Fact 1 DENNIS the MENACE By Ketcham THE CAPITAL JUI KMAL. Salem, Urtgon Oregon Death Toll 8 For Christmas Holidays 11 in Oreeon w., ,i.ht !" 'ew mil" oulh Klamath toll in Oregon was eight. Six persons were killed in traffic accidents between 6 p.m. Christmas Eve and mid night Sunday. One man was burned to death and another dorwned in a fishing accident. The drowning victim was Lauren D. Follette, 33, of Waldport. He apparently slip- pd from the shore while fish ing Saturday in the Alsea river. The body was recover. ed Sunday. Follett, who was George Jones To Join Firm Mondi STOCKS Falls. His bride of four day. Eva George A. Jones, director of the bonus division of the State Department of Veterans Af fairs, will join the law firm injuries when the car plunged into a grain field and over turned three times. Both the McDougalli were thrown from the car. Police said they apparently were en route from Wall. Walla, where they had been married the day before Christ- fishing alone, is survived by ""T ! uaRaale wen the ac .. iwuciu utturreu. lieorge Jimmerfield, 58. of crystal McDougall, SS, Oak-1 of Williams and Skopil of Sa dale, Calif., suffered aerinue I lem. February 1 irrnnlii i the widow and two small chil dren.. of James A. McDouKall walla Walla was traffic victim. He was killed outright when his car swerved Albany, died Christmas day Sunday1 I" . . "u"",:a n'gnt .. ..:f.y.:, before in a fire that destroveri 1 WISH ClAUS HAD USED A LITTLE JUDSMWJT Theo. L. Covalt 2nd Lieutenant Theodore L. Covalt, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ferrel W. Covalt, Sr., 550 N. Summer street. Sa- lem, has been appointed sec ond lieutenant in th U.S. Ma rine corps according to an nouncement made over the week-end. Lt. Covalt recently complet ed a five-months training course at Quantico, Va., and has been assigned to duty at tamp rendleton, Calif. A number of men from the Salem area have won naval promotions included Gordon Dodge, 1275 N. 24th street, Jesse R. Yeley, Route 2, Sa lem, and James S. Jackson, Donald, Ore. Jackson was promoted to boilerman third class; Dodge to electrical technician, sec ond class and Yeley to ma chinist's mate, second class. MT. ANGEL BOY SCOUTS Mt. Angel Parents and oth ers interested in the local Boy Scout troop will attend a gen eral meeting scheduled at the Mount Angel City Hall, Tues day evening, Dec. 29, at 8 p.m. Mid Willamette Obituaries Mrs. Minnie Pepper1 "V ) Albany Mrs. Minnie Bell Pepper, 81, of Scio, died at an Albany nursing home on Thursday following a short ill ness. The funeral was held at the Scio Christian church Mon day at 2 p.m., with burial in the Miller cemetery at Shel burn. Mrs. Pepper was a native of Phillips county, Kan., and had lived in Scio since 1916, but had lived also in White Sal mon and Trout Lake, Wash., ana Mosier, ore., before com ing to Linn county. She was married to Walter Franklin Pepper on April 30, 1890 in Kansas. Mr. Pepper died Dec. 13, 1937. Six children survive. They re: Clarence and Hal Pepper, both of Camas, Wash.; Bert, Portland; Bill, Hillsboro: Ar chie, Albany, and Richard Pep per, Scio, a brother and sister also live in Kansas. Mrs. London ( Passes Away Funeral services for Mrs. Ida Putnam Landon. earlv Oregon pioneer, who died in a &alem hospital Sunday follow ing an illness for several months, will be held at Virgil i. ooiaen Ltiapel Tuesday at 2 p.m. Mrs. Landon who was 87, was born in Linn county. Mn June 10. 1886, and was mar ried to H. D. Landon in Penn sylvania in 1883. The couple first came to Oregon in 1885 and settled in Port Orford. They later moved to San Diego before moving to the Salem I area in 1891. hot many years Mrs. Lan don lived at 1652 Mill street but for the past few months had made her home with her son, Harry Landon at Mapleton, Ore. Her hus 1935, owned and operated a sash and door factory at Mill and Church streets. Mrs. Landon is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Lottie Keller and Mrs. Roy Mc Dowell, both of Salem, two sons, Ray Landon of Salem and Harry of Mapleton; a lis ter, Mrs. Mollie Merryman, Montrose, Calif.. 18 erandchil- dren and 27 greatgrandchil dren. Final Rites for Arthur Andrew his house. The cause of the oiaze was not determined. . Other traffic victims: Herbert C. Nelson, 35. San Francisco. who drowned Thursday when his car ran off a Highway into a creek nr uaxridge. Laura Douglas. 53. North Funeral services for Arthur ywooa- - killed George Andrew 1255 N I 18?" night when he' street, who died Saturday at1".,.0". Z n'hway 35 miles the family home, will be helrf s0"'.h of ?seburg. at 10:30 a.m. Tuesriav in hJ Mrs- v"gil Harrison. Ben- tn I . . . 11. i .. . . ... .i -iijr, un., wno was Kill ed Christmas morning when a by her husband a highway near announcement made Monday by Bruce Wi'liami and Otto Skopil. Jones, a native of Kentucky, was employed by the Texas Company for two years prior to ine outbreak of World War II, He served from 1940 through id in me army, rising from private to captain in the in- W. R. Rigdon chaoel. Mr. Andrews died after . turning from a Salem hnsniini where he had undergone treat. ment. He had been ill for sev eral years. Born in Ontario. Canada September 10. 1882, he later moved to Oakland where he lived for several years prior to moving to Salem about 20 years ago. for years he was employed as a railroad con struction worker. He was a member of the First Presbyte rian church. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Effie Andrew; four daugh ters, Mrs. Pauline Whit. Mrs. Lucille Lengren, both of oaiein; jvirs. r reda Ynnnn Ct dio City, Calif., and Mrs. Ethel esi I'inn, Ore.; a son Lester Young, Huron, S.D.; and jwu uromers, John Andrew Hayesville. Calif., and Thomas Andrew, Salem. Concluding services will be held at Belcrest Memorial park with Rev. Pant M di.- officiating. ' car driven skidded off Ontario. Mrs. James O. York. 50, Eu gene, was injured fatally on the icy highway west of Si. ters in Central Oregon. ine car she and her hn. band were riding in hit a slick spot and skidded into another vehicle Sunday night. She died several hours later in a Bend hospital. The widower, a motel oper ator at Eugene, was in criii. cal condition in the St. Charles Memorial HosDital in Ren, Monday. State polie said those in the other automobile appar ently were not injured. They iui laemiuea. fantry. Later he was promoted to major. Jones first came to Oregon in 1942 when the 91st division was organized at Camp White. After serving overseas he re turned to Oregon, where he at tended Reed college, Willam ette University and Oregon College of Education. He was graduated from Northwestern College of Law, Portland, in 1953 and passed the bar exam ination in June of the same year. For two years Jones was em ployed as a casualty adjuster lor Jack C. Necr company and for the last two years has been with the bonus division, first as a claims adjuster and for the last year as director of the division. He has been active in reDub- iican political circles, now serving as state chairman of the Young Republican federa tion of Oregon. Previously he naa been chairman of the Marion-Polk County Young Re publican club and national committeeman for the state Young Republican federation. DEATHS Balph Morton Tolrr Ralph Morton Toler. at Uie family res idence. 120 Hrubett Rd, Dec. 36 at the aet of 70 Tears. Survived by wife, Mn. Florence Toler, 8lem; daushters, Mrs. Ithel M. Uub, Kent, Wash.. Mra. Vlr clnta Larsen. Bend, and Mm. Betty Barnes. Toledo. Ore.; on. Francis Toler. Sweet Home; 12 arnndchlldrfn. fier vices win at new tuwoiv, Dec. 29. at 11:00 : a.m. id i ne Howell-Ed ward Chapel : Interment at Erlcrml Memorial Park. iter. ueo. ewut win ometate. ; Baby Boy Jutin Baby Boy Juede. at a local hospital Lfc. ii. .mailt eon of Mr. and Mn. Harland Jurdrx. Salem. Abo survived by randparenu. Mr. and Mn. Theodore rfuvaei. saiem. private serv res Morula Dee. 3H. at Belcrest Memorial Park tin ner oirecuon or trie Vlrtil T. Golden Co. Arthur fleorte Andrew flrniur ueorce Andrew, 1n this city vvc. jo ai ina ait ol 71 year. Late rest. Oent of 1J55 N. lBth St. Survived by wife, Mra. Effl Andrew, Salem: dauch- iri. aera. Pauline White and Mn. Lu eille Irnaren. both f ftaiem. Mn. PrrWa uun, etiujio en jr. cam . and Mr. Eth el Roland, wist Linn. Ore., son. Lester Yun. Huron. S. D : brother. John An drew, Hayaviije. Calif., and Thomas An drew. Salem; three trandchfldren. Serv. kes will br held Tuesday. Dec. M. at 10 So a. m. In the W. T. Rltrton Chapel. Interment at Belcrest Memorial Park. Mra. Mi Pitman tanden Mrs. Ida Putman Landon. at local hospital. Dec. 27 Late rwunr i nn Mill St. Survived by dauthtrr. Mr. Lot. tie Reefer and Mrs. Rov McDowell, both ef Salem: eon. Rav l andon Salem, and wimirr wnann .Marieton Ore . st.Mer. Mr. Mollle Merryman. Montrose. Colo . It irandchttdren and S7 ireat-irandrhti-drtn. Services will be held In the Virall T. Oelden Chanel Tuesrlav. Dee. 39 at 3 p.m. Interment city View Cemetery. Tr4 I. Bernardl Pred L. Bernard), late mident of s40 Cross St , tn this cltv Per as. Husband of Miry K Brrnardi, Salem Service Will be held Tuedsv Dec. 29 at 1 3(t p.m. In the W T. RUdon Chapel with the Rev tie or M if Aff.-. ...... 1 Concluding services at Belcrest Memorial Mra. Mar? Mri Caninark Mrs. Mary Stroud Cammack. late res Ment of Seattle, in Lhal citv Dec 34 at tht lie Of 7 Survive hv a.... . Cimmeck. La Par. Bolivia. Albert R Ctmmack. Ontario. Ore. and Forrest W Cammack. Rosed ale; dauehleri. Mra Mart Trtchsei. missionary in Formosa. r'th" ntn6 Services Will fee held 'urla rw 4a - rtiwqi.i rrirnat ti;irc?i unoei Police Vehicle Gets Damage in Collission An accident between a police car ana a car that police were looking for caused minor dam age to both vehicles late Satur day night, city police reported. Aiier a complaint about 9 o'clock that a carload of youths was being driven in an erratic manner on State street, patrol men were notified to be on the looKout tor the car. An hour ana a nalt later. Officer Wil liam H. Bales was making a left turn off of State onto Win ter street in front of a vehicle driven by James Alva Johnston Mill City. Johnston's car started to make a left turn off Winter onto State street and cut left too soon to strike the left rear fender of the police car while it was still crossing the cross walk. Bales reported. Jnhnctnn a v . Ord. California, was arrested ' f"8 ear'hqUake earIy Mon on a charge of failuro to viiH 1 day and computed its epicen- right of way to a motor .hiri ! ler ,0 be somewhere in South- Passport of Clark Cancelled T1 nasningion, W)The State Pdriment reported Monday .... ictauca tne diploma tic passport of Judge William Clark, the recently ousted chief justice of American courts in West Germany. The department uiH r-io-i. while vacationing In the Can ary Islands, gave up his pass port to an American counsel general. In turn, he was given a regular passport which is valid for overseas travel until Jan. 28. The State Department sus pended Judge Clark after he refused to accept a decision terminating his services as " wnai u saia was a government economy move. Clark challenged the depart ment's authority to fire him, and said he would continue in the post. STRONG QUAKE REGISTERED Faenza, Italy M"i The Ben. dani observatory In this cen tral Italian city registered a He was released after posting $25 bail. " east Europe. Final Riles for Sen. Walker w Last rites were held here yesterday for State Senator Dean H. Walker who rfieH Thursday following a heart at tack. O 1 - . oeverai nunared persons filed past the bier as the body lay in state in the Clough-Bar-rick chapel in Salem. Among those paying their last respects were Secretary of Interior Douglas McKay, Gov. Paul L. Patterson and Ten. Walter Norblad. Top labor leaders from Portland and other parts of the state alro attended, along wnii puuucai, educational and civic leaders from Benton and Polk counties which Walker represented in the Oregon Sen ate. Private services were con ducted later in the Walker home at Independence. Herbert H. Sichel Dies af Portland Portland Herbert H. Sichel. former operator of an exclusive men's apparel store here, died at his Portland home early today. The store, known as M. & H. M. Sichel, was sold several monins ago 10 Marry M. Good man, general manager. Sichel founded the business in 1878 at Prineville. Survivors include the widow here and one daughter in Vancouver, B.C. Business Activity Held Good for Oregon in '54 Hard Bumps Fail To Damage Prisoner City police scratched their heads Saturday afternoon at "e apparent offhand hardi hood of a Portland man arrest- ea on a drunk charge. utticers were called tn h vicinity ot bdgewater and Pat terson streets where a man was reported flounderine in h. gutter. Arriving at the scene, they found him on his feet but hanging onto a building for support, with the knees and seat of his pants muddy and wei irom tne gutter. Two of ficers assisted him tn h , ucc car to be taken to the station. j Witnesses then told nffiror. that a truck had been rounding ; Klamath Falls U.mPaul M. the corner when the door Fan-ens. 65-year-old Klamath opened and the man tumbled ! attorney, died in San onto the street. The truck con tinued on without stopping. Police checked the man over for injuries and could find none. He was booked on a drunk charge and was released several hours later in the even ing after posting $15 bail. (By Tha Auoclatrd Prensl Most business leaders I n Oregon are confident business activity in the state will be generally good next year. They list a number of fac tors proposed tax decreases, an expanding population, large bank deposits, and scheduled construction wnich they said should prevent a major re cession. 1'Paul K larrens, 65. Dies at Klamath Falls Francisco yesterday after a brief illness. Farrens was senior partner of the Klamath Falls law" firm of Farrens and Maxwell and served on the board of gover nors of the Oregon Bar Asso- caition. He died at the Uni versity of California hospital. ueiore moving to Klamath There are. however, darker aspects. These include the ex pectation that there will be less federal spending in the state next year, that farm pri ces are tower now than they were last year and Drobahlv win remain tnat way, and that unemployment in Oregon prooably the worst in the na tion might increase in the next two months. A scheduled 10 per cent de crease in federal income taxes and elimination of the excess profits taxes on corporations next year are expected to make more money available for spending. A check of deposits of banks in tne state indicated there were large savings that could be drawn upon. As the cnaea mere were SI.700.000.. 000 on deposit and additional millions in savings and loan associations and savings bonds. Leaders of the construction industry said they expected a good year and utilities com panies nave earmarked mil Lack of Jurors In Deetz Trial Oregon City (UK Trial of carl Qeetz, Canby, Ore., dairy farmer, hit a snag in Oregon city district court today be. cause of lack of jurors. Deetz, accused by the Ore gon State Board of Agriculture oi ine unlawful sale of fluid milk in containers without a license, announced that he will not now seek a license to sell milk. He had previously applied for the license in Salem but said he had stopped payment on his check to the agriculture board because the board had failed to drop its court action against him. He said he would not reapply regardless of the outcome of the trial. The trial, attended bv an overflow crowd, was delayed when circuit court demands on avauaoie veniremen did not leave enough for the district court jury. HallWifhoVows From 'Your Town' Your Town Press. Inc.. 4A4 rerry street, announces that aner January 10. 1954 Char. les W. Hall will withdraw from the firm and that the business thereafter will be conducted as usual by Robert rness and Dave Stall, own ers. The firm is concerned with publication and nhoto- engraving. Four to 10 persons are on the payroll. Hall, now travelling writes that he and his family are vacationing "and we are taking time out in the noontime of life to do some of the things generally left until later." Later he may. establish a busi ness in Latin Ameiiw. Your Town, founded in 1946 by Hall and Morell Crary, for some months pub lished a weekly pictorial -with that name. In 1950 the con cern was incorporated as Your Town Press. (Bv Tbt AMOcltl Prmi Atfmtrr Cworttloa Aluatf CbcsDlcAi AUU Ctutmer Amvrlctn AlrllnH AnirtcM Povtr Llgb,.... Antrictm Tsl. Is TiL Amsrlcan Tobscc AntcaiMlt Copptr AtchUOf Rftlirosvtf Btthltbtm ft tat l Ming Airplilnt Co, Bon Warner ... Burrows Addlai Mtcbln , Ct;iforBl Pocklni Cftnftdiam Pscilte CatorpiUir Tractor , ColontM Corporation , Cornier Cor per a ilea , Cltlu Bcrtlco , Consolidated Ccnoa roasoiuiatfd Vuiito Crown Zellerbacb Curt us frricnt Oousias Aircraft Du Pont ! Nemours Eastman Kodak Emerson Radio Oeosral Bitctrla antral Foods O'ntral alotora oeortta Pae. Plrwoon . Oeotfrtai Tlrt Hotnestako Mlnlnt Co International Harvester International Paper Johns Maori lie KaUtr Aluminum Kennecott Copper Libbr McNen Lockheed Aircraft Lotwes Incorporate Lone Bell Hontfomerr Ward Nash Kelvlnato- New York Central Northern raeiria , Pacini American Pish Pacific Oaa a Etectrla . .. Paclfle Tel Tel Packard Motor Car Penner, J. c Pennsylvania R. B. Pepsi Cola Co. Phllco Radio Radio Corporation Raronltr Incorp. Raronler Incorp. Pfd ... Republic, steel Reynolds Metala Richfield Oil Safeway Stores, tea. fleott Paper Co. uears Roebuck At Ca. Socony Vacuum Oil Southern Paclfle , Standard Oil Caul Standard Oil N J Studebaker corp. Sunshine Iflnlof Bwlfs Aj Oo Ttansamerlea Corp. Twentieth Century Pol .., Onion OH Company Union Pacific United Air) lots United Aircraft United Corporation United States Plywood .... Uniteo State steel Warner Pictures Western Union Tel. Wastlnrhouse Air Braka... Wei tin mouse Electric .... Woolworth . . it IMS . IIS . UN , Va IM 46' MARKET QUOTATIONS BUUU .h.n,.: ,.mlUB '"i la rorll.jTi..f:,l .!??" - rout- M MUB, aauw WhM.uu t . .. . . i. mwiw, aatOi a M'i: C. It Mora. .3. .il trkclF nanlaal. T. rtt.ll.rj: At M mn aa arlcu '. print.. Me Ik : e.rloa. " waiH IIS le.rloni. He: a arlnu. lJ. ",1U ,,c' Cbmm Aaliia. .. .. wboluawni Or.... Ornaa t la. Ion. m.c. ".; bit la WaabaaMta-CandM ... eaaMlalat a. 1 , lM.llld PorlUnd: A arada Hi.. ..iZ ..!' '.-!. B .r.d. l.r u"tc "' Etn 1 1. araaa.Mi --.Y . . . r.d. AA Urn, U-IJ. d" "-' dium. 4i.il. jt. . .. .- " ai.. CaMM-Prlca la r,t.!, p....... Ortioa .In.l.i. u...., . .t.r":''. flat Prffmiura Chicaaa m.. ut, h ""aa.." I Im.iul . "M Pttnt. ,," an t hi. in? top y- nBii1,-i7 ;i 'chin. i,ru'" u," "a: .dip rfi-rin.. l.JOO llfp" " 13', 37 SIS .- .r: . Ik. . l-s,c; tnpl.u. IS. I... Th."""' n us ... !. ... 1H ... U ... 1 ... 59' ...114". ... J', ... 7 ... lt ... 13 ... Mi ... n ... u ... II ... 47V, ... IIS ... 4J'i ... 3". ... tfi ... ait. ... ... 3'i .. 11'. ... JO', . . as .. 43'. .. J1S .. 31 .AOS .. J1S .. 47 4'4 Wt. 4.0 16. " P.jltrr lira rhlrkmNa. I au.lltr r.i. Plnt.-Pry,r.. r..i.r. ..I"...?;.. ' ? Jlci he.vr n.ri. all wdthl... m.ji,. ii.;.' nm. all wrlihti. ii.tic. .u , lc. Drill., t'hlrk.a. u. . . tall.r.: Tm. broll.,fc 3.-40. lb roaitcri. all wi... ,n..t-. it!.. - 31.32c: hut, h,a.. 37-3fc: cut up irV. Dreaaed TarkerTn ..... . . . viserated bene. I7-Ue Ih .r. "1!.! toms. U-aUe Ihi "' vl V wini U-420 lb. New York dreastd hena. ss ih " era: firart. l." "- ttrm; A toms, 33o lb. ib.i old do. io.ij. ,., ' '2:'' Caaatrr Draaaad Maal V..I Top ou.lllr. 10-311 Ib.i ..""Tooir "ock,r- ,b-i Lambs Best. 31-iSr ih 33c lb. Hatton Beit. I-10c. Stu n.iia.- av Ltijiy tEDWal. aTn.3aT Ta. tutter. I7.ir.. V rresn pressed Heats wnoiosaiera to retailers. Dollars per CtJ)4 LEGALS" no "''xiySTT !nd li. h.J- ttn Uit t. ' io pn, is,"i month!, r ii d.t, '! wtbtT "Vl Itid nr.. rough yearllnit, 30- CtUI-UUIIlT. J0-1M rt. 13-14. lb., Boif fttccra, cholco. 100.700 ih. it- ' :.?;... ,00? "'' commercial, tio:;;. 131', o-ii commercial cowi. t23.a7- 40S "" H3-30; eaiiner-cutleri, 0.J3 p",-c'""" Ueri bind aaarl- ::. wi' v"na"' -: full lolai. 43Vfa ",mm". ni-ao: Irlenelee 131-13; tor. quarttn. 131.ll: -i,ei." '...V r.rtla.d llmlack l-5t. roruand tuj! Caltle: l ioa- .r,,..- , . . rwrm aia Loin. ehat.. t . . V """ airona to Wc hlih- :rh, ,11 "ii . . Z J'-: ap.re- i... .uu-..ii id. iea iteen 33.71- ' - - 'i.u,., 10-14 101., m. wmr kooq snortied .teen ""- m.i.H,. .7. r. "o"-nolee. all l Decemta,. iS, ". II 8J Kontld c. Glo,f Attorner lor ttKM Balem, . Oregnn PlNALbA7I " Ion Count,. SJL m 21 meal. It. f, 1M0.""'J; 'he aalat. ol uwS ! a rS?"' J ce.,ed. and .., Utojl Court Hn.. ., .... tin e-.l "to linal ateaiai " llotui mereto. ' "Ha D.ted No,emb 1B1 ) S.lent, ore.: D.?.1UJ FINANCIAL AUTfl lyiTH ' -mi tnarti . ISrklnt a-Plnt. ra. 1-34M ui ,1 23.33 20-31: commercial tteer. 17.50-19.10 veal aad C.Itm ru,.,.. ut oon to 12 30; commercial Heller. "VI I' mmerclaU. 1JS-14 I....-1I.OU: utility 11-lt: rinni... a.. noice-prime. 13T-3D: .mm , "-.; uiuiiir 10.00-13; commercial . J ,. 0 13 and above: utllltr-commerdal bulls . Smok.d, an welihta, 117-11. u.to-ij; loon 13.50. a. M.mi cnolc. 13-11 lb... 183- i..ic.. idu: .te.OT On V.BI.ra. .Ivnn. w" on heavr calvu: lood-cholce to 300 lb. MlMallaaMaa aood-cnotce irau .!, lull., Waab.. nllow 11-11: 444-311 lb.. ll.n-ll.M: .olh.,.. medium. 11-1.10. lar... 11 la., U. ,1-1- -- ..., .i.,a-i.su: i.r.a 1, M.t 11. Mn.- aui. m v.. hit.. ...... 1H-33S lb. butcher.' 27.tto.9i: .n.'fp. ..a. patataea-Ore. loe.l l,. n.n.. 300 lb... 25.50-21.10: ehoel. 150.ua Ih n Rd Roae 2.25-50: Drh,.i.. C . 1. jT m A. 2.71-1.00; 35 ...v. .tu.e. .teaar: eitreme . i. mean, 40-45; paper, top on .laughter Iambi 50c loaer: tood- ?!""; "llo 31-37; No. 1. 10 ibi choice limbe ll.lo-ll: cJiotce. with aome ?,-,si "eu. No, 1-A. 1.35.M prime, n-loo lb. tel Iambi 11; utllltp Iw , T5; 1'o. 3.40-10: 10 lb oaoir' iamai idown to 14: lood-cholce awu auot. ". -41: N. Dakota Pontlaci ad 1-1. I No. 1-A. so Ibi., 3.31-10. I Hay o. a. No. 1 . .... . rertlani Produce I"'" 'OH J.o.b. Portland and I.'. ... ..uo. ana cauititow er prlcei were ateady on the Portland aalareaia balU. Wlll.mett. .i Eaitilda Parmeri Whole..,, prr.u.. 17 madtum, ll-95a ih.i x..t... n....- market today with molt tradlnt elow. haU-blood, 5-3c; Wlllamatt. Dry onion and potato price, alio wera " wool, llci 13-month wooL unch.nied. 41-loc -vi, Mexican pepper, broulh 30-31 cenU , ,aalr U-170 at on 11-month trow, pound. ""r Ihlpplni polnti. wu wnoinu, c.iery was u.7fi. I rrcwucera paying prlca f.o.n - roruana. eau eklna, ll-ll. r... accord- Clllfornla tomato., w.r. .,,.11 .1 Ing to eondlttnni ..... hi.. ...... ... 11.35-1.10 a two layer lug. Keen cow hldei, l-7o lb., according . , welint and qulllty; bull hldej. s-4e mjnd alow, market dull. ' " niberie Wholeaalo ulllng prlca iTaca aaiei 50 lhi.t Triah.-ain..i.i. ureion ai.nta ai. 1 ,.rr: an - i n. . , YZ. 00.. .iTi ".L .reionai ';13. irowento.h. plant, lie lb. lor Bare.-' Street ilea no lhti; na t ..i... Ilonae. DuChill.a h.tr Hated: Idaho. Oregon and Colorado Walnal Producer paring price., fob Spanish 3-lnrh anH ,a.... ....... plant: lam. .....,.. i...-.:.: 7'i,..3''nc. 'M """ ni medium ""."l-! leedllngi. 13-14c lb. Whole-' 3.35-2.10; mldweit Yellow Olobei ma- ' '" wrleai Ilrit quality lane ...... .- .. irregular ,i-.5. 10-lb. 1. ".-J. a id.; Hint halrai. !...?"J5' c""" 12 3-pound cello. ahaUad light amber halre. i.iflai 7K- nail niak.. .1 . Tii.ni Ih - a nwou wiwutra UlaTUlUm 1 .AO. I - mm" 111 Real eitata klortiuai a Mlrwi" ocaie nnance Ca ... oo. nun ol Ftltm n m DIRECTORY ADDING MACHINES an ...... . ....... uDcu macomil laid, mull repaired. Roen, tit CoirtR wSl BLASTINO SERVICE H.lrT. Blasting Santo. t.JtW Stumping. Parrnent breaktu, IriTtl or contract. Pbone 4-1171 BULLDOZING Build olne, roads, clesrlnc Ueti Hi. I en HusKer, 1010 PAlrvlsw, sbeaiimii I EXCAVATING Ben Otjen A Son, sicBTUlst Ml raaini. iana tiearuu. Fa. HHLi INSULATION Insulation, weatherstrips, stemtuLl Free estimates. T. PoUaua, Flvwl MATTRESSES Capitol Bedding rsaovstts. hS fell new mattresses. Ph. P4tm. OFFICE Ft'RMTUBI e, SCPTUTJ Cbleata Grain ChlcetO .At Feed paln ..t ti.. ..... w'F deallnts while soybeans came ""u wwr vne ciose ot a strong, SALEM MARKETS Barbara Hutton To Wed Playboy New York (U.R) Dominican tlve market on th Kmr .r i... . I Camaila a-a. u .. . . . ,7. . ri outtm aeaiera vitvuiut vii vnB out ni mnva in f..l l matra. luaisad Jail. 1 ........ .... ricoiaeni a.isennover' action meeai n Piacini severe restriction on oats "It Felleta U.4I ISO-lb. baa) ImDOrtS. tnilva ilitiael mt i U H.k lill inn ik a. V Arcentlna. They hava been uniiiiu. Ear Hash I4.ai.sa in "L" ,B. "ent week. Dairy Feed S3. 3 7-1 81 (ta.lh. h..i- wneat drew suoDArt An th v... . u.ao.s.fio i inn mt i " iHSl u ,.lxp.ort bu,lne" would be put 'oaltry Baytat rrleet Colored fryers, T.Jhe ...w . . uern" this week. c: om roostera. 16; colored fowl, 34c; m?ii S.. ,pt! nf flrm wbe Mhn 'owl We: colored rouMrs. aic. meal market stimuiat. im.ni n. . I Rnvinar ... . .. . . . ivi arvj- .. . - nn. not, iara A, Wheat Closed Ui.lli Vt.v... ..k Air: amkll it. ' l !w- !i, 51'..".'' h"h"- March "allT 1-7 cents higher than prlcei !: .V. 21 .5 hl,"r- M,rch I?0"' '" rMi A lanaraUl auotad at ...k.... . 'V' ""rcn i.siia-: meaiuma at 14a. miner. Jan. LIP..;: Batter. Battarr.s died ooonoah' . ';",: '.',. tnM a"n- ..,"r,,.t-B"'!P W'"l ?mlm. TO. .. ... nan, no. 1. 17-n CUUI No. 3. Ml. Stack Market no?" M.iB,rmo?"ti"oek Ti1,""" " Since 1850- thc w'ern P"t Monday and illnniMl in. aeciine started modestly and final r eatended ItteK to around a point at tha outilde. A le areas ol the market ere widely scattered. Volume rame to an animated l.M snares. That comparea with 1.270,001 hares traded Thursday. Desk chalra, files, filing nnputt, isln, I duplicators, luppllea, desk IsmN, tn writer stands. Roen, l coin. SEPTIC TANKS Hamel'i teptlc tanks tissaid, lhti service. Ouariateed rk '111 I 3-7104, 3-0771. I Bewer. eeptle Unka. drain sheas. I Roto-Rootar Bever wmea, 1-1337. Idlke'a Septic Strrlee. Tsatl ikaafi. I D'rooter cleans sewers, IralM. r&f I 3-1463. I TYPEWRITERS Smith. Corona, Remlnstoe, HrH Is- I derwood porUbles. All sUs awl I miehlnei. Repairs m real. Baa. Court. H773. j ol the United States has been growing faster than the east. WATER PUMPS 34 hour service, all make!, watar as- I terns. Brownla vaiaer, uiw. WINDOW CLEANING Acme Window Cleaners. IJilBnal to waxing, bousecleanlng. rasas 347 Court. LODGE Salem I.odge No, i r' W & A.M., Wed.. Dec M.M. decree. 7:30 PJ. CLARE BOOTH E LUCE ROME New York iPi Clare Ronih. Frlli in rirnn. nr.. ... Luce. U. S. .mbanador to It- .oci.ted with the firm o( Day. I lion of doilars TZZ aly. says "sympathetic under. Tammon anrt Ni,n in P,.. .. ' . " lmPrfve- ntanrJlnsi" .k. rr-.a.j " """" ,m rannrucuon. Uov. States and Italy Is needed to, Survivors Include his wife, solve mutual Drobtemi. Mra: in Kiam.ih r.n.. . . j . . . . ..... ...... a ..... a. aun arm on direction of the Howeii-id.ard. Co. IT , . nca 10 "untry, daughter in Portland and an im ... txar srowa .u ,ffi.t,. I by airplane yesterday. other tUusht. in j.n. eminent engineers have book ed 89 million dollars for their civil works program in the Portland district, most of it to be spent on The Dalle dam. Partlind nrala Portland iP,-No cash gnln bid. ,..f"a.?1''' c" rec(l'l Wheat 11: bar ley 1; flour 11; corn 13. Traffic law violator, in Embassy sources renortorl in:"ccticut paid S883.439 in fin.. Washington today that interna-(during 1952, or about $1 for tional playboy Porfirio Rubi- everv licensed driver in the rosa win marry Barbara Hut- ""e' ton here Wednesday, and the Woolworth heiress did not deny the report. Miss Hutton. reached at her ew York hotel suite, replied "no comment" when asked if the report was true. Rubirosa, one-time Domini can diplomat and former hus band of tobacco heiress Doris Duke, was reported to be fly ing here from Las Vegas to Decome Miss Hutton's fifth husband at a secret ceremony. AT pVogfrapagj be Ay enweJi rfocngei ear Bronchial CoughsJ If exts vt 4Wwl Jellef for AfW-DtaiMr OMrm Thu ariat littl lady is tajctna oo boji that tMMrtfaara ud acid in dianioa laser be. ipotl btr twaaitve's Jo. Uke tatlliooi of ptopuT3 "!r"77 Tnmi for top-sxd reirct from ionr gtomach and aaiT pr.g.of, p.itlk Tnaai raqwir. mo water, no aiinaaj, oo airraraa Take (Mm moyom, aanwhan u work Hay. Miory. PfmmmmZ mmmAX RELIEF AT LAST For Your COUGH Creocrralsion relieves promptly became il (oet iolo the broochial lyitem to help (ooien and cupel term laden pblegm and aid nature to soothe and beal raw, tender, inflamed bronchial oembiiiMi. Guaranteed to please yon or money refunded. Creomubion bat stood the teat of millions of uien. CREOMULSION "av"" akwaaBW tmtmm MCM BnSnHaW Dr. . 1. Um. D. Dr. O DRS. CHAN sniiJS., filial irer ailTIIRuFATBI UpiUIn, 241 North UbertT Offlc. open Biturdw JJLii to I p.m.i 1 to 7 P.m. ConraM tm blood preuura &wt free of enargi. rr,c", nu- I a..... ... attractive glfb P mr-A g.tloo Announce New Way To Shrink Painful Piles Find Healing Subitaoce Thai Doe Both- RelieTM Paiir-Shrinks Hemotrboias ftew York. N. T. (Special) -For the Ant time aeicnet baa found a new bealing nbaUncw with the asttmishinf ability to shrink hemorrhoids and to stop UenUni-withotit lurrery. In one bemorrboid ease after Mother, "very atTikrmj Impitrrea mint" tn Rported and Tarified by doetors' obterrations. Pain was rtlisTed promptly. And, while gtntly teliering pain, actual reduction er retraction .(shrinldnf ) took plaea. And Boat amasinf of alltbla bnprornnt waa mainUimd In cbms where doetor' cbterritjoni r eontinued over period of fcany moothsl h fact, Molts were so flier. (n that mtTeren rm ablt to aia neb aitonishinc statementa M "Pilee have ceased to be a I -I problem I" And Zt ferers were a "ffSS. of hemorrhoid eondWoM, soow" 10 to 20 yean' staiidinf. . MKOties, ?J& renti of any J? IOT neaiinn parts of the -j-mie Krrwthiirigw haalinf"!; b effered in tlBVrut ZVZ taK. trading SB spp m Job ""rtTart U eator. The 3li kmA ...lumber n ".,. aatiined-yoer ioT wZmwr funded nrompuT. ,