,jrdy. December SI, 195S Tele-Views 53 Radio-Television G. It Dog Licenses Now on Sale THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem. Oregon MODEL COTTON DRESSES l, oats will b BJoreivtiUblj thin anything else on New Pi- . i-H will be served wlLh nr avtthr.,,, CW H&tn.TV and KPTV win carrv . hoP.. Juise BowlwWch will also be carried on KOIN radio siting 'couon Bowl (am will be broadcast on KGW starting at ,'bo'wI. high point ' Ne "rt program, will be carried rro and KOW starling at 1:45 pjn. cameo. Eut-WMt nle 8turday morning will be carried on KSLM llli15- .... tv THURSDAY PBOGR4.M: u. Armchair Theater "SecreU of Scotland Yard" aiarrina Bachelor and C. Aubrey Smith. suunng jj,., Meet Mr McNutley-Hiubanoa who leave present lying 5T house Indiscriminately, even though their intentions ar! u, apt to run Into embarrassing aituatlonj as is proved by inland. am.. Kour War Flayhmiae-Ida Luplno wiU make her television a"House lor Sale, a tens drama ol a psychopathic mur Z. this New Year Eve telecast Big Town-Steve Wilson, (tar reporter of the Illustrated ,n on the apot witness when an alert clerk turns In a bank His work la cut out for him when the clerk i bullei ridden urns up a few days later. , mi., The Playhouse A young couple, whose son. born on a nu Eve. has passed away, try to forget their griet on his , in a lonely hide-away, in "David's Star of Bethlehem " in., Showtime on Six "Kentucky Jubilee' starrlnii Jerry Jean Porter and James Ellison. " ' . . a 5DAY KPTV PROGRAM: m Theater, 1:00 "Pear" stars Peter Cookson. Warren William roe Gwync. get Your Life, 1:00 Groucho Marx stars In comedy quiz ton Theater, 8:30 "Pablo's Well" stars Ian MacDonald and ivello. The taut drama set In the Arizona desert at the turn century, concerns a psychopathic outlaw and Pablo, who Is an of the last watering place before entering a dangerous BlW Stars Jack Webb In top mystery drama. Theater, :30 "Alias Nora Hale" stars Claire Trevor and r Anderson. A atory of a governess who hates children Owl Theater, 11:05 "Melody Parade" stars Mary Beth Hughes, Milan and Jackie Cooper. . TV FRIDAY PROGRAM: tjn., Orange Bowl Game Maryland, rated the nation's num lootball power, will be going after lis third bowl win when It ihe University o Oklahoma eleven in Miami's Orange Bowl w Year's Day classic which will be broadcast exclusively over 13 television network. pjn. Topper Cosmo Topper has a spirited Christmas when orite buffoons of the beyond, George and Marlon Kerby. take I in his dreams after he falls asleep while listening to his reading of Dlcken'a "Christmas Carol." p.m., Playhouse of Stan Richard Egan Is out to get Ellen or divorcing him and marrying another man while he's in -Go Away a Winner." ug. Our Mis Brooks Eve Arden begins to believes In fairy rhen she finds herself cast as a modern Cinderella, on the m Golden Slippers" episode of "Our Miss Brooks." p.m., Showtime on Six "Bad Men of Arizona'- starring Mar int and Buster Crabbe. . . . . y KPTV PROGRAM: lament of Rote Parade from Pasadena, 9:15 Don Ameche is innouncers are Roy Neal and Jimmy Wellington. Toymaker, 11:30 A visit to the Toymaker's .'hop with Fred nn starring as the lovable old German Toymaker. Bowl Game, 1:45 U. C. L A. vs. Michigan State from Pasa- lalifurnia. tide of Sports, 7:00 lulu Perez of Brooklyn vs. Dave Gal 1 L. A., Calif. Ten-round featherweight bout from Madison Garden. Garroway Show, 1:00 Music-variety program starring Dave av. Sanctum, 8:30 "The Yellow Parakeet." Stars Ernest Truex. runes and Constance l"ord. 8tory of a lonely old employf Is involved In grand larceny In his search for a friend. Itory, 8:00 Sam Jaffe, INS reporter for San Francisco bureau, witness vital to solution of a murder of a shopkeeper. James n plays Jaffe, who Is now on the editorial staff of Life bell Soundstage, :S0 Dramatic program featuring Broadway iberg Wreatllnf, 10:00 Local live wrestling from the Portland Owl Theater, 11:00 "Detective Kitty ODay" atari Jean Par fcr Cookson and Veda Ann Borg. Tinm 1; - . . m ..vcuaca lor 1H34 ... now on .ale at the Marion county clerk', office, county dog control officer Ervin Ward announced Thursday. He urged dog owners to buy the licenses now to avoid the last minute rush when the new licenses are required at the end of February. Ward pointed out that a li cense is often the only way the owner of a lost dog can be traced and for that reason should be considered a ne.. Isity by dog owners. A dog I without a license runninr loose is considered 1 stray and can be destroyed or. if its owner can be located, the own er it subject to court action. Licenses are $1 for males and $2 for females with a penalty beind added after the March 1 deadline. All dogs mtist have licenses as soon as they become six months of' age, according to law. Johnson Lauds Ike's Preview Washington, Sen. Johnson of Texas, the Demo crat leader, returned here Thursday with praise for President Eisenhower's deci sion to give congressional leaders of both parties a pre view of his legislative pro gram. He said it should be helpful to all. Eisenhower has Invited Re publican and Democratic lead ers to the While House Jan. 5 for a talk about his State of the Union message to be de livered to Congress two days later. The message will set out the President's program. Johnson was non-committal about Democratic plans in the new session. "I'm going to talk to all my colleagues and hear what the President has to say," he told newsmen. Johnson made It clear, how ever, that the Democrats would make no immediate move to seize control of the Senate al though they have one more vote than the Republicans. He referred to Republican Leader Knowland of California as "the majority leader" and said he is confident they can agree on Senate committee assignments. n Television 1SM27)-K0IN-TV(6) IIHF VHF tuTVHurtYour Eyes! Try Mill Easy-Vision rPlAn Television PHONE 2-1913 03 Fairgrounds Rd. alley TV (enter I - Service Installation ben Till 9 o.m. Daily fcday from 1 to 6 p.m. 19:00 p.m. KPTV Martin Kane row The Plarhouit 10:10 p.m. KPTV Arthur Murray party KOIN Showtlmt on SIX 11:04 p.aa. KPTV News Sports KOIN Showtime on Six 11:14 a.m. KPTV Weather Vane KOIN Ohowtlme on Sit 11:11 p m. KPTV Nleht Welch service 11:55 p.m. KPTV New Years In Time Square. .1:10 a.m. Nleht Owl THtaSDAT Dine Dona school . What's Cooklns I KPTV Hawkins Falls t KPTV The Bennetts KPTV Famllr rrlend b KPTV Pride and Oroom koin Bis paroii KPTV TBa KOIN Bob Crosbr KPTV Mstlnse K.OIN Love ot Lite m KPTV Matinee KOIN search for Tomorrow k. rrrv-Matlnee KOIN Ouldlnt Llsht -KPTV Matinee (OIN Valiant Ledr IPTV Matlneo KOIN-ril Bur That -KPTV-HoUrwood Reel lom-i'ii Bur Tnat tPTV On Your Account KOIN strike It Rich OTv-Kett Smith lOlN-Oarrr Moora Show prv-Kale Smith kom Armchair Theater kPTV-Kste Bmlth SOW Armchair Theater KPTV Welcome Travelers KOIN Armi-.hetr Theater ?Prv-Torniaer boin Armchair Theater T-Tormaaer KOI-Mr. Moon KPTV-Howdir Doody K01Ne,ddl, Pais kPTV-Bar 27 Corrall KOIN space Ranscr JPTV-chrlslmas Album KOIN-Mr Weatherman JPTV-Tdenewa Weeklr KOIN-Pholc- Quia JPTV-Huntlns and flshlni KOINdou Hoards News PTV-Northweit Dliasl JOIN-aporis Scholar PTV-Pootball mutes I22-cio km JPTV-Dlnaa Shore rtMpi,c the Pica aPTV-News Caravan J0" Place the rice aPTV-Oroueho Man JODil-Ueet Mr. McXult m-ChevTon Theater iJ-'our (tar Plarlwnew J"V-Drataet J-video Piarbmst jPJV-Pord Theater 0-2l. Town RavtheonS ' All-Channel UHF-VHF Low Down Payment, Trades Complete Repair and iDgt-.iiMj.-tn by Bended Electronic) Technicians NORTHWESTTELEVISION 3880 State Phone 4-5932 liS I r,'Vf ' It . V,-' " 1 K II Uilte two oaughters of Secretary of Agriculture Ezra T. Benson, Barbara, 19, left, and Bonnie, 13, model cotton dresses at a special farm style show in Washington, D.C. Barbara wears a cotton corduroy jumper and Bonnie a new wrinkle resistant cotton dress with bright sheen. The girls hold a sample of another new wrinkle resistant cotton material. The show, demonstrating what agricul ture research people are up to, was put on at a meeting of the American Marketing Associating. (AP Wircphoto) FKIDAl tl:M . KPTV-D.ni DOM Bii :M -- KPTV Whit' Cooklni? 10:45 m. KOIN Or inn Bowl ,m. KJTV tlliUH rua KOIN A BUT Stlill Rill 11:11 .m. KPTV The Bcnoitts 11 : .. KPTV PrUnd ( Pftmlly KOIN COiumoui r irU KPTV Friend ol Fmllj KOIN It Camf to PM 12:00 noon KPTV Br kit ttnd Oroom 13:10 P.m. KPTV TB &OIN BOO 1:M r.m. KPiV-Mitlnf Theater KOIN LeOTt Ol Ml 1:13 p.m. KPTV Mitinte KOIN Search Tomorrow 1 p.m. KPTV-eporti HtliihU 19H KOIN-GuldlDC Lifht 1 p.m. KPTV-Ro?e Bowl aami KOIN Valiant LadT 11 p.m. KPTV Roe Bowl KOIN Armchair fthow IK m. KPTV Howdr Doody KOIN-tvddle Pali I M p.m. KPTV Peanut Ctrcua KOIN 8add Pal i:tt P.m. KPTV-ict Kin KOIN Weatherman 11 p.m. KPTV-ky Kini KOIN -hoto-o.uli M t.a. KPTV-Dean KOIN Douf IMwardi Kewi :4I P.m. KPTV-NW Dwelt KOIN flhahman 1 p.m. KPTV ewru Caltalcaia r0IN HanK McCune M I'M .. KPTV BporU Caale-d KOIN Orii and Harriet ff.. KPTV-Mewi Caratao KOIN Owit and Harriet ft p.m. KPTV oarrawar lru KOIN Ana oa and Andr -M m. KPTV Done PalroanU KOIN Topper 9-M i.av KPTV Blf Sion KOIH Plarhouit of VM I'M p.m. Campbell 4oundAtae K roiS-Our Mill Brool-t lt:M p.m K-wpMi."" t,. : p.av kptv w reatiini Kom-Fltea of Mtttr Jon 11 :H P.m. KPTV re?enttt Hour New KOIN-nowuoiw' w 1:1 p.m. KPTV Weather Vane UtU . KPTV NIW Owl Tlwawr Bishop Helps Promote Officer Known in Salem Korea, Dec. 31 Bishop: General Randolph M. Pate to William C. Martin of Dallas, ! assist him in making Major 19 Signed for Beaver Platoon Nineteen men from Salem and the surrounding area have already signed for the Second Oregon Beaver Platoon of the Marine Corps, which Is slated to leave for San Diego January Salem men, who Join the Dlatoon. are. hinw aic;itn.rf "Fourth Salem Capital Squad" and those men living outside of Salem will be assigned to the "Salem Area Leatherneck aquaa. In the "Fourth Salem Canl tal Squad" are Pvt. Gerald Aioert ueorge, Pvt. Philip Don Martell. Pvt. Everett Lee Stepp. Pvt. Ralph Louis Peter sen, rvi. rrea James (Joker. "i. wiuiam James Ponsford Jr., Pvt. William Lester Rob ins. Jr., Pvt. James Edgar rriese, rvt. William Jerry Mil lion, Pvt. Jackie Junior Chan. pell and Kenneth Charles K-lopp. Assigned to the "Salem Area Leatherneck Squad" are Pvt. virgu Leroy Earls. Brooks; Pvt. Charlea Hnne kn... Pvt Bruce Landers Sjolund of Lianas; rvi, William George Sieloh and Marvin William Bothum of Woodburn. and Ted Leroy Swensen. Lorcn BrUCe COolpV anH r.nnroa U7II- lard Curtiss of Dallas. The platoon still has open ings for men fmm eh I who want to enter the Marine Corps with the group, and each Miuaa is 10 nave a leader sel ected before the men depart for Portland to join the Platoon Sensitive Nose OfPoliceChief Uncovers Still Idabel. Okla. I Pi The sensitive nose of Police Chief Sam Sellers twitched to the odor of raw moon shine. Chief Sellers and Patrol man H. A. Lockwood, parked in their cruiser on an Idabel street yesterday, gave chase when a pickup went by, trail ing the tell-tale smell famili ar to the southeastern Ok lahoma mountain area. They stopped the truck and found a S0-gallon still plus a large quantity of corn whiskey mash hidden In back. Two men were arrested. Texas, accustomed to such rites as marriages and ordina tions, enjoyed participating in a new ceremony tonight in the officer's mess of the First Ma rine Division which guards the west end of the line. Here to convey to service men and women in Korea the greetings of the National Coun cil of Churches of which he is the president. Bishop Martin was asked by Commanding Funeral Services For Cyrus Bickell Funeral services will be held at the Virgil T. Golden Com pany chapel Saturday after noon at 2 o'clock for Cyrus R. Bickell, retired carpenter who died at a local hospital Tues day. Interment is to be in Belcrest Memorial Park. ; Bickell, a late resident of 3110 Bonham street and a Sa lem resident for 28 years, had I been ill for three months. He was born in Iowa February 26, 1874, and .prior to coming to Oregon in 1925 resided in several midwestern states. His Hirst wife. Maude Bickell, whom he married in Wisconsin in 1898 died in 1943 and he later re-married Surviving are his wife, Emily Bickell of Salem; a daughter, Mrs. Catherine Katsules of Portland; sons. Harold A. Bick ell and Gerald Bickell, both of Portland, Carl, Lloyd and Flovd Bickell of Salem and Russel Bickell in Minnaeapolis, Minn.: 14 grandchildren ana six great-grandchildren. St. Vincent Masses New Year's Day Masses for New Year's Day at St. Vincent de Paul Catholic church will follow the same mnrnlno schedule as on reg ular Sundays, Father John silvery fish were brought to Reedy, pastor of the church. ' Portland, announced yesterday. I Total catch for the last two The schedule of masses for : days in the Columbia and trib the annual observance of thejutaries was nine 50-lb. boxes Feast of the Circumcision of Some smelt was taken two the Christ Child is as follows: j weeks ago near Clatfkanie. 6. 7:30. 8:45, 10 and 11:15 a m. New Year's Eve services in- Robert S. Anderson a lieuten ant colonel. Lt. Col. Anderson's home is at 517 12th avenue north, Far go, North Dakota. He is an alumnus of North Dakota uni versity. During his absence Mrs. Anderson is living at 1011 South Liberty street, Sa lem, Oregon. Bishop Marttn. during the day had been taken by Major General Pate to an outpost of his command overlooking the demilitarized zone and within sight of the prisoner of war camp under the administration of Indian troops. He held a chapel service for the Marines and an outdoor service at an other point where the crowd was too large for the regi mental chapel. The bishop assisted Major General Fate In replacing Ma jor Anderson's gold leaf in signia for silver ones. The ap pointment is retroactive to No vember 28. Bishop Martin supervises the 1200 churches of the Dallas Fort Worth area of the Metho dist church and is currently president of his denomination's council of bishops. Robert Eck Severely Hurt A 27-year-old Salem man suffered serious injuries Wed nesday afternoon when the panel truck he was driving collided with a car at 14th and Lee streets and the truck rolled over twice before coming to a stop on its side. Robert Eck, 3380 Winola street, was rushed to Salem Me morial hospital ?nd later trans. ferred to Providence Hospital in Portland for brain surgery after he suffered a fractured skull and other injuries in the accident. He was reported "not critical" Thursday. Eck apparently struck his head on the edge of the truck door when it crashed after col liding with a car driven by Richard Gehring. 4144 Hager street, about 3:45 p.m., police said. He was removed from the badly smashed truck by passers-by before police and first aid men arrived. Gchrine was' year unhurt. I Jose Navarro Santana, 51, Gehring's car was goir.g Portland Puerto Rican charged north on' 14th street and the .with the beating and robbery truck west on I ee street at the of a Red Louis Crcdito near St time of the accident, police! Paul last spring, was being said. There are no traffic con-1 held for trial in circuit court trol signs at the intersection. January 5 when it was dis The car suffered a badly covered that he had escaped smashed front end. Both ve-;from the criminallv Insane Santana Returned To State Hospital A Marion county prisoner being held on an assualt and robbery charge was returned to Oregon State Hospital Thurs day from where he escaped last hides were towed away. Season's First Smelt From Cowlitz River Portland m.K The season's first smelt appeared on the ward of the hospital in June, 1952. A new committment was found necessary when the hos pital advised that a release had been made for Santana some time after his escape. Marion County District At- Portland market today at 45 . .'. j u. ,j cents a pound. I, . . ,,,, , even i u ma rciraac White House Stories Listed Washington W) James C. Hagerty, President Eisenhow er's press secretary Wednesday night nominated these as the most important White House news stories of 1953: The inauguration: the armis tice in Korea; action of Con gress in "cutting 13 billion dollars" from former President Truman's spending budget: the development of strong and consistent foreign policy;" and Eisenhower's Dec. 8 pro posal lor a world pool of atom ic materials for peaceful purposes. Hagerty, appearing on an NBC radio program which had been transcribed earlier in Augusta, Ga. said the Presi dent's Jan. 7 State of the Union mesagt) to Congress "will make a very fine story." He gave no detul. Benson Appoints Stabilization Aides Washington (W Secretary of Agriculture Benson Thurs day appointed two members to the Washington State Agricul tural Stabilization and Con servation committee and a chairman of a similar commit tee in Oregon. Named to the Washington committee were Archie M. Camp, of Spokane, chairman, and Earl F. Knutzen, of Ever son. A third member will be appointed later. E. Harvey Miller, of Hepp ner, was named chairman of the Oregon committee to suc ceed Arnold N. Bodlker who has been appointed administra tive officer of the committee. Wants Bonus For Prisoners Washington (Pi A special bonus for U. S. servicemen who were prisoners of the Commu nists in Korea will be proposed at the new session of Congress by Sen. Ferguson (R., Mich ). Ferguson, chairman of the Senate GOP Policy Committee, said in a statement Thursday he is confident the leffislatlnn will be approved. There were similar payments after World War II. Each returned POW could collect a maximum of $2.50 f r each day of imprisonment. Of this $1.50 would be for "earh day of inhumane treatment while a prisoner" and $1 for each day he failed to receive adequate meals, the senator said. Ferguson said the Defense Department estimates the POW payments would cost about 7 4 million dollars to 4.684 service men who were prisoners of war for a total of 2.986.873 days. TB no Longer 'Major Killer' Baltimore UPi TiihAf.n,,lnGl. has been removerl frnm the nae of "major killers" for the first time in the medical history of Baltimore after a 31 per cent drop in the death rate of the aisease. ur. Huntington Wil liams, health commissioner, said the decline, "truly pheno menal," was due primarily to a home-eare nrnffram anH I ho social and medical advances of the past 10 years. Althnuffh th mimhee nf cases Of tllherculnela In Rnlli. more for 1953 1,393 was al most as high as the 1,493 listed in 1952, the number of deaths fell from 416 last year to 280 in 1953. A small run entered Cowlitz river in Washington yesterday and six boxes of the 14 Teen-Agers Held For Smoking Reefers Oklahoma City. '! Four-teen-agers arrested in a candy Louisiana. Texas. Arkansas nuP " Educational Honor Voted to Mrs. Klinge Mrs. Lucille L. Klinge, Lane county school superintendent, has been elected president of the department of rural ed ucation of the National Educa tion Association, the state de partment of education said Wednesday. She will preside at the na tional conference of the de partment in San Diego in 1955. Election was by mail billot. The Slmplon tunnel in the Swiss Alps, 12 miles long, re quired eight years to build. New Store Manager Goes to Silverton Silverton Thereon E. Johnson coming to Silverton from Roscurg, has assumed management of the local Safe way store succeeding Gordon Elwell, in charge here for the past three years, and trans ferred to Eugene, his home before coming to Silverton. Mr. Johnson has been with the Safeway stores since 1945, following his retirement from three and one-half years serv ice with the U.S. army, having served as Roscburg Safeway assistant manager the pastt two years. Page 11 Virginian Now Champion Liar Burllnetnn Wl nm a Virginian today captured tho une 01 world Champion Liar for 1953 with a whopper about the wind and a supersonic wash kettle. Bee Mclntyre of Richmond, Won the 24th annual Om.II.. ton Liar's Club competition wun mis iree-style fib: me strongest wind I ever heard of hit Our nlar laet summer, along with a slam- oang thunder storm. "The wind was so strong it picked up our cast iron wash kettle, which la about three feet across and about two feet deep, and blew lt out of th. country. "The wind blew that kettlo so fast that while it was sail ing across our front yard, the lightning struck at it five times, and missed." For his lie. Metntvra u,ill get the traditional lyre-shaped mampion a meoai irom tho Burlington club. He'll hold the title during 1954. succeed ing Air Forccman Harry Cum mings of Dallas. Man Jailed For Cruelty Klamath Falls, in A m. year-old stonemason who ad mitted forcing a 4-vear-alrt boy to burn his hanHa nn m stove was sentenced to a year in Jail Wednesday. Harold GreenwnnH n1ott guilty to a charge of cruelty 10 nis stepson, Barney Allen Best. He said he forced the boy tO DUt hiS handl On the, tlnva three times to teach him to fear fire. The boy said, however, that Greenwood seized bis hands and pushed them against tho stove. District Jud n F Van Vactor specified that the sen tence ne served in the Rocky Butte jail at Portland. Acid Disfigures Night Club Singer Golfe Juan, France (JP) A pretty night club singer, whose beauty won her the patronage of the wealthy Aga Khan, was hospitalized Thursday after an unidentified person threw acid in her face. Miss Yvonne Blanc. 22, was attacked Wednesday night In a dark street near her home as she arrived from nearby Can nes on her motor scooter. The girl, one of the favorite models of painter Pablo Picasso, will be disfigured, hospital attend ant said, lt was feared sH also may lose her right eye At the hospital she tolr' thorities she did not kno whe ther her assailant wa' nan or a woman. Police theorized she may have been attacked by a woman Jealn" of Misi Blanc's beauty COLORADO PAN-SAN at th SAN SHOP ORANGE JAMBOREE ON AIR Miami. Fla. A"i The nation will have a look at Florida's most glamorous show tonight when the 20th annual King Orange Jamboree Parade moves through downtown Mi ami. It will be described over CBS radio and television from coast to coast. The parade starts at 7 p.m., EST MM BARBEQUED CRAB AT NORTH'S 1170 Center St, FOR A DATE 9 not if you use OKMULA , 1 i4..:nn a tha mtarif ciuae rauauuu ... . .u. .... jj i the and benediction at 7:48 mis " " ' and California raise practical- evening. United States. RR RADIO & EVISI0N TV t''lnitonui.oii Lln7lt-m.t.p,. rati hum MITCHELL'S Factory Traiaiesl fkrrkt ao Installs tK IIM State it Than Marilyn Monroe Among Top Screen Money Makers Hollvwood. Marilyn 1 Randolph Scott Monrowho ha. won cita- The poll point; 1 up the fact "on, from many Army and, that Hollywood h been lax i :1. mH was award-1 in developing new stars Mon- 2T L n.'fire honor, too. . roe is the only new name on Central High School have con fessed to smoking marijuana, police reported Admissions were made be fore their parents officers said, and the mother and father of one youth were so upset they are "pulling up stakes and moving to another city to start all over " Officers said the father wept openly. There was one girl among th 14. NOTHING TO 8KB Ogaki, Japan "J." Hotel op- was named among the the list, whirh is dominated erators met to organize an , ?0 "one maker, of the by male stars of action and Ogak, Sightseeing association 5p ,u ' musical comedy but gave up the idea after de- this order top arreen ieat riiah wal null wuuv ....... . ' ..- ...n hv. stars placed HZVdw Herald', Doris Day. Esther W.lliam, 2nd .nnu" 1 exhibi.e"' poll, Msrgery Main Fercy Kilbride. .re W Bfn Crosoy MaHlyn Granger. Jane Russell. Chart. If ' Jarnl. Stewart Bob, ton Heston, Humphrey Bo sirHrS .nd!,.rt and !R. Hayworth. The next 15 money-makir.g ci(jlng tne town contained nothing to attract tourists. SAVING UNIU MARKET! OPEN HEW YEARS $W Now! BARGAINS GALORE on all . . . Shoes . . . Stockings . . . Sportswear . . . Dresses . . . Lingerie . . . Bags SHO-CURL with rtfintd lanolin th KCitlng, imw hoir beouty old that rvolutionii Homt Hole Styling. $ho Curl gives Picture Perfect waves ond curls in minutes intttod ol hours. An application coirs less than o penny. Guarantee Sotisforhon or rwKO your money back. LARGE SIZE 1 1 'i 1 (Teepee Tekrrlsiaa Start