Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, January 07, 1954, Page 13, Image 13

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Thursday, January 7, 1954
Point Lead
For Vikings
B-lem high travels to Portland
Fr'i-y for a return clash with
th Roosevelt Teddies. The VI
kings, coached by Harold Hauk,
will be alter win number five
after they dropped Tuesday's
g-mt to the strong Milwaukee
ilustangs 7543 for their first loss
ot the season.
Earlier in the season the Vi
kings edged the Portland club 50
46 at Salem high and then Sa
lem went on to win three
straight Roosevelt was beaten
by 20 points when they played j
The Teddies are paced by their
driving guard Rich Curtis and
forward Dave Wanaka. The other
probable starters for Roosevelt
are Charles Geldaker at center,
Bill Witala at guard, and Dennis
Rodin at forward.
Wulf Leads Statistics
Salem's starting line-up will
prooaoiy oe Jim Knapp and Gor-
dy DomogaHa at guards. Bob
Wulf at center and Tom Pickens
and Larry Springer at the for
wards, wuit nil jumped into the
lead in Salem individual scoring
as the 5-4 junior has 23 field
goals and 17 free throws for 63
points. He took only 43 shots
irom the floor to give hum a field
goal average .335.
Jim Knapp is close behind
Wulf with 23 field goals and 11
free throws for 57 points while
Tom Pickens has 54 to take third
spot In all the Vikings have
tr.ken 338 shots and made 119
for a .352 average. They have
scored 324 points to their opposi
tions 296.
The junior varsity ' game
matches Lee Gustafson's unbeat
en Salem high JV's and the
Roosevelt Junior varsity. Salem
will be after its sixth straight win
and they have run up 287 points
to their opposition's 181. Don
Zeh leads them in scoring with
40 points while Bob Tom has 35
and Msrv Rhine has 34.
Varsity Scoring:
Bob Wulf, c 63
Jim Knapp, g 87
Tom Pickens, f 54
Gordy Domogalla, j 42
Larry Springer, f 33
Phil Burkland, f 21
Herb Triplett, g 20
Wayne Ericksen, f 19
Jim Whitmire, c-f 9
Neal ScheideL g ... 6
Marv Rhine, g 0
Church League
Leader Beaten
In Night's Play
One of three undefeated church
basketball league teams who
played last night fell by the way
side as Knight Memorial won
trom First Congregational in the
Junior "B" league.
Remaining unbeaten were First
Christian in the Senior league
ind Calvary Baptist in the Jun
ior "B".
Results lsst night:
Senior First Christian 59,
Knight Memorial 36; Grace Lu
theran 51, First Presbyterian 49.
, Intermediate "A" Calvary
Baptist 37, Jason Lee 31; St
Mark Lutheran 38, First Baptist
Intermediate "B" West St
ir m Baptist 40, Englewood EUB
19; Nazarene 42, Keizer Com
nunity 29.
Junior "A" St Mark Luther
in 43, First Christian 13.
Junior "B" Calvary Baptist
18, Englewood EUB 16; Knight
liemorial 39,First Congregation
tl 15.
Sames Tonight
Senior league 8 p. m.. Par
ish gym, Free Methodist vs. Cal
'ary Baptist; 9 p. m., Parrish,
fazarene vs. First EUB.
Intermediate "A" 8 p. m.,
lirls gym, First Christian vs.
rirtPresbyterian; 9 p. m., Boys
&m, St Paul Episcopal vs. St
lark Lutheran.
Intermediate "B" 7 p. m.,
Iritish, Nazarene vs. First Con
regational; 9 p. m., Girls gym,
Icizer Community vs. Nazarene.
Junior "A" 7 p. m.. Boys
m. First Baptist vs. Englewood
X'B; 8 p. m , Boys gym, Naur
ne vs. Deaf School.
Junior "B" 7 p. m.. Girls
ym, Deaf School vs. First Metb-
SYRACUSE (VP) The 31st
nnual NCAA swimming cham-
lonships wiu be neid in the new
yracuse university pool March
S-Z7. Titles wiu De decided on
ch of the three nights of com
etition. Qualifying heats are
iheduled for the mornings and
H1VA. 3Ka PiajCUV ...VDU'Ht W COMWiSmON . , i J- ONtMTHEV 6XJRN Alp UP... CAN'T J
Offici rtamy vj nA
If v V
1 Referees lo Handle
Tag Match ot Gorkys
Vs. Engstrom, Dusette
After last Tuesday's wrestling
mayhem at the Salem Armory,
Matchmaker Elton Owen has de
cided to use two referees when
the Gorky brothers return, this
time to meet Carl Engstrom and
his buddy for the e v e n i n g,
George Dusette.
The rushin' Russians, claim
ants to the national tag team
championship, were winners over
Engstrom and David Jones by
means of Soldat's hard head. Bro
ther Ivan, who can be distin
guished from Suldat because
Ivan has more hair, threw Jons
across the ring and Jons collid-jln
ed headon with Soldat All Ivan
had to do was drop on the Eng-
lishman to pin him for the third I
fall. I
Remainder of the card will be
announced later by Owen.
Capital Alleys
Casltel Mejee LeatM
Brennan Tree Bervle III Tom Bren
iu 117. IT Cler MS, Vln Oretorr tIS.
n.n w.idea til. cbet Boyce 737. Kerre
Old Ween (II Welt Cllm 701. Lirry
Oeluna MO. red BUrr ea, Don Foulln
71. Pinky Hartwell Wl.
CKrltnctr Cirrler Co. (SI Otrw Brsncht
U3. ROT HrltJ tlO, Boo W1U 1SS,
Dttn Hradtiun 1J. John Olodt no.
Silam SUl Lodll 101 Sld MeNlU SM.
Fiord Ktnion ITS. John Mwn ,
Vim McMullen 173, Bob Ltninolf 1U.
Otrdncf Orootrv (41 Tonr Pnidcnto
111. Wftlt Oftrdntr ISO. Bob Rtiq 100,
Klllh BUM 131. Dick rhlDM 1H. Tbo
Uiadowi Rtiuurtal 111 John Nuber
tn. Ton? Vlttont III Lrlo Andenoa
111, Kd Loiu 111, rronk Eiui 111.
Mlrthlll't Fou Corners (3 John
Doerner 103. Bob Reeves MS. Jim Rom
III, Kea Nclion S14. Roy OnnQ 151.
Uirlon Cor PorU (21 Dick MorrU lit,
Hotoj Pott Tot, John Zroni U3, Tony
Bltler S70. Duono Cuihmtn 111.
Hub Teun Otme Brennon Tret Btrv-
let. no. (Nov him ncord lor IhU
leinti. (10S4 Krttch
Hiah Team Berlea Brennan Tree Sere.
Ice, 4111. (New aeaaon record lor this
Hlsh Individual Game Tom BriBBlB
t Brenuan Tree Bervlcl, 31h7.
Htab Individual Berlea Larry oerood
01 narr a rive uiu hiuii, anv.
Other 100 Berlei Tom Brennaa 01
Brennan Tree Bevlc. 137. John Nuber
oi The Sleadowa Roataurant. Ml.
University Alleys
TJalvanHy BUta Haaaa UifM Na. 1
Ta CommUilon 111 Hanaeo 111, Bow
en 431. Jarrett 353. Bterett ISO. Joha
aon 411. Veterana Atfatra (3l klorlaky
411. Reed 311, Oaarenatrom 431, Blilo.
411. HlUerlch 411.
Chapter 31 (3) ahultia IS1. Harty
111, Jamee 411. Oannon 411. Reaaon
431. Unemployment 111 Caae 433. Aaron
453. Luke 313. Youni 501. Ruiaell 531.
Olllce Xncuearl 111 Basra 43U klalt.
ion 431. Burton 431, Scott B33. Taunt
410. Htthway Bhopi (31 Hlatt 431, Seal
301. Ueola 413. Darli 434, MUler 411.
Poreitrr Uanaiement (II Ladd 4M.
Hanneman 141. CampbeU lit Morrlaoa
U3. RaUlff 4U. PUC Motor! (31 R toe
lend log. Bntllah 411. Rollla 44S. straw
KM. Mellert 111.
Trallle Knrineeri (0) Sehroader 411.
TaUa 415. Wood 111. Peteraon 4M.
Blenaley 433. Hlthwey Markera III uu
tla 453. Taylor 341. Haraersrr 111. Tan.
aelll 534. Una 314.
SI AC 111 SrtiiaarS Ml, Kins 415. Me.
Xlwaln 43a. Oallaaher 415. Ouitafion
414. Brldee Bncineere (11 Predrlekeon
431. Munaon 453. Barter 3IL Merchant
111. Roako M0.
Hlin team aamt Rlthway Marker! IIS.
Sertea Hlfhwar Markera SIM.
to Flay oosevelft Friday
m .
Record Caribou
19, poses with what is believed to be a new record kill of
caribou. This one, shot in the Yukon at 240 yards with his
.300 Magum rifle, was the largest In a bunch of 11 bulls. Bond
will enter the Boone at Crockett dob trophy competition and
present it to the Yukon Historical museum at Whitehorse.
Halbrook Leads Regional
Scoring on 237 Points
Associated Press Sports Writer
. Hardly anybody can be surprised
this week to look up way up
end see the nation's tallest basket
ball player also measuring highest
the Northwest collegiate scor
ing race.
This, of course, will be Wade
(Swede) Halbrook of Oregon State
all 7 feet 3 inches and 137
points of him. Scoring totals for
'the Northwest through Saturday
Hlch Indlvlduil lomi Rlnilind 333.
SertM Lens IM.
Meas Cllr leowt RaoaS Id
Wlllometu Art Tilt 111 BmU Beholt
SM, kill Joeober 3H. Xi Both 1. B1U
Hobfr 111, Anile Merer III. sun rudld
Aj TV (II Dls Dein III. Ed Hensel 431,
Bill Harold 341, Keith 43S. Bri
Dyert Inturancs III sua BKnori
Hexlnt Ft re 451. U. Pollnekl 4SS, AI
Pennr 451. Bre 303. Dr. rtpptr (01 Bd
Ler-per 153. Welly Howell SIS, Al Blthop
317. Jim Uerrlman 394. Bro 411.
Quality uied can (l) am -.-ampoeii
111. B. flnelaro-ro 4U. tra Short 411.
Fraanrli Miller 3IS. Prank analirori
III Ti Nearmaaa (II Herb ltllaiM 433.
Ted Howe 313, Roy Haiia MS, Rocky
Rubier 405. Id Dana 3M.
maen riorlak (II Bill WhlU 311, Paul
Barker 401. Camel Waldlng 311, Rob
Jumllnf 411. Tom wood SO). DaeU
Oil Co. (3) OM.B Blantaa 133, Job Adama
333, Jerry DaTla 431, Id Oauhundro
413. Harre Beharf 400.
woodrollea aaa Bho (1) Duabo Prank
S41. Bob Kaulba 310. Ton riantr i,
Den Srnwarta til. Want Prank 370.
Moden Woodmea zni. (31 Howard Bttltb
S34. Carol Clppa 434. Irte Dolll 33a,
1 Th,i,de 3H. Pred Haaae 110.
I H:h team Uriel Si lama Willamette
. .,
j ,. 0:e Blan-
,n..,. nl. , ... a, ....
Commercial Learaa Raaad IS
Blue Lake Packera I3i Otto Rain Boll
330, Andy Anderaon 411, Troy Crabtree
111. M. Bla&krnshlp 341. Al Bella 111.
Mleka Slen Shop tl) Herb rtelnaat 443,
Chuck Kelnait 331. Andy Ooldaby 443,
Bd Dayia 433. Tom Wood 3H.
Lane Tavern 131 Dla Deaa 431. Jin
McrrUm 315. BUI Hober 403. Bin Purser
311. BmU BchuU 533.
Irlckion Market- (II Tim Barry 340.
Oarr Tlppeta 311. Pred Montcomarr
31S. Mel Menaat 401. KM Melton 191.
Ramaiea in Id tLapplr 4U, Xarl
Remple 313. Walter Rowall 113, Harold
Brenden 3M. Earl Lambert 311.
Portland Road Richfield station (3)
Jack Burner 411, Klmer Relmert 433. Bob
Knuth 30. Jerry Alderman ill. Reeks
Hubler 317.
Ohmart a Calebs (I) Bob Ohmart
111, Ralph Maddy 331. Henry Torrent
154. Rudy Calabe SIS, Ted Momaoi MS.
Rooebauih Parnaca Campaay (SI Roy
Oreenwood 311. Ted Saeh 111. Rot
Ruiiell 111. Prod Johnaoa Sla, HaroM
Bteveni 431.
B at R Wholesale (II Al Hakanaon 311,
Dick Arnold Ha, Alien Arnold 133. Harold
Pack 117. Harold Johnaon 411. OMC
Truck Balea in a van Blarteon 353,
R. OlUenwater 311, D. Sermon SIS. a.
McWain 344. D. R. Sermon M
Tub team aerlea Lena Tavern Soil.
Rlth teem tamo Ram ilea 140. Huh
Individual aerlea Emu Bchoal ITS. Huh
Individual leaaa Bd Lepptr SIS.
Bond, wht will show Us color
movies in Salem. Jam. II and
showed Halbrook with a comfor
table bulge eo Leon Keefe of South
ern Oregon College, whose IK
counters in 11 games puts him in
second spot lor the week.
Halbrook is somewhat oft the
pace set last year by little Johnny
O'Brien ot Seattle University.
whose 1 'fere high for the year
in tne area, wade a average la
23.7, while Johnny'a waa M S.
Third place In the scoring scram
ble goes to a Seattle U. player.
tall Joe Pehanlck, who caged 211
points In 10 games. Gonsaga's Jer
ry Vermillion runs louru witn lta.
but he got them in only eight
games and his average is one point
etter than Halbrook's.
Twenty players have scored 120
or more points this early in the
season, none of them needing more
than 13 games. All players in the
top ten have made 160 or more,
and eight schools are represented
in the leading ten, Seattle U. and
Oregon landing two spots each.
The scoring leaders through Jan.
10 81 75 237
11 75 66 216
10 SI 49 211
I 67 64 198
13 60 188
- 10 69 46 186
Halbrook, QSC
Keefe, So.Ore.
Pehanick. SU
Vermillion, Gon.
Trutanich, Port;
Bnennink, WSC
Glowaski, SU
Wegner, Ore.
Halberg. Ore.
Edwards. EWCB
10 72 36 180
11 61 68 160
11 59 40 156
t 56 40 152
Others with 120 or more: rar-
sons. Washington, 146; Marshall,
Portland. 146: Holland, Oregon,
136: Hubert, Pacific, 135; Ander-
Oregon, 131; Grove, Oregon
College of Education, 139; Moyles,
Puget Sound. 128; Agee. Pacific,
127: Reed. Willamette, 126: r ranti,
Oregon College of Education, 123.
Rites Conducted
For Gus Dorais
DETROIT (ft A multitude of
his friends saw the beloved Gus
Dorais to his rest Wednesday.
Mourners filled Gesu Church for
funeral services for the former
University of Detroit and Detroit
Lions football coach who with
Knute Rockne created the forward
pass as it is known today.
Dorais, for years one of the na
tion's most prominent coaches,
died at 62 Sunday. He was then
long retired as a coach.
Six high school coaches who
played for Dorais in his 17-year
span at u ot D carried his casket.
There was a solema requiem high
mail. Internment was at Holy
Sepulchre Cemetery.
By Ham Fisher
Stanford, Calif. (UP) -Oleg
Suzdaleff, co-captain of the Stan
ford basketball team, suffered
a torn ligament In the right knee
in practice and Trainer Connie
Jarvis said today he would be
out oi action for at least two
fiamatar af rfca ISSf IwltVa yaavi-ei
1 1
" "' ' 1 Tl ITT r mini II la I al n mm mm. i j.mi .. ' n a
1 y-i-i "U,i
: 'fteliT? "
atWata SI rfcll IraMlas aaw Sarat SJyrre
The instant you see these 1954 Buicks,
you'll know that something sensational
has happened in automobile styling.
Here is vastly more than the usual model
changeover. Here is vastly more than could
be done just by warming over what Buick
had before. Here is something accomplished
by going far beyond artful face-lifting.
Here is that rarity of raritics-a completely
new line of automobiles.
But Buick didn't stop with the bolder,
fresher, swifter-lined beauty you see in
raised and lengthened fender sweep in the
huge and back-swept expanse of windshield
in the lowered roofline in the host more
glamor features of exterior modernity.
They upped all horsepowers to the highest
in Buick history.
They engineered a new V8 for the Special
and in the process came up with new
Powerellead Pistons that boost gasoline
mileage in every engine.
388 N. Commercial St.
Vandals Bottle Up Ducks,
60- 53; Play OSC Next
W L Pet.
Idaho 11 joo
Oregon 1 1
Oregon state I 0
Washington 0 0
Washington State 0
Wednesday's Retail
Idaho to, Oregon U
The Schedule
Friday and Saturday Idaho
Oregon State. Washington
Washington State.
EUGENE, Ore. ID Idaho put
the stopper on Oregon's fast break
Wednesday night, subduing the
Webfoota (0-U to gain a split in
their inaugural Northern Division,
Pacific Coast Conference, aaaktt
ball aeries.
The Vandals, whipped 1141 in
ln opening game Tuesday night,
successfully bottled the Oregon at
tack and with Harlan Melton and
Bob Garrison leading the way
launched one of their own.
Melton and Garrison, connect
ing held Oregon's Ed Ralberg,
who dropped in 25 points Tues
day night to 12. Hail Anderson
got only 9. half his total of the
previous night
Idaho went out in front early
and at one time held an (-point
edge. But the Ducks closed in and
the game was tied times and the
lead changed hands It times.
Tommy Flynn's one-hander with
six minutes to go gave the Van
dals i 50-48 lead and Oregon never
caught up.
Idaho travels from here to Cor
vallis Thursday to play Oregon
State, the nation's No. 10 team,
In a two-game aeries starting Fri
Oregon State College, Corvallis
Oregon State launches another
northern division basketball cam
paign here Friday and Saturday
nights, meeting up with Idaho'a
darkhorse Vandals in an import
ant series.
at Portland
Game time ir I o'clock tx' s
wg nt Tne OSC freshmen take oa
Everybody's Drug of Eugene, de-
inaing state aau champion. In
e-uu Hcunuuu7 at P-eTJ.
and go against Clark junior col
lege of Vancouver in the Satur
day prelim at the tarn time.
aMk CI.,, -m i. J
along with the asm starting
lineup that posted seven vic
tories in 10 preseason tries. That
Includes Tony Vlaitelica and Tex
Whiteman, forwards: Swede Hal
brook, center; and Bill Toole and
Johnny Jarboe, guards. This is
the quint that rocked the cage
world by beating national champ
ion Indiana, 67-51, two weeks ago.
Probable starters for Chuck
Finley'a tall Vandals are Harlan
Melton and Bob Falash, for
wards; Dwight Morrison, center;
&ud Bob Garrison and Tommy
Flynn. guards. Idaho's pre-season
record was better than OSC'a, but
the Vandals did not face as stiff
Plenty of food seats an await
able both nights.
.. . . 'a p' tp i s it m tp
Melton.l S S 1 IS Werner,! 3 IS I
rinnj S S 0 S Hlbrni 4 SIS
Morlin.e I t 111 Andan.e lass
Gariin.1 7 1 8 IB Paia.i 0 0 0 0
un.a v a a- a
Tr. on J till
Holntf.s 4 I 410
StouU 7 0 114
Bell.t (010
Hawau III!
Monan.! 0 0 t S
s.mer.f t I 1 i
Pulton e 1 S a A
LJbdi.o e a a e
KeuM a o a e
Bacher.g 1111
Total iv SO li 49
Total SO 13 14 S3
. is is so eo
3ron 1 it is iajj
, Milled free throws: Idaho Melton
I. flynn 1, Mormon S, Falaah. Kelttt,
Bauacher f; Oreon Wejner S. An
derson 4, Holland, Stout 4. Bell I.
Official!: Al Llfktaer and BUI
' Technical foul, .
igan State boxlna coach Genrw
Makris has developed five Spar
tan NCAA champions who have
won a total of seven individual
the beautiful buy
They brought to market a sparkling new
comer with a famous name, the Buick
Century a car with phenomenal horse
power for its weight and price a car with
more pure thrill per dollar than any Buick
ever built
And they did all this without change of the
price structure which, for years, has made
Buick the most popular car at its price in
the world.
We invite you to come in and inspect these
great beauties, these great performers, these
great buys. Then you'll sec why the Detroit
previcwers are already saying, "Buick's the
beautiful buyl"
Whan better automobiles arc built Buick will build them
Paf IS i
Dykes. lMx. Miami. AutnAintMl
Joey Giambra, 165, Buffalo, N.Y..
Salem, Ore.