Tuesday. December 29, 1953 ''FOUNDED THE OREGON STATESMAN ca g ' . uM-uvi McwarArtK HISTORY ,, ",; .. L. ' ; V fc' V 5 . Lf2 Oregon Statesman Began As Organ of Democrats The recently announced plant for merger of the Cap ital Journal and the Oreion Statesman January 1 arouiea Intereal In the hlitorjr of the two newapapera. Ben Mai well, CapiUI Journal hit torian, haa tone into the aubjeet, and today tella the history of the Statesman. Tomorrow he will tell the etorjr of the Capital Jour nal. By BEN MAXWELL No person now living recalls at a perioral memoir that event in pioneer history of 102 yean ago when, on March 28, 1831, No. 1, Vol. 1 of the Ore gon Statesman was published on the tecom' floor of the Frier building in Oregon City. Year'a weekend, the National Safety Council estimated to day, may reach 360. that year, when territorial of- owners In 1RAS thar. u.-a a- ficialt found they could draw I astonishing succesiinn at incorporation and G. N. and no pay there, Bush loaded his tort and publishera. None, per-Ethel Gillenwater, Lebanon, piiuiirij uuiu wneezy naps, was more capable thanl " . tirrnwneeier ana returned to Sam Clarke, historian and man Ask $4,136.41 Labor Lien Albany Suit to foreclose a 14136.41 lien against a drive in theater owned b- Jonea En terprises, Inc., a New Mexico possible 360 victims was: "A corporation, hat been filed in i wonderful way to start the new circuit court here by W. E. ' year would be to start it!" Groat, who namet the Jones dationa of phytical science, Oregon achool law and system of education, health education. The council said itt estimate elementary achool aunervition wat lor immediate traffic,, .dminiatration, and prob nth, only and covered the pe-1 lem, of philosophy, nod from 6 p.m Thursday I AddltioMl information may New Year a Eve, to midnight w. u,.:.j , . ., Sunday local time. The council s advice to the Jury's Verdict Voided by Judge of George D. Porter, director of adult education, 460 North High street. progressive journal. In 1859 an father. None, perhaps, was;P'ic 'or hi tervicet or! Adams power presa, the first; more colorful than "Emoeror" 10r materials. steam power prest to reach the Territory, wat installed in the Stateaman office. Ninety-four yeara ago the aite of the paper's Norton, remembered at a The complaint fails to name grotesque looking fellow and lne theater but describes it as unique character. Frank Hodgkin who knew Capable and shrewd Asancl Bush founded the Oregon Statesman at Oregon City and published the first issue from an office on the second floor of Friei's building, March 28. 1851. First issue from Salem wrnt to press June 21, 1853. SAM SIMPSON HENDRICKS A: Oregon Statement's obitu iry was written by Sam Simpson, editor, in Decem ber 1866. Thereafter for everal years the Statesman vas merged with the union- it and bore the latter name. Sam Simpson, Oregon s most distinguished poet, also wrote Beautiful Willamette. I R.J. -' V '.- ,..-- . 1 i V - "(, . . ... !- -V Reds Ship Gold Editor and ' publisher of the Oregon Statesman from 1884 to 1928, an interval of 44 years. London W Another thip- ment of Soviet "hammer and sickle" gold ban, the fourth this winter, arrived in London last night. The thipment, valued at $4,200,000, was tak en from the airport to the London branch of the Soviet State Bank. Official aourcei said last week Russia hat flown $65 million in sold into Britain Hong Kong to Get Relief Supplies New York W) The Nation al Council of Churches u speeding relief supplies to vic tims of a Christmas day fire that left thousands homeless in a village near Hong Kong. Dr. Wynn C. Fairfield, head of the council's overseas re lief program, yesterday order ed distribution of approxi mately 65 tons of clothing and 100 tons of dried milk. masthead, "No Favor Us: No Fear Shall Awe. Shrewd and capable Bush, already by ixperience a com petent editor and a lawyer, too, arrived in the Orepon country in 1850. No wearisome, over land journey in a Conestoga wagon for Editor Bush nor any Cape Horn passage either. He came via Panama, the short route taken 'jy the well-to-do and person of discernment Praised by Bancroft Bush j Oregon Statesman began lite as a weekly news paper of seven columns to a page and four pages. A year's subscription told for $7, tingle copy for two bits. For 12 years after its rounding. Bancroft, the historian, asserts, the Oregon Statesman was conducted with greater ability than any other journal on the Pacific Coast. For the first eight years of its existence, it was a ruling power in Oregon, wield ing an influence that made and unmade officials at its pleasure. To Bush ii attributed orig ination of the to-called "Ore gon ttyle," a pertonal journal ism, witty, pungent, penetrat ing, vituperative and tome' timet approaching scurrility. W. L. Adams' rival newspaper, the Argus, became the "Air goose"; the Oregonlan, under Dryer, a Journal with a "pot house reputation," and Rev. Thomas Pearne and Pacific Chrittian Advocate tomething yet wcrte. Oregon Statesman in the 1850t was a political newt paper, a party gaiette. Local newt wat ignored. "If these it anything In jour nalism we utterly detpite," Buth wrote, "it it petty village puffery." Up and Down the River Bush also wat territorial printer. Butinett followed the flag and the flag in those pio neer timet wat, literally, the capital of the territory. When the capital appeared to be fixed at Salem, Bush ar rived here with hit printery, tet it up in the Nesmlth build ing, about where the freight depot now stands, and ran off the first local issue of hit Or egon Statesman June 21, 1853. When a political faction got the capitol re-located at Corvallit in 1955, Buth moved hit paper to that hopeful hamlet. Later Groat alleffei that h Salem. 0f affairs rinvhnm w .r, formed labor and furnished If the Oregon Statesman was ' William C. Dyer of Salem Imaterialt for construction of nnlttiral norto- it - 1 lrnm hi-, U.I. i , ! th thf.tf. anil ha nmrai. tuan .I".. '-" " T"7" ici-tiiu--7 v.-: Alhanv .T,irl Vr Henry in circuit court here has issued an order letting aside a jury verdict in the case of Lloyd E. and Alberta Pickett vt. Frank V. and Eleanore Britton, and granting the plain tiffs' petition for a new trial. A jury had returned a ver dict in favor of the defendants and accordingly a judgment was entered to that effect Albany Two persons in-'October 29. but the plaintiffs' tired in & traffic, mkhnn latP glln.nnu fMorl a Kill nf mirai-. -. . -..... , . . .,,,. ,.,.. .imiuuiK un commercial Sunday about lour a.-.d a nail Uons on the basis of those ex -jun emerged as principal i street I ana HodRKln was city miles west of Albany on U. S. stockholder. Between July 19 editor. Presently Emperor Nor-1 highway 20 were still confined and November 20. 18C4. this ton had the job. to the Albany General hospital ..vnaHutit-r. siruiix in Denail 01 "Emnrror" Tnld Snh.e Mondav. remember Hodgkin RHEE PARTY WINS Seoul VP) President Syng man Rhee't liberty party Tues day won an overwhelming vic tory in the elections for com mitteemen of the National Assembly. publication was Bill Griswold's the Emperor well told about building that stood on the i him at Hal D. Patton'a 50th southwest corner of State and ' Miniversary partv held in Sa Commercial streets. iem on January 12. 1922. On November 26, 1863, the! In those times in the early Oregon Statesman was sold to! 1880s the Statesman was pub a local group of entrepreneurs ! lished in the Stewart block located near Lebanon. Two Traffic Victims Still In Hospital Linoieum NATIONAL BRANDS CAPITOL FLOOR COVERINGS 21? 8. High Ph. 45751 Tele-fun by Winen Goodrich Asahel Bush, editor and publisher of this official Dem ocratic paper i me uregon we union cause, issued a small1 "I Territory, avowed from his aany to Keep eager readers in- ried ceptions, upon which their I petition ,and the' order were' based. The plaintiffs in this case are seeking return oi he got mar-1 Hurt were Mrs. Wilma Mil- $1000 "earnest money" which relates. "His'ler and Ralph Franklin, both they allegedly gave as a down a,f, auuui mum; critical wife was a beautiful woman of A sea. Mrs. Miller s hus- navment on nrnnertv thev ' days Of the Civil War. This, and in the rnurs nf tim hari band Richard Weslev Miller nha.lna- w.ld n.ar perhaps, was Salem's first 'a hnv that une nna rf lha mnut 99 uvhn urao rlriuinfr una nnl 1 1Jnk. newspaper, ana me rc-; beautiful children I ver saw. ' i hospitalized. He escaped with cently constructed telegraph Hodekin looked at the rhiMi minor iniuries. line between Portland and'onH akCi h n ri.j th-i Mn. California made its daily issue! ..Who dn vol, fhink riiH ...- Miller suffered severe cuts on PsslDle- rm. i t jij .w.'her face and back and that JWM. BUM., UIU, UlCf rranxun sunerea n oroKen jaw, and also cuts and bruises. roet Lets Paper Die Emperor snorted. In 1866, Ben Simpson, bus- On another occasion the Em iness dillelante, acquired the Deror went down In Fleirinr-e Statesman and made his sons, Sylvester and Sam L editors and managers. That was bad business judgment On the last day of December, 1866. Sam wrote his farewell editorial and the Oregon Statesman's obituary. The Statesman is dead," Sam lamented and to demon strate that fact so obvious to McPherson and Morgan, who had picked up the paper cheap ly, quoted a Latin maxim. Sam Simpson later became Oregon's distinguished poet and wrote "Beautiful Willamette." To the new publishers there was no doubt at all about the demise of the Oregon States man. They incorporated the old paper with their new Union ist and let the name "States man" die. (From the office of the Unionist came Salem's first city directory, the issue of 1867, a lost Oregon imprint that has not been known to exist for about 60 years.) Next came Sam Clarke, Ore gon Statesman's resurrection man. He had purchased the Unionist, perceived there wat prejudice in some minds against that journal, and again assumed the name Oregon Statesman after a hiatus of about three years. Between 1870. when Clark dropped the name Unionist, and , the acquisition of the Oregon Statesman by R. J. Hendricks and George N. Saubert as sole barber shop beneath the Statesman office. He had been Winter Extension Terms Start Monday The winter term of the gen eral extension division pro gram of the Oregon State Sys- According to information procured by state police, Franklin was driving toward1.. of Hieher Education will on a terrific spree and wanted Corvallis when his car went,lart cisei Monday and a comforting bath. He went to out control and leit tne roaa j Wednesday night! next week. The courses will run for 10 Estimate Traffic Toll May Reach 360 Chicago fVP) The nation's traffic death toll over the New sleep in the tub and ever -one I"' an s curve. Mrs. Miller and forgot about his being there. I Franklin were both thrown out He stayed there all night and I as the car coursed along the when he awoke next morning , highway ditch. the water was cold. Emperor Norton almost froze to death. R. J. Hendricks continued as manager and editor of the Or egon Statesman for 44 years, until his retirement in 1928. Associated with him for 20 or more years was Col. Carle Abrams.. Associated P r e t service came to the Statesman in 1889. In 1893 the paper ac quired a linotype machine, the second to be installed in the state. That same year a Yost typewriter, the second ma chine in Salem, also was pur chased. Earl C. Brownlee and Shel don Sackett bought the paper from Hendricks and Abrams in 1928. In 1929 Charles A.I Sprague held a two-thirds in terest in the Oregon Statesman and in 1939 acquired Sackett't interest also. J. W. P. Huntington had weeks. Classes available will in clude improvement of reading for business and professional people, school finance, foun- "Ona of ut hat gotta torn out of hiding to phono to void mlitakoi, you gotta watch tho dial, you know." . . . For better service, dial carefully, without forcing, keeping your eye on the dial . . . Pacific Telephone. established the Statesman's tradition as a morning paper in 1868 when he published the Unionist during the inter regnum. On May 1, 1949, the paper launched its Monday issue to make the Oregon Statesman a seven-day newspaper. TERMITES S-TEAR GUARANTEE PHONE 1-0781 StiirnitHd Peit Control Service 265 SO. 20TH ' CAR ft TRUCK RENTALS 394 North Church Phone 3-9600 1 Kw I .4 VU M Kv afaflaV M M NOW! Nov! BARGAINS GALORE on all . . . Shoes . . . Stockings . . . Sportswear . . . Dresses . . . Lingerie . . . Bags BLAST KILLS MAN Detroit VP) An exploding drum of alcohol turned Leslie this winter. Financial sources ! Swenson, 45. of Hazel Park, Mid the gold is being purchas-! into a flaming torch last night. M by the Bank of England in ,H. died a few nours later. They said the Rus- POOR BOY SANDWICH At NORTH'S 117 Center St Iterling. inns want the .British cur rency to they can purchase foreign consumer g o o d t to bolster Premier Georgi Malen kov t drive to atep up the So viet standard of living. Strain Will Talk I On College Plan Walter Stram. nresident of Dakota Bible college will be luest speaker at the 7:30 p.m. Wednesday mid-week service o! the Garden Road Christian thurch. He will tell of the col- '(!e expansion program and Bring gospel mettage. The watch night tervice, w Year's eve. will begin 'th a congregational business ""ling at 8 p.m. This will be followed by social activities for aees and devotional serv lc t midnight. IE' MEMO TO STATE FARM MEMBER FROM "Si" Olson - Art Holscher J. Earl Cook - Larry Buhler 625 High St. Ph.4-2215 G-REATNEWS vj! (xiA. ouuJC) Joi. uccWtVi iMAttcai. mm, MwWfr- Vuf flUfcr WiV auk (udhtlfM aw 3? 2r THE NEW YEAR IS COMING - THE OLD IS GOING GET HERE FAST - FOR IT WON'T LAST! Pire-Dovemiteiry INLAID LINOLEUM Reg. $2.45 & $2.95 sq. yd.- Out il goes al 25 Colors to Choose from Full rolls, Vi rolls, Va rolls, Pieces SoueS .1594 Sandran Plastic Countertop Looks like formica 36" width And only 49c lineal foot Reg. 70c Lin. Ft. Out it goes at . 49 9"x9"-Reg.19c Per Tile Out if goes al, each . . Inlaid Out wears linoleum 8 colors to choose from Plastic Floor Tile 12 RUBBER TILE i colort ft (howl htffl tea. 25c Mck-Jlow Ml, fttk FORMICA COUNTER TOP plecM-lig. JI M la. II. (iMtwf. a. H. LOADS OF LINOLEUM RENANTS i tt. width-all iitM-Jw II. Morris Walker Paint Co. Salem. Oregon Phone 4-2279 ElzEHTE! 1710 Front St.