1 Victorv Hopes Lie in Air Pwerfajogjjg'wfo'j ASSOCIATED PRESS Pag 10 Salem, Oregon, Bearcats Minus Lewis, Bedridden With Flu Willamette Bearcats may hive to pier without the watchful ere of Head Coach John Lewie tonight against Central Washington, for the baaketball boat waa in bed todaj with a fever and what appeared to be the flu. Lewla assigned hij Junior vanitr coach, Jerry Frel, to handle yesterday's practice eesaion and Frel will take the relni tonight If Lewli doem't chooae to take up hl bed and walk. Central Washington cornea for a two-night aerlei with a 2-4 record, but the four I owes include garnet against Gomaga, which defeated Wll Coniaga, which defeated Willamette, and atrong Whit worth and Whitman clubi. The vlaltora defeated Col leg of Fuget Sound, 11-51, WVLtoOpen Slate Tuesday; No Favorites Sandy (Special) A full slat ot four games marks the opening of 1954 Willamette Valley league basketball ac tion Tuesday night. No iVvor ltes have emerged from early season games and a wide open battle appears in prospect for the league crown. Coach George Potter's Sandy Pioneers host the Molalla In dians. The Pioneers are led by high scoring forward Don Mey ers while forward Jim Alex ander and guard Stan Childers are the leading point makers for Al Grove s Indians. A hot first-round tussle looms at Silverton where Gor don Kunke's defending cham pion Dall, - Dragons take on the power- I Silverton Foxes coached by Milt Baum. Estacada Bangers entertain the Canby Cougars. Truman Osburn's hustling Rangers are mainly the same crew that took Estacada to the state A-2 foot ball finals. Coach Charles Drlg- gers is In his first year at Can by. He previously coached at John Day. Mush Barbour's Woodburn Bulldogs travel to Ml Angel to tangle with the Preps, who are coached this year by Ray Utz. Junior varsity games, start ing at 8 45, will precede all varsity contests. J. V. teams compet for a trophy. They are composed of freshmen and sophomores and no member of a J. V. squad Is allowed to par ticipate in a varsity contest that night. RASt-ffTBALL SmFDlTR WILLAMKTTI VAUIT UAOtl tttome Tesin Ftrsli Jan. S Tuesiiaf- sit- Aniel va Wood turn. Sllverlr-n vs. Dalles. Sandy e. Wolelle. Eitarada, v,. cantor. Jan. S rrhlaj -Woodburn vs Bilver ton. Dalles vs. BtndT, Molalla, Ta. SiU acla, Canby va. Mt. Allan. Praise Be I ike sun worshipers, Oklahoma's I.tn Tlsrt iJ and Washington! Jfrrv Johnv.in ,ll and Bob Riyan ttll go after the ball during lint round game In the Big Seven (V.-frrenc preseason tournament at K.inMs ( Ity, lo. Thirty-three Is Sooner Lester I.ane. The lluokirs bowed to the Sooner. I7.;7. ti p Trlrnholnl For Your Shopping Convenience We Will Be Open All Day SATURDAY J.J. CLOTHES SHOP 387 Stat UNITED PKES5 Friday. January 1. 19E a quintet which lplit a aerlea with the Bearcata. They have six lettermen. Including a f-I center, 6-4 forward and t-t forward. It will be Family Night for both games, the gatekeeper requiring 11.50 for the bunch. The preliminary tonight will match Silverton and Stayton at :10, but there will be no prelim Saturday night The varsity contests are to start at I o'clock. Gray-Y teams from four Salem grade achools will present the half time enter tainment for Friday and Sat urday night's games. West Salem and Garfield achools will meet In the Friday night mix and Engle wood and McKlnley will bat tle It out Saturday night. Jan 1 TuesdaySi verton VI. cennf, Bandy va. Woodburn. Eataeeda va. Dal- lai. Mt. Anail va. Molalla. Jan- II Friday Canby va. eandr. Woodburn va. Bitaeada, Mt. Anaal va. Dallas. Molalla va. ellvarton. Jan. II Tuesday Bllvarton va. Mt. An al. Bandy va. Istaeada, Dallaa vi. Woodburn. Maolalll va. Oanby. Jan 31 Friday Bataeada va. Mt. Anaal, Bandy vi. Bllvarton. Woodburn vi. Mo lalla. Canby vi. Dallaa. Jan. 31 Tuaiday Ml. Anaal va. Bandy, Btlverton vs Ettarada. Usl.as vs. Mo lalla. Woodburn va. canby. Jan. 31 Friday Molalla va. Bandy. Feb 3 Tuoaday Woodburn va. Mt. An- at, Dallaa va. Bllvarton. Conor va. Ea tacada. Fr-b. I Friday Silverton vs. Woodburn, Bandy vi Dallaa, EilacCda va. Molalla, Mt. Aniel va. canby. February I. Tueaday canby vs. Sil verton. Woodburn vs. Sandy. Dallas vs. Kitacada. Molalla va. Mt. Anaal. Feb. 13 Friday Bandy vs. canby. Es tacada vs. Woodburn. Dallaa va. Mt. An is!. Bllvarton vs. Molalla. Feb. II. Tuesday Mt Ante! va Bll varton. Istaeada va. Bandy. Woodburn vs. Dallas. Canby vs. Molalla. Feb. II Friday Mt. Anial vs. Estaca da, Bllvarton vs. Bandy. Molalla vs. Woodburn. Dallas vs Oanby Fab. 33 Tuesday Sandy vs Mt. An iel. Istaeada. vs. Bllvarton. Molalla vs. DaJUa, Canby va. Woodburn. Walton League Meets Jan. 6 New officers of the Salem chapter of the lzaak Walton League will be installed by L. C. Blnford, Oregon division president, at a meeting Wed nesday, Jan, 6, at the club house. Albert Wiesendanger, o f "Keep Oregon Green," will show a moving picture. The ladles auxiliary will have a separate meeting prior to the social session. THURSDAY'S FIGHT By Trie Associated Press) Detroit Ken Hammer, 188"-,, Detroit, decisioned Stanley Myliruki, 1771a, Chi cago 8. St. '"' jf' 's. '' , si1Vbjii a rr - liirmin fa i - Ahoy, Hoy From New berg e om e s this 6-foot junior two-year letterman to hold down a guard post for Willamette university. The Bearcata will play Central Washington to night and Saturday night here. Hoy was on the sec ond all-conference team last year as a forward. Bowl Facts New York Uf, Facts and figures on the football bowl games, listing teams with won-Iost - tied record in brackets and estimated at tendance: Jan. 1: Rose Bowl at Pasadena, Calif. Michigan State 18-5) vs. UCLA (8-5), 108,300. Sugar Bowl at New Ore leans Georgia Tech (8-2-1) vs. West Virginia (8-5), 82, 000. Orange Bowl at Miami, Fla. Maryland (10-0) vs. Oklahoma (8-1), 69,839. Gator Bowl at Jackson ville, Fla Aubourn ("-2-D vs. Texas Tech (10-1), 30, 000. Sun Bowl at El Paso, Tex. Mississippi Southern (9-15) vs. Texas Western (7 2), 4,000. Cigar Bowl at Tampa, Fla. Lacrosse, Wis. State 9- 0) vs. Missouri Valley (8- 1) , 12,000. Tangerine Bowl at Orlan do, Fla. Arkansas State (8-0-1) vs. East Texas State 10- 0), 14,000. Salad Bowl at Phoenix, Aril. Great Lakes Navy (7- 2) vs. Fort Ord (2-0), 15.000. Shrine game at San Fran- elsco Eastern college all stars vs. Western college all stars, 63,000. 1 Elks Bowl at Greenville, N. C Morris Harvey (5-4-1) vs. Eaat Carolina College (8-15). 10,000. Srnior Bowl at Mobile, Ala All-star teams from North and South, 25,000. Five Prineville High Players Booted for ego Absences Prineville VP Coach Merritt Kelsjy said tixlav that five Prineville high school basketball squad members had been suspend ed for unexrused absences before the Christmas vaca tion. The suspension order, has ed on schoul eliiiibllitv rules, hit four members of the A-5 championship tram and forced Kelsay to revamp his lineup (or games with Washing-ton high of Portland and with Eagle roint. Team members suspended were Jim Barney, Mel Hud son, Mel Gillett. Kirhard Cain and Arlan Gumpert. All but Gumpert are members of the varsity squad. Kelsay said the five skip ped school to attend the bas ketball doubleheader at t or vallis between Oregon and Nebraska, and Oregon Male and Indiana. M RINI S WIN BiiWI, li;,, iv.il iTuk.wn TVS Fa: K.i.-t Command champion s'".,' M.tr. ins Camp Fisher 19. A.r Kou-e N.ii:oa 13 1 1 WHAT IS IIIEZ BISHOP'S .S GOING f Imite TO DO? 53piaiisa Maryland, Oklahoma Watched By BOB HOOBINO New York if) V 1 c t o r y through air power was the key note for several bowl entries today with particular attention centered on Miami, where Oklahoma challenged Mary land's national champions. The fourth-rated Sooners, one touchdown underdogs, were expected to mix in plenty of passing against the nation's leading rushing defense club. In other major bowl games Michigan State, No. 3, met UCLA, No. 5, at Paiadena; Georgia Tech, No. 8, faced 10th place West Virginia in the Sug ar Bowl; and Rice, No. 6, host ed Alabama in the Cotton Bowl 'X' and '1' Units At Jacksonville. F'a., Au burn pitted its "X" and "Y" units and the passing combina tion of Bobby Freeman to Jim my Pyburn against free-scoring Texas Tech, led by second team All-America halfback Bobby Cavazos in the Gator Bowl. The burning questions of quarterback Bernie Falo ney's condition and Mary land's right to the national title went on the line befor an estimated 69,839 fans in a televised and broadcast game. Faloney, the iplit-T magician whose knee was injured in Maryland's last regular-season game with Alabama and which gave way again several days ago in practice, will see some action, according to the team trainer. But his lUDStitute, Charlie Boxold, was te start for Jim Tatum's powerful TerDS and how much service Faloney would see was un known at kickoii time. Many people felt that Noire Dame, not Maryland, should have been named the No. 1 team in the country. The Irish, who defeated Oklanoma 28-21 voted the Sooners the toughest opponent they met. So today the Orange Bowl turf was to be Maryland's proving grounds. TV viewers looked forward to a terrific line battle sparked on the Terp side by All-America Stan Jones and tackle blub- ber Morgan and on the Sooner side by Lineman of the Year J. D. Roberts and tackle Rog Nelson. Spartans Favored Michigan State's Spartans rLlcd a touchdown lavorite over UCLA in the latest edition of the Big Ten-Pacific Coast Conference battle, which the Midwesterners have won six out of seven times. UCLA, owner of one of the best defensive records n the country, faced a Pasadena Jinx that has found it on the losing end of two previous appearances, 9-0 to Georgia, 1943, and 45-14 to Illinois, 1947. The Bruins have classy All- America single wing tailback Paul Cameron and Michigan State has All-America end Don Dohoney but the pre-game word was that MSC's quarter back Tom Yewcic and hard running halfback Leroy Bol den were the men to watch. The Spartans may take a page from the University of Michi gan book to spring screen passes which were dynamite for the Wolverines in 1948 49-0 over USC and 1951 1416 over California. State used the same weapon to turn defeat uuo victory against Tex as Christian early this season. Lost Only to Stanford Certainly aerial defense proved the Bruins' biggest weakness this year, with Stan ford, paced by passing ace Bob by Garrett, ha ding them their onlv dffrat ! Passing appeared to be vital for favored Georgia Tech and Lindordoc Alabama too. The T forniution Engineers, going against the heavier, split T powered West Virginians, were expected to try to run to the outside or o overhead to avo.d the b.-cty Mountaineer middle. Injury-riddled 'Bama, a bowl veteran, counted heavi ly on the passing of quarter bark Bart Starr to try to hand'r Kier's ground forces, paced hv AH-America full hack KoMte Johnson and speedster Oil key Moegle p trating behind a powerful line. In other games Mississippi Southern met Texas Western in he Sun Bowl. La Crosse, Wis., State met Missouri Vallev in ihp Cicar Bowl, Arkansas Stat met East Texss State in the V iWv'i tf Yri Barbara Leo Is Schmidt, queen of the Tournament sf Boies, gets a kiss from John Frits randolph, president of th student body at Faaadena City College aa they dance during the Coronation Ball in Pasadena's Civic audi torium. (UP Telephoto) Angling Is Only Fair Portland (UP) S te el h ea d fishing should be best this week-end in Lincoln county streams, according to the Ore gon State Game Commission. Elsewhere angling la expected to be only fair, although fish ing has been picking up in cen tral and northeastern Oregon. The commission report: Northwest: The north coast streams are in fair condition but few steelhead are being taken. Steelhead angling has been poor the last lew days. Water is low and clear, should be fair for drifting. Small bait or lure should be used. Fishing is fair to excellent in all streams in Lincoln county. Streams are all low and clear. Southwest: In Tenmlle lakes outlet, some steelhead catches have been reported. Steelhead angling in the lower Umpqua river has been only lair. In the upper Umpqua area, steelhead angling has been fair and with clearing weather, the prospects for this week-end are good. Week-end angling should be lairly successful in southern coastal streams. Central: Hood river is low and clear. Steelhead fishing is good in lower part of th river. Steelhead fishing at the mouth of the Deschutes is fair to poor. Celilo falls should be good for steelhead over the week-end if the water clears. Sturgeon fish ing is poor. Northeast: Steelhead angling on the John Day river has pick ed up. Anglers are having good luck on eggs. Water conditions are excellent. Very few steel head are being taken from the lower Grand Ronde and Imna ha rivers. Columbia river has been muddy below McNary. A few steelhead have been taken on the lower Umatilla river with bait. East-West Ends 10 Days Practice San Francisco W) Their 10 days' practice finished, four dozen of America's top college football stars await the kickoff Saturday s 29th annual Shrine East-West game. The all-star teams spent New Year's Day in their camps at Santa Clara and Stanford, re laxing, listening to chalk talks and watching bowl games on television. TO COACH CAI.C.ARY Stockton. Calif. tUPJ Larry Siomerinp. former head coach at College of Pacific and mem ber of the Washington Redskins staff, says he will "take over" as head coach of the Calgary Ctampeders in the Canadian League this year. East Lansing, Mich. Mich igan State's freshman basket ball coach, John Benlngton, was captain and a forward on the 1948-49 University of San Francisco team coached by Pete Newell, present Spartan coach that won th National Invitational basketball tourney in New York City. Tangerine Bowl and Great Lakes Navy met Tl Ord in the Salad Bowl. Why Suffer Any Longer inter, .tl,-, f.i,, w , ciH neiM. Imuiu mmse far tool fears w Chin. No metier (Its nit ii meni, roe ire afflletet SIMrslm slnaama heart, luaa. It, ia.,T, a frtutiMUm. slen aa,IH v-Hiilwn. van ui naeMit levtr s,a. Tpmalo tflmpLalaleV Token CHARLIE CHAN Offle, aeura a a, $ T mi Sal eM ' rnsMreHJ Tm time S4LUI 0E Basketball Scores COLLSOS BAiaiTMLt (yTaAsiliieilPrejai al-CaOtn T..tay al Oklaha. City "cTfci'i, . w,i li "hi.- "?Sit, M, lltaeualpH SI leonMlitlM". hESnniu II. Furman 11 (WM0UU00). UI-AaerUav, Cllr Tanrnev at Oerssublra. Ky. First Haatnal ltTc; Wealarin It. !' at. ftmiU isricuyni si aotith c.w. Una SB. St. Fill Uvllatle. Oaauvtu Mclprmst M. , at. Ttiomu SO (champiwuhMo. Crelsbtoo II, nation TVeileyao II II KuueUtlom. MMwaal Celleelste teimav Tint . M , u Nortnwiiiera ' - lehimplenshlpl. Olker Oeaeea .,..., u Kolrs Kama n. " : OCL ST. MIcMiaa atata 17. USC 10. Irwi . mrhliao 31. Marinette Frloceton 10. Syracuse T1. Wletma TT, at. Boneventure Tl. Aruooa Tl, Canlsltu SI. Oreioa II. aacramento etate II. i.".r IK.nl !.. '""'"" M' McFtierion ikat.i 101, Frl;H ";h.. BouUiwiitins (Kan) SI. " (lMe'trial"'(Wn.) Tl. CoUMl ot Inl porll II, Fare scoxis . l By Thl Assocllted Preii) Ormts Pin 13. Crater 40. Lalerlew 13, lail; Point 10. Fort Ord Plays Great Lakes for All-Service Title Phoenix U. Fort Ord, Calif., regarded by many as one of the finest teams in ser vice football history, sought clear title to the all-service football chamDionihiD today in a Salad Bowl collision with Great Lakes, 111., Naval Train ing Center. Clear, BU-aegree weauier was forecast lor the game, wnicn started at noon PST, all pro ceeds from the contest go for crippled children activities of the sponsoring Kiwanis clubs of Arizona. Fort Ord, led by peerless 01 lle Matson, entered the game a thre-touchdown favorite. The Warriors had won 12 games without defeat while Great Lakes has a record of seven wins and two losses. The presence of Matson, All America at University of San Francisco and voted the year's standout player In the service ranks, and charter Lack Don Heinr eh, f'.mer Washington star, ir. c same backfieid re sulted i. cmparisons with such servire teams as the Iowa Pre Fllght, Randolph Field, and Great Lakes elevens of World War II. Hoad, Rosewall Won't Turn Pro Melbourne Vf) Australia's 19-year-old Davis Cup stars, Lewis Hoad and Ken Rose wall, have received feelers from America's Jack Kramer to turn professional but both answered "riot yet." The Melbourne Herald, which employs Australian team Captain Harry Hopman as a writer, reports that Hoad insisted he "definitely would stick to amateur tennis for a few years yet." Rosewall was reported to be of the same mind. USC Tops Iowa, Bruin Five Wins Los Angeles U.R) Southern California beat Iowa last night 70 to 80 In a two-day, four game series at Fan Pacific Auditorium. UCLA beat Michigan State earlier 87 to 57 before S.000 fans. USC leaped off to a 5-0 ad vantage early in the first quarer and were never head ed. Halftime acore was 33 to 24. 2!2i ,..5,,,',u.ro2..,l",, Hll.i Waters Low Witers January Timi Heiiht Timi Heiiht 4i:pm. o 2 11 31 p in. t it a n. T.3 J JO am. 35 S :2 p tn 0 2 4 :3 a.m. i s I 01 p.m. 0.1 I 01 ll I I 1:31 P.m I.I S:8I a.m. 1.4 7:11 p.m. 0.1 41 a.m. 1.3 T 53 p m.o I T 34 l.m. 10 I 33 p.m. OS III sm. IT I 01 p m.-4.1 Hem. 14 141 p m. I S lo ll a.m. i.o 10 37 p.m. l.l 11 41 II. 11 H II P I. 1.1 r.?s am. IS 10 30 am. '. 11:47 a. i 11:11 li l' a.i 11 SI li 1 ST l i II Tl S.I 13 1? II. 71 I IT a.m. 1 33 p.m. 106 I.I). I ll . 1 13 i a. I ll u. 4 31 a m. 4 II o m. I 0" a m. I ll . I s a m. T01 la. it a a. I 31 p.m. 1 '08 p TO. am. 1 ll i n WHY SUFFER? USE Schaefer'i CORN REMEDY OC- Nortli.f, fc)C No pay. JCHAEFER'J DRUG STORE W.'asWjr 115 N. Cmamerrial Phone I-JU7 Northern Division Play To Open Next Week in. The Associated Press I With most of their pre-con- hnnni srames Benina inem, Northern division basketball teams return to their home courts .this week end to com plete preparations for the start of the 1954 pennant chase next week. Washington and Washington State still have games with non-league foes on their sched ules, but Oregon, Oregon State and Idaho wound up their early season tests this week. Washington plays St. Louis at St. Louis Saturday night. Washingt in State has a Satur day nig.it engagement with Eastern Washington and will plav Whitworth Monday. The battle for the bunting gets under way Tuesday with Idaho facing Oregon State at Corvallis. The teams play again Wednesday, then Idaho moves to Eugene for games Friday and Saturday with Or egon. Washington and Wash ington State make their debut at Pullman the same nights. Idaho Record Best Idaho, with seven wins and one loss, boasts the best pre season record and defending champion Washington the worst; seven straight defeats. Oregon follows Idaho with eight wins and three losses; Oregon State has seven wins and three defeats and Wash ington State five wins and four setbacks. Oregon, beaten three times on its trip to California, post ed its eighth triumph of the reason Thursday night, a 59-53 win over Sacramento State college at Sacr mento. The Ducks held a nine-point edge with six minutes left in the game and stalled in the closing minutes to thwart the home team's attempted rally. Oregon's forward Ed Hall berg led the scoring with 20 points. Perez Favored Against Gallardo New York (u.R) Young Lulu Perez of Brooklyn was favored at 8-5 today to dish out an unhappy New eYar to featherweight Dave Gallardo oi Los Angeles tonight in their TV-radio rubber match at Madison Square Garden. It will be their third meet ing, but it will be only the second New Year's fight ever staged at the 28-year-old Gar den. Welterweight Dave Shade beat Roland Todd there on Jan. 1, 1926. N. Marion Opens League Tuesday Hubbard The North Mar ion Huskies will go to Sheri- j dan for their first Yawama league basketball game of the season, Tuesday, January 5. Wednesday evening, Jan. 6, the North Marion wrestling squad will go to Lebanon for a match at 7 p.m. St. Martin's to Play Tonight on OCE Floor 1tTnHMn..U CeV lall . iuimiuuiu oi, jviarun b game. m college of Olympic, Wash., Livingston Indicated SSST ESS. "-j F-j be close Hosst The visltois dropped one to Willamette 71-63 when the I Bearcats got a hot rally going, land the Bearcats defeated OCE 78-70. OCE expects' to have its main iroUDie irOm JacklC ; Mays, who hit for 20 against 1 Willamette and who had a big niKIlt ot 4H SCa nst Seat! r Pacific in that five-overtime scorcher. The Wolves of Coach Bob Livingston have been handicapped in getting re bounds because of lack oi height and are out for their second victory in this seventh Easy Credit PICK YOUR CREDIT PLAN Take yew chelc from any on of our wide Mlectton of ccflvwviint credit plan. Her you'll lurtly fVvd Hie oiy.ptryrMnt ar. rongomeni dnlgrwd to trt rw pockolbooll i lot yog over, (he US. Royal tVeoiyour Choko (odoyl riTo RlttHiraat U. S. ROYALS RECAPPING Complete Tire Servlc Ducks Whi Sacrament Five, 59-53 Sacramento (UJS Orel University's top scorers Ed h berg ana Barney Holland 1 the Ducks to nine-point 11 in the third quarter then coi ed to victory over the Sari mento State College Horn! last night, oa-03. The teams traded point-if point until miaway into I third quarter when Holla and Salberg cut loose. Sac mento Maters Chris Georf and Tom Brian nullified I lead with a burst of their o to knot the fore at 37-sll. I The Ducks' effort at the J of that quarter left Oregt- leaaing tv-tu going into 1 final stanza. They alternat tried to freeze the ball tl outfight the ipunky Horn and succeeded in holding in of their edge at the final g Halberg was high point n with 20 markers for the Due followed closely by Holls with 17. Georgia scored ID i Sacramento. It waa the eign win against tnree losses : Oregon and gave Sacramei a 5-3 mark. Saeraraltlto atata (SS) (Is) Orel ll pf tp Vlnel.f T Rou.f Larson.t BrtlB.e Oeorlll.f Coto.i Dtestey.f I tl Halbsri.f 1 T Andereon.l S II Weiner.s 3 3 Holland.! I 1 StOUI.Z e e e o Malten.r Owarts.l Taylor ,s Total! IT II Bacraminto Statl , Total! II l .....11 14 II id onion 11 II li H San tee Flashes I To 4:04.2 Mile For Bowl Recordj New Orleans, W) Hope tjr a four -minute mile W brighter today after Wei Saii tee of Kansas turned In a re), ord 4:04.2 in the Sugar Bot) Track Meet the third fait mile ever run by an Americitj Santee, holder of the Amejj lean record of 4:02.4 flash through a phenomenal lit second final quarter yeiUr" day to break the 15-yeawK! Sugar Bowl mark of 4:10.'J set by Glenn Cunningham i Kansas in 1938. f The slender Santee, wk set the new standard over t damp track, said after the ric he wasn't shooting for tt four-minute mile, although s slip on a wet spot may pon. bly have cost him two ssl onds. t' "I was just trying to bre Cunningham'! mark," he U'J r Eric Nesterenko of the Ttr onto Maple Leafa In the Nf tional Hockey League hii from the small community C run rion, manuooa. n V ' MCK-enrle' IAK III I KWV..K V RENTALS 394 North Church Phone 3-9600 - Always! WHEEL BALANCING Front Wheel Alignment WALTER H. ZOSEL CO. High A Chcmcketa (Opposite City Hall) Ph. M