1 Pat I Capital Edited by MARIAN Miss Burris Announces Engagement Mr. and Mrs. Winston C. Bur ris are announcing the engage ment of their daughter, Miss Lois Burris, to Lt. Curtis Frank lin, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Cur tis Franklin of Rob-Ben Point, Mountain Lakes, N. J. The wedding is planned for this winter, possibly in early Feb ruary. Miss Burris attended Salem schools and is a graduate of Ore gon State college where she is a member of Sigma Kappa soror hi. She is teaching in Sacra mento, Calif., Junior high school. Lt. Franklin attended Phillips; academy in Andover, Mass., and Yale university. He is now a lieutenant in the air force at Mather field, Sacramento. Legion Auxiliary Meets Past Monday January business meeting of the American Legion auxiliary, Capital unit, No, 8, was Monday evening. The group elected Mrs. T. J Brabee, Mrs. Mem pearce, Mrs. Lue A. Lucas, Mrs. Glenn Hoi' man and Mrs. Claude Jorgensen aa delegates to the Marion county assembly. Alternates are Mrs. Walter L. Spaulding, Mrs. Earl Andresen, Mrs. Don Apperson Mrs. A. W. Lovcik and Mrs. R. C. Blaxall. The next meeting of the Mar ion County assembly will be at the Salem Woman's club house with Salem Unit No. 136 as the host unit on January 15 at 8 p.m. The annual donation to the polio fund was voted. Lunches will be furnished for three needy school children from the child welfare fund. Pioneer post sent an invitation to the group to attend a special entertainment for all Salem Leg ion posts and auxiliaries at the Legion club on the evening of January 22. Past Presidents parley will meet at the home of Mrs. Ella Donnelly, 655 N. Cottage street, on January 21 with Mrs. James A. Carson as co-hotess. Capital unit's second meeting of the month, Jaunary 25, will have for ita topic. Pan America. and the chairman for the pro- HOSTESS on Friday to her knitting club tor dessert and the afternoon will be Mrs. Jerald S. Backslrand. Mrs. James Walton will be an ad ditional fuest. xj , s v . . - . . Tells Engagement Mi 'a Incia Dewey, above, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dewey, has announced her engagement to Vernon Eugene Paul, sun of Mr. and Mrs. John Colonic A summer wedding is planned. (Cronis studio pirlurci Today's Menu Here's a smooth as u vri oesserl, and so prctt Company Fare Roost Duck Browned Potatoes Green Currant Jelly Hot Biscuits Salad Sunburst t'u-tard Beverage Sunburst Custard Ingredients. 3 cup, , eggs. trnspoon sail. spoon vanilla. i cup sugar 1 cup drained, sliced hrandy flavored canned peaches. Method: Have kettle boiling for water-bath for custard In saucepan, hent milk jim un til small liubhl spoon. ornrtually stir ,n scalded milk Strain into Inn. lered l'-fiiart baking dish; place in deep baking pan. pour boiling water into pan so It comes almost to top cui tard, Bake in slow (3:5 r ) oven 1 hour, or until knife in. serted in center comes o u t clean. Remove from even at nna mnA nla ufnrri 111 i,an of cold water to cool quickly ! Before serving arrange peaches In a pretty design over top of. custard. Makes 6 servings. S fit . A-: . , , ..rr 5 I around top surface. In m,- ' - ''' fZ V ' dium sued or large mixing. ' 5 I ' Jr Jf- '. bowl, with rotary beater t at 1 V ' V ' ""'T S ' -5 i-iiks until yoiKs and whites -Vjr X - J -f 1 are combined Add salt, va- Va : H. VVV4 V I nilla and sugar, stir with a1 IP 4 V t " ' " I I Women j LOWRY FISCHER Wor Mothers List Activities for Month At a meeting of the American War Mothers on Tuesday after noon at the American Legion club, a party to honor all mem bers pait 60 and to present mem with life memberships was planned. During the meeting, Mrs. Ben Randall, hospital chairman, re ported that 83 dozen cookie were sent to Camp White over the holidays. Gifts also were sent to 27 men in the club's adopted ward. $30 also waa sent for the ward's canteen fund. The next meeting will be on Tuesday, January 19, at 12:30 nm. at the home of Mrs. Ed ward R. Cook, with Mrs. Jsmes Cogswell assisting. Miss Roley Is Bride Woodbum A wedding of late December was that of Miss Virginia Belle Roley, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Roley of Bend, and Leroy Clif ford Murphy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Murphy of Wood burn. The ceremony took place December 28 at 8 p.m. in the Woodburn Methodist church with Rev. Ormal B. Trick officiating. Christmas decorations were used. Soloist was Miss Helen Kern of Pendleton, accompanied by Mrs. Alfred Moon, who also played the wedding march. Mr. Roley gave his daugh ter in marriage. She wore a white satin floor length dress of tulle with lace tiers, lace bodice with low round neck line and lone lace sleeves. The short veil was held in place by headdress of the same ma terial as the dress. The bride carried a bouquet of white carnations with white ribbon streamers. Maid of honor was Miss De- lores Dyer of McMinnville, and bridesmaid was Miss Gloria Berry of Sweet Home. They were dressed alike in red velveteen sheath dresses with red net ovcrsklrts, and carried white chrysanthemums with green ribbon streamers. Clayton Seaton of Wood- burn, brother-in-law of the brid'B ro, iom, served as best man. Ushers were Floyd Howe of Silverton and James Roley of Bend, brother of the bride. A reception in the church! dining room followed the cere-1 mony with about 30 relatives and guests attending. Mrs, Samuel Isa of Woodburn serv ed the wedding cake, Mrs. C. L. Tharp of Corvallis served punch and Miss Helen Kern passed the guest book and was in charge uf the gift table. For the wedding trip to northern California, the bride wore a rust colored suit with dark brown accessories and. a carnation corsage from her bridal bouquet. Mrs. Murphy attended Bend high school nnd Oregon State college and is now a member of the faculty of North Marion high school. Mr. Murphy is in business in Woodburn with his father. The couple are at home at 355 Pa i cific highway at Woodburn. 1 ( APT. RISSl.l.l. B. DAVEY ; of the V. S. army engineers, son 1 of Mr. and Mrs. R. J llavey of ! Salem, left here Saturday for Fort Lewis, Wash., from where he soon will leave for Japan. His wife and" sons, William and James, will remain in Salem. During the past three years, Cap tain Davey has been stationed at the Pentagon in Washington, D l ' ,no' '0O .' ' . iile V:: ii,.,..,. t -', : I I Honored an Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. John Heffley of the WVhlnot community were honored recently on the occasion of their 2Sih wedding anniversary A reception was given for them by a brother in law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Lou Cirod at Tigard. l ii i .... i. i. - '".. '" - I ill- 7 h ' ' - i A . , V ', 1 Mount Angel Mrs. Richard Phillips (Anna Sowa), above, was married recently at a nuptial mass in St. Mary's Catho lic church here. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Sowa of Molalla, Route 1, and Mr. Phillips is the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Phillips of Middleton, Idaho. (Madelyn Studio, Mount Angel) FROM DAVIS, Calif., comes news of the birth of a son on January 4 to Mr. and Mrs. Verne H. Scott. The baby Is the second child, there being a little girl, Patricia Marie, Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Scott of Salem and Mrs. Jane Forahee of Ann Ar bor, Mich. Great grandparents are Mrs. Cora Scott and Mrs. Ella M. Tyler, both of Salem. Mrs. Scott has gone south to be at the home of her son for a time, Duo Tell Troth Announced recently in Portland was the engagement of Miss Corene A. Porter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clif ton A. Porter of that city, to Richard B. Phipps, son of Mrs. Mamie Phipps of Salem. The wedding is planned for June 26. The bride - elect attended Seattle and Portland schools and is employed at the First National bank in Portland. Mr. Phipps attended Salem school sand is in business here. MRS. I.EON PERRY, presi dent of Salem unit of the Ore gon Federation of Republican Women, entertained her board members at her home this morning. The group plans its regular meeting for next Mon day afternoon at the Senator hotel. AT THE meeting and lunch eon of the Junior Hi-V and Hi-Y Mothers rlub on Tues- ""ay. Mayor A W. Loucks and Kenneth Seipp, juvenile offic er. spoke on "Youth in Our Community." A discussion followed the talks. T. JOHN'S MTHKRAN Kuild will mrel on Thursday tiisht in the Fireplace room of the ! church. The Kroup will continue the study of the topic "Becom ing better discinles." KNTKKTAIMNG her bridge club Thursday evening will be Mrs. Oscar Specht, the group to meet for dessert and cards. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salem, Oregon xurr-: J i New Officers in Chapter Take Over The new officers of Chadwick chapter. Order of Eastern Star, presided on Tuesday night at the school of instruction meeting at the Masonic temple. Mrs. Lewis Irving, associate grand matron from Madras, was a special guest and conducted the school. Mrs. Paul H. Hauser, past grand matron and Milton L. Meyers, past grand patron, were also honored. The worthy ma tron and patron of Salem chap ter, Miss Helen Fletcher and John Graybill were present as well as the matron and patron of Trinity chapter, Mrs. R. L. Forster and J. E. Van Wyngard- en. Refreshments were served fol lowing the school by the retir ing officers. SAI.FM Regonia society will meet on Thursday night at the YMCA. Dr. Charles T. Wil son will be the guest speaker. FRIENDSHIP club Is meet ing with Mrs. B. C. Miller, 154.1 North 18th street, Friday, January 8. HOSTESS to her bridge club Tuesday afternoon was Mrs. Robert DeArmond. AMONG CI.IB hostesses of the week was Mrs. Kenneth Perry, entertaining her bridge group this afternoon for luncheon and the afternoon. MRS. WALTER KIRK was hostess to her bridge club last avening for dinner and eve-; ning of cards. ' i LEAVING Friday for Chicago I are Mrs. Mary Thomas and Mrs. Mable Klang. They will attend the furniture and merchandise markets while there and will stay at the Palmer House. They will be gone about 10 days. (.AMMA Pill BUT A alumnae met last evening at the home of Mrs. Frank H. Spears, 26 attend ing. Miss Margaret Simms,, Mrs. James H. Nicholson, Jr., and Mrs. Delwyn Kleen were co-host esses. Mrs. Harry Slack and Mrs. Pes mond K. Walker were welcomed to the group for the first time. 1 The next meeting will be the first Tuesday of February. MOVING this next week to their new home on t'laxier road north of Salem will be Mr. and Mrs. Kdward O. Stadter, Jr., and children. ALPHA XI DKLTA alumnae are' meeting this Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. William D Calloway. Jr., at 7:30 o'clock Co-hostess is Mrs. Orville Kannier. L. C. Merriam is to be guest speak er to discuss the word for han dicapped children. 1 HOSTESS to the Study rlub 1 on Tuesday afternoon was Mrs. G. F. Chambers. - ' SAI.KM HKH.HTS The Sa lem Heights Woman's club will meet on Friday at t p.m.. at the home of Mrs. Vtilliam Cardner 7RJ Fairview avenue. AFTER a three-week visit here 1 Mr. and Mrs. Kelton Lowery an j children left this week for the home in Jackson. Miss. The : pe n t the holidays with Mr i Lowery's parents, Mr. and Mrs H. G. Maisnn. ReteMiBcubrPaineW World's tersest Seller it m Parties for Mrs. Walker Listed Mrs. Bert A. Walker, who is leaving Salem soon to make her home in Kodiak, Alaska, ia being honored at several af fairs preceding her departure. Next Monday morning, Mrs. Russel Beutler and Mrs. B. W. Staeey are to entertain at the Beutler horn at an informal cof fee to honor Mrs. Walker. This afternoon Mrs. Walker was honored it a luncheon in : tha Marine room at the Ma- rion hotel. ! Making arrangements for the affair were member of her American Legion auxil iary, unit No. 138. The tattles were decorated In colors of bh e and yellow. Honoring Mrs. Walker were the following: Mesdames Milo Aeschlimann, Donald Baker, Lesle Beard, Howard Blank ley, Llnford Buren, John Cat-trail,- A. B. Chapman, Charles Creighton, Linn Davis, Mil dred DeArmond, James De laney, Joseph DiFilllpi, Ellis Drrke. Wade Ellis, Walter Es plln, Joseph B. Felton, A. C. Friesen, Robert Fries!, Les ter Geer, George Glisar," Ro bert Green, Jerome Hansen, Hairy Hendricks, Duane Ja nlck, Richard Jennings, Jack Johnson, Lois Keeney, Ed ward Klippert, Dow Lowell, Wilbur Lytle, Edward Maerz, Myma Males, Joseph Mar croft, Joseph Matujec, Calvin Maus. Earley Mogan, Clifton Mudd, Daniel Pantovitch, Wayne Perdue, Kenneth Potts, Donald Rassmussen, Donald Reinke, Carlton Roth, Hubb Saalfield, Harry Sierp, Sack Slmkins, Jenny Slater, Ho mer Smith, Jr., Clayton Steinke, Harold Streeter, Ken neth Taylor, Joe Tompkins, Donald Van Hess, Charles West, Walter Wood and Miss Lois Wood, Carroll Robinson, Clyde Warren, George Spaur, Frank McKlnney, Fred Math ieu Robert Baker and Theo dore Ullako. HOSTESS to her bridge club on Thursday will be Mrs. William S. Cole, entertaining the group for luncheon and the afternoon. Mrs. George Alex ander will be an additional guest Is Bride-elect Anounced recently was the engagement of Miss Natalie Kleinschmitt, above, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John C. Kleinschmitt, to James Verl Rowe. son of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Rowe. (Jes-tcn-Miller studio picture) More women over 35 look younger with Helena Rubinstein's Estrogenic Hormones ESTROGENIC HORMONES ARE SINGLE MOST EFFECTIVE BEAUTY AID IN HELPING AGING SKIN RETAIN MOISTURE There's a new "young" generation on the scene today matrons, gramlmolhens vigorous, attractive, exciting women who reject the "old look"! There arc thousands of them who have been discovering, since Helena Rubinstein launched her Estrogenic Hormone preparations nine year ago, the most successful way to keep their complexions look ing younger. Doctors have (onn A that nature's own estrogen supply begin to wane after 35. As a resul,, your under-skin loses the natu ral moisture necessary to keep it filled out and smooth . . . and your outer skin actually tells the world about it through dryness, through gradual creasing of face and throat. But you can help your skin retain its precious moisture with Helena Rubinstein's Estrogenic Hormone twins... the Cream on the face, the Oil on the throat. Fine lines and wrin kles disappear. ..a miracle you can see for yourself after 30 day of use. Take advantage of Helena Rubinstein's onee-a-year special-price offer. ..and face your public with a fresh ness and bloom that will make you proud to admit your age! Capital Drug Store 405 State St. Comer of Liberty WE GIVE frjf GREEN STAMPS 4g .. ar . , aw , . rf NsteiSl ueauta.asaaasaS) f AbMsa. Wed December 25 Mr. and Mrs. Lee Richard (Joyce Wyatt), above, were married December 25 at the Christian Missionary Alliance church. Both are of Silverton. (McEwan studio picture.) At Garden Club A talk on growing clematis was presented for the meeting of Salem Garden club Mon day afternoon by Ralph Gar ren, Mrs. James H. Turn bull. general chairman, reported on the recent greens show of the club. Mrs. Clarence Feller arrang ed the surprise table for' the meeting. It featured yellow, a yellow cloth being used and daffodils in a bird cage for the centerpiece. Mrs. Ben Max well recognized those having birthdays in January. Miss Elizabeth Lord and Miss Edith Schryver arranged the tea table. It was covered with a yellow cloth and white narcissuses and yellow acacia were arranged for the center piece with white candles at either side. Mrs. Turnbull and Mrs. Jack Henningsen poured. LEAVING this week for San Mateo, Calif., will be Mrs. Samuel H. Boardman to visit at the home of her son and daughter-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Boardman. WOODBIRN Dr. and Mrs. Fred Evenden of Sacra mento, Calif., have been spending two weeks in Ore gon with relatives and left Saturday for their home. They visited Mrs. Evenden's parents in Corvallis, Mr. and Mrs. Eu gene Martin; his mother. Mrs. Fred Evenden, at Woodburn, and his brother-in-law and sis ter. Mr. and Mrs. Eldrn Olson and children in Portland. i WOODBURN Members of i the Women's division of the Woodburn Golf club plan their monthly luncheon meet ing Thursday, January 7. at the home of Mrs. Edgar Tweed at Monitor. Assisting Mrs. Tweed will be Mrs. Kenneth McGraih and Mrs. J. F. Lacey. v- i - v - few.'-. NEBRASKA club auxiliary will meet on Friday at the home of Mrs. Henry Kni;ht. 1580 Roosevelt. The no-host luncheon will be served at 12:30 p.m. IX SEASIDE tomorrow will be A. J. Crose, state real estate commissioner, and Mrs. Crose, and State Representative Lee Ohmart, state president of the realty groups, and Mrs. Ohmart They will attend the dinner meeting for the Tillamook Coun ty Realty board. Representative Ohmart to install the new of ficers for the group. CREATIVE ART group of the Salem Art association will meet at the home of Mrs. Fred Hal varson, 1580 N. IRth street, on Thursday night. Slides of Can ada will be shown. Pains, distress of "those days" stopped or amazingly relieved in 3 out of 4 cases in doctors' tests! Here's wonderful news for women and girls who each month suffer the tortures of 'bad days" of functionally caused menstrual cramps and pain headaches, backaches, and those "no-good," dragged out feelings. It's news about a medicine famous for relieving such suf fering! Here Is the exciting news. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound gave complete or striking relief of such distress In an average of 3 out of 4 of the cases in doctors' tests! Yrsi Lydia Pinkham's has been proved to be scientificalty modern in action; This news will not surprise the thousands of women and girls who lake Lydia Pinkham's regularly tnd know the relief it can bring. And lt should encourage you 4 if you're not taking Lydia Pinkham'st to see if your experience docsnt match theirs... to see lt you. too. don't avoid the nervousness and tension, weakness, irritability SAVE 2- HELENA RUBINSTEIN'S ESTROGENIC HORMONE OFFER Once-i-year event -for a limited time only! Value 600-NTov35o ESTROGENIC HORMONE Oil -throot treat ment ond light film, under ioke-up Instoily obsorbed. leaves no C'ly troce. Speciol ? 50 size ESTKOGk'NIC HORMONE CREAM-lace treot ment overnight for younger looking skin. Nou rol estrogenic hormones blended with easily absorbed lubricants. Reg. 3 50 11 pnem pli ftd tot Wednesday. January . l95 Bride-Elect Is Honored Mount Angel - Miss Pau cia Bisenius, who will be wed to James Kirklin, son of Mrs. T. E. Kirklin of Salem, has been feted at several pre-ouptial showers. The bride-elect, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Bisenius. was hon ored Monday evening, at a mis cellaneous shower at the homa of her aunt, Mrs. I. A. Bisenius, in Portland. Guests were relatives and friends of that city. Miss Patricia Anderson and Miss Aileen Anderson entertain ed recently with a linen shower at the Bisenius home. Present were the bride-elect and her mother, and Mrs. Dorothy Spra ti er, Mrs. Arlene Ullery and the Misses Geraldine Traeger, Kath leen Hassler, Mickey Collister, Leona White, Phyllis Wolf, Anna Louise Plas, Barbara Lacy and Ruth Schmerber of Gervais. The wedding ceremony will be solemnized at a nuptial mass at 8:15 o'clock Saturday morning, January 9, in the St. Mary's Cath olic Church here. An afternoon reception will be in the Legion Memorial hall. District Event Of Scouts Thursday Annual meeting of Salem district, Santiam Area. Girl Scouts council, will be Thurs day, January 7, at 9:30 a m. in the YMCA. All registered adult mem bers are asked to attend, new officers to be elected at this time. Regular monthly meeting for the Leaders club is to fol low the district event, Mrs. C. M. Kushnick presetning the flag ceremony. Refreshments will be served by Mrs. Fred Scheidegger and Mrs. Herbert Carter. There will be baby sitting service provided for young children accompanying their mothers. MRS. HORACE BELL, 2335 Carlton Way, will be hostess to the Merry Times club on Friday at 1:30 p.m. for a des sert. HOSTESS to her bridge club today was Mrs. Richard A. Mey er. Mrs. A. L, Adolphson, mem ber now living in Portland, was here for the meeting. Haw Ly4lo Plnkhom'i wrkt it ha 0 "calmxrtQ" end joothing rtject on th ulru...quitin0 fh emit ruction r? the chart) fhot to often rau mtnttrual pain, cramps, other distTtwt, and pain so often awociated with "those days"! Remember Pinkham's, too if you're sufferinn the "hot flashes' and other f unctlonMly-caused dis. tresa of "change of life." Get Lydia Pinkham's Compound or new, improved Tablet with addd iron ftnal i:e only 59. Start taking Pinkham's today! A V -rr-' " ' V,.' i.'-' ',V 41" ' ' - ' .. . . . . .