II Oak Point Oak Point Holiday gueiU at the A. B. W. Hughes home were Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hughes and family of Portland and Mr. and Mrs. Barry Lam bert and children of Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Don Webb en tertained their family Christ mas day. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dougherty and sons of Independence: Mr. and Mrs. James Alexander and Mickey of Independence; Mr. and Mrs. Al Leonitis and (laughter of Chicago; Bobby and Sharon Webb. Miss Florence Titus of Sa lem was a holiday guest of Mrs. E. Comstock and son, John. They were Christmas Eve guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Comstock of Keizer for the family Christmas tree. j Guests at the Hugh Rogers! home were Mr. and Mrs. Elton Rogers of Portland, and Mr. and Mrs. John Doran and fam ily of Fails City. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Smith and family of Eugene and Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Peterson, Judy and Patty were guests at the Grove Peterson home. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Lauder back were recent dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Clark of Salem. Mr. and Mrs. EdwarH Hirm. berger spent the holidays in Tacoma with their daughter, Mrs. Leo Theonnes and am. I uy. Holiday guests at the C. E.I Bisbee home were Mr. and Mr. James Taylor of Dallas. Mr. and Mrs. Don Bisbee and Rv ana urry Bisbee. Christmas Eva the Don Ri.-I bees were guests at the Ronal Shepard home in Salem fnr family party. Marvin Bartel surprised his parents when he arrived home to spend a 10-day leave from me navy. He is stationed at I San Diego, Calif. John Rule left Tuesday for Huntington Park, Calif., to I spend the holidays with Mrs. nuie ana their children. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Salem, Oregon Molalla Carol Curtis Pattern WPM. i?ifisJ?jt;?if;fi?:K'.i'i Molalla Mr. and Mrs. .Ins Maurer, Sr., entertained and exchanged gifts with numerous guests on Christmas Eve. Pres ent were: Mr. and Mrs. Joe Maurer, Jr., and Freddie. Silvertnn- Mr and Mrs. Robert Shepherd and 0DDy, natny ana Penny, West oiayion: Mr. ana Mrs. Rex Hunt, Bremerton, Wash.; Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Gerlite, David and Tlinnp Silvortnn. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Maurer. Jo' Ann, Tommy. Betty, Johnny and Alexes. Mt. Anffpl Mr nnri Mrs. Hay Maurer, Andy, Mike, Dick and Kenneth. Prnerwrr Dinner guests for Christmas were Mr. ana Mrs. Rex L. Hunt, Bremerton, Wash.; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Maurer, Andy, Mine, dick ana Kenneth, Pros- nept. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Maurer. JoAnn. Tommv. Rettv .Tnhn- ny and Alexes, Mt. Angel. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Maurer, Sr.. had a mirnrls visit Tuoe. day of last week by Mrs. Maur-j er s oromer ana lamny, Mr. and Mrs. John Snrtrw snrl h,' nepnews, John and Jerry Sup per, au irom uiatne, Colo., I and a niece and family. Mr. and Mrs. Reno Williams and children, Barbara and David, Montrose, Colo. Mr. and Mrs. Rex L. Hunt left Sunday for Bremerton, Wash., where Mt Hunt 4 ata- tioned with the United States Wavy. Crocheted Table Set. The ever popular "pineapple" crochet de sign has been worked as a border on this handsome, well-styled place mat and matching napkins set. Each Individual mat meas ures 12 by 17 inches; matching napkins are of linen 13 Inches aouare and have a single comer design to match place mat. For handsomest results use white or ecru thread and stiffen the com pleted mats by starching them. Make a set of four or six mats with, matching; napkins for a fes tive party table or to give as a wedding present. Bend 30e for the PINEAPPLE DESIGN TABLE MAT SET (Pat tern No. 184i enlarged photo graphic section and detail for easy working, complete crochet ing Instructions. YOUR NAME ADDRESS. PATTERN NUMBER to CAROL CURTIS, Capital Journal 652 Mission street, San Francisco 6. Calif. BUOYAUTTLELin! F.ajk Anpitn 1.4 I Tn aha --1 tern apron ideas to make up in yourself! Make in all one fabric, or with contrasting waistbands and pockets. No. 3018 Is cut In one size. Apron with flower-contrast takes , 1 yd. 39-in. plain and 4 yd. con 1 trast. Send 30c for PATTERN with Name Address, Stvle Number and Size. Address PATTERN BU REAU, Capital Journal, 6S2 Mis sion street. San Francisco 5, Calif. Feel refreshed " Sptanwnt Cam. Lewetr fervor eook vow moth. fytJtttn taate -iDoistem ihroat. Joying. Vm P packagt handy pm or pocket wtctnr't7 CHtWIMQ GUM ROOM ft BOARD W Tvr pxcu nniiurt cm.c ff RECKONING, JUDGE. AND FOR 48 YEAE5, BOY AMD MAN, IVE SAILED TH6 HIGH SEAS'-"AFTER. lHsNicING IT OVER.I FIGURE ITi TIME TO COME ASHORE AND SETTLE DOWN NOT EXAOly QUITTING THE SEA, BUT Hi. fcrt I A JUtS AS KfctPtK. Or A LIGHTHOUSE.' ft I V ALLOT A SUDDEN HE DECIDES ID SETTLE DOWN-" ESPECIALLY SINCE LEARMNS THAT DELIA IS A SPINSTER WITH SIZABLE SAVINGS-. , MAM- By Ahera Tf -, -'lllal VT " oirc r an IHDI W3C"MCM.. I Mntrlr' ' HUBBY up VVfTH THE t ' . ' "V I 01 0 A BEAU JOB. fli GIVE YOU 1 FEW QAVS r r c , X . J.- J J PI Kp3. TO THE 5LAU6KTEgri ruuu I . i y if .fTJrrrrrr". hiU sjouirttinOttieam J ( yevfr curt vJf T 1 7 m a c cuty Yr LMMf UWWW w ! - r J I wxv. v ejto J urnA ANNIE " llCOMIWlS a7lWlT!!araCa,afe!!!! I I how MuoHPRowrwi LTi n ".'SSJSiSi.F ST?- 2PJ "PrSfT ".". I 1 kW7iK7ef -iii nonui - - L 11 'S8SZE' I MviysH look I r rn.v omeUow- r'.TrV ( T22rX- 1 "rO gotta maow7-4 i. face-.'- -X I kai4-Wi?J "Vm Tlnr-' b bones- y HOPALONG CASSIDT '- j. Cr P5133" 11 -i llg? toF Mi'6 'qAT3g& MUST WE-? I IwewoNKiirWg f W0L0 ON, SUNDOWN THEeE'S SOWETWHal 1 APRWO WEIL NBR TYl BSttAWlS J-LiTfISiT.'? ' LpwwiSb m twtswawp fg www5 TJJtwy Y 309OV Q T. .3-V WaiK ! I V.dJ& III . 1 PV If DO VOO ) j NAW! TOOAV I HAD 1 A MEAL LIKE THAT I NO-71 f BUT ITJt?F ktili r? 1 SOMOlRE VveH.THE V FIND rrLI MASHED PtTTOTOESk ISNX-f-rON VOUR mJijP p2YlL !f (Dot? told me Too&rtC&sioE order of Virfej? QteTf J !. 0lBT 1ISHOLH.DMT- S-TjrSPASHETTI.-rHREE ltOatC U I N BEEM' ONS mtXB, KSNO...Ut7:f wSewJi jF A. ?S5? ii BETTER Sw'EVESAffl: UftkMW Mjy IlSM nlgjn .w tear DONALD DUCK IwVgf T Jj if aKS -tSl JI6.SN4.LE0 T7 - BE ANO THE WHOLE THING J BRAKES THAT.'."-- J7 i SSJSfP Jfc ' II A STOP. ) EE WAS yOu FAULTij ' ANO...?9 VTTh TT PROM? i VOUWE5E yf:-p P ALSO.. j HUHf VOU GpSS S" T74 MARY W0BTH hAK,MRwO(rTR'..IXTnwl r.1 , Of A CONCERT juf,.. V TWOf KCTTAL-FORAN AUWENtt 1 KGW w aao KOIN ui I - - ' ' "U apart BaUt Nawa It. MaCaa I. PatartM iDt. P.M rarliupatr. iaM Bas HaUa Bas Art, Bakar Brlai WUk BlamU Callna Oali ribbw If rtlmi Alai Dral Walk aula Walk a MIL rwGirb aa Clrb WIS. mt nJ 1 1 pa- NtwT Huh . Klrkkaai tllrkkaai If ""'fciM. a... uae Wartt tab, irrsaa Qaaa Oa ! Oa ai Yaar Sckaab Qraaeka Man Kaaw Taar NBC Maa-a raaW War i Kmmm Gnat OlMtraCoa Or. Cbrlillaa Dr. Chrlalla. 8raiahaati 7m..u. KEX U M ABC BISK a QarrH Waatkar Haau rj Ckal Haall,J: -im auraa Baaarlar SaarU rhaal Sli MM,, Sit SbaaUr iNawi atcrai. fil, Caaarll cn caaarll 1J:0SI. Off SVMBku.... Vaaaareaak 'ar. Mail, BaaUh eaal A v,a Vita Praa. Nliaa pilar riaal D. b- Orrkaslra orckrttra laararS taalr Sralarr OaMMIaa OawMlaa Iriaai tain., aaa Tlaw TIb, Daaaa Tlau Daaea Tla Da mm Tlaw Daae Tlaw mrt u a. -" - aart. 21" ;"' , a . nl,aw, Pin. r.nt. Trai, nliaa Balllu br.- . Mldal.tt Mai 6:00 DWl B.F.D. Ora. 8:15 Dan Wail KOIN Rlaek 11:30 Da,aWl KOIN Klaek 8:45 Para Wait KOIN Klaek 7:00 Jaba. Will, KOIN Klaek 7:15 Caaatrr la. Nawa 7:30 Nawa Nawa 7:45 . Maaalai VaHallaa 1:00 014 Sean Caaa. Nawa (:15 Oli Seaia Nawa 8:30 " "" Y,,r MI'S 8:45 OH Saara Betexery 8:00 N W. Warrea 9. 15 SUr Tlaw Aaat Jtmar 9.3O I Waa a Relea Traat j.45 Caaiai'at Oal Saaaa, 10:00 B. Beraalaa BaaS af Ufa 10:15 Shaw Ma rerklaa 10:30 Strike II Bier Dr. Malaaa 10:45 Strike It Blel GalSe tlihl 11:00 Baa nam Mra. Bartaa 11:15 '"derlek, r,rrr M.1M1 11:30 'are Narak Drake 11:45 Chaaea Brlihl'r Dan 12:00 NeeaNewe Newt 12:15 KeaSefLlfe Cane Get II 12:30 Fearer Toun Haaia Parle 12:45 Maaplaeei Heaea Party 1:00 ' WHa Hllllaa Haaae 1:15 Stella D.H.. oadlre, 1 :.1H W" arawa GaSfrer i :45 "' B" OaSfrey 2:00 PlalaBUl GaSfray 2:15 Farrell Gaelfrey 2:30 1- '"el Gadfray t:45 Dae'eWlfa CartMaeaay 3:00 waleeaM Wla. ef Odd, !:15 Tr.r.ler Balk AibUc 3:30 Dr. Paal Balah Slary J:45 Life Beaatlf. Taaefally 4:00 Star Tlaie Klrkbaai 4:15 Maala Baa Sparklea 4:30 Maala Baa Klrkbaai 4:45 Maala Baa Klrkkai Flralldltlea iNta, bOarrrt Ne, BraaM ' Jam Br B,e.kf,, ItJL Jm "'"" fTar i?S i B.kf..t I""1' " '" uZln cm! He,,,,, jW4. ziin aat Cd'a Z . Wbhaertaa Ladlee F.l, N, 777 GlrlM.lM Ladle. Pair Isywe, N.we Oae.. KeeaaKer. P., ,Z X PaalBaney Tea tradie s",w, 7 . NaaaCd-a. Nr., ..J". s2" mz sits Med Banaoe sle.la Mel. Byito SI3 KWe.l ''ike, iuS- Kwlel M"le Bee. 'ub BdN K.IwH! Ma.l. iMk Br-., lU Kayweet ..!,,.., Jaekf.. Uw, aaauaea N,., -i'lA Dleb PaweU ,, SMh W Vl Pe..y tea 1Hfct Par G ib Ha.be, B,el Newi bSbT ParGlrb Tel. tM s,", J?" J lb. Olrb Jarb Klrb.', faatbeOlrb J.b Klrbw , mZ JlUll, Tlay Taoea Paltea Lewb Hew. -w. . le.alrr.ICn Hnhin., ut 1 " laelrrei c.. Carl M..w Nertb hLTi- laaar Tlaie si R. - " n .: koin 10 li, s .... i. ii , ... n.,, Be.ad T.bl.7 a aa v.. i"' - - - - . " ,,i.,arr JUS, Oreaaa Para. Haari l:W, Sbarl band Canlaati S:S New. and Wea. tben t;S, Medltallaai MM, Sim Off. aai Weatban but a-J elau. far Weawai UM. OHaa U:M, Nnru lt:lS, Para Ian bat Bean Beekikelf'i. Amity Amity Rev. and Mrs. Rich ard Crader, Michael and Da vid, left early Monday for Yak ima, Wash., for a visit with her parents. They made a visit io uiympia. Wash., Christmas week where they visited his parents. They will be back in me lor services Sunday, Jan. 3. Dedication ceremonies for five young children were held at the Baptist church Sunday morning for Diane and Tom my Martin, children of Mr. and Mrs. Wedell Martin; Barbara Lehman, daughter of Mr. and Mra. Ted Lehman; Tommy Boy er, son of Mr. and Mri. Ted Boyer; and Tommy Fox, ion of Mr. and Mrs. Darrel Fox. Rev. Richard Crader, per formed the rites. Mrs. Andrew Wakeman and Lydia came out from McMinnville for the ceremony. Grand Island Grand Island The final Island Communitr club De. cember meeting wis ttiaeM uy aoout an patrons BitiirtB I evening. C h i ef Quartermaster nil Mrs. Robert Fvock snl in I daughters Lvnrla inn Lauiii I and Kenneth As her f Su Diego, Calif.; Lt. and Mn, Don ald Wiley of College Statin, Texas, whn are at tha hont of their parents for the Chrjt- mas vacation, were in attend ance. Offiren elected were: HH ident, Lester W. Scofgin; vies president, R. R. Rockhill; retary-treasurer. Mrs. Cntil Douglas. XTnil wA.jM luU, tha Notrt Dame record for scoring tot most touchdowns in a mrw year career. Worden tallied V times. ACROSS 1. Existed 4. Place ot worship t. Literary tacts 12. Devour 1.1. Rent 14. Beam ot Ufht 15. Miuical instrument IT. Day's march lt. Flat circular nlate 10. Vulgar admir WMllh tl. Style of potty 23. Statues col lectively 17. Smooth and flossy 29. Roman road 30. Pronoun 31. Urchin 12. Anxious nirarot II Urge serpent IS. And: Latin IS. Nothing more than 17. Scrutinizes IS. Redecorates a room 42. Encourage 43. Handle 44. Container for honey 4. Asiatic country 48. Razed 5L Female sheep St City in New SI Note of GuldOe scale 55. Affirmative 5S.Ofgreatr age 87. Firmament O LPnc A S TIE Ml f a rIio n iion 1211 :SIpJsIgANiy ESslriSiMAR ;2 v vrtlv e aRS i .& Solution ef sttefsr' 1 DOWN 1. Rainy 1 Swiss river I. Ubored to learn 1 European mountains S. Onionlike vegetables IMakeUce 1. While 8. Comes in again W I I I' I4 H' TIi mTTT" li -.si mw w$i Wtr"' ' t F 33- 35 -4ft &r I. Oriental art II. SBortstees ILOrtomaW potbt llBoiirA IggaiendeS tourner ndl , ILltbereal salt Cost ! metal, H Wild sate" .PTtebrr J.Lestea ttSuttaoa K Prates RAnig It ArmW 4aPe, temper tl'. Be aeawi 48. (W tneSear si Overhes " nil' soUoe