R 0 Uo o ma Ko th bei fro en fe ert oil rif tak thi am u i hi" mi coi th fli b tm ru To: 1 Ad AU , AU An An An An An AU iBe (Bo Bu Ca Ca i Ca Cb Ci' Ice Id. 1 Jo a. M IN.! ) Par 8 -FROM- Peg in Washington Washington D. C. Jan. I. Dear Marian: With Congress back In te flon thi week, Oretjon'i delt gatioq memberi and their wive are returning to the capital. Due on Wednesday are Congressman and Mrs. Walter Korblad and son. Alban, who pent the so-called vacation in Etayton. Actually most ol t h members are kept busy at home as here and while reces ses provide little toore relaxa tion, some of the members re turned few days early to get tome rest before reporting in on the opening day. Also on Wednesday Congressman and Mrs. Homer D. Angell, of Port land, will arrive. They divided time between Portland and their beach home at Ncskowin. Congressman and Mrs. Har ris Ellsworth arrived -in Wash lngton on December 27 hav ing visited their two daughters and their families enroute from Oregon. The younger daughter, Mrs. Thomas Mc Kenna, with her husband and three children live in Santa Fe. From New Mexico the Ells worths drove northeastward to Cleveland where the elder daughter, Mrs, Donald Ditt- man, and her husband and three children live, and with whom the Ellsworths spent Christmas. Congressman and Mrs, Sam Coon returned be fore Christmas and with the Larry Smyths were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Scott and their daughter, Miss Nancy Scott. The Smyths' niece. Kiss Pstsy Jeffcolt, Portland garl in TV work in Memphis, was an additional guest. Con gressman Coon made a round-the-world trip during the fall as a member of a Congression al committee. While he was away Mrs. Coon visited in Baker and with relatives and friends in Southern California. Senator and Mrs. Guy Cor don and their son. Allen enjoy ed the Christmas holidays here, as the Senator returned just prior to Christmas from a tour of the South Pacific area and Hawaii, in hi capacity as a member of the Senate Inter ipr and Insular Affairs com mittee.. Senator and Mrs. Iia( . Vr-hntl . .. ., rOr Uti Lhapter Mrs. Louise Irving, Madras, associate wonny grand matron, conducted a school of Instruc tion on Wednesday night at Airuworth chapter. Order of Eastern Star, meeting at the Scottish Rite temple. Mrs. Xndnsr were isennao John- on, associate wortny grand I pmtron, Chadwwk chapter, Mrs. J. Edgar Reay. grand repre sentative to South Dakota; Mrs. Alice Lehmer, worthy ma tron, Naomi chapter, Dallas; I Mrs. Hazel Thompson, worthy 1 matron, Evergreen chapter, : Woodburn; Mrs. Cecelia Me. Clary, worthy matron, Gervais ' chapter. Preceding the meeting a no- i host dinner honoring Mrs. Irv- : lug was given at the Marion ! hotel. Those who attended the meeting included Mr. and Mrs. Herman Johnston, Mrs. Robert Stutzman, Mr. and Mrs. George Bixler. Mrs. J. Edgar Reay, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Coken, Mrs. J. A. Sherman, Mr. and Mrs. How- , ard Jcnks, Mrs. Frank Brown, Mrs. Esther Lcc, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Riffcy, Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Parker. Mrs. Jnhn Woods. Mrs. Bornariine Hunt, Mrs. Vcrsir , Davis. Mrs. Irene MrClary, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Huff, Mrs. f.ilhert Wynkoop, Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Whelan. Mrs. Verne Jean, Mrs. Helen Graham, Mrs. Jenny Madison. Refreshments and a program followed the school. Chair men for the evening were Mr. and Mrs. Morse Stewart, assist ed by Mrs. Marjorie lliinrs Mrs. Anna Kirkpalrick, Mrs Frances Koop and Mrs Wen dall Kamito. DR. AM) MRS. JOHN A. KIT CHKY and daughters. Kllrn Sin snd Anne, have returned to Salon: alter spending the holula unh tnnr son, I'hiUip, at et I'oml and visiting in Indiana. Amu- hj returned to the University ol Oregon In resume studies. Today's Menu Your table nf bridge iibvr will enjny this delightful soup nnoge i unrnenn Vegetable Cream Soup Supreme Lobster Salad Sandwiches Candy and Nuts Beverai, Vegetable Cream Soup Supreme Ingredients: One 10 cunc package frozen pras and car rots, 1 small onion ( chopped i 1 cup chicken stock or IhhII.ui 1 cup light crrum, i-up cook Ing sherry, salt and pepper it taste), croutons and paprika. Method: Cook peas and car rots with onion, covered, in Cup boiling lightly salted water bout IS minutes or until very tender. Force vegetables and liquid through sieve or food mill. Add stock, cream and gharry. Heat fently to sim BY ALENE (PEG) PHILLIPS Wijai L. Morse and their three daughters were in Wash, lngton for Christmas, the par enu having returned from Ore. gon on Decmeber 10th. Mis Nancy Morse, who Is studying with Martha Grahaai in New York, and Miss Judith, a sopho more at the University of Oregon, spent the holidays here, where the youngest daughter AWT, is a high school senior. On the day before New Year's, the Oregon State col lege basketball team arrived from Raleigh and spent the day in touring the national' capital. At noon they were luncheon guests at the Inter ior Department. In the absence of Secretary Douglas McKay, Larry Smyth and George Scott served as host to the group of 17, and after lunch Congress man Sam Coon escorted them around the Capitol, where they also paid a visit to Sena tor Cordon's office. The coach, "Slats" GUI, a long time friend of George Scott, who was as sociated with the college athle tic department for several years, commented on the fact that the latter's daughter. Miss Sally Scott, had spent Christ mas day with the Gill family in Corvallis where she Is a student. The coach was on the road with the team on Christ mas day. Departmental staffs members had expressed an in terest in seeing the tall lads from Oregon, including the seven foot three player, but arrival from the south was late for the interior employees who enjoyed a half-day holiday on the 31st. A last-of-the-year luncheon celebration kept me from joining in the welcome to Interior for the Oregon Staters. New Year's eve In Washing ton was replete with big and little parties and it was pleas ant to welcome in 19S4 with new-found friends in this last year in Washington. While re joicing in the cordial hospital ity of Washingtonians, I relish even more the continued ex pressions of friendship from home, especially as the second year in Washington gets under way. Sincerely, Peg imerlng: ana salt and DeoDcr. Pour into heated soup bowls lor cups; sprinkle with croutons j nd paprika. Makes 4 good servinc. Note: If you have an electric blender, you ran blend the cooked vegetables with the liquids until smooth, then heat and season. FINAL CLEARANCE .SALE . One of the largest ever held at. Famous Name Fashions The Finest of Materials Corduroy Raincoats . . . 1 Group at 12.95 Coats .... 1 Group V2 Price Dresses .... 1 Group at $10 Formals .... 1 Group at $10 Suits NO EXCHANGES NO RETURNS 260 N High St. Alumnae Entertained Mrs. William D. Galloway, Jr. and Mrs. Orville Kannier were hostesses at the borne of the for mer, Wednesday evening, for the meeting ol Alpha Xi Delta alum - nae. L. C. Merriam of the Salem Association for Retarded Chit- -1 I I - k. A - lii- ik. ,k i ik. r,, The film was from the Washing- Inn Hat. R.novalent Leuue IoIJUc", Retarded Children. At the business meeting, Mrs. Clyde Charters wss elected rec ording secretary to replace Mrs. Rollin Lewis, who resigned from the position. Attending the meeting were Mrs. A. C. Newell, Mrs. Lloyd E. Darliag, Mrs. E. R. Derflinger, Mrs. John H. Hann. Mrs. Wil liam E. Healy. Mrs. Benjamin J. Kerns, Miss Marion Joseph, Miss Verna Keppinger. Mrs. M. E. Knickerbocker, Mrs. Myron Po- gue, Mrs. Glenn Stevens, Mrs. Charters, and the two hostesses. The group is planning to en tertain for province officers in Marco. AMONG those participating in a panel discussion on free lance writing at the meeting of Port bnd Alumnae chapter of Theta Sigma Phi, journalism honorary for Women, in Portland, Wednes day evening, was Miss Vinita Howard of Salem. The meeting wss at the home of Miss Rebecca Tarshis. Others on the panel were State Representative Mau rine Neuberger, Dale Caldwell, both on general free lance work and Mary Jane Waldo, fiction writer. All are members of the Portland alumnae group. At tending from here were Miss Howard, Mrs. Thomas Bruheck, Miss Margaret Maeee and Mrs. Robert M. Fischer, Jr. Miss How ard is president of the Salem club of Theta Sigma Phi. Wed in Japan Sheridan Norman Arthur Wol fer, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Arthur G. Wolfer, formerly of Sheridan, was married to Miss Asano Fuse, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Takichi Fuse of Yamagata City, Japan. The wedding was at the post chapel at Camp Craw ford, Japan, Chaplain Charles. Ni chols, U.S. Army, officiating. Sgt. Wolfer resided in Sheridan. He served in the army during World War II, and is currently stationed at Camp Crawford. Sgt. and Mrs. Wolfer arc resid ing in the Japanese community in Sappore, adjacent to the mill' tary reservation " " SILVERTON Two circles of the Woman's Sneietv ol Christian service ot tne Metnoaist cnurcn, meeting Wednesday afternoon, were the Sara Adams circle at the home of Mrs. W. E. Toncy, and the Martha circle with Mrs. Albert Grinde as home hostess. er 1 (Cdtier Foster THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salem. Oregon t Capital Edited by MARIAN c; Uri'Wt Cub Pl'em Tfmen y iUD Meets Dunnj week Salem Writers club met at the home of Mrs. E. M. White in Four Corners for the regular meeting Tuesday evening, with assisting host Members attending included Mrs. N. F. Anderson, Mrs. Kooen Hutcheon. Perry Kiegleman, Mrs. N. M. Singleton, Mrs. Albert Girod, Mrs. C. E. Lsyton. Miss Rentka Swart. Mrs. John F. Mc Nallie, Mrs. Lloyd Smith, Mrs. Charles H. Jones, and the host snd hostess. Guests were Mrs. Ralph Bordrow and Mr. and Mrs. R. E- Si pes. Several members desiring help with their work read original short stories for discussion bv the group, it. E. Sines read two poems, im mortal Land" snd "One World One Goal," which will appear in his book. A revision ol tne consmuuun was presented by Mrs. Robert Hutcheon. Further discussion on the revisions will take place at a special meeting to be called soon by the president, Mrs. Lloyd Smith. Following the meeting, refresh ments were served by the hostess Mrs. E. M. White and the host. Joseph Singer. The rebruary meeting will be si tne nome ui Mrs. John F. McNallie of Jeffer son. HONORING MRS. Ronald Jones, Jr., Mrs. Ernest H. Miller entertained this afternoon at a luncheon and bridge party, the group feting the honor guest with a shower. In the group were Mrs. Jones, her mother, Mrs. J. L. Harris, visitor from Tacoma; Mr. Jones' mother, Mrs. Ronald E. Jones, Sr., Mrs. Brazier C. Small, Mrs Newbury Close, Mrs. Harland Brock, Mrs. Harold Schick, Jr., Mrs. Daniel Fry, Jr., and the hostess. LEAVING Friday morning for California are Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Young (Marjorie MacGregor). They go to May wood. Mr. Young to enter the Air Force. He received his second lieutenant rank n p 0 n graduation at Oregon State col lege last June. FOUR NEW members were in itiated into Oregon Grape camp, Royal Neighbors of America, on Wednesday night at the Veterans ! of Foreign Wars hall. The new members are airs. ! Walter Van Osdol. Mrs Everett I van waui.i, mi a. u, and Mrs. Homer J. Lyons. HOSTESS to her bridge club Wednesday afternoon was Mrs. Roy L. Houck, the group meeting for dessert and cards. A Group at $25 NO REFUNDS NO IAYAWAVS Phone 3-7741 Women LOWRY FISCHER Birthday Party Diane Arm priest, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James C. Ann priest, is to be honored at a birthday party Friday afternoon at her home. Diane will be four years old on Sunday. Feting the little girl at the Friday event will be, Bobby Kravel, Alan Wilson, Sara Sherman, Kim Owen, Ricky Van W'yngarden, Bruce Williams and David Armpriest, young brother of the honoree. Recifal Sunday Voice and piano students of Genevieve Cameron Parcher are to appear in program on Sunday at 3 p.m. at the Stone Piano company. Friends are invited. Charlotte Shriver is to be ac companist. Taking part in the program will be Dicky Horner, nicnara itonae, norma Wiley, De loria Shriver, Maureen Horner, Doris StrinKham, Roberta String ham, Mrs. Wiilam Shriver, Janice Bishop, Marda Miller, Arija Lie tuvietis, Patricia Collins,, Delia Willis, Carolyn Bishop, Mrs. Richard Rogers, Bud . Uregson, D. B. DuRette. HOME from a trio, to Palm Springs and Los Angeles are Mr. and Mrs. Elmer 0. Bere and son. Jerry. Salem, Oregon Store Hours, 9:30 to 5:30 P.M. Friday Till 9 P.M. : W 1 U" j T "" yy"-. Penney's Penne1 UNIFORM TIME i Easy to Launder Crinkle Nvlon Uniforms T90 Whiz-fo-lounder, quick- dry uniforms you'll let ' hang dry, then put on without ironing . . . stock up on these, now, ot Pen ; ney's' White and colors, V sues 10-20, 38-44. Downstairs Store I TI 7?.71 Wedding Recently Mr. and Mrs. Arthur R .Dickey (Nancy Jane Smith) were married recently. The bride is the daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold G. Smith and Mr. Dickey is the son of Sophia Pearl Wesner of Chico, Calif. (McEwan studio picture) Eenney QUALITY is i your greatest'Saving Easy Care Cotlon Plisse Uniforms 1 i' .93 They launder breezily, need little ironing! Styled with ac tion back, zipper or button styles. White, in sizes for misses, women's holf-sizes. Downstairs Store I lliln 1 i .IJUPWWS'J AT PEWWIY'S! A Little or No Ironing Needed Zipper Front Nylon Uniforms .90 Easy to lounder, quick drying uniforms that need little or no ironing. . . . Full length zipper. You'll want several ot this . money saving price. I White in misses ond o I men's sizes. Downstairs Store IMMS,SS'B! esisiitfvtsx 1 m 1 VA Thursday, January 7. 1951 Party for Bride-Elect Miss Othelene.Lee. who is to be married this month to William Colvard, la being honored at sev eral affairs prec ceding her mar riage. Mrs. George A. Rboten and Mrs. Wallace Carson are to en tertain at the Rboten home on Friday evening at a dessert sup per and party for the bride elect, guests to Include longtime friends of the honor guest . HOME from a holiday time trip to southern California are Mr. and Mrs. Silas Gaiser and daugh ter, Mrs. Bruce MacDonald. Tbey spent Christmas with the Gait ers' son-in-law and daughter, Mr, and ' Mrs. Richard afaxfield, in Monterey Park. Mrs. MacDonald joined Mr. MacDonald for New Year's at Monterey. He is sta tioned with the army at Fort Ord. . All-Day Meeting Silverton Mrs. Floyd Staiger is to be hostess to the memberi of the Abiqua Lsdies Social club, Tuesday, January 12, in an all-day meeting. A no-host noon lunch eon will be served by Mrs. Staiger and the assisting hostess, Mrs. Loren Dunagan. New officers, of whom Mrs. Neil Verbeck is president, will be in charge of the business and program hour. Real Penney Value! Cottor Poplin Uniforms Sturdy Sanforized pop ins styled to look cris' one) fresh ... to laundt and iron wonderfully! Df tachoble buttons, thai sleeves, set-in belts. Not Penney's has white onl 10-20, 38-44. Shrinkage won't exceed 1 Downstairs Store