Monday. December 28, 1953 (OjSALI HOUSES M.SM wiudiar emir IT.48 ea Mar m Ton 1-bcdrooa clream home u ibielutt! the beet bur In the t)ty. jtt loot at Ihcia wonderful features compare velut with any other kumi resardleas of price. ieM DOWN OR NOTHINO DOWN ON YOUR OWM LOT MT Pt, bedrooms e) Urte l,(iiti nd 4ininv ft" with bw picture aindow .Beautifully designed rh shower end tub A ft. wm. pb, clot-eis In all bedroom Hard- Insulated, fend weather lirlppw storage room $) Your cnmto ui ior nq mien (jlori Approi. $89.80 per mo. li tludtnr interrat. tiiu, Insurance, tt ALL THESE WONDERFUL STATURES FOR ONLY 18.350 00 IB FOR YOURSELF) COUE OUT TODAY 1 I lock-wood homt Is a perfect Xmu rtstni mr juiir nuri tamiiy , tut deserve a food hornet on mininue iinu e;og r.M. PHONE J -08 11 ITatT r- THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salem. Oreeon REAL ESTATE WANTED POSITIONS UOMT CUWLB. toiTlTu ton,. lng, gradine. Phone3-33ao. h)u, pS. ,""Wd"""1 " hol.7 rnon3-T6M hJH CARPENTER- FOR RENT APARTMENTS CLEAN, WELL HEATED JoaTTuT nuied apartment. Close to Capitol Laundry fa-,,;;;,. fjrnuhed. 570 N winter St 3-384J. ,p, Page IT Reottr. priAHat Pnone Candalaria Special ilt.SOO. The taxes on this choir 'Hit. msy eem a little high, but the iuel dii: is me lowest we nave ever ttird of for heating thla home. The heme hex a fine view of the anow cipptd Peak. U on a real pretty ioi. i ucrc u iinunea oasmt., 1 'a bath and an extra bedrm. or it(i, the main floor has 3 bedrms., JiOiH (limn rm. and a real handy ,itteh(n. See tt today. Ph. 2-8880. Ed Lukinbeal, Realtor 111 N. High Eve- 3-8704 4-5917 a308 BY OWNER I bedroom home, Enclewood District. frtplace. oil heat. Large laraie and liulitr room. Nice, quiet neithborhood. Weed liiht. If old thii week. Phone VK- aJOB AT THIS TIME OF YEAR WE PAUSE TO WISH OUR FRIENDS MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY and PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR RAWLIN'S REALTY (HftT.T.VWnnn TiiMnmn, . CHET RAWLINS JIM RAWLINS FRED RAWLINS DALE RAYBURN E18ALE OR RENT, two-room houai e lirtc lot. I1M down, lit month. (OR SALE LOTS Ltt Ohmtrt LOTS HO block on Cascade Dr. nui lire Vlev lot nn JUkrlUfct n BURT PICHA REALTOR 3 N. HUH St. M15J Oil: J.4M7 Ritl. PlEX OR COURT lit!. Ph. 1J11I nilttr Socolofeky, Reil Estate. ai2 m SALE FARMS 40 A. EXCHANGE Will take houae In Salem, mortaaia. Iratriet or cattle as part payment br lood terms to the ritht party. 40 f of level around 14 miles from 8a kd. new S rm. houae, barn and other ;on. .o a. cieareo. Da lance pasture. d all be imitated. This is not hm bit-price 1 10.500. CURT PICHA REALTOR 911 N. Hllh St FAIRMONT HILL Only i .i I( lnd , pe,cl) 0, t buy! Therfc a combination living room and dlnlnt room )! loot I Thara s bit bailment, beautiful Hew, trellis covered patio, and J m,mm-lh bed roomil It'i luted at iH.loo. and worth very pennyl ho by appointment only. Aik lor Ted Morrison. Rudy Calabt 7 UNIT COURT FAIRMONT HILL GOOD INVESTMENT 2 BEDROOM HOME ONLY 2 YEARS OLD i.i S"-"hlnt011 Sch01' t,x" 5 1. door space. The lot la 010-an excellent buy al (7SO0.M. See Louis Lorenr SURPRISE LISTING l. m','. t',?.'"!'".' f"'"""' wlln 0 heat. Hardw'ood floors. Ie. wiia noma, call Ralph Maddy lor appointment. OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS Iva. Saleimen-Louli Lorenr SS50; Ted Morrison 25046 Henry Torvend 33032; Ralph Maddy 2348a Oil: 1-4041 b308 IU ESTATE GAIN hellnc of security with you nwn m. This 4 year old 3 bdrm. home compact kit., eoty llv. rm.. at. ftttf tar. plus storage rm.. TV an Dkm. ell clre., BendU all Included for aik ior mm. otieaoie, iiw, 1-5313. IWANT TO BUILD? l Hv. . .1.. ...... i.. ,. it. pileaood school diet., both streets t'H 13.100. Ask lor Mr. Kliilns. START THE NEW YEAR! h brand new 3 bedrm. rsnch tP . nrepiace. inside utility rm., If fill hit i-nrn.r Int. 1, (fttti paved. Well built. You can't " mi, ior aio.500. Don't wait too on this one. Ask for Mr. kibbIiu, YOU CAN'T BEAT THIS! r 110.000. You tet SO acre farm E "r. Kith IIV. r..k A fciulrn. mnri M. barn. etc. J. D. tractor A all ps nat 11 head Jersey helfera and 'n nay in barn. No trade. It more rmiM ... r.ii w. "n, ,1m. 'ERE IS ANOTHER aalry larm leasti. 29 A. Ladlno "ris. system. 3 bedrm. home. outbuldaa. All farm en. Asklna . almT" WE ARE BEING HAUNTED! r tteOium priced homes for tow PtTlTiCn U7. hata ... : 'll li'Unas and are desperately iiomra to aeii. ir you want now. WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES FHA H FEDERAL GI UTOS LRY GOOD VALUE A.mojt new home that is extra well .o,-,:ed for schools, bus an .t... ' ""- "" n"P'. Inaulated. Patio Paed 8t. Owner has left state. "'"M well built home lor on. I IloOO ICall for RAY ORUUIITT ee. pr 3-i:i Blm l loull Get It for $8500 " ... vary roomy borne. It br 14 li'uit room. Ideal for T V., 2-ear ear- a . uion. eompiatajy ra- rnodf.ed insulaied. Pavad tt. Urge J 5y Terma arranaad. .Call for RAY OPJUUrrr ... w .... BUY OF YOUR LIFE Jusi in, new. Lovely fireplace. Oor aeous yard both front and back. French Joora to bark yard. 14 by 32 llnna rm. lacelleni TV location. Oil beat Unnue fireplace. 4 blk. to achool. Att. aaraae Paiio. Several branna fruit trees. Ue. acre lot and the Iliest iU'."11"1'' lti only I1.1M HA. termi If desired. ICall ior MP. HARE, eve. ph. 3.54S1. aim. UNUSUAL DEAL An o.der type home, but llba dandy. fine location, 'i basement. Furnace heat. Bus by door. Lota of shruha. Has . . ,,,, , up. a baths. This is a dandy for a large family. The Price is only 110.500. Terma. icalt for N Q. "Dan" IfiAAK, ava. ph. 4-3ejs Income $200 Per Mo. TOO so. ft. bide, u by lot It lot with -.... m ironi. 3 rest rooms. Taxes only 4200 per year. Thta bldg. ;" "' few ye old. Pull price MR. MECHANIC Here's a bur. A well utabllsried repair . iu in a nne location. Rent of bide, only 140 n.F AnnrA. 111.000 anual trou business. All tools. FINE DUPLEX Like new. well built, well located. In- uiaiea. weatherstripped. Separate utll. rm. Garase. 1mm. poss. Out of state owner sayn tell It. A real value for 111.500. Terms If desired. (Cell for RAY QRIMMETT, eve. Ph. 1-1876 Ice Cream Fountain Lunch An ifWl setup for couple. Tn one of Salem" best business suburban dis tricts. Owner must sell. Rent on bldt. only 77 per month. Full price $12,000 ISAAr. eve. ph. 4-3533 film.) 3 ACRES The very bast of soil. Close In north. Brand new modern 2-bedroom house with att. urate. Automatic oil heat. Insulated. Very cood well. Full price 8950. This is value. (Call for MR. CRAWFORD, eve. ph. 4-5020 Elm.) REAL HOT Almost new modern 3-bdrm. home with tt. Karaite. W acre lot. Very tood well. terms available. Full price 17380. fCall for MR. LEAVENS, eve. Ph. -4735 2U ACRES Close In north. Very clean modern J herlroom house. 14x20 barn. Oaraae IrMtration system and pipes. Good soil, This worth the Mklnir price of $7850. 'Call for MR. LEAVENS, eve. ph. 3-4735 SIm.t FHA ft CONVENTIONAL MTOS., 30 Year rojEKAL GI MTOS.. 10 Year LICENSED ALSO IN WASH, ft IDAHO Al Ieaak & Co.. Realtor Off. Phone 4.3311 n S.Tair. Eve. I-471S. 4-3533, 4-S020, 3-7879. 4-8087 n no answer can 4-2218 esna weiconte hid PAINTING, PAPERHANGING. d77 I i-fw" welcome. ABY SITTING anytime, your home --e- Jjn 3-1845. hG08 PA FEK HA N G l.N'G, paiatUU. Free it - -m if 'Donl vice ro, Fh. $.833. hi MIMEOGRArHING typmt QiT a. ...U.f MK. For. Pnona 33643. hi GARttli roi-BT apartmeniT i'nlur n:sred. One or two brdioiims. Atiio rn-je refr.gersior TV plj; a luinuhed. jo; E. I3:a. Phone 4-82:8 Pft!j CLOSE IS. U Ulraes paid. 3 rooioa fur- .rti, neisonaoie. P.ione 2-S0flS. Jp) TWO HOOMS, privatebath", 'Entrance RffrUerator. Ada'.t Cat. after 3 ifl PtnTa o'jt.i n:rt :. ,n2 VERY NKI -iin?nii.-hl Fhone TV.'". ,'PBir,n Duildms of any VEr Hilrr r.s-.v i water. 8 two bedroom furmtit.. unfurn.ied Water, tanse refruera- utmMii-n. inquire 820 N. urn 4-S447. kind. Phone 39891 FOR RENT LARGE are ho ui. iu.- tnr ieaie. cement floors, brick bulldinz. iwwn town. Inquire H. L. Stiff Pur. WANXEDT02ENT 3-I4FDROOH houae. (30 Bracket. Con tact Mr Walker at Capital Drug (not by telephone, ploaaei or 3034 aaccov. ROOM & BOARD BOARD AND ROOM for your aged or dls 5 in-. dePenaeIil. Phono mornlnss. BUSINESS RENTALS SPACE TOR SHOE or watch repaiTTt E-13th. 353J2. joSii NEW BLDG. for restaurant by colleVe campus. 35222. one bedroom furniAliini ranse, refrigerator. Inquire J3(h. AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES CLOeiE IN. utilities turn. iVl Inquire Apt. 4. 827 M. Uberty. CLOSE IN. SM ft up. UtiuT 20481. e.e. 3 IMS. IS It ELY FriNISNED bAJiemant ...wi 2lr5I;wPnvt" u,n H'onable. in 1P30I' a 34th a:. E'-l'TIPI'LLT furnished, rosy ona bad- iooen oupiex. Large rooms. Cloje to Phone 1-5109, eveninii 3-9939 LOST & FOUND LEEAPTS. Sam's Mont DtMtnauia-hed Address Tiiorouuhlv modern. idea:iv .axiated for those desitme better Uvinn. One oeoroom units from 182 00, bache.or uni" " ' I59-S0. inspection in yuecl. 585 N. Winter, .,,308 ILOSE. CLLAN. warm. furnlhed BPart- f.t Utw. ivimues. 70s Marion JP309 LOST Green jade brooch. Hand carved. Phone 2-0434. jt3l0. WILL THE PARTY that tooit the lady's REMODELED Vuwr me courier in kom ands Store PLlASE KEEP the money .iuk 1 Me rest, which u valuable to no one, but the owner. MrswL. C. Elofjon. 930 Tamarack. It309 LARGE, WELL Pt'RNISHED two-bedroom,. (hock irom CSPltOl. Steam heat, utilities, taraie. $100 JPl- lost small black Boston bull dote Fe male. Reward. Phone collect 3-470: Silverton. fialem 2-7970. It309' LOST DOWNTOWN Schaeffer r. Finder nlei rati iiaiu i.-. FOR RENT ROOMS CLEAN, COMFORTABLE tleht hn.,.. keeplnr room. Lady preferred. 64' Ferry Street. Jk310. VRNISHED ONE-ROOM kitchenette. Close la. Clean, warm. 158 Center. NICELY FURNISHED. Private hnmV Oentleman. 985 N. Summer St. Phone 3-8388. 101. PLEASANT SLEEPING rooms for ten- ucmen. rno:.e 34547. jk309 WARM, NICE. i:ht houaeketPlnn room. umaj. ona n. ynurcn. jk3fl9' FOR RENT HOUSES ONE BEDROOM unfurnished cottage. niicnea laraie. aa month. Phone TWO - ROOM furnlihed' 330 8. ULh St. Phone -ROOM WARM basement apartment Otntleman preferred. 830. 130 s. Uth St. Phone 2-9331. )p3l0. S AND 8 ROOM furnished. Private bath rfff.Ml'r--r--t--,'"MI 'P309 MISCELUNEOUS 4 SAND Sc ORAVEL COM Contrsct Work Road Clearlni - Ditehea Sewer and Baaement Equipment Rental Ditchlnc by the Foot Phone Days 3-9409 Eves. 2-4417 or 3-741J Salem. Ores on BEE-HIVE TRUCKS U -DRIVE MOVE YOU HB ELF PAVE 'i CAR RtfNTALfl - STAKES . VANS TEXACO STATION 819 COURT ST PHONE 2-1931 PA&l STEVENSON and AL MEFORD What is a in a Used Car ? TTTE believe yoo want the untie things m a mei ' ' you would expert in a new tar -long hfe, ui-ira upcrntton, eomiort, Btwie, roorrjin So we recondition and (uarantea our itsad can oat an All Square basis-for m rather than joat aalea appeal. We soil real vakiea. not -price Bargin. Instead of Vookinff aU over town for a "bargain"-look to us for an AU Squnn vaitu: 1 atoidi-fKeymftliMngJ 2 aWldl Ixt4i4t)wta1 3 Botdt 4 Cwafomf tmlalBgiiMi mm OLR BEDROOM house. Inquire at 370 njiur ftt. or pnone 4-6383. Jm308' BEDROOM, ONE.Edroom. Both elec. iricviean and nice. Inquire 1S9B s. 13ln jm308 PRODUCE FINEST SALEM LOCATION-New lovely Nob Hill home. 3 bdrms., liv. Tin., din. rm., fireplace, hdwd. firs., auto-oil heat, lovely kitchen, dble. taraie, close to all schools, corner lot. CALL ROY S. FERRIS. A LOVELY CONVENIENT HOME Llv. rm. With fireplace, Plate lau windows, din. rm. with corner cabinets. 2 bdrms,, bath, model kic..en it nook. Full basmt. with rumpus room and fireplace. Simile attached (trace, covered patio, ireenhouse. 113.100. CALL J. E. LAW. SUBURBAN GROCERY it MARKET Located east. Very nice Ilvini quarters. Oood equipment. Showlni excellent return. Owner would consider taking home In trade. For details CALL H. K. LAYMON. Please Drop In and Pick Up Your 1954 Calendar! GRABENHORST BROS. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St, Ph. 3-2471 Evenlnn and Sundays Call Salesmen J. I. Law 3-5111 Roy S- Ferris 3-8010 H. K. Lsymnn 2-M33 For Your Insurance Needs Call W. H. (Bill) Johnston 2-2471 or 3-3365 SORTED Bl'RBAVKS potatoes. Joe W Oppek. Route 3. Box 349. 3 miles North ." H310' CLOSE IN. 3-bedroom unfurnished cot- bc. An eiectric. e5 n. Church. WEEKLY OR MONTHLY rentals. Nod-A-Way Motel. 3385 Portland Rd. 29074. Jm309 BEDROOM modern house 140. 2018 Highway Ave. inquire at corner V Scott it Edith, Labish Vlllaie. c. J. Holmes. imaon CARPETED, CLEAN. 2 bedrooms, livina rwin,. Kiicnen. ainette. utility room. Partly furnished. 845. Phone 2-13:9. jmi09 MODERN COURTS One and two bed- iiuiiis. ninuarr in. move, refrigerator furnished. Near Salem Oeneral Hospi tal. 3-9440. iml- SOUTH SALEM. 3-bedronm house. At- .uiicu atttriaiic. airc.ric neai. tuft i month. Inquire at 3136 Pelton St. . Im309 S BEDROOM houae. Oil lurnace. 855 per "win. UdTi aicuoy. Jm310 DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 3-HR. SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY SEMLER, DENTIST Adolph Bids.. State Ss Commercial Sts. BALIL.M PH. 3-3311 BUILDING MATERIALS SPECIAL DATE rune available in bulk. Valley Farm Store. Ph. 44824. Lancas- rer-onvenon cross roads. ffi4 HELP WANTED REAL ESTATE l FURNITURE FOR SALE SEE THIS! WaJ"1"1- Nlc "vine yoom. rears old, Deelrabla Knile- Bedronmq tfi Knn room. r.... to. J.. ...v Jttll. Oarage. Oood lot. Close tooo.s. rully lurnlahed. Call ue RgEY, REALTOR r 1 tend""""1'" 4"M" ' Jlm Ramsey. 4-1M) Pace Classified Ads phone 2-2406 . igV". I maatli tew "TeV! Lf' N'-e fiAd ln Same Dart I; 1 hoB NELSON NORTH Nicelv arranged 3 bdrm. plastered home with din in i room & fplace. Hdw, floors, util. rm.. oil furnace, caraite, pvd. t., close to bu. Apprx. 4 yrs. A aood buy for 19250. Mrs, Wootten, aim. CAPITOLA DISTRICT This completely redecorated 2 bdrm. home can be yours with only 81000 dwn. Lot 56x180. aar., close to school and bus. Pvd street, in city limits. Price fS2W; 150 per mo. Al Watts, elm, 3-7265. DUPLEX ALMOST NEW BEAUTIFUL CALIF. RAMBLER All on 1 floor. Ideal arrangement. 2 homes in one. All room colorfully finished. SPo!le.sly clean. Tile bath it kitchen, hardwood r.oors. lorceo air furnace. Nicely land-'cared yard with rock patio. Price 818.900. NELSON & NELSON SPECIALIZING REALTOR 703 N. Hiah Ph. 2-3689 rli WANTED REAL ESTATE TRADER LOUIE OPEN FRIDAY it MONDAY EVENINGS WANTED FURNITURE REGISTERED PHARMACIST Full or part time. Ex cellent working condi tions. OWL DRUG CO. 400 N. CAPITOL SALEM, OREGON 4 ROOM COTTAfiE. 1 bedroom, electric neat. 744 w. Capitol. Phone 2-8682. jm2' ONE BEDROOM court houje. Electric neai. uarase. 273 s. 22nd St. 2-0619 , Jm2 2-BEDROOM furnished Individual unit in cascaoe court. Has fireplace, wallc 1nr dsltance to Capitol Bulldinax Adultd only. 870. Phone 3-9889. )m310- REDECORATED. FURNISHED 1-bed-room. living room, kitchen. 137 50. Adults. Phone 3-1329. jm2 -BEDROOM modern 'j acre North. 45. Inquire 1138 N; 13th St. Evenings 6-7. Jm310 .-BEDROOM close to bus. school, store" 895. Basement. 422 S. 33rd St. Phone 3-o jfl4. im.H0' HELP WANTED MALE OFFICE MANAGER for established busi ness, substantial Investment required. Automotive parts and equipment. Box 313. Capital Journal. sa310' BUILDING MAINTENANCE man. Muat have experience washing windows with squeeze, call 2-7603 for appointment ga3lo INDUSTRIOUS YOUNG man with sell ins and canvassing experience. Very good opportunity. Preler aplplance background, but not necessary. Valley iv center. 3303 Fairarounds Road Mr MrCsrthv. 10 a m.-12 onlv. rb2' HELP WANTED FEMALE NOTICE: If your property la for sale, ran. or exchange, list It with us. wa hare all Hinds of cash iureri. TTATI FINANCE CO.. REALTORS' 153 High t. LADV TO DO LIGHT housewora and c,re t0T small baby. Leslie District. AUCTIONS Call 2-17C 3 ailer 4 eMIO- Scottv's tMfL6tNyMtNC& Auction HLe JpA f)DC No auction sale. Tuesday ' " JJUJ, night, December 29. ' " "cv F-Dr.s. olc. grn sec:' 1175 440 CENTER ST , 8ALEM r-Rrrept . It. type, dr .. olc 1110 j f'-'n ilr A-l gl I F-Typi t rtirtaph. sa;r dfpt 4333 FOR SALE LIVESTOCK i industrial department .. .. M-Spinner woolen syMm 11.50 hr. LOCKER BEEF While lace Hereford. : r-Renm-;rfs exp ...-3133hr. 30c. Nothing down. 8 months to pay. I COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY Custom ktUlnir Trailer loaned free, i 494 State St. -Oregon Bldr.) 4-3351 8a m Meat C04 8. th. Ph. i gri09 1 FOR SALE LIVESTOCK WN T ED S A L E SM AN OVE BEDROOM furnished cottaae. Laun. dry. garage. Some utillttet. 3849 Port land Rd. jm2- I BEDROOM HOUSE. Lots of closet space, ejiove, reirigerator, garage. Some Utilities. Inquire 1905 N. 19th, Jm2- UNFURN1SHFD 2-REDROOM Duplex. Oarage. 157 Ml N. Winter St. Phone 3-3980. jm22 t-BEDROOM, modern. furnUhed house. Vb month. Inquire at 3130 Brown Rd JmSll UNFURNISHED ONE BFDROOM. Auto" heat. Oarsae. Ciose in. 625 E St. Jm2 FOE RENT or lease, new duplex apart ment. Phone 4-4352. Jm309 NEAR CAPITAL 4 -room house with ba-ement and ga rage, partly furnished. W Ml See Burt Picha, 379 N. High St. Phone 3-4047-;m.H0 COMPLETELY redecorated one bedroom unrurnisneo hnu-e. attarried garatte 135 month. No petrs. mile eal Four Corner. 4575 State. Phone 3 -SUM. BARGAINS gal. water heaters 18SK0 Plastic dralnbd. covering 30c sq. it. Harowood plywood, Ideal for paneling or cabinets CHEAP New bath tuba, comclete ato n Loose insulation per oag (too New plaster board. 4x8 .'.$140 FlberKlasA roll blanket Insul Cheap 14-2 elec. wiring 3ic 12-2 elec. wiring c Nail 19.78; 2 kegs at $fl 93 Asbestos Aldlni per so. . to n Painted hhakrs with under $10 50 New doors, all sizes tf 50 Used windows 36"x54" 3350 100 used door with framea Used cast iron wah basin ...87 SO New toileta with seats J24 50 Double kitchen sinks, complet $4150 40 gal. elec. water heaters $68fi0 Laundry trays, pipe, basin ....Bargain 500 aal. steel septic tank $82.50 4" cut Iron soli pipe isc 4" solid oranaeburc oloe n Roll roofing, larae supply 12. jr, i" romp, roonna $7.95 i Cedar shingles. 4 grades Sterl sarase doors, complete $44 Overhead garane hardware $13.95 New picture windows (8.00 New weather stripped windowa ..$14 20 Cedar fence posts Cheap C. G. LONG & SON Ph. 4-5051 1 ml. N. .( Keller fiom s Buck Deafer OTTO J. WILSON CO. Commercial at Center FOR SALE MISCELLA N EOUS Phone 2-3623 Q308 OOOD USED refrigerators, $49.50 it up Yeater Appliance Co.. 378 Chemekta USED ELECTRIC Ranges, II J 95 A up. 1 ciiier Appliance Co., 373 Chetneketa St. Phone 3-4311. a PLASTIC-KOTE require no waxtni for saaiuiEuiu, xuiivcr Ap pliance Co, STB Chemeketa St. Phone n HAND PAINTED organdy aprons, fl.28 earn. Marina Wilson. P.O. Box 88. Phoenix, Oregon. q6 FORTIFIED PEAT mosa. only 95a aark mi uau.ciiinsN vaney rarm Store. Phone 4-4824. nl4 RECAPS A70-15. Guaranteed na tionwide 100 cold rubber Lnte's Tire, No. Com'l at Pine Ph. 4-8033. nl2 BATTERIES, Sd.tu, $7,95. $8 M, exchange. iiiih, luinntci. wnea iira, ho. Com'l at Pine. Ph. 4-8033. nI3 Now Spinet Piano. Ph. 4-4746. P308 MATERIALS GALORE!! Gash "It's" here somewhere. PI' wood everywhere, lnt.s of good 48 sneeu. pint Pone table top 5x9 8.00 a sheet. Several thousand pc. plywood M low as 3c, 10c. Birch too. Beautiful 1x8 hemlock VO panel, knotty pine 1 14 50, shelving boards ll'jc ft. Sds 5950. D fig 98B0, oak fli In heated room. 4x8 mahog Ply 35e ft. Windows tn ynur spec's. Insulation, weather stripping, and hundred of other Items. Free estimate? 36 mo. to pay, no down payment fVe 'Your Building Supply Friends" Portland Koad Lumber Yard 3545 PORTLAND RD. PH. 4-4431 Clearance Sale USED BEWINQ MACHINES Treadle from $g 05 Electric portable $34.50 Electric rahlnets $39.50 All machines in ennd sewing condi tion A- guaranteed. Singer Sewing Cen ter. 130 N. Ciimm'l. B310" METAL FENCE Permanent. No upkeep. Free esti mates. 38 mo, to pay. t BORKMAN LBR. 3460 state St. HDW. CO. Phone 33701 nJO.' ARCHERY BET-'lets', bow, quiver, ar rows, finger tab, arm guard. 2040 Kap PhahnRd, 4-4182. n3f8' Reduced $3 Per Day Until Sold BTARTINCl PRICE DEC. 3, (Mill 1 Ticrmador wall heater. 2,000 Watt Thermostat control. DECEMBER 29, $47.95 Keith Brown Lumber Yd. Phone 3-ftlll Front At Court Rt. "WE OIVE SH ORN TAMP" $ $ FOR $ $ You Can't Beat Our Cars FOR VALUE! 48 Plymouth Sedan 47 Pontlac Sedan. RtfeH. (3 1 48 Studebaker Commander. O D. DOWN A MONTH 1300 $3132 $995 (0 Buiek Sedan. Dyna. RAH. (38,00t miles.) DOWN A MONTH 33S $50.11 $895 40 Mercury Sedan. RftH 49 Pontiac Hydra. R&H. DOWN A MONTH $300 $44 48 $1095 10 Chevrolet ci. cpe. BEST FOR LESS 39 Buick Coupe hm 39 Pontiac 95 37 Pontlaa 75 WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD AT KELLY OWENS CO. 660 N. LIBERTY CLOSE OUT-Wheelharrows and Univer- sat Trues, valley Farm store. Ph 4-4634 nlfi" Wonted MISCELLANEOUS WOODRV WANTS Piano. Phon S-5110. FOR RENT APARTMENTS 3-ROOM FURNISHED. r:ne in. Adults 680 N. H;h. Plione 3-8375. jp30B' CLEAN FUBVIMim, private bath and eptrance. Plione 2-7148. jp308 APARTMENT IN WEHT Saiem. Children welcome. Phone 3-3611, 1117 6th fit mill NURSERY STOCK AFRICAN VIOLETS, many varieties tn ' bloom. 7?c up. Rontert leaves. Ber- ! Ber"s nreenhoife. 1)01 Third St., Stuv. I ton. Phone mm mbi 1 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS DEEPFRIt.I. IIOME""f ree? era." Yeater Apphan-e Co, 373 Chemeketa Phone 3-4311 VOTH fc-MI st once rv a r. nc rat.-, a ELECTRIC 3-5110. RANGES. Woodry'. SPORTING EQUIPMENT : BOAT AND hull' trailer, t earellent fnnilli Phone 3-ll2 nrr. motor. Fartory inrella tent. All In n. Very reaannahle ni-loe '! PERSONAL lnvi ill P.!, urnttiire at . Kriktidaire. room chairs, r. t wo bedroom n lraer dlninn -It, 4x6, 3x4 REPOSSEED SORRM. Sadie h: :7e. $ years old. Weit.'.l 1 "00 pounds. For balance dje and fm:i feed bi. 3371 Slleron Rd. rta mvv nt T nf to ft buyer for farm with I good home up to wo.w r ko m bkj yleinlty. Come la or tail If your u r 1 f for aale Raroey. Resltor. 2084 North , ARC REGISTERED B'ton puppiev i Commercial. Phone 4-6211. ca309 Daciwhund P;ior.e 2416R2 oany. ri J av ai w.u.rJby tu U iin-iftv rtd. Erttrir i: sn.Ef thin w are in need of aood hour-es to sell, In or near ssiem. 11 you u ..... fnr sale, tee I PUI ORABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty Ph. 3-'Lf f-AM: Re. ,:r:ed AKC Cnir 2::fl2 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ImpaliM sas-nwanr HL'S1NES health and pressure ot """""""7 toreag setrlflce of golne husinesa .01 lerlnr entire storg al 40-i of retail lor ie.t 1 "ars-3000 si It. floor spsee, fo" ft. front .11 jU-"nr aur.r tlvg lease-101 rent DlcmoD. Dicgeon. .f,'"T aouth alem or pnont Mill for .ptmr SIAMESE KITTEN!.. 3 months 0l4i. 344! Ne-f. Phcne 2-3UT3. eel' CLOVER'S sl4MEtE gi't.ns and cats Beautr. ger..en-n. demo tion Priced nr.tS-n?; erlio- piioven anxfa" rEMi r. mooue s Tropica. F..". nujprrrr.- Parsaeetj, Pets. Msosr P.'.aa. 4-3773 Closed , Wedn-.dar. rllO- INCOME NEIO . 00t? ' gl.ea ou a tint elass -rxm apart nent. one of alem'g finest tracer parks, sp.rlou. grounds, next to schoo. ind the opportune t mtjesM jo j FOR SALE POULTRY pendence 3J-J fuel 1$" SLARWOOD. $:5 03 per sd Baw dust. $120 per :od Delivered in S vert on er'a or.r Twin Fall? Lumber Co. SILVERTON- CEOON PHONE 3-'-3C; SALESMAN To join Ion established 'our 39th veri escltiJlve dlslrlbutnr. contacting iridustna;uts and ahtrprg wun Mara ue;; Staprs and S'au.". Protected. developed territory, Poii.e repeats, pfrmanen. car fer.'is. Prefer resl flert ir. or near Salem ' ier Cen ral. W.'f, and eV; jt.uMtem Oregon eiabliihed territory. Sa.arv. expenses p. j commission during training pe riod. INCOME POSSIBILITIES 17 009 ?o 810 000 per snnum on lib-1 era. eek:y draw aaawt rommivloni I Wrre briefly yojr oualllira" :on to Rot 12 Capita' tfJlfi- WA NTED POSITIONS EXPERT TREE aerrtce Trees topped, trimmed, removed. Hedge trimmed, yard cleaned. trah hauled. Free esti mates. i-7484. h-l- FURNIHIIFD COURT apar'ment 1 T'm It garage Cioe in in Nor'h ( imrner rial $55 Paone 2-8B4S or 3-6844. ip SEVERAL fun. Is tied apartment iooo location. Inoulre H L Stiff Fjrnlture Phone 3-9185. )p NTrFJ,YFl RMS-iln"1 room'-, private bath. Utllltie-. t20 South 20;, )p2' CLOSE IN, newly der orated, one' he'd- I room apartmerst PrlvstP en'rance ( oir.s preferred. 435 N. Winter fit i t. n310 I BOV f4 AMI (,R CLEAN, FURN1SHFD. Clt-e In Prva-e entrance. Phone 2-7148 JpJ LARfiE, NEWLV deeoratei apar'ment" witn garage. P.-iong 3-s04 jr-2 ( in! t.i nf! t hemawa Hf: )F Vsi ITs" -'-: ,'! '. ,n. h'-j'.: j CONHIIlVTMl, INVESTIGATIONS, rlv I! curt, inn , dnmi-.t-iir Anyahfre, anv i:ir.e. I':i',nf :i io.t. Salem. pi Kci,inry ukiectivk aufncy I'rr.nte :;'.r--alIons. cUtJ, (rirtnnat. rf'-fn" 'i' ii... lnr person. Unil.tie'l 'I.- ! .i jiiien. examinei. Lateit "ii;i"ini' f.nnn-rtlons t hr-i-mho'it t: -viii.t! tin -fHiMinn- diree'.'irv or phone i ' n.. lit 4-17B8 or 4 THU nil PH. 2-4113 TRUCKS 165: DODfiR PANEL. Extra seat, heater, new tires, $1,39$ caah. Phone 3-301$. Pd4 HEAVY EQUIPMENT D7 CAT FOR hire. Phone 39446. William ..!-'-1PA.3.3M Abrams. jel4 FINANCIAL Ue S-133 and M-326 and ROT H. SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS Hear 'Top Trade" 1386 Dally KflLM 1390 K. OENERAL FINANCE CO. LOANS 138 So, Commercial St. Tel. l-fllt REAL ESTATE LOANS COLONIAL INVESTMENT CO ad Br at w (jOrmsin tti 687 Court .4-2283 7 pa'r. AUTOMOBILES 11 til ( If 8. V flp'Un (ioo i:t;n 'ia i. i IOR 'Ml Pione 4-' ;('2 TWO ROOM Fl RNISHID df ne-. apartment. Private m-ranc b Lithti. water furnished. 13$. :r,ja rerry at Phone 2-3Ki; $t9..(0 i-ROOM f jrn!iei hnuaeke'Pini apartment. Inlud.n-t refrigerator Pr: vata en'.ran'e. Cloee to dowri"f r, North. Ve Bjrt Plena. 379 N. Hk. fi' P:ione 3-4047. jptll' S i4 K'.altnatr h; t t-onit.'iri -T-. eai j, 3783 Harvey Averse n'tOO f.W.m ALI.OWFD for ycjr old water' heater, IteeMle- of condition or maJce. on n w Wc-Mr ihniM auto- Ford, radio, heater. Very ii'l tire-, p., one 294V n108 LfMiR1" IT.I Che-.r.;et fUMan It AH Poaer;ile $'(95. 187 N Winter. ij309 MiR Km. OR TRADE - Eqijlty"lna H4i c . j. vr--t club (ciod mn fl.'.oii s lira. Call 2-"i:a "i n MiHI. PANEL for ale Black fi- mat na'ir : year iuar-inte. Yea1 373 Chemeltrta r,: F wr.h a 10- 1 4 K.e Co )rvi:fi- I ..r., iWOD used v. er Applle-r Co Phone 3- AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR 374 Cn-ir-ke'a St. J Mp.,(r HOSPITAL BID Stiff Furnlt rt RADIATOR TROUBi..? Va.y 'pt'ir C i , exiierta Nl solve ro-ir prob. n.. and save you money Free eti s1-, speedy service Center at Lib- TtV CASH FAST! $25.00 TO $2,500 BEE FRED SCIIOTT AT 118 S. Liberty St. PHONE 4-2203 Pacific INDUSTRIAL LOANS JOE PALOOKA By Ham Fisher l:i- wtr-MFTTl T OIL CORP Offer. sertK-e station lr ;eae MrMinnnll' Pa".". '.. .nr. to aualilied fno I WE ARE Xr Hsr . en Broad and Arsor Acr-: ar- ,nd frr'r ar rrx . Hatcner. f.ENER.I. CAKPENTEK eperiallao In s r.av At door hanging. Call collect Ps, CUT H alter 1 r.110 nnit.FR FIREMAN asri'J a'org. Would : ase wa'h joa 3-4001 h31 1 CONTRACT WORK. CaSlnru rebulldina and new wort. Phone 4-18M. na IROMlvo Re an hour. Bring hangere :o:i and Bt . West aelen-. hi REil4fT.RTrTTER-Wlll CO dar's " tr.'n Pnone 3-M44 .34- P 4 PI R H iy(iltT A-Pain Uttl. Jerry I jonuMi. Phona 3-0114. Bit' I IJ ,' 1 I. Sti', A CMOS;... I'M i V OVh-.. fCHATrfR)(CHATIl;R) II h .jofv,vvfi ie ,Jt, I Jl L .IV r 'M. aT.-'.- , tV a i, m H(rRF...KNOeSy, I M Al-KID HE'S MAU.V . T tlCK... V H NOW.,. 1 I I'M IN P-DON T I OCcLEERiyUM 1 BSE.. I at1 I. "JCtN A I S SII.LV. I Tl GHOST...! T-THERE I n uti.c yt. ..u.r 4B 4931 is.