iwj, Pulce in Pixie Fumh; lukm Topples Oregon State ASSOCIATED PRESS UNITED PRESS Page 8 Salem, Oregon, Wednesday, December SO, 1953 Stanford Minus Tomsk Against Oregon Tonight Stanford, Calif, (u.w Stan- main there until the week-end ford faced an important has- when he will have a complete kctbalt uarne tonight with Ore-j physical examination to deter gon, without the services of mine if, and when, he can play, star forward Ron Tomsic, who1 It was feared that the itar sparked the Indians to a 7-0 forward, who broke the great record this season. Hank Luisetti'i single-season Tomsic-. a 5-foot, 11-inch scoring record last year, will Junior, suffered a split cartil- be benched for at least a month age in his left knee Monday and possible for the rest of the nifiht during a game with Col- season. letfe of Pacific. Stanford went Tomsic has been on the All-! on to win the game, 78-51. Coast squad for the past two Stanford officials said Tom-1 years and is currently the third sic was under treatment in the; highest scorer in Stanford his- Palo Alto hospital. He will re- tory. " 11 - f '-"" m i . .. :LJ f-iViwiii niiii rr a iii wiiii niMiii)iiiMif nn aWi li'ia? mil 'ft mm m Its T tJ UT f 8, v '1 fit -T4 ri III Tocoy Lost Doy f o Hunt Waterfowl, State Reminds Portland UP) The Oregon State Game commission report ed today as the 1953 water fowl season closed that hunting has been disappointing al though some areas produced well. Amity Outlasts Perrydale 58-39 For 3rd Victory Perrydale Coach Ray Stephens' Amity Warriors won their third game in three starts here Tuesday night at the ex pense of Perrydale again, 58 SP. The first time they met. De cember 21, Amity won 42-34. Last night Perrydale was without starter Benny Rem pel, who was out with a back Injury, and Sam Stewart, star guard, injured a foot In the third quarter and sat out about half of the second half. He accounted for 19 points, however. Ray Tozer, 6-foot Amity C"tpr. scored 19 also. Amity held narrow quarter time margins of 7-6. 15-12 and 30, then widened it In the fourth while scoring 21 to 9 for Perrydale. Amity won the B game, 34 27. with Paul Gillaspie and Wilcox scoring 12 points apiece for Amity, and Marv Rempel getting 8 for Perry dale. Amity will play tonight at Falls City in a return match. The Warriors narrowly beat Falls City December 15, 48-47. Amllr U Ehurj. 4 T., Toier, 19 ....,?., B'ephen. 9 ......C, Ltnhirclt. T O., Leppln. 11 o. , Rsctvm wftrlnt : Amur Rurrh PBFland S. Shields 4; Ffrrrdlle Mclo torn 3. OfflclRta: Norton knit Duller. A flyway inventory to be taken from Jan. 4 through Jan. 10 will determine the compar ative number of birds in all of the Pacific flyway statei, and may help answer the question of whether there was an actual shortage of birds this year, the commission said. Commissioners noted that there has been widespread be lief that the season does not end until tomorrow night, Dec. 31. It issued a notice to hunters reminding them that today is tne unal day of the season. The commission said also that it is unlikely many birds remained in the north during me season. Ftrrydile P. La. Maasey 2, MaMty .... 6. Cooper .. 0. OIneerlph 19. Stewart Skiers to Defend Day Trail Titles Timberline U Two of Oregon's leading skiers will defend their titles here Satur day and Sunday in the annual Portland Day Train races. Joe Lisac, Class A title win ner for the last two years, will be on hand, and so will Dotti Maxwell Hughes, holder of the Class A women's crown. Class A, B and C and junior women and junior men race Saturday, starting at noon. On Sunday Class A. B and C men compete. About 100 racers were expected to enter the Contest. Second bio: J.ki pvpnt i oera 5. Camp 4. Crawford B, Planner 1 t, it,;. ; Cameron 3. Central Alitp 1. Halfnme on Ml. Hood this season. ,,.: central 1. roreat Orove 35. OII1- The race, sponsored by the cl,,: d wniiani. Schnee Vogeli Ski Club, cov ers a four-mile course from Timberline Lodge to Govern ment Camp. Od ell's Political Career Is Short Seattle W) A city charter requirement may end Howie Odell's political career before it gets started. Odell, former University of Washington football coach, filed last week to be a candi date' for the City Council in next year's primary election. The Post - Intelligencer said Wednesday, however, Odell may be ineligible because he registerd to vote locally for the first time in 1952. Seattle's city charter re quires that a candidate be s registered voter for four yean before an election. Central Avenges Loss in Beating Forest Grovers Central High School Cen tral High avenged an earlier loss to Forest Grove here Tues day night by whipping the vis itors, 55-49, in a non-conference game. Central now has four victo ries and three losses. Forest Grove won the Dec. 12 contest by 11 points, 63-52. Central held quartertime leads of 17-14, 36-25 and 46-38 as Jim Fratzke, 5-foot-ll guard scored 15 points and Larry Jthnson, forward, and Gerald Freeman, center, made 12 each. Central won the junior var sity preliminary, 70-54. Next game for the Panthers was to have been Saturday at Dallas, but is believed to be postponed because the Dallas gym is not completed. Ffirinfl Ffirh OfllPr Both Platoons of the West team I Wllliy LUl.ll VIIIWI (,eft) ne up the,r ,., field In Palo Alto, Calif. Top photo, left to right, front: USC end Tom Nlckoloff; Wash, tackle Dean Chambers; Wash, guard Wilton Bohart; Calif. Poly center Stanley Sheriff; TCU tackle Morgan Williams; Calif, guard Jim Kotler; Colo, end Gary Knafelc and Kansas end Morris Kay, Back: Calif, back Al Talley; Baylor quarterback Francla Davidson; USC back Harold Hand and COP back Art Liebscber. Bottom photo, front: Tex. end Charlton Massey; USC tackle Ed Pucci; Kansas guard Robert Ilantla; Stan ford center Ted Tanner; Tex. guard Phil Branch; Nebraska tackle Ted Connor and Stanford end Sam Morely. Back: Kansas State back Veryl Swltier; Stanford quarterback Bob Garrett; Baylor back Jerry Coody; Okla. Aggies back William Bredde and SMU back Jerry Norton. HHsriTw iawwaaiwawauwwMwi Both platoons of the East team (right) line up In Santa Clara. Left to right, front, top: 111. end John Ryan; Iowa tackle Donald Cbelf; Ohio State guard Michael Pakaca; Iowa center Jerry Hilgenberg; Mich, guard Don Dugger; Ohio State tackle George Jacoby and Northwestern end Joe Collier. Back: Kentucky back Steve Melllnger; Boa ton College back Joe Johnson; Boston U. back Louis Petroka; Northwestern quarterback Richard Thomas and So. Carolina back John Granting. Bottom: Holy Croat end Henry Lemlre; Notre Dame tackle Art Hunter; III. guard Robert Lenilni; Syracuse center Ted Kukowski; Kentucky guard Ray Correll; Syracuse tackle Bob Fleck and Ohio State end Tom Hague. Back: Notre Dame back John Latt ner; III. back Stan Wallace; Syracuse quarterback Peter Stark; Notre Dame fallback Nell Worden and Vlllanova back Eugene Flllpskl. They will meet in San Franr'jco'a Kesar Stadium Jan. I. (UP Telephoto.) Lattner Injured, But Can Play; West Loses Morley San Francisco VP) Injur ies hit both teams for the an nual shrine football game Sat urday. The East, a 6 Vi -point I favorite, was hurt when Notre Dame All-America halfback Johnny Lattner jarred his left shoulder out of its socket Tues day in scrimmage at Santa Clara. The West lost Stanford All America end Sam Morley, fav orite pass target of teammate quarterback Bob Garrett. Mor ley badly twisted an injured knee and can be only a limp ing, part-time receiver. Latt ner, however, was pronounced fit to play with only a little soreness to bother him. Koreil Grata (4l Oehrts. 1 r.. Klnes. 0 T.. Ball. 7 C. Smith. 5 0.. Ml'ler. 14 0. . Fcloney's Bad Knee Gives Way Miami, Fla. (iP) Injured quarterbacks Wednesday caus ed consternation among Mary land forces, concern in the Oklahoma bailiwick and really fouled up speculation over the outcome of their Orange Bowl football game on Friday. Maryland threw up its hands in despair immediately after quarterback Bernie Faloney's injured knee gave way on him in Tuesday's workout. There goes our team," said downhearted Coach Jim Ta- turn. Faloney walked around fair ly well Tuesday night and trainer Duke Wyre said if the knee didn't swell up by Wed nesday it might be all right. Coach Bud Wilkinson also is keeping his fingers crossed over a shoulder separation suffered by Pat O'Neal, Oklahoma's sec ond string quarterback. O'Neal was hurt Monday in a punting drill, but didn't re alize it until Tuesday, his playing ability on Friday is problematical, depending on injury's response to treatment. Sheridan Beats Philomath 50-32 Sheridan Sheridan high school won its second game against six losses here Tues day night, taking Philomath of the Capital league, 50-32. Philomath, apparently not used to Sheridan's large court, was behind all the route, with quartertime deficits of 12-7, 23-13 and 39-25. The well-played contest found Larry Green of Sherl- rian lpariine: all crnrprs with 18: Blind 522. .i4. ru;Tmal. Tl Hollywood Flnanee ff Kay flfio. Reeie points. For Philomath. Vin-lH5, H., 407. Pflt,r J8t Htyn. M1. I. Brunk ; cent counted 11 and Kemp 10. ! Martin Bros. Neon Slcna (0 Dyer ola. riiiiuiiiaiu yuu intr juiiiwi Ryin 49. ISA) rcntral .. 2. Johnaon 12. Freeman ... ft. Nation Fratrae Observers are thoroughly impresed with the running power of the East's Lattner and his teammate from Notre Dame., Neil Worden; Gene Filipski of Villanova; Steve Meilinger, Kentucky; Joe Johnson, Boston College, and Lou Petroka, Boston Unlver sity. The West is essentially pass minded. Stanford's Garrett led the nation in passing. His fellow quarterback, Cotton Davidson of Baylor is anbther superior thrower. They have excellent receivers in Morley, Gary Kna felc of Colorado; Tim Nickolof, USC; Carlton Massey, Texas and Morris Kay, Kansas. SCORES in the ALLEYS MONDAY'S RESULTS Capital Alleys COMMERCIAL NO. 1 Liu Avtnaa 8er (4 Birber HI, Nelson 484, Doerflt. 611. Ouon 539. Hiyei 672. Goldita of SUvarteB (0) Hrr 308. Fr&Qk M0. Howell 446, Herr 64ft, BenUon S2S. Nleholioa'l Imarnc 4 Bolton 494, Rtmsey 481, Ebenole 648, Cavdy 01, Cuihm&n S29. Wlcklund't Sportlnv Qoedi (0 Htndm 369, Lawlotf 426, Ham 471. Porird 470, Frieicn 493. Rawllnsoti's Laundry (4) Ringland 509, SpriBM 483, Hauctn 533, English 544. Meffert 6&S. Orrali Used Can 0 McClarr 429, Lama 484, Oannon 62), Wilkerson 648. Cline 667. Nick'. Inn (4) WilberR 600, Mull 499, Dlerks 439, Ireland 496. Miller 647. Mar ton Creamery 0) Allen 483, Pelcar 497. Klnz 453. Kenyin 482. Davenport 457. Jaron' Clothim Store (S) Brcnnan 963. Sommere 491, Lebold 412. Boyee 636, Ryan 925. Knlihta of Columbus 1 Koutney 520, T. Bletler 368, Pranff 487, Artez 467. B. Biesler 486. Starr Foods (3) Sheldon 516, Nlcholls 904, Leng r en 628. Duffus 511. Lane ti oft 538. Woodry'a Furniture ID dinger 923, Johnion 493, Woodry 483, Perry 497, Foreman 646. HUh team tame Rawlinson'J. 1012. Hiili team aenea Lana Avenue, 29(6. Hlth Individual iame Ray Ounn. 296. High individual aeries John Doerfler, 611. COMMERCIAL NO. t The. Jewel Baa 44) Con an 631, Hopf Inaer 490. Nelson 497, Logan 546. Hayei 902. Goodies Market (it) Ooodla 386, Stettlcr 493, Weniienroth 513, Reeves 494, I Rrnrrves srorlnt: Poreit Grove So der- Brown, Kovaleski In Sugar Finals New Orleans t'P' Surpris ing: Fred Kovaleski of Wash ington. D. C, and second-seeded Tom Brown Jr. of San Fran cisco meet todav for the 17th annual Sugar Bowl tennis title.' Other North North Marion Defeats Canby Canby North Marion high school defeated Canby, 62-43, here last night. The Huskies lead all the way. 12-9. 24-18 and 4.1-28 at quarter times. Keith Driver was high point player for North American with 16, while Canby'f leader was Arlan Bigham with 17. Marion scorers varsity fracas. 31-28. with Chambers and Hay getting 7 points each. Clark tallied 13 for Sheridan. Philomath IS?) (MM Shpridan Lorain. ' F 1A. Ortrn Ltach 9 r S. J. Pnprn Vincent. U C ft. Nlckeron Kamp. 10 0 1. Btrktr Scarth. 0 0 S. Waoda Reatrvt, arorlng: Sharldan O. Papan . tin I Olftclali: Robblnii and Durham. Their match precedes the were Larry Cole IS, Mike En- doubles finals, with defending champions and top-seeded Oardnnr Mutiny of Miami and sign 9, Dale Calloway 7, Merle McClaren 8. Keith Hoefling 9, J.ick Berkey 3 and John Brown facing Grant Golden of1 Friend 1. Chicago and I la Burrows ofi The Canby Jayveea took the Charlottesville, Va. prelim. 87-44. Pacific U. Game Dates Reversed Willamette university today announced a change In schedul ing of Pacific university In ba ketball. The Feb. 12 game at Forest Grove will be played in Salem, and the Feb. 13 game in Salem has been changed to Forest Brook, I'lrt Drpl. M hrtida 381. Ramp ,57, Yofthlhat SM, Wood 3B5. Oa-lf-AV 464. Capital nrua '01 Rolide 405. Bryant 4.44. Brooks 390. Boahm 302. Mlk ktXrn 310. Mar,', Tavern fin Lon 4M. Kupar 404. Wymor, 441. ttoan 377. Holcom fjOa. T.rmtnal Ire III Mcllnav 504. Sanaa 434. Straw 48. Johnaon 4S7. Oinn 507. Jonei and Fair (3)Oardner BSD. Wll. let 47!. Kyle 372. Doerfler 500, Brennan 034. Woodbttrn til Hleka 407. Pcrd Ml, Drazen 514. Auitln 421. Wadiworth 441. Tha Bond, James 45. McOe, S3,, Athwell 100. Berastrom 403. Papple 030. .01 Lanes Refrlreratlon R. Luke 455, B. tuka 432, J. Luka 470, B. Luke S. T, Ltike 450. Hleh team ,am, and sarlee Holtr ood Finance 033 and 3000. Hlah individual tame tnd oerleo Ire Kit 155 and (90. Other atx hundred eerlw Tom Bras nan, (34. Duck Pins FAN FARE i.c ecu, ! s ) V CCn- J l.OCTv $A rJI,aaa,w mm BAH BOWLING LAPTCK LIAOTJf Dteenber tl, ItWI Woodreffs's flan she (6 Wainir tit, Rlchardaon 376, Rittier 416, Archer t47, Brt 301. Wlllaruettt Valley Bank fl Bimftt 162. PUMo 141, BfTurlr Hushes 111. Bfrntcf ftuthu . Bra T. Master Brt4 (4) Hansen 1C4, rr alter Ornvia Ths rhinff was mad,;s7- Twni ,M- Th"l Haast M4. orove. ine? cnange wan maae; ntn4l9 0m m.wMd wi. nartitn ut. Oauthler St3. for frit, 4 tames. Hlch limit fftm and iirltt Donna Rlftyer, 161 ami 411. Tflfh team ainrlt tant Master Brea4, Hteb team atrJai Woodrofft' Baa Shop. lt. to prevent conflict. By Wolt Dltxt University Alleys CT.Aatr iorB 4?4arl Car 4t Braueht I4J: Bnn fte',1 toi: White 404: Hen den mi 111: (Vortt 179. H stent flsrt(ar ( Th4la .i5; Curt 1 1 IM; Morris 411: pan Ml: Pottlin lis Barks rtlnr Oa4ts f Valdtt 8tt: Parity 103: VtJluptk 41H Beta 141: Hart well KM. rrtmk't Pritw 1 Thorn i oa loot nausea 14; JanU 4H: Wat tier 40: Jsx-kson aV. nailer Oil Ca. (4V Mttson 141: HM lerirh 141; UT(.nn.anT 111: KrecJI 141: Prudentt Ml. Valltv Oil Ct, Com stork 4T: Jack DeBow 4: J'm EXBov IN wi:nsiu 414: Otrsbaeh 45t Trallwavt Cafe (4t McTfall lit; KlU icier til, Unetoa mi. Lata CI; Rirhas 04. Wtrt Balm MMMatjry 4. ) Bom 106: Prlea 164; Obarman 416; Mae Farlane 415: Straw 500. Hlth team amt and aarlti. Trail ways Cafe. 175 and 3141 (New high atria lor leaiut). High lnd. garat and strict, Don Luti iTraUwaya Calet 351 and 1 (New high gams for league). Jim Desov (vai lay Oil Co.) Trlpllcat gamta ot IN. TUESDAY'S RESULTS University Alleys LADIES CLASSIC LEAGUE Oska Ins. Agey. 48) Dps ton 441: Lot! 410; coivin 422; Gould 468; Thompson 529. Roberts Bros, tl) Aleihirt 517; Jackson 401; Bannum 3H; Black 437; Poasehl 490. Lee's Fin Cars 4 Merrell 313; Rtlnka 371; Lants 3: Green lea 371; Lan tt 362 ; Orecnlet 371 ; Aaron 4BI; Simmons Ins. Agcr. 0 Johnson 416; Orafflus 366; Moon 335; Arnold 331; Smith 427. Carr's Highland Market (4) Lelnhard 514; Hopflnatr 400; Murray 371; Law less 422; Carr 464. China City t The maa 413; Btalder 360; HUltrlch 313; Ada 467; VanDell 436. Hen old Fhllllppl () Krelcl 466: Oar ban no 491; Curry 497; Laird 477; Mueil haupt 462. Thrlftway Cltanara 1) Rounds 3B6; Haugen 401; Fallen 432; Loken 434; Kunke 4M. Hish team game and series. Herrold PhilJ'ppl. ill and 33B3: high lnd. game and series. Alberta Thompson, 307 and Oaty. MERCANTILE LEAOtTE Remington Band (1) Sprlggs 450; K;mmell 435; Raboln 471; Harden 564; Colburn 534. Navy-Marina Rescrvt (1) Oilmore 3fls; Doyle 439; Blind 317; John aon 524; Black 434. Burk land Lumber Ct. !) H. Webb 492; B. Burkland 411; P. Webb 384: Scnuotz 490; Don Burkland 491. Bar's AutomatlTc (l) Dutolt 411: McOulrt 611; Keene 411; Carr 450; Hllltrlrh 136, Gormnn's Shell Service ok South Salem Pharmacy (Si Van Vleck 492; Dye 350; G under son 396; Brown 490; Burnett 311. Crarroft Texaco l Radkt 361; De La PP 417; Hardy 414; Amlerson 414; Cra crolt 386. Moo try Pharmacy (1) Bauer 447; Lrach 442: Mootry 457; Collins 414: Smith 427. Snider Eltetrle (1) Morris 464; Mc Cain 395; Otlson 474; Arthur 484; Coo ler 404. Ran a re's Ba vara gat (I) Ad 431; Fal len 405; Bunnell 411; Duffy 411; Nichols 467. Marlon Feed load (1) Hell 4B7 Smith 452; Xttno 411; Lien hard 501; Carlson 470. High team game. Dyer ok Bona Insur ance, ion and 2174. High lnd. game, Ed Talbot of Drer 4k Bona Insurance, ill. High lnd. aeries, Waa Hard an eX JUga lngtoa Rand, 164. MEN'S CITY LBAQUE Waadrorfta Ian Shaa (1) Duant Prank 363; Kaatba 144: Plsbar 404: Wayne Prank 441; Bye 172. Willamette Art Tile (8- Sen ols 411; Bush 341; So ber 433: Meyer 111: Bra 390. Dr. Pepper 1 Merrlman 411: Tilth? 391; Lepner 411 1 Butler 404i in UL Kayt Radio TP (I) Dtau 431; rit..cl aui; arom o; Kaya 407; Cappe lot. Olata FlarUt (1) White 419; Barker 372; Wald log 401; Junsllng 416: Wood 422. Madera Poodasaa t) Dolga 477; Capps 441; Smith 410: Bye 314; Brt 441. Dyara Insurance (t Bcharf 341t Prra 461: Bates 171; PoUnaki 401; Penny 417. Qaallty Lead Can 1 CampbtU 411; Snelrrovi 111; Short 43); Millar 471: Van Dell 111. Davis ou Co, (4) Omohuadro 431; Scbarf 403; Adams 407; Blanton 466; Da vis 431. Lao Newaaaa () Forfeit. Hlah team aeries. Modern WaadttM Ins 1221; high team tamo. Willamette Art Tile. 717; high lad. series. imi Meyer (WlUamttto Art Tile) 111. Hlth umj. iint. aa. rm tupara ins. I in. It Your Fuel BUI Ovtr A Month1 Better Convert te Continental Radiant GLASSHEAT 1540 Falrfroond Road Phone 4-4161 Alabama's Ace Hurt; Rice Liked Dallas, Tex. W) The Rice Owls, all 37 of them, came roll ing Into Dallas Wednesday to complete the cast for the 8th annual Cotton Bowl football game aim to find themselves heavy choices to slam Alabama and keep the Rice colors un tarnished in bowl competition. Seldom has there been such pronounced favorites in the New Year's Day game here as the burly Owls, a terrific offen sive outfit that finished like the prairie wind in the tough Southwest Conference race. Riddled with Injuries to first line reserves and facing the prospect of playing without the services of its "running" quar terback, Albert Elmore, thus reducing the ranks of the field generals to Bart Starr and who ever else might fill In in a pinch, the Crimson Tide is go ing to have a tough time living up to a glittering bowl repu tation. Dr. John Sherrill, Alabama team physician, gave out the gloomy word on Elmore, the big quarterback who did such a Job against Georgia Tech and Auburn. "It doesn't look like he will play," said Dr. Sher rill in examining injuries El more suffered in an automobile crash during the Christmas holidays. Rice, which has won the three bowl game in which it has played, is expected to be in as nearly perfect condition as any team ever was for the Cotton Bowl. Fights last Might LIN FIELD LOSES 7S-63 McMinnville U.R Every body's Drug from Eugene last night defeated LInfield Col lege, 76-63, in a basketball game here. East Lansing, Mich. Four of Michigan State's five home i ibs's. pans', rranee. 10. football games in 1953 were I chicagokim Solomon, m. cole before sellout crowds. Basketball Scores Br Tlx aaserialeel Frees) ltewre (rwtlua)) 4a, BaUK onasi West Llaia 49. Lake Oawaa, ea) Lincoln tPoriUaa) la. Tlaara it HaraUlaM 11. anuena it all a ma I h Fklll M. Ilacldlna f.nei Tillamook OUioll, It, Coltunbln Via, Ml labor, K AeUrU 41 leeealnnrUM (I. Aleena Amllr M. PorriKlel, II laolalla . Netbar, 3 Central Union It, Poreel Orove 4r) aoappooM M. Meahkbhnl, II aharlnan M. niUonath II Oaaton II. Jovall U (overtime) prlnalleld M. Morla Banal a (mr- tlmel Tail 14. Bmlre M Craswall M, MoImwi II TolaOo 41. aharvood II autherlln II, WaMport H coixaoa basketball SDQAB nOWL TOUaNKT rirat Boon LouaUann aUt, II, ronttitm IS Holr Ctou II, DaPaul n DIX1I CLASSIC Harp N. H. O. atate Tt (satnl-fUis) Duk, U, W,k, Poreet M taemMlnaJI Baton Hall Tl, Horth Carolina tl (con solation I Tulana 14, Oreaon atat, Tl (eonso-latlon) BIO ISVIN TOUBNtT Karuaa W. UUaourl IT (aeml-tlnall Oklahoma It. Nebraaka TO feomMlnel) Iowa Atete Tl, Colored, tl (conaola. Hon) ranaa, Btat, II, Waahlniton Tl Icon, aolatlonl ALL COLLIOI TOTJBNIY Plrsl B.ont Wromlni 14. Cincinnati 14 Bant, Clara It, Tulsa 41 INTUCBtT INVITATION Western Kentnckp It, Baatarn Xan- luckr Tl laeml-flnal) Loulselll, II, Xarler (Ohio) It (aaml- Ilnal) Houston II. Slant 10 (consolation) Vlllanora 14, Uurrar (Kr.) II (conso lation) 'GATOR BOWL Seal-PI rials Oeorila 14, Plontla 73 oaorala Tenra 101. Oeoril, Tech 10 SOUTHWEST CONPIRENCE TOUENET Rica u, Boutharn Methodist Tl (semi final, ofartlmei Texas to, Arksosae tl (acml-flnal, overtime) Alabama M, Texas chrlatlta M (con solation) Barlor 14, Teles ABM H (consolation) tnVt ENGLAND TOTJBNKT Dartmouth TT, Harvard 01 (aaml-flnal) Conactleul 10. BprlncfleM II I semi llnal) Brown 11, Colbr 41 (consolation) lildleburp II, Amherst IT (consolation, ovsrtlme) BOUNDTABLB '.JDBNIT Carroll lalont,) 11, western Montana 10 Boer Moutaln tl. Northwest Commo- nltp (Wro.1 II Kicks 17, Eastern Montana II Carroll (Mont.) II, Rock, Mountain II OTHER GAMES Ohio Btata 14. Denver nt Illinois II. Utah State tl Rutgers 14. Wabash II Belolt 19, Arlaona 01 Montana 10. Idaho IT Baatern Wuh. Tt. Montana atat, II Lob Anaelea Loyola II. Lot Anielaa state II Ban Jose Btat, 41. Cel. Polr. 41 Pepperdlno 13. Pasadena Nataranc II Pacific Univ. SI, Southern Oreooa 13 (overtime) . New Mexico II. PhllUpa Univ. IT (overtime) PRO SCORES Rochester It. Baltimore tt. Trackmen to Vie At Sugar Bowl Meet Thursday New Orleans (U.B A glitter ing array of stars, including Wes Santee, Kansas' great miler, opens the 18th annual Sugar Bowl track meet tomorrow. Santee. America's best bet to run the four-minute mile, will be out to break the Sugar Bowl record of 4:10.7 set by Glenn Cunningham in 1938, and the odds are that he will if the track is in any kind of condition. In all five college events and three high school relay races will comprise the card this year. Another top runner If Jim Mashburn, national AAU 449- yard record holder at 46.8. Also back to defend champion ships won last year will be Kansas State's Thane Baker In the 100-yard dash, and . the Oklahoma mile relay team. IBv Tha Associated Press) LOS jaNOELES Don Grant. Ill, Loe Anieles. knocked out Jess Pusntai. 113, Loa Antolea. I. MIAMI BEACH. Fla. Blur Xlltor,, Ita. Miami, outpointed Mlcker Laurent, n:ur . N. Can UP l.t night to .? L1 " round of tb ftE ketb.U wrJOii vvell-earnaxdsrWl, Perennial toum " North CwSfih Still another nr.-' aucea in . ..T'."tH when TuW'P. handed Oregon s?Jn crew ranked fourth,' " nation's court rWerfu1 11 comolation gam, C ! I Carolina i, ""n NirJ tonight'. UmtZW Seton vi. Tnlani Seton Hall ntisltott.j a Tulane tor coniolatlonUUetoniST olSC''.topl.yNorth& ollna tnHflv f .. j acvoiio Dl Oregon Stat. .kiiT been co-favored with the start of the tain. ..iltc-im.!, VVaaS (SVVAVrl.l B., brook as it led Tula, vtmiig up until the 13 minutes. Swarthy guard Hal fw led a Tulane rally with thr niipui miu inira period fit goals and te Qrwn v movea 10 a 34-50 lead ( ena oi me uiira period. Oregon State never aged to regain the leai, i). though HaIbrook,tatutin'l tallest college player, wt i Reynolds Coliseum retort i; canning IS free thnwi. mj. brook ontscortd Talut'i Cervinl 23 to II, but rota.li four field goili for thi inning. Oregon State held I 4U1 half-time lead but Ceniiii ntV Phil Wallace, who got points, led a Tulane surge li the third and the Green Wirt': fast break and control of thi backboards had the Beivd panting. Oregon State mi only six points in the third riod and each team buckcl 20 in the closing 10 mlnuta. Tulane hit on 38.1 per ml of its shots while Oregon Stats made only one third M 16 trial from the floor. From the tail line, both tesms had M plnul Halbrook tnlued nhv) bti throws. nruon UaU ( CO Ttbse tinpftp ! Wtmn.f 1 1 lrfcvuMOj III Vlelea.f I i I 11 Brews! Ill Bmnfl.r I 1 111 oeir.ru i d...i.i. f a 1 I 1 Nwlkaiele 14 11 Hlbrk.o 4 11 I lIP.WslloM I !' Toole.t J 0 J llton.1 J " J Jarboe.f 114 lOerrlnlt I I1J Roblns.i 0 14 1 KrtebHI I M Hllin.1 110 4 Totals M 11 II 10 Totals Ba Oreion Btat KSuIlH Tulan -"2.1 Proa throwe mliseo: Omer, to" -I Robins. Whlteman. PiJ J"J g. brook I. Tulana-atcU 3, Erlaatt W vlnl I, Browns, now --. - TO HOST TOUBNEI wihiti Knn. un Mil waukee will be hoit to the foil world tournament of non-professional baseball, the Inter national BasebaU ConF said Wednesday. The U. 5. team will be the winner of ttf annual national wurwv Wichita. BaUt0M third ptl buektlffl to. stopped Jlmmp "Red" Rlbp. II). To- BARBEQUED CRAB At NORTH'S 1170 Center St laao bbbbbbbBraWaTaaaaBr for dinner, TV viewing mt nrertslnlntj (mart kouMwivtrS haw HalelalbBPfl harndyl tor, ih mtxJerare evrat,ls always a plaasant aaditiaa ta any aecastanand HaiaJalbarfl is aa eipatiollr pleating beer I