Pair, i THE f APITAi. jnlFNAL. Salem. Oresrot) limnp a. .. J 1 "Si In The Valley I .-. Edilrd bj MIKE FORBES Dayton 1 Falls City SuKh.1" 1.7 of diughniw of ,he and -ervtim. S.nU San church are entertain- Fall. City Le.term.ns. i, quite him . I ihfnk IM the junior girU class to i .11 M her home in Salem and said I ? for the Christmas Eve tree and the big dinner next day. A small son of Frank Joslln Let- was frightened at Santa Claut nanoca back and nough, Grand Island Grand Island Lt. and Mn. Donald Wiley left by plane Wedneadty morning to not , r.tmrt bark to College sta- Unionyale Grand Ronde nartv nn Saturday. Jan. 2 at u the church. Thia party it tne DreaKoown. rnivi. ,, occasion war. M,ents. Mr. and Mn. Worth eliir to a conteat between, Mn. Letterman sr. nan ex- Fl.,nk j0iiin ,nd w.lev it their Grand Island MsTJ T W:n wear- Texu. eijh, da,; the two classes in wnicn inc pected ii people :or (.nrisimas , w. ,..., Walter Grand Ronde Mr. and boys were tne loser . : '"J " u !i Joslln and family of Eugene. Mrs. Ernest Barn., .pent the I Mrs. Vernon Foster teaches , and I otly., last minute Ur- ,nd holidays with their son and i the boy, class ana rs nev. ... y...... 'llr. daughter. Mr. and Mr,. Phil 1 Robinson ha. the girl." class. ! . Jngvar B Lamtertajif Barnes, and Mr. and Mr, John' Mr. and Mr, W J. M.honcy . - Ttvir aM u Mr of Lebanon and Mr. and Mrs. ..' . . 1 n and Mn. Lawrence Christian Walter Bingham of Castle ;cwa. ne nas oeen namea ... Anolher chlld wn0 i, of Lebanon alto were lues's. Rock, Wash., spent Christmas of Santa Claui if two year old Mr and Mr. Billv Gill en- her( wi,h Mr" June H"'v 0,her .V"l,etI., ' ? M"? Ann Fletcher, daughter Mr. and Mr, Billy Gill en , Patricia Schuen- have most recently been hos-, d M A L rielcher. rLr. s!" '.Jfe nd. When her mother took her Mr and Mr T & "an Gill and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Walls and : " j to Salem to M SanU the rain Mr and Mrs. u. dn oiu ana McMinnville. were Mn. J. H. Jenkint of Dallas ,,, nMriv torrential and the Mr. and Mrs Dan G.Tl of Mc V.n. '!;!;rt;- '"" 7" T1V innvilie. ., ..... ,. lh,,.h.nH nut tn !! nn Mn , , .u- u. .1. ...I Iiy. . "ana a, v paiuin w - .anO. USl SS ll.C i.H.B well .nr. mrs. j.j , M Pitch .. . i Koneri rieicner, ana iney ,.nj.. ,he "" the w nd had a. their house guest for ... . ... . p.u.,, u brouiht a fine rabbit doe and ,..,,oh( in rf., it nrt riumned Unionvale Mr. and Mn John Thien and son, Richard Baker entertained with a fam ily Christmas party at thfir home in L'nionvalf. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. Timothy King and two daughters, Pearl and Aleta King of Unionvale; Argal Gross in L'.S service, stationed at Fort Lewis, Mr. and .tt. Robert Bakrr of As toria. He is in coast guard duty. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Baker and Susan of Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Stein grube entertained with a fam ily party Thursday. Four grandsons of Mrs. William Tay lor in U.S. service were home for Christmas. They are Rus sell Tavlnr in air rnros recent ly from Japan; Darrell Taylor, j Pnts, Mr. and Mrs. Charles j fined. army, recently of Korea; Ro bert Taylor, air corp. Las Ve gas, Dev.; Donald Wiley, air corps. College Station. Texas. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Magee were Christmas day dinner guests of their son and daugh-. ter-in-law, Mr. and Mn. Rob ert Magee, and sons at Corval-lis. ACORNS FROM THE c'Th the holidays their mother. Mrs. ! . ;.. , u ' n WA.rA. her 10 babies. Mrs. Jenkins;. u, fi of u,.tr on her lt, rtnuinAU , rnntrslia 1 a""' s- 'w ' "M " " MH . I1..-J 4 k o1" f w u 'land Anita spent the day Tuea-!"". - head to her Old age -ne win ""- Aav at th l.onffv ew hncnital rivicucr rciiucure. nrnhah v nv "Kin thrnur wl. Mr. and Mrs. George Post.wnere a brother-in-law, Ray, Mrs. Gene Lacey, a former lter on me." spent Christmas day with her ; Bailey, and his mother arc con-. Mills City resident, is in the! Christmas guests of the J Dalits Hospital, having suomu- George Newlandt were the fa- Mike Ewing, who has been i urgcry uec. ther, Charlea Chard who was In the McMinnville hospital Christmas dinner guests of i brought home from Barteili Maidment of Chchalls, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Norman St. Germain, and three children, , for two weeks came home the Gene Walsh family will be spent Christmas with her sis-, Tuesday, feeling much Improv- Mrs. Walsh's parents. Mr. and ter, Mr. and Mrs. John Bus- ed in health. Mri. Fay Porter of Monroe. well and family of Wlllamina Mr Jnd Mrl A r Wlllson Mrs. Gerald Shoemaker if In Mr. and Mrs. Ted E. Smith r l prt hom Tuesday from! the Dallas hosoital. suffering had as their guests at Christ- Trsl where they visited a ton mas, mri. i-ean sironecx 01 ..j a Haushter and the r fam WITH DEL MILNE ew rumuouniow (ar "I cm drtim, can't II") FOR MEN: 1. I vow to take my little spouse to the oak Hoomlor a very special treat so I can 1111 my tummy with some 01 tnai neiicioiu mean ,. 3. I vow to take my family . . . one and all ... to the Marion Hotel Dining Room cus I've heard they've sol real family dinners witn extra special quality AND family prices. FOR WOMEN: 1 I'm Rolnit to call the Marlon Hotel RIOHT NOW to maka res ervations for trie first fashion luncheon of the New Year pres. ented by Johiuon's In the Oold Room I HAPPY NEW YEAR! Iimtmbtr In Saltm It's Ih HOTEL MARION Phono. 3-4 1 23 YEARS DAY Roast Turkey & Dressing Moshtd Potato With Giblef Gravy, Colo Slow Hot Biscuits, Butter 85 ftoasled Veal With Roosted Pototoei And Grovy, Cole Slow Hot Biscuits ond Butter 85 Bring the Family Sftd la the Dinlito Keen r Sonic in Tour Car WooloffA SAN SHOP ,m.llir1i,fcfajpt Salem, and Ray Harris of Dal las. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Hines and children of Eugene, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Hines and Nina. Mr. and Mn. Charles Van- audenhaegen of Forest Grove were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Hines. Miss Nina Hines, student of Willamette university, is spending her vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Hines. Roland Rydell, age 14 years, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Rydell of Grand Ronde died at Salem General hospital Mon day. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Swanson and family spent Christmas with their sister, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Linberg of Portland. Dinner was served to 22 guests. Mr. and Mn. Ivan Caligan enjoyed a family gathering at their home on Christmas day Their guests were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Rnhlson and family. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Banuch, Mr. and Mrs. William Larkins and son Tommy. Robert Banuck and guest. Miss Lou Martin, all of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cali gan and son of Ft. Hill, visited Mr. and Mn. Ivan Caligan over Sunday. Grand Island ilics during the Christmas holi days. Mrs. Lena Filer and Char lotte visited her sister, Mrs. Barbara Dill, in Multnomah Wednesday. GuesU over the holiday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. How ard Holt and family were her mother, Mrs. Louise Almgren, and his mother, Mrs. Alma Holt, and her son, Mr. and Mrl. Dean Almgren and ton, ill of Corvallis. Mrs. Lena Willard is back ot her home again after ' being with her daughter, Mn. Mah- ion Williams, for a week or so. On Sunday she was i din ner guest of her son, Orange Willard, and family. Mrs. Austin Fields of Port land visited with Mr. apd Mrs. Smith Fields over the week end. On Saturday, Mrs. Fields' brother, Lyle Addison and fam ily, of Aurora, stopped for the day. The Addisons have a new baby as a gift this Christmas time. from a back ailment. She is there for obscr -atlon as well as treatment and expected home soon. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Whltton of Sweet Home are spending a few dayi it the Woodrow Rob inson home. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Cam per and daughter, Carolyn, were Christmas dinner guests of the Frank Campbell family. Mrs. Evjene was surprised by a visit from her son, Arnold Evlene, for a short stay. Arnold is In the Navy and stationed at Norfolk. Va. While home he and his mother drove to Junction City to see an aunt, Mrs. Charles Stan field, and his sister, Mrs. Los ley and her family came from Logsden to spend Christmas and to visit. Arnold returned to base Monday by plane, as his leave was short. Leroy Davis has had the cast removed from his leg and strength it coming back to the injured part. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Paul and grandchildren met at the home of a dauffhter. Mrs Mr. and Mrs. Glenn S. ChildsiGladys Brown, Christmas day hospital before the holidays. Mrs. Newland'i brother and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Verne Chard and three boys ot Tillamook, an anut. Mn. John DeHart and her husband from Silverton and Helen Newland who It home from Laurelwood Acad emy for a two weeks vacation. Alvin Woodruff and wife and his sister. Lillle are visiting a sister and brother it Santa Ana, and other points In Cali fornia. Llllie is on I vacation from Laurelwood Academy. home. He expects to gradu ate in the air corps Feb. 28. Mr. and Mr. Isaac Braat and family of near Newberg were Christmas dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs Dale L. Fowl-1 er and Miss Marcena. Sunday dinner guests at the tame home were: Mr. and Mn. Floyd E. Fowler. Mrt. Louise Fowler and Miss Pauline Man del of Portland and Mrs. Clar ence L. Fowler of Unionvale. St Louis Hubbard and her mother, Mrs. riuane Thettleplace, are expecting guests for the New Year t holi day, her brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Thettleplace, and a niece, Mrs. Carl Evans and three children, all 'from Redding, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. L. Docherty and daughters visited Saturday with her sister, Mrt. David Hcidinger at Hillsboro. Mr. and Mrt. George Tucker wd son. Dean, of Medford, via- lted his cousins, Mrt. W. S. Hibbert and the Clare Heldert Sunday afternoon. Christmas cards indicate Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Alderman are enjoying the winter It New- Grand Island Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Stoutenburg had their ; family home for Christmas. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. I Raymond Palmer and family of Grand Island; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Webster, their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Dfann Ifnnlln mnA ann D;.l.l. of Longvlew, Wash.; Mr. and port Beacn' CaI"' Mrs. J. R. Dodd of Calico. Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Dodd are remaining until after New Year't day. Mr. and Mrs. Dale L. Fowler and Marcena had more than 30 members present for a family dinner at their home in Grand Island. Attending were Mr. Mrs. Vernon Eslclle Aumsville Aumsville Grade school children presented the annual Christmas program Dec. 21 in the gymnasium. The first, sec ond, third and fourth grades and v a pageant "The Children Mvrtle Find Their Gifts. "Scenes from Point: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lee! Christmas Carol," by Charles and family. Days Creek: Miss Dickens was presented by the Doris Braat. Portland; Mr. tnd 'f'h and sixth grade pupils. Mrs. Fred Finnicum. Webfoot;! A one act playlet "Too Much Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shel- Mistletoe'' was given by sev burnp, McMinnville: Miss Phvl- enlli and eichih rort. luHni. lis Finnicum, Salem; Mr. and and also "Seeing the World Mrs. Arnold Braat and Lynel,, Through Christmas Music," Wheatland; Mrs. M. Braat, which consisted of a c h o r a 1 Unionvale oronn slnoln euop.l rhrl.l. Mrs Frank Finnicum and mas sones. uii, finnicum for a family reunion Mrs. B. Y. Allen's Christmas guests were her son, E. J. Allen and hit wife, alto a friend, Miss Green, all of Tillamook; Jimmy Allen II and wife, Jim my Allen III and hit other grandmother, Mrs. Vale of In dependence. Mr. and Mrs. Algot Fredin made a train trip back to their home in Minnesota for the holi day season, and will return to Oregon early in January. George Kreiss of Redwood City, Calif., a grandson of Mrs. B. Y. Allen, fell 25 feet while working at carpentry and broke his neck in three places, his spinal cord was partly crushed tn vertebrae which were brok en, and he also received other injuries. Mr. Krelsa was rushed to a hospital where doctors drilled through the neck vertebrae and inserted the proper bolts to hold them in place and will operate soon upon the back. The doctors tay Mr. Kreiss will not be paralyzed from the crushed spinal cord. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Mcvers drove to Salem Christmas day and had dinner with Mr. Mey er s sister. Leroy Davis was an over night guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lee of Salem recently. Floyd Brown and Leroy Dav is drove to Estacada Mondav. Everett Estelle is spending his two weeks vacation at home with his mother. Mrs. William Hubbard New officers will be installed Tuesday eve ning. Jan. S during an open ceremony for the Pythian Sis ters of Arion Temple at 8 o'clock In the Pythian hall. Mrs. Jack MocVnaw will be installing officer and the staff will be directed by Mrs. Sadie Rich. The members of the Hub bard Woman's club will hold their January meeting in Portland at the home of Mrs. Vern Van Horn, Wednetday, Jan. 8. at 2 p.m. for a program "The United Nations Bring ing World Understanding and Peace." Mrs. Van Horn is GWFC United Nation! Dlvit ion chairman. Members may contact Mrs. Wayne Bridge for transportation. The Zulus of South Africa believe that every man la ac companied by an ancestral spirit in the form of a serpent which moves underground. If the terpen! diet the man diet and then the serpent comet to life again. r MtONI a-t4T BOYS & GIRLS Tomorrow at 12:30 SPECIAL KIDS SHOW See . . . "The Great Adventures of "CAPTAIN KIDDrr and 3 Color Cartoon Alto Kathryn Grayson Howard Keel "KISSMEKATE" Alio Rhonda Fleming in "Serpent of the Nile" St. Louis Mr. and Mrt. R. P. Horning had at their guests Christmas day Mr. and Mn. Earl Horning and tons of Hillsboro; Mr. and Mrs. Ro bert Brown tnd children of Portland; Mr. and Mn. Albert Gray and ton of Vancouver. Wash.; and Mr. and Mrt. Fred Schwlngler. Latt Saturday Mr. and Mrt. Harry Horning and children, Morrlt and Donna, ttopped at the R. P. Horning home on their return from visiting her parent! at Aumsville. Mrt. D. H. Gallup of St. Paul, Minn., visited her broth er and family, Mr. and Mn. George Ruth. Mr. Ruth hadn't teen hit lister for more than 32 yean. Mrt. Gallup It now vltiting her daughter, Mrt. Melvln Mitchell at Silverton. Mr. Mitchell's mother, Mrt. Ethel Hall, accompanied Mn. Gallup. Mr. and Mrt. Ernest An drei had as their guests Christmas Mr. and Mn. Paul Simon; Mr. am Mrt. Lynn Simon and children of Wood burn; and Mr. and Mrs. Wal ter Satterle of Silverton. The Fred Manning family had their reunion at the St. Louii hall Christmas day. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Schomus are all ill at thii time. PMONI 1-S447 Kathryn Grayson Howard Keel -ma mikah" Also Rhonda Fleming "Serpenl oTlho Hlla" mmta-teao NOW PLAYING REGULAR PRICES Pint 16e for Viewer! JOHN ttim ifWSla h warns a ft If i COMB fM f 3DuiiTitifMiL Filmed In Georgia's Primitive Okefenokee Swamp "BLACK FURY" were e t.. . .L' ...lo. iiu(iu Christmas dinner guests of Mr !...?" . " . . ,ne ; Estelle and sister. Miss Ila Es-1 and Mrs Chester Caldwell nr.r " V ""'' "'"" telle Lafayette and In the afternoon " . tstene lives at Grand Ronde motored to Portland to see ' land 15 employed by a logging tier little niece. Jeanrtte In ri 1 mcmm' aervea cook- nrm. Providence hospital. Portland ic "nri c0,tef flote of The children and grandehil- Snr- tlie evening. Mrs.!- dren. all except Mrs. Pegcy . usmonovich and daughter of Mr. and Mrs Charles gcant and Ills ninth, r George Sargrant. 91. i.f Grand Harris and two children of near Anchorage. Alaska, met at the island, had as their Chnstmai balem were Christmas iiimIi,"0 oi Mrs. Charles Joslin uiiinrr ui i... mr. ana Mis. mrir parents. Mr and Mrs. Donald Sergeant and son and Raleigh Worthington and two d.iiiKhter. of Hopewell: brother. Flovd Worthlnrtnn, at Mr. and Mrs Joiin Freeborn Grand Island district. and three soin rf Dajton: Mr and Mrs Russell Sargeant and two danshteri of Grand Island A turkey dinni was s. rveH Mr. and Mr. Russell Sara- eant and two rinugh'rrs were Christmas i-...!.- , of her psr enU and hn. .' . .-. Mr and Mrs Helr.ier Toriy;i a id Bud Torp pa of A-nrn Hurl Torrpa has d polio for a number of months but is improving and home on va'atio.i. Mr. and Mrs How ard Worth. Ington and two children of I .. fayette. Mr and Mrs. Howard DANCE NEW YEAR'S EVE n V,:, 'C & 25- C" HKX1AH eM kss TIXA RAMRLFRs, I for Alt HMUetlaati. ta.i. ...... .. . a" ...m i ill, at, jBBfu4i) New Year's Day Dinner It Noon to I P.M. ROAST TURKEY OVEN BROWN STEAK BAKED SALMON 3 Buffet Foods to Help Yourself to Hot Entrees With the ruin's Coffee bv the Sllex-fatl Choice of Dessert All You Can Eat for (Of Anything and Everything) i mas under le 44 1 1 99 FAMOUS IUMIT M Sit Uriel CMSMill Matinee Toitu cont. 1:00 "The MOONLIGHTER Barbara Stanwrrk Fred MsrMurrar Technicolor Co . Hit . "MASTER OF BAt.LANTRAE With Errot pnn HOLLYWOOD KID MATINEE Tomorrow i:at to 4:00 P.M. S CARTOONS - SERIAL Special Matinee Feature: -KENTITKV in Technicolor Urelta Yonm. Richard Green Also Benwn'i Birthday Cake For Shirley dandy janm b,, Welly Wilson. Done Flanrry. Sasaa "an Saunders, lames Heiby. ter,, rttnn. earn, Dick Tinker. Benny Rl,. aUh. Sharon Trent, Kathryn Burke. Melvln Miller. Bract Powell, Unaa Scharbarh. G.r. Pnnn. Kathleen Boetwrtghi. STARTS TODAY! GEE! wfVVlf' aWaatiH. ok I t J 1 IT'S A STEAL... fl to' l'sinjOSl run ond laugh lorgoinl MrBSBF BACK HOME eoj",jj trm fil GREAT DUD ROBBfRY "imiiuii-i-iimiiit "WI-W.SMH $aving Centers At the Fool of the Bridge W. Salem Vi Mile North of fhe Underpass Salem OPEN EVERY DAY 8 A.N. TO 10 P.M. PRICES GOOD SAT. & SUN. All Popular Brands Canned Mil If O Tall I'HLIl 9 cans J oo LIMIT Powdered or Brown Mb. Package SUGAR , 9 LIMIT Large Packages TIDE each LIMIT Reg. 30c I Nestles COCOA REG. 49c Mb. Package -35 C LIMIT EASTERN OREGON BABY BEEF SHORT RIBS ld.15c T-Bone Sirloin Stk.u 39c RIB STEAKS l 29c Pure Ground Beef u 25c BEEF ROAST ... u 29c LOCKER BEEF u 24V2C I POLISH SAUSAGE lb. 35 c BRICK TUN I Mb. IIIILI Roll lb. 35 LETTUCE AND GREEN ONIONS 3bu.10c DRY ONIONS lot. 03' LARGE HEADS LETTUCE LIMIT each 10' WHITE OP PINK Grapefruit each LIMIT -"