranges IriiMi StdrM Mct (ilHtrwii NinU AVOCADOS Ripe 2 , 25c OHIOHS Bag ' iBB-iBr 1 . i ..r ..b.. 25e POTATOES V. 8. It lbs, Suffer Why Anv longr When oth.r.'f.U. e Lw remedies m"'15' "jSomatter K00 rears In CM"- . .- mct dlwrder, swuiwi. . lunts. vfiJli,?,,Ste.. rhaoma. f.SfbUdd fev. Sn, female cocnplslnts CHARUI CHAN Chinese Herb C Olllca Hra. t to I Tue ti at. "J 1M M. Com 1 Ptwne l-IJ" iaucm. oat- i You Are Cordially Invited to a Further Glimpse into the future The Famous Oldsmobile "STARFIRE" . I, ea DispUy (Far mtpocrlan Only-Nat far SaW) In the taletrMm at LODER BROS. Yvr Oldtmene Dealer MS C" re it? PARADE DETERGENT PARADE DETERGENT SOAP BUT soap 8;.ri IVORY FLAKES LUX FLAKES frtn White SOAP BLEACH RAISINS MJB RICE MACARONI 59c 29c j .1. Pkg. lt-ot. Pkg. "ft. 25c ll'i-os. Pkg. "mpC25c 25c Magi White Magi White Magle Seed lea "W. 25c "pk-;:23c 4,,k;:45c V4 Oal. 28C St 33c ti-o. pkg. 37c Burls ie Elbow -lb. '' nib.. 98c li-ibt. 97c $2.35 34c ib. Pkg. ll-lbt. SUGAR c... SUGAR Bee, SUGAR C... SUZANNA PANCAKE FLOUR SPERRT PANCAKE FLOUR BISQUICK FLEET MIX FLOUR SK" . flour ?rr BAKERS CHOCOLATE RlAfK PEPPER .,35c $1.19 "pE 39c 4-ot. Pkg. li-ib. 95c ii-ib. 95c 35c 43c WESSON OIL Colony X-. Pint 37c MAYDAY OIL CRISCO SHORTENING SNOWDRIFT SHORTENING 15e VARIETY CAMPBELL SOUP . 19c VARIETY CAMPBELL SOUP NuMADE MAYONNAISE MIRACLE WHIP SALAD DRESSING CHEESE Van 7,. BLOSSOM TIME COTTAGE CHEESE MARGARINE ,.. BUNNYBANK MARGARINE DALEWOOD MARGARINE Pin. 37c ,.,bs.83c Mb.. 83c ... 13c ... 17c Qu.rt 65C Quart 53C llli 69c Pint Ib. lb. lb 25c 29c 29c 22c 1 ' "T