63W 1,1 er onlf t"T.4M en your 21 i-bedroom dream honi U ?. ibt tht elt tl mrit wonderful features -sar 1U" OR MOTH1KO DOWM r, J bedrooms Large t'J dining area tlh btc E.ub natural olrcn "b'nl ,u.r ,UD " wr1 Lts in til bedrooms Hard mti Thermo-controlled oil . insu.eieo ana weainer S ft Larue atorase room ITafliee ' exterior and interior L Approx. 4&v 00 per mo. In F taxex. insurance, etc. THEBB WONDERFUL Lr"RES TOR ONLY 18.250 00 Vll- vmiRARt PI COME OL'T 10,1 TODAY t LtiMd home li a perfect Xmu 9j...rv lood home IWlVENINOa TILL I M P.M. r PHONE 2-071 MAI ISTATt MAI ESTATE THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon r-; -:-v,,-.;,:,.,-.W. -) C307 FOR RENT HOUSES SOI-TII IU1. 2-bedroom houu i ecned Htm. Electne beat, til month. Inqiiirt at 31M Feitoa St. rot bent er It ate. ns duplet apart- .. rium a-tsea. JmlH Good location. Phone JmSQl' COMPLETELY rejecorattd on bedroom ualurniioad house. iuah4 (ir 155 month. No pen. nlle east Four vu". state, moae 1-stM jmJOt" FOR RENT APARTMENTS l-aoo trtMkHED. au utilities, stove, tefrie. S:eaa heat. Block to Capitol. 124 00. Laar. 1209 Court. Phong 1-6354 JpJOft l-ROO Fl K.NISHtD, close la. Adulu. aoN. Hmti. Phone 3-6315. jpsoa BY OWNER Lroom home, Eos le wood District. Ljrt. sii heat, Laria laraae and Lfoom. Nice, quiet neighborhood. L fight, If sold this week. Phone 309 tU OR RENT, two-room noun Irtt Ml. . vwo, i J"u",4" t, .314S. a310- I SALE LOTS EoE COURT site. Ph. 1-8835. gocoloKy. Real Bit ate. aa2 t.,ttn4trrrrrrrrertf RENT FARMS tu FARM for rent. River bottom phone JiBoJ . oajm ll ESTATE AT THIS TIME OF YEAR WE PAUSE TO WISH OUR FRIENDS MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY and PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR RAWLIN'S REALTY (HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT REALTOR) CHET RAWLINS FRED RAWLINS JIM RAWLINS DALE RAYBURN "CLEAN rilMSHtD. prltala batb. and rmrance. rnonc 2-7143. JpSDI' IXU-EOOM PlRMgHED doaoitelrt apartment, rrtv.t, otruc. bltl- utnu. watar turDlab4. 131. mo Tarry. Ptiont J-10l. JP397' AfiKTKINT INVCIT Olim. ChlKUn tltom. room J. nil. 111! tu It. . Jn SSSIDENNIS the MENACE nKTlC-KOTE require no waxlni tor your noors or linoleum. Vtittr Ap pllanca Co., Ill Cbemeketa t. Phone I-4IH. n. AND PAINTED oraaadv aptoni. I earn, aaanna WUloa, r O. Bos IS. Phoenix, Oreaon. 0 ACCORDION INSTRUCTION. Jiutru menu rented shlLe joa learn. Balem ' a.'deai and largett accordion acbao. Wiluer Mu ill Uouaa. 1IM State. Prt n!?i" ISEO lc. WALNIT bedrooai auiu M SO. Ho( Bro. Ud Btore, U' B FORTIFIED FEAT no, on'.r 9&C ct Ideal or mulrhini i. VaUer Fartr. Btore. Piione 4-46J4. nit' RECAF8 :.54;'ll. Guaranteed na twnwide 100 cold rubber Ltlt a Tut, No. Com'l at Pine Pb. 4-1033 ma I'SED DAVENO and tnatchins chair, lift 00. Hoit Broi. Vied Store, 137 B Comrn'.. nJ07 BATTERIES, U 8S. U.H, exchange' is moa. auarantre. LTtlea Tire, No Com'l at pine. Pb. 4-8033. FURNISHED COLRT apartment, I rooms aaraie. cioaa in on Morta conmer etal. 6l. Phone 1-1641 or I-M44. Ip New Spinet Piano. Ph. 4-4746. ruos VIED RADlO-phonotiaph. I4B.S0. Hoae cros. una store, in b. comrn1 1. aioi SEVERAL furullhed anarimenta, rood location. Inquire B. L. BUff Puralture. Phone I-91I8. jp VIED I' FRIGHT PIANO with atool. 1139.00. Hoax Broa. Used Btore, 137 B Comm'l. 1.301 VERT MCE two-bedroom lurnlahad and uniurnunea apartmtnta. Water, rante, refrlxerator furnlabed. S0I and U. lnauira at 110 N. 14th. JpS07- ARCHERY SET-Metal bow, quiver, ar rows, tinier tab, arm tuard. 3040 Kap phahn Rd. 4-4182. n308' TWO ROOMS, prlvau bath, entrance. numerator. Aduiti. Alter 1:10 p.m.. Hi B. 11th Bt. Jp307 t-ROOH FTRNIIHED apartment, preferred. Pbona 4-W. Adult JplOl' CLEAN 1-ROOM furnUbad apartment. ui.iu.ee lurnitneo, injg, rootu 1MI4. SMlHaxtl Ave. jpil 1 bedroom, furnUbad, roomr, private batb and entrance, newly beautifully oecorated. 493 B. HUh. )p30T j BE.'.UTIFVLLT luralahed. coxy one bed- ioom aupicx. ijarae rooms, ctoae w bui. West fialem. 1311 Edcewater Phone 3-)109. avenlnia 1-9939. Jpl09 SPECIALIZE IN TRADES m k FEDERAL GI UTC6. RY GOOD VALUE grt new home that la extra well tt for schools, bus and atores. Liu ntil. rm. Fireplace. Insulated, i Plied St. Owner has left state. ztttnt this well built home lor HMO (Call for RAY GHIMMETT, pa. 17S79 61m.) ill Get It for $8500 It'i i very roomy home. 14 by 24 E room, ideal for T.V., 2-car sar is tood condition, completely re- Insulalfd. Paved fit. Large ij 141 lot. Term arranged, icnii RAY ORIMMETT, eve. ph. 1-7619 Y OF YOUR LIFE lilt new. Lovely fireplace. Oor- iwd both front and back. French kitebtrlc yard. 14 by 23 llvtns rm. skint TV. location. Oil heat. km fireplace. 4 blk. to school. AU. hi Pstlo. Several beartnt fruit aUe. j acre lot and the finest bL Just think, the price is only H f.H A. terma tf defired. (Call IKK. HARE. eve. ph. 3-5452. film.) .UNUSUAL DEAL lt trpe home, but tt Is a dandy, i Iseitlon. basement. Furnace Bat by door. Lots of shrubs. H at down. 4 up. 2 batha. xnis i cindy for a lance family. The feu only 91A.S00. Terms. 'Call for i Din" ISAAK. eve. ph. 4-3133 tcome $200 Per Mo. H. ft. bid. S3 by 30 ft lot with tJii losce In front. 2 rest ronms. , m mW :no per year. This bids. a few years old. Full price I Tfrms arranaed. iCall for MR. WORD. eve. ph. 4-S020 Slm.l i MR. MECHANIC til buv. A well established rtnilr Rsraie. In a fine location, '! of bids, only 140 per mo. Approx. WO tnual xrosB business. All tools. pntnt, iofit ro for S"0on. ickii G. "DAN" TBAAK. eve. ph. ?W Sim l FINE DUPLEX Bfw, well built, well located. In "d. weather stripped. Separate nt. Oi.riie. Imm. posr. Out of p oner says sell It. A real value 'ii mid Term II desired, (cm AY ORIMMETT. tv. ph. -H7S Ice Cream Fountain Lunch 1 t setup for couple. In one f ben btiAlness suburban dl Owner miwt sell. Rent on KAw. ' ITT per month. Full rtrlce 17.l)H" ""pmhini irn fnr v n 'nAN" hr- v' Ph. 4-lvn S'm.) 3 ACRES Pjtrr best of soil. Cloie In north P aw modern 3-bed room home P.itt. ririte. Automatic oil heat. Very cood well. Full prtre fcWrY"-. fV(1 h 4.v-i 81m. RFAL HOT " e modern 2-bdrm. home with tlTlr 1. .... - 1T NiviKablf. Full prlea I73B0. 'Call T BEDROOMS Home In excellent condition. Corner lot. nice yard, close-in location In No. 2 Zone. Ideal for conversion to apt. Oood terms. CALL H. K. LAVMON VIEW FROM EVERY WINDOW-Lovely West view overlookini river towards Independence, .arse 'ively birch kitchen, hdwd. f Ira. thruout. L-shape llv. rm. and din. rm. Philippine mahogany mantel and trim. 1 nice bdrme,, lovely bath, central hallway, dble. taraae. dayltaht baimt., auto, oil heat. Ite. lot. Reduced price. CALL ROY B. FERRIS NEAT A COZY Is this 2-bdrm. home with add'l. finished bdrm. or den over narase. Llv. rm.. din. rm.. kitchen with estins space, bath with shower. State Q. L loan to be assumed. CALL J. t. LAW Please Drop In and Pick Up Your 1954 Calendar! GRABENHORST BROS. REALTORS 134 a. Liberty St. Ph. 3-3471 Evening, tod Sundiy, Cill fttleemrn Roy a. Perrtt 3-W10 3. E. Law 3-3113 H. K. Laymon 3-3131 For Your Insurance Needs Call W. H. (Bill) Johnston 2-2471 or 3-336S CLOSE IN. utmtlea Inrn. I mqulra Apt. 4. 137 w. Ubarty. CLOSE IN. S3 30433, eve. 33331. up. lunula lurn. IP- NICELY PUINISBED bu.ment apart' mem. rrivaia. ciaau. Haaaoaaaia. a. seth at. JP30I Reduced 13 Per Day Until Sold 8TARTINO PRICE DEC. 33. Ill tt 1 Tiermador wall heater. 2,000 Watt Thermostat control. DECEMBER 28, S0.95 Keith Brown Lumber Yd. Pbona 3-9111 Pront Ji Coon at. "WE GIVE aH OREXN CTAKPa" Saturday, December 28, 195S Bv Ktteham AUTOMOBILIS ONE TEAR iLD MonUomery Ward retrtaerator. Very cood condition. Center St. Phone 4-3291. n307 an LEE APTS. Balem's Most Dlstlniutahed Addraas. "horouahly modern, ideally located, for those desiring better llvlat. One bedroom units from fBJ.OO; bachelor units as low as 159.50. Inspection In vited. S8S N. Winter. JpIOS USED OFFICE FURNITURE 4 Used Wooden Typewriter Desks 1 Used Bteel Fillnx Cabinet 1 Used Dupllcatlna Machine 1 Assortment Used Wood Office Chairs I Used Walnut Wood Table 1 Uied Safe COMMERCIAL BOOK STORK 141 NO. COMMERCIAL BTR&ET B307' CLOSE OUT Wheelbarrows and Ualvcr sal Trlfcea. Valley Farm Store. Fb 4-4624. all' HIGH CHAIR and lady's fur coat sist 14. Phone 3-5360. n30B' CLOSE, CLEAN, warm, lurnlahed apart ments. 27 up. Utilities. 156 Marlon. JP3091 Wonted MISCELLANEOUS WOODRY WANTS Pianos. Phons 1-6110. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES HARDWARE BUSINESS Impaired health and pressure of other Interests forces sacrifice of soins business. Of ferine entire stocl: at 40 of retail for next 10 days 2000 sq. ft. floor apace. 100 It. front, all fits very attrac tive lease low rent 3-5 yrs. Bee E. Dickson. Dlcksons Shoppina Center- South Salem or phone 23211 for aptmt. ed' WANTED POSITIONS EXPERT TREE service. Trees topped. trimmed, removed. Hedtes trimmed, yard cleaned, trash hauled. Free esti mates. .1-7404. B-1- GENERAL CARPENTER specialise stairway it door hanslni. Call collect Falls City 27 alter 5:30. h310 BOILER FIREMAN wants work. Would take nlsht watch Job. 3-4003. h3ll FOR LEASE, ice station, Call 4H.8. major oil company serv Good location in Salem, ed307- WANT INS TRANCE man to take addi tional business and use reasonably priced office space. State experience and agency licenses now held. If any. Box 311. Capital Journal. cd307 MAIL ORDER WANTED. MAIL ORDER PRODUCT. KATIONAL DISTRIBUTION. P. I. BASIS. GUARANTEED PRODUCTION oiiat.TPY. FOB So.onfl WATT RADIO STATIONS. TOR APPOINTMENT CALL 3-8330. eoJOI' -itviiFi n nti rriDD oners service nnwn w. McMlnnvlllc. Partial financial assist ance to iualified party, phone Salem 1-9333 cays. . 1". WANTED FURNITURE LARGE, WELL FURNISHED two-bedroom apartment, block from Capitol, Steam heat, utilities, garage. 1100. Phone 3-9S35. Jpl ELECTRIC 8-5110. REMODEI tD TWO - ROOM furnished. Private batb. 130 S. 14th St, Phone 2-9239. JP310' 2-ROOM WARM basement apartment. Gentleman preferred. 130. 310 B. 14th Bt. Phone 2-9239. JpUO' 2 AND S ROOM furnished. Private bath. 105 N. Liberty St. 2-6941. jp309 MISCELLANEOUS l SAND ft ORAVXL COM Contract Work oad Clearing - Ditches Sewer and Basement Equipment Rental Ditching by the Fool Phone Days 3-9401 Ives. 2-4417 or 1-1411 Salem. Oregon HAVE FOUR GOOD, 6 and 6-yard dump trucks available lor any type oi wont. What do you have? Piione Ofrvais 3-354 or write Rt, 1, Eox 19B, Brooks. h301 IRONING Me an hour. Bring hangers. 1011 2nd St., West Salem. na RELIABLE BABY SITTER Will so days or merits. Phone 2-9964. nios- PAPER HANGING & Painting. Johnson. Phone 2-0794. LIGHT CRAWLER, dozinz. dirt level- In i. trsdins Phone 3-3220. wir GENERAL REWINO and button holes. Phone 2-1660. h3ll BEE-HIVE TRUCKS U-DRIVB MOVE YOURSELF SAVE 'i CAR RENTALS STAKES VANS TEXACO STATION 619 COURT ST. PHONE 3-1931 PAGE STEVXNSOK and AL ME FORD DENTAL PLATE REPAIR l-H. SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolph Bldx.. State tt commercial Sts. SALEM PH. 3-3J11 BUILDING MATERIALS BARGAINS CARPENTER Repair, remodel, eaolnrts and aarsiei. small jobs welcome. t.tif.n 2C Loose iniuiiiton per aoe M sal. water heaters M9.50 P1im;c drainbd. covering 30c so. ft. Hardwood plywood. Ideal for paneling or cabinets CHEAP bath tubs, complete ' Cuddy; uowmw tvws til next oristaws? AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES $ $ FOR $ $ You Can't Beat Our Cars FOR VALUE! $495 49 Plvmouth Sedan 47 Ponilac Sedan, RtsH. (3 41 Studebaker Cocasosivder. O D. DOWN A MONTH 1300 9J122 $995 t Buick aedaa. Dyna. RftH. il. mil.. DOWN A MONTH 1131 (ion BANGES. Woodry'a. SPORTING EQUIPMENT !' BOAT AND cover, motor. Factory built trailer. Umbrella tent. All in excellent condition. Very reasonable. Phone 3-6112. ncSOS- PERSONAL SECURITY DETECTIVE AOENCY Private Investigations. clvlL criminal, domestic missing person. Qualified questioned document examiner. Latet equipment. Connections throughout the world. See telephone directory or phone dav or nipht 4-3766 or 4-33S. Pl3 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 31 Ford, radio, beater. Very good tires. Phone 294H. 1308' LOOK! 18M Chevrolet Sedan. H&'H Power lide. 9995. 1887 Ne Winter. 4309 FOR SALE OR TRADE Equity in I 1949 Chevrolet club coupe, oood con dition. New tires. Call 2-7122. q308' INVENTORY SALE All Cars Must Be Sold by Jan. 1st 1952 GMC Pickup, Deluxe Cab $1195 Heavy duty wheels sod 9-ply tires. Looks like new. 1951 Chrysler Windsor Deluxe $1395 4 -dr., radio and neater, my clean. 1951 Chev. Styleline Coupe $895 Heater, windshield washers, very good. 1950 Stude Champion $695 2-dr., two-tone paint, very clean. 1949 Plymouth Special Deluxe $695 Haoio, neater, seat coven, very eiean. 1949 Ford Custom $595 Ford custom, radio and heater, overdrive. 1947 Pontiac $495 Radio, beater, wbltewall tires. 1949 Chev Sed. Del. Very good $795 1941 Cadillac Convertible $495 New top, new paint, runs sood. 1946 Ford 2-dr. V-8 $295 1941 Ford 2-dr. Good trans $75 1935 Ford Cpe. Good $50 IP THESE PRICES DONT aUTT YOII. MAKE OS AN Or PER $895 49 Mercury ftednn. RAH 49 Pontiac Hydra. RAH DOWN A MONTH 1100 44 48 $1095 M Chevrolet CI. Cpe. BEST FOR LESS 39 Bulck Coups lie. 39 Pun i la e .,... t 37 Pontiac it WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD AT KELLY OWENS CO. 680 N. LIBERTY PH. 2-4113 03M DIRECTORY INSULATION Insulation, weatherstrips, storm sash. Free estimates. T. Pullman. Phone 3-5965. OS MATTRESSES Capitol Bedding renovates. Pull new mattresses. Ph. 3-4069. OFFICE FURNITURE SUPPLIES Desk chairs, files, filing supplies, safes, duplicators, supplies, desk lamps, type writer standi. Roen, 9 Court. SEPTIC TANKS Hamel's septic tanks cleaned, Una service. Guaranteed work P a a 3-7104. J-0774. ol Sewer, aeptls tanks, dralna cleaned. Roto-Rooter Sewer Service, Pbona J-M37. Mike's Septic Service. Tanks cleaned. D rooler deans sewers, drains. Phono 3-946S. 014 TYPEWRITERS Smith, Corona, Remington. Royal, Un derwood portables. All makes sd machines. Repairs A rent. Rosa, 454 Court. 3-6713. WATER PUMPS AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR HAVING RADIATOR TROUBLE? Valley Motor Co., experts will solve your prob lem and save you money. Fiee esti mates, speedy service. Center at Lib erty. AC MEIER MOTORS 3031 a. COMMERCIAL TRUCKS 193t DODGE PANEL. Extra seat, heater, new Ursa. 11,396 casb. Pbona 3-1016. Qd4 HEAVY EQUIPMENT Dl CAT FOR hire. Phone 29446. William Phillips. 3360 Abrams. qel I V.. . Ji -.li'"!".- W V- .w-i.mj. da PAINTING, p'"' " fibe ilw roll blanket lnauL contract. Bmal. jobs welcome. Phone H i ejM wiriIU "72- 1J-2 elec! wuin BABY SITTING anytime, your home or nhu 19.75: 2 kegs at , mine. Phone 2-1940. h308- PAPER HANGING, painting. Free esti mates. Don Lucero. Ph. 3-5522. h8 MIMEOGRAPHING : typing. Quality work. Reasonable rate.. Mrs. Poe, 665 N. 16th. Phone 33613. h 'CARPENTER repairing st bulldlns of any .69 ..11.00 .Cheap ...S'jc ...'. JC ..6695 ..8BV ,10 0 ,.1550 ..6250 FINANCIAL kind. Phnne 39SD1. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK LorKIR BLEF-wVlf. lace Herelord, 20c. Nothlna down. month, to pay. Ouitom HUlna. Trailer loaned Irea. Salem Meal Co.. 133 S. 35tn. PB. 3-II13 A FOR RENT LARGE warehouse space lor rent or leaee. cement noon. """J"" Down town. Inquire H. L. atlll Pur nlture Co. Phone 3-01R. yvTEDJNT t-BEDROOM house. 170 Bracket Con tact Mr. Walker at Capitsl Druf mo by telephone, pleasei or 2035 McCoy. PETS AXC REGISTERED Boston puppies. Also , Dachshund puppies. Phone 24WR2. Al- RQQM & BOARD Asbestos siding per sq. Painted shakes with unders . New doors, all sizes Used alndows 36"x04" 100 used doors wim irames Used cast iron vuh basins .... New toilet with seats Double kitchen sinks, complete . 40 gal. elec. water heaters Laundry trays, pipe, basla .. S00 sat. steel sep'lc tanks 4" csft iron soil pipe 4" solid oranseourg pipe Roll roofini, large supply 3 tub com p. roofing Cedar Miinile. 4 grades New picture wmoowe New weather stripped windows Cedar fence posta C. G. LONG & SON Pb. 4-5051 1 ml. N. of Keln rna sai.E- pupr-ie. Phone 27383. ResUtered AKC Chihuahua . Br" t9tnimim. Phone momma. LEAVENS, eve. ph. I-473B 2V, ACRES F4 lli nirtVi Vrrv oloaot mAprn 9- rm ho-iie. 14x20 barn. Oaraee. " "n ""tem and pipes. Ood p"" ' erl!i thf. i-Vrme prtc of 7Ftri. 1 In- Vf O viiivwi ...a ah T aim 1 -J'L ni fcrrnai o v..e Pn ALSO IN WASH. IDAHO Isaak & C.n.. Realtor i IjV,. .-.an or i-iesw w' 4-nil a.un i.7a7. a.tM7 to amwar tall 1-33(1 Parakeets BUSINESS RENTALS SPACE FOR SUUt or wsicn mp-ii , 144 S. 13th- J22 )) I You've seen the rest, n see xm new turn. w..t Knl 3 fir 3 DUt over uu tv , rnmi.-u Lie S-133 and U-331 and ROY H- SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS Hea.- 'Top Trades" 12 05 Dally KSLM 1390 Ke. GENERAL FINANCE CO. LOANS 136 So. Commercial St. Tel. 3-9161 'J J j - Bargain! iia5iraVa ...662.50 ffl SwiiiBBaaaB I if REAL ESTATE LOANS '.'' !M COLONIAL INVESTMENT CO. : "'cheaijll "OtlelT w CO.MSCN Paea '.'.'..ii.oo, J 687 Court a. .c. 4-2283 ..11120 m.3 1 ' .. .Cheap 1 11 " ri Irom. All colors, one price. ..,. - -I:....,..H Blri Paradlie. 3180 Llv-, Inaetnn. 3-1BI3- HT307' sTaMESE KITTENS. J monthl 01. .l Neel. pnene a-ju LOST & FOUND W ILL Tilt PARTY that took the ladv's pur.-e irom unin "lc J"" " -..; and. Store PLEfc r.ctr mr I.....,- .a ptti.-RS T11Z RrJjl, .it"i valuable t- no one bit the oaner GLOVER'S SIAMESE kittens ano SoaU unSlSSri ! JStJr MOOILS LOM-Snli - . Pirakeeu, PROVEN BOXER ftnte.. Trooiea run mun""v" Pets. Macleay Road. Wednesdays 4-J77J. Closed ec310' TP 3-4703 k303 Rear!. Phone collect Bllverton. Salem 2-73.0. rrisT nou VTOWN - Schseffer . PfB Finder Please MATERIALS GALORE!! Oath "It's" here somewhere Pt tzn..f err where, lot of good 4x8 sheet. Ping Pong table tops tx 6 00 a sheet. Several thousand pes. plywood low as Jc. loc. eircn too. neutirul 1x6 hemlock VO panel, knotty pine 114 50. shelving boards 12'ae It. Sda S3 50. D fig 96M. oak fli in healed room. 4x6 ma hot ply 35c ft. winftnws to your spec's. Inu!atlon wvhe- stripp:n. and hundreds of oti.er items. Free estimates 36 mo. to pay. no down payment. See "Your Building Supply Friends" Portland Koad Lumber Yard 35(5 PORTLAND RD. PH. 4-4431 AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 182 South Church Parkin s-Plenty Pb 3-1,57 Lie. Mo. U-1U. S-154 BEE US FOR FARM. CITY OR ACREAGE LOANS BEST Or J EH MB WE BUY Real estate Mortgages At contracts State Finance Co. Ill So. High St. Pb. 1-4131 FUEL ANDERSON "j""""' 311.00, oelivered PBona 4-1231. 3 cords 1-17S1 or ee7 TED REAL ESTATE II youy proparty ta for aala, ,' "chania. II, t it wlln We it. i""" " ' ""rt. PINANCI CO.. BXALTOM Hl.h at. ca ll t ot town hurer (or larm with Is Come in or caa If your. Is , "". Realtor. 3011 Nortb pnona 4-WH. caso.' . Beed af mm, hn..a L. aalL t" "sr aalem. If roo wUB t Hat rU''IORaT BROI RfALTOM " unarly Ph. J-3471 ca- rWHEll tDVERTISIXO C""'d. llaae. IK linn'!.:!: '.I f" ttari ...... Rlalaaaaa I. Warta. ?Ucr Ad It. Ram, Daf'l .r.nti area only. Twin Falls Lumber lo. PHO'3-t201 FOR RENT ROOMS Nirtl.T riRNHHIU. rriTava Oentleman. M "" 3-6363 pTrASAST sLttPIW rooms "; tlem-n Phone :m. !Mi NURSERY STOCK ! AtrilCAN VIOLETS, many aarletle, In I bloom. 75e uo. Rooted leaves. Ber. i a.r a ore.nhou.e. 1101 Third at., Stay ' ton Phn. 3?5 CASH FAST! $25.00 TO $2,500 SEE FRED SCHOTT AT 118 S. Liberty St. PHONE 4-2203 Pacific INDUSTRIAL IOAN3 What is a in a Used Car ? Wr. believe yon want the same thinfrs in a oeird car yon woold expect in a new ear lonjr life, troeble-free operation, comfort, style, roominess. So we recondition and guarantee our used ears on an All Square basis for ttae rather than just sales appeal. We seil real Talnea, not "price bargains." Instead of looking all over town for a "bargain"-look to us for an AU Squart value: 1 Baalkk , at uii'tltiiNMsJ 2 Stekk 3 Buret Doal-T OnumnlM 4 CuatofrMr aotiafocttoal ou gtfd befkr USEO CAR from 9 Baick Peser OTTO J. WILSON CO. 34 hour service, all makes, water eya terns. Brownie Valdai. 23766. pC WINDOW CLEARTNQ Acme Window Cleaners. Industrial floor waxing, housaoleanlng Phoaa 3-2321, 347 Court. o LEGALS m NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Nntira ta herebr aiven that the Under signed has filed In the Circuit Court for Marlon County, Oregon, Probata Depart ment, her final account as executrix of the Laat Will and Testament and Eststa Af rrnit itituh rfaweued. and that aald Court has fixed Monday the 18th day of January, 1054, at the hour oi 9.n a.m. oi said day as the time, and the County Court Room In the Temporary Court Housea In Salem, Marlon County. Ore- ion, as the place lor me nearing oi as final account and all objections thereto. Dated and first published this 13tk day of December, 1953. Emma zieiencn. xecmrix oi wis Bataie of Ernst Slslescb De feated. Ronald C. Glover, Attorney for Executrix, 205 Oregon Building. Bslem, Oregon. Arrange New Classes For Lebanon High Lebanon Scveralt new classes will start at Lebanon high school on Jon. 4, the gen eral extension division of tht) state system of higher educa tion announced. Included are biolog i c a 1 science survey, hrRinnlng Jan. 4; American history and gov ernmcnl, Jan. 7; elementary trsts and measurements, Jan. 7; measurements in education; economic theory, Jan. 5; art structures, Jan. 7; principles of speech correction. Jan. 6. and organization of library mater ials. Jan. 5. Karh cluss has an $18 fee and three hours credit. Additional information may be had from the city superin tendent's office Commercial at Center Phone 2-:.fi2.. ueke.pine room WARM. NICE. i:sh Led- 1 N r-r FOR RENT HOUSES r.fumlfhed eonag' S5 month. Prtine jmg" FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS HOUSE TRAILERS i DIRECTORY I ADDING JHATrmM , DIRECTORY 1st l.lltoisr. ONE BEDBOOM Atts'hecl aaraae 1-5237. FOR SALE POULTRY ew HBDlP"'i ea-Ai a, aainarinM Taylor St. or Phone 4-63H inure HE ARE hairn t, M.at. moaero- . Bica nelshaorhood. MALE HOLLT tr.e 6. or toll traoa lor temile tree. ll' Para Ae. Pho' 2-Hi DEEPFREEZE HOME lrrere. Teeter APPl.anca Co, 371 Cnemeeeta at Pnona 3-1311. a- 346. Pf.ona 4-tae2 SELECTION OP SLITS u,el. bjl ;r wonrterlu. eorMlition. beautiful aue.it; til iires 3t-40. Also , net., -, imioV- 1 Prs f enoe.. a:ie t'.-tt .Is. I to. !5- ' coat. A l haraains aim i.l se:i fa.t. PRODUCE ariAL DATE wieT farm Store ttr-Silrion cross rune ava mm - tatJii " .... .- " an and Dice. Inquire M t.een 10 sm nljjm nWij HOT 'ft AND OIRLS 34" Rr,imaiier i Ph. rnads e.tt 615 T.f'jrr.l'.n-d cot N Church Ijtce.lent condition io escn rhona 4-1629. 2786 Harvey Aenue nlOf NTEFJMA WANT OPFlll . u. , c, ,, olftca to '' : -in'ment Inolcaw . educauon rsoitil Journal. , 5oTsm-:;:!,,,T' Hr.n Phone i-e... " TtEERLI O" A-ar Mo: ri nanoM Hirnaev A "MnVTHIV rer. a;. Not-lajtaa ALLOWED for your oil "ale, ' USS Portland Ru W ' h.iter. rtetartllets of eotKltla. ar I!lo, make, on a ne Weaunthouie auto- mat e'.ertrlc water heater, wnn year auarantee. yeater Appliance Co i;t Chemeaeta Bt. Pnone 3-43H n Teat- mvl'rn WAALESMAJl . .u na.es or W( THREE (Jtate turtle betJro"Ti, n.ni i." Phone a-1125 31T.106 rmnn fartl w at hart lllfH M , er Appuanea Co.. 373 Chemeaeta at Phone 3-1111. HOSPITAL Bf n 'or aala ar rent. . L Bull purnliura wo. rn-. MODI SI roi rooir, -,n inte ' ' ", i,,;ine m hornet f.r f'.....''to.V-'".: -.-'--"- Arlt Povl V.t ' O" r,WitT'Wr,VWrLSeaUts S v' T; yt,r APSliancs Ce., 371 Cbemekta Near M, . a. rtinM J.43U. It FT. TRAILER 4 Be'tain. 3i w No. r.'m ' AU makes -wM methine svd. rented, re pa. rd Rien. 434 Court. Pn. 3-6;:. I to Place Classified Ads TicJi Phone 2-2406 V XI tV4TINO H A-T B a'Mnc Seryiee W""". Stumplne. parrent r.r- n? Br d , or eon tract Pbne 4-6J;i ' ' grstlni Lanl Oarir New Franchise for PGE at Aurora Aurora At a recent meet ing of the Aurora city coun cil, a new 21). year franchisa was granted to the Portland General Flrctrir company by the council. The new franchise replace! an old one whifh had not yet ! expired, and calls for a 3 per j cent payment on each previoui .-afnt and ' yr-ar's revenue instead of a flat rn j- w , rittM'.. piione 3-n fee as in the past JOE PALOOKA By Ham Fisher a.i! no: HID ELEtTRlr Raneas t.i n - " Teaur A,.tanea va. a, a "U I..V-W, ffVtR..r...I'M PUERIUS&. PTcTrW'aRRW'Wa''?! 1 rtc mWT-. Y I "Off rMr, I'bant t-t40 Ion U turn. 3 111 lftUrn0' ' Ve. rUuaaua, lial Jeter aau. aT- .