Ldy. December 28. 1953 pAussiesSplit in Singles ffleef Again fnI!t!. PlEt 15 Doubles Set bmorrow L, GEORGE McCADDEV Melbourne, Australia u.ki Ltricas uavis tup lorces, Ufd by the sad showing of wilh Australia in the Mm tomorrow, needing a L.rv badly if they are to m the coveiea iropny oacK ! AJjltnn". Ifliile Tony Trabert of Cin- Ljiti played ome oi the most iUiant tennis oi nis career in ipoiing of young Ken Rose li 6-3. 8-4, 6-4, Seixas td to show any semblance the form that won the Wim rion championship for him. was soundly whipped by yer-oia icwis noaa, n-, l-z, o-J. dpt. Billy Talbert of the ading forces said alter the itches that he planned to ike no changes in the dou- 1 lineup that calls for Scixas tram with Trabert. ,u Still in At of now, I plan to play Ljxai and Trabert in tomor- doubles," said Talbert. Lwever, the captain always is Me to switch a team within an Lur of the scheduled starting he in the inter-zone finals Unst Belgium, Talbert in tted himself into the doubles Innip with Trabert and the fam won. The bright spot in the future bpears to lie in Trabert. He a master ol precision in posing of the young Rose- hil in just 0 minutes. He ran S to 0 lead In the first set More dropping a game. His burning drives down the side tie left the Aussie unable to ove out of his tracks in many Winces. kited by Loss The jolt of the United States ine the first match appar Itly gave him an added incen However, Rosewall never up and although trailing ill sets at the start, he nifht back right down to the Dial replacement. Hoad was just as brilliant as filbert in chalking up the iiiitralian victory over Seix- It took him just 57 minutes dispose of the 30-year-old Imerican. was Hoad's first victory Seixas and it was just bout as convincing as they pat In the game of tennis. -WW'... . i I n Los Angelef (u R) UCLA meets the University of Ore gon basketball squad tonight in what they hope wUi be a repeat of Saturday's contest when the underdog Bruins whipped Oregon, 89 to 74 T"e Webfoots can keep the LCLA hopes from coming trdue if they can find out how to handle Bruin forwards Don Bragg and John Moore, who ranged the free-throw line with deadly accuracy Satur day. Bragg hit 10 for 10 on field goals and four free throws for 24 points. Moore totaled 17 points for the eve ning. The victory broke Ore gon's seven-game win streak. Oreeea (711 ,. ,.CLA a,;,., m11? ?.rtpiTp H.lbera.f I 2 ft 12 Mo," r . New York (U.RiMiddleweicht I ' 1 ??"" " f i Georgia Benton of Philadel-1 y-' i o i i alul'rd.i o TONY TRABERT . . . beats Rosewall Benton Vs. Jones In Ring Tonight Hea vyweight Boxing Champion nuray .-narciano says he'll defend his crown againit Danny Nardico of Tampa, Fit.. Feb. 24 at Miami Sta dium In a nationally televised bout. Looking lean and rested despite his recent 17,000 mile exhibition tour of the Far East, the 29-year-old tltllst said last night in an Inter view he was going to New York Thursday to sign for the fight. Quarterbacks Not Named for East or West San Franc km (JC Thm , ' studded East and West football Tele-Views Radio-Television phia. Weener.r Holiind.t Hawrt.i Paae.f young "comer." was ;.;. , ,t . 5' i r. i o i u . .... " : ?" J Bobby Jones of Oakland, Calif., tonight in their televi sion 10 rounder at Brooklyn's Eastern Parkway arena. Benton won 25 of his 27 pro fessional bouts. A good punch er, he knocked out 14. Victories include those over Lester Fel ton. Holly Mims, LeRoy Cole men and Moses Ward. 3 1 4 lit llf lil Mjlier.t 1 I SLivra.1 0 OTtfc.t 0 S 0 Whltr.r Con'io.f Borlo.i km;, i 0 1 0 0 1 a 0 1 0 0 tawlki ST V. . Cml a OraOlU Sirro, rortlint, Ortioo) Bltb WWn Low Wattn knatr Tlm Helibl Tlma Hiliht :li a m. 11 l:ll p.m. l.l a it p.m. a a P l:S a.m. I t 11 M am. 11 IAS p.aa. 40 1:11 p.m. 1.7 TIDE TABLE far Tail. Ortf B Decaaaber. 1153 Spartans Stress Mental Sessions Pasadena, Calif. 0j.fi) Michi gan State stressed mental ses sions and UCLA emphasized punting today in secret prepa Total. 14 1 34 14 TotaU 11 15 II at P'' 15 17 11-74 "c" 21 11 30 js-ta Frea throwa mtuad: Oraaon Bell. Hat. herr. Anderson I; Holland, atoul 3 Roaa li.. ,".T.,r"' .U""T l'rttoa. Banc 3. Rldaawty 3. Coatcllo 3. Salesman Faces Bribery Charge In Drake Case Des Moines. Ia., H Paglia, 30. a (U.R)Floren quiet, well- raiions lor ineir grm Daiiie on i dressed alnmin, ioe. New Year's Day in the i!ose!today faced grand jury Bowl. Spartan Coach Clarence Big gie Munn cut down on physical training in Michigan State's first secret drill today to school his players on tactics to be em ployed against the tough Bruin defense. WILDCATS VS. HUSKIES Kansas City W) The Kansas State Wildcats, bolstered by an excellent non-1 e a g u e mark, meet the Nebraska Cornhusk ers Monday night in a first round game of the annual Big Seven pre-season basketball tournament. The Oklahoma Sooners clash with the Univer sity of Washington Huskies in the second game. GARRETT SAYS "YES" San Marino, Calif. V? The engagement of the nation's leading collegiate football pass er of 1953, Stanford's Bobby Garrett, and Miss Joan Connel ly, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Connelly, San Marino, was announced Saturday. squads week's Shrine who will quarterback the clubs was anybody's, guess. East Coach Ray Eliot of Illi nois had three top ball han dlers to chose from, Dick Thomas of Northwestern, Pete MONDAY ON KFTV: Arthur Murray Part; 7:1 Nanntttt Fabraj Is guest. r,r"'0". : Nadme Conner and George London, ooih of Mei.-opoiiian Opera House, are this week's luita Dennla Day Show, a stars Dennis Day. Robert Monifomery Freaenta. :10 "What'a For ChnAlmas?" stars John Newland ith Hugh Reilly, Tom Coley and Adtuton Rich ards. i J'V H'lllihJ1a 0:-A roundup of the newa high lights irom around the world produced bv the United Press and JuneTraae,re' 1I "Feder1 Muh"'' aUra Robert Livingston a . , KOIN-TV MONDAY PROGRAM: 3:30 p.m.. Armrhair Theatre 'Leathernecks Have Landed" atar- nng Lew Ayrcs. Isabel Jewel and Jimmy Ellinran. 6:S pjn.. Greatest Drama Henry Ford -Mark of a Man" 1 p.m.. Studio One Nina Fcch has the starring role oi an undia ciplined daughter oi a well-to-do famtlv In "All Mv Love " s p.m., Burnt and Allen Show When Blanche Morton point out to Oracle Allen that unless you have great problems of your own. you can never really understanding the auiferinga of others, Oracle decides to do aomething about it. :10 p.m, Adolph Menjon Jack of Hearts" Adolph Mrntou gives a picture of (Southern Chivalry in the 1840 a. A gambler, challenges another to a duel when the latter accuses him of palming a Jack of Hearts in a card game. 10 pm., TV Hour Brian Don levy and Madge Kvana in the de lightful play "At Ease." the story of a Sergeant who becomes the Headmaster of a school for young gentlemen and a housemother wno sympathizes with me sergeant 11 p.m.. Showtime on gli Turnabout" starring Adolph Menjott, i.aroi ijanais ana jonn nuooara. Monday began final drills for the annual TUESDAY KPTV PROGRAM: game Saturday, but uione Lucas Show, 12:30 Adventures in cooking with famed Matinee Theatre, 1 "Double Trouble" atars Harry Langdon, Char les Rogers and Ben Rubin. Liberare. 7 Selections Include: "12th Street Rag." "Llait's Con solation." "As Tune Goes By, Tonight." Chopin's Harp Etude A Flat, and "Exactly Like You." Backbone of America, s Play by Robert E. Sherwood, winner nf fnur Piillt?r nrl7 1 nwuih oIwm, Va t (v. Stark of Syracuse, and South pressure operations of a group of promoters decking the average Carolina's John Gramling I American family and the basic and firm ideas of the family thev .Ti,rinn a c..j..... f'nd- Cast: Wendell Corey and Yvonne De Carlo with James Dunn. i ? i. j X i. p i G'n' Lockhart. Rcls Toomsey, Lee Patrick, Gloria Talbot, Joan uoiiier anrt Honv oecaetT. Fireside Theatre, "The Wild Earth" stars Jim Davis. Pamela Duncan. William Fawcett and Lillian Albertaon. Story of a per fectionist and his inability to keen hired helo. Nile Owl Thentre, 11:05 "Secret Service" atars Sidney Toler and Mantan Moreland. m m a.a. xmr what'a cookiact 11 00 a n. KPTV Hiwaina rai:a 11 It a.aa. KPTV-Toa Baooalu II 10 a m. KPTV-rmnd ol rmi;r 11 00 nooa KPTV Bride and Oloom KOIN Bia Parol! 11 ! pm. KFTV-Dioue Lucaa aaoo KOIN -Boo croiar 1 aa pm. kptv uaunt mhtm KOIN Lova Ufa 1:11 KPTV Uallnaa KOIN afirch Tomorrov 1:10 p.m. KPTV kfallDfa KOIN Ouldlna tlaaa I S p.m. KPTV MitlBea rOIN-Vi.lroi Ladr 3 SO p.m. KPTV Maltoaa Tnritar Kom i ;i ar Tnai 3 M p.m. KPTV On Your Accouat KOIN Btrlka It Rich I 00 Pm. KPTV Kite Smi:n KOIN Oarrr Mora 3 10 pm. KPTV Kata amtth KOIN Armchair Theater 4 00 pm. KPTV Welcome Treere KOIN Armchair Theater 4 30 la. KPTV The Tormiker KOIN Armchair Theater 4 41 p m. KPTV Tha Tormakar KOIN-UT Uoon I 00 pm. KPTV Hotdy Ooodr KOIN Beddle Pala 30 p.m. KPTV Bar 37 Corral KOIN Bkdd'.a Pala 00 p m KPTV-TBA KOIN Muter Weathermen 0 It pm. KPTV-TBA KOIN Photo Quia a 30 p.m. KPTV Atranae AdreBtura KOtN Doja Edwarda Nea 1 4S p.m. KPTV NW Newaporu KOIN Jana Proman Bhow T 00 p.m. KPTV Liberate KOIN Rnnae Rider 130 p m. KPTV Diana Shore KOIN veterani' Olft Shop 3:00 P.m. KPTV Milton Berle KOIN Orient XipreJa 3:30 p.m. KPTV Milton Berla KOIN Red Skelton 0 00 p m. KPTV-Plrulda Theiter KOIN Captured 0:30 p.m. KPTV circle Theater KOIN Buipetue 10:00 p m. KPTV Judee Por Touraelt KOIN Dancer 10:30 r m. KPTV I Led Three Llvea KOIN-take Room tor Daddy 11:00 p m. KPTV Poater a Nea KOIN Showtime on SIS 11 10 p m. KPTV-Weather Vane 11:18 p.m. KPTV Nlta Owl Theater Battered Alabam Arrives in Texas For Bowl Drills Dallas. Tex. W One of the worst bunged up bowl teams ever to come here Ala bama's Crimson Tide started its workouts on Texas soil Monday, while Rice, its foe In the Cotton Bowl, was changing locations. nice had no Injuries but rains In Houston and over South Texas caused Coach Jess N'eely to decide to take hta squad to Abilene, In dry West Texas, for workouts. Coach Harold (Red) Drew and 38 players flew into Dallas Sunday to find themselves un derdogs by a touchdown with which Drew agreed. With 10 injured players on the squad, Drew could be par doned by his dour outlook. At least two of those won't play at all and another Albert El more, the No. 2 quarterback is doubtful. me, oiarx ana uramline ao- peared to have the inside, j Both saw considerable action i befor the club went lightsee-l ing. j West Coach Chuck Taylor! of Stanford had two quarter-! oacKs to choose from, but it's starling Ruth Terry on a charge of trying to bribe a Drake basketball star to "fix" the score of a game. Ben Bumby, six foot, two inch Drake forward, told Coach Jack McClelland a man offered him up to $1,000 to shave points in Drake's i game with Iowa State here Dec. 22. I Sublimity The Sublimity Bumbry told McClelland Hawks played a "tripleheader" several days before the game over ,he week-end and em that the man asked him to "gcd victorious in all three make sure Drake lost by 8 games. or 10 points but the husky) The Hawks rallied to come forward told him "no dice" ', from far behind in the second but Bumbry starred, piling up . halt to top the Albany Bar KOIN-TV TUESDAY PROGRAM: 3:15 p.m., Armchair Theatre "Jamboree' and Paul Harev. touehie: His own Bohhv . 8:" Pm-, Jane Froman Show Miss Fr.iman sings against a Garrett too aaster in ih. e, 2Sc'lt!rouri of classical Greece. "Beyond the Blue Horizon." "All the uarrett, top passer in the na-, Things You Are." "In the Still of the Night," and. backed bv the lion, or Baylors Cotton David- quartet. "Isn't It Romantic." "Thou Swell" la the ouartefs apecial son, the Southwest Confer-1 "umber. ence's ace aeriali.i I 1:30 Pm" Hollywood Music Hall The Premiere ahowlng. marks iv . . 1 the first time that a television program, originating revularlv from uarreu nas put on the best a malor film studio, will be seen In ths area. Starrng Victor Young and his singing strings and Lucille Norman, this half-hour tele. show will emanate from Paramount atudios. Oueat of Initial telecast will op the distinguished pianist Paulena Carter. p.m., Orcnt Fipress The Witness." Destination Vienna. 8:30 p.m.. Red Skelton Show Red Skelton as Willie Lumn Lump turns his home Into a shamble when he tries to helo his wife water a tropical sketch. In a second sketch. Red Is George ADolebv. a singer who offers his services for a policeman's ball. :3 n.m.. suspense Pud Flanagan, child televlalon actor, atars In The Gift of Pesr " character atudv of a little bov frightened bv his mother to make him behave in a store torland. 10 n.m.. Danger "Prelude To Death, the atorv of two atsters vyintr for the love of a young piar.lst. II p.m.. Showtime on six "His DouDle Lite" starring Honaio Youn. Lillian Glsh and Montague Love. show in practice, but Davidson has been pressing him. Sublimity Hawks Win Three Games 17 points. Sooners Set Up Faloney Defense Miami, U.R With eye out for "spies" through boniculars, Bud Wilkinson set a wary glaring Coach up his Orange Bowl defense today by using his former great quar terback Ed Crowder to emu late the split-T maneuvering of Maryland's Bernie Faloney. Crowder, a Sooner quarter back last year and a Canadian pro this season, impersonated Faloney in handling the ball. But Wilkinson wasn't sure he was using the same plays the Terrapins quarterback will call Jan. 1. Iona College played its first Madison Square Garden bas ketball game on Dec. 15, 19S1 and bowed to Seton Hall 70-60. rets, 48-46, and then to upset the Silverton Christies twice, 73-45 and 35-22, Saturday. Christenson paced Sublim ity with 16 in the Barrett game, while in the first Sil verton contest Rip, Meiers and Carey scored 19. 12, and 10, respectively. Bradley led the Hawks with nine in the Sil verton nightcap. Idaho State Vs. LSU Ring Squad New Orleans UP) Idaho State's national collegiate box ing champions and the Louisi ana State University team hop ing to unseat them will clash Monday night in the annual Sugar Bowl matches. Idaho State has several key fighters back from its cham pionship team, with national champion Vic Kobe amor.g them. Kobe won the 119-pound class last year. Does TV Hurt Your Eyes! HOFFMAN,, PHONE 2-1913 2301 Fairgrounds Rd. Valley TV Center Sales - Service Installation Open Till p.m. Daily Sunday from 1 to 6 p.m. IN TENNIS SEMIFINALS New Orleans CUB Dark horse Fred Kovaleski of Wash ington, D. C, led the field into semi final matches of the 17th annual Sugar Bowl tennis sin gles today on the strength of a hard-fought wir. over defend ing champion and top seeded Cardnar Mulloy of Miami, Fla. Giant squids can attain a length of 52 feet, including the tentacles. luut-nmntt mum TELEVISION Soles Servic Installations MITCHELL RADIO & TV 1880 Slot. St. Ph.3-7577 Journal Want Ads Pay On Television KPTV (27) UHF KOIN-TV (6) VHF IET US DBUVa YOUR SEGlBt HEATER NOW- Mi(N FURNITURE 1425 Edgewaler St. West Salem, Oregon MAICO HEARING SERVICE OF SALEM Hearing aids in all price ranges Accepted by American Medical Association Free trial to present hearing aid users Free service within 2S miles of Salem SEE FLOYD BENNETT MAICO HEARING SERVICE of Salem SENATOR HOTEL BLDG. (Permanent Office on Mezzanine) OFFICE OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY 9 A. M. to 3 P. M. Call Salem 2-0702 Floyd Bennett MARR RADIO & TELEVISION TV Solet Servic - Installation Open from V .m. to 9 p m. Ph. 2-1611 2140 8. ComL Salem's First Trie vM on Store SO p.m. KPTV Robert Montiomtry KOIN Red Euttom 10:00 p.m. KPTV Arthur Mumy Duct KOIN TV Theater 10 JO p.m. KPTV Bit Pleturt KOIN TV Theiter 1100 p.m. KPTV nth Hour Mewt KOIN howtlme on Six 11:10 P.m. KPTV Wather Vent ll:l p.m. KPTV Nlte Owl Theetar TV TROUBLES? Technicians on Duly Till 9:30 p.m. Dally TELEVISION SERVICE Co. 1410 S. 12th Ph. 45512 TVSSDAT I IS am. KPTV Kiddle Corner 10:oa a.m. KPTV Dint Dona School Announcing Our Annual Pre-lnventory CLEARANCE SALE Sale Now in Progress Ends Thursday, Dec. 31 Money Soving Values in Every Dept. KAY WOOLEN MILL STORE Open All Day Saturday 260 S. 1 2th "Tha Street tha Trains Run On" I NDY0U ma A WARM HOME WHEN YOU BOUGHT YOUR HEATER? .Alt TOO COMFWED TO ONE 00r ARI YOU FIOORS ICY COlOf . ... CHUNGS OVSKHIATIDT ARE YOUR FlEl TOO HIGHT cOTaterfoolln'andfiwzln'u t- ra. arte ef laaaaar-HVar FURNACE HEAT No costly pipes or registers to install or clean! ettoi ttoaaef wmmm op h 1 tIU J aKauia auatn lar a aa- t eTi MONEY eACK GUARANTEE t "SP, crrr- fei WW I eaTaaaatta. e - TttaaBBaaaV i mW i i "iii ' i .u mm mmtmmmmmm T5sUA" 10:00 t..m. KPTV Dim Doni School 10:30 i m. KPTV Whet'i Cookintt 11:00 in. KPTV Hawklni Palla 11:1ft a m. KPTV Tha Bennett 11:30 a m. KPTV Friend of Famllr 12:00 noon KPTV Brine and Qrocm KOIN Bk Payoff 12:10 p.m. KPTV Th la la the Llta KOIN Bob Croaby 1:00 p m. KPTV Matinee Theater KOIN Love ol Ufa X:15 pm. KPTV Matinee KOIN Search Tomorrow 1:10 p.m. rPTV Mattne KOIN Outdtnt X.lfr.1 1 45 p.m. KPTV Matinee KOIN Valient Ladr 1:00 p.m. KPTV Matinee KOIN Double Nothing 1 SO p.m. KPTV On Your Account KOIN strike It Rich I 00 p.m. KPTV Kate Smith KOIN Garry Uoort S10 pm. KPTV Kata Smith KOIN Armchair Theater 4 00 pm. KPTV Welcome Traveler! KOIN Armchair Theater 4 1 p.m. KPTV Tor maker KOIN Armchair Theater 0 41 p.m. KPTV Toymaker KOIN Mr. Moon I I 00 p.m. KPTV Howdy Dood? KOTN-add.e FaU 1:10 p.m. KPTV Bar 27 Corral KOIN Laurel and Mardr 4 00 p.m. KPTV Wild Bill Hlckok KOIN Mlnter Weathermu I 19 pm. KPTV Wild Bill Hlckok KOIN Photo QiU I jo pm KPTV win mo KOIS IXui Ecwarll f 40 p IT1. KPTV Nor that! Oleeal KOIN Or fa tot Drama 7 00 pm. KPTV Cha'ano FiahU KOIN Studio One 130 pm. KPTV Arthur Murray Dane KOIN-'udlo One t p m. KPTV New Caievaa KOIN Studio One I 00 p.m. KPTV Nam That Tun KOIN B jrne er.d Allen 110 pm. KPTV Vole of Plruton KOIN Adnlph Meniou I 00 pm. KPTV Den nil Day KOIN I Lom Lucy SKIPPY TOPS IN QUALITY! I a laV e - WE'RE CLEANING HOUSE ON VACUUM CLEANERS All Reconditioned for Carefree Service ft AT Jy & & & at. Take Your Pick 4-Were 1 0.95 4-Were 1 6.95 4-Were 22.50 $195 $095 $1 995 Now n Now O Now a 4-Were 29.95 4-Were 34.50 4-Were 44.50 SIR95 O50 $9Q95 Now AO Now Now af ME tl 455 COURT PHONI 4-5502 mmm LOW IN PVICE r:mUmftW'm atsaUTat All A iea. met - i