Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 26, 1953, Page 12, Image 12

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    mms Uukd Touchdoira Favorite Over Lions for TitI
- ti Efc i PCk era a iDefmif Hnc RoAn ' linif' t .
Page 12 Salem, Oregon. Saturday. December 26. 1953
Detroit Has Been 'J inx'
A lalute thii week to all the teami from Salem who have
definitely entered the ABC meet in Seattle which starts
March 13 in that city. Som IS teams are defnitely in and
Gerlinger Carrier of Dallas has the distinction of being the
first team in the nation to be entered.
Following teams are in this once in a lifetime event: Ger-
Detroit UR The Cleveland
Browm. with r m j. n J
, ...... . .. . w I U Ull
paralleled in professional foot-
oau nisiory, were ruled a one
touchdown favnrit inAa-.,
dethrone the Detroit Lions in
tomorrows National Football
League chamninnahin som. .
Briggs Stadium.
Coach Paul Brown's Cleve
land team has reached the
championship round each year
since it joined the NFL in
1950. Before that, the Browns
dominated the AM . An...!..
linger Carrier Co.. captained bv John r.lndt river s mni conference for four vears.
Nelson., Oregon State Employees (Jim Jefferson), Rawlin-! C'!!fj!? !,Vo" "' P'y,0,f I
sons Capitol City Laundry (Rudy Meffert), Orval's Used' Los Angeles Ram, 30 to 28
Cars (Hugh Wilkerson), Trailways Cafe (Art Upston), Smal-1 in its first bid for the NFL
ley uoi lo. (Llitf Maison), Marion Hotel & Car Parks (Duane!,lUe But two subsequent tries
Cushman), Lana Avenue Service (Keith Hayes), Martin Bros. for the chamP'nship ended in
Signs (Bob Dyer), Gardner Grocery (Jack Olney). Brennan "VT"!"" , . .,
Tree Service (Bcnn Valdez)
Cady), Woodry Furniture
frigeration (Bill Luke).
There is a good possibiliiy that several more teams will be
entering before the February 2 dead-line for entries, but these
wc mv Bwe ui hi ine present lime.
Many bowlers in Salem do not realize that this is the
largest participant sports event in the world and, in 51
tournaments, has been held west of Kansas City only
once before, in Los Angeles in 1947. It may never come to
the coast again because of the great distance involved
for the eastern teams who comprise the bulk of entries
and we can be sure that it will be a good many years
before the northwest nlava hmi in h, .
""" " oownng in inis event Is someth ne all
us are looking forward to with a great deal of anticipa
, wun
manv lellnws fin tint lrnnur lh.4 4hA .A;u;i:t: - . I An. 'it: a n
- - iuaaiuillllCS VI tdMl" '"J ..HA 1UT DrOWnS
"Ji??. Slnsl?s event are vy good. Last year there' However, the Lions have
winners in me singles events and, in the top 100 n thing in their
uicie wu oniy one name oowier, wed Day. Because of
the great distance involved, the overall averag of participants
will be much lower than usual so the chances of winning are
increased by that much. Even if a person does not win a
penny, all his life he will remember the thrill of bowling in
the world series of this great sport of ours. We confidently
predict that the bowlers of Salem will make themselves known
In tho .t,.n4 I I I i ....
... .. .... .Ilu , ue lugging nome meir snare of the
'l wnen me tournament concludes. For any additional in
.... ""8t' Kdiutru revenge
IMlChOlSOn Insurance (Mnrris hv heattno- n.t,.,1n.t.l 1A m
(Rex Adolph), and Al Laue Re-! for l"e 1951 title and the Lions'
U 1 l . 1. n .
uoiiuru ine crowns a 17 to 7
setback in last year's cham
pionship game.
The oddsmakers have sound
reasons for installing Cleve
land as the favorite.
me Browns won 11 games
and lost only once en route
to the league's eastern divi
sion title. Thp T.inn nmn lnn
honors in the western division
wnn a record of 10 victories
ana two losses.
Cleveland srnrerl lia
In a dozen starts, compared
wnn in points for Detroit.
The Browns pave nr, i9
while the Lions were charged
un iuo points
wucn me tournament concludes. For any additional in- wl"
formation, call Vern Turner at 2fin nna.u o ime game
LEADING WOMEN nnniint iv cinu ' I Additionally
In Their 4 a f m
Thcyve been a "jinx" team
for Cleveland since Buddy
Parker relieved the l.i. n-
McMillin as head coach in
Parker never has lost to
A sellout crowd nf sannn
(will watch the championship
mllll... -J
J , .KtlllVlll Ul
Ton wnm i,,i. s .u. .. uirougnoui me nation will
r-.-t4.1T tVL .i. X ' " Vi ree me ame V1 television.
rt.JJfVfP" 3rry.' Ladie! Ci:y League. 164; '''"' r... c,,i.t
"" x-uaciu, j-auiej ny league, 15S: Alma Pennv :?r..i,: .S. arfwter
l-ames City League, 156; Dot Olney. Ladies City League, 154; r -::: S
M. Guthrie, Ladies City League. 153: Ginnv Onrharinr, t ..hi.. c o,t,ki
City League. 153: Alherto Thnmr,.,. T .ji.. t 59 Noll
Kay Krejci, Ladies City League, 152; Beryl Muelhaupt, Ladies 1 2."i, II L"'
City League 151; Mickey Adolph, Ladies City League. 151. jwiik'r"":".'.-."'..?,,::;:".:;;.0;;
U Bowl Virginia Garbarino. Ladle riii. T.oaa,,. isc. i2S?i.:" -59 n.ynow,
Phvllin PnhhOo T.orfl.c t ' ?...'. ."' ! VI" ""
, , ' ijeogue, mi; uuroiny AUDrignt,
Ladies Classic League, 160; Francis Alshire, Ladies Classic
League, 158; Phylis Curry, Ladies Classic League, 156; Kay
Krejci, Ladies Classic League, 155; Beryl Muelhaupt, Ladies
Classic League, 154; Alberta Thompson, Ladies Classic Lea
gue, 154.
liign game honors of the week to Robert Price 239
Rudy Meffort-224, Walt (Pappy) Gardner-231, Ed Cor-rigan-256
Egbert Elgin-2242, Dick (The Little Fairy)
2. i"?34, George Lloyd 240. For the women it was Al
berta Thompson 183 and Wanda (Chubby) Valdez 176. . .
It seems that the number four man in the Brennan
Tree Service entry had a little trouble last session. The score
came out reading 645 for three games, well I happen to know
that certain said digger ball artist was lucky to get that much
-ww., b"-o vna i. iie aiiempiea TO roll
!.! W
fTX (h: wrl
Champs and a Panda j"iu-i '
. , , r, world figure si
.h i.. - "u "Kating
nauve 01 raris, France teams up
T-i Bn Scott' rlht' world 'hamplon of 1947
, 'iLthty.tnttnt'1 Teen'r 8t'y. " o' a
group of children from Chicago settlement houses. Teenv
wears two-bladed skates as she site astride a clown in
panda suit. The figure skaters are members of the Holly
wood In ; Revue which will give a benefit performance
the children. (AP Wlrephoto) ""nance
Dallas Will Use
New Gym First
Time on Tuesday
uauas no a 4,104, .ni 1
basketball fans will see their
first home game of this season
Tuesday night when the new
gymnasium is opened for the
Dallas-Tillamook game.
The first game had been
scneuuiea lor Dec. 15 with
Stavton hut Mr 3 c nn,lM..J
- - - ' " puo .UUCU
wiien oacKDoaras failed to ar.
nve ana me floor had to be re-lined.
.Bleachers nrHerorf k 41
yjj iiic
district have not arrived, but
ine scnooi has rented bleach
ers from Salem hioh .,h,ni ..j
about 1000 persona can be ac-
commoaatea. Teams still must
dress at the old irhnni f. 44..
dressing rooms ar. .4
-s aw. LkliJl-
Coach Gordon Kunke indi
cated his starting lineup will
be Rea Domaschofsky and De
wayne Hoffman, forwards; Rex
Domaschofsky, center; Herb
Brandli and Harold Holdorf
The nrplimin.M, .i.Li
1 ,, r , "i.ll-lling
Dallas SODhs affainc 44i. Till.
- tun
mook B team, is to start at
- 0:13 p.m.
Nebraska's Coach
Thinks OSC Could
Take NCAA Crown
Lincoln, Neb. (IP) Harry
Good, basketball n.i, .4 .-
University of Nebraska, said
rriaay that Oregon State
which whipped National Col
legiate Athletic Aun .k..u.
Indiana Tuesday, is a good
choice (b take to the NCAA
crown this season.
Good, whose CnrnhncU....
were toppled by the Beavers of
OSC 83-55. said be felt nr....
Stale could whip Indiana three
'Brat' Stars,
South Beats
North, 20-0
Miami, Fla. U$ Football's
nnuai --xuie Duel" between
the North anri fi.,,4k .11
teams was strictly a personal
triumDh todav far 71... d...
it ui ai-
owski, the passing and kicking
-: j-i win ueurgia.
Bratowskl threw two long
i"1"" i nignt ana both pav
ed the way for touchdowns in
a 20-0 victory for the South
over me worth in the annual
Shrine football classic before
a record crowd of 44,715. A
long pUnt knocked the North
011 Daiance ripfpmiu.i., .j
resulted in th. nk.. u
v . u . LUUI.II-
Fierce line play by the South
squad also was instrumental in
ine iriumnn I nem n nn u ....
. "'O ivwu oiu-
Holcomb of Purdue said the
South was so charged up "that
our Quarterback harrii 4,-j .
chance to raise their arms, they
juai couian t get any passes
way. -
Crawford Mim. .. ah
America guard from' Miss issip-
1-., .urn punier, a Dig, quick
Tulsa end: Ed M.ari.. . v...
tering-ram tackle from Duke;
u aq merrmeid, an alert,
pint-sized halfback from Mis
souri played terrific defensive
MimS Was vninA 44,. ....4
- "li- uui
standing nlaver in h. .
, " - i same
by sportswriters.
MerrifielH. nntv K.fu. t-
- , J 111-
terceDted twn nasui K. Tin
nois' Elry Falkenstein.
Doby Earns
Fanning Title
New York () The smash
ing oi a 39-year-old strikeout
mark bv T.a rrv n.Kv .
t . j Wi Cleve
land and an additional batting
nuiior ior Teammate AI Rosen
highlighted the A m . . . . -
league's final statistical release
for 1953 today.
These official averages show
mat uonv fanner! 191 4iM..
. " - . .1 II1CO,
breaking the old mark by one.
It was set by Gu Williams of
me st. Louis Browns in 1914
Doby and Mickey Mantle of
ine new xork Yankees tied
for this dubious honor last sea
son at 1U strikeouts.
Rosen, the league's most val-
uaoie. player, compiled the
highest SlUffffinff av.rna. A14
The hard-hitting third baseman
naa ao7 total bases in 599 times
at bat. His extra-base output
inciuaea zy annniec a 41.1
, -I v -
and 43 home runs.
By winning the slugging
title, Rosen climaxed a hann.r
year. He also led in home
runs, total bases, runs batted in
145 and finished one point be
hind Washington Mielr.l ir..
non, the league's leading bat
Zernial Second
Gus Zernial nf 4i. Dkii.j.i
"" . IIIIOUll
pnia Athletics was second in
the slugginr derhv with . n
mark. Yogi Berra of the Yank
ees was third at .523 followed
by Ray Boon hn
with Cleveland and Detroit
.519 and Vernon .518.
Slugging averages are com
puted bv diverting 4h. 4.i
- . mini
bases on all hits by the times
at bat.
Eddie Yost, who led in bases
on balls in 1052 waiir.x .
again with that honor this
time with 123.
r vrwvvi
i b . ' ' bs v.- m . wrw
1 J fiw f'-H
I - 1.. X i K ,
1 SS&w. If
mwiis PlaceTii:
0 AP Alif,, (jl
By FRANK ECK , x, 1 W
I tm u.i.. .
, porn Xdltori
New York (aL tu.
land Browns and Detroit Lions
rr'f J!" "W nationally
televised National Football
League .1 ..
0!"inate The Associated Press
.i.-i 1 u icam
N..,.. .
""eillnl of IK. . I
Andv n.k. .? lh 41 I
Twelve ,"Cj
The Browns, Eastern Con- Peateri' hoP tt
ference champions with an 11-1 They ,ri ra.tll J
me Mini Ctcm
champion Lions. I We'nmeiiter to"1' U
and Chri.ti,.;."..ld
1 weord pUced six player, on Creekinur, aSfi A
the two-Dlatnnn Ali o.- r. I m. II.: ,..v""i. Or.-
vuampion Lions,
with a 10-2 record in the West
ern Conference, gained five
spots on the mythical squad
tiiuirn ior tbe offen
lye eleven by 48 member n..
"Huria writers and AP uaro.
h. 11 . ""'"rea games in Weinmelrt., . . I
the 11 pro football cities were -4 tackle k' f :iW
Quarterback Otto Graham! 1l.w i
f",e'Fr"nk ckl and Lou Pro Bowl cL ft '.' .
(The Toel Rrni. tv.. . ,. " 1.. "'uann ia UJ had three of their stars the fifth rtH
," """"nt team mad. th, fS. H
Half back Doak Walk.. ,..'ml..i. s J
the 10" "n"n. Piko. .
w chosen . eSLH
and Creekm?.. ""wtl
The San Francisco
AII Amerle, r ...tte
49ers. Graham ,u I
ite of K., 1
Brown' 5 AC6 9r,hant, T-formation quarterback
whis for the Cleveland Rrnum. .iii
lead the eastern divUlon champs against the Detroit Li.ns
Sunday for the NFL title game. Graham bas been cboien
again to the AP All-Pro first team.
East Shaping 2 Backfields,
West Has 4 Stars Injured
San Francisco M It was
back to the old grind Satur
day of two workouts as some
50 of America's finest college
football players prepared for
the Jan. 2 Shrine East-West
game here.
After a sinirle nractir. TTrt.
dav. the bnv whn have niim.
ud Christmas at tinme 4. nr...
uce ior me cnarity contest de-
vourea mg helpings of turkey
ana exenangea presents.
Has 2 Backffelds
In the East nmn .1 Ca.4.
Clara, head coach Ray Eliot of
Illinois was ahanino- ,m 4...
powerful offensive backfields.
He's still undecided on his
starting quarterback. John
uramiin oi soutn Carolina,
Pat Stark nf fimM. ..j
Dick Thomas of Northwestern
are the candidates.
Eliot's remaining hackfieiri
unite are Notre Dame half
backs Johnnv Lattner anrl
Worden with fullback Gene
Fillinskl nf Villa Mill . n A
halfbacks Joe Johnson of Bos
ton oClleffe and Sieve KT.ili..
er of Kentucky with fullback
imu reiroxa oi Boston University.
At Pain All. W..4 ...k
fco. vvai.ii
Chuck Taylor of Stanford was
having trouble advance plan
ning With four nf hi atara
sing injuries.
Bencbed by Injuries
Benched until earlv m . v 4
Week, at least, ia Ttniuer.ilu .
Texas guard Phil Branch, withj
a torn leg muscle. Halfbacks
Al Talley of California and
Hill Bredde of Oklahoma A&M
are Sufferine- miicl. .ir.i.
and Stanford end Sam Morley
is nursing a twisted knee.
Pof Donovan,
Ex-Big League
Player, Dies
Lawrence, Mass. (U.B oid-
timers in the
membered today about an Irish
uuuieiuer named. Patsy Dono
van. Who develnneH an.4h. t.
ishman. Jne Mi-r-.r44i i..
, mj, 111 t j a
famous manager of the Kew
York Yankees.
Donovan riierT .;.K4 j
few people recalled the name
oniy mose who studied big lea
gue box scores in the gas light
era before the turn nf th.
He was 88 and he left behind
a 15-year maior leaeii k.iii-.
average of .301. He came here
from Ireland as a boy md
broke into professional base
ball with a Lnnrinn rw 4
at the age of 17. " "
He ioined the P..4.. n
in the National League in 1890
He stayed in the majors with
five other teams, operating as
Player-manager of the Pitts
burgh Pirates, St. Louis Cardi
nals and Brooklyn Dodgers in
w ?.at!!nal League and "f the
Washington Nat i. tu- a ,
... t
v.ll UCKgUt.
Placed two back, FulKS; vo
Joe Perrv anH Hir..i. U...U . ' "'"J nimMi
w- u.n 4T10US1V fnr 4V.. ., . -
wcr-inenny on the offensive I soot J . "' ",16 N
team The three remaining at- fifth year M"M '"I
inciting posts went to End Pete ' Grah.m . I
Pihos of the Philadelnh a lin lof, th. I
Eagles. End Elrov (Crarv ! J' ". """W tie
Legs) Hirsch of the Los An, inei,. V & U
les Rams and Tackle George
v-umiur 01 ine v-nicago Bears.
Connor, a IQdff
, . - ....-muc-ric.
tackle at Notre Dame, was the '
oniy piayer selected from the
two-team citv nf r-h;....
The defend. ., Include, ' ,Traigh &
three Browns r.u.rH mil !n r"50!"-nk I
Willis, End Len Ford and" Half-j PennsWvMia
dick lommv rhnmninn c:.. ..
aasiu l)1a ni ma nl.,,.
W,llw,!T?'l.L Blng-11953 team h,v, i"J
am.n ana Maretv i.rir r4.i. ah . - wia
tiansen. 1
Other defensive nlaven vm. I
ed to the team include: Tac
klers Amie Weinmeister of the
New York Giants and Leo
wrien the AP J
included NFLd aac.1
ers- He lost the port to uj!
Bobby uszrsx
Connor and Bednuil J
- urea u
All-Pros three times, tu
rlhOS. Creelrmii. IV . 11
Ford, Willis and ifomelljj
newcomeri to tbe ttu
sunrel. Perry, RokuJ
raui. mom Han w t...
E Pete Pihos
T George Connor
G Lou Creekmur
C Frank Gatskl
G Dick Stanfel
T Lou Groza
E Elrov Hirsch
QB Otto Graham
HB Hugh McElhenny 49ers
HB Doak Walker Lions
FB Joe Perry 49eri
E Len Ford aJ
T Arnie Wenmeiiter Cii
G Les Bingaman Li
G Bill Willis Bm
T Leo Nomellinl 49
. E Andy Robustelli ' Ri
LH Charley Bednuik b
LH Don Paul ii
HB Tommy Thompson Brm
HB Tom Keane G
S Jack Christiansen lil
Beavers at Ohio State,
Ducks at UCLA Tonight
(BTh AflttifctM! Preut
The Oreffon Stat Rauera
top-heavy favorites to walk off
wun tne Northern Division bas
ketball Crown thl. aenc.n .r.
stalking the Midwest hinter
lands for another Big Ten
The Beavers. Inn.sirieri vic
tors OVer riefenriintf MP.A A
champion Indiana last Tuesday,
bumn intn Ohln .Qt.4. .4
bus Saturday night and then
extend an eastern swing to Ra
leigh, N.C., and the Dixie clas-
Auckland. Neu 7..i..j ia
. .... KU.1IU 1. I
Queen Elizabeth II and the
Duke of Edinblurgh Joined
some ou.uuu Aucxianders at the
Gold Cup horse races Saturday
the fourth dav nf the rnval vi.14
to New Zealand.
Tucson. Ariz. (U.The Ttnt.
versity of Arizona entertains
..... m every i0Ur times they the Southern California Tro
met. oood was on the sidelines Jans tonight in a basketball
when Oregon State n1lt a ra.
game series with Indiana.
The Nebraska coach also
said he was thinklno of aakln.
the NCAA rules committee to
boost the nets up from 10 to 12
By Waft Dltzea
Sij rS
game at the Wildcats' gym.
Glowaski Scores
40 for Seattle
Seattle u. With Johnny
O'Brien, Seattle University's
great bajikethall tar . ...1
-- - v. 4aoi
yeara, looxing on, big Stan Glo-
waani pourea in 40 points last
night to lead the Chieftains to
a 92-61 Virtnrv nver r-reiffU4.
It was the seventh straight win
ior Seattle.
Glowaski h.rnk. ... .t
O'Brien's local scoring records
wun ia iieia goals. The old Se
attle gym record of 17 was set
by O'Brien last year.
Rose Bowl Foes Return
To Drills After Yule Rest
it.te t5 ucVA0(ch,gangle ,eion w & S
state and UCLA settled back afternoon.
Saturday to the serious busi- M,m ..a it,...
ness of preparing for tlir ch,nU"V ! mflhi kV Z00i.
Rose Bowl football meeting Pi" m... " " brief
New Year's Day, if8'.,
The UCLA team members 1 , ' idJe .VCT Ch'''mas,
iu leave me camput to ipend
th holiday with their femilie
Michlafan Rtmim mi a ma A .
m . ai(;u m wi tci I
workout Christmas morning
nuauy 10 Keep tne boys from
thinking too much of home "
according to coach Biggie
Kottre to Start H,
Heavy Grind Jan. 1
For Coming Fight
Sllverton Harold Kottre,
Sllverton light . heavyweight
boxer, will start his heavy
training after Jan. 1 in Port
land for hsi Jan. 14 boul
against Bill Boatsman ol
Kottre said today that he
and his manager, Carl Bu
deau of Sllverton, will start
driving to Portland etch
night to work out at the Po
lice Athletic clnb. Joe Kahut
will be his sparring partner.
Boatsman, 2 years old,
has won 28 of 28 fights since
the war, while Kottre has
won 27, plus two draws. In
32 pro fights. Boatsman is a
converted southpaw and as
wresslve. Kottre Is 20 and
expects to be called by se
lective service at the end of
Johnnie Mauer.
COach at the TTnN,...:.. .1
Florida, was a football toom-1
mate of Red Grange at Illinois.
KOCO to Co rrv
Beaver Games
By Re-Creation
Followers of rtresnn CI. I.
DasKetball fortunes can hear
re-creations of the Beavers'
game tonight at Ohio State
university and their progress
in the Dixie Classic tournament
over Station KOCO, Salem.
Red Smith, crogram direc
tor, said that Bob Blackburn
will re-create the rihin stale
game starting at 5:30 p.m. to-
aay irom Columbus, Ohio.
Oregon State will nlav rinke
at 7:30 D m. Mnnriav t FST 1 .4
Raleigh, N. C, and will be
heard over KOCO at an un-an-
nouncea time. If the neevera
win, KOCO will follow their
piay in tne Dixie Classic.
THn f.r TK. Oman Dtelmbrr.
Caa,llrS wr V. S. cean OieialU, rartlaas, Ortraal
ttl.h nr.....
Dreembir Timi Btichl
4:17 A.m.
4:04 p.m.
I a.m.
5:0S p.m.
1:14 A.m.
II p.m.
t:it a.m.
t:U p.m.
7:3 a.m.
H P.m.
I ll t.m.
10 14 p.m.
1 Witcn
Tlml Baltht
10 II i n.
10:44 p.m.
11:01 p.m.
11:11 p.m.
1:11 P.m.
11:01 a.m.
1:11 p.m.
11 M a.m.
1:11 p.m.
l.H a.m.
1111 Center St,
1465 N. Capitol St.
Between Hood and Shipping Sta. on Hiway Going North
sic Monday thrnurh Wedi
Oregon Statt ben I
iouffh nnnrtattinn atltalelfb
name a few. Naw Setoa Hi
Duke, North Oarolini Sul
Wake Fnreat anH Tiilane.
Three of the other four Ji(
thern Division clubl alio ul
to the road this week-cad
early next week.
Am... .i rn A
v.awu .
Oregon has dates with UOJ
at Los Angeles anuraij
Mondav nights and snra
to Stanford for a linfkti
Washington's winleaHuu
I...J. Dl Ca.,.n 4.rritnrrSj
urday night for the atart of thl
loop s tournament
City. After the tourney w
up the Huskies visit St. lm
for a set-to with the St U
University Billikeni.
IJ.k. i..k..lM in fiw fill
this season, travels to MinotJ
and two games witn toe m
, . n. Gf... llmtv.rtlTT l.riUll
Washington State u iue
Jan. 2 when the Coufin
Eastern Washington.
rru. .h.n, I livilWin
X11C limiii"" j
son gets under way Jan. a
Idaho meets uregon in .
game series that night md
f Thot phone number b
Fuel '
8S9 No. L4rrtr
Oor reTtM
year seearnr