Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 31, 1953, Page 13, Image 13

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    Thursday, December 31, 1953
OLDS m. o-door ww. nadta.
it, i urn mbu. wwuv iiii.m.
P0K0 SEDAN, ruUo, buW. 110.00.
Down ve. "-
UiMr. eerdrlva. rear speaker.
"V- .4. Mil tlPM. 4.000 a.tUj.
Mil thli Mk. Phone I-ojii.
( HIDOET Paetr Trailer. Cly
hBi 1-0IM- t
'-..f""" ""'alea. Full Una
W mBttraaaeas a,....
Mt owner, food ro. clem. Dynafiow.
tmi owner, exception illy good condl-
hiii. it iii tutu, iDog
Packard Sedan 005
Mercury Club Coupe 095
pontiac Sedan. Hydro. 19
Chevrolet Sedan IB
Mercury Convertible MS
pnntiac Club Coupe 035
Plymouth Club Coupt 695
IPuick Super Sedan S
pootiae Sedanot 500
Mail) Sedan 005
with Covered Van
Good Condition
I Kurt Sedan
Chevrolet Club Coupt
I Ford eeaan id
Bulck Coupt S
Chevrolet Club Coup t
Vtxjgera better Used Car
from a Bufek Dealer
baler tt Commercial Phone 3-303!
fetor Co., expert will solve your prob
feu and eave you money. Pre estl
fatas, epeady aerTtea. Center at Lib.
DODGE PANEL. Extra feat, heater.
Iw ures, 11,303 cub. Phone 3-SOlft.
EAT FOR hlrt. Phone 13441, WlUlnnl
illps. 3380 Shrams, del.-
Lie 8133 and U-131
Heir "Top Trades"
13 01 Dallr KSUI 13M Kc
19. Commercial St, Til. I-Slll
leal aitatt MorUasu a. contract
State Finance Co.
$25.00 TO $2,500
118 S. Liberty St
PHONE 4-2203
All saakat ue-d ea"clune. nu ,z;
H T aiestlna service ' '
Stum.lne. P....... T.".! Warns, i
r contract Ptw. 4-3371 !
su b.. pw,r..7Ti;:
sen OUan aj Son. eseaTatlaa a,
raalna. Land eleerlnt. Ffc J'SJeS."
JSStt,J2iL ,uj;"".
cnaira, was. filing supplies. eal.T
Jupllcaters. ,upp, ," tapt "
writer etandi. Roen. rCT..
Bamd'a aeptlc tankj
atrvlct. Ouaranuad
l-MM, -03J.
cleaned, line
era Paaae
sewer, uptle Unka. draim ,!...-
Roto.Roour sc.., srvice. Fnnne
Mlkea septic Tanka cleaned.
J2 " """a. drama. Phone
Smith, corona. Remlnttan, Royal. Da..
portaom All me... gud
uovutuc. nepaira rant.
Court. 3173.
J hour .ervlce. all makai. water w
terns. Brownie Valdu. 33711 i
Acme Window Cleanera. Industrial floor
r.VJ' h0"'lni. Phone I-U37.
7CA -rr i -r...-
A.J iUUHtU P A .
rnenas ureei
I Newly weds
I Plesssntdale jTwenty
I friends snd relstives fretted
i Lt. and Mrs. Albert J. McFar
'lsne s! an open houte (inn
'for them by his parents. Mr.
land Mrs. Floyd McKrln
Sunday. December 27. from 2
p. m. until 8 p.m. They were
married at Maiden. Mo., De
cember 20. and arrived here
LiecemDer 23.
Pagt IS
' 1 l 1
rORTLAVD pAlAiri CPtrl
kttiftiMriDiimi. Neet jkti Bat
mdlato ch4ilir-Vnai.ia viuauts. aii
Miua 45 ! mo cam actdiiy
Uvared la Pwtiirij n-iu ;r : nm ml
Uy. 00-OOc, Mcood ttullty. 04T. VULey
reutw and couoiri m.u a i..
Miter WboleaaU t a b. oulk enMa t
"uu"""i eraae a a. n aeero, HVi
a arae, vi More. ooei b. 00 acare.
mhc; c. 00 acoro. 02c Abave prlcet
trtctly Botatnol- Ta reutlera: AA trade
FtiBvst, ie imr. canons Tie, a priau. Tic;
mi kun. i ; . pimu, TIC.
tfcetm Stiuai prioe ta Portland
wavtwaterfl, uraios imilsUL uvai
Or non o lb. leal. iOVtlc.
ana w ft acMuwrtj caodlM ecu
coDiaimni aa taea. catea inc uad f . h
The Uble was laid with l VJ1 V?:"'.
cloth and a candelabra, and i'we; b ird lane.' -j;e.
larffe hfPt 1 u ) - candled tab.
" " uwia.jroriiana, uniraded lane. M-52c dot..
Wltfl red roses. trade AA larte, 3-4c doi.: A lane
iv.. ji-t . . Jso-Ole dot.. AA medium. 50-51e. A me.
mi Auuipn SCnuiZ OtTVed dium. i7-e doe .; amall. 41c du. To re-
coziee, Mrs. Don Carlson ;: ortM AA '' ir.
tT-ssc: A malL 4300c. Cart one i ceata
Cb Prlee ta retallera tviriti.
Ore ion aintlet. 45,t-4ic. 0 lb(. loavei,
Zsa Zsa Gabor, wearing eye patch, tells newsmen
in Las Vegas, Nev.. that Porfirio Rubirose. former diplo
mat and international playboy, socked her in the eye "in
fit of temper when she refused to marry him. Rubiro
sa was scheduled to marry Barbara Hutton ii. New York
City, December 30. (AP Wirephoto)
By Order of the nnunt i-,, . u.
, vr"on- ua December i,
1053, Notice U hereby tiven that on Jan
uary 11. 54 at 10:30 a-rlnr-k m f
aald day In the County Courtroom tn the
Court Hoiue at Salem, a hearinc will be
held on the propoeed Annexation of ad
ditional territory to the Four Corner.
Rural Fire Protection District; the addi
tional territory proposed to be Annexed
to aald Pour Corntri Rural Fin Protec
tion DUtrlct being described at follows:
Dct-innini ai me intersection of Ore
ton Hlthway No. 222 and Rickey Street
In Section 31, T. 7 5. R. 3 W of the
W. M. Marlon County, Orertn: Thence
Easterly to the East line of the Ben
Jamine Murker D. L. C: Thence North
to the North line of the J. C- Capllnier
D. L. C: Thence East alone aald Una.
0.00 chains mote or leas to the South
west corner oi the lands now or for
merly owned by E. A. Rhoten; Thence
North 0.00 chains more or less to the
North t corner thereof; Thence East
so.w cnains more or leu to the South
east corner of lands now or formerly
owned by Otto Wilson; Thence North
to the center of state Street M. R.
No. 22 k Thence East to the Wast line
of Section 38: Thence South to the cor
ner of Section 30. 30. 33 ft 33; Thence
East mile; Thence South to the V
corner on the Noriii Una of Section 0,
In T I 8. Ft. 2 W.; Thence West to the
center line of Mill Creek; Thence North
erly aloni said creek to the North line
of the Benjamlne Uunkeri D. L. C:
Thence Easterly atom aald Una to the
center of Hlthway No. 333; Thence
Southerly alone said center line to the
place of bealnninc: excluding from
aald area, however, all property which
ts excluded by Chapter 30, Section 88
3001. O. C. L. A.
Dated: December 3. 1053.
County Clerk.
Dec. 31. '13. Jan.7. S4
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Marlon County.
undersigned. Administrator of the estate I
of Eva t. Peterson, oeceaseo. nas niea
bis tiaal account in tna above entitled
court, and that January II, 1054, at 8:15
o'clock a.m. in the Court Room of the
above entitled court hae been appointed
by the court as the time and place for
the hearlnt oi objections inento. u any. i
Ml the cettlement thersoi.
Dated and first published December 11,
Data of last publication, January i.
Administrator of said estate.
Marsh, Marfsh ft Dashney
Attorneys at Law
313 Hlih Street
Salem. Ores on.
Attorneys tor saw estate.
Washington Prepares
For Return of Activity
Washington W Washing
ton takes down the shutters
next week. Business falls off
here between Congress' de
parture and its return in Jan
uary. So does news. It can be
dull here then.
But this year had some live
ly moments.
Most memorable: the events
touched off by Atty. Gen.
Brownell's charge of Truman
adminstration softness toward
In replying, former Presi
dent Truman concentrated on
Brownell but mentioned Sen.
McCarthy. McCarthy then de
nounced Truman, criticized
North Howell
the Eisenhower administra
tion, and got himself rebuked
by Secretary of State Dulles
and, indirectly, by President
Then comparative quiet en
veloped in the city again al
though work went on in the
Supreme Court and the execu
tive departments.
When the lawmakers open
up shop Wednesday all the
wheels start turning again,
some shrilly, some angrily,
some quietly and efficiently.
The new year's work begins
next Monday night, Jan. 4,
when Eisenhower reports to
the nation on television and
radio on his first year in of
fice. On Thursday, Jan. 7. the
day after Congress returns,
Eisenhower delivers to it his
State of the Union message,
outlining his program.
Quickly after that he'll
hand Congress his economic
North Howell Guests on
Christmas day at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Blaney were
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Faulhaub-
nM BnJ . - nM I 1
Mr .nrf Mr. R:,.h,) vi.- ! Prt, just a time when many
and son of Eugene. IT , ;QO"om,n
Mr. and Mrs. William Cox of ' . T.
Pamo. Wa.h m.nt tk.uul. "IUU UCUrCSMOn, BtlQ illS OUQ-
enr! th. h'r.m. M. ..J get Of CXpehSeS.
Mrs. Jim Jackson. "x oi JOa ol "cuv-
Mr. and Mrs. John Beals ,ty- wied '"to January's
133 -;uUl Church
Pirklna a-Planty
)-37 Lie No. M-ltO, S-lll
MEXT No. 13433
In the Matter of the Estate o BASIL
P. STUPFEL. Deceased.
K. Stuplel, Executrix oi the estate of
Bull P. Stupfel, deceased, his filed with
h. Count. Clerk of the Stite of Ore-
con, for the CountT of Marlon, her Pinal
Account and report of such Executrix.
and that the same has been set lor
he.rlna in the Circuit courtroom In the
County Courthouse In Salem. Orcion, on
the 4th day of January, last, at ina
hour of f :4! o'clock A.M. In the forenoon
of said day.
All persons Interested in said tstate
are requested to then and there appear
to show cause. If any. why said Pinal
Account should not ba allowed and tna
Executrix dlscharaed.
DATED at Salem, Oreion. this 1st day
of December, 13S3.
Executrix of the aetata of
Basil P. Stupfel. deceased.
W. W. McKlnney.
Attorney for Estate
Salem, Oreion
FIRST PUBLICATION: December 3. 1353
LAST PUBLICATION: December 31. 1333.
Leavlni January let. 3-0443.
No TO California Saturday. Room
rnone 4-1877.
were hosts Chrisi as to Mr.
and Mrs. Bruce Beals and son,
Miss Pauline Weis, LeRoy and
Sharon Beals and the hosts.
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Strach
an accompanied by Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Larson of Silver
ton, drove to Portland Christ
mas day. Mr. and Mrs. Strach
an were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
E. C. Peck of Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Larson
drove to Vancouver, Wash.
Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Andy
Hall were Mr. and Mrs. K. C.
Willet from Everett, Wash.,
Fred Winebarger from Seattle,
Mrs. N. W. Winebarger from
Portland, Mr. and Mrs. T. J.
Winebarger from Fossil and
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hattrick
and daughters. Kathy and Shar
on from Portl ind. Sunday
early days the month will be
mostly one of talking while
congressional committees be
gin hearings on legislation.
As usual, appropriations
subcommittees will d i g into
the admistration's requests
for money and won't finish up
their work in this field until
And, as usual, members of
Congress will be operating on
two planes. In t h e mornings
they'll take part In committee
hearings on all kinds of legis
lation; most afternoons they'll
be on the floor of House and
Senate making speeches.
They" also be making state
ments at public meetings and
to reporters.
For many of them the state
ments will be doing double
Lira Calrk.ns No. 3 auallty. I.Ob.
Plants rryer roasters, all weiatits. 30-
31c; heavy hens, all w.lsbts. 33-33.. llsht
nena. all wciants. 19-iac. old roosters. 14.
Ureases Chicks. No. 1 drceo ta
retailers: Fryers, broilers, 3f40c lb.:
roasters, all wis. 40-4U: Hint h.ns,
31'33c: hra.y hens. 37-33c; cut-up fry
era, alt .Is. 33-S&C lb.: whole drawnl. 43
lie lb
served punch. Mrs. Bert Me.
Far lane served cake. Miss Bet
ty McFarlane and Miss Carol
nuiscnman were in charge ofikl'uae; triplets. i.e ie.s than sin-
the fiuest bonk " brands, .mil... tt ,
ine guest door. (w lMlt wMU M ptocIKl Am.
Mrs. J. A. McFarlane assist- i'si'Ta ''"' i"M "
ed generally about the house.
Out of town guests were Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Sherman of
Ranzoul. 111.; Miss Melissa Mil
dam, Seattle; Miss Barbee
Sherman. Forest Grove: Mr.
and Mrs Carl Larson and son
j Richard and Mr. and Mrs. Dale
A. Stitmn a n A rf.nskta.
Christy, of The Dalles; Mr. and Uvuer." "JST w-ne" T! .vfrS3
Olive Heizenriter. Clackamas;
Mr. and Mrs. Byron Scoggin,
Corvallis; Mr. and Mrs. John
Waitkaweiz. Oregon City; Mr.
and Mrs. Fred McFarlane and
Mr. and Mrs. John McFarlane,
Portland; Mrs. Bert McFarlane,
Powell Butte; Mr. and Mrs.
Lloyd McFarlane, Mr. and Mrs.
Jack McFarlane and son. Mrs.
Edna Nation, Mrs. Lucy Kelley
and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Wel
Uon, all of Salem.
Lt. and Mrs. McFarlane will
leave this week for Vance air
base at Enid. Oklahoma, and
they will be at home at 919
West Park, Enid, Okla., until
February 1.
Gordon Addis and Mrs. tomj- 51-H" " ' wcordine to wetshti
.-t- suiat uiriam IKDV l-ljr ID.. fsfW
York dreiad hen.. 03-5tc. lb. To produc
ers Grade A youns hens. 37t- lb. f.o.b.
firm. A toms. U lb.
Rabbits Averaae to trover: Li.
whites. V-t-t, lbs., 19-Sle: 0-0 IbiV is-30e
old does. 10-13c few tali her Prnth
draaaed fryers to retailers. 05-57c; cut
up .:9-63c
Country Dressed Meal
Veal Top quality, J0-33e Ib.i rouch
heavtes, 20-25c.
Hais Lrsns, blockers. 3l-31e lb.: tows
Itftht. 30-32C.
Lambs Best. 33-35c lb : yearhnis, 30
3Sc lb.
Ha (ten Best. 13-14 lb.. euM.utilit
Beef Utility cowa. 30-34e lb.: oannar
cutters. 17-IOc, shells down to 13c.
Fre.h Dressed Meats
wholesalers te ratal era Dollars oar
Beef Steers, choice. SOO-700 lbs.. 137
i; aood. 134-38, commercial. 139-15:
utility, 125-31: commercial cows, 133-37,
utility S23-3S: canner-c utters. 30-33
Beet Cuts Choice stefrs hind quart
ers. 347-01: rounds, 043-48; full loins,
trimmed. 173-00; trlaneles 020-31: lore.
Quarters, 131-30, chucks. 037-41; ribs.
Park Cata Loins, choice 8-13 Iba..
158-03: shoulders. 10 spare
ribs. 040-54: fresh hams. 16-1 lh Ka.
Veal and Calve Oood-cholce. all
welshts. 030-40; commerclaU. $21-34.
Lamba Choice-prime, 137-39; food
Baean Smoked, all welihts. 801-00.
Smoked 11. la lha . aaSs.
Portland Mlseellaaeaaa
Onlane 50 lb. sacks.. Waah fellow
medium, lt-1.10. larce. 11.10-135: Idaho
yellows, med., 01-35-100; lane;
white, 83-3 50.
Patateee Ore. local Loni Whites 03 00
35: Red Rose 3 30-50; Deschutes Rus
sets No. 1. 3 35-00: slse A, 3.75-3.00: 35
lb. sk 00-85: 10 lb. mtwh, 40-40: paper,
30-33; windows 35-37; No. 3. 00 lbs.,
70-80: Wash. Russets. No, 1-A, 3.15-50.
few 2.70; Idaho, 3.40-00: 10 lb. paper.
30-40; vent, 43-45; N. Dakota Pontlacs,
No. t-A. 00 lbs.. 3.33-50.
Bay u. S. No. 3 freer, alfalfa, de.
llvered car lota f.o.b. Portland and Se
attle. 28-30.
Waal Grease bull. Willamette Val.
lay medium. 01-SJc Ib.T Eastern Oreion
fine and half-blood. M-03o: Willamette
vaiiey lama wool, wci 13-month wool.
Mahslr 05-67e lb. on 13-month arow-
tn. i.o.d. country anippini points.
Bides producers payino price f.o.b,
Portland, calf skins. 15-17e lb., accord
ina to condition; green kip. ll-tV lb.:
reen cow hides, 07 lb., accordlni
to welcnt and quality; bull hides. J-4e
lb.: f lua hides, W pet cent below prices
Filberts Wholesale selllnr prleo l.o.b.
Orcion plants No. 1 jumbo Barcelonas
38c; lane llt lb.: medium 3So Ib.i
to irowers f.o.b. plant, 18c lb. for Barce
lonas. DuChlllya halt cent leu.
Walaat Producer paylnc prices,
plant; larce FranquettM is-ieu in.; May
ettes, 10c Jh.i seMllings. I3-I4c lb. Whole
sale selling prices first quality larte
Pranquettes. 33-33 a lb.: lltht halvu.
7P-03c lb.; sbeUad llsht amber halves,
70 -70c lb
Sanitation in
Portland W The restau
rants of Jackson county rated
highest in sanitation among all
those in Oregon tested in 1953,
the state board of health re
ported Thursday.
Not all counties were sur
veyed in the year. Dr. Harold
M. Erickson, state health of
ficer, said. Those that were,
however, rated well.
Jackson's rating was 92.88,
a new high for the state. The
old mark was 91.69 set in 1952
by Lincoln county.
Tillamook county, which a
year ago was criticized for a
poor rating, this yea boosted
lt to 90.79 which the health
officer said is very good.
Polk county remained low
in the state with 74.5 but Dr.
Erickson said that since the
survey was made the county
has employed a sanitarian.
This means that there likely
nas been a satisfactory im
provement, he said.
The new list is topped by
these counties, following Jack
son and Lincoln, and their pe
centage rating: Lane 91 Aa;
Marion 91.43, and Linn 91.33.
iBy The Auaeu.ed Prats)
Admira' car Mr auaw
Atuad Chemical
alius CUisaers
America! Airlines
America power Ltgb
Americas Tel. Tel.
American Toaacoo
Anaconda Copper
Atchuor Railroad
Bethlehem Stett
Boeuu Airplatne Ca.
Borg Warner
Burrows Addtai Machlni
California Packing,
Canadian Paeiita
Ca let pillar Tractor
Ceiaueu Corporatioa
Chmicr Corperaua
Cities Service
Cbosolidautl Sojaoa
Consolidated Vulte
Croan Zelierbaeb
Curtis wrlibl
Douslas Aircraft
Da Pont we rismeuro
Eastman ICodaa
Emersar ftadig
OeneraJ net-trie ,
Oeneral food ,
Oinera' Motors ,
oeoraia Psc. llywooo ,
Ooooyeat Tiro ,
Horaestake Mining Co
Internstlonai Harvester
International Paper ,
Johns Man vine ,
KsLiet Aluminum ,
Kennecott Copper
LlOb McNeil
Locaheed Aircraft
Loewee Incorporated
Lone Bell
Montiotnery Ward
Nasn Keivinato
New York Central
norincro rKiiM ........
Pacific American Pish
Pacifie aaa EiectrM
Pacific Tel Tel
Packard Motor Car
Penney. J. C.
Pennsylvania It- R.
Pepsi Coia Co.
Philco Radio ,
Radio corporation
Rayonier Incorp
Rayoniei Incarp. Pfd. , Steel
Reno;di Metals
Rich field Oil
Safeway Stores, tna.
dcott Paper Co.
ter RoeOuck Co
Socony Vacuum Oil ....
Southern Pacific
Standard Oil Cent,
Standard Oil N J
fitudeoakar corp.
sunshine Mining
SWIft aft CO
Tra numerics oorp
Twentieth Century Pol
Union On company
Union Pacific
United Airlines
United Aircraft ,.
United Corporation
United States Plywood . ..
Uniteo States Steel .....
Warner Pictures ,
Western Union Tel
Wastlmhouse Air Brake..
Westininous Electric , ,
W. Y. Basin Group
- To Meet January 8
.. 44".
.. lit,
. 47,
Albsny Members of t h
Willamette River Basin com-
mission and committee and a
j representative of the Corps of
J, Engineers will attend a meet-
ing at the Linn county 4-K
5; fairgrounds in Albany on Jan.
33 8 for the purpose of conferring
J'" on the possibility of getting
planning money for Green Pe
" ' ter dam on the South Santlam
sc. i river.
jj'.j Expected to represent these
ls : groups are Ronald E. Jones,
3s Brooks: H. E. Maxey. SDrinx-
field; Wade Newbegin. Kenneth
Sawyer, Kenneth Miller and
Col. T. H. Lipcomb. all of
Portland: and Elmo Chase, Eu
gene. Also attending will be
Ivan Oakes, executive secreta
ry of the commission.
Representing local interests
will be members of the North
Lebanon and South Santiam
River Water Control districts,
and members of the chambers
of commerce from Albsny,
Lebanon and Sweet Home, it
was announced by County Ex
tension Agent O. E. Mikesell
and D. J. Donahue, manager
of the Albany Chamber of
guests at the Hall home were j,,.... trvinir to net their oDin-
Fred Winebarger from Seattle ions out in pubtic and impres-
ana waiter wineoargcr irom sing ,ne folk, back norriC.
rortiana. Mrs. i. J. wineoarg
er returned to Seattle with
Fred Winebarger for a short
In fact the floor of both
houses in 1954 will resemble
big hay fields with most mem
visit and will return later to bers (rying ,0 make as mucn
To Place Classified Ads
Phone 2-2406
By Ketcham
the Hall home.
Rome "Pi The free Alban
ian committee in Rome said
School Staffs Attend
State Meeting
Lebanon All elementary
schools and Lebanon high
school were represented at the
conference of school adminis
trators in Salem Monday and
Faculty members from the
high school included Lawrence
Page, principal, Al Dodds and
Murl Wells. Grade schools
were represented by their
principals. Ernest Coldwell,
Queen Anne. Betty Curtis,
Santiam; Howard Cantwell,
Green Acres, and Maris Alvin.
Compiled treat reverts of Salem dealers
far the iildaace at Capital Jearaal
readers. (Revised dally.)
Betall Peed Prleest
Rabbit Pellets 83-48 180-Ib. bag).
04 7B-T.OO (10O-IB Bit).
Eki Mash 84.88-15 30.
Dairy Feed - 83.37.8 03 tOO-lb. bag);
I3 BO-4.90 (100 Wt.l.
Pealtry Bavlne Prices Colored fryers.
30c: old roosters. 15c; colored fowl, 34c;
lei horn fowl. 15c. colored roa.tteri. 30c
Bering Prlcrti Eies. AA 46c, larte J
44 -11c; medium AA. 40c. medium i
41-4flc. email 13r. Est, wholesale prices
generally 0-7 cents hither than prlcea
Bbovr; large trade A generally quoted at
Sftc mediums at 01c.
Butter, Bntlerfal
Batterf at Buying prke: Premium, To
ll cents; No. 1, 07.89 e-nUr No. 8, OOo.
.... 31S
.... 46
. 13
. 404
. 33S
. 501a
. 43 V
Kiwanis Visit
Children's Home
A score of Salem Kiwanians,
with members of their families
went to the Children's Farm
Home near Corvallis Tuesday
night on their annual Christ
mas season visit, taking along
two mixers which were pre
sentcd for use in two of the
cottages, and a program for
the children.
After a ham dinner attended
by residents of the Unruh cot
tage, Jim Hunt, president of
the club, made the presents'
tion, W. B. Schnedly, superin
tendent of the Children's
Home, presided at this brief
program held in the dining
room immediately after the
The group paid a visit to the
new 238 person capacity
chapel. Just opened and used
for the first time Sunday. Ted
Jenny, Kiwanis youth activi
ties chairman, presided at the
entertainment program given
tO ill th. in k pub
lic school nesrby.
The program included a pan
tonine act by Bob Payne and
Larry Springer, Salem high
students, and motion picture
films exhibited by Gus Moore
of the Salem "Y" who has
made these visitls to Corvallis
for seven consecutive years.
Albany Kenneth Bloom
has been appointed by the Llnni
county court tu cuairiiiaiiaiutJ gYt Eand.r.
of the Linn county velcrar,a
indigent fund committee, fill
ing the vacancy left by death
of W. V. Merril November 23.
Mid Willamette
Mrs. Ann Dunn ( j
Silverton Mrs. Ann Dunn,
77. Rt. 2, North Howell, died
in the Silverton hospital Thurs
day. Dec. 31. Mrs. Dunn was
born July 8, 1878, in Nebras
ka and had lived in the North
Howell district for more than
SO years.
Survivors Include her hus
band, Mathis; three daughters,
Mrs. Nettie Noren, Silverton;
Mrs. Robert Dixon, Woodburn;
and Mrs. Ernest Redding, North
Howell; three sons, Roy, Percy
and Harold Dunn, North How
ell; four sisters, 12 grandchil
dren and two great-grandchildren.
For many years Mrs. Dunn
wss active in the North Howell
Funeral arrangements will
be 'announced by the Ekman
Funeral Home.
Mrs. Clara Landwing )
Silverton Clara Landwing,
64, former Silverton resident,
died Wednesday, Dec. 30, at
her home, Rt. 1, Box 110, Hub
bard. Mrs. Landwing was born
Jan. 27, 1889, at Butternut,
Wis., and lived in the Silverton
district for 33 years until she
moved to the Hubbard sddress
in 1942.
Surviving are her husband.
Henry; a daughter, Virginia
Chrlstner, Hubbard; two sisters,
Nclia Lewis, Oregon City;
Anne Goschie, Denver; a broth
er, George Katzmeyer, Denver,
Colo., and one grandchild.
Funeral arrangements wi'
be announced by the Ekrr
Funeral Home.
, Jo.n.1. L Stone. .1 Z, '"T nr.
I. Independence. Oreat, TViipen'l""'1
Vive h. .ii.. Ki.a .'::.,?. T "
d.usM.,.. a,.. 3''u"m,0,.5 Oor
Grand Ronde. o- 'JiJ- EUi.1
don. Colorado So, W..n Mrs. Edltn
Pcnroie, Coule. lj Alma Hlshtow.r.
P.nros.. Dsll urs Edna Drydala,
Monument. J7rs Avis Llller. Othello,
Newport. o-.V7.-' .,An.. Shall Beach.
Waah.. eci IJ' .,, cul.e CHI. Wash..
Callt.. V, jSimV-er? C.llf.. Don.14
Jar "'ii ",,. ston.. lnd.wn-
".. .T.'....nt of eervlcea will ba
dene-, h. lh. u. T. Oolden Co.
aade Venenn
77",,. ,..a Vaoalin. lata
r.l.... A.l.n.
Cmcaao iuij Auanllas moderate, 4
m.rB.i .tfi unl.M
Trerk .sl.s
lbs :
of it as they can since next
November is election time for
most of them.
As alwavs it will be in the
Thursday an unsuccessful coup! usually dreary but long days! School board members at
d'etat against Albania's Com- j of committee hearings where tending Tuesdays mee ing
0 1 i .- r 1. ,,.A va a, 1 map A vp Pli A ft W 1 1 cfan
ted Ev the Communist Tirana putting legislation together .and Bert Udell, of Union High';'-- ;U
radio. lor aeoaie ana vote.
Mated Idaho Si-anlsn S-lnr- m ...
1 " ari larjaj ..a,,,,,,, ,n- or
... . , 1.40-1 SO u; Yellow
o;b.. m.di-n
' WMriVfY laMiTP ssr hit eruArmATrJ T niOrJT )&tJ
asPi 'vtv i nrc w Pi 1 1 Jf"wv i w
Scliool district 1. and Mrs
Ralph Herron and William
Thomas of Lebanon's
Grand Ronde Man
Held in Shooting
I Chin
Claim Barbara's Marriage
Not Legal in New York
New York f Dime store i couple .switched to champagne
heiress Barbara Hutton and ; to toasi xneir marnca luiure.
her fifth husband, internation-1 The legal status of the wed-
al playboy Porfirio Rubirosa.) aing in cw iorn
secluded themselves in the, questionable. They did not ob
bride's skyscraper apartment i tain a marriage license be
Thursday the first day of their cause Rubirosa is Dominican
msrried life. minister .
The quiet was in marKea r ranee ana mt unuc wn
contrast to the hectic nours graniea wominietin L-iuM-isaniH
prior to the civil ceremony lueoaay niKm.
WPdneidav which was precea-i uommmn iuuiui iic. w..- n
ed bv a press conference, tended they had diplomatic pja wag :iken w the Mc-
ernirh and sodas and finally privilege snd were marnca un- Minnvine hosDitsJ for treat-
champagne. low ru f th tinv cr'b ment of wounds in his left el-,
"I think I feel as though bean republic. But a marriage bow amJ Iefl gide inflicted by
someone hi. me in the head," , license must be .loi.22 rifle
said the bride who was clad 'vecognition in New York State. Mrt Rany)i is Riggs filter.
in a black Uffeta balenciaga' The fourth Mrs. Rubirosa.
gown for her fifth try at mat- 41 -year-old. was all smiles as PLOTTERS RELEASED
fimonv. the ceremony began but to- mtu ri.
With Rubirosa. three times ' ward the end she grew nery . ' ,1?aea Communist;?
wed and d;
down onto
Pnrtland Llveslecb
Portland 'Uk -Cattle: For week. 1030;
active MronR lo 00c hitltrr. cattle grad
ing commercial aid bnow up moit with
bulls rlOAini 1-1 ri0 hlihrr; choice 1.000
lb fed strers 33 1,. 010-1.040 lbs. 33 00.
gond-cholrf trt't 33-33. low tood shorl-
t fd.t 30 50-31 40 commerclsl 11 50-30.
Utility 13-10. tood hcjfrrt IS 50-30; ri.m-
mrrcial 15 O0-1R cuttn-utllltr 10-15
I cannpr-cjtter enw 7 50-3; shf 1U down airsse firala
lO tlHIHT (Oil tummrrt.i ChkStO
I toinni'fr lal bu.. 13-14 50 cutters dn
; to 0 early. 708 lb I'cder trers 10, sort-
Ni f IS
r ..;.-. rnr werk IT, lieht 'alrrs
lira - y ralvrs tton ki
oire - ts iwj prime
24-30 eood-e.hoice heavy cals it-HTft
f uttilly-commerclBt tal es 10-II t u'.li
I rlntun tn tt
Hictrir-tl Mrt.. wt mimrk i 1-1 J. hie hf r . , . . thir upward fllfht
knd tarter
cartons twelve
sharp rally In SOT'
"t"'"-1 Man. featured the last ll sesilon on
i . rest of Hie list. There appeared
, a" ..,me last minute short covering
1 ooMlble to estabiun losses
I0LA :: ' . f low start out
fe-'ami lilrlr eelive when soybeans took
VI DftSOl.
.i.f . Un aWlife-.a.
ColO : son. s-iittv--k
aUtert. Mrs. Eva
a. i u,. ubi crturcn.
fowl Member ofWnjh Day
Church. Shipment has b-en made to San
Mnciico y nowfii-ivuwsi.u.
ervuu and lntermnt.
Crra. . Blrbrt , ....
annliem St . Salem, at a local npi'.
BurvlvM Bv wne.
Blckell. Salem; danahUr, Mr.
Int KaUultt of Portland, aonc, Hro d
A Blckeii. ponianc. -ri
Mnyd Blckell, Ployd Blckell. all of Sa-
lirn. R'istfll Blckell. stinneapolU. Minn.,
(Ifrsld BicbHI. Portland. 14 ersnaenu
dren 0 treat -erandchtMren. Services will
be held In tne virtu i. yo n"'
iiaturdar. Jan. 3, 3p B- inie--- "
crest Park.
MS Lancaster Dr. Dec 30. Survived
by wife. Emily Turrenlim Saltrn - dareh.
ters Mr. Mns Roskl. Aalem Mr Ver
na Elnert. IMVClearr. Waah.. ans. P.ovd
Turrentlre. James TirrenHne and J T.
Turrrnllne al. of sl"n tranddtugh
ter Mrs. CMadys Stettler. Salem rVrvlce
a.tarday. Jan- 3 at I 30 v m tn Clnuth-
Jarrick cnapei nn isn..".
11.1 its mitcflfTi i ii 31-3).
Heavier lighter lt!-U 35 0-37 eholce
350-550 lb aoas U 50-3- thlr aelil.U (
to 34 0
Bhe-p For e. 130ft uneven '
mi.tlv steady dtod-ehoite Iamt IIM-
miirs u i aoa.e prime 1040-10. I
rhokf -prrrwe li Monday
feeder .4-14 w.
s mflueina fim
gtVrit-C.iH' e
iV-eod ewe 3 50-
corn '-I's ruan.r.
w-l'e hianer. March
hither. 5Hrch l any
hitner. Jn
I Bernca inra
nlcreat Memorial Park
3 104-3 II
qred poinds higher. Jan 10 50-10 05
Dallas Johnnie Ramox, ck.cato ,j -o.t aia.r. receipu
47. Grand Ronde. was held inf" PZXn
ihf Polk rountv iail Thursday wjwer and so os n
t -uM ending a hori ek wi
Kir qurouuiiiiiK i " w4rw mark down.
; at u: u.,.k.. t 1bsi Wil.' lAt.ion lltyta head
liam Lee niKK3 au fui-su-j. fn t ia hMM, reved a week
State oolice said the shoot- a(o mod choice i t 330 pound soi
. inff occurred at the home
! Ramoi wheer the two roen had
narrowly Thurflty n
pntei slipping awar from snwsr
Trs-1:ris s brink
3 ion 000 inert
at an estimated
1-r.t.t rnmoares witn
h,c b,...h. ..... ,?AMr..:r:v. r.;; y.-ss
ne previous nmr -
Ernie Dell Beeth
Ernie Dell Beach In this tlty Dee. 3v
Late res.dent of 115 N. lh St. Surjleajl
hT wife. Daisy Beach. Salem, children.
Oerald Harold. Ernie Beach f Sa
2S Durlyn Beach - Ore.on.
lidrla Est'-. U.em. Thalm. M'k Wil.a-i-T
uiuiret K.OhUIDter. Bnd. Ore.,
lket' brother Earl Beach. West Point. Nebr
?.7tf .3rt Hebr
ivlcea wtU held Saturday. Jan 3 al
lauriwew' Bf.creit Memorial r.rk.
harei '
Warntck R
1130 Btate At
drinking heaviiy.
range tifi way with few aide mo'
of sold at 134 35 and 135 00 with a lew
Ui1,..-. . i an ift ia ail t thai too.
rVhUe slaughter steera snd helieis Portland Orals. brf
held aUadr at Wednesday's closing I Portland - ".'-Vhtai t
price ahieh were consiflerao.y rir ; ! fi'jr.T . --jltlfj Mill feed
tn nun ina tales, noi an 'ff" , 17 "
was cleaned ap. A few loans ware issra
lf the market and held nvr for net',
week Cos neld steady while bulls and
veeltra were stons m an active narr.
Cnoica ta tow prim ateera broisrit
31 00 ta S30 00 with the latter price tne
to There eui high ehoke steers
31 He
was pi
tite reildent of
Pirt.and rioipit el,
riitient of (teora
Waters iroat.o -o .-'. "
irrvire Saturday. 130 Pin. at the w.
T Rieii Cnapei. Bev. Oeorse H Bwitl
irosa. three times w.rt. tne . mMyM ,ilegtd Communist,'','-
ivorced. she sank ous.. Rubirosa. 4 tal hand- t gmy s worrylng
lrlZZZti IT " l.l -tence. ., the ,nd
Woeiad lama held iteatly
and prime types amine i
031 00
time td
apartment of Dominican Con-
il General ur. joaqum sj
'of their trial tka. n.nar till thf . . . . a Waa I -
na".iimH freed them weanesaay nccu ,h- .4,,,, luuida
Willamette a
The government i tgtoes sew far rtio-iu a ivi
siar and sipped a highball be- Dri(ie-, p.year-old son. Lance th,y trtt4y had served more f,m-. ,.re
fore Dr. Sslaiar read 1 the civil Rev(ntl0Wi o( h , than the maximum en-
He looked serious. Jtence. asked.
raiifarnia lad iei
,iooo brtuoht S 0O ft dottn
Of. t 1. Last. H D Or O CHan. J3
tlpatsln. 141 North Liberty
Office apan Salardai anil ! a aa
tal.miSt.1aai Caneallalion.
blood oreesiire and arlna u.u ar
free ,f ch.r.a Fraallred Mnea IS11
Writ, far at.raaun airt, aa alt-aatsass.