Friday, January 1. 1954 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem. Oregon Page 7 Wedding 3n Monday t Church Miss LaVlna Susie Guenther, daughter of Mn. Susie Guen her, was married last Mon day evening to Donald Erlin Stram. son of the Rev. and Mrs. Walter E. Stram of Ar tington, South Dakota. The ervice was at 8 o'clock In the Court Street Christian church, the Rev. Mr. Stram, father of the bridegroom, officiating, issslted by the pastor, the Rev. Alex Sauerweln. The setting was a Christmas time one, silvered greens and white candles decorating the ;hurch. For the music, Carl Blanis sang and Don Smith played the organ. The bride was given in mar Mage by her brother, Harvey guenther. She wore a Vene tian lace over satin dress that Ivas designed with sheer yoke, fc full sweeping skirt with a ace panel down the front, and full train. For her flowers she carried a bouquet of white rosebuds arranged with white ribbon and silver streamers on k white Bible. I Miss Joyce Harms was hon tor attendant. Miss Shirley fctram, sister of the bride groom, and Mrs. Marcella tediger, .cousin of the bride, Iwere the bridesmaids. The at tendants wore dresses of taf- beta with sheer yokes outlin ed with niching, all in vary ing shades of blue. Their (flowers were arrangements of tnink carnations ana suverea leaves and ribbons with fcandle In the center of each 1 Jonell Guenther, niece of Jthe bride, was junior attend Isnt. wpnrlnff a dress similar , to that of the other attend ants, Dawn Stram, sister of the bridegroom, and Jennifer Guenther, niece of the bride, were flower girls, wearing frocks matching those of the other attendants', and carrying lace baskets with rose petals. Thomas LaDuke, Jr., uncle of the bridegroom, was best man. Donald Guenther and John Guenther, brothers of the " bride, Melvin Goertzen, cou sin of the bride, and Stanley iLyman were the ushers. The bride s mother wore a navy blue dress with lace in sets and a corsage of pink car nations with silver leaves and ribbon. The bridegroom's mother wore a navy blue lace over taffeta dress with cor sage of pink carnations and the silver leaves and ribbon, The reception was in the church parlors Cutting the cake were Mrs. John Guen ther, sister-in-law of the bride, and Mrs. Harvey Guen ther, also a sister-ln-law. Pouring were Mrs. Emll IGoertzen, at the coffee urn, lain of the bride, at the punch .bowl. Assisting were Miss jChristlne Pollen, Miss Caro lyn Miscnler, Mrs. Clint Bl ood, Miss waltraut Fuchs, Miss Judy Stram, sister of the bridegroom. For traveling the bride "wore wore a blue suit with gold stripe In it and gray ac cessories. The couple have 'left for Madison, South Da kota, to make their home, Mr. Stram being minister I of the Church of Christ there. Social Club Meets Sllverton Mrs. Clyde Stalger was hostess, assisted by Mrs. Ben Butler, for the regular holiday meeting of the Abiqua Ladies Social club when "secret pals" were re vealed and officers were elected for the new year. Mrs. Neil Verbeck will serve as president; Mrs. John Miller as vice president; Mrs, Verne Hiskey as secretary: ana Mrs. Danny Dorgan as treasurer. The officers were installed by the retiring of ficials. The January meeting is to be at the home of Mrs. Floyd Steiger with Mrs. Loron Dunigan as co-hostess. BPW Club Dinner Sllverton The .Tanimrv meeting or the Sllverton Busi ness ana frnresstnnni wnm en's club is to be a 7 o'clock diner at Tonevs. Tuesday. Jan uarv B. The lefflslntlvA chairman mrs. w. H. Brandt, is direct lng the ttroeram. The tonic I. "Your Tax Dollar Source and Destination." Mrs. F Roubal is moderator. The club oresldent. Mn. Rpnnrft G. Leach, Is presenting the scnooi - teacher tax problem Mrs. frank Dederick. Grame Mrs. Brandt. ttltl-. nrl Miss Mareuerito Hallnrk 1 nior' past president, will give DacKgrouna material. f Mli,ilfi ,iti jl llll I II 1 1 III I pill I ' - - ;U(V TV , . nW , Wedding In Fall Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Prink (Eleanor Carlsen Janzen), above, were married in the fall. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Axel T. Carlsen, Sr., of Dallas. Mr. Prink is the son of Mrs. Harry Harris of Waldport. (Artz studio picture.) t f jm I - ? V - - S OrnmMi-mm i , -skip Wvf-1 'A if : i i.y . Mr., Mrs. Berry Married 50 Years Lyons Mr. ind Mrs. George Berry were honored on their golden wedding an niversary Sunday, uecemuer 27 at the Rebekah hall, when their friends called between the hours of 2 and 4. The members of Three Links club of Faith Rebekah lodge were hostesses for the reception. 1th Mrs. Otto Weidman, Mrs. Floyd Bassett and Mrs. Albert Carr the committee in charge. Mrs. Berry has been a member of the lodge for 40 years. The room was oecoraiea with holly, gold ribbon and yellow chrysanthemums. The serving table was centered with a large bouquet of yel low chrysanthemums, a gift from Santlam Valley Grange of which Mr. Berry la a mem ber, and a three-tiered wed ding cake. Mrs. Raymond Berry, a daughter-in-law, presided at the coffee urn and Mrs. Wil liam Bodeker, sister-in-law, cut the cake. Assisting in the serving was Mrs. Paul Pen nington. Kathryn Carr was in charge of the guest book and Gloria Carr at the gift table. All are granddaught era of the Berrys. George Berry and Rosa Bo deker were married in Lyons at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Bodeker, on Bodeker Mountain, Decem ber 30, 1903. They are the parents of six children, Ray mond of Tillamook, Floyd of Glendale, Delbert of Stayton. Roland of Gates, Marvin of Lyons, and Mrs. Albert Carr also of Lyons. All were pres ent but Floyd who was unable to attend. Among those honoring the Berrys were Mr. and Mrs. Herman Gamrath and family from McMinnville, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Berry and son, Donald, of Tillamook, Mr. and Mrs. William Bodeker of Al- sea. Mrs. Grace Bierly and family of McMinnville, Mr and Mrs. Delbert Berry and daughter, Diane, of Stayton; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Julian of Sclo; Mrs. Norman Johnson, Chris and Curt of Salem; Mr. and Mrs. John Bierly of Mc Minnville, Daryl, Jean, Chet and Todd Nelson of Oswego Beverly Hlrschey of Portland; Gall Elmer of Albany, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Brown of Canby Ben Bodeker of Mill City, Mr and Mrs. George Schlies of Stayton; Mr. and Mrs. Ed Haynes of Mill City; Mr. and Mrs. Willard Berry and chil dren of Sweet Home; Mr. and Mrs. Elils Brown of McMinn ville, Mr. and Mrs. Grover Berry and Mr, and Mrs. Lyle Berry and children of Brig- ham City, Utah; Mrs. Clara Surry of Lebanon; Mr. and Mrs. Duke Goodwin and daughter, Veiki of Mill City; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Skalfe of Sllverton; Mr. and Mrs. Bus ter Berry and family of Port land; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hampton of Salem; Jerry Coffman of Mebama; Elmer Taylor of Mehama, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Alleu, Mr. and Mrs. George Huffman, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Carr, Gloria, Kathryn and Naydene, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Bodfker, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Lewis, Lucille and Beulah Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Bressler, Elmer Hiatt, Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Brass field, Mrs. Leota Worden and Marjorie, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Berry, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Naue, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hiatt, Mr. and Mrs. Orvllle Downing, and Casper Gerath, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Penning ton, Paula, Shyrel and Mar- lene, Mrs. Otto Weidman, and Mrs. Floyd Bassett, all of Lyons. Shower Given Lebanon Miss Patsy Con ner, whose marriage to Edward Piggot of Palo Alto, Calif., was an event of December 27 at the First Christian church, was honored at a bridal shower Tuesday night. Hostesses were Mrs. John Hatfield, Mrs. E'mer Whetstone and Miss Ardys Whetstone. The bride, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Conner of Lebanon, was honored at sev eral holiday showers in the south. On Saturday night, Mrs. W. Glen Chandler and Mrs. R. M. Hayden entertained for the wedding party at the latter's home. Engagement Told Announced recently was the en gagement of Miss Evelyn Fredrikson, above, of Portland, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon E. Fredrikson of Salem, to James A. Dean, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dean of Owensboro, Kentucky. A spring wedding is planned. (Kennell-Ellis studio picture) THE PEERLESS BAKERY Bakers or her Majesty the Housewife H?C Grean Stomps 170 N. Commercial 155 No. Liberty Phono 3-3191 WHITE SALE SPECIAL Full or twin size 488 Save 1.10 at Words Words regular price for tHs lovely Sprood Is 5.98. Soft, fluffy cotton chenille Is tufted In long, flowing rows that gracefully hug your bed. Attractive over-loy pattern of scrolls and floral designs In assorted colors ond styles. Just one of the mony excellent volues you'll find during Wards January White Sale. SHOP WARDS FRIDAY NIGHT TILL 9 Annual Christmas Party at Dayton Dayton Mrs. Cora Wlrfs was hostess recently for the tenth annual Ladles' club Christmas party at her home, with 18 present. A dinner was served at noon. The table was attractive with a sugar cube house made with red candy mortar, complete to the last detail with candles in the windows and Santa Claus all ready to come down the chimney. , As a special feature this year, Mrs. Letha Fitzsimmons of Portland, who la handicapped and confined to a wheelchair, volunteered to furnish gifts for all of the guests. These includ ed handkerchiefs, dollies, tow els, cosmetics, crochet and em broidery supplies and many other things including more than ISO Christmas cards which she, with the help of another handicapped friend, remaae, complete to envelopes. Mrs. Mattie Thornton led the group in the singing of Christ mas carols and Mrs. Cora Wirfs played several numbers on the accordion. Among the guests especially honored were Mrs. Ella Davis, the oldest present, age 83; Mrs, Ida Rowley, a great-great-grandmother; and five great- grandmothers, including Mrs. Rose Smith, Mrs. Martha No gossek, Mrs. Prlscilla Beers, Mrs. Mariam Krake and Mrs. Sina Christenson. The group especially remembered Mrs. I Alice Smith, who Is now 94 years old. An item of Interest was an old picture of a similar group which was taken years ago when Mrs. Winnie McDougall was hostess to the first Dayton Christmas party. The gifts were distributed by little Gary Wirfs, who always assists his grandmother. Mrs. Mariam Krake and Mrs. Ted Wlrfs also assisted with the din ner. Sweat-Rowell mistletoe were arranged about the rooms. Mrs. Fred Watt and Mrs. Rowell served and poured. The newlyweds are making their home in Lebanon. Liberty Lebanon Miss Patricia Ma rie Rowell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Rowell, and James W. Sweat, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Sweat, repeated their marriage vows on Christmas Eve at the home of the bride groom's parents. The Rev. Charles L. Roepke of Albany read the single ring service at 8 p.m. The Sweat home was decorated with white chrysanthemums. The bride wore a pink taffeta dress with blue accessories and an orchid corsage. Maid of honor was Miss Mary Lou Simpson. Standing with the bridegroom was James Southworth. The reception was at the Rowell home where holly and Liberty Mrs. Harry Knep per complimented her daugh ter, Sharon, in honor of her ninth birthday on Thursday at a party at her home on Hru betz Drive. Birthday cake and ice cream was served to Elaine Feters, Karen Sorenson, Sue Hughes, Janet Millar, Cheryl Lee Kurth, Caroline Gibson, Sharon Knep per and Carol Jones. Assisting Mrs. Knepper was Sharon's grandmother, Mrs. Nina Browning. In 1900 only two per cent of the total U. S. population lived in California compared to seven per cent in 1950. SAVING CENTER MARKETS OPEN NEW YEARS FREE ESTIMATES On Kitchen Remodeling Capital OySMea, STORE 181 N. High Ph. 4-S431 IJIM!l$69'5 1 155 No. Liberty Phono 3-3191 JANUARY WHITE SALE Lowest Prices on . Sheets in 11 Years REG. 1.88 LONGWEAR SHEETS Wards thrifty Muslin Sheers with 132 bleached white cotton threads per sq. inch. 81x99". Reg. 2.15 Sheets, 81x 108" .1.95 72x99" Reg. 1.88 1.59; Reg. 41c Co REG. 2.49 TREASURE CHESTS Wards Best Quality Muslin Sheets with 145 bleached white threads per sq. in. 81x108". Reg. 2.29 Sheets, 72x108" Size 2.05 Reg. 49c Cases 42x36" size 46c REG. 2.79 PERCALE SHEETS Wards Best Quality Treasure Chests with 186 bleached white threads per sq. in. 72x108." Reg. 2.99 Percale Sheets 81x108" 2.55 Reg. 59c Percale Cases. 42x38y 55e REGULAR 2.29 FITTED SHEETS Full size, top or bottom Ftited Muslin Sheets. Fit without a wrinkle ond re main in place. 132 bleached white threads per sq. inch. Reg. 1.99 Twin Size Fitted Sheets 1.79 1.65 2.25 2.25 2.09 Save on Bedding Every Price Cut Reg. 3.59 Mattress Pad. All bleached. New cotton filler, cotton muslin cover. Full size. Reg. 2.59 Mattress Pad. All bleoched. New cotton filler, cotton muslin cover. Twin size. Reg. 1.79 Pastel Plaid Blanket 70x80" Sturdily woven of American cotton. Reg. 279 Sheet Blanket. 72x95". All American cotton. Soft postel shades. Reg. 5.98 Chenille Spread. Scroll-ond-floral designs. Full, twin size. Save Reg. 1.98 White Sheet Blanket. 70x 95 '. Strongly woven of 100 Ameri can cotton. 2.97 2.27 1.52 2.37 4.88 1.67 Save on Towels and Household Domestics USUAL 49c QUALITY TOWEL Specially purchased for this sale. Med ium weight, soft cotton-terry. Neot, vertical stripes in attractive colors on snowy white background. Very fluffy and absorbent. 20x40". REGULAR 79c BATH TOWEL Cannon's beautiful "Prelude" pattern. Thick-Icpcd rotton-terry. Highly ab sorbent. 22x44. Reg. 49c Prelude Face Towel 16x26" 44e Reg. 25c Prelude Wash Cloth . . . 22e 39c 67c REG. 42c KITCHEN TOWELING Nationally known Stevens 100 Lin en Toweling. Fully bleached ond stand ard 1 7-inch width. Choice of wide wo- j r ven borders in assorted washfast eo! jC yd. ors. Smooth, lintless weave. REGULAR 25c FLOUR SACKS Laundered, bleached ond zoned. Very practical for home ond farm sturdy cotton socking for kitchen towels, dust 1 OO or polishing cloths. Absorbent ond eco- I . JJ nomical. Buy now. 5 for Fabrics Domestics Popularly Priced Printed Embossed Cottons. Permanent finish. Washable. Pert patterns. 36-in. 70- width. VC yd. Reg. i.39 Cotton Pinwale Corduroy. Many lovely shades. 1 6 ribs per inch. 1 AA 37-in. I.UUyo. Solid Embossed Cottons. Permonent timsn. washable. Smort shades. 36-in. AO. SHOP WARDS FRIDAY width. Reg. 1.59 Menswear Suiting. Rayon-and-aeetate blend. Crease-resistant. 1 1 "7 44" width. 1.1 yd. Pinnacle Percale. Colorful prints, smooth solids. Woshfast. 36-in. width! 0"C yd. Reg. 24c Unbleached Muslin. Good i n quolity. 64x60 thread count. 36" wide. VC yd NIGHT TILL 9 P.M. '