THE CAPITAL JUL HIV AL, Salem, OrtKM Blue Cheese for This Steak Dish rOOD SECTION Pk I One of the cleverest disrov rie of food srience ! that you can tenderize the stubborn " cuts of ateak with a salt de rived from a tropical melon. And what a boon to budgets papaya aalt has proved! Gourmet Steak i (Topped with blue cheeae) I Makei 6 servings 1 chuck or blade ateak (cut 1. 1 4 or 1 inches thick) , Meat-tenderizing salt , S ounces (about 4 table- .' spoons) blue cheese 1. Sprinkle steak lightly and evenly on both sides with mcat-tenderizing salt; prick completely through in several placea with 2-tine fork; cover with waxed paper; let stand at room temperature, allowing t hour for each 4 -inch thick ness. Time accurately. 2. Make shallow diagonal cuts 1 Inch apart on both sides of steak; stuff one side with half the blue cheese; place, ' cheese side up, on broiler rack In heated broiler oven. J. Broil with top of meat S inches from unit or tip of flame for half the time called for in broiling timetable for thickness of meat and doneness desired, turn; broil for remain ing time. 4. Remove steak from broil er oven; quickly fill diagonal, cuts in top side with remaining blue cheese; place on heated serving platter; serve at once. Nourishing Dish i For the Busy Days This recipe will serve six and prove very satisfactory. In fact, i it has everything except the ! salad, some fruit and a bever-! age. You're almost certain to have one or more of these com-: binations on the pantry shelf. ' Put them together any time; Dane later. Supper Special 1 can chopped ham, hambur ger, frankfurters, sausage or pork loaf Z No. 303 cans whole kernel corn, hominy, or mixed vegetables hi cup water 1 10 ounce can cream of chicken, celery, mushroom or tomato soup 1 teaspoon Worchestershire sauce V4 teaspoon mustard cup shredded cheese Spread vegetables in 2-quart shallow casserole or table skil let. Cover with canned meat cut into serving portions. Combine water, soup and seasonings. Pour over meat.' Top with cheese. Bake In moderate oven. 37S degrees, 30 to 40 minutes, berve hui. Pancake Note Next time your are treating your family to those All-Amer-Irm favorites oancakes and syrup, try this delicious vari-1 ation. Just heat the syrup, add some butter and a little sherry, and you'll have something specially good to serve over the pancakes. The meal can be prepared in Jig time, of course, when pancake ready mix is used. The ayrup, too, takes Just minutes to fix in this easy way: Sherried Pancake Syrup 1 cup maple blended syrup 3 tablespoons butter or mar garine Vt cup sherry Put syrup in a small sauce pan; add butter and sherry. Stir over low heat until but ter melts. Serve warm with pancakes. Chops in Gravy The rich brown beef gravy that comes In cans is a heaven ly sauce to use in cooking pork chops with stulfing. Start With 4 chops (about 1 pound). For stuffing, mix 2 cups bread cubes with 2 tablespoons mine ed onion, li teaspoon poultry seasoning, 2 tablespoons malt-, ed butter and 2 tablespoons wa ter. Brown chops on both sides in a skillet; also brown some ' wedges of apple around the chops. Then heap about 'j cup stuffing on top each chop; tuck apple wedges around stuffing. Pour on 1 can ( m cups ) beef gravy and cover pan. Simmer about It hour or until chops are cooked through. This is a com plete dinner with buttered broccoli or green beans. Sweet Potatoe Pie Handsome to look at. Delic ious to eat. Cook medium swpet potatoes in boiling salted water until tender. Peel and mash. Add 2 tablespoons but ter. Season with salt and pep per. Add '. to H cup milk that has bcei scalded, gradual . ly and beat Ljtil potatoes are smooth and fluffy. Amount of milk depends on potatoes. Pile in baking dish. Season l' cups whipped cream with dash of salt; spread over potatoes. Sprinkle with brown sugar. Bake In 37S degrer oven 20-25 mlnutos. Six servlnss. Prune Correction An attractive c J r. faction tpat's always popular with children and grownups alike is made this way: Pit steamed prunes and fill each with a walnut half. Dip the prunes In and out of hot honey. Let stand on waxed paper about 1.1 minutes. Then roll in gran ulated sugar. iv 11 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 y . a for for $' for $' for gfHgm tosh up; CAMPBELL SOUPS Is? VAN CAMP'S . n tm PORK AND BEANS 01 FRANCO-AMERICAN Spaghetti 8$1 CAMPBELL'S SOUPS ss- Da MONTE CREAM STY CORN CAPTAIN HORSE HEAT IGA CREAM STYLE ' CORN IGA 4 SIEVE SWEET PEAS IGA WHOLE SEGMENTS GRAPEFRUIT IGA CATSUP SNOWS MINCED CLAMS Each 27c SNOW'S CLAM Clara Chowder QUALITY HALL ' ' , . m .. tm SALADETTES 4 1 DEL MONTE ' 1 FRUIT COCKTAIL 4 $1 IGA Solid Pack TUNAS Moot Each 27c lor I IGA SOLID PACKED" .,, TOMATOES 4 $1 IGA CRUSHED . PINEAPPLE 4 Cans "M I IGA PINEAPPLE JUICE E.rh r4 $1 IGA GRAPEFRUIT JUICE Esch I7c4 Cans $1 I TOMATO JUICE 4 $i IGA BARTLETT HALVES PEARS 4 $1 etj.. 8 n$ X rV W Cans I V riMnnFIKP CL ' ' I ' . - . I ipmvbuijs ropniar Brands . TOMATO B) ?, $0AP ' ; ' nAininrn I ewr 2 I rVJVUUEH lis' - Dnz I,nx nakes " Ivory I 6 ft V Flakes Rinso, Elc. No, 303 W I m00- aTSaafm V ' ' y Sv limit At This Vc?y . L ''..' f No. 3M Si I 1 . f IGA Stores p"""! . I w cans n i j - Reserve we msni -jj . . i It . " 1 1 To Limit Quantities f L 6 Nc.iM 1 I SUNSHINE EUSPY " I I GERRER'S ' ' ' I 6 CRME1C BABY 1200 v I I HYDRUX COOKIES A7 37 ' v. ' PWCM mXCTnraDAY' 8ATURDAY Am SUNDAY JANUARY I. I AND 10 , YSwn ' ' " boy a -': - ( I L 'O I ; w ' tir IGA RIPE AND RAGGED A PEACHES Zach 35c Cans I IGA ORANGE A JUICE Each35c 01 Each l& 3Sc SWANSON BONED CHICKEN OR TURKEY S-ot. Cant 00 IGA HOMOGINIZED EYAP. MILK (o) (o) TaR Cant SLICED BACON jr'p'Jr nnniP nnnCT Cenler Cut Shoulder Well Trimmed DnDTF CTPHIfC Lean, Mealy, Tender rUUll Baf Jl UXlAlBsf Blade Cuts 1.69c x 59c Redmond, Oregon Netted Gem i f U.S. No. I Grad Potatoes io Labish Medium OHIOHS'Z., 25c Arizona GRAPEFRUIT L 45c AVOCADOS Each 10 V moztir foo o-s J Lr:,h"n Cut Corn UttANUb JUltb or 10 os. pkg. 6 oz. Pkg. each IT 6 m $1 Fresh Baked CINNAMON BOLLS Pka. 23c1 Shop at those Independently owned and eporatod IGA Stores VISTA EMERY'S IGA FOODUNER Wallace Rd. at 7th Wool Salem STATE ST. MARKET 1230 Stat SL MARKET 3045 S. Commercial ORCUTT'S MARKET 4200 N. RWor Rd. PUSS 'N BOOTS CAT FOOD 12 - I00 PR3S1