Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 29, 1953, Page 6, Image 6

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Capital Women
Miss Fitch
Wed Here
Dec. 27
Woodburn The First Con
gregational church In Salem
wu the scene of the wedding
of Mils Sharon Phyllis Fitch,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I Eva Johnson, Mrs. Miller Hay
George Fitch of Woodburn, I den. Mr. and Mrs. E'ysn Good-
Borkmans to Be
Hosts at Supper
Hosts for a holiday week
buffet supper party this evening
at their home will be Mr. and
Mrs. T. E. Borkman.
Guests will include Dr. and
Mrs. Estill L. Brunk, Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Halvarson, Mr. and
Mrs. George Malstrom, Mrs.
and Second Lieutenant James
H. Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Robert C. Smith o f Norma,
North Dakota, Decembers 26,
at 7 o'clock in the evening.
Dr. Julian J. Reiser offic
iated at the impressive candle-1
light service. Christmas decor
ations were used in the church
with holly and Christmas flow
ers decorating the altar.
The candles were lighted by
Misses Joyce Stiles of Salem
and DcMaris Smith of Norma,
N. D. sister of the bridegroom.
They were dressed in white
formals, carrying candles with
red carnations and green
streamers. Soloist was Miss
Merllyn Smith of Badger,
North Dakota, who sang ac
companied by Jean Hobson
Mr. Fitch gave his daughter
In marriage. She wore a white
nylon net over taffeta dress,
fashioned with a lace bodice,
long sleeves pointed at the
wrist, and tiny buttons down
the back. The veil, fingertip
length, was held in place with
a lace cap with sequin trim.
The bride carried a bouquet
of red roses.
Miss Sheila Fitch was honor
attendant for her sister. She
wore white net over taffeta
with red velveteen top, and
carried a cascade bouquet of
white carnations with red sat
in streamers. Bridesmaids
were Misses Shirley and Cleo
Fitch, also sisters of the bride,
who wore green net over taf
feta with dark green velve
teen tops and carried cascade
bouquets of white carnations
with green satin streamers.
Each of the attendants wore
holly in her hair.
Terry Fitch, brother of the
bride, served as best man, and
ushers were Carris Young of
Bremerton, Wash., and Floyd
Smith of Silverton.
Mrs. Fitch wore a dress of
plum colored wool for her
daughter s weamng witn
black accessories and corsage
of purple orchids. Mrs. Smith,
mother at the bridegroom,
wore gold colored crepe with
corsage of purple orchids.
A reception at the church
followed the ceremony. Mrs.
Allen Fitch of Silverton, aunt
of the bride, cut the wedding
cake; Mrs. Raymond Smith,
of Silverton poured the coffee
and Mrs. Don Eldred, also of
Silverton, cousins of the bride,
served the punch. At the gift
table were Miss Kay Smith of
Bremerton and Mrs. Andrew
Rice of Woodburn. Miss Merl
lyn Smith passed the guest
lit. and Mrs. Smith will be
at home after Jan. 4 at the
Bryan Air Force base in Tex
as where he is a jet instructor.
For traveling Mrs. Smith wore
a blue knit suit with red acces
sories with white top coat and
corsage of red roses.
Mrs. Smith graduated from
Woodburn high school in 1951
and in 1953 from the North
Dakota school of forestry
where she specialized in sec
retarial science at Bottineau,
N. D. She is affiliated with
Delta Phi Omega sorority. Lt
Smith graduated in 1946 from
the Warner. N. D. high school,
from the North Dakota school
of forestry in 1948 and the
U. S. Naval Academy in 1952.
A GROUP of friends will
gather at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. J. H. Allnby for a no-
host supper and New Year's
enough. Mrs. Eileen Sheldon
Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Miller,
Mr. and Mrs. Hub Harris, Mrs.
Elizabeth Fuller.
Miss Kessell and
Md. Wickham Engaged
Announcement is made by
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Kessel
of the engagement of their
daughter, Miss Dorothy Kes
sel. to Ralph Wickham, son of
Mrs. Emma Wickham of Sil
verton. No date is set for the wed
ding. The bride-elect is em
ployed in the state tax com
mission offices and Mr. Wick
ham works for the county.
Auxiliary Meeting
On Monday Evening
Regular meeting of the Mar'
ion auxiliary, Veterans of For
eign Wars, was Monday night
in the VFW hall.
Committee reports were giv
en by Mrs. Dave Holweger,
Mrs. Lloyd Bobbitt, Mrs. Leon
Hansen. Members were asked
by Mrs. Mel Clemons to bring
crayons, papers, pencils and
clothing to the next meeting to
be sent to two children in Ko
rea which have been adopted
by GIs. Mrs. LeRoy Simpson
asked members to bring scraps
of yarn to complete the group s
sewing project.
Following the meeting, re
freshments were served by Mrs,
Vernon Glass, Mrs. Mary Kusie,
Mrs. Mae Wilder, Mrs. Dorothy
Micbels, Mrs. Arnold Finseth
and Mrs. Dorman Crow.
Mrs. Neals Riggs of Sweet
Home auxiliary was a guest at
tne meeting.
Golden Wedding
Mr. and Mrs. Seth L. Crites
will be honored at an open
house at their home in Inde
pendence on Wednesday, De
cember 30, observing their
golden wedding.
The couple were married in
Bloomington, Neb., December
30, 1903, and have lived in
Oregon since 1909.
Children of the couple In
clude Mrs. Viola Evans, Malad
City, Idaho, Mrs, Hazelle Giovi-
nazzo of Los Angeles, Mrs. Al
yve Graves of Silverton, Ralph
H. Crites of Coos Bay.
The open house Wednesday
will be between 2 and 8
o'clock,, friends being invited
to eall between those hours.
New Year's Event
Among open house affairs
for New Year's day will be
the one for which Dr. Julian
Keiser, new pastor of the First
Congregational church, and
Mrs. Keiser will entertain at
their home on Stewar street.
Members and friends of the
congregation are invited to
call between 2 and 8 o'clock,
Assisting the hosts will be
Mrs. Keiser's mother, Mrs.
Seth R. Huntington.
HOME from a few days in
Portland are Mr. and Mrs. W,
E. Anderson.
Betrothal Announced
Announcement is made by
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Posvar of
Scio of the engagement of
of their daughter, Miss Mar
ian Posvar, to David Bender
son of Mr. and Mrs. August
Bender, also of Scio.
No date is set for the wed-
Wedding at
Mt. Angel
On Monday
Mt. Angel St. Mary's
Catholic church wu the scene
for a Christmas week-end
wedding, Monday morning,
December 28, when Mrs. Dor
othy Dieker Sprauer. daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Dieker, was married to CS1
Alfred J. Huber of Tongue
Point, Oregon, ton of Mr. and
Mrs. Alfred Huber of Mount
The Rev. Cyril Lebold,
O.S.B. officiated at the 8:30
o'clock morning double ring
ceremony, and the Rev. Mor
ton Park, Portland, friend of
the bridegroom, was celebrant
at the nuptial high mass. Serv
ing as altar boys were Edward
and Bernard Huber, brothers
of the bridegroom.
White chrysanthemnms and
snapdragons, with red poin
settias. Christmas greens and
tall lighted tapers, decorated
the altars and sactuary for the
service. Miss Helen Keber
was organist, and the St.
Mary's church choir sang.
Miss Patricia Anderson and
Miss Ruth Schmerber, Ger
vais, sang before the cere
mony, at the offertory and
preceding the recessional.
Given in marriage by her
father, the bride wore a blue
taffeta afternoon dress, de
signed with elbow length
sleeves. Peter Pan collar and
a full flared skirt: the fitted
bodice accented with rhine
stone buttons. Her winter
white hat was fashioned with
white velvet flowers. She car
ried a pearl rosary and a mis
sal topped with a white or
chid. Miss Frances Dieker was
her sister's only attendant.
She was attired in a silver
blue faille afternoon dress,
styled with a fitted bodice,
roll V-collar and full unpres
sed pleats. Her only ornament
was a strand of pearls, and she
wore a red velour hat. She
carried a blue crystal rosary
and a missal topped with red
Elmer Huber was best man
for his brother, and ushering
the guests were Charles
Schaefer and Kenneth Vach
ter. St. Paul, nephews of the
For her daughter's wed
ding, Mrs. Dieker wore a navy
blue silk dress with matching
accessories. The bridegroom's
mother wore a rose pink flow
ered silk dress with gray ac
cessories. Both mothers added
corsages of baby orchids.
Among the guests at the
church service were Sister M.
Alberta, O.S.B., sister of the
bride, and Sister M. Ida, O.S.
B., of Convent Queen of Ang
els, Mt. Angel; Mr. and Mrs.
Peter Neissen, grandparents
of the bridegroom, and Paul
Dieker, of Fort Ord, Califor
nia, brother of the bride.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Dieker,
brother and sister-in-law of
the bride, were hosts at a
wedding breakfast at their
home immediately following
the church service. An ar
rangement of Christmas flow
ers flanked by tall lighted
tapers centered the table
where covers were placed for
the wedding party, the offi
ciating priests, and parents of
the couple. Miss Ruth Ann
Dieker assisted Mrs. Dieker in
The afternoon reception
was in the Legion Memorial
hall where holiday decorations
were used about the room.
White chrysanthemums form
ed the floral appointments on
the bride's table, which was
centered with a three-tiered
decorated wedding cake, sur
rounded by a circle of holly,
and flanked by candles in two
shades of blue in crystal can
delabrums. Mrs. Mark Schaefer of Os
wego and Mrs. Robert Cook of
Eugene, sisters of the couple,
presided at the coffee urn,
Some Notations.,
Today's Holiday Punch, or
echoes of the season: A little
first grader and one of his
classmates were playing with
their toys and Christmas gifts
when the little visitor informed
his host: "I'm thirsty. I w4I
a drink." Quick as a flash, the
young host asked: "What'll you
have, Bourbon or Scotch?"
. , . Whereupon the members
of the family happening to
hear the two six-year-olds
nearly fell flat on their faces,
their shock being somewhat re
lieved when the little host re
plied, upon questioning, that
he was just remembering
something he had heard, and
when the little visitor looked
blank and patiently repeated:
"I want a drink of water." . . .
At the bus corner late Sat
urday a lady was waiting, hold
ing 14 packages we could count
thers may have been in the
Sweet Home Dr. and Mrs.
R. S. Langmack of Sweet
Home have announced the
engagement of their daughter,
Miss Trilbylee Langmack, to
Dr. Calvin Rumbaugh, M.D.,
son of Lee C. and Mrs. Ger
trude Rumbaugh of Albion,
Miss Langmack is a gradu
ate of Mt. Angel academy, Mt.
Angel, and attended Walla
Walla college and the Univer
sity of Oregon. Her fiance is
a graduate of Northwestern
university, Evanston, 111., B.S.
and M.D. (cum laude) 1952,
and was a second lieutenant
in the army 1943 to 1946. He
attended Cornell and Am
herst, and was appointed to
West Point U. S. Military
Academy in 1946. He is a
Phi Beta Kappa and Alpha
Kappa Kappa. He will be
with the Evanston Hospital as
sacks. An acquaintance asked jsociation and Miss Langmack
her if she were downtown for wjn altcnd Northwestern uni
the after-holiday bargains, but Miss Langmack si a niece
tne laay responaea: un, no, ; versity.
I've spent the day exchanging
of Col. and Mrs. Charles Lang
mack and a granddaughter of
Ml- nnH Mre RnhaH H T antf.
Among the cheery sights mack o Lebanon.
Wedding plans will be an-
while riding about the city
the old-fashioned home of Mrs.
Reuben P. Boise on North
Summer, candles burning in
every window from top to bot
tom of the house . . . And the
beautiful lighting effects at the
Elmer Worth home on Glen
Creek road, the outdoor foun
tain being a part of the set
ting . . ,
An enjoyable holiday open
house was the one for which
Julstice and Mrs. Walter L.
Tooze were hosts at their Fair
mount Hill home Monday af
ternoon, the affair especially
honoring a group of their
Portland friends . . . Greeting
guests at the door was the
hosts' son, Jim Tooze, and in
charge of the guest book was
Miss Barbara Franzwa . . .
Portland friends invited in
cluded Judge and Mrs. Martin
Hawkins, Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Leland
Hess, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Grayson, Mr. and Mrs. A. W.
Winter, Mr. and Mrs. John
Latourette, Sr. . . .
In our "after office hours"
call late in the afternoon
among Salem friends at the
affair were Judge and Mrs.
Joseph B. Felton, Judge and
Mrs. Rex Ktmmell, Mrs. Paul
L. Patterson, Mrs. Vera W.
Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Freder-
ick S. Lamport, Mrs. vnester
nounced at a future date.
GUESTS at the home of Dr.
and Mrs. George S. Hoffman
are his mother, Mrs. F. G.
Hoffman of Boise, Idaho, and
his brother-in-law and sister,
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. LeTendre
of Berkeley, Calif. Mrs. Hoff
man, Sr., had been visiting
in Berkeley at her daughter's
home. The visitors will leave
for their respective homes on
The Hoffmans' daughter,
Miss Jeanne Hoffman, left
Sunday to resume her work at
University of California after
spending Christmas here.
M. Cox, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
H. Heltzel, D. W. Eyre, Mr.
and Mrs. Chandler Brown,
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Loucks,
Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Hen
dricks, Mr. and Mrs. P. D.
Quisenberry, Mr. and Mrs. V.
D. McMullen, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert J. Herrall, Mr. and
Mrs. Arnold Krueger (the day
being their 35th wedding an
niversary); Justice and Mrs.
Earl C. Latourette, Mr. and
Mrs. Ellis VonEschen, John
Steelhammer, Mr. and Mrs.
Bruce Williams . . .
Miss Odle Wed
Here on Sunday
In a Christmas time setting
at the First Congregational
church Sunday afternoon.
Miss Elizabeth Odle. daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Glen E. Odle,
was married to Wesley H.
Hansen, Berkeley. Calif., son
of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Hansen
of Hubbard.
The service was at 4 o'clock,
Dr. Julian Keiser officiating.
The couple was unattended.
The bride wort a street
length ivory faille dress that
was fashioned with round col
lar embroidered in rhinestones
and pearls, and a double
breasted bolero jacket that
was scalloped. With the dress
she wore a white hat embroi
dered with rhinestones and
pearls, and she carried white
poinsettias tied with emerald
ribbon. Mr. Odle gave his
daughter in marriage.
Following the church serv- j
ice, a buffet supper was serv-I
cd at the Odle home ,
For going away, the bride
donned a cinnamon colored
cashmere coat over her wed
ding dress, cinnamon brown
accessories, a white hat and 1
mink scarf. ,
Following a trip to the Ore-.
; gon coast, the couple will be
at home at 1620-A LeRoy ave
nue, Berkeley, Calif.
Christening Event
First christening in the new
St. Paul's Episcopal church was
Christmas day when Deborah
Sue, little daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. William H. Johnston, was
Godparents are Mrs. Ottis
Berry, Mrs. Kenneth Muller
and Carl Armstrong.
Present for the christening
were the grandparents, Mrs.
Louise Johnston of Portland
and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bar
ton of The Dalles, and Debor
ah Sue's brothers, Richard
and William.
Mrs. C. T. Brenna (Stella Dy
bevik) of Sacramento, Calif.,
are holiday guests of the par
ents of Mrs. Brenna, Mr. and
Mrs. John Dybevik, of Silver-ton.
Dance Due
Christmas social of the Jun
lor Woman's club was Mon
day night at the home of Mrs.
Eugene Walper. Decorations
were in the Christmas motif
Card games and the exchange
of gifts were featured at a
party. Winning prizes were
Mrs. Ted Tlbbutt and Mrs. Ted
Plans were discussed for the
group's Valentine dance sched
uled to take place the first
part of February.
Next meeting of the group
will be January 11 in the
Woman's club house.
E. GaL " '- d is.
niu.F..... WtiiiO
!!U N'
,ny I've. Til
t SmHhJn"
"regon and
""Wry. i,,.-
ey in
been in
HDtl 4L.
Th.7.' t
Dreerrt.A ,1. rtil.
number cf
FKT.I Dllr
ciud is meetln. . "
Thursday .
Bethel Fetes Wj
Past Queens
t u a Rev. Lloxri r' fr-
Two past honored queens ol
...vir v-." ;""- U1 show or;.
uuiiu-i no. io, jut) j Liaugnters r . piciurn. lb.
Miss Nani-v Owpn anH Ml.. Miller will m .""
Helen Booth, were honored al fT"' "fibers re J
a meeting in the Scottish Rile for ,hTf u
itiiipiu iviuiiuay fll!ll. " "vine.
In keeping with the bethel
custom the two past queens Cnn , ,
were given birthday cups and cn9a9eMnt Old"
saucers. Announcement ii k,a.
Plans were made to present Mr. and Mrs. Wymin J t
the plnsinff reromnnv at ihn in. hv nf . .nJ''l
, , oi the (I,,,
It Of Ihpi,-
-i, -,n. r. cm.- "wr. J
vuaHw, wiui ui uobiuii 9lcir, t-CCUia f feebV Ia UT.l,
SatnrHav Alsn a pnmmiHiu, Will I.. . I:
' - -, son oi Mr Mil
was appointed to visit the H. A. Willecke of Sii.
group s honorary grandparents ; No date is set f, IT
and Mrs. James Scott. On; ding. The bride-ei-ci u
rommittep arp Miss Viplru i . h . . 1
i""' me lute Ural,
ance office here ud lb
lecke is attendini Nank.
ern school In Minneipoli,
inc news was told it 1 1
aay lime party at th
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry :
the committee are Miss Vicky
Ward. Miss fatricia Whelan,
and Mis Diana Pearcy.
The office of fifth messen
ger was filled by Miss Judy
Ericksen. Miss Erickscn re
placed Miss Patricia Claggett
who is ill.
HOSTESSES for a holiday
tea this afternoon at their
home were Miss Elizabeth
Lord and Miss Edith Schryver,
inviting a group of friends be
tween 3 and S o'clock. Assist
ing were Mrs. Lester F. Barr,
Mrs. B. O. Schurking, Mrs.
Flank H. Spears and Mrs.
Chester M. Cox.
Housewives DeligfcJ
Ml N. Ufa SI
140 Candalaria Blvd.
1715 So. Commercial
Ph. 4-6313
Graduate of tht Net I
ConieroUrr at ;
Formerly of tht still i
Arlington Acaaanj cf
Boston, mus ana Vx
mont Conservator a! 1
announces the optsiw i
Piano Studio. Prime
class lessons for Chilton s
adults. Bertnnera ud
vsnced reirabtr earn. I
1320 Ntbrotkt An,
Phona 2-4992
and Mrs. Al Bentz was in
charge of the refreshments.
Circulating the guest book
were Miss Ruth Ann Dieker
and Miss Delores Schaefer of
Oswego, sister and niece of
the bride, and in charge of the
gifts was Miss'Aileen Ander
son. Assisting in serving were
the following girls of Junior
Catholic Daughters of Troop
Star of The Sea, of which the
bride is counselor, the Misses
Marlene Prosser, Sandra Pros
ser, Jo Ann Stupfel, Kather-
ine Ilg, Dolores Schultz and
Marlene Diehl.
The couple went to Mount
Hood and Seattle on their
wedding trip. They will make
their home here while the
bridegroom is stationed at
Tongue Point.
Eve party on Thursday; 14 toxins.
be in the group,
mm an i y:
Today's Menu
This salad is a just-right ac
companiment to ham.
Cheese Puffs
Baked Ham Oriental Salad
Hot Rolls
Fancy Cookies Beverage
Oriental Salad
Ingredients: H cup ripe ol
ives, 2 hard-rooked eggs, 3
tablespoons cider vinegar, 3 Deane Patterson and sons,
The bride-elect a 1 1 e n d ed
school at Stayton and is em
ployed in the office of the
Oregon liquor control com- j
mission. Mr. Posvar is in the
carpentry business with his .
father. I
SPIRITUAL Sunflower club1
is meeting Thursday at the
home of Mrs. William Sommer,
Wallace Road. There will be a
no-host dinner at noon.
AMONG New Year's week
end at homes will be the one
for which Mr. and Mrs. J.
395 S. 12th, Salem
Catch them
they kill
Nobody auks thfir tfchfr
but once even the GirrnkaM
kidnappers went to "nice"
schools with 'niceM children.
Children potentially as dan
gerous often sit with your
children in rla"xoomii. Can
Something be done? The IMiila
drlphia school system think no
. and furnishes evidence. No
parent can afford to miss this
article ia the January Ladies
Home Journal On sale now.
WWJ Smart shoppers will be here tomorrow when our
'oor$ opefl or thcse tlu'"ing' peak-f-the",eflS0"
KWMkETW Long ond Short Formerly '"""''I'
l-HJ-V UJM 1 3y TO 3 t to
I : tS r v
tablespoons sugar, 3 table
spoons mayonnaise, 3 pints
coarsely shredded lettuce, salt
Tommy and Bruce, will enter
tain on Saturday at their South
Church street home. Guests
Method: Cut olives from pits I are invited to eall between S
into large pieces. Mash egg and 9 o'clock.
yolks fine and blend with vm
egar, sugar and mayonnaise.
Add olives and thinly slivered
egg whites. Just before serving
add dressing to lettuce; mix
lightly, adding salt to taste.
Makes 6 servings.
Lovely Selection
Infants Sweaters
Ma rg wen's
Capital Shopping Ctsltr
on all . . . Shoes . .
Stockings . . . Sportswear
Dresses . . . Lingerie . . . Bags
i fBca. 2 OC M
5400 10 69"
2495 to 3495
22M to 299S
dlillte rencli Shop
11S N. High Across From Courthouse
9 PJ.
a on wm . &u . -