Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 21, 1953, Page 7, Image 7

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    Monday, December 21, 1953
THBC.'WTAL JOTONAL, Salem. Ort?oii
Christmas Setting for
Church.Wedding Saturday
Red and whita flowcn and
candlelight mad up the setting
for a wedding in the First
Christian church Saturday eve
ning when Hln Aletha Vibbert,
dau(htcr ol Mr. and Mr. Allen
Vibbert, wai married to Jack
TJtterWk, aon of Mr. and Mrs.
Glen Utterback. The Rev. Don
ald rayne officiated at the 8
o'clock aervice, auiated bjr the
Rev. Robert Bander.
Lighting the candles, were
Milan Donna Dee Hindman and
Marilyn Frame, both wearing
green frocki. For the music,
Mary Ellen Meeker of Madras
sang, Mrs. J. M. Cracroft play
ing the organ.
The bridal dress was of white
satin, made en train. The bodice
and aleevea were of lac and
there was a lace collar. The
three-quarters length veil was
arranged from a roll of net For
her flowers the bride carried
bouquet of white blooms with
a white orchid. Mr. Vibbert
gave his daughter in marriage.
Mrs. James Vibbert was ma
tron of honor for her sister-in-
law. She wore a white taffeta
frock with red tulle headpiece,
ana ner uowers were red poln
settles on a white muff.
The bridesmaids were Mrs,
Roy Vibbert, sister-in-law of
the bride, Miss Leota Claire
Vibbert, sister of the bride, Miss
Arlyss Zeeb and Mrs. Harris
Kirby. All wore frocks styled
identically to that worn by the
matron of honor, but theirs
were of red taffeta with the
white tulle headpieces and they
also carried the muffs with
; Today's Menu
Flower girl was Rhea Lynn
Kirby, cousin of the bride. She
wore a red frock and carried
a basket of blooms. Paul San
ders was ring bearer.
Harris Kirby was best man.
Groomsmen were Roy Vibbert.
brother of the bride. Norman
Barteil. David Van Dyke. Tom
Sawyer, a cousin. Ushers were
William Mill. William Werner.
uavm Turner, Jack Young,
i nomas tjuon and Merle red-enrecht.
The bride's mother wore i
royal blue dress with black ae
cessories and a corsage of gar
denias and yellow rosebuds.
The bridegroom's mother wore
a blue-gray dress with black ac
cessories and corsage of gar
denias and red rosebuds.
The reception was in the
church parlors. Mrs. Clifford
Tibbetts and Mrs. Reynolds
Tuers cut the cake.. Pouring
were Miss Hazel Roenicke. Mrs.
Garland Black. Others assisting
were Mrs. Ival Utterback.
Misses LJurene and warns Kar-
sten, Mrs. Karen Tuers. Miss
Velva Clark, Miss Janice Obert,
Mrs. Paul Hauk, Mrs. Al Leg
ler, Mrs. John Obert, Mrs.
Franklin Barth, Mrs. Paul
Zielinski, Miss Dorothy Zim
merman, Mrs. Eugene Croth-
ers. Miss Peggy Young, Mrs.
Thomas Maynard, Miss Ferae
Legler, Miss Christine Maya
ard, Mrs. Rodney Van Dyke,
Miss Levonne Mikkelson, Mar-
cile and Dwight Tibbetts.
For traveling the bride wore
a navy blue auit with red ac
cessories. The couple are to be
at home in Eugene.
Your family will love this de
licious hot bread.
Family Branch
- Grapefruit Halves
' Cereal Ham and Eggs
Orange Coffee Caka
. Beverage
Oraage Caffaa Cake
Ingredients: 1 cupa biscuit
mix, 1 tablespoon grated orange
rind, w teaspoon mace, I table
spoons sugar, Vt cup milk, M
cup fresh orange juice, 1 egg
(well beaten), i tablespoons
butter or margarine (melted), 6
large or 12 small lumps of su
gar, vt teaspoon mace, 1 hi tea
spoons grated orange rind, 1
tablespoon fresh orange Juice.
Method: Mia biscuit mix, 1
tablespoon orange rind, Ut tea
spoon mac and Z tablespoons
sugar. Stir in milk, H cup
orange juice, egg and butter
just until dry ingredients are
moistened. Spoon into paper
baking cups placed In 12 medi
um-siie muffin pans, filling
cupa two-thirds full. Place Vt
large or whole small lump of
sugar In center of each muffin.
Mix Vi teaspoon mace, 1 Vi tea
spoons orange rind and 1 table
spoon orange juice dribble hi
teaspoon over each sugar lump,
Bake in moderate (37SF.) oven
20 to 25 minutes.
Roseberrys Honored '
On 25th Anniversary
Holiday Dinner
For Club Reported
Woodburn Approximately
100 persons were present for
the Christmas dinner and pro.
gram for members and families
of the Woodburn Woman s Ru
ral club Thursday night at the
Methodist church. The invoca
tion was given by Rev. Ormal
B. Trick.
The program which followed
the dinner Included recitations
by Dsle Rice, Ronda Hammond
and Mary Yuranek; a clarinet
duet by Helen McGaffee and
Ruth Marie Applegate with
Delen Seely at the piano; a pan
tonine "Three Kings," present
ed by Sammy Rice, Florence
Rice and Marly Seely with Ruth
Mane Applegate accompanying,
and the vocal parts sung by
Mary Yuranek, Delene Seely
and Martha Ramon. This group
also presented a vocal number
with Helen McGaffee at the
The Christmas story as writ
ten by Luke was read by Mrs.
Elmer Mattson, and group sing
ing of Christmas carols com
pleted the program: Treats
were distributed by Santa Claus
(Mrs. Mary Beyer).
Committees in charge includ
ed: Kitchen, Mrs. Jay Weber,
Mrs. Mildred Rice, Mrs. Leota
Porter, Mrs. Clifford Applegate
and Mrs. Elmer Mattson; dining
room, Mrs. Mabel Sporalsky,
Mrs. Marlin Hammond, Mr. W.
M. Burke, Miss Mabel Jackson
and Mrs. Lela Baldwin; treats,
Mrs. John Kosse, Mrs. A. W.
Andrews, Mrs. Fred Schindler,
Mrs. Perry McGaffee and Mrs.
Luella Sanderson; decorations,
Mrs. Albert Knelnholdt,
Four Corners On Friday
evening In the Labish Bethel
assembly Miss Mary Ellen
Jones, niece of Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Williams of Four Cor
ners, and Walter Parsegian, son
of Mrs. Arlene Schafer of
Brooks, were married with the
Rev. Helen McGee officiating,
assisted by the Rev. Clarence
The bride's dress was of
mauve swiss organdy. The bod
ice was fashioned with drop
shoulders and square neck. The
full skirt was embroidered in
a floral design in white to
match the white neck trim. The
fingertip net veil, held in place
by a tiara of seed pearl forget-me-nots,
was worn by the Rev.
McGee's mother. The bride
carried a white Bible with
white carnations and white rib
The bride's aunt and uncle
were the attendants. Mrs. Wil
liams wore a gray orlon after'
noon dress with corsage, of
wnue carnations.
HONORED at last week's
meeting and Christmas party of
Orchid chapter. Order of East
ern Star, at Molalla.were Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Grettie of Salem.
Mrs. Grettie was presented
with a white Bible at the meet
ing. Officers of the chapter
presented the worthy patron,
Mr. Powers, with a gift There
were entertainment and an ex
change of gifts.
Dr. and Mrs. George G. Rose
berry observed their silver
wedding anniversary last week,
an open house being an event
at their bom through Thura
day afternoon and evening.
Invited were all ministers In
the district. Dr. Rose berry be
ing district superintendent for
the Methodst church, and their
wives. Some 123 guests called.
Among the guests were the
Rev. Joyce Kendall, who offi
ciated at the aervice when the
couple were married 25 years
sgo in Boise,' Idaho, and Mrs.
Kendall. The Kendalls now re
side at Junction City.
The home was festive for the
occasion. The mantel featured
a Christmas setting with silver
ed greens and whita candles
with roses on them. Jewelled
trees were also about the room.
The tea table featured pink
roses in silver bawls, and a
pink and white cake in the
shape of a cross with candles at
each corner.
In-the afternoon Mrs. Joyce
Kendall and Mrs. M. L. Wrench,
tne utter the mother of Mrs.
Roseberry, poured, -and Mrs.
Ernest Goulder cut the cake.
In the evening, Mrs. Brooks
Moore cut the cake and Mrs.
Ivan Stewart Mrs. Lawrence
A. Ballmer and .Miss Coralle
Roseberry, daughter of the
couple, poured. Assisting were
Miss Patricia Shields and Miss
Linda Gregg.
During the evening, Miss
Coralie Roseberry sang to her
parents. Miss Patricia Shields
Mrs. Wrench is Mrs. Rose-
berry's mother, visiting from
sauna.i Kansas.
OES Group
Installation of KM officers
waa conducted by Chadwick
chapter. No. ST, Order of Xast-
ern Star, at the Scottish Rite
tempi Saturday night
Among the new officers In
stalled war Mrs. X. T. Arm
strong, worthy matron; Thom
as W. Kelly, worthy patron;
Mrs. William E. Knowei-, asso
ciate matron; Ernest Peterson,
associate patron.
Installing the officers were
Mrs. William McKlnley, Port
land, worthy grand matron;
Herman Johnston, Salem,
worthy grand patron.
Honored guests were Harry
L. Miller, worthy patron of
Trinity chapter. Salem; Mrs.
H. H. Charlton, matron of Trin
ity chapter; Mrs. O. R. Eckers
ley, worthy matron, Salem
chanter: Cart Snyder, worthy
patron, Salem chapter; Lowell
Shinn, worthy patron ol Ains
worth chapter; Mrs. W. L.
Lewis, grand representative
from Tennessee: Mrs. R. Trim
ble, arsnd representative of
Michigan; Mrs. J. Edgar Reay,
grand representative from
South Dakota; Mrs. Paul Haus
er, past grand matron of Ore
gon; Ronald Giison or in ouo
get committee.
Introduced as the courtesy
group by the worthy matron
were Miss Peggy Peterson. Mrs,
Donald Cades, Mrs. John Top-
Dine. Mrs. Kenneth DICK, Mrs.
Wilson Wilt, Miss Gwen Phil
The outgoing matron, Mrs.
Paul Griebenow, was present
ed with an Eastern Star em
blem rinc by her husband, the
outgoing worthy patron. Paul
Bramble, was given a jewel By
his daughter. Mrs. Kenneth
Music was furnished by Miss
Betty Jean Joseph and Ted
Macllvenna who sang a duet
accompanied by Miss Amy
Service Guild
Members of Vivian Fomeroy
Wesleyan Service guild of the
First Methodist church will be
guests of Mrs. Waldo teller at
her borne. 2H Boice. on Mon
day evening at o'clock.,
The program, "Gracious Ulna
Are Given," will D preseniea
by Mr. Richard Burton. Mrs.
Ben Sanchez will lead devo
tions. Mrs. Uer will show
slide from her recent tour of
Europe, emphasizing famous
churches and cathedrals.
- Members are asked to bring
food for a Christmas basket
William Stange, Mrs. Archie
Murphy; program, Mrs. Delbert
Seely, Mrs. Lester Henn, Mrs.
Mrs. I Genaro Ramon.
Homemakers Meet
Woodburn Christmas party
and meeting of the Homemak
ers' club was Friday at the
home of Mrs. Thomas Engle,
Sr., beginning with a no-host
luncheon at 1 p. m. with 15
members present Billy Burt
was a guest.
A short business meeuni ioi-
lowed the luncheon and
Christmas Ideas" was the topic
for roll call. A gift exchange
completed the afternoon with
Mrs. w. B. Dunn in charge, as-
listed by Mr James Llvesay.
The next meeting will Be
January IS at the home of Mrs.
Alfred Klamp ana tn roll call
topic will b "New Year Reso
exoected home from San Fran
cisco to spend Christmas with
his parents. Mr. and Mrs. L.
Rav Clark, and his brother-in-
law and sister. Mr. and Mrs.
Russel Dugger.
Hostess to Club
Macleay Mrs. A. A. Spel-
brink was hostess at her home
lata week to members of the
Macleay Woman's club, for
dessert luncheon and Christmas
During the business session
olans were made for a chili
suDoer in January.
The group voted to make a
cash donation to the MacLaren
Boys school and to the Che-
mawa Indian school for Christ
mas presents.
The women will also mane
popcorn balls for Christmas
treats for the school children.
During the social hour Mrs.
Wilber Miller gave a Christmas
reading, Mrs. Samuel Miller a
Christmas vocal number and
Mrs. V. L. Marten exhibited a
90-year-old wax doll. Mrs. V.
L. Marten will be hostess for
the January meeting.
Mrs. R. Culberson and Mrs.
Henry Kronbuegel were re
ceived as new members.
VISITOR here for a few days
has been Miss Jane Walsh of
Portland, visiting her mother,
Mrs. Raymond Walsh. Miss
Walsh is a student at Good Sa
maritan Hospital school of
HOSTESS to her bridge
club on Tuesday will be Mrs.
Carlton J. MeLeod, entertain
ing the group at the home of
her mother, Mrs. Frank H.
Spears. The members will pack
Christmas box far a needy
Miss Spagle
Wed Here
The fireplace .room at the
Jason Lee parsonage waa the
setting Friday evening for the
-wedding of Miss Barbara Mae
Spagle, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Lowell A. Spagle, and Ar
thur L. Oakley, aon of Mr. and
Mrs. R. Oakley, all of Salem. -
The Rev. Brooks Moor per
formed the rites before mem
ber of the families, Including
Mr. and Mrs. L. Packard,
parents of the bride.
The bride wore a dress of
light blue faille and carried a
bouquet of white flowers, in
cluding a white orchid.
They will spena tneir honey
moon in Sen Francisco visiting
with Mr. and Mrs. Lowell L.
Spagle, brother and sister-in-law
of the bride.
The newlyweds will return
to Salem for Christmas. Both
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Oakley
were graduated from Oregon
State college and are members
of Phi Delta Theta and Sigma
Kappa, respectively.
Camp Fire Notes . .
More than 100 Christmas'
favors have been mad for the
Marion county tuberculosis as
sociation by the Camp Fir and
Blue Bird groups in Salem. The
favor la a little Christmas car
oler with the tuberculosis
Christmas seals decorating her
skirt and song book. The main
body of the favor is a penny
sucker. .
Taking part In the project
the following leaders and
their group: Mrs. Kermit
Ward, McKinley achool; Mrs.
Edwin Snyder, Richmond; Mr.
G. R. Tomlin, Salem Heights; '
Mrs. Everett Acree, Richmond;
Mrs. Orval John of Englewood.
A bo-host dinner and Christ
mas party were enjoyed by
Mrs. Carlisle Roberts and her
group last week at the Vernon
Wise arson home. After their
party the group moved to the
Methodist Home for Old Peo
ple and entertained than with
Christmas carols.
IN SPITE of th heavy
rainfall Saturday, member of
the Royal Neighbors of Amer
ica Sewing club reported a
successful business at their ba
zaar in the Roberts Brothers
Court street store. A total of
$65.95 was taken in during the
day. ,
ON TUESDAY evening, Mr.
and Mrs. Ronald Jones, . Jr.,
are to entertain at an informal
holiday party at their home,
guests to include members of
the bridge club to which Mrs.
Ronald E. Jones, Sr., belongs
and their husbands. Hours
are between 5 and 8 o'clock.
PLANNING to spend Christ
mas In Modesto, Calif., are Mr.
and Mrs. C. Lester Newman to
visit at the home of their son-in-law
and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. Donald Wells.
D All Types f Permanent
Machlneleas Cold War
Machine. '
Capitol Shopping Center
Do rem of M-G-M stsrs lilt Usnst
Uitmptoa wear Bur-Mil tmeo
stockings with exclusive Face
Powder faith a th screen aad oft
Cameo's Face Powder Finish gives
year lass the toft, sutty dullness '
that tpeUi glamour . . . that leu rw
shins bseauss vour ateekinss don't
Aad Fee Pewier Finish it permanent t
woa t wear off, wen t wsth out
Cocas k today, thoOM shear, 60 aaura.
15 denier Bur-Mil Can stocking!
with ap 40 looser wear by actual
tax and the greatest aid to leg Battery
sine aylea hseuV
tract Winter far beta
Cspitol Shopping Center
Cn-ei OieesalMaistteaal
W-G-M Taebaiaoler fierss'
BUSINESS and Professional
Women's club will not meet
during th month of December
because of the holiday, Next
meeting of the group will bt
January 28, 6:30 o'clock, at the
Golden . Pheasant
14 CandalariaBlvd.
. . . This group of half
sizes will be of special
interest to the little
worttn. Rayon crepes
in plain and prints,
Belding's fabulous Marl
sham, also 100 wool
jersey ... all are here
from dressy to cssusls
In the perfect fitting
sizes for small women.
Shop now for your holiday
dresses ... see the new ones
... try them on and note
their smart-fitting qualities!
This fine fobrie in Hones Ski pajamas is mod of Hone
spun ond Honesknit, long-staple combed yorns. Worm,
soft and unbelievably durable. Snug ribbed cuffs ond
neckline. Color-fast. Red, tan, green, grey. All sizes.
Men's dept. Main floor.
SHIRTS . . .
Hones are noted for quality and smooth fit in their
underwear briefs and undershirts. Be sure to se these
for his Christmas gift.
T-SHIRTS $1.00
I ettMtBaBaaaiaslsaBaaaaaaBtia eVMnRHMHMBWM
I yy . . Distinctive, Gifts !
I . I ' V - 'a"" I l' 1 JS, 1 1
it . , ... . . - , , -
If .ir'W- II. I 7.. -f!. . 11 a. I
f -101
It f The Prettiest Robes l
Ma&r1"' ' In Town Are Here
J-VW' - Priced At Only , .
imi M$K ,7'Mo3F
af 1 .4 J liaV M ? Ill lJ iTV A great variety of elegant robes are here for your choosing.
I X H fm 1 I V f i i i vggfVeTtfVa a i m uivrn wuft juuu vs uicaMiiuj luiui ureru will. ui uieuiie
I " f ! f ' I nft Vvil flj 0 many robe fashions at Miller's.
ijJ'Tr4Bf IE f J I l?lX3fhTrj iftll KvL Remember, th prices r no more than you'd pay tor "ne-
WfZ Jfd ! S i'Vm 1 lmTrn VVi X brands" or skimpy tailored ones.
wmfl s ' s,i,s L
In Wi4: -i k i Gowns W wpp'
i muM i fa A M Jatke,s w
i mm il l. a J&m. a.
II WAV, iii '1)1 V 'J v WtVAVA I
ih-y yj7f. s '-r -i x J i