day. December 29, 19SS Tele-Views p Radio-Television On Television WTV(27).KOIN-TV(6) UHF VHF Cny KPTV PROGRAM: P-9.?" - i Rlrtlnrui inchirto M1)th fit.. b..-m ... .. - hlon," ,,u.vvS " ' "'ws narp Etude A Flat. KkDonv - - j j ucrv r,. onerwood. winner Pulitzer prises, Is a comedy about ih contr.t ,. U .i I":, attorn of a (TOUD of nromotm .k. '"r. Kiln lamUy and the basic and firm ideas of the family uwy n - . upndell Carev and Yvonne n narin ..w t J Kr'and Scotty Beckett " Tljl Thnln. a 'Th Willi .rlh- ii ..-, " . , -. ... uirn, raoieia Itftn, wuuauea l I. . . . " ""mii nioenaon. awry ol a per Kit and hia inability to keep hired help. ' " w FSu owl Theatre, 11:05 "Secret Service" atari Sidney Toler and Lisa Moreland. .... Inj.TV TUESDAY PROGRAM: Pv.. Amu-hair ThMtM "l.mtMM- -. v' ' suu-nns itutn Terry Paul nu"j. . nm Jane Fro man Snow Mlsa Prim.- .i. ..Ground of classical Greece. "Beyond the Blue Horn iTn.v,! Si you Are,' "In the Still of the Night." and, backed by the KR, "Isn't It Romantic." "Thou Swell" i. the quartets abeclal - . ttnllwAAil MmbI- Ull tiU. n : . i:av F' ,v. . - , t.V.i " "c fieraiere snowing, marks nrsi mnw - 17. Jv" originating regularly from L.inr film SHiaio, win oe seen in ins ares, starme. vim. v,.,,. L his singing strings and Lucille Norman, this half-hour tele f, vm emanate from Paramount studios. Guest of initial telecast Be U16 ubuiiuuihv iiiwiiab rauiciia i am., urem r.xprcaa i ne wnnpA " n-. nat vi.nH. I;3 p.m Red Skellon Show Red Skelton as Wulle Lump Lump s--a nis iw"" " "i " e Mica vo neip nis wne water RSiical sketch. In a second sketch. Red is George Appleby, a singer E.ffr his services for a policeman1! ball ri:M P-m.- Suspense Pud Flanagan, child television actor, stars In y Gilt oi rTar, cnaracier siuay 01 a utile coy frightened by momer w mw siun ucnavc 111 a Bwire i urjiana. i a.m.. Danger "Prelude To Death." the storv of two sisters for the love of a young pianist. ' il a.m.. Showtime an Six "His Double Life" ttarrlnr Ronald I . i-u - J IfMtu... T .... aufflf. lilUinil UUll PUU JUUIIMWUC UfVC, f' ' Lnr.RAM ON KPTV WEDNESDAY: Hstinee x nwr, i reuerm oiannunt- stars Robert Livingston June Nime'i the Same. 6 Robert O. Lwi k mtum Ufe Is Worth Living, J Bishop Eheen tells the story of Christ- rok Time. 7 :30 Singer Maureen Cannon i& of rhhi CHGhr Married Joan, 8 Joan and Jim decide to resume their wtdriin' ihelr 10th aniversary and run into comnUcatlona rraardino rjinil marriage license. 1IT 11A1B,C .0V IKIOIKIC U1U LU (IU1K1 UD fTfiUaWX ISrV AT dklence by convincing him that he it a millonare, in show titled judw-Active Margie. araii sneaxre, r-"io uve in reacc' auirs frea Stewart, Judith turn, Arnoia moss ana riorenz Ames. Btory concerns an old Lan priest living during the Napoleonic Era who forfeits personal an in oraer w nuunutui uie nappiness oi ns townspeople. I Me Owl Theater, 11 "Father Steps Out" stars Frank Albertson. Eprouty ana Mana urr. BNESDAY ON KOIN-TV: I 1:30 p.m. Armchair Theatre "One Exciting Week" starring Al lace and Jerome Cowan. E5:30 p.m.. Kit Carson Efforts to conclude a secret trei.ty between United States and Mexico furnish the background for "Savage most." Bill Williams Is seen as Kit Carson and Don Diamond as lovai inena. ju iwo. 1 a.m- Blue Ribbon Firhts Maior welterweight contest from tiuieapolls where Johnny Saxton of New York, meets Del Flanagan, St. earn. I n.m Arthur Godfrer and His Friends With Frank Parker. bleloke, Janette Davis, Marlon Marlowe, the Mariners, the McGulre En Tji Ann Sims and Tonv Martin. I t p m., I've Gat a Secret with Garry Moore, host and emcee and Lwlists Bill Cullen, Henry Morgan and Jayne Meadows. It pjn- Showtime on 8ix vome a reter" starring reter nam- Does TV Hurt Your Eyes! HOFFMAN M PHONE Z-1B13 1303 Fairgrounds Rd. Valley TV Center Sales Service InsUllatlon Open Till I p.m. Dally Sunday from 1 to pan. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem. Oregon TAX SAVER TCtSDST l:M S.B. KPTV Dins Dons fteSttel 1S.3S ft.B. KFTV Wblt's Cooklast 11:11 h. nrv Hwki& nut 11:1S t.m. KPTV Till BBBitu ll:M " m. KPTV Tiind et Pmll 11:00 s at. KPTV BrUt ud Oioca KOIN Bli PaTaff 11.10 p.m. KPTV Dioqi Lucia BAOV nu K bu croait 1:00 p.m. KPTV-Mnlm. Kom Lovt Of 141s 1:1S p.m. KPTV Mttinti Kom atrch lor Tomorrow 1:10 P.B. KPTV UlllUi KOIN O'lWlnl LU bt 1:41 9M. KPTV UatlBct Kom voiiaot Lur 1:00 P m. KPTV llitlnct Kom i ll Bur Tost S:M p.m. KPTV On Tour Account KOIM-airlk. It Xlcb 1:00 p.m. KPTV Kite SiHU KOIN Oarrp Moon 1:11 p.m. KPTV Koto Smlio KOIN Arm Choir Thtour 4:00 P.m. KPTV Welcome Traveler! KOIN Armchair Theater 0:10 p.m. KPTV The Tormaker KOIN Armchair Theater 4:41 P.m. KPTV The Tormaker KOIN Mr. Moor. 0:00 p.m. KPTV Howdy Doodp KOIN Saddle Pala 1:10 l a. KPTV Bar IT Corral rom Vlilaataa IX P.m. KPTV TBA KOIN Mr. Waatharmaa 1:11 P.m. KPTV TBA KOIN Photo Qui! 1:10 p.m. KPTV atranie Advoaturo KOIN Dous Edwarda 0:41 P.m. KPTV NW Newaporto KOIN Jane Promaa Bho 1:00 P.m. KPTV Llbtrace KOIN Rania Rider T:10 p.m. KPTV Diana Shore KOIN Hollrwood Uuele Rail 1:41 p.m- KPTV Newe Caravao roiN Hollrwood Uuile HaU 1:00 p.m. KPTV Backbone of America KOIN Orient Expreea 1:10 p.m. KPTV Backbone or America KOIN Red Skelton 0:00 p.m. KPTV Plrealde Theater KOIN Captured 0:10 p.m. KPTV circle Theater KOIN auipenee 10:00 p.m. KPTV Judae Por Younelf KOIN Danaer 10:10 P.m. KPTV I Led Three Una KOIN Make Room for Daddr ir.w p.m. KPTV Foater'a Newi KOIN Showtime on Sis 11:10 p.m. KPTV Weather Vane 11:10 p.m. KPTV Nlta Owl Theater 4:ie am. kptv Tao Topsaer KOD4 Armebelr Tbatie 4:41 P.m. rPTV Tho Tormakae KOIN Mr. Uooa 1:00 p-m. KPTV-Mowdr Owaap . aoiN-atddle rala : la kptv Bar r canal KOIN Kit Cum 40 pm. KPTV-Maava'e asm . Kom Mr. Woauaanaaa (:lt pm. KPTV Namos the aamo KOIN Phou ejula :0 tm. KPTV -Plan. Potter ront-Doiis Idworai 4:40 P.m. KPTV NW DUeat . u POIN-ThU u Tow Hum 1:00 P m. KPTV-Bleboa liaa roiN Plabu 1:10 la KPTV Coke TUBS KOIN-Plablf 1:41 p.m. kptv Newa Carevaa KOIN-PtlbU tM Pm. KPTV I HarrM Jaaa . KOIN Arthur Oodfrav l:ie p.m. kptv sir uitio Hants row-Arthur Godfrer 1:00 P-m. KPTV-Kralt Theateo . KOIN Strike It Kleb t:10 P.m. KPTV Kraft Tfctater KOIN 1'va Oot Am. 14:00 P.m. KPTV ThU lo Tow Ut KOnt WraatUaa 10:S p.m. KPTV-Coeaicado el amarka KOIN WreaUlns lt:M p.m. kptv uta Hour Hows KOIN Showtime oo au 11:11 P.m. KPTV Nile Owl Theater "I krwood Play inTVTonight Hollywood VP) Robert ftcrwood, whose Broadway liyi have won him four Pu litter Prires, tonight makes Is debut at a playwright for Kevision. Yvonne de Carlo, Wendell tny. Gene Lockhart and Punas Mitchell star in Jukbone of America," a ta- fcical comedy about a high- lovered advertising firm that too on a search to find Amer las most typical family. It will be seen over NBC-TV pom 8 p.m., PST. Sherwood came out here to supervise the presentation. He's under contract to write eight more. Russia Maintains $0 Weather Stations Los Angelea 0P A Stanford icientist reports that Russia miintains at least 80 weather observation stations in the Arc tic as compared with one oper ated by the United States. Dr. Norman J. WilimovsKy of the Stanford Natural History Museum made this statement Monday in addressing the op aing session of the 23rd an coal meeting of the Western wiety of Naturalists. GEN. CLARK NAMED New York (ffV The Amerl- tu Heart Assn. has named n. Mark W. Clark chair- of the 1954 Heart Fund to raise money for research and id for heart disease sufferers. Clark's appointment was an nounced yesterday. Man Wio Failed To Return,Home Divorced by Wie Los Angeles (Pi In 1943 Feliclen P. Landier, transit company executive, tele phoned his wife he had to work late at the office. Yesterday, 10 years later, Mrs. Honor Landier obtained a divorce. She testified that he never did come home af ter that call. She was granted S400 monthly alimony, a home In San Pedro, 13,250 In cash, $8,515 In bonds, an automo bile, stock in Landier's trans portation companies and $60, 000 from his business Inter ests payable in S200-a-month installments. MARK RADIO & TELEVISION TV Sole - Service Installation Open from tun. to ( p.m. Ph. a-1611 - 1140 8. fend. Salem's First Television Store Out? TELEVISION Sale Servict Installations MITCHELL RADIO & TV 1880 State St. Ph.3-7577 Albany Divorces Albany One divorce de cree has been Issued and an other is asked in circuit court here. Judge Victor Olliver has granted a divorce to Lelah Fisher from Allen E. Fisher,' granting the plaintiff custody! of three children and $40 a month for support of each. Elsie Brueggeman is suing August Brueggeman, to whom she was married at Ellis, Kan., June 10, 1930, asking $30 a month alimony. Only a few Eskimos know how to build snow houses. I WEDNESDAY 10:01 a.m. KPTV Dint DoDt School 10:10 a.m. KPTV What'a Cooklns! 11:00 a.m. KPTV Bawklna ralla 11:11 o.m. KPTV Tho Beaoctu 11:10 a.m. KPTV Prleod of Pamllr 11:00 a.m. KPTV Bride aod Groom koin Bis paroir 11:10 P.m. KPTV TBA koin boo croaor 1:00 p.m. KPTV Matinee Thaator KOIN-Lcve ol Uto 1:11 p.m. KPTV Matinee KOIN Search Tomorrow1 1:10 p.m. KPTV Matinee KOIN Outdlns Lltbl 1: p.m. KPTV Matinee KOIN Valiant LsOp 1:00 p.m. KPTV Matinee KOIN Double or Nothlnf 1:10 p.m. KPTV oo Your Accounk KOIN Strike It ntch 1:00 p.m. KPTV Kate Smith KOIN oarrr Mooro 1:15 p.m. KPTV koin Arm Chair Theater 1:10 P.m. KPTV Kata Smith KOIN Arm Chair Theater l:M p.m. KPTV Welcome Travelers KOIN Arm Chair Theater Wedding Links Royal Families Bourg-En-Bresse, France W) The royal families of Aus tria-Hungary and Italy were linked Monday by the mar riage of Archduke Robert of Hapsburg to statuesque princ ess Marguerite of Savoy-Aosta at a simple ceremony in this drab little market town's city hall. Hundreds of Austrians and Italians stlil loyal to the now defunct crowns of their na tions swelled the croweds of curious who stood in a cold mist outside the grim 18th century hall to watch the royal couple come and go. Archduke Robert, 38 and 6 feet 2, is second in line for the Hapsburg throne, which toppled at the end of World war I. Princess Marguerite, 23, and a stately 0 feet tall her self, is somewhat further down the line of inheritance for the crown of Italy, which was abolished after World War II. Her uncle, ex-King Umberto of Italy, was among the titled guests attending the cere mony. Robert's older brother, Archduke Otto, whom Austri an royalists call emperor of Austria-Hungary, also was there. Dallas Edward B. Hamil ton, Polk county clerk, who has been named Taxpayer's Man of the Year" for eco nomical operation of his of fice despite salary Increases. Polk Co. Clerk . Receives Honor Dallas Edward B Hamil ton, Polk county clerk been named Oregon's "Taxpayers' Man of the Year" by Business and Tax Research, a state taxpayers' association of Portland. Mr. Hamilton's citation by the -taxpayers' association was for turning back to the county $4479 or 24.8 per cent of his 19S3-S4 $18,000 budget while adding efficiency features o his office operation. This economy was effected despite a 10 per cent salary increase in his department "Mr. Hamilton's conspicu ous service as clerk was proof that public business can be operated on a private business economy basis," F. H. Young, the taxpayer association man ager, asserted. "The amount of dollars saved was not large but to spend less than permit ted was unusual." Mr. Hamilton has had lum ber company experience arid was a member of the Oregon World War I Vets Commis sion. He has served as draft board chairman, on the coun ty budget committee, as Le gion post commander on the county welfare board, and as National Guard battalion major. Baby Bom on Plane Dies Winnipeg, Man. On The rescue of the pilot and passen gers of a light plane down for six days in the snowbound northern bush country of Man itoba had a tragic note, it was learned Monday. A baby born to a woman passenger during the ordeal died hours before help arrived The plane and its occupants, missing since last Monday in the wild country 340 miles north of Winnipeg, were found Sunday by a Royal Ca nadian Air Force search plane and its occupants flown to a hospital. The baby had been born Tuesday to Mrs. Annanias Harper, who with her two children, Elizabeth, 4. and Jo seph, 8, were travelling home for the holidays. The infant died Saturday. The plane's pilot, Paul Rickey, 37, apparently became lost Monday night and sat down on a lake to wait for daylight to disclose land marks. A heavy fall of snow prevented the plane from tak- has ing off again. first STUDENT I v.- UM James Kreider, Western Evangelical Seminary, Port land student, who will be guest speaker during the mid-winter youth conven tion to be held at Pilgrim Holiness church. Pag 15 Police Smash Teen-age Gang Atlanta W) Nine youths in the 14-18 age bracket have been detained in the county juvenile home by police, who said authorities had smashed a teen-age larceny gang. Detectives J. W. Smith and J. E. Sikes said yesterday the gang's 15-year-old leader told them: "Stealing a car is just like l smoking a cigarette you light up and puff on it for a minute or two, then you throw it down and reach for another one. You drive one car a block or two and then you are ready for an other one." Police said the youths told them they stole as many as four cars in a single night to go joy riding. Ten stolen automobiles, fo:ir motor scooters and an assort ment of hub caps and other items were recovered. Road Conditions Remain Unchanaed Oregon's highway conditions haven't changed in the past week, the Highway Commis sion said Monday in its weekly road summary. The McKenile. Mt. Hood Loop and West Diamond Lake highways are blocked by snow. There are possible delays be cause of construction on the Coast Highway three miles north of Gardiner, and for 12 miles south of Port Orford. WALDO HILLS GRANGE Silverton Waldo Hills Grange meeting has been postponed from January 1, the regular meeting date, to Janu ary 3, with Mrs. Dan Hillman as lecturer arranging the pro gram. Ben Eckley will pre side. POOR BOY SANDWICH At NORTH'S 1170 Center St Ralph Cake Named On Canal Board Washington W) R a 1 p h H. Cake, former Republican na tional committeeman from Ore gon, Monday was named to the board of directors of the Pana ma Canal Co., which operates the canal. Other appointments to the board announced by Army Sec retary Stevens were polar ex plorer Adm. Richard E. Byrd, retired, and Howard C. Peter sen, president of the Fidelity Philadelphia Trust Co. 59 INJURED IN TRAIN WRECK Bombay, India OP) Fifty- nine persons were Injured Tuesday when the crack Bom-bay-Poona electric express crashed into a stationary subur ban train in Victoria station here. Civil Defense Center Approved in Portland Portland OP) Preliminary plans for a $410,000 under ground civil defense center were approved Monday by the Portland City Council. Cost of the proposed project would be shared by the city and the federal government, the city's portion coming from a special tax levy approved by voters at the last election. AIRLINER SETS RECORD Lisbon, Portugal VP) A Pan air of Brazil airliner landed here just before midnight last night, completing the first non stop Brazll-to-Portugal cross ing of the south Atlantic by a commercial plane. The airliner also set new record for the flight from Re cife, Brazil 13 hours 11 minutes. HA1C0 HEARIH6 AID Accepted by the American Medical Association Council on Physical Medicine. FLOYD BENNETT Senator Hotel Hopewell Raytheon AU-tjnannei uur-vnr Lew Down Payment, Trades Cempl't Repair and Imtalbtion by Bonded Electronic Technicians N0RTHWE5TTELEYISI0N 3180 State Phone 4-5932 Hopewell The Hopewell E. U. B. church will hold a Watch Night Social for all families of the church and community Thursday evening, ec. 31 at I 8 p.m. Wednesday at 10 a.m. the La dies' Aid will meet and wood cutting will be in order for the men, weather permitting. The Board of Administration of the Hopewell E. U. B. church met at the parsonage Monday evening. Rev. Carl Pershall of Ham er, Idaho, was the guest speak er at the Hopewell E. U. B. church, Sunday evening, Dec. 27. FRESH LOCAL Grade AA Large o ERICH'S 3080 PORTLAND ROAD 3820 STATE ST. 2825 S. COMMERCIAL ST. or reliable nnnol lbrr.M.Ooale.lM4 APPLIANCE REPAIRS Ph. 2-5665 UNITED REPAIR CO 255 N. LIBERTY Authorized Repair on All Major Appliances and All Small Appliances Guaranteed Service Pickup and Delivery on Large Appliances Ivan Royse and Walt Claus, Owners CONCRETE MIX-RITE -Ph. 4-1317 VIESKO SAND I GRAVEL At Wheatland Ferry Rt. I, Gervais Ready-Mix Concrete, Sand, Gravel, Crushed Rock Prompt, Courteous Service Equipment Sales-Rentals Ph. 3-3646 ' HOWSER BROS. 1185 S. 12th ST. Garden Tillers Power Mowers - Paint Sprayers - Air Come pressors Sanders Plumbing Tools Power and Hand Mower Sharpening - Repairs on All Small Gas Engines DATE PRUNES An "Ideal Gift oi Oregon" Available Either in Bulk or Gift Boxes CHECK ON OUR SPECIAL VOLUME BULK PRICING Valley Farm Store 35 Silverton Road !!. .. . . .it(,v I . 1 III fwfr T B 4. J tt I 1 1 T 13 How tiwy sav money on cots makes ma riiodiieboo posnwaj trrJricesrf"P; But they'd probably be higher Tit wereoTtovertismg. faweeoVrertisurltta lowostwarr0,0Be' arxirt trWr prodoctt. Setlinc more pods is vrsy lower production costs, lower selling costs, lower prices than would otherwise occur. t Tea, Mlterhsing a low-cost truing method that helps oajr trorng ro dote. i i A world of knowledge is at tho fingertips of our Pharmacist. That's how he keeps abreast of the latest, modern discoveries in new medi cines, new methods and new techniques. That's why, you can rely upon him when you have a proscription to be compounded ... bo cause he la MAN OF KNOWLEDCE ... as well at man of experience and responsibility. Bring your prescriptions to him with complete faith and confidence in his knowledge. CAPITAL DRUG STORE 405 Stale St. (Corner of Liberty) We Give ?lC Green Stamps m FLOOR COVERINGS Ph. 4-5751 CAPITOL FLOOR COVERINGS 217 S. HIGH ST. Armstrong & Congoleum-Nalm-Asphalt and Rubber Tile Residential, Commercial Installation Rugs and Carpets Estimates Gladly Glvenl IRRIGATION - PUMPS -Ph. 26038 STETTLER SUPPLY CO 1810 LANA AVE. Water Systems Deep Well Turbines Aluminum and Steel Irrigation Pipe Galvanized Pipe and Fittings WATER WELL TESTING Complete Service on Any Pumping Equipment OFFICE MACHINES Ph. 3-5584 Typewriters, Adding Machines, Calculators, Accounting Machines SALES SERVICE RENTALS CAPITOL OFFICE EQUIPMENT CO.. 531 COURT R. W. "JOE" LAND PLUMBING SERVICE Ph. 3-9811 NELSON BROS. PLUMBING & HEATING Repairing 355 Chemeketa Contracting Residential Commercial Industrial PRESCRIPTIONS 24 HOUR SERVICE Ph. 3-9123 We give Penny Saver Stimps THE QUISENBERRY PHARMACIES Ph. 3-3157 130 S. IRrtrrr 310 (ovrt. Downtown 1440 frtw. He (mM 24-HOUR SERVICE Service for Your Convenience. FREE Delivery Daily 8:00 A M to 11:00 P.M. 130 S. Liberty Store Open 12 00 to J 00 P M. and 00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. All Sundavsand Holidays 5 I'll sjWHaMeaSsl I Radio Repair Ph. 3-7577 MITCHELL'S Radio-Television 1880 State Motorola Dealers for General Electric Pick up and Delivery TIM rif ItMAll SALES AND ICLCVIdlUn SERVICE ni Salem 2-1913 rh. Woodbtfm3611 VAI I rv TELEVISION CENTER J303 Fairgrounds Rd In Woodburn at 171 Grant St Featuring MOTOROLA RCA VICTOR HOFFMAN DUMONT TELFVISION SETS