jloaday. December 28, 19SS loy Eames Appointed New Weet Home City Manager Ltft Home Roy Eames . itt anifinMp nJ jejuni .... ......... u dkkeeper. appointed by city council to the post of manager P tm after 1 regretfully accepted the ILition of Jess Parker. rjmes' position will become Lture o: rwcr, wnu hub ac r.j the oositlon of citv Uisef in LaGrande. COmilllikvv; warn uaiucu uy . r.pne Ellis to make (ommendations for appoint ,ot of a new city manager. Me named to the committee and William Heseman art Pemberton. r .. Mnnff cither thines nn th I AJIIV.'I ----- - D- .... mda for the council's decis- f ' ,were: Referral to the street I - jirtment concerning a re- Ut lor uisiaiiauuii 01 a , Lt light at the Intersection !f r ... . .. i r t!4 . -..ii n lfitn vvu. nu u ok.-, auinor iiion of installation of a wat neter on property owned by j Walking in Jefferson View Edition: denial of a request by Lille Milburn that he be giv L m pxtension of time in Midi to pay the balance of his Lstmenut on vacant lots in , Milburn addition; decision mirrhase two new 1Q53 rtn. patrol cars to replace the Uent vehicles from their i teks Chevrolet company; I fur IMfl mf I ItlTOn Lied a discussion of the city's MHIVl WllliCII .53 nscai year auait until Woodburn Phil Branunn chairman of the Junior Cham ber of Commerce committee SDonsorinff th 109 4...1 t . ..." jumur irsi ciuzen award, has report n Roy Eames, assistant city engineer and bookkeeper, who has been appointed city manager pro tern at Sweet Home. Close Nomination mectina: agreed to drnn proposal that the city share nut of nurchasine a civil 1'pnie rescue truck: directed miction to architect Lyleied that four nominees have Ltholomew of Salem to nre r . . r e tlx additional sets 01 plans the new city hall for dis- jbutlon to general contrac letter from the Linn conn- court was read which told 1 resolution rjassed and rip. bring that the federal nous 1 units here are not .atica. n - 1 for long-term housing or .hnuslnff use. The council was informpd of imval of the Armco Pine tth bridge for 12th Ave toss Ames creek. alem Height - .......ikLi nave been submitted in th. k a -m Judges. Announcement of the winner will be made on Jan. 7. Deadline lor nominations was Dec. IS. The n,. ... selected will be honored at 1 oanquet Jan. 19, at which time he will receive a distinguished service key and certificate. He will also be eligible for state and national compensation. Selections will be three senior citizens of the community and based on serv cie to the community, state and nation: individual athiauA. ments, leadership and service; ana personal character and ability. Silem Heights Cub Scout ick 19 held a Christmas par- ind meeting Friday eye ing at the Salem Heights Com- nity hall. The flag ceremony was con- cted by Mrs. Clifford Siev m't group. Participating re David Benson, Richard ivenon, Gary Morris, Gary iitafton and Leslie Craw- Ex boys decorated their kiitmas tree with ornaments it they made themselves at meetings. iRojr Davidson, dressed in tome, acted as Santa Claus passed out gifts from the It exchange. Richard Hodges, fifth grade kher of the Salem Heights fool, showed movies to the pup- Awards presented were badges to Del Ramsdell, p Davidson, Randall Friesen, Michael Byerly. Gold ar- pi in the Wolf rank, David pes, Randall Friesen, Roy ividson and Del Ramsdell. per arrows In the Wolf rank, Davidson, Rnadall Fries Craig Anderson, David imei and Del Ramsdell (2). Bear badges went to Jerry feaen, Wesley Hawk, Gary Ben, Donald Welch, and Alderin. A Bear Gold pow was presented to Jerry (ary Friesen and a Lion Nfe to Larry Rector. HSTAN TO GET AID Karachi, Pakistan (fl Pak- p and the United States pec! an agreement Monday ph will bring this country o 22 million dollars worth American technical assist- fefor various new projects. ALLIES PROTEST Berlin VP) The three West ern allies in a sharp protest to the Russians Monday demand ed punishment of Soviet bor der guards for the fatal shoot ing of a 16-year-old West Ber lin youth and the wounding of his mother Saturday night. Apply with CONFIDENCE for l ! 10 im i.uir si mice - JJIJY pih 4-m. 1 iota nut- ( 1 1 Siaraiora aim COUIT IT, HBsr ' ktr Atn i a iota mm Mt miron! Hours 9:30 - 5:30 Sal. 9-1 DRAPERIES ' CUSTOM MADE IN OUR NEW SHOP YOUR OR OUR MATERIALS SEE OUR SAMPLES IN YOUR HOME Traverse Rods Installation A Complete Drapery Service "Everything for Your Window" ELMER THE BLIND MAN 'H Estimates 3870 Center Ph" 3"7328 19.00 RUPTURED? ... FOR SECURITY AND COMFORT i7 nnuRS TRUSS tt car a ... BULBLESS BELTLESS STRAPLESS . abi tAT10NB 19.00 saiNTiriCALLl rrrrD-o obligation! S" aM M km h Hl " "M". Uh kMpl.f ik. tan nnmi w.'i 1 Hmff nrtmi ",rl Men. Women. CWldrea utM what traaa yon a" "fo'JLts 10 A.M. TO 5 P.M. CAPITAL DRUG STORE in 0..1. at of Liberty Warrier Waves Spear al Queen Whangarei, New Zealand A fearsome, flax-skirted Ma ori warrior brandished his spear and grimaced awesomelv at Queen Elizabeth II Mondav on her arrival at New Zealand's most historic spot. The fearsome greeting was the traditional Maori challenge THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon which used to be made to any visitor to Waitansi village, site of the 1840 Maori treaty under which New Zealand joined the British Empire. 1 Continuing their common wealth tour, the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh flew to Wai tangi Monday morning from Auckland, 200 miles to the south. Two thousand of the Ma ori tribesmen slept overnight on the lawn around the Wai tani treaty house to greet a British sovereign for the first nme Federal Road Funds Allocated Washington Nearly 18 million dollars will be ear marked Jan. 1 for Washington and Oregon as part of the ap portionment of 575 million in federal aid highway funds. The money must be used before June 30. 1957. Secretary of Commerce Weeks, in annntinrtna th 4i. tribution Saturday, said the to. lai is tne same amount as au thorized last year and the allot-1 ment was on the basis of funds 1 authorized by the Federal Highway Act of 1952. In most cases, federal parti-1 cipation in highway projects is limited to half the total cost with the states providing the remainder. The money for the two Pa cific Northwest states was dl vided this wav: For primary highway sys-i tern: Oregon. $4,209,393; Wash- ington, f4,070.27. For secondary, or feeder roads: Oregon $2,941,880; Washington, $2,719,183. For urban highways: Oregon. $1,081,598; Washington, $2, 035.293. For interstate svstem: Ore gon, $428,982; Washington, $415,444. Totals: Oregon. $R, 661, 811; Washington, $9,240,247. Pate S JAP POW'S FREED Manila UP President El- I pidio Qulrlno, whoa term ends Wednesday. Monday granted freedom to 52 Japanese war criminals who at one time were ' sentenced to death. POOR BOY SANDWICH At NORTH'S Barlcv and oats will farther north than wheat. I C1' St I JAYSON'S W, s 11V PRICE SHATTERING YEAR END CLEARANCE OF UDTS Mm PAT r" trrrt k 28 Our Famous Label HATS Yl Price TAILORED IN THE CHOICEST DOMESTIC AND IMPORTED WOOLENS Every suit and topcoat from regular stock tailored by the finest ally famous brands labels you will instantly recognize! Drastic Stock Disposal . . . Prices slashed to wholesale cost and below ... Our stock must be cleared. The opportunity of a lifetime to have a fine distinctive tailored suit or topcoat from our regular stock at just a fraction of their original price tag. One Group Values to 55.00 One Group Values to 65.00 One Group Values to 75.00 CLEARANCE! NECKWEAR Ties Formerly to 2.50 $1100 2 for All Wool Worsted SWEATERS Long Sleeves "V" Neck Pullover Regular to 9.95 $200 SURPRISE TABLE Cluttered with Odds and Ends Values to 10.00 $T00 While They Lastl U I 4 For Smart Men) SALE STARTS MONDAY DEC. 28 9 A.M. WE GIVE Wf GREEN STAMPS