THE CAPITAL JOITWAL. Sdta. Orvwoa ltrsdiy. December 81. 1958 Willamette to Host CWCE Pride Saturdm, Minh. feriesaet rrr , '-"-n ' Lr Family ight fans probable Starters mamette Lp.te Reed, -4 LbUI Colvard, S-1V4 Liom Gooding, - LDick Hoy, puane snieia, ntral Washington L.Bob Dunn. 6-4 Lbou Logue,6-i Leill Jurgens, 6-4 L-Don Myer, 5-9 Loon Heacox, S-l . Willamette Bearcati will L. when they hold down fhome fort Friday and Sat L nieht againat Central Kington College of Educa- ith a 3-5 recora againsi class compeuiion, me I Lewis-coached courtmen a the trick if it improv- combination continues us climb, Willamette ana I will be about even In with central naving a center and 8-4 forward, the Bearcats nave a o- tr and 6-4 forward. 1(iay night ine preiimin- wiil match Stayton ana Ills? mm SCORES in the ALLEYS How Michigan State Will Line Up rui- i. a. . . . M (Mn. si i i? C0',Cl, Bile Mu Michigan State has named to start the Rose Bowl fame against UCLA on New i V P,sden. ' The line, left to right: End Don Dohoney, Tackle Larry Fowler. Guard Henry Bullough, Guard Ferris Hallmark, Center Jim Neal, Tackle Jim Jebb, End Bill Quinlan. Back field, left to right: Halfback Billy Wells, Fullback Evan Slonae, Quarterback Tom Yewcic, Halfback Leroy Bolden. (AP Wirephoto) University Alleys UOI LtaotE tcoiis T4ve Meatlawa 111 Muter no. nana lea, T.W.I tot, vitteae 144, Loaatl 111. Brenaea Traa strt (II Brennan Hi. Clark lis. Oreaarf CU. Bra ViKri 1M. Bora 114. Marekele t Cam ill Dentin Ml. RceVM . Rou 111, MtUOB 111. OUBB Til. Garanar OtMtn (tl Prudonta 1M, Oerdner 111, Par Hi. Htm Ml. Bran Marte Cu Parka (ll-Uotrll Ml. Fill 111. lrona HI. Bitter 111, Cuihmaa 1M. GerUnter Carrier 111 Braurht aaa - It! '"' """ '"' H'M"" karr'a S OM Mlatte (41 Clloe 114. Oa luM 1M. Kerr 111. Peulln 114. HartwaU J. Balaaa Ilka USia ID-KtnstsB 114. rriaaan 441. UcUuUea 1M. Lanikall 141, Tvrnar 111. UJch taam cam Branaas Traa Bar lea. 1.111. 4,14a1 U,m Hrias Uarioa Car Parka. Hlah Individual aama Baa Varlav r Oarlingar carrier, 314. Hlla Individual lerlaa Jeba troni 44 llarloa Car Parka. 441. Othar 404 Sarin Brnwnla V.Ux a. Th. atataimao, 404. , OSC Tops N. Carolina, Ducks, Huskies Beaten m TO Auoclated Preaal iTi j... j ... .... The Oregon State Beaver, I , ' L!"a .w"' " 1ue..un" ""tsed after the first three r.T. h lMI P their second basket- f n.u" and the fadtaiu led ,on - - - - baJ virtnrv nf ... v.... j .. ". .'" '""' at the quarter and 44-28 wwtrtor1 it1 ,hhe 'ttrmnUsion- stan,ord ton-ing Northern Division I, The pavers, beaten by Tu-1 Coach Bob Burnett used his tetms once more tasted Hp. . . u" "' """rer uixie i -race m uiei asi nau. Jeif. t-iassic games, came back! At Kansas City, the Wash- Th n,.,. a . j strong weanesaay and coasted "igion Huskies continued inrw.. N;.L;!?..Vi!.?l? ?ver North C-i their winless way absorbing ,, " , una aiter Duiming Pass poll, captured seventh nnin v,.in;. not counting one loss in Old Grads tourney at Mc- kiville. Irellm Saturday ere will be no preliminary Way night. The college U will start at about 8 tk both nights. he familv night attraction allow whole clant to pass turnstile for $1.50, not in linj the family dogs or cats, lis stressed. .wis has drilled his team t davs this week after a stmas layoff. They win practices but no games week until Jan. 8-9 when Northwest conference sea- opens against Whitman up 23 - their seventh straight precon- eqon Netters Sad Athletes Scholarship bjene, (U.R) University of ion's varsity tennis piay- ibetter than average on the proved themselves also than average in the iroom with a graae-point kte of 2.90 to lead other fciic teams in scholastic levement. Highest possible ,c point is 4. bach Bill Bowerman's track id took second spot with a The football squad, by the largest in numbers, ,nMn third place with B- plice in the Dixie Classic at KJeigh, N.C., with an easy 6563 win over North Caro liii. iut Washington, guest team inthe Big Seven Tournament at Kansas City, dropped to lat place in the tourney after Doriing 81-58 before the Stan fed Indians at Palo Alto. Piys Sacramento Tonight Jregon and Washington he a game apiece left on tlir road trip, Oregon meet- in Sacramento State at Sac- Led bviference defeat. Out in front 7-foot 3-inch Wade Halbrook, 43-34 at the half, Colorado the Beavers hit on 21 of 52 at- j poured in 23 points in the tempted goals for a .404 shoot- third quarter while holding ing percentage. Halbrook had j the Huskies to 9. It was Col 18 points, Tony Vlastelica, 15, Orado's first win in eight and Johnny Jarboe 14. i games. The win gave the Beavers a ' box- 2-2 road record. They beat ism (Ml Oraian stair opener at Columbus last Sat-1 K":' 1 urday night. 1! Ducks Winless on Road Stanford's win over Oregon ' tadovh.s l left the Ducks wtih an 0-3 ad. I wmsl'd.f 0 OlanO'.B 0 mark. Beaten by UCLA at rnenio inursaay nignt ana j Los Angeles Saturday and Vtahington playing St. Louis Monday, Oregon ran into op a St. Louis Saturday. Or-: position of similar caliber at gi State heads homeward Palo Alto. The Ducks were 4 17 Piul'i.f 3 15VlaAteI..r 1 0 0 Roma'f.t 0 3 OWh't'n.f 1 1 Dean.f 4 S 10 Hnlb'k.e 4 4 3 Toole.i i 0 0 Jarboe. 3 0 0 Roalna.i 3 3 1 FunTd.a 0 4 0 0 University Alleys tlllVRBSITr STATE BOIHS LEAGUE HO. I Offlca Enalnaara IDLaTaurBaua aif Matuon 403. Eurton 414. Beau 445. Touna 444. Farealrr Manaavaaaat III Ladd 444. Campbrll 443. Bauahn 414, Hannaman n. Kalcmt 411. Taa Caaaaalaalaa (II Bowara 441. Han. ton 120. Jarrat 100. Putman 414. fltarett an. rn aaatara 111 Rlntland 434. Ent- llah 414. HoUU 444. Straw 411. Uaflart Ml. Tralllo Enalnaara 141 Talai 404. Each 300. Wood 410. achroadar 404. Blanilar -a. biai. ia, aruaaara 410. Klna 43s, UcElwatn 303. Oallaihar 400. riraroall ua. Hlabwav Markara ll)Lltlka 430. Tay lor 135. Harberacr 417. klataon Ul. Lana 03?. Hlakwar Shaaa 111 Btoaa 104. Zant 100. Davli 433. Oould 410. Alaola 373. v.iiraai Alum 111 kiomkr 40. Raad 447. Oaarcnitroon 431. llaln 444. Hlllrrlch 404. Cbaalar SO (11 Schultle 534. Hartv 437, Jaraaa 414, Gannon 430, Rraaan 450. Brldaa Enalnaara (41 Pradrkkaon 443. Edwarda 440. Bcraar U0. llarchant 404. Raka 401. Untmalaraaanl 101 Aaron 47a. XT'pniek 456. Hunt 411, cnaa 413. Younf 417. Hub taam lama Brldoa Knilnaarl, 057. Bit a taam aarlaa Brldaa Bnilnaara, 3.711. Hlaa Individual lama Rlntland, 304. Hltb Individual aarlaa Morlakr, 140. UXrvtRIIT! STATE BOl'ai LEAGUE NO. I tllvlalan af Aadlia m n, .a, Rannar 411. Piahar 413. Jabantan 441, Oould 444. Slil. Pallaa III Hum 441. Kara 417. Waanu M3. Alfard 445 Ruackar 400. lata Prlalara 141-HUnn 444. Rowan 444. lion. 447. Wallar 111 Kralel 114. Ubwar Actaaallat 141-HUlarlch 534. Harr 441, Crana 544, UtAdama 403. klal aon 504. Hlabwar Caaatraattaw, 141 Kaiaar BOO. Reaka 400. Andarion Ma. va-nlf a.. Tandr 411. Palrttaw Bavaa 14) Luka SOl! Smrrra 130, Coolrr 510. Gannon 440. Nal. mi aaa. Tax Caaaaiiulaai (11 jBh..M ... Crouob 444. Robb 401. Mahaftrr til. waleb f,,. Faraalra Pralarttn la. Storra 404. Uorruon 403, Phlppa 433. walkar 513. Btrari 503. aaa Oraaan Ortan 111 Aahbr B45. Aaaerudt 43. Wooda 414, Bwlni 404, Stacrr 440. PIT I'llllllaa ID Putman 411. Klrbr 454. Woodburn 415. UtM 471. Jaflaraon 444. Hllhwar Maurlala (I) Brown 435, Ebarn 170, Davav 410. Zaitaawlu 511, Whita 4.1 narretara al BUla lot 14)1 lar 443, llrQuaan 511, Pranko 434. Pran 4a U3, Blfaler 444. Hlah itam lama Forralrr Prolactloo and Kaep Orrion Oraan, both 044. High team aarlaa Poreatrx Protection, 3.175. Htth Individual lama Berera. 311. Httn Individual aarlaa Beam. lol. Duck Pins COMMERCIAL LEAGUE. KOLND IS Dr Pint m Bwl rlekMM's Market t(orlU. Blat IrUli Pftekera Alltnby 191. Anderton JJ1, Pitkin M. Bltnkeiuhlp 311, lUiott 4M PtrUintl B4. Blehftaltl Perfttt. Mick's Slta ShB Herb Nelntit M7, Chuck Nelneit 1. Ooldsby 411, Dvu 414. Wood SS4. W. W. BoicnbrKHtk Co. Bueh 103, Ruwell $04. Orefnwooer Stl, Johnion S00. Steven 433. GMC Trek ! Uohun dro 307, OUlenwster SM. .Sermott 131. McVVtln 314. O. N. Sermon 33ft. B. A B. WhUesale Johnson 401. Hik ruon 313. Dick Arnold 317. Alan Arnold 383, Pick 331. Lank Ave. Tnvtrn Dean 433. Merrlmtn 431. Purler 314. Hotter 413. flholE 493. Obmart Celtba-MorTUon 345, Mtd dr 383. Clbi 337. Torvend 301. Ohm irt 343. Bamkfte Lepper 311. Rempel 364, Lambert 439, Relman 390. Butll 383. Hiih team icrtetv Mlck'i Blin Shop, 3,143. Hiih team lame Ln Ave. Ttvern, 119. H)h Individual lerlek Xd Lepper fRt miteo, ail. Hiih Individual lamt Bd Lepper (Ra niitfi. 30ft. Basketball Scores 0 0 0 OREGON PBEP BASKETBALL (Br The Auoclated Prewt Paico. Wait... SO, Pendleton 41. Baker 49. Ontario 43 AAtorla 93, Hlllsboro 41 Knappa 14. Bantu Franklin i Portland 4, Newbcri II Mllwaukle 16. RootevtU tPortlandl II AUea U. Haliey 43 Amity 3. Fall- City II Waldpert Tearnament Butherlln M, Toledo 31 Waldport 44. Sherwood II Baker 41. Ontario 43 Lowell from Klamath led all individual ath- Unbeaten Quintets Vin Major Tourneys By JOHN GRIFFIN New York U.B Six sharp- Doting basketball teams, four them with impressive un aten records, sported shiny iw crowns today as cham ons of major holiday season urnaments. Western Kentucky (11-0). uquesne (10-0), Rice (10-0), nH 14nlv frm. (7.(11 ,,nl,,Mul with a perfect record of ltiM i final m,,nrt m jrades in his premedical layej iast nignt. other cham- . uoyle Higaon, sopno- ions were twice beaten Kan- javelin tosscr and foot-is and three times beaten guard from Cottage luke, the surprise team of the e, was a close second with :hristmas week carnivals. tours of A and 1 hour of B Still another champion will hit credit. crowned tonight when the llrlahnmn Aggies (11-1) Clash TIDE TABLE 'ith Santa Clara (8-2) in the tar Tut, oraaan D.i-rmbtr, iMjinai rouna oi me aii-couege caaai a oaadatM ournament at Oklahoma City, kill, 4 ar II. 5m7. Portland, oratani Juouesne Imnresslve Ulth Water, Low water, , . Time Heiib uuquesne, ranKed Time Helthl 1 II a m. 4.7 10:11 p.m. 4.4 Time Heltht 1 07 a.m. 1.0 11 71 p.m. 4.7 1:40 a m. 71 third TolaW 11 50 It 51 Tolal. It 31 3? IS Free throws mla.ed: North Carolina lltaon 2. Wlnataad. Llkln. Haddle 1. Vayda S. Radovlch. Oreson State Rob in 2. Toole 2. Vlastelica 4. Paului, Jar. boe 3. Halbrook 7. The boxr Orexoa IMl P PI Pf Tp Halbrrt.f Bell.f 0 Rosa.! 1 fitout. f 3 Dorwln.f 1 Ander.'n.e 1 McMan..e 2 Wetn'r.t I Holland.! 2 Paae.e 3 Hawea 1 7 Brown.f 0 1 Orlonx.f 5 1 3 Epp'B'n.r 1 3 7 Johna'n.f 0 0 3 Turner,! 1 3 3 Rea l 0 3 5 Lawler.e I 1 llSch'la-.e 3 5 1 8udra..t 4 0 lsrlleek.4 4 2 3 Watn'r.i 3 Plan'ra.i 1 (nil Manlard PC Ft PI Tp Tolall 22 14 22 tl Tolall 13 21 II II ureaon 14 II 11 1054 Stantord 11 23 24 17-15 Free throws missed: Oreaon Halbera S. Anderaon 2. Wetner 4. McUanua 3. Dorwln 3. Stanford Brown. Lawlar 1. Sudxaleff. Schwalter 3, Watnar 3, Plan- dera. revenge at the same time by beating Louisiana State, 66-56. at New Orleans. Tog Palazzi scored 22 points to pace the Crusaders to the win over the team that ousted them from last season's NCAA tourna ment, although State's Bob Pettit had 27. Rice Rallies Rice rallied from an early , Stovtnn Rnwrndr) eight-point deficit to win thc Jrayr0n DOWITien Southwest conference's pre-1 Vnff,m jn hnnf C season tournament bv beatine ,bM,er ,n bainuura Texas, 5-58, at Houston. i Stayton Members of the TinkP urhirh finUr,H rint. recently organized War Bon , . j i . tti ;.lnet Bowmen's archerv cluh maw in las, wren university. . , (lemi-Imal, Of Kansas Invitational. COm-i""u ",,,cr 'r'y emiiusiasiE Tul.a 70. Cincinnati leonaolatlonl pleted an amazing comeback 'fnjoyed an afternoon of shoot by trouncing Navy. 98-83, in 'n at ,he clvlc building Sun the final round of the Dixie dav,- . , ... Classic at Raleigh, N. C. ' Thirty-eight charter mem- UCIS SlgliX-U Ul 111 II 1C uuu uv COLLEGE BABEITBALL (By The Atioclated Freitl Wedneaday'a Beaalta Holiday Feallval Duqueine H. Hlaaara II fchampioa hipt. LaBalle 14, Brliham Youni 3 (for third placet. Manhattan 14. St. Louli M (for fifth placet. New En eland Taaraty Connecticut 1. Dartmouth M (than-olonihipt. Harvard M. Sprlnifleld 41 (for third place-. Brown 11. Mtddleburr II (for fifth placet. Amherst 14. Colby M (for aeventh place i. Dlile Clank Duke 91. Navy 13 (championship). Wake Foreit 16, N. C. State II (for third placet. Seton Hall 11, Tulane H (for fifth placei. Oreaon State II. North Carolina 13 (for aeventh placet. Bli Seven Taarney Kaiuai 13. Okla. 13 fchamplomhlpi MUiourl 13, Nebraska 37 (lor third place . Kanias Stat II, Iowa SUM 71 (lor fifth placet. Colorado II. Waahlniton 10 (for aev enth placet. Saiar Bawl Toarney Holy Croaa II, Louisiana Stale H (championship). Pordham II, DePaul II (contolatloo, overtime-. All Celleee Toarney Santa Clara It, Wyoming II demt- flnah, Oklahoma AcM II, Oklahoma City 10 Kansas, the Big Seven's de- MUilulppi II. Fur roan II (consolatlonK Ken lack r Invltatlen Weitern Kentucky 19, LoulivlUt Tl (champlonahipt. Xavler (Ohioi II, Saltern Kentucky II (for third placet. Vlllanova 13, Houiton H (for fifth 7 TDs Should Decide 5 Bowls, Experts Believe New. York (A?) Close ob servers figured today a total of seven touchdowns should de cide the five major New Year's Day football bowl games. Three of the contests the Rose, the Orange and the Gator looked close enough that the winning margin in each might be a touchdown or less. The Sugar Bowl and the Cot ton Bowl appeared a little more one-sided, although not by more than a couple of touchdowns apiece. Angler, 104, Gets Greeting From Ike Kalamazoo, Mich. I7P) William (Dad) Eddington still is reading and reread ing a holiday greeting. It la from another fisherman, eon slderably younger than Dad's 104 years. It was among 300 congra tulatory message that fol lowed newspaper pictures showing Dad, an avid angler, convalescing from a fractur ed hip. It said: "I have Just learned how well you are recovering from the broken hip you suffered last summer, I hope your Improvement continues and that you will be able to get back to your fishing next summer. My very best wishes . . . Dwlght D. Eisen hower " 'Xgr .... Key Play in Lions Win The Detroit Lions claim this was (he key olar In their drive to the winning touchdown which gave them a 17-18 victory and the National Football League champ ionship over the Cleveland Browns. End Jim Doran of the Lions is shown catching a pass tossed by Bobby Layne on third down In fourth period. It waa good tor II yards and brought the ball to the Browns 45-yard line. Three plays later Doran caught another pass for the winning marker. Brown's player is Warren Lahr. (AP Wirephoto) Sooners' Best Passer Lost; Maryland Favored Miami, Fla. (Ft The loss of Oklahoma's second string quarterback, Pat O'Neal, be cause of a freak injury may have robbed Coach Bud Wilk inson of a "secret weapon" to throw aRainst Maryland in the Orange Bowl football game. O'Neal, who started the sea son as Oklahoma's fourth string quarterback, was Injured Tuesday during a punting drill when a lineman fell on his chest. He was the Sooncr's best 11M a.m. 10 10 a m. U:I7 a.m. 1111 am. 1 11 a.m. 1111 a.m. 1 57 a.m. 1111 pm. 1 11 a.m. 11! p.m. 1:04 a.m. Ml p.m. 13 a m. I ll II. 2 Youna Players nnmhAP 11 onrl mnm Kawc-I-. i w. iar nl'rd a7 fending champion which got avajlablc , mCli women and; M"r" ,K" "' ,"n M "or ""nlh, Hold LoSfld RoleS In Cotton Bowl off : placet. iu a usiu s.cir. mis year, , T-ft ,, ; . ' i . . , ., viiiiuiiiii iai gets PIC Dr l. ui IU MUBiir awwi ew came through to win the j oeoma so. oeome Tchn ISO A.m. 3..mnntf natinn'c rnurt now. 4:05 p.m. o.' : . . r Tim, Haiih'r'' came from behind impres :i4 a.m. iiively to defeat Niagara. 66-61, i u l m. s1" the finals of tne Hody t il p!m' oi'estival at New York's Mad J;'' '2 Ju'on Square G:rden. i n A.m. i Western Kentucky, ranked blew a 17-ooint lead but then ' .nri cin, r.,.r,i fr,r th I ..!?fu.11!-n,. AV 1:39 p.m. Otm n.ijnriol,, umn Urn ffarnoi iiij ...... -u. All ia,lUaAi. . . . .. n.k.. at b..i.. ai n.. ihik :.,:::7VJJ" .;-.?:.:! I.u"'.cu lu. last snom ana pians are oeing "v""i V.:' ,: cham league's pre -sea son .... . OO Tl .; n iM, iiisiB. ww j a v. npii- norma bj. ua. iren iconiviaii, with an 82-73 victory over Ok-1 able a, ,he meel, wnjcn are I ,.,.... T..r.., lahoma. I uj..ij t c..-jH.. .it.. Marrland 45. Arlaona Bute (Tampa, . scheduled for Sunday after- E.amviiie in, Tenneieae 11. The Oklahoma Aggies, noons. 1..H...1 r.m.r.oc. T.ara.r ranked fifth nationally, almost j Scveral archers from Dallas J"!, ;.T"" "l'ck;r",l: passer. Maryland remained a one- touchdown favorite despite the injury to quarterback Bernie Faloney, a brilliant operator who guided the Tcrps to 10 straight victories and the mythical college championship. Observers in the Maryland camp doubted that Faloney could be of any use at all with his injured left ankle. Charley Boxold will start in Faloney's place. East Rated62 Better Than West All-Stars San Francisco (i The East was jubilant Thursday and the 1 1- ai kf a. West a little bit blue on the ! CX-tahamp W OlltS last day of drills for their clash Saturday in the annual Shrine all-star charity football game. The East is favored by 614 points. The varying moods were the result largely of the outcome of injuries to All-Americas j the game's amateur rules in Amateur Tennis Rule Eased in US Austin, Tex. (U.B Wilmer Allison, one of America's top tennis stars of a generation ago said today that relaxation of Johnny Lattner and Sam Mor ley. Lattner, who twisted a shoulder in scrimmage Tues- thls country would help the United States "immeasurably" in competition with Australia. Allison, who won the nation- ri.v rletlnitflv ha rr-Hirnrrt in'al Singles title in 1935, now is n memoir ot ine u, a. Lawn Tennis Association's Executive Committer. "I think we're going to have to change some of the rules to help compete with Australia," he said. He pointed out tennis players in this country cannot com- in nmatnni. nlnu if fhiV nation this year was work (or ,portjng gouds ,torrs form and the East will he able to take full advanage nf te hard running back from Notre Dame. And hard running is the East's stock in trade this year. The West plans to rely largely on its aerial game. One of the best pass combinations j in the Bob in ih. rhlrrl nprinn . It whaled ! .-.I. ...l.u . . f"" '"1 Tea., Chrlatlan 44. Ta... AftH 41 I lor I day when . , j . . Ti .. V. . " -" ... maae to Stan inaiLii snuoung wvenlh nlacei. Hire. In the ft:56 a.m. 7:11 p.m. JijJ !':J crippled Louisville. 89-71, in: Oklahoma City. Santa Clara jn 1954. 1:34 a.m. jtne finals oi tne R.eniucKy in- gained the other finals berth s 5 I m'Tvitational at Louisville. with a 59-51 victory over Wy- o M p m.-l Holv Cross won the Sugar oming as Dick Garibald 0 44 p. US Sets Record, IBowI tournament and gained I showed the way with 17 points. gtaft; TyQ Bl IllOtlS 'S ussieetain Davis Cup, oseval Upends Seixas c WILL r.niMsi Fv 'bourne ffi-Ken Re Pint-iiied racquet ri 19. saved the cov4 1 Cup for Australia toT owing down Ameripa'av. N Wimbledon ehamtl, 'as. 6-2. 2-6. 6-3. 6 ifunatle fifth match of nuunu. -u. an a Kitten ai at, U into the ilrrart dark-balred Syiy T swent nait hi as- Da mlniilu ...aa h triumph sinefce "rted in 1J00. f la Row the fourth lads from DnwJn beaten off the hallenge Round. Ha w . m 1949. I h neither Roill oxts played abctv "ii in the tefcal tord incite liit V L'i a ft waw n Tt) tat ALL . . . aumbles Vie Setxu ri avnrrl it WIS t in the Kooyong stadium gol big kick out nf it Right down point there was New York 'UP) A total of $2,007,401,848 was bet on thor oughbred races by 28,138.177 persons during 1953 to set a record high in wagering and attendance, complete statistics gathered in a United Press sur vey showed today. These staggering totals were ,. $142,805,836 and 7 4 per cent. ; .v The Aiamataai Frei Ricka 74. Carroll lalont.) SO. Icham. pionihlpi. Rockr Mountain 14. Baetern Montana 11 Iconaolatlon, oaarllmai. Other Oaaaaa I southern California 71. Mich. Stale 13. Iowa 45, UCLA 40. Bradley 10. Rutaere 70 Beloll 04. Mllllkln 74. Few Mealro 04. Phillip, TJnlv II Wrl Vlreinla 00. Columbia II. Pnncctoa II, Rocheiler 54. Syraiuae II. Cornell 77 lovertime. Cent. Wa.h II. Si Martina iwaeh II San JoM State II. San Praneleca Bl 51. PanfK Umv 52. Southern Oreton 47. We.tmnnt ICalll 44. Whltller 44. raiifirnia II. Hawaii II. Dallas, Tex. (IP) Bart Starr and Dicky Moegle, two of the vounnest Dlavers ever to aD- Starr will be in his second Manmra s quarter oa( K dod i jf (ney are undcr ,c agc of 35 bowl game at the age of 19 , Garrett to end Morley. But j ..j hopr we ,jet lt changed to face the biggest burdens Fri-1 Morlcy's knee, injured in the2 " Allison said, "and I be- Alabama battles last game nf Ihe season, hasjevp there is a better than .given nut twice in practice for .yen chance of doing it. That case of Starr, that 1 this post-season clastic. West j will help us immeasurably." passing man of Alabama, it l coaches are resigned to the fact j pretty definite. He might go that if Morley can play for XAkifaa Cw inn the full 60 minutes because in-1 pvin one nuarter thcv'll lie1 '' " 3 juries nave reduced the quar-1 iucky. I terbacks to Starr and a fresh-1 ti,,. West has four other I man. Ollle Yates, who has yet 00(J ,.nd, but ,ne m:tl(lc com. to play a down of varsity ball. ' hlnil,,on o Garrett to Mnrlry is nut likely to be around very long. Pitcher Johnson the final " "seT ..".".i.. .. doubt about ! per cent over the 1952 totals of $1,934,596,012 and Z0.85Z.RZO the winner. In the game of the , ptrs0, Tnere were 2.845 rac Balllmera II. N,w York 70 Port Wane 17. Mlnneapalu 40 ing days this year with 2.822 in 1952. WEDNESDAYS PIOHTB B-- Te At.oeiat Pre., Mlnneaaelle Del Planaaan IIO1.. SI P.u; njtpo' Johnny Ballon, 148V '.0 j u m . -.n.iiiW Hair oval burst into gooa matcn Hum t"'K - - ,--.j ih .v. j (ranrv and ignored tne leiiuviii, , ... - - - 17,300 that tiled every eeati peals, final set, Seixas whipped into a 40-13 lead on Rosewall's service and looked to be about to break Ken's delivery for the second time in a row. Went Down Fighting But the Australian had the weapons to run it out although a aa fADC Seixas fought off three match .rAri "Ant points. Vic went down tignt ing, but, at times he was dis couraged by seemingly ad verse decisions. He limply did not have the ground strokes to win. When it was all over, the spectators gave young Rose wall standing cheer and showered the center court with teat cushions. Officials ap pealed repeatedly for order h,ii h fans in the hugh three- a who and ignored the ap compared East Lansing, Mich. Mich- SHOEMAKER WINS 484TH Arcadia, Calif Willie Shoe maker, the nation's leading jockey, booted home three winners including Lucky Mar tin ($680) in the 125.000 Breeders Trail stakei at Santa Anita, to bring his record to tal of the year to 484 BEARS TIP RAINBOWS Honolulu "Pi University si.i- .....Mm. M.h .1 r-iian.K- U.. v Fendley Collins went through i opened a three-game Hawaii . ' his entire collegiate wrestling basketball series Wednesday rl.;vcr'".ccldenliy dlKh,rg Chicago 'U'' Sinning of right-handed pitcher Don Johnson, a native of Portland, Ore , today brought to eight the number of players in the Chicago White Sox fold for 1954. The Z7-ear old Johnson was obtained lail fall from Toron to of the International league, where he led the league in strikouts with 106 and had an a shooting accident earned-run average of 2.67 n near here' winning .j ... ........ games. Pistol Wounds Portland Athlete Seaside 0 James D. Crane, 16-year-old Portland high school athlete, suffered a leg wound in at a hunting camp S,fl!.P2ii.C,!; "iwr.'!.' PORTLAND STATE LOSES Vancouver, Wash., 0 without a defeat. isity of Hawaii, 61-51. ly Walt DltMS) I "onT under hi. pillow whre Cljrk Junior College last night he had put It the night before. 'defeated Portland State, 70 and two other ten-age 3, In a non -conference basket- , companions had been hunting ball game. bears in the Tillamook Burn ares He was taken to Port land for treatment. Dortori do not know exactly how aspirin achieves its effects on the body. BARBEQUED CRAB At NORTH'S 1176 Center St. WHAT IS i RKHflD't ! laf laf I IWI GOING 1 TO DO? j