Pag 8 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salem. Oregoa Miss Roseberry Is Bride An all-white letting wu ar--anged for the wedding of Miss Slois Arden Roseberry and Paul O. Jewell, Sunday after noon in the First Methodist :hurch. White chrysanthemums and :andles decked the church front for the service. The bride is the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. George G. Rose berry and Mr. Jewell is the son ' af Rev. and Mrs. Orlando Jew : ell of Kennewick. Wash. The service was at 4 o'clock. Officiating were the two fath ers. Dr. Reberry and the Rev, Mr. Jewell. Miss Coralie Doughton was soloist and Josef Schnelker was organist. Light ing the candles were Miss Anne Mellis and Miss Linda Gragg, both wearing rose colored frocks. The bride wore a dress of white satin with a tulle bouf fant overskirt and train. The bode and sleeves were of rose point lace, pearls enhancing the yoke and neckline. The fin gertip veil was arranged from a hat of satin and lace sprin kled with pearls. For her flow ers, the bride carried a cascade bouquet of white roses with white orchid in the center. Dr. Roseberry gave his daughter in marriage. Miss Coralie Roseberry wu , honor attendant for her aister. . The bridesmaids were Mrs. ! William Christensen and Mrs. . Willis Browne of Richland, 1 Wash., sister of the bride I groom. i All three attendants wore .identical frocks of blue satin with overskirts of net and bo dices and jackets of silver bro- Ip.Ha All rarriH raxrari ar. ' rangements of red roses and ' white chrysanthemums. j ! Robert Jewell was best man for his brother. I Willis Browne and Ivan ' ' Corner ushered. j I The bride's mother wore a rose lace dress with corsage of purple orchids. The bride ' groom's mother wore a brown lace dress with corsage of pur ple orchids. The receo,t ion was in the Car- rier room of the church. All j white flowers were used in dec- Mrs. Brooks H. Moore. Pour ing were Mrs. Ernest Goulder and Mrs. G. Herbert Smith. Assisting were Miss Dorothea Gearhart, Miss Linda Gragg, Miss Anne Mellis, Miss Judy Salem Chiropractic Clinic Phyiiotherophy Electrotheraphy Colon Irrigation X-Ray Phone 2-6820 for Appointment Dr.J.L.AMbin Open Dally, 9 tin 6-Situr day till Now Nerve and Bona specialist 1225 South Commercial Vital Organs An Controlled Through Nerves Miss White Wed Sunday Detroit Miss Marlene White, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Otis J. White of Detroit, wat wed to Robert Lee Budlong, ion of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Budlong of Salem Sunday, December 27, at 4 o'clock at the Detroit Church of Christ, with the Rev. Richard Hake of Eugene of ficiating. Attending the couple were Miss Mary Gordon of Idanha, maid of honor, and the bride's brother, James White, as best man. Otis White gave his daughter away. Four-year-old David White served as ring bearer, and two young nieces of the bride and bridegroom, Kathleen White and Mary Ann Cherrier. respectively, were flower girls. Mary Lou and Su san Moore lighted the candles at the beginning of the cere mony. Ushers were Clifford White and Ralph Budlong. The bride wore a waltz-length white net frock with satin Jacket and a pearl-encrusted tiara from which fell a hem length veil. She carried a cas cade of red roses. A picture of Christ formed the background for the service. The church was decorated with pink and white snapdragons. Wedding music was provided by Mrs. Ruth Skidmore at the piano. Stanley White sang. Mrs. Skidmore, accompanied by Arlene Cox, of Eugene, of Eugene, played a violin solo. Following the ceremony, a reception was arranged in the church. In charge of the recep tion and of the guest book was Mrs. Ralph Budlong of Mill City. Mrs. Earl Parker and Mrs. Clarence Costa served the cake. Mrs. Eldon White poured. Out of town guests attending the evenj were ' the bride's grandmother, Mrs. Annie White of OrovlUe, Calif.; Mr. and Mrs. Eldon White and family of Claremont, Calif.; the bride groom' parent!, Mr. and Mrs. Percy E. Budlong of Salem; Mrs. Hazel Hansard, Salem; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Costa and family, Salem; Mr. and Mrs. Ben Cherrier and family, Ea lem; Harry Budlong, Salem; Miss Irma Pullim, Salem; Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Lien and Dor othy Lien, Eugene; Mr. and Mrs. Z. M. Cox, Arleen and Wendell Cox, Eugene; James White, Eugene; and Miss Kazi Inuzuka, Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Budlong will leave January 4 for Bremerton, Wash., where Mr. Budlong will be stationed with the Navy. Club Party Lebanon One of the larger holiday partiea was that of the Lebanon Business and Profes sional Women's club who met Wednesday at St. Martin's par ish hall. After the 6:45 dinner, Christ mas selections were played by a high school cornet trio. A gaily decorated Christmas tree was a center of attraction. Red tapers, holly and other hol iday favors were used on the tables. Arranging the dinner were Mrs. E. Lawrence Smith, chair man, Mrs. Raymond Downing, Mrs. Orville Jones, Mrs. David E. Reid and Mrs. R. G. McKin ney. Hostess at the fireside meet ing on January S, will be Mrs. J. C. Booth. Monday. Decern!. 1951 never used such fine fuel, 4s CAPITOL LUMBERCO" PHOMt .aoi Fullager, Miss Carol Emerson, all of Portland. For traveling the bride wore a gray wool dress with black accessories, a red coat and white orchid corsage. After a trip to Mt. Hood, the couple will go back to Evanston, 111., both to resume their work at Garrett Biblical Institute. COLORADO PAN-SAN at the SAN SHOP Prices Good thru Thurs. ' 27c Tisco Wax Paper 125 Feet 17 2 for 33 Toiletry Limit Two 59c Lady Eva Bubble Bath 3 $100 for A Toiletry $3.95 Electric Heating Pad 3-Speed $98 Control u Toiletry 25c Ayon Finger Nail Clips 5 t Limit each Three Toiletry Reg. $1.00 Tussy Wind ond Weather Lotion CtfV Plus Tax Toiletry $1.50 Richard Hudnut Home Permanent REFILL an Plus asp Tax Toiletry Reg. 15c Crayolas 10 Box ol 16 Colors Variety $1.19 Plastic Notebook 3-HoIe Zipper Around Edge Variety 79 59c AND 69c PLASTIC TRUCKS a Ills fl sa a Sa dome Wind-up Types, Some Plain Each 25c Top Spread MARGARINE Colored Cubes A lb. 3 ,.,50 Limit Three 29c Jumbo Pencil Tablet 160 HQ Sheets ASV Variety Fred Meyer Drugs 148 NORTH LIBERTY We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities WE WILL BE CLOSED FRIDAY, JANUARY 1 NEW YEAR'S DAY I liberty street i m aswaAkasVftal We Give and Redeem Green Stamps LADIES' COATS-SUITS-DRESSES REDUCED FOR IMMEDIATE CLEARANCE! NO EXCHANGES! NO RETURNS! NO LAYAWAY! Oav . looof m M . m - iaw i n w - m rt . ONE GROUP LADIES' SKIRTS '3" A limited quantity of assorted Skirts Wools, royons, quilted Values to 8:95 Broken sizes Assorted styles and colors Sportswear Second Floor LA EH I C0ATT GROUP I Popular Casual Style Wool Fabric All-Weather Coat Broken Sizes. GROUP II A Selection of All-Wool Coats Various Styles and Colors Broken Sizes Values to 49.95 Limited! Famous name. GROUP III A Limited Quantity of Assorted Styles Broken Sizes Values to 59.95 Novelty FaDrics. GROUP IV A Selection of Our Fine Coats Broken Sizes Values to 65.00 One of a kind Limited Quantity. READY-TO-WEAR SECOND FLOOR LADIES' SHORTY COATS This selection will please the most discriminating. A large group of Shorties Values to 49.00 All reduced to this one low price Novelties Good Stylings All popular sizes. LADIES' SUITS GROUP I A Limited Selection of Famous Name Ladies' Wool Suits Well Styled Broken Sizes. 29 88 Well Styled Wool Suits to 59.95 Broken Sizes Popular Colors. GROUP II Values GROUP III 100 Wool Suits Regular Values 69.95 Limited Selection Most Popular Sizes FAMOUS NAME BRASSIERES $195 Regular values to 3.95 Discon tinued numbers Padded models Long line styles Reguk" styles Broken sizes Foundations Second Floor GROUP I Limited Quantity Dressy Dresses Broken Sizes Values to 10.95 GROUP II Just a Few at This Reduced Clearance Price Values to 14.95 Broken Sizes. 3988 mr 5" W 7" m LADIES' DRESSES 1