Tuesday i December 29, 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem. Oregon Pag iikm 1 we 1 TOMTOW HCc CAiPimii mm On All Cash Purchases Made in Our Store Tomorrow All Cosmetic Prices Five Fee). To Hif, fTlllAlka Seltzer & 54 j Kleenex Tissues m 15 Qfrf&P Famous TUSSY I iMlSin'QMB Cream Shampoo MMtHC URD C8EM . n 75 fta 1 J i-o.MJOi:iiJai.u dr8 o- VA MrAUCHAMPW J 405 STATE ST. CORNER OF LIBERTY SUPER 1(1 BAYER ANAHiST ASPIRIN 20s 98' 100s 62' CONTAINS STERACTOL...mctkt part of Lanolin I Remember only Timy Cream Sham poo oduhm Steraotol in admin ingredient that work against dolling dryness. It leaves hair Mlin-MiKXHh...iD Ingrf easy to manage. And ipvkling clean. Tnooy Croon Shampoo lathon out every trace of dust and lootc dandroJ ...UToik hidden highlights. Try k today. See she beautiful dinerenee k nahea in your hair . . . and SAVE. CAPITAL DRUG STORE 40S State St., Corner of Liberty I t&JM '"-''''y-4:gJ Richard Hudnut announces Spray and Stay WamorOM Dew Spray-On Mir Mt 5pray this finely atonmed, deli-ate!? fra- it the food firrr , bntiy nerrW m hnM .He ,,. " . V. .rant liquid on vour hair. and your art new ha.r-dos beautifully, perlnly in mams your nair-OO Stay , . avs jn fpitf of rajn jnH or plare. Contains varuum p.irihrd Isnolm the ay you Want it, nllnli(l ronmf. Spray and Stay leaves your to condition ai it controls. Wonderful as f IS jonj IS yOU Want It! hair naturally toft and shining, and gives a pinrurl setting lotion, too! S' I '.T D Does it form dry, Baky residue? ) JT C 13 1r O Male it greasy and riiekyr . . . . . f X Does It "let damp weather, or steainybaihf Dish hard to eomb and brush ot j Xtv M'"i 'sJsas'", Spwifirally fnrninlslw) fnrow h Rithard Hudnut Fifth At nu Salni. CAPITAL DRUG STORE 405 STATI ST., CORNER OF LIBERTY DOUBLE fx GREW STAMPS TOMORROW DOUBLE STAMPS Tomorrow MtS. AlBERT COMMUTE, 41 : Till. Under, M. JAMES ftOYER, 31: Now an ardent drrp M-'j. GABRIE1LE MtOOWAN, S3: Clobetrottinf lovely Mr. Commeite i thf buiy mother of ki fiihermtn, pianisi, interior decorttor, Mri, ' ,t. McCowin U tall, chic, very glamorous an 'wurii huiiiiic, liolpi iriinia fiajti nyn viniciiY iietni an auTctutinft gunv; any tnivraaranumuincri rtni'VOIBt U I L IJ A i. r- l i sum nri (oiacn nn ioqk. her ipare time. exceli at French cookery More women over 35 look younger with Helena Rubinstein's Estrogenic Hormones ESTROGENIC HORMONES ARE SINGLE MOST EFFECTIVE BEAUTY AID IN HELPING AGING SKIN RETAIN MOISTURE There's a new "young" generation on the scene today matrons, grandmothers vigorous, attractive, exciting women who reject the "old look"! There are thousands of them who have been discovering, since Helena Rubinstein launched her Estrogenic Hormone preparations nine years ago, the most successful way to keep their complexions look ing younger. Doctors have found that nature's own estrogen supply begins to wane after 35. As a result, your under-skin loses the natu ral moisture necessary to keep it filled out and smooth . . . and your outer skin actually tells the world about it through dryness, through gradual creasing of face and throat. But you can help your skin retain its precious moisture with Helena Rubinstein's Estrogenic Hormone twins. ..the Cream on the face, the Oil on the throat. Fine lines and wrin kles disappear...a miracle you can see for yourself after 30 days of use. Take advantage of Helena Rubinstein's once-a-year special-price offer. ..and face your public with a fresh ness and bloom that will make you proud to admit your age! CAPITAL DRUG STORE Double Stamps Tomorrow 40S State St. SAVE T- r mi' HELENA RUBINSTEIN'S ESTROGENIC HORMONE OFFER OtKS-t-yeer event-for t limited Dm only! Value 600-Now35o SreOOCNK HORMONTOa - throat treat ssent end light film, tinder moke-vp. (nstanrly absorbed, tsovet no oily Iroee. Special 2.50 stie. IfTROOtNIC MORMON! CREAM-foco treat mont overnight for younger looking skin. Natu ral estrogenic hormones blended with eosHy absorbed hibf teonts, Reg. 3.SQL LAV0RIS 20-oz. 79' 1 jl A Miles Multiple VITAMINS Ms VICKS VAPORUB 3'i-oi. 79 100 Vitamin A CAPSULES so.ooo -j -rft UniH o7 OLEUM Percomorpheum so c 2. 98 Ar, dlim ROUE BEAUTY TREATMENT I I III mi rL.-n F- l 1 Trfl 1 J dorneoWlr M Ay Whs vaeaYsV-ire So mm vou could be mr would that's needed to combat the telltale signs of on-rushing yean: l) farms eaet aamiMae fatM e fefs (2) doors, smooths and brightens swi This is what the uiti-mi-utu Aralinn Traat ment has done for thousands of women,' and what e can truly promise H win do for you if you follow directions faithfully. just teg minutes every day. The two "mum" of this woodw-workiog treat ment arc the Aralinn Lotion and the method of applying it. But using Marie Earle'a luscious EaMntitl Cream, Soothing Freshener Lotion and Ahnond Lotion. wBI add so much to your enkrj ment of the treatment and your feeling of luxu rious well-being, that we are offering this special get-acquainted package. Imagine, the regular SS. site of Aralinn. with appropriate toes of the! companion products included wriaonf exm rastf No other treatment offers you the proverf results' of the Aralinn Treatment. No other offers jroul such s beautiful bargain in discovery. Capital Drug Store-405 State St.