Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 29, 1953, Page 5, Image 5

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    Ugj, December 29. 1953
ocal Paragraph:
Mt" wunruKA l ION HEADS
T- BUI ino -ssjr
EMonJay night adopt
ion permitting City
P a-
m'fr' - Slcry Hor'
will be held at the Salem Pub-!
lie Library Wednesday at 4
p m. in the Fireplace Room.l
This week the children will
hear tome itories from a group'
of Scandinavian fairy tales, j
Some Eggs Down Some'
buying quotation! on eggs!
were listed down here thia.
in the
(or the outgoing
ai Mill airetn oui.
-wixiry because oj me
l j TU. h,i. utill
no. . "
cut on Court to Cot
. nn Cottaffe to
I piuv i
j ihn east to complete
'"" ....nt ih hiia.morninc. In th. 1
. iitk kafAr. turn. eSKI nOW arp ntint All
lit W J l" mw.. ..... a 1 . j
state The change ii ef- arade, 50 cenU large A, 48-52 1
l3l i on cents: milium a a as
, jin. n s-f-nu:
, necf mber 30.
(medium A, 44-47 cents. Whole-1
Li Report Twenty-two sale, eggs are listed at 59 cents
m 01 v.i i .no ai at cents on
..nlrahle diseases were mcoiums.
Platoon Will
Select Leader
..nth the Marion .
.Department of Health 1 Caution Irg ed State Fire
r,e week ending De- Marshal Robert B. Taylor urged
l 28 Seventy-lour phy- auciuay inai tiammable Christ -
or 63 per cent of those I mas decorations be removed by
L county, turned in re- New Year's Eve. He also
fl,e list included: a mea- """'" against Durning trees
MCh mumps ana virus;-"- uui.uuns m iire-
Una. i escn impeugo, i- -
M ana ooar pnumu.,i. Burned Second dearee
: tKinmiXrb the right nh,ndd T'.no
,ind German measles. 1 were luff .
Lu Elected RobertjStella Littlejohn. 490 South
r ..;.snnt a! P.,ili 21st street. Mnnrtav BftamnAn
Lri Packing company, wnil burning Christmas wrap-
was eiccica 10 ine -iic-ji-n-c. nrsi ata-
ot directors of North- !mcn 'reated the wounds and
Packers and Growers, sne was later taken to a doctor
(or a tnrce year icrm, """" ";"""
gelations eigntn an-, Thef, ReporedA ,, b
rt'! ti. .thC "ind a newspaper box. complete
Lncv rwene. aecre-, with post on which (hev "
reasurer 01 western ure- mountcd. were taken lrom
1 LXc
Henry J. ZUka (left) and Arthur W. Smithers, presi
dent and vice president of the new investment corpora
tion of Zilka, Smithcr and Company, which will take
over the complete investment services in Oregon and
southwest Washington of J. R. Williston. Bruce and Com
pany, formerly Conrad Bruce and Company. Smithers
will be manager of the Salem office as he has in the past.
E. H. Greene and George Gcist. Ji.. both of Portland,
are respectively vice president and secretary - treasurer.
Salem offices are located at 203 Oregon Building.
fjeking company at Cor
was elected president for
The new vice-president
Olesen of Stokely-Van
Inc. The association,
11 mrmbers in Oreson
Muhinolnn sprvf thf 1
lid vegetable processing
ijj in labor and industrial
tool matters.
(, year's Trip The Che
ians will spend the three
,tv Year holiday at their
on Whitewater Creek.
i at Hoodoo Bowl is on
Ichedule for those who
Others may just want to
George Rempel residence. 1041
Parkway drive, Mrs. Rempel
reported to police Monday.
uasoune was drained from a
visitor's car parked i
driveway also, she said.
Oregon Coast Leads FOTCSf FsTGS
in Lumoer nipmenis
Men now enlisted In the U.
S. Marine Corps Reserve from
the Salem area who will leave
with the Second Oregon Bea
ver Platoon are now being
screened for a possible choice
Leader" of the Second
Oregon Beaver Platoon.
To become eligible as a can
didate for selection as leader
of this platoon a man must
first make out application with
Marine Recruiter, S 'Sgt. Rob
ert D. Wilson at the Marine
Corps Recruiting Station in
Salem. He then must be ap
proved for enlistment and as
signment to the Second Ore
gon Beaver Platoon.
This platoon will leave for
San Diego, Calif., from Port
land January 21.' All men
who make application for en
listment in the U. S. Marine i
Corps and express a desire for
assignment to this platoon will
be considered for selection s
it's leader. A man may enlist
for two, three or four years
and leave with the platoon.
The leader of the First Ore
gon Beaver Platocn, which de-
nnrl aA lulu Q rA 4nl v,bt ujoi
Continued iron, P.r1 p Holt. son of Mr.' and
Outstanding performance by1 Mrs. Willie W Holt of 2275
Keep Oregon Green No. Front Street, Salem. Pfc.
I IVii vw-i.'.'.A.r-; t -Jit
If' ,Xi k-i-..v.K'(r:tAa
-''ManMJ ..aiafcliK,, .i
Ml Jm ! &
. rvwt d'
Cliif Lewis
cContlnued trom Page 1)
Portland (U.R) Oreffnn's
coast again led all other U.S. 1 loggers,
districts in the waterhorne shin. ! campaign, the general public Hnlt ii now an ODtical instru.
ment of lumber in November, 1 and efficient performance by ment repairman in the Marine
the Pacific Lumber Inspection protection personnel with an Corps. Of the 22 men enlisted
Bureau, Inc., reported today, able assist from favorable . in the First Oregon Beaver
Shipments from that area to-: weather were credited for the Platoon from the Salem area,
taled 60,428.765 board feet. .sharp decrease in forest fire' 21 were assigned to fields re-
The Columbia river shipped! damage.
the 1 43,470,056 board feet: Puget ' Large Timber Harvest
I'nwired Vandals cut the
telephone lines leading into
the home of Mrs. Virginia Han
son, 1145 North 15th street,
sometime Sunday night, it was
reported to city police Monday.
Building Permits L. W.
Ivie, to wreck a garage at 855
Center, $50. Bernard Sokolow,
to alter a one-story dwelling
ar.d garage at 1380 North 23rd
It the cabin. Members r .3S0. F. P. Cnlcan in alter
nenas wno plan iu pamt:-
in this trip are asked to
ihe register at 248 North
biercial street by Wednes-
December 30, or phone
hret Peper.
Lnmitted to Hospital A
woman arrested by city
.ives Monday on a charge
laining dru unlawfully
committed 10 Oregon
Hospital Tuesday by cir-
tourt order. Police said
koman admitted in a sign
Ltement that she forged a
ription from a Salem doc-
L get 12 one-grain codeine
u on December 23. She
identified as Darlene Go-
DtMerse, 47, 3750 Welty
Circuit Court
VerDOD O. Dowlai va. Grace L. Doug
itt: Divorce complalnl. alleaiw dcAer.
tlon. Mimed Nov. II, 194 it Vancouver,
one-story dwelling and carport
at 1349 Waller, $200. A. G.
Hamilton, to build a one-story
dwelling and garage at 265 So
nora, $14,000. Rosa Nash, to al
ter a two-story dwelling and
apartment at 405 Union, $400.
There's No Fuel About 40
gallons of gasoline were
drained from the fuel tanks of
trucks of the West Salem Fuel
company, 1525 Edgewater
street, Monday night, city po
lice reported.
Grease Ignites Grease in a
frying pan caught fire in the
apartment of Mrs. Hugh Hick
erson, 1242 Chemeketa street,
Monday evening, destroying
window curtains and scorching
wallpaper and the window
frame, city firemen reported.
Home for Holidays John
Wenger of Fort Lewis, Wash.,
is home over the holidays with
his wife, the former Leona
Strode, and son Bobby, also
visiting his father Oscar Wen
ger and brother Lawrence. An
other brother, Clayton Wenger,
I was home from Long Beach
.iles expressed commence i where he js wrlh the Navy,
iif.iT,V-a Prank an1 ni. tt: ..I i-i-HJa
'""ic a ,.. tjiner reiawves uu uicuu.
forces in Indochina will i were invited. This is the first
effectively with the new .ime he three brothers have
Piiumt drive across Laos. Unent Christmas together
said that nothing the five years.
hiv. rinna In thie nrwr- I '
k.. .i. j ;,ki I From Fort Lewis Mr. and
.me table of operations by Mrs. Donald Hunter of Fort
the American and f. "' c " " , "...
numer s mumer, iwib. ucawi
Hoftstcdt, and sister Lois. Also
visiting them are Mr. and Mrs.
Art Moorehead of Fort Lewis.
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Strode
and daughters of Eugene were
visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Snnnri m n.iR non hnorH ( A timber harvest of 9.8 bil-
and the Grays-Willapa harbor Z" 1952 b0Ugh,
area, 20,997,226 board feet. int0 th. ..... and Dreiiminarv
estimates for 1953 indicate the
returns will be nearly on the
same level, the report states.
Over 100,000 persons were
employed in the woods, saw
mills, pulp and plywood plants
and associated industries and
the forest department declar
ed that Oregon's rating of pay
ing nignest wages in the na
tion to production workers was
largely due to the great num
ber employed in the lumber
Insects Prime Enemy
Heavy damage by insects
w. Roser HarrU and the Uotori Inaur-1 u..,! .. u.
anca Corporation va. Idard B. Dim- j " """
bat. Jr.; Complaint aeekini judament o( i enemy Of the forest, the de-
Zt':opr"'T3,.? sn.s"rtmt said-Th? s"ruce bu,d-
j tree is. worm, once inreaiening o ae-
t - , wll. tl , foliate 1? billion board feet of
Alkie v.. Ruiiell S. flthll: Continued , ,
lor trui pleading tnocent to non. sawtimbor, has been controlled
luppori chanc. Bail potted.
Sandra Host va. Immett Uou: Divorce
com plain l. alien m cruel and inhuman
treatment. Married ai Tacoma. Wash.,
Nov. 10, lirtil. Plaintiff attlu restoration
oi former name of Herman.
quiring technical training,
Leader of th Beaver Pla
toon will be announced by
January 11.
Pearl Favors
(Continued from Pa 1
3, Rou Huthei, adminUtrator of the
eitalt of Char let Roai Huttitu vi. Cal
ifornia Packlni corporation: Defendant'!
motion to itrlke certain portioni of com
lies Hints
ODCitinued from Page 1
wnhower himself had
It much the same points
i disclosing the decision
withdraw two divisions
atate Ta. Joae Navarro aantana: Con
tinued to January ft. for trial alter piead
ina Innocent to auault and battery
State va. Jack M. Nelion: Acntenced
to three yeara prlaon on cnarae e( lar
Btate vs. William Robert Boaton: Con
tinued for trial to next term of court
ofter pleadinr Innocent to robbery
ante va. Robert liarion Oillock: Cou-
tknued to January 4, for arraignment
after waiving Inveatlaatlon by aratvd fury
on charaa oi burilary not In n dwelling.
atata va. Lealta M. Jensen: continued
to January 4. for arraignment on charge
of obtaining money by lala pretenaee.
State va. Burl I. Donaldson: Sentenced
to two yeara In prlHct on burglary
State va. Mable Ruth Llenbra Donald
son: Okven suspended sentence on charge
of burslary and placed on two years
Laurence Frederick Waranler s. Oer
truda Waranler: Order of default entered
asalnat defendant.
Probate Court
Rose E. Whltlock estate: Final erdar.
Sara J. Thome estate: Pinal order.
by aerial DDT sprays. After
five years of insecticide treat
ment, the attack has been all
but halted with only remnants
of the huge budworm invasion
remaining in Eastern Oregon
Other insects such as the
tree-killing bark beetle were
not so easily controlled, the
report said. The fight to eli
minate this menace has been
made through rapid salvage oi
the beetle-infested trees which
is currently the only method
of meeting the attack. Rapid
ly spreading from the great
1951 blow-down, the beetle
epidemic appears to be taper
ing off slightly, but is still a
dangerous threat, forestry offi
cials say.
Research Successful
In forest research, processes
have been developed by the
Oregon Forest Products labora
tory for recovering valuable
wax, tanning and other chemi
cals from heretofore waste
Douglas fir bark. A large en
gineering firm has purchased
a five-year option to use the
wax processes and is planning
of a pilot plant,
The critic was Gus Norwood,
executive secretary of the
Northwest Public Power Assn.,
who labeled Dr. Pearl as "thor
oughly earmarked as sponsored
by the private power companies."
"Where do you suppose they
got any such idea?" Dr. Pearl
asked a reporter. "It must have
come out of thin air."
He said the Institute of
Technology, under his direc
tion, "has done more work for
the Bonneville Administration
than for all others together.
He declared that he never
has made any commitment nor
expressed any opinion that
would justify marking him as
a private power proponent, nor
as a public power man either.
PUC Group Disappointed
Norwood said public power
groups had objected to Secre
tary McKay about the possi
bility of Dr. Pearl getting the
post, when his name first came
"We are greatly disappoint
ed in the decision Mr. McKay
has made," Norwood said.
"My greatest interest is in
development of the North
west," Dr. Pearl declared.
Full development of the Co
lumbia River system's power
potential is a key to that prog
ress, he said.
"There are several ways of
doing it," he added, "but the
partnership plan seems the log
ical answer. Obviously, there
are big projects that private
companies could not under
"It is the honest and heart
felt conviction of the under
signed that Clifford A. Lewis
is eminently qualified to tem
porarily carry on the work of
the late and beloved Roscoe
"Tad" Shelton with a maxi
mum efficiency and harmony,
until a mandate of the voters
of Marion county shall fill the
position according to lawful
custom." recites the resolution.
We, the undersigned employ
es of the Marion county asses
sor's office do humbly petition
the Marion County Court to
earnestly and favorably con
sider Mr. Lewis' application.
Decisive War
(Continued Irom Page 1)
Clifford A. Lewis (right) being sworn In as county
assessor by County Judge Rex Hartley. Lewis succeeds
the late Tad Shelton who held the office for approximate
ly 18 years.
Bill Pro vides Way to
Break Election Ties
The Goddess of Chance will , city recorder casts lots without
be the arbiter who decides any them.
tie votes that may occur ir f u- The bill isn't so important
ture Salem elections, if a bill for November elections as for
Clara C. Durbln estate: Order admit
tins alii to probate and namina Frsnk
J. Chapman executor. EMate nas proo-1 construction
aoil value in excess pi ne.vwv. , D ,
; me rtrpun sidles, iickmvii,
Merr J Lee estate- order admitting SUPported bv the timber sev-
wlll to probate and namiiw Clarke E. Lee KK . '. . M:s,l
a executor. Estate haa probable value erance tax, has made possible
of 120 noo. j other valuable contributions in
conk rot studies of fir stands
communist power in In-1
ma in a year. ,
rthermore, Dulles said, I
oes not think that the Red !
presents any present
it to Thailand, bordering strodend Mr. and Mrs.' WiU
ta S.7ld j Murray over Christmas.
Tib MMvnUAfSi ! C T iw Kjfinh Ai
. y"'' "7"'"V ,"V v. , ' loulsr A R.hruff estate: Order of dig-'
Knowland (R., Calif.) for Michigan State baseball team ,.
Mve expressed concern first carried the nickname 01
inauand might he invaq- j the apartans
f- other points Dulles:
Mde clear that the Unit
izes, Britain and France
ccept Russia's proposal
w Big Four foreign min
Madge Crsig Tavlor estate- Order ap
proving final account and directing dis
tribution. Edna Clarice Bat leson: Order author,
trine issuance of letters of guardtatvshlp
to the U. S. National bank of Portland.
James L. and Orace H Taylor s.
Chsries S. and Helen vandeleur Maeon:
Order dismissing plaintiffs aecond cause
of action In complaint.
rodent control, aerial seeding;
exploration of fire weather re
forestation techniques; com
mercial stand improvements
that will pay their way and in
tensive study of the spruce
and Douglas fir
Want couple to care for u
tip hpnt and lawn in re
oilnujanrp nn rpnt oi Dicfriet Courts
c!ose-in. 1st floor furnished JZ iZi h.:r'bound leading member of the Ger
anartment. Phone 2-4505 or i over to grand jury, held in lieu of 12.500 a usirian team of moun-
Vienna ' Kuno Rainer,
taincers which climbed 26.680-
u.-Airf rrssi Le Joe nana and rnn, Mt Xlantra Parhat in the
Learn knitting. 341 State St. , Richard Homann 'uiwiar- aii waived Hi ". 's th vear was re-
1 meeting in Berlin be 2-527Z.
January 25 or later.
UlSClOSPfl he harl nlanneO ... . T oreltminsrv
' up with Soviet For- 3-"eo4' "e . X " Vno. !'""' h"d "'"
Minister Molotov at Bcr-i""' ' v . r letctmsi
t week, in the meeting
delayed, arrangements one. t.lvpslev Bldg.. ph. 3-3663. bail.
negotiation on President i o.rmnnitntji s5 and up. Ruth
w tsnMit Alhsnv dm ins while
"flower's atomic pooliporri manager. 309 intoxicated po-i mo au
He said that since the -
in mnr.r.. v... heon T. Newman s clothing store . .. ... i r
vnvc a eta a? j'v -e. . . ... . . niuniciuui tmt i
H. som .lt.m.tiv. wav will be closed all day weanes-, , cl,)lTO Kna ,m .1(I rm
tt ,.. Continued tO urrmupr Ji iar vnrouiiii
Castle Permanent W a v e r s. , M Mnlull ., m uu of 12.500
nnrted out of danger but still
- " . badlv hurt Tucsdav from a 90-
Jr . bura:ary. arrslgnment ,ILU ' suvauo.
loot Ian in me Austrian mjie.
'! up this question with day. December 30th for inven.rki. dn.-,,
"wians must be found, .tory.
ng. cited to 'our'
S!L""llAt. ROsriTAL
--"aklain-To Mr. and
lAhn t. Luti 310 wet Browning ave-
nue. driving while intexlcaied. lined 1250.
I Les Ncwman'b clothing store hew m lieu f fine
!will be close! all day Wednes- rrtnt ,., Kiamatn Fain,
irfnv December 30'h for pn.ulon f tntoxK.tin. liquor,
utt.v. ono posted 13 bell
Winter St., a
Norbr Henerr Laneebire Ro-jte S.
Mr. and Mra. Waynt '
Box ml Hubbard. boy, l
; Morrioqt Licenses
Albenv- T Je:
Close out i-n date-prunes. 15C recHas driving, cited to court
pound. Wil deliver v ., ;
Farm Store. Fnone
tmme. Ore., a box.' Dec. M. i out broken sizes in 21 onth of a-at
ST:.s,"r.f"4 """' rnHf inn aarmcnts. values . ,d
Erf Ml 'liiVai.,t: ! .ie a .navrial S5.98: girdles. r,m. sr bo n of Aiban-
K;T ".'. ..'"' ..'i ualuPl S12.50. special r,.ude ivwdtame:..
Beck A.. . tZ M. ir .A i-nreet ShOD. 30w ' A. RWinger.
r AT. nuw.. .
. both of Br
nd Mar;
KUdron. su Season's Greetings from.
Victor I Roe. M aaj tla I rVec
,t. k bo'h ef Crawfordsvl..e
r Arm? and
CT-To V, and Ura. Anthony Watkins Dea'er and Dis-,
i. a: s u- J . iL Veir I s "" - .. - ...h
r Mia, ""' - OB limuyj - .MAC
So. Commercial St. Fh. o-.
k girl
and Ura
Hl Jefferson St., tin.
::,DiTTt. K' tlMI Mrs. Clvds) Bar
?ook. a ,i,i per
jj. , r. and
Free Delivery.
n.iitv Studio. 1405
SJc !k. 17th. will be clod Monday
Xiwif ptodeacfl. i ft jtnuary 1. 154.
plunM. "
-3 !iri''ir,mi.
ml i:rr M
witAii-f uw.-r- ,
jtttj Mfturrt Of' - ina " . "
Orange. Root Beer 9c
Take-out Service
11 o.m. Ie Midnight
12 Noon p.m. Sundays
PHONE 3-5016
Rhee reminded Koreans he
had agreed to a temporary halt
in his aim to unify Korea and
nad promised the Allies to re
frain from unilateral action for
90 days after the start of the
Korean peace conference.
But the recent breakoff of
negotiations to set up the con
ference, he said, "can be re
garded as final."
Conference Held Futile
"If the United States con
tinues to maintain its present
strong stand, we shall never
have to wait another three or
four months in an attempt to
prepare for a political confer
ence that is foredoomed to be
fruit is," he declared.
"More than ever we are con
vinced t at as long as the Chin
ese Communists are on Korean
soil there can be no successful
conference and no peace for our
suffering country."
Rhee said it was his biggest
wish that "our allies come to
realize fully that the war in
Korea," has a close link with
their future safety from com
munism. "Now to make certain that
these sacrifices shall not have
been in vain, we call upon them
to conclude futile discussions
with the Communists, and to
rise with us in courage and
valor for the last great battle
to annihilate the Red forces
that seek the destruction of the
free world.
"Only thus can the free
world prevent the launching
introduced Monday night is ap
proved by the city council.
But AI Mundt, or whoever
ht-ppens to be city recorder,
will be the medium through
whom the Goddess works.
The bill was sponsored by
Mayor Loucks, and drawn by
City Attorney Chris J. Kowitz.
But innocently back of the
whole thing is Alderman Claud
Jorgensen, who has held over
as the member from Ward 3 be
cause he and Clayton Jones
tied in the election last year
and there was no way to break
the tie. Not that anybody has
anything against Jorgensen. It's
just what could happen in the
The bill simply says that in
event of a tie between two
candidates the city recorder
shall determine the winner by
casting lots.
It doesn't say how he shall
cast lots. He may, the city at
torney explains, use any meth
od he likes.
The candidates don't have to
be present. If they are not the
Central Howell Shed
Destroyed by Fire
Central Howell A machine
shed, 10 tons of straw, five tons
of hay, a cow and calf were de
stroyed Monday afternoon by a
fire on the Don Kuenzi farm.
The blaze started from a rub
bish fire when a shifting wind
blew sparks into the straw
through an open door.
Machinery stored in the
building was saved by neigh
bors and the Silverton fire de
partment. Another machine
shed nearby was protected from
damage when firemen con
trolled the blaze.
the May primaries, the city at
torney explains.
"In the November election,"
he said, "there is someone to
carry on as a hold-over, ac
cording to law, because no one
has been elected in his place.
But in the May primaries It
could really be serious, because
of a charter provision that the
two highest in the primaries
shall be opposing candidates in
the fall.
Suppose Axelson, Burn-
stein and Callahan are running
for mayor. Axelson gets the
high vote and Burnsteln arid
Callahan tie. Who's going to
run against Axelson In the
fall? The bill ought to pass."
Continued from Pags 1)
The one-way system is un
necessary tor traffic control in
Salem; is dangerous because
it increases driving speed;
confusing for drivers and ped
estrians: discourages traders
and visitors from using the
one-way streets: causes incon
veniences and business loss to
firms on the one-way streets;
is an unwarranted and unrea
sonable restriction on the use
of the streets.
Only a few Eskimos know
how to build snow houses.
I wish to extend my heart
felt thanks and appreciation to
all neighbors and friends for
their assistance, sympathy and
beautiful floral offerings dur
ing the illnesr and passing of
my beloved wife.
A. Forest Simmons.
3 OS-
A..lrlan V... 7..lnnJ Iff,
-The Duke' of Edinburgh will 0' Red S'in "d b"
interrupt the royal tour of New i lasting peace to the earth.'
Zealand to fly to Wellington ! - - -
for mass funeral services
Thursday for the victims of
this country's Christmas eve
railway disaster the worst in
its history. The total possible
death toll in the wreck was
reduced again Tuesday to 147.
at the
265 North High St.
Go Union Pacific to
StnecLmtiHen "city of Portland"
Extra Fine... Extra Fast... No Extra Far!
Lv. Portland 80 p.m. Dally
Lofesf (leporfvre Portland , '. orlhtt arrival Ciieooo
Vou hive choice of Pullman eccommodttiont or reserved, reclining
coach seats with improved leg rests. Relax in the homelike lounges.
In the dining car enjoy delicious food, fresh from the Union Pgcific
As About Unlet fcxrfVl Hoff-fore fanlty Trove Pfos
7SI ittock Hock
Phone IRoedwoy 7771
Porrlond S, Oregon