THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salem, Orezoa Miss Stalp Bride on Saturday Mount Angel Bride at Christmas wedding Saturday morning, December 26, was Miss Marie Agnes Stalp. daugh ter ol Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Stalp of Canby, her marriage to Dar rel Alfred Rehm being solemn ized at 10 o'clock in St. Mary's Catholic church, Mt. Angel. The Rev. Cyril Lebold, OSB, officiated at the double ring ceremony and nuptial high mass in the presence of a large gathering of relatives and friends. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Rehm of Mount Angel. Christmas greens, red poin aettias, white chrysanthemums and tall lighted candles in can delabrums, decorated the al t a r s and sanctuary of the church. Serving as altar boys were John Stalp and Clifford Schmidt, brother and cousin of the bridal couple. Miss Helen Keber was organist and the St. Mary's church choir sang. Miss Eustelle Bauman sang before the ceremony and again preced ing the recessional while the couple knelt at the Blessed Vir gin altar. Given in marriage by her fa ther, the bride wore a wedding dress of imported Chantilly lace over white slipper satin, de signed with a fitted lace bo dice. Appliqued satin flowers centered with sequins and seed pearls outlined the illusion yoke. A wide panel of Chantilly lace, edged with appliqued sa tin flowers extended down the front of the gathered satin skirt which terminated in a long court train. The bride's only jewelry was a strand of pearls, and her fingertip veil of illusion was caught by a Juliet cap of satin and net edged with satin flowers. She carried a pearl rosary, the bridegroom's wedding gift, and her flowers were a cascade bouquet of white roses and white satin streamers, centered with a white orchid. Miss Clara Stalp was the honor attendant for her sister. She wore a turquoise blue sa tin dress with a matching Juliet cap and a rhinestone necklace. The rosary she carried was a gift from the bride, and her flowers were a cascade bouquet of talisman roses and carna tions. Bridesmaids were the bride groom's two sisters, Mrs. Robert Farnsworth and Miss Anita Rehm. They were attired in amethyst colored satin frocks, styled identically to that of the honor attendant's, and their Juliet caps of satin matched their dresses. The rosaries they carried were also gifts from the bride, and their flowers were cascade bouquets of yellow ros es and carnations. Flower girl was little Jerilyn Farnsworth, niece of the bride groom. Her floor length dress of turquoise blue satin was a miniature model of the other attendants' dresses. Her head piece matched her dress, and she carried a small basket of mixed flowers. Best man was Robert Stalp, brother of the bride, and groomsmen were Robert Farns worth, brother-in-law of the bridegroom, and David Ebner. Ushering the guests were Ber nard Stalp and Ronald Schmidt, brother and cousin of the cou ple. Mrs. Stalp attended her daughter's nuptials in a two piece navy blue dress, comple mented with maroon accesso- Acts at once on Child's Cough Spasms due to colds Thousands of doctors have prescribed Pertussin Pleasant-tasting PERTUSSIN not only relieves local irritation, but worksinfmtaly.too! LoownnpM-. Thua "brtakt-up" coughing spells of eolds. Contains DrDTIICCIU Bo harmful drugs! rLMUdOln Savings Are Insured to $10,000.00 by Federal Sav ings li Loan Insurance Corporation. I insured gw Safety A H Ties and corsage of yellow rosebuds. For her son's wed ding, Mrs. Rehm was attired in a navy blue dress with match ing jacket, accented with win ter pink accessories. Her cor sage was of pink elf roses. At tending the nuptials was the bride's grandmother, Mrs. As nes Stalp. Christmas greens, poinsettias and white chrysanthemum were used in the decorations In the dining room of St. Mary's school which was the setting for the wedding dinner served at neon. Covera placed for more than one hundred were for the bridal couple, the Rev. Cyril Lebold, OSB, and the near rela tives. Aunts of the bridegroom, were in charge of the affair. Mrs. Andy Schmidt, was dining room hostess, and Mrs. Elmer Schulte served the punch. Serv ing were cousins of the bride groom. Miss Arlene Duda, Miss Lorraine Duda and Miss Donna Zielinski of Canby, and the bride's cousin, Miss Kathy Koelker of Kelso. The afternoon reception was arranged at the same place. During the festivities the new- lyweds cut a four-tiered wed ding cake, placed in a ring of white chrysanthemums and greenery. The bride's table was covered with a white linen cloth, and arrangements of hea ther and white chrysanthemums and lighted candles were placed at either end. Mrs. Leo Stalp of Harris burg, aunt of the bride, cut the cake, and at the gift table were Mrs. Herman Rehm and Mrs. Lyle Landsera, aunt and cousin of the bridegroom. Miss Mary Lou Faulhaber circulated the guest book, and assisting in serving were Mrs. Don Bow ers of Canby, and Mrs. William Stalp of Scotts Mills and Mrs. Albert Uhing, both aunts of the bride, Miss Darlene Pelland and Miss Rosella Pelland, both of St. Paul; Miss Margaret Stalp oi acotts Mills and Miss Mari lyn Rehm of Salem, both cou sins of the bridal couple. For her going-away ensem ble, the bride donned an aqua knit suit with navy blue acces sories. To her shoulder she pinned the orchid corsage from tier bridal bouquet. After a short wedding trip, they will return here before leaving on January 1 for Den ver, Colorado, where the bride groom is currently stationed at Lowry Air Force Base. Turley - Hagemann Salem Heights Miss Nan :y Ruth Hagemann, daughter jf Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hage mann, and Walton Y. Turley, son of Mrs. Laura Goddard and Walter Turley, were married Monday, December 21, in the Carrier room of the First Methodist church in Salem. The Rev. Calvin Moore per formed the nuptials. The bride wore a brown wool dress with three-quar ters length sleeves and a high neckline trimmed In white with brown accessories and a white orchid corsage. Only members of the im mediate families attended. The bride is a graduate of Salem high school and the bridegroom is a private in the U.S. army. He Is attending helicopter school at Fort Sills, Okla., where he widd return after the holidays. SILVERTON Mrs. Ar thur Charles Bates was host ess at the First Christian church parsonage for the week's meeting of the Junior Woman's guild. Mrs, Perl Bye and Mrs. John Middlemiss presented the devotional and worship program, assisted by Mrs. C. B. Calkins and Mrs. Olaf Paulson, Jr. Supplemental music was by Mrs. Dclene Fisk and Miss Carol Calkins, soloists. Mrs. Harry Vetter, assisted by Mrs. J. DcGuire and Mrs. Vic Had ley, was in charge of the re vealing of "secret pals." Host esses were Mrs. Bates, Mrs. Harry Kuch, Mrs. Mary Riley and Mrs. Jack Morton. SILVERTON At the Glenn Bricdweli home for the holiday season have been the family of their son, Glenn Bricdweli, Jr., Mrs. Briedwell and children of Portland. A week-end guest at the Bried well home was Mrs. Clarence Daniel, also of Portland. Extra Earnings Start realizing your extra earnings now on or before Jan. 11th to receive full 6 months earnings. 560 Stat. Strut Facing Court Hovm SAIEM, OREGON Holiday Events in Silverton Homes Silverton Mrs. Irene E. Roubal, world civilization in structor at senior high school, had as her house guests the week preceding Christmas day, her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Roubal, both seniors in Ore gon State college. Mrs. Roubal entertained in an informal tea as a birthday anniversary event compli menting her son during the week, the event preceding the special Christmas eve pro gram at the local Methodist church. The guests left Friday late afternoon for Portland to be with Mrs. Theodore Roubal's parents over the holiday week-end. Mr. Roubal graduates from OSC in June as a major in chemistry, and with the rat ing of lieutenant. He will re port to Fort Monmouth, N.J., for instructional location. Mrs. Irene E. Roubal is spending the New Year's week-end in Portland with relatives, the Elmon Johnsons and the Chester McLaughlins. . WITH Justice and Mrs. Wil liam C. Perry for a holiday dinner Sunday were their ion and daughter-in-law. Mr. nd Mrs. William C. Perry, Jr. and children, JoAnne and William Clark III, all of Port land, the junior Mrs. Perry's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ea ton and daughter, Patty, of Pendleton, also her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. William Eaton of Forest Grove; and Justice Perry's nother. Mrs. William T. Perry of Portland. t OES Meeting Silverton Mr. and Mrs. W. Dale Lamar, newly installed worthy matron and worthy patron, together with their newly installed officers, were in charge of the regular meet ing of Ramona chapter, No. 58. Order of the Eastern Star, last week. Mrs. Walter Hanson of Laurel Crown chapter was a visitor from Ames, Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Berg were received into member ship, with the 1953 officers conferring the initiatory de gree. Mrs. W. F. Scarth reported regular and Christmas activi ties of the Rainbow girls and announcement was made that the January meeting of Ram ona club will be at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Larsen, Tues day afternoon, January 5. Following the meeting a gala Christmas party was ar ranged in the dining room where no-host refreshments were served. A white elephant gift exchange provided fun and merriment. Foster - Harrison I Salem Heights Mrs. Ella Harrison and Lloyd Koster ex changed marriage vows on Christmas day at St. John's Lutheran church. The Rev. H. W. Gross performed the cere mony. The bride wore a navy blue wool dressmaker suit with blue accessories and a pink orchid corsage. The attendants were Mr. and Mrs. Herb Herman of Portland. A small reception followed the ceremony at 280 West Browning avenue, where the couple will live. SILVERTON Visiting at the F. M. Powell home Mon day afternoon from Albany were relatives of Mrs. Powell, Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Burk hart and Bill, and Mrs. Hazel Sorenson. SILVERTON At the Ralph Adams home for the holidays are members of the family of their son, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Adams, Bobby and Roberta, recently moved to Seattle. Penney'si yf a r -Firn SALEM, OREGON CLEANUP NOW AT PENNEY'S! VALUES ON ALL FLOORS Store Hours 9:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. Friday Nites Till 9 V: Is Bride-elect The en gagement of Miss Dorothy Morse, above, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roger Morse, to Harry Yates, son of Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Yates of Los Angeles, was announced recently. (Jesten-Miller stu dio picture) Mr., Mrs. Wallace Anniversary Feted Aurora Honoring Mr. and Mrs. John Scott Wallace on their golden wedding anniver sary were their two sons and two daughters, Paul S. Wal lace of Canby, Arthur H Wallace, U.S. Navy, San Diego, Mrs. Vern (Cloise) Larrance of Tillamook and Mrs. Leona Schoen Thomas of Hillsboro. They entertained at a reception for the couple in the Canby Women's Civic club hall. Residents of Oregon since 1933. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace were married in Wick, Iowa, Dec. 27. 1903. Mrs. Wallace is the former Etta Sacia. Their home was in Iowa, except for three years spent in Miami Fla., until they came west from Warren county, 20 years ago. They moved to Canby from Gladstone July, 1953. Mr. Wallace marked his 76th birthday on December 14. Mrs. Wallace will observe her 70th birthday in April. Pedee Club Meets Pcdee About 50 attended the Christmas party given by the Pedee Woman's club for their husbands and families. The clubhouse was decorated with Christmas greens and sil ver bells. The table was cen tered with a Christmas tree. Hostesses were Mrs. Glen Edwards, Mrs. Glen Rhoades, Mrs. Lee Sncwden, Mrs. Wil liam Pease, Mrs. Lyle Ritner. There was a birthday cake and song, honoring Mrs. Frank Sheythe, Mrs. Connell Jones, Mrs. Leland Jones and Mrs. Pabl Ronco, who have birth days in December. Mrs. Rufus Dodge had charge of the program. Partici pating in the program were Mrs. Glen Rhoades, Mrs. F. M. Dyer, Mrs. Leland Jones and Mrs. Connell Jones, Mrs. Rettie Kerber, Gus John, Mrs. Kay Wells, Mrs. Opal Carson of Sa lem, Rob and Kathy Kil mer of Dallas and Carlie Rit ner. , SILVERTON Mr anri Un Robert Edgerton (the former raary wu joinings) and their daughter and son, Carol Joy and Robert Bruce, are spend ing the holidays in Rood River at the home of Mr. Edgerton's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Art Ed gerton. KORELL "Not i Hall Sit Buf i Plus Slit" LITTLE FRENCH SHOP 115 North High I Furs Exclusively For 35 Tears LACHELLES 1348 Ferry St Holiday Visitors At Roubal Home Silverton Among Christ mas day home reunions was that of the S. A. Gay family including Mr. and Mrs. Arlo Taylor (Lois Gay) and Pat of Portland and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hall (Bernice Gay) and two daughters, Gayann and Robin, of Eugene. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Edlund of Ocean Park, Wash, spent Christmas at the Salem home of their son-in-law and daugh ter, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Trimble and Linda, Salem. The Edlunds also called on Mrs. William L. Murphy Christmas Eve. At the family home of the T. P. Heidenstroms for the day were all immediate mem bers of the family. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Down (Jean Heid enstrom) and four children, Mardonna, Beth, Michael and Jimmy, Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Mead (Betty Heidenstrom) and Anita and Janice; and Mr. and Mrs. El vin Almquist (Vera Henden strom) and Arlene, Carl, Mar ilyn and Rodney, all of Silver ton. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Ellef- son are with members of their family in southern California for a holiday visit. The Ellef- sons have closed their place of business until their return. At the Silverton home of Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Powell and Jerry were members of the family. Miss Anna Dodo Mar shall Lee Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Miller and Vicky and Skip, all of Portland, and Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Powell and Anne and John, of Lyons. Jer ry Powell is a guest of the Marshall Powells over the Christmas week-end assisting them in moving to the new Lyons home from Indepen dence. Engagement Told Aurora Mr. and Mrs. How ard Johnston of Union Hill, Aurora, are announcing the en gagement of their younger daughter. Miss Patricia Lee, to Gerald A. Connelly, son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Connelly of Needy. Date for the wedding has not been set. Miss Johnston, a 1953 grad uate of Canby Union high school, is employed in the First National bank of Portland. She is a member of Laurel assem bly. Order of Rainbow for Girls. Mr. Connelly attended high school in Ortonville and South St. Paul, Minn., and served two years in the army, including 10 months duty in Austria prior to his discharge in No vember, 1952. (usfom-Made Drapes CAPITAL SHADE ( DRAPERY SHOP (Formerly Kclnholdt A Lewis), 260 S. 21st St. PIMM 4-1856 DONT FORGET SHRYOCK'S Rags to Riches SALE! '15 on Your Old Topcoat Toward the Purchase of a New Coat Priced from $50 up Your Old Coat Is Cleaned and Given ta Charity CAPITOL SHOPPING CENTER SILVERTON Mr. A. J. McCannel entertained at the rural family home near Sil verton, Christmir Eve, tor the young folks and parents of Mr. and Mrs. Orville Totland, David, Larry and Sue, with the guests remaining over night, and the group being Christmas day dinner guests of the Oliver Totlands. Mrs. Totland is daughter of Mrs. McCannel. Wedding Sunday Woodburn Miss Charlene Larwese Miller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd William Miller, and Leslie Perry Glass, son of Mr. and Mrs. Perle P. Glass, all of Woodburn, will be married Sunday, January 3, at the Woodburn Assembly of God church. A reception will follow at the Miller home. SILVERTON Dr. and Mrs. E. L. Henkel and Don and Sandra were Christmas day hosts at their home entertain ing the Salem family of a sister of Dr. Henkel, Mr and Mrs. Ralph McKenzie and Candyce, Mrs. McKenzie's mother, Mrs. Joisa Clark, and A. Hussey, all of Salem. SILVERTON The LeRoy Graf family of Marcola called at the F. M. Powell home, Sunday afternoon. The two families were former neigh bors at Gates. INVENTORY SALE on R.C.A. Victor Phonographs Will Play Up to 14 Records Automatically REGULAR PRICE $36.95 NOW $2495 For a Limited Time Only Downstairs Oregon Bldf. State and Hiih Streets WEAR.