Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 29, 1953, Page 12, Image 12

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    Pace 12
U.S. Seizes Lead in Davis Cup, Meeds
i raoerrana
Seixas Win
In Doubles
Melbourne, W Tony Tra
bert and Vic Seixas, Ameri
ca's (eige guns, crushed Lewis
Hoad and Rex Hartwig 6-2,
fl-4, 6-4 today to skyrocket
the United States into a 2-1
lead over Australia in the
Davis Cup Challenge Round.
This doubles event was of
paramount importance to both
countries, and strangely, the
Americans had all but con
ceded it to the Aussies. Now
the United States has a de
cided advantage in that it
must win only one of the two
remaining singles scheduled
for tomorrow. They will pit
Trabert against Hoad and
Seixas against Ken Rosewall.
Aussie Gamble Loses
Captain Harry Hopman and
the Australian selection com
mittee gambled and lost by
sending Hartwig into the fray
instead of Rosewall, the young
ster who dropped the second
singles match to Trabert yes
terday. They must have known and
regretted their decision al
most at the start of the first
set. From the beginning, it
was aparent that Hoad and
Hartwig were not teaming
Hartwig was completely in
experienced in Davis Cup
competition and had a bad
case of nerves. In addition, he
never had teamed with Hoad
In a major tournament before.
Hopman, however, was fear
ful of Rosewall's admittedly
weak service, so he took the
Sexias and Trabert comple
mented each other perfectly.
They seized the initiative at
the outset and held a tigerlike
grip throughout the match.
The Aussies never could get
going and in exactly 58 min
utes is was all over.
Bruins Win
Over Oregon
Los Angeles (U.R) The
UCLA Bruins made it two
straight over the University of
Drgon last night by easing
into a 79-S3 victory on the
Westwood floor.
The Bruins made a runaway
game of the affair, outplaying
the Webfoots throughout the
contest and outscoring them
in every period. Coach Johnny
Wooden used his reserves in
most of the game and pulled
his last varsity man off the
floor during the third period
when UCLA held a 30-point
The two outstanding scorers
of Saturday night's game,
when Oregon put up a sensa
tional battle against the
Bruins, were assigned the task
of guarding each other last
night Don Bragg of the Bruins,
who scored 24 points in the
Saturday night game, was held
to seven last night, and Ore
gon Captain Ken Wegner, who
scored 28 points in the first
game, got only three last night
Ronny Livingston, diminutive
Bruin guard, ied the scoring
with 14 points on seven field
goals, five of which he made
on his first five shots in the
opening perido. Six-foot-seven-inch
Max Anderson, Webfoot
center, led his teammates with
11 rjoints.
It was the Bruins cigmn
victory in nine games and the'
second defeat for Oregon out1
of nine games.
Oretaei M '"
ra ii pr ip 11 l''
Roaa.t 3 3 11 Brant 3 1
1 7 I
Hlbra 1
1 Moorr.t
4 5
? '?
Andsn.o 3
Weanr.a 1
Hollnd.e 3
Xaves.s O
Pate.a 3
etout.f s
Darwin. f 0
Olaves.c 0
I Naulla.c
3 3 Lvnastn.
i ii i
3 7 Mlller.l 4 12 1
0 3 Tail. a 3 0 14
3 6 Hlbler.c 3 1 1 S
S 4 Rlrisway.f 3 3 11
O S Bane. I 3 3 1
0 ORfeinmn.l 0O0O
e swht''i 10 0 3
colstello.f 0 10 1
n.i;td.i loss
Boric! 0 3 0 3
Kell a 0 10 1
Totals IT II 1C S3 Totals 33 15 II 11
Cream 11 I 11 la
UCLA 31 II 30 3179
Pree throws missed Oreion: Ross 3.
Anderson 3. UCLA Moore 3, Miller 3.
Bane, Brace 3. Hlbler.
Slate Meeting
The Jabberwalkie Field
. Archers will meet at 7 o'clock
: tonight at the Mayflower hall,
Betty Norton, publicity chair-
man, said Monday.
The archers will see a color
1 movie, "Behind the Trophy,"
( after a business meeting.
' Mrs. E. duPont Weir's nine-
S year old stake horse. Royal
Governor, eats scrambled rW.raK':
with his oats for breakfast.
Throw Jmmr Watch Amy
W fit Thca Whra ot ban oil
441 Mete, aaleaa, Orena
ota rets? NteM hi s am
' .-Hiis?.--.
... in rough trio
Ladies' Night
Features Six
In Tag Fray
One of the most thorough
ly disliked wrestlers in the
Northwest, Toi "The Great
Yamato." will return to Sa
lem action as a cog in a
three-gearec" tag team at the
Yamato will add his mean
ness to Kurt von Poppenbeim
and Red Vagnone, who will
meet the not too-saintly crew
of Luther Lindsey, David
Jons and Carl Engstrom in
the feature s 1 x - m a n tag
Matchmaker Elton Owen
said he would move the ring
side seats back, just for safe
measure. Tonight will be La
dies' night, with all women
to be admitted free.
The opener will be at 8:30
between two unannounced
grapplers and the semi-final
will pair Bronco Lublich
against Chester Wallick.
Bearcats Return
To Practice for
CWCE Series Here
Willamette university bas
ketball players, summoned j
back for practice from their
vacations, started drills today
to meet Central Washington
here Friday and Saturday
Coach John Lewis said that
he will test the combination
which looked so good against
Oregon College In the most
recent Bearcat game to see if
they still look the sharpest.
They were Pete Reed, Dick
Hoy, Tom Gooding, Jerry
McCallister and Duane Shield,
showing up well on both of
fense and defense against the
Central Washington's series
will feature family bargains,
the whole family being admit
ted regardless of size.
Dallas Delays
2 Home Games;
Gym Unfinished
Dallas Dallas high school
has had to postpone two more '
home games because the now!
gymnasium is not complete,
Coach Gordon Kunke announc-
ed last night
Kunke said that the school
board had been advised by the
arcnnocis mat
not finished to
facilities are
fans. The board then decided
to postpone tonight's home op
ener against Tillamook and
Saturday night's contest against
They probably will be made
up the third week in January.
New backboards were in
stalled Monday afternoon and
about 900 scats are available in
the balcony, plus chairs around
the edsjo of the floor. Kunke
explained The main bleachers
ordered have not arrived.
Earlier, the Dec. 15 game
w ith Stayton nt Dallas was re
scheduled for Jan. 20.
During their recent good
will tour of the Orient, the I
New York baseball Giants!
traveled 25.000 miles by air.
Druggists' Prescription
For Relief of Itch
When your skin Is irritated
with pimples, red blotches and
otner skin blemishes from ex
itching torture, try Sanltone
uiuuncnb ncning stODi
Smarting disappears
Sanltone Olnt-
ment Is also wonderful for
itching feet, cracks betveen
toes and Athlete's foot
For Sale
State at Liberty fhone l-Ull
Basketball Scorn
(Br The Associated Preui
M4i Imlli
UCLA II, Onion S3.
Meha M. Montane IT.
Stanford II. of PeclIU It.
Coloreae AU 101. ronlul U.
Columbia 11, ritt St.
wuconsio IT, Denver 41.
Noruiveatera 10. Butler St,
Yele H. esarauelte IT.
Purdue Tl. Rulaere II.
Michigan II. Cbtcaio L470I IS.
Bradlaj II. Arlaone II.
Miami (Ohio) 104, ArUooa SUM
ITempei w.
Waabuuion iSt. tenia) M, Ulan aula
Kentucky 14, Minnesota II.
Penn IT, Miami iFle.i 64.
Kouheail LA a). Arkaniai AMI II,
Heltder leetltal al New t.rk
IMiauesne u, arlanam Youns 41 Ileal
dual 1.
Maaara II. LaSalle M iseml-flsal).
si. Louia 11, at. Jobni (Ban.) 41 icon
eolation). Manhattan M. HYU M (consolation).
Olala Claaua al Balalik
trim round!
Dune 11, Oraion Slata II.
M.C Stan 13, Baton Hall 70.
Nasjr 11, Norm Carolina 11.
Wake rorait la. Tulana SI.
Bli Seeon leuraer al Kansas Cltr.
(Pint Round)
Nebraska II, Kanaaa auu 14.
Oklahoma II, Waahlulon IT.
Kentneky IntltaUan al LaaUvlUa
(Pint Roundi
Louisville 1), VUlanova 45.
Waitorn Kentucky 11, Houaton II.
Xaolar (Ohloi M. Murray iKr.) 41.
Eastern Ksn'.ucky 14, Blana II.
New Culand Taoraar al Haneeer, HI.
(Plrat Roundl
Dartmouth 13, Mlddlaburj S4.
Harvard II. Ambirat 41.
Connaetlcul IT, Brown 13.
Bprlnafleld 16. Colby IB.
AU-Collaia leuraer al Oklabama Cltr
iPlrat Roundl
Oklahoma City 13. Furman 70.
Oklahoma Aulas II, Mississippi 43.
'Gator Bowl Tournay al Jaokaonvllla
IPlrsI Roundl
Ocorata II, Oeorela Tccb 64.
Oeorna Tchra. II, Florida II.
Southwaal Toarnay al Haaatan
1 First Round
Texas 73. Alabama 63.
Arkansas 60. Taxaa Cbrlatlan SO.
Rica 66. Texas AacM 43.
Southern Methodist 65. Baylor 60.
Sunehlne Taurnay al Partalaa, N.M.
(First Roundl
Missouri Valley II, Central okla. II.
southeastern Louisiana 10, Eastern
New Mexico 63.
Taylor llnd.l SO. Abllena Christian 13.
Southwestern Okla. al, Weetmlniter
tMo.l 13.
(By The Associated Press)
Reddlns (Cain.) tt, Klamath Palls II
(By The Associated Press)
Menday'a Rosalie
Philadelphia SB. Milwaukee S3.
Two Games for
Amity This Week
Amity Amity high school
will play at Perrydale tonight
and at Falls City Wednesday
night, Coach Ray Stephens said
The schedule originally call
ed for Amity to play Monday
night at Falls City but was
straightened out the past week
end, he explained.
Amity has won both its
games to date, defeating Falls
City, 48-47, and Perrydale, 42
34. Hugh Luby
(Continued from Pat 11)
the Seals finished second to
Managerial history began
for Luby in 1949 when he
piloted New Orleans in the
Southern assocaition for the
Pittsburgh Pirates as playing
In 1950 with New Orleans,
he managed the Pirates' $100,
000 bonus baby, Paul Pettit,!
who wasn't worth as much as
the team's low-priced star
pitcher, Vern Law, who was
taken from the Pelicans in
midseason by the Pirates, and
New Orleans gradually drop
ped to fifth.
Opening Developed
On the recommendation of
Dewey Soriano, Seattle Rain
iers general manager, Salem
hired Luby as playing man
ager for 1951 and his success
, made him welcome the next
two seasons. During the 1953
season he began thinking
I about his 22 years in baseball
ana now swinging a 443-incn
33-ounce bat was getting to
bo work.
When the board of directors
be nan considerine taklne over
concessions an(j advertising it
became apparent that a gen
eral manager was needed.
Luby was convenient, was
willing and already had prov
ed his admnistrative ability.
The Lubys have a son, Dan,
17, and a daughter, Joan, 15, a
young television set, a hunting
dog and a set of golf clubs.
East Stars Concerned
Over Garrett's Passing
San Francisco W) The big,
powerful Eastern all-star foot
ball team wai plenty con
cerned Tuesday over one of the
West's moat potent weapons for
Saturday' Shrine game the
deadly throwing of Stanford's
Bob Garrett, leading passer In
the nation.
'How are you going to stop
that Garrett? Everyone else has
tried It all season and no one
has fully succeeded, so I don't
expect we will," said East head
Coach Ray Eliot of Illinois as
he drilled his squad at Santa
Clara Monday.
"We'll simply have to out-
score em.
At the West's Stanford camp,
head Coach Chuck Taylor of
Stanford wouldn't say wheth
er he plans to start Garrett or
his other slick passer, quarter
back Cotton Davidson of Bay
lor. "The baby who is hot Satur
day gets to stay in there and
burn that East as long as he
can," said Taylor.
Taylor wasn't saying, but
these were the best guesses for
the rest of his starters: Ends
Gary l.nafelc of Colorado and
Tom Nickoloff of Southern
California, tackles Ted Connor
of Nebraska and Dean Cham
bers of Washington, guards Bob
Hantla of Kansas and Phil
Branch of Texas or Morgan
Williams, of TCU, center Ted
Tanner of Stanford, halfbacks
Veryl Swltzer of Kansas State
and Art Liebscher of College
of the Pacific or Jerry Norton
of SMU, and fullback Jerry
Coody of Baylor or William
Bredde of Oklahoma AacM.
Pioneers Topple
Southern Oregon
Portland, tu9 Lewis &
Clark Pioneers defeated South
ern Oregon College of Educa
tion, 74-61, here last night in
a non-conference basketball
The Pioneers led at half
time. 30-29.
Lewis & Clark sank 48 per
cent of its 55 field goal at
tempts and 85 per cent of its
free throw attempts.
Milt Schroeder of Lewis &
Clark led scoring with 23
Relax, Pal... a long friendly glass of the better beer bay
will brighten things up! The mellow-mild flavor of Blitz
U a sure cure for the bad-day blues. ..or for any occasion
when pleasant, relaxing refreshment 'is in order.
Better buy Blitz.'s better for flavor. ..better for
mildness. ..better for all 'lound enjoyment
Fine Beer Since 1856
A Product of Oregon's Own and Only Irewery
Kansas, Missouri
In Semi-Finals
Of Big 7 Meet
Kansas City Wr The Uni
versity of Kansas Jayhawks
and Missouri's Tigers, old time
rivals, will tangle in the semi
final feature of the Big Seven
Conference's eighth pre-season
basketball tournament Tuesday
Nebraska upset Kansas
State, 78-74, on a rousing sec
ond half rally before an esti
mated 9,500 Monday night.
Kansas State, the 1952 tour
nament champion, entered the
game as a 12-point favorite.
The Oklahoma Sooners dis
played a well balanced attack
in beating the University of
Washington, 87-77.
The losers bracket game
Tuesday afternoon match Col
orado and Iowa State and Kan
sas State and Washington. It
will be the third meeting of
K-State and Washington this
season. Kansas State whipped
the Huskies twice at Seattle
earlier this month.
The Salem YMCA defeated
Sweet Home town team. 58-44, ,
Monday night at Sweet Home. I
Dick Mase was the high scorer j
for the Y quintet with It points, i
ne ChoreSn
Spartans Stage Final
scrimmage tor Bowl
Pasadena. Calif. (Pi Mlchl.
gan State has staged its last
scrimmage as both the Spartans
and UCLA moved into the fi
nal super-secret phase of their
Rose Bowl preparations Tues
day. MSC Coach Biggie Munn had
his squad belting each other
around for nearly an hour and
a half Monday afternoon.
"That wlU be the last scrim
mage before the game," he
said. "We can't risk any more
injuries. It was a good, long
tough one, too,"
Munn said he was pretty well
satisfied with the progress of
his squad. ing for
The 38-man UCLA squad has weak opoiition, ran m77?
moved into the privacy of the M victory Un jliti
Towne House in downtown Los Portland Untve.iJr f
Angeles and will only leave : highest score ever schitM i!
there now on trips to the prac- basketball by as AttUtL?
tice field. I-
UCLA had its last scrimmage
1170 Center St
s brie n.. i. .
UCLA Coach a. I I
"Id he W , Sud,l
lowing mSII
he reported " !
bck to hi, w' "rttdwl
.The No.N.wJ
rewcic at mirjwr,
BoUen and iSSwlT
halves and tZ ,.
fullback. W It
Fort ColUni. rvi, .,.
Colorado A fc uTZ?T
so jr: '-'"mi.
ConUneBta) bdlui
1848 Fair rrouidi tail
Phone 4-ttll
10:80 Ml