Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, January 06, 1954, Page 5, Image 5

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    Wednesday, Juury t, 1J54
Local Paragraphs Airforce Lisfs
umim I nai J R iwi v l :
ley, executive manager lor the were called TiLr2 ' " aare
Salem industrial ZTT . . 'ueaoey aoeo,,, M
Council soil address the Saasm oil drums sTtl IlcuTovJI "" etatas.
Timu rli.k .1 k. i i i . ..rr."" was ; Taaw will at.ii k. - r'
the stance Hotel Thursday boob, street, beesa uet2 mZI?"14 " awa Imle
"'" tamiiae seua uarleae keot nuk aM,i a 77, iYTi '
Wood. 10. daughter U If,. IvSr JSLt af the Air Fore.
Mrs. Carl A. Wood, who formerly 1D" ""J. ther md. ! jy, laiirf laVibj
lived ib Salem bat bow live in Driver rssmd laatnal xl ! Armf to" of hm of
Eurene. woo a Cadillac tedaa u , fred H Okaai Broru. at, , officers aad calitted mea
a Christmas Ere drawinr ib Eo- f Box 72. a Umt uumonn by , ,ow I dead,
feac The drawinc was sponsored ' Oatnel Coort Judex Val D Sk ' r" M ArBV " and
by the Lt-ios Club aod pradured j P Tuesday of a ebarce at .:fraa atariae Carpi will be
over $12,000 to buy a Las County ia while intoxicated. Barf orae 1 aver the am tear day,
disaster truck to be operated by 1 had pleaded iaaoceat foUowief TVt carry the aaaaes of 274
the Eugene fire department, j his arrest aa September t. ; Ancf stanac aMaeers sad
White Meads' Grid - Aider-! Cars. Track CaOuse A colli-1 dead.-" "r"muM4
maa Robert f. White of Ward!"0 aetreea a track aad two'
1 defended the oneway grid sys-'ears resulted ia auaor daanee! Iraaal otartaa Teas.
tern at a meetine of the East1" each Tueadav anu ( Pickens, athlete, aaeaiber of
Salem Lions Club Tuesday noon ' P-1 reported. The amoral ce- the Honorary Society aad the
Be said it would improve and lrurTd in the 100 black of Nona duo. was tntrodiiced as
become more effective as tune ! liberty street. Polar said track I the Rotarsaa at the month from
foes oa and directksul sirjs and .dm Bra Walter. 41U Sassy- Salem hich school Wednesday,
sirjub are set an. White ad- areaae, coi'uded mk the Toe latrodacttoa was made by
dressed the club on his recent lr5r' m arrea by Joyce j Principal E. A. CarlrUa. who
tnp with Maror Al Loocks ta the ,'TPtT' 1WT 12U street,, said the boys considered it a
American Moaicipal Association tora strark the rear i real honor la be associated with
meetiac in Sew Orleans, and ni " driea by James Heraer-1 the Isotariaas. A new aaa if
aked also ta comment oa the 1 Jl aouth Uth street. The selected each nvnlh
end nni-m l ears were stewoed lar the
Soa Bora A son was bora
January S at Salem General bos-
- . u. I . . r .
traffic biht. police said.
HCiSOOW m The hariet armed
H,i Bad Star aa-
Taesea7 the dealh af CaL
Lr v: c . v i VI i
aaTa' ' m v I s
saasWaswswawaiawawas. ma4 sta 'Hi u
pital to Mr and Mrs. Coras Jr- IMotle. state mn uu
daa, box 231. Saiem. Jordaa as waived eztraddioa Tuesday ea a Cca. af Aruotry .Vaatai Oraadar,
- tmuM uk auuuw nun tDsinn coon at. piiin j the aim at geaeral m
Journal Xrwraapers. icharre of bes a rapure from the Sana army ea arUra eaty
'. Sew Mexico aad will be parked '
!Jr ; Coffee Prices Hiked
One el the tweaty dollar bills stolea from the Bareaa M
Prunisf asd Euxrannr. tamed up at the National Prodwe Ca.
ia WashiBxloB. A total of f 160.04 ta tweaty dollar bills was
dflrewered aussmf from the Bareaa. Imzt baaack iarit),
mtrafrr. aad ri niat m baac Jacob s af the t'rodace rasa
paay look arer the btiL The buix af the stolea mosey ass
bees recovered ea a Virrjma farm aear Cealcrrille, a reaa
desual swbarb af Waabntaa. (UP TeiepBto
Aummue, l be county coart bas ' it warned
instructed the county surveyor , cbarte there.
u esTasim tae necrssary nxst ;
. jmn.xj m iray
imant are to be provided
the property owaers and the
comity will do the work.
oa a -borus check-
3 or 4 cents More
g Navy Net Tender
Safely in Port
VEW YORK .5 Coffee
cVmkers suy expert ta see the
retail price r well above the
f 1 a SKomd mark before asst. I
i Wholesalers bsoned prices as-.
Sgt. Roy Hunt iJujpect
! 'Contaised traa Psae ll
Goes to Albany
j The three were arrested fBow
, fci aa early marasnf ssmsc bp
j Tuesday u the Varmaia stale as.
Tha transfer af state nolir ' ha from inmt Grata, fanfaer ti
Ditrh Brparted Clstted Har- I " ' wl ' lather ta 4 reals a pooad ta- Sft- Boy Hunt from Salem to n -aaaj More lie day was
rr L. Stewart of the West Slay- SEATTLE r Tut Vary set a- i Albany as serzeast an cnarre rT, : m taraie
toa area, rrpons to the cwmry trader ISS Elder arrived udejy Dastributors attributed the rite of le Albany patrol office was f. "J ' m fcfa
ciirt ton a ouch exiradisf west port here Tarsday ajM aher a a tKhtesunf world saperr par-' arnntmred Tuesday by SupL , "J""- heea recovered. The
of the railroad track has became brief canned Uarouti tae Soail resstoiaf larce- from a H. C. aUisoa of the stale po- re r" jaf
ck-red with frass and weeds af Jaaai Or Faca bv a Coast Oaard fnwSiaajrf Smiliaa crop, lie. ''7 rBB faerii swtra-
aad that water backs op dunsf cater and a .Vary' vessel aai a nawiraeBt once rise at ! sit Hunt's more is part of c , , -
times of hearaiaialL 7' " STJ'i
Atsamed Brnem Xame-A, T, tbt ZZttTZ SFt COURTS , rl ru of Capt. Bert vvai. a W , Ti i a T. a eaJ
aamed buKKat name rertiii. fg?? 1 bVjUft 1 J ! aer of U fish and adimednaday and a ,aeuWu4
et of Gmese aod Asdal has m rj, Twrwi r:- C....t " ie swure to aer aootr. rejwj ami to
Zl cwauij c-jerx t,tlrt catlrr etraned it la Dante-1
b; Docaid Greene and Fred netx nhr vh! rh. v.i- arvei.- r
K Ajooel of 2TS Stale ftreet. rw nr.r Psrr Srani.
New Members
'C-jr-tjed iron paae ft
j For food at its best try i
'CSaerrj-'s Planlataoti. 2:a xn. So.1
1 Timrscav is eu-k n! ! n
j duaplitf day. Opea 40 to 10 ' ITm
;Smcay. 22 ta pat. Closed ,
accept a federal f wenurjent , patd eitoa. Landit aad GiVs ea
fn 'pos3lwa in Alaska. a muary-cpadnf tour af Bahi-
- : LL Irricf A. Lazsca was pro- . BKe ,a WaatofMa aw the
; moled to captain aad awed I mJaame was sot fjrea.
" : from bis cost ia aeaml head. I "Tf J aap
OT nupittt t.lwrwt
&bfr It. tsia as Ostes. Ora.
Ptr? ama atwr smb a
Bmksjw: Ojm wiwamL. linns
m am oc i former post &rL rs
" ins was promoMd to
Ernest Z. Lar-
promoMd to beuuaaat
On a roll ta!L SU Housr toem- Voniart
bert respooatd u tnoff aases. ;
Kt the Sesaie's first acuetL Vis- .1 ProbSea hair? We cpe-;i. j
m sanre
V.ow sum Sn Omm S
, ; .... . r . . .1 " KlKr:
i.v aui ijvrs i nair care at . t .M tur 1. vm rurter. mu
fram the affice ef Secret Srrvxe
Gat! V. E. Baufbmaa saud aa-
ad traesferred from Albany 1 wTZZTZZi TTLI:
to take ont the beaiquarMTS,cd that he wiB be takea ail casts
vacancy here and Sjt. Hunt ' y ttdar
' was traxuderred to Albany. Xo The amsaoaormrat ciud tbe xoaa
'Burke and Sol. Vpua 'B NH( mis nchocj prices. Kodera Beomty " (uiun wnr x aam mm. ed tor Hunt but Seperirjteaa-of Land
aurceeot tbe late Sea Tobey ( . Collrre, 47 X. Church. Piece ' "1"a l!!!!5 , - ent Maisam said It would rev i wot am
auruz swore at .iltl mrt srjt CVaaaa lay KOWloaaws.
war sial
new jjj.muLatiq, sad xona-l
brrs rose ta aspbsd wars the Biczlet
oata was aonsiusterea m tae t ; sa ua
Phone S-4C44.
iiSoulh Cottafe St.
vtij a me wace
The new xtmnbers are Sens.
Lipsoamk (R-CtiHSi. Wilhamt '!-: Acordiaa lochm
Xatrier 'D-Ky) and Jutmstni maai, eemteid wbiie job Jearn-'D-Wif.
Tnrr KB t-araaoes left wOukj Music Hoase. 1M
hr tacba jasijaatKi 'Sute. ptmoe -7Js.
Swiraed drtil aoos Tharsday. Aa
..CtaSM m mam Wmmrtt m Dm
WfflaffC a. VlUMn Ut HcKMHte-
1 said Mw tva ouwtss
arrested early Wednesday
and csarced by flare Gewfes.
ri I Serfeaat Hunts am was Cml "' arwrey
the aecood serfeaat transfer
the ascal otXice aa tae
past se-w days. Sgt. Bobert East
er was transferred ta Esjaroe
aeaiUBf a aum I'm. it was stud.
tary acned af
taey had sseat i
anUrvasif pmlMw
mat af tt sMiea
sfirs Vrs Bernard Bednarx- v
xismis at miuiii wits i T twrtty us the aMult
uicvw u snn owih cxmrfe. w sua fin at nau
i i u arreeacz to . - ..A
JSotret Sertve by tt csamty pv-
I Van S. mJmmv
LCI tbe empty spot here.
'JLjf Jf J"S?5 i" of 1 Xrr Eofla
SIvrMf :
strsb it. lata rKis t
chiloroi and aoulu. BrrmrrfTt
atsi adi-nnwrf: rercKjrr course.
iriD ?terBka Ave. fit. 2-412.
the I oned Slant. Fred It Vma.
ii'.-.-opied em af the brief session
aod tte ac.itiumtoem vat a re
rpiwS Jut memory.
Thame'. Jaxaiary 1
t'SAB fcbtrafi al VSA2 tcraiarjr.
C.mtpavry D. ICtit irtatry
recuMTB!. Orcetai Kauuui uaord
al sijfH armtry.
Bar-err D. ?22nd AAAJtl" baJ
UiMm at VuiKsri huts or Lee
Crti:tined KaraJ tesme ur- a rh ti-w F,rrs Cm. wm, vmct ma r t
lce djtuam al -Ni'n3 3ti ta- aiorr cd liJaiir. IwtwtIt of ."o-o-
ant tiit'w'Hvi link, iirutrr
1T" . -ocrey ol M.uxic . BuBtua. Mast .' Mm nmZT or. mme
Fricsv. JaaaaTy f e --c'-'-.- wnorrnji7 : u ut or m
S:tti Reserw at Nfi-a) and Music, anatiunces the ones- '
KantM C;r? twne L-Kinit ' of a pmio ruitio. Prrrate
Hrer -tt cim icaKtiis iur t i i i tcgi
d:j. a -j T.J..
cTSZ "fllloylor Warns
VII VUwilliw Wilis wit 1 .Qaauniwd troai J
CcKtaerTatory of Musac farzoer.
Ac&demy Of aflusic. BotitOO, pbuatMc tor Mvatewmit al T. w.
W.i. ih. VermtTrt fxm- CnimuUS mS mm Hum imr Of
nerramT of Muttc. aniwinnret , Bm, u,, , ! " Korea txtreatened t tat
Uje oswuex of a ruaaa saodao. bm lite of Crty Manager J L. rrao-, rxitM artioa sea: tint Indiaa
t. nwrtuu m n i iwu nti Tea vTodiaMidaT afterriooa as aimvtw. ,
Pnvate and class lessons lor J. m- .mmns t. f JZ. tir.J!i tru roir the ensonen sw-
V CfturrAlt lrCo C lMm f " CVUSC 40 SB iSKUSS raOTUEIURrs-
oil ui5irj!t ta run to XXfflem- t. ;uet4;u,- -turs and t
fi abate Coort brr 21. l:t fi.-j.-fr tut to Cuirinmiurar luri
. c J"L !?!!: ; AM aeliawie riuaSl be mad Tursttlrr.
ApwmlioB lesMum. liisuru- Jut w.wxna J " tiMi ux FOB Salem a jsucb q uaatrLie ; rj'ua uratemed ta rjreuK
jurau rested wtoile you Jeam. and at auch tunes at reejuirtd. 'craiauJ attuus m tuba
Wiltarr M jrir Htnae. lMe sunn Mnn j-caaiB. o-o-i and bias are -xtiuiav s - "-
Statt. Pt i::M .irjrmt -f" - eral lax
: - w-uimp wnrtiiMB umjaiMauit onw Bids were snade oo the Sol-
JKTS. c pw;raii a-a- iimnrau urt.iat
lo-ltf :
GKlitit, IZS.Wt ealiont.
jiremium and reruiw jraciet.
krtii 11, ttiiais; dir
tl motor furl StW fl.trii
The O tummuard. vmwv.
acsKiunced that ttie Indura atctius
waf aa cuzdunmty with the anm
stire and the V3S. urmnar ttf
avlorred rejartriatrtm.
tauirdin and fiandar,
Jaauari and 14
XinV: Atr Kewtrre wiimdrini
AA1' BUI inn'l Air aerrtrrr
aus aaaita. BtxicxxTt ana ad- Mamaae Ltcetses
-iir,a r.4reriT Ttatxrmr snmro annul uuj
K t3.-aKka At Ph 2-SM1C
Cilminan Cm kiu a,: n irt-i- trm
Jl. wurilmurt. auinr 1. Blifrkim
SDverua Mrs. at A. riKbrr.
airK"HitrtrBe lufaratarUr-f t3. Sll aijurtid a a aiAumuuile ou
bwren of tj-pt. 2 I aa- drat Tuesdrj. at cwrJO
wtber Bids aiw -wrrt re-r Uwmt(ltli , u s
sat various luarrcniru and awjsiitfturj'. Ber xiustuaid at a
Sirivnuii baker.
T Cams Lejroae
Sci Jntre n Sttnidt. T". S
yarn Gnrj sin o5 Mr and
tn-t ita v Stiimidt li sail
Vcki nQrcioi Bwnut. 'ht hat
hr mm'iTii atitwrd ttie l"S5 x-aJ-
tnrart. hw- im truml'trtid ta
the SiiranS Murine UniKiotL
Fieel W.aritie T irm.. Camp Le
jrune. C.
MutMmuc: as Altanta
ionrarj; ami-piiM) ta dory at
A'-UiiiU. -dt. was Ctrnidr Arch B.
Mmiimulr. limner Sa3ii resa
ot'Vt Mu-Ttrauud. whs attatnoed
h Ct whotii hurt. tuf been a tht
.rj rw a nunitier n! yejirt and
untii h wv assnmittDt at ttie
Kl-i-iJ An- uitttrr. Atumta.
vit thr atrt id Fieea Ar ' W
(i it tni Fur Last Jnor ta h
BBBinmnir tit vaf thr iiprm
tim uJi!r at .t Xirtiu Air
I.Mntrit Tnimnx Lnrt Seattle
Niro Aa Surtnir inc w ttiitt r
nuciti tif.etr ris;tc the Saieis
Ximu Air f ncirrj
rl ?! ' l,'r.ia-.';'4ri -i"tt "I r " i . - -- ,--
1 I f - ? -"j V' r-r-iB--r awP ; ', -? " ai- ta-i i.a-4- - ..... . -" ' tV jif f
11 1 vtW satt iu, :'',bxb1 ' ' V .' - ' ,r - J
1 .. . .
" T"" H Caearsfc tocaaad ia ao-tBoww asaaav was W. t. ZXXXM CO. srOrTWsTr Vi aeiaaa swsakir, aot
:! and aaiitaiaaH sirsst s SasWs saiaatijiMB Th'i iri at hs m osry m swssw a tastw sacav I i
u . . . - t sums tITI 14
ftNlrllH df itTt-i.
n:it;: r Kf:rv ',i nit"
?;rtrti(."r ifltiv--
tn .: tit; i-
- .irriiar i
..r-t -!:
it-i, Itrnavw rv
a nr tftsL- Mr
m-illi.n f?hrrtllvr tr li)-vt r ttw
v. ttri1 .ivmiin" :
rr mi'iit' trm.
mvsnrtf r tsmuarnha- awarw 2-
irmar E ' U I ClBltt.
Part S
Ml Here's
JNJo the Sale
You've Been tfaiiisg for . . .
SeDDoimg not
e o o
low doses bb ayapafoirgy to qo oa a btrytaq kip
lor co-p4jrt aew asack aad iw-opaas about
March IStk
assja. m aa BSVaBl a0
a Vnbhe Ilonce
O . a . aoSr out kat atsnra g
D asses aaca yoot- oast g
B ooss oa o btryutg trip Q
B lor a complata sow g
B stock. TWt why yew Q
B arm tad Bow. fcsaslv O
' claaa, crisp, spo-tbo. 0
"2 misuse. Icdaat sryUa ia B
finMt qsalilr Mob's B
B Clotbea at Joosl B
lorn will rsopoa Us op- B
atotrs star aboal B
Karck IMs witaa cows- B
S plats tant apring stock. B
r1UST Be Sold Quiccav
Prices Are Slaughtered
Vi and V2 OFF THE $
of loss iisud orkjinol low pricss. Koblaq raaarwadl Tosar cboica mi oaara stock.
spom coaTS mid slagos
al Ttese Unheard ci Special Prices!
rnnnr?i? wnDBixjoieKux
&il)U u at-0 fcicszatfsmn
GBOUPHO. 1 YenrCbake 5))50
Tour Ckoice
VALUES TO $45X3 17017
CROUP HO. 2 Your Ckoice
GROUP HO. 3 Your Choice
VALUES TO $55X3 HOW . . .
Your Choice
mfVk pit A me cnmin) ikto 4 tmoups
GronpH..! 1395 611650
lHb-3 275Q 4 325Q
Were22i0 ll50 . . 400
Wo.o Ai Were 1U5 g50
Werenifl J475 erTltSO g95
gff?-.185B I SaP 1100
nrRC UFSTAIBS 442 Stale
Icksi atr dba tov tll.W 619a Abovo 1ba ntronx
Abovs K'jcra Opbctll Coaapearr Rest to SoUeswa'a Hsmmmm
r fl
N-itav f iibi'i ll W
r fwiucrivr- tp-rr