Monday, January , 1954 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salean, OrtgOl ' - Par I locaParagraph: kuU fracture in . traffic ac cident at 14th nd Lee Wednee oy evening, if Improving aft er surgery in Providence hos pital. Portland, it was report ed from the hospital Monday. nZ " hJared-Ura. D. W Burroughs, 202J North "to Street, was admitted Sun- to aaiem General Hospital fer fracturing an ankle in a U at Hoodoo Ski Bowl Satur day afternoon. It was her first uiuc on SKIS. Vandala Hit Pool Vandals pparently had a good time at the dinger pool building last week. punce reported Monday. They entered the girls' locker room by breaking out a window, scattered mucellanious property about, spattered the walls with ink, threw clothes baskets into the pool, broke a window to the boiler rom and made an attempt to open the boiler room door with a pick . investigating officers said. Windows Broken Three win dows were broken by vandala throwing rocks at the McDonald Candy company warehouse, 13th and Howard streets, early Sdnday morning, city police reported. Wrist Broken A broken srlet was suffered by Mrs. Delia G. Pat. ton, 492 South High street, when he fell at 532 North Winter street Sunday, city first aidmen reported, a he was taken to Salem venerai noapital for treatment Assumed Business Name An assumed business name of Wiles Drug Store has been filed with the county clerk by John K. Wiles and John D. Wiles. In a previous filing the co-partnership of John K. Wiles and Clar ence . Wiles was dissolved. Hungry Burglar Someone broke into his place early Sat urday morning and stole a beef roast from the refrigerator, xrans m. iook, OM university street, reported to city police. Entry was made by ripping the screen loose from the rear porch door to unlatch it The Cooks heard a noise about 4 a m., but when he investigated he could find nothing, Cook said. Care Collde Cars driven by Wright Ralph Noel, Chemawa, and Roy Elmo Simmons, Kelso, Washington, collided at the in tersection of Marion and Capitol streets Sunday night with minor damage to both vehicles, city po lice reported No one was injur ed. Both cars were northbound, police said. New Officer Reports WilUam Lehold, 1406 North Liberty street, was sworn in Monday as a city patrolman and began his duties on the swing shift He replaces David Weber, 1616 Court street, who resigned from the force recently. Lebold's appoint ment will be temporarily until he passes civil service examinations, Police Chief Clyde Warren said. Rain and Wind (Continued from Page 1) Washington listed Lou Bech enhauer as a storm victim. He was electrocuted Saturday when an uprooted tree broke a power line, which whipped around his legs. The accident occurred at his home five miles east of Olym pic Marooned Family Rescued An Oregon rancher used a tractor to plow a trail through deep snow to rescue a mother and her two children who were ma rooned for 12 hours in their snowbound car near Klamath Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Ted J. Wright and their children Betty, 14, and Ed dy, 4, stalled in the snow when they made a wrong turn Saturday while en route to Lake of the Woods in the Cascade Mountains. Wright left the family in the ear and walked 11 miles through deep snow until he met Mr. and Mrs. Mickey Wampler returning to their1 stock ranch. Wampler and Wright used a tractor to cut their way back to the Wright car and rescue Mrs. Wrisht the two children and their cocker spaniel. The winds toppled trees tnrougn out Western Oregon, knocking out power service temporarily in doi ens of places, and blowing over television antennas. The Columbia River bar was closed to shipping much of the: weekend, but was reopened Monday morning. Bar pilots began moving six ships inside the river entrance and two that had waited outside for the storm to subside. A cold front accompanied the storm Saturday and gave Oregon beaches a rare glimpse of snow. Hail End thunder also accompanied the storm front at North Bend, where gusts reached a velocity of It miles an hour. Snow fell in the Coast range and at one time there were five inches of snow on the Sunset Highway between Portland and the coast Only an inch remained Monday, and state police advised that chains no longer were needed. Snow was heavy in the Cascade Range and some sections of Central and Eastern Oregon. The storm kicked up high waves atone- the coast. Mrs. Pearl Rhodes. DMttawl suae atrurk bv a log tossed ashore as she walked on the j aeach at Seaside sunaay. a icg bone wsi broke. Births Simmon eroarrrax m.. BRACK - To Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brora, woodborn. way. Jan. 1. ROTH To Mr. and Stra. JUrmea. HoUk Selena. girl. . Bad Holes Reported The uutence oi several deep chuck boles in the pavement on Ever green avenue near the point here it Joins the city limits, was reported during Monday's ui me county court by Judge Rex Hartley. Ftood Waters Heavy rains of the past 24 noun remits in several complainta reaching the county court and the engineer- uisucpariment concerning Hood waters of a minor nature. Mra. Glen L Stevenson report ed that water was backing Into the basement of her home at Childa avenue and Sunnyview drive. FaMlty drainage ie Warn ed for the trouble. Club Meets Ret Tn...j viuo no. i will meet Tuesday ai a o clock at the home of Mrs. Olga Northrup, 825 Fairview ave nue, ii was announced today. Mayalle Visit Kenneth L. Mayall from the U. S. tmbu to Saigon and his family were Salem visitors over Sunday night, atopping at the Senator hotel. The Mayalla were en route to the eastern part of uix united a tales. Entry Attempted Afnret entry attempt at the McDowell meat market, 1190 South 12th street Friday night was invesU- gaiea oy city police Saturday. Glass in the rear door waa brok en and a bent screwdriver mmt broken pencil were found under me aoor. Nothing was noted missing, police said. Man Held Edward T. Schrhvl ter, 4047 Miles Avenue, waa ar rested yb a Marion county depu ty sheriff Sundoy on a district court warrant charging threaten ing the commission of a felony. He is charged with threatening harm to another person, deputies said. He is being held in lieu of $1500 bail pending arraignment in district court Cars Damaged Cars driven by Paul Schlag, route 6, and James VanZwol, Lynden, Wash ington, suffered considerable damage when they collided about 1:45 a.m. Monday at the inter section of Pint and Portland road. There were ng injuries, po lice said, but the Schlag car had to be towed away. COURTS Circuit Court Prank A. Shank va Peter Oreteen: Order Mtttnc aside Jury verdict and lodgment ana ordering a new trial. laae SL and Horn H. eaffron V Benlamln Slxel and Philip 8 la 1a bock: Order dismissing complaint and coun ter claim. ' Master Tommy Harrla by Thorns, Harris, guardian ad litem TC Xlmer Our Faiaa: Order dismissing causa with preludlca. nt, view Cemetery Aatoelatlon VI Salem Mausoleum and Crematorium. Inc. and Lloyd T. Rlsdon. trustee oi hi. AO- bey mausoleum: Decree holding that de fendants are entitled to maintain see barricade on the claimed extension of Summit avenue. Molds also that plain tiff Is not entlUed to r scorer from the defendants exenses In connection with ordinary maintenance of otreets or eve nues In City view cemetery, except the 34 foot roadway built by plalnUlf and defendants. William Prod Rohrs vs State Industrial Accident Commission: Motion to strike certain portions of complaint. State Hlihway Commission vs J. C. and Bophle Owrs: Amended complaint. William C. fleybert vs Osgood H. Mun. ger: Complaint for judgment or sao.uw general demises. 91400 special damases and ISM loss of waies. Marilyn Serbert vs Oisood H. Mumer: Complaint seeklnl ludtment of llft.000 general, 1747 special damages. Martha Raymond ve Roderick Rend- rlcason: Complaint seekloc Judsment of S7SO0 general and S70.M special damages as the result of auto accident Jan. S, 1SSS at Marlon and Liberty streets. Probate Court Alfred Peter Josperson guardianship: Annual account. Lloyd and Allen Ralphs guardianship: Order authorising guardian te accent lllll as compromise payment of claim for personal Injuries. Mlnnle O. Lencele estate: Pinal or- der. Jacob Miller estate: Order confirming lale of real property. Ray I. MseLauthlln estate- Wet value of taxable estate pieced at I227.U3.0S In report to etele treasurer. District Court Edward T. Bchrltter. 4S47 Miles ave nue, threatening commission of a felony, held in Ilea of S1S0S ball. Havthal Wesley Woods. Albany, driving while Intoxicated, appearance continued to Pebrnary a Released on I'M bau. Municipol Court Rdv PraneU Rice. 100S North ISth street, reckless driving, fined 171 Oene Hlckact, disorderly conduct, paid all flaw. c Iris Lucille Banders, driving while In toxicated, paid I2SS fine. Leonard Oalbreath. disorderly conduct, paid 133 fine. Marriage Licenses Donsld Fvlix Petersen. 11. rets analy st. 14S4 State St. and Norma Ineeborg Wise. S3, dictaphone operator, tM Mill 8t Bslem. Jamas Preston war. 11. baker. 11H north winter and Barbara XJaer. If, clerk. 130S Market. Salem. Keith A. Prestow. legal, tabortr. S3S Jelfersoft. and Dolly M. Huffman, legal, f cannery worker, stag Dellgat. sales. VIrgu Colours. 44. sawmill worker, Dallas, and TTielma King. 38. clerk. 4eS SoBUl Winter. Salem. winiam Dowglaj Cotvari. SI. vtadent, 11M CTtvmekete atreet. and Othelene f IBM operator. ISM pearl, asjem. MKO Accepted uf the Amsrlcui Medical Asvxiation Council on Physical Medicine FLOYD BENNETT Senator Hotel fTTy-n -rrmm re rrnn m r t hi rtiir i I Hi.! , Shown here is furniture being removed from tfin Cjnii.l Journal office for transportation to the new SUtesman-Journal building where both papers, editorially independent, will use the common printing facilities. HEAVY HOIST HANDLES LINOTYPES j mfli::;:,:! L f ! ir ''I fit-- W . II fcrf -. . T- PN- y- . I fcVltts. .j&A-. kg.t .Jsm, A "4"J,rfhl , hp as, m.inio.i.ltlt.V.jfi I ' Linotype machines used in the Capital Journal were moved when the home of that newspaper for 20 years was vacated Saturday and Sunday. Some of the machines were taken to the SUtesman-Journal building where they will again go into production. President to (Continued from Page 1) Mondav's meeting with nine GOP congressional leaders and the Cab inet was preliminary to a session Tuesday which will bring Demo cratic leaders to the White House along with Republican lieutenants. Congress convenes at noon Wednesday. Monday's meeting ran 2 hi hours. Martin declined to give any hint as to what will be in the Presi dent's talk Monday night or in his State of the Union address. He said the legislators were given a "very interesting resume of the President's program and discussed some of its aspects witn the Cabinet members involved. Reads From Address He said the President toot an hour to read from the State of the Union address. Describing it as 'a very good message, Martin aid. "We all think it is a dynamic. progressive program and one that will oe weii receiveu uj em ce ments of the country." All Martin would say about the President's labor law program, un rWatnod to involve some revision of the Taft-Hartley act, was that it looks like a good one. Ben. Reed (R-NY). chairman of the House Ways and Means Com mittee, who has warred with the administration on some phases of its tax program, sat in on Mon day's meeting. When re Dorters asked him what he thought of the tax portions of the State of the Union message, Rent smiled and told reporters "1 take this occasion to wish the American people, and that in eludes the press, a happy and DrosDenous New Year and congrat ulate them on prospective tax re lief The Jan. 21 date for submission of the budget message, is the last on which Eisenhower can legally nretent t to Coneress. The law re quires that it go to Congress with in 15 days alter me opening oi a session. Thuridav's State of the Union address will be carried by aU TV and radio networks. SURGICAL SUPPORTS Of all tines. Trvtanea, Abdotn trial SspfMrta, Elutie Haaiery Expert fitters private fitting ASK TOOt DOCTOat Capital Drug Store 4Bi BUt fltreet Carney wf UbcrtT RAH Green UfM v.Afl I AL JUURNAL MOVES AFTER 20 YEARS Collins Doubts Reds Could Reach Channel Washington (R Gen. Lawton Collins says it is now doubtful the Russians could reach the English Channel if they unleashed an assault on Western Europe. Collins, U. S. representative on the North Atlantic Treaty Treaty Organization Council, said yesterday on an NBC tele vision show NATO forces now have twice the air strength avail able three years ago. In addition to 2,000 combat planes, he said, the Allies hsve Id to 18 divis ions immediately ready to fight No Other Tree Like It! Lily of the Valley Tree '1 each (3 for $2) Amasing Story of This Cinderella Tree Every June this tree changes slmost overnight from a pretty green shade tree Into a white cloud of thousands of flowers exsctly like perfect Lillies of tne vsiiey. very fragrant. The second miracle hanpena in fall with the first frost, when the whole tree turns flsme red. One of the most beautiful and unususi of all trees. We send strong stock at least lVx-3 ft tall. Limited Supply. SEND NO MONEY. On delivery pay cost, C.O.D. and postal chsrges. Postage caid on prepaid orders. S a t i s f a etion Guaranteed or Mony Back. KRL'SE NURSERIES, Dept. 11101, Bloomlngtaa, IlL Print Name Address Court Upholds (Continued from Page 1) 1 Refused to step Into the un successful efforts of a group of Marshall, Tesas, housewives to strike down the federal lae quiring the payment of social se curity taxes on domestic servant:. i. Refused to review the dis missal of a l.vm rwi a,. ...i. filed by S. L. Kilgore against for mer Gov. Fuller Warren and other Florida stats officials. Kilsore. onetimsi mBH. of the Florida Crushed Stone Co.. charged in the suit he was wrong' fully discharged because he op P"ed the payment of I'kickbacks" for political purposes. Lower fed eral courts dismissed Kilgore's complaint 4. Declined to review a Federal Power Commission order granting Northern Natural Gas Co. rate in creases approximating g million dollars. The company bad asked boosts totalfnc artnnt ft son Anil Northern operates a pipeline sys tem originating in the gaa fields ua ninsas, uxianoma and Texas. (Continued from Page 1) '.The Klamath Inrliana total of 823,000 acres of timber land, now beins ooeratarl nn sustantial yield. Jackson said that roe majority of the tribe favor maung cattle raising: the nrlmarv project, polntini out that them is sufficient ttraiine- lands avail able, and with an irrigation nroi. , auixicunt water could be aa- surea to lngurw an adequate hay iw mi winter momna. ' Dibbon Cook, secretary 0f the Klamath Indian council was present at the meeting, over which the Governor presided. ' I present at the meeting, over II 170 N CmotarlVel I wflten t Ho livarnny umiMm II ...... . GET SeVFOG VMS V ll III f f I lr 5sa Your Ciinrlnv Ctnacmnn r III Tomorrow Night's Capitol' Journal II Shopping Cnt.r If II K J 1 1 lf f Fr park'ngl J' jj Baichelor and Wife Celebrate Tokyo () Cpl, Claude Batchelor and hi Japanese wife Kyoko happily planned second honeymoon and an eve ning of dancing at Japanese night club when they had two-hour reunion at Tokyo Army hospital today. Kyoko's love letters played an important part in Batche lor's decision to ask repatriation rrom a pro-Red prison com pound in Korea. She said she planned to write tonight, at her husband's request, to three other Americans who stayed with the Communists. Batchelor arrived here yes terday after renouncing his de cision to stay with the Reds. He and his wife were together for four hours soon after his arrival at the hospital and she returned tor a two-hour re union today. Kyoko said her husband will be given a pass Wednesday and plans to have a dark blue suit made to take her dancing. Governors Ask Date on Dams BOISE ID The JPacific North west Governors Power Policy Com mittee will set up an engineering subcommittee to reassess all avail able information on proposed Col umbia Basin dams when it meets here next week. Gov. Len Jordan said Mondav this would be the principal busi ness of the session Jan. 13. The Columbia Basin Inters sen. cy Committee will meet in the afternoon of the snme day, and near uie Army Engineers pro posals for dams at Bruces Eddy ana renny jiut on the Clear, water River in North Idaho. Members of the Columbia Basin Compact Committee will be in on the two meetings, hold subcommit tee meetings Jan. 14, and a full committee meeting Jan. 15. The engineering subcommittee, Jordan aaid, will consider the ma terial in the Army Engineers' 908 report on the basin and other data which have become available since then. It will have the duty of drawine up a priority list for future basin protects.. THE PEERLESS BAKERY Baiters tot fct M&jMty wiv no use w ue I 3lr Green Stantn HER LETTERS Hi It .. ... J- '1IM. CpL Claude Batchelor, 22, of Kermit, Tex., happily holds his Japanese wife, Kyoko AraU, whose setters to him while . he was in the Communist stockade at Panmunjom, were credit ed by him for his rejection of Communism. The two were ' reunited in Tokyo where Batchelor was flown and la being . kept in an army hospital for a physical check up. (U. S. Army photo via radio from Tokyo) : . 1 . ' wet used such V-) I CAPITOL Pre-lnventory Sale -r.trtl iv it in j ii DID THE TRICK ." "L ' aawgaji a, , - J Lf ... 'U V , 7- ink- ... f5 ..t i.J a. fine fuel..." LUMBER CO.