Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 31, 1953, Page 14, Image 14

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    THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon
Injured Men
- AlbaiSy -Three suits against
the State 'Industrial Accident
commission, have been filed
here by as many injured men
who are seeking to have their
disability ratings increased.
In the one complaint Wen
dell Webber asks to have a 10
per cent permanent partial
disability rating, later increas
ed to 15 per cent upped to a
40 per cent rating. Webber
claims the loss of the use of a
leg from injuries he suffered
while working for the Leb
anon Electric Co., July 9, 1952.
In the second case Alfred
M. Ambrose, hurt June 13,
1982, while working as head
pole sawyer for the Oregon
Plywood corporation, alleges
most chronic. Other localities
he received at first only a rat.4are criticizing the plan.
ins eoual to lO.'oer'cent of the
4oss pf-ttte.iue.ol art 8Tm,iater
California highway patrolmen pulled four bodies frflm
the tangled wreckage above a four-car crash; on- U, S.
Highway 99, 20 miles north of Bakersfieid. -The crash
blocked traffic at the Famoso underpass for an hour early .
December 28. The dead were Joseph Vickers, 2, and hi'
wife of Bakersfieid and Le Roy Huggins, 39, and his moth
er, Mrs. Bessie Huggins, 38, both of San Fernando. Seven
other persons were injured.
Rash of Plant Layoffs
Spurs "Shot in Arm"
J. T. Skelton is being pro
moted from resident bridge
engineer in Portland to as
sistant bridge engineer In
Salem, and will assist in the
direction of the bridge con
struction program on a state
wide basis. A graduate of Ore
gon State College in ciyu
engineering, and also a regis
tered., engineer, Skelton has
-Worked continuously fc the
department since 1922.
Mitchel M. Stump, resident
construction engineer at The
Dallas is advancing to the dis-
trict maintenance superintend
ent position at Baker. Stump
has worked for the depart
ment since 1930, serving as
inspector, transitman, and
resident engineer.
New York, UP) A rash of
lay-offs in industry this week
pinpoints today a controversial
presidential prescription.
Eisenhower is ordering a
double shot in the arm more
defense contracts and more
rapid tax write-offs for defense
plants in areas where the un
employment disease seems
increased to 25 per cent of the
loss of the use of In arm fur a
back injury he suffered and
an additional 15 per cent 7M
disability raring because of
actual disability of his left
arm disability and a 75 perj
cent arm rating as the result.
of his back injury.
In the third case J. V. Pel
frey, who also suffered a back
injury while working for the
Hammond Lumber company
as a choke setter April 16,
1953, receiving a permanent
. partial rating euqal to 35 per
centxf the loss of the use of
an arm.
Pelfrey asks that his rating
increased to 100 per cent
the loss of the use of an
ibW ' serious is the lay-off
'trend nationally?
..To date the .problem has
tended toffee, local or to affect
only a few fnddstries. . .
.Where the layoffs occur, the
so far, on the national scene,
they scarcely show in over-all
figures of employment.
One reason the lay-off , trend
doesn't show in the statistics is
that when jobs get less easy to
find, the labor force tends to
Women, older workers and
youths may Just stop' looking
for work. This is tough on the
family budget. It is rough on1
storekeepers who prpsperwhen
family purseV are fat. "
Massed in the statistics as lob-
less seem smaller than it other-,
wise wBuld."- .- '
problem is plenty serious-gutL .Lay-offs fall Into three njainl
' , safcfasses for far; The long-term
Deno Finance
fcPSSS. a- Appo,nt-
. ofSt.Ifyomon, Jr..
r the ,demowaSX.dl,:ec
campaign committee v. riT
- u's w mane every ef-
r 4 mill 1 OJH1II tf Til Mam
ratic candidates is carried"SJ
with vigor."
Christian Family
Workshop Planned
Mt. Ansel A Chricii.-
Family Workshop, the first of
"m " me northwest, will
be conducted at Mount Angel
seminary January 2 and 3 This
two-day special seminar, which
all married couples of growing
children are invited to attend,
is being sponsored by the
Christian Family Movm
The program is scheduled to
open with mass at Mount Angel
. v"u";n oaiurday, Jan.
u, ai H o clock a.m., fol
vu vy Drearrant. The Rt.
.; "o00' uamian, O.SB
wiU give the welcome address!
efler , the program pro
v des fuU course of itGdy
discussion, prayer, and a
ial program for Saturday ev
ening, with dancing. Sunday
program will ho Mahii.t..-..
by a sung mass participated hi
V... .11 . n n- A
an fjicBciii at o:u a.m.
Saranac Lake, N. Y. V-For
the fifth year police tonight
will conduct "Operation Cock
tail" a taxi service for New
Year's Eve revelers.
Chief William Wallace lays
no Nuw Year's Eve accidents
have been recorded since he
piai-cu uic village police car
and a driver at the service of
holiday celebrants.
Darmstadt, Germany JP
The Army newspaper Stars
and Stripes has named Holly,
wood starlet Kathleen Hughes
ai Misi Cheesecake of 1893. I
Patron's Day
Is Observed
Mt. Angel Governor Paul
Patterson was the featured
speaker at the all-day program
of the Mount Angel Coopera
tive Creamery, when they
were hosts at the annual
Creamery "Patron's Day,"
Tuesday, December 29, in the
St. Mary's school auditorium.
More than 1000 dairy men
and their wives, patrons of
the local creamery, -were here
from Mount Angel and the
surrounding communities for
tbi- annual ffAnri.will day. The
full day's program included
morning and afternoon speak
ers, and a moving picture at
noon featuring dairy product.
The traditional menu serv-
A-at noon in the dining room
of St, Mary's school consisted
of the famous home-styled Mt
Angel sausage, .together with
all the trimmings, served with
Mount Angel Creamery prod
ucts oi butter, cheese, cream
and ice -Team. The dairy men
aad for their wajteryjnembers
of the Mount Angel BuaiOBas
en s uiud.
Oscar Overlund, SHverton,
President of the creamirv.
opened the mornins nrosram
bai lu:so o'clock. Frank Hett-
er, manager of the cream
ciea as master of cere
"n' . Out of town speakers
executive 'lenn Lay' Pr
rcretarJ' of the
.......... .,t(0, state c j.
lege; Oscar Haag. .xten,n
department, Oregon Stale Col.
lege; and Jos Grov Hn...
mcnt of agriculture creamery
division, Corvallis.
Joint Banquet at
Lebanon 0o Jan. 11
Lebanon Tickets for the
annual banquet sponsored
jointly by the Chamber of
.ummerce aod-juffior Cham
ber are now available, announ
ces Mel Baker, chamber presi-
Dr, . G. Dubach, dean of
men ai Lewis and riirir ..i.
lege, will be the speaker at
the dinner which will be held
on Jan. 11 af 4k. Ts-,m 1 t.
Jack Buchanan will H
majer o( ceremonies. Baker
aia a specUl InvitaUon has
been iMt.d o wom-n t .n-
company fcjrhusbands.
Albany An assamed hn.l.
ness name certificate -tor the
Cell Logging Co.. has been..
istered with the Linn cnunw
clerk by Vernon Gcll of Sweet
or serious type; theseasonal or
expected; and those traced to
acts of God, such as the weather.
A drop in orders as business
slows down from the boom has
caused most of the long-term
unemployment. The order
slump may be from cancelled
government contracts, from in
ventory cutting by business
firms, or from slackening con
sumer buying. Here are some
recent examples:
Loss of government orders for
tanks is given as the cause for
the dropping of about half of
its production force by toe
General Steel Castings Corp. of
Granite City, 111. Defense
stretch-outs get much of blame
in Akron for laying off of about
4.000 workers in rubber factories.
inventory adjustments are
blamed for the cutback oi op
erations at the Fairless works
of the U. S. Steel Corp. in Mor-
rievJUe, pa, to about 75 per
cent of capacity. Bethlehem
Steel has tapered off its Lacka
wanna,- li. . X,, operations to a
similaT degree. Consumer sales
slowdown is bldthed for recent
lay-offs in the textile end home
appliance industries. The drop
drpjHin Jarm incomes,' and
hancejnfarmers buying, caus
ed International Harvester to
furlough, around 14,000 work
ers in the last several months;
fT 1
First Lfnn Co. Baby
To Get Many Prizes
Albany The first baby
born in Albany in 1954 will be
the recipient of many gifts as
23 Albany merchants have
banded together and offered
merchandise awards valued at
$115 to the parents of the first
1954 baby, provided its par
ents live in Linn county,
The first baby born after
midnight Thursday will re
ceive a variety of gifts, includ
ing silverwara, clothing, cash,
milk, photographs, toys and
other appropriate articles,
Births must be reported
within 24 hours td the Albany
Democrat-Herald giving the
time and date or their infants'
Budapest, Hungary W) j A
three-act play about Julius and
Ethel Rosenberg, called "Loyal
ty," has opened in a Budapest
theater. The Rosenberg couple.
executed in the United States
as atomic spies, are presented
as neroea in the play by Mlklot
117 Center St.
Baldock Makes
Threo- juajor engineering
promoi.if in various parts of
the st-have been announ
ced W Tt H. Baldock. state
L.H. "Young, district main
1 1 n a n c e superintendent at
Baker, is being moved up to
assistant division engineer at4 the Criminally Insane,
Roseburg. The Koseourg en
vision has responsibility for
engineering and maintenance
activities for all of south-
western Oregon. Young stu
died civil engineering at Ore
gon State College and has
worked for the highway de
nartment since 1931. He is a
registered professional engi
(ftivajo Boys
Do Farm Work
. A number of Navajo Indian
boys, currently attending the
Chemawa Indian school are
available for farm work Sat
urdays or during the 1954
summer season.
The Navajos are taking part
in the Indian vocational
school's five-year special pro-
in which they learn Eng
lish, as. well as to work with
their hands. They are from Ar
izona arid New Mexico, where1
there has been a struggle for
They have been taught to
work, and as a group are very
good workers," reports Wright
H. Noel of the Indian school
staff. He adds they are being
given practical work in agri
culture on a 400-acre farm.
They operate many types of
farm equipment, care for
lawns, feed and care for live
stock, poultry, as well as milk
cows and do other chores.
Persons interested in secur-
ine the services of the Nava
jos should contact Noel by dial
ing 2-283, or visit the school
and observe the agricultural
Immanuel Choir
To Give Cantata
Silverton The senior choir
of Immanuel Lutheran church
is extending an invitation to
the general public to attend its
presentation of the sacred can
tata, "The Christ Child" at 8
p.m. this Sunday, January 3.
This composition is with texts
Selected from familiar portions
of Isaiah and Luke, the music
composed by C. B. Hawley.
In addition to the chorus
numbers, solo parts will be tak-
fen.hy.Mrs. Albert Tippner and
MrsA. W. Nelson, sopranos;
Mrs. Stanley Swanson apd Mrs.
D. T. Callahan, altos; D. T. Cal
lahan, tenor; and Edward-Zltz-ewitz,
bass. '
The'84-voice ImmanueL,choir
is under the direction oi Mrs.
Tom Anderson. Mrs. Arthur
Dahl and Mrs. George Gillis
are accompanists.
Vienna, Austria (U.R) Judge
Carl Bibulowicz had a few
words of advice today for a
defendant he sentenced to
three months in prison for re
sisting arrest.
"The police are always
right," Bibulowicz said. "Per
sonally, I always go out of my
way to avoid a policeman when
I see one ... I advise you to
ao tne same in the future.
Man Who Shot Doctor
Committed to Asylum
Detroit, () The man who
shot a nationally linotsm heart
specialist to death on ". De
troit street because baidnt
like doctors ha 'been com
mitted to the car of doctors.
Recorder'! Judge W, McKay
Skillman yesterday ordered
the commitment of John Sher
back, 81-year-old' slayer of
Dr. Edward Spalding Nov. 30,
to the Ionia State Hospital Jor
Crash of Two
Vessels Probed
, Philadelphia - Authori
ties today probed th scorched
hulls of two tanker which
collided and caught, lira, Trea
terday in the earl morning
fog on the Delaware river, rive
bodies have been feebvered
from the river. FourV other
crewmen are missing and pre-
sumed dead.
Rescue craft, meanwhile,
continued their patrol of the
crash scene, south of Wilming
ton, DeL, and about 25 miles
below Philadelphia.
The ships, the 19,000-ton
Atlantic Engineer and the 10 -00
ton Atlantic Dealer, both
owned by the Atlantic Refin
ing Co., arrived at the com
pany's dock here last night
Only U. 6. coast guard and
company officials were per
mitted aboard.
ti :
isLiel toe
lie Sleeps
like a Top
No Iobm 4om he lit i
jp"r doe be son and I
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and go.- Mwh kmp
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15 to 20 Off on
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