Monday, Dttwabw ft, usj TUI CAPITAL JOURNAL, Sajam. OrtfM Par 21 AUTOMOIILU AUTOMQBIIIS AUTOMOIILU YEAR END CLEARANCE UttJJl !!!!JS!tn' overytattv, tnt M iuMOViiMi '"" OMnaebii. mm a... km t. . - iMlni Matt laaet. TM Tw dm Baiiaua, Ceavartiaiee. kepi. Dm ait Otae.aatle Deeiey nMu t mu at ta. Baa. un-ku medal m ovm.. MAGNIFICENT BARGAINS' ALL B"W AND DStO rrOCT. INCLUDED. MOTHTta BEBERVED. TP.AM Dl TOO! OLD CAS 0 WHAT HA VI TOO. LODER BROS. . T00 OLDettlOBILS DSALE ernt evexibos Tk. I-Ull N I-TT1 Ml I II BOICX BTECIAL RIVmi. we told new ana eerviced, record Available. Deluxe equipment, 94 BUM. lira NIW Urea. Petted ..Ileal ? II roKD COBTOM TUDOR Pordomatlc out owner. 11.3M mile,, (In, Urea, vary aloea. llaat oelor lllll amra anwea tmtii umv Dyaeflew, radio, beater, aoe owner. S fi Wa hava Mrrloa record, lovely verd, , f areea nau ' l Chevrolet rurrurn sedan p 1 vi, Eicalleot eondltloa. new two-tone . ' Breea paint, radla, heaur. wnltewel! " 7 tlree tlta FINANCIAL ex us won paiui. crrr ok ackiaqx LOAN BEST Or TER1U WE BUT Keel aetata Mortaatee at oestrwcu State Finance Co.. in a, mi a at, rn. -iin WHEN YOU IHEED. MONEY See Us Ail type f acroaal lout. Terms to utt No tevastigstloa charges. All dceltass Strictly Confidential Home Owned, Home Operated Hollywood Finance Co. lot Palrtrounde Road , (Meat Door to Eaak) Pree Perklna Lot. Call J-7M1 It IU HI rMJ. MARKET QUOTATIONS A' 41 BUICK SUPER SEDAN I ;i Radio, heater, seat covers . Oood ! ,c appearance OOP! 41 NAflH 004 SEDAN Radio, heatex MM 1 41 FOMT1AO I SEDAN Hrtr emetic, radio, heater, cclltst tire, clean Interior, bendaoma ep (Mar tact, two-toot paint 179ft toad a bet Und Car ItmttotkQtaltr OTTO J. WILSON COMPANY OREOON'S NUMBER ONE DEALER Commercial At Crater Phon 1-JMJ 3(I3 LOANS UP TO $1500 on Signature, fnrnltart. Car AT PERSONAL. IU "yei" promptly to employed or womta. IwTtllt Ioad . phon flirt Ton select beit payment date fietWD PATdAI Ioida Pboot. writ or eomt la TODATI Personal Finance Co, 105 S. HIOH BT . SALEM ItiU Umdh Noj. B-121. U-1M Loaoi ortr $300 up to tlMO tod up to 30 nootba to rtpor mtdo by Pioda1 PtDAOco Co- of UorioD Couoty under the InduitrlAl Loab Compoalee Act of Orecon. rI10 ADDING MACHINES TRUCKS LWU DODGE PANEL Eitra jiat. belter, sew tire. l,ll cub. Phone 1-lQU. Qd4 i HEAVY EQUIPMENT FINANCIAL Yt n n Ua A-131 and M-Ut and ROT Fl. SIMMONS WBURSCI AND LOANS Hear '"Top Tradea 11 at Dally KBUf Ilea Ka. GENERAL FINANCE CO. LOANS III So. Commercial AC TaL l-iltl REAL ESTATE LOANS COLONIAL INVESTMENT CO. aottuT w aoaasiB pan. 6S7Cort. 4-2283 E DIRECTORY All ntkee used macbtaea iold. rented, repaired. Rota, 4ft Court. Pb, Mill. BLASTING SERVICE H.AjT. Bttatlnf SerTlce. Quarry, lampini. PoTement treaklu. By day or contract. Pbone 4-Sno. o3B RULLDOZINQ Butldoalag, road, cteoriu tea lb. Vlr 11 Huekey, lft PalrfUw. phone 1-3 HI. oioe EXCAVATlXl Ben OUen At Son. excavatlaf a radios. Land cleartni. Ph. lOOftft. INSULATION IniiilAtton, weotheritrlna, itorm eaalv Free ettlmate. T. Pullmeja. Phone 3-IHI. of MATTRESSES Capitol Bedding renovate, pull Una new mattreitea. Ph. I-40M. o OFFICE PVRNITl'RE SUPPLIES Deik ehalra, file, fillni aupplte. lafei, du pi lea tore, upplieo. desk lamp, type writer atanda. Roen, 6 Court. o SEPTIC TANKS Hamel'a aeptie tank cleaned, line aerTlce. Ouaraoteod work Phone J-10. 3-07?t. Acver. aeptlo tank, drain cleaned. RotoRootcr Sewer Service, Phone j-war PORTLAND PRUDUCt UST Buitteefat-woBtoavo. Meleet to medlaw chaste Premiam tuiliu, auxi mum -At of on oer cent aldlt Am. iUered u Pertianj n-Tlc lb.: mat ua) 1 tty. M-Me. ooeond ejuaUty. SA-iTe. Yajloy route and country WmU. S cost lee Batter Wooleaei t.o.b. bulk oubaa to whole le, trade AA U cor. MHc; A trad. M tveorc. So. B, M aeore, A Lie: C. U ecort. 5e Above mtt trfcily nominaL To retailer: AA trad print, tic i ; carton tjc; a prut. iae; carioru, nc; B print. Ate ttliini priot to PorUaod wboleaaiere. OrctoA tint tea. O ; Orecon ft lb. loaf. ilH-ftle. Etta to H heleaalera Candled act eooiaintna Im caiea included l.o -PorUa&d; A trade tart, HH-Mc A trade medium. JiW-Wc; A crado amalL .lVttttc; B trade lane. O-aac. tet to redoceral Candled f .. Portland) nniraded large, 4l-0e dog.; grade AA large, ftl-Ue doa : A Urge, ll-llo dot.: AA medium. 41-lOc. a me dium. l-Te do.! tmalL 40c dot. To re tailer.: Grade AA. larte. 13 -03c; A Urge. M-Mc: AA medium, Me: A medium, ftl- Mc: a email, u-wc. carton i cent a dJtlonal. Cbeeeo PTle to retailers. Poruand, Oreaoo tingle. !; 4 lb, loavet. l-53cs triplatt, l'i leu than in gle. Premium Brand, tingle, to Vt lb. for iintl wheal lOMo. Proceeied Am erican chetaa, ft-lb. lot U retail. Ajlfc. te lb. Pajltry Live Chirac No. 1 auallty. fob. plant Fryer, roatter. all welthtt, 31 33c; heavy hen. '1 welgbti, 34-3M; light hena, ail weight. 10-17c; old rooeter, 14- live. lire Chick ewe No I drotved U retailer; Pryere, oroUert. -40c Ib.t routers, all wttv 40-41c: light hen. 3l-33ci, heavy hen. ITOSc: cut-up try- era. all tu, U-ftft lb I whole drawn. ee bie lb. D retted TwrkeytTo rttaUtra: A crado evuerated beat, OT-Wc lb.; erlie rated torn, fto-ftie lb.: according to weights; New York dressed toms 4043e lb. New York dressed bene, ete lb. To produc er: Orada A young bens. 43c lb. l-O-b. Irm; A toms, lie lb. Rabbit - Aver ate to growers: Ure white. JS-ft lbs.. 10-Slc; O S IbiVi, ll-JOe lb.i old does, 10-13c, few higher. Preah crossed frm to retailers, tft-ftici cot up. eo-tse. Caanlrr Dreeaed Meat Veal Top quality. 10-IIt lb.! heavies. 30-3&C. Regs Lean, blocker. 10-lle lo.t sowt Ught, 3-33e, Lambs But, J OS tb.: yearBoia. M- lle lb. Mattotv But. 13-14 lb.. coll-aUUty. I-10c. Reef Utility cows. lO-a lb.; iabm cutter, ll-llc; ihello down to ito. Pre ih Dree ted Meats wholeaalero to retAUerA Dollar pet wt.: Roei Rturt. ehoKt. sw-ioo RM.. ist- 40: good, A34-30; oommerelaL. ftll-sa; utility, m-ll; commercial cows. Mi-37 utiitiy tn-n; cannar-cuneri, if Cat Choice ctoare bind ouart- 147-01; round. S4J-4S: full loins, trimmed, HI-SO: trlanclea 138-31; fore quarter, 131-30; chucks, 037-41; ribs. rrk cots Loin, choice. ioe.. Oil -51; thou Wen. 10 lb., 03T-4O: apere rlbs, f40-4; fresh hams. 10-14 Ms, 000- 03. veal and rivo ooooxnoice, an welthti, A30-40; commercial. 030-14. Lambs Choice-prims, IJl-Jl; gooa 034-37. Beeew Smnked. all weights. 007-0. Smoked Rama Choice 11-10 lb., 003- Rob Motorist On S. Santiam Albany. Ore. UB Ht hn Edward Wood, Roseburi, wu slufged and robbed of 1160 in cash and traveler! checks yesterday whea he attempted to help two stranded motorists. Stat police here said wooa was treated ana reiray-a m Lammack hosplul in Bweet Home for head injuries suf fered when one of his assaU- ants struck him behind the ear with a heavy object Wood told oottce bo ssw a rmr stalled aloni South 8sn tiam highway 20 in a heavy niwitorm Sunday. He stopped to offer aid. He said while he was letting a tow rope out of the back of his panel truck one of the two men stuck a gun in his ribs and the other struck him. They took $100 In checks and $150 In currency Deiore aDan doning wood Beuae ni irui. STOCKS IB, Tfce teeealalae fatal Adam Caipnallawi W Auad Ca,mll t Ailat c&aiaMia tW tawKu Alrltaat llta Aaiwlcaa rwwet At Llsfe Aaaencaa TwL at TaL ...... ....... IMW 1 ItallU . ii itk..i a. mind fair far Span- laa. elow aa amart, aara aaoat auady Ut1e talet. at Pre.! Idan. aoanUJ rt per aeal U. S. 1. 1-lwB an4 lareer 14a- . ...... Street eaiea. a, - Mated: Idaho end oretoa and lener 1.M-1H; wnitea J-ukU i and "aer and Medio- l..JS; tldweil Yellow Uieee maiiiv - u tfi.ii, autka .1. twelve 1-pound Cellos l.R-l.ll; d Olobas medium l.M. Mlka'a Rsptle Serrloa. Tanks eUaned. D' rooter cleans sewers, drain. Phone 3-MU. bit' TTPEWRITERS Smith. Corona. Remlagtoa, Royal, On dorwood PorUblea. All make vm machine. Repairs tost. Roe, 400 Court, i-im WATER PUMPS CASH FAST! $25.00 TO $2,500 an FRED SCHOTT AT 118 S. Liberty St PHONS 4-2203 Pacific INDUSTRIAL LOANS AUTO LOAN. WnXJIMETTl CREDIT OO. It! aoota church Parkin, a-Plenty Ml -1 Lie. Ha. M-1M. a-IM H boor aemca, all makaa. water eye tome. Brownie Valdot. 7aa. ot rti.... n . I . Chlcaee. 14V- A kU tpurt la Decern ber lord etored an Mherwlte It-"" and lower marKot OB toe Thla'wae the laat day tar tt.JIni U n. MniiiML At the Urt 01 6eol lnaa open InurHt la Deeemter .ard to taled t.lto.ow poanda. with lard ttockt at Chlcato rery email, the ahorta in the December eontreel were loreed to cover i h.i. uutiitnta saw mi mar iuiuih. Tbsrs wa UU1 (eatur in tha rut of the markst. Oorn and soybsAbs ir early but loit their cslns lam. Wheat, oats and m sro a Uttls lower from Whlat'elosed to 1H higher, the De cember contract making the seta la tho final minute nnua av U,T to. oU W-1V lower. Dec 734-Tl. rye V.-1S lower. Dec. 1.31VS. soybean on- .V..w..swat tea 1 cent hlabCr. Jt&- 7M- 3.00 and lard ft to OS eenU a httsvarod pouBda hither, Dec- io.40-io.oo. Chtcaco t) Hots told off sharply while steers snd lambs scored equally sharp tains Monasr. siaril. dm recelDU tOtsted 11,000 hi ad, mors than both a week as aad a yur ato. Butcher tank to 71 cent while Mnvawt at atradv to 1ft CCUU lower price. Top wu IU 10. Most aood and choice 100 to 314 pounds hoes aold at 034 30 to BSft-M- , t . Ala. iic titer ateert and heifer held titan to 01.00 higher. Vealera were .ihb, chatra and or I me iteera T0UIn old at 030 30 to 110.00. Salable receipu touled net a. UmM lieiPM so corn w -nr. vtd nd eholca wool ad lamb moved at ftlft.00. There were e.eow seiaoie aaccp. ASMrMeo ToOsuo . AAassndl Ceo eee ,.. AteJucet RAurood Bethiehaa. Rtou M... Booitm AAlaalM Co. .. .... Bora OYaraer w Bur row AMtac Bissist,,,, Oaiiforata Pacglas Pacuto oaurauiar Tree tee .... Calanos Criuatloai Chryeler CwporalMR . DUN ServM , iToaMitdatod Bowsa ... Ceotoildated Vultoa , Croon RollarbaaA ..., Cartias frrishi M,ai Doooias Awtrart , Lt Pwat tit R.ANH Eutmaa Rodak ....... ,( katoreoa Radio Oeaoral Riectrlo ... Oeneral Poods Qsaarat Meter oeortia Paa. lywooa 0eayeai Tiro ....,, KeOBMlAKO MIA lg W ,. latorMUostal Marvutot ... lateraauoual Papot Johns eOaavlL ICateee Alumtaum Kanaecoti Coppst Ubby MeRen Lockboed Aircraft Loewee taaorporatoa ... ... Loot Ba Montgomery Ward N(A Rtlttaato- New Tors Central rioruiera rocuie ,.,., raatft Aaaeruaa nsh ... Pacifu om EtettrM Pacllla Tel et TeL Packard Motor car Penney. J C Peaair legale R R. Pepai Co.a C M1 Phi loo Radla Radio CorporotlM Rayon M' lncip Rayontet Ineerp PfO Repuont Sleet Rtynoids MetaR Rtcnfisid on Rate war Store, ta. ,..., coll Paper Co ........ Roebuck co. Rocony Vacuum OU Soutbara Pacuie , Standard Oil Callt. , eHandard Oil R J .. Stadebaker corp. sunshine Mia 10 swift oa Tranumortco Corp. ...... TweaAleth century ros ... Unioa On comaoay . PacifM United Airiiou ,..... United Aireratt t United OorporattOB United atatw Plywood .... Uaitee Statu Steel .. .. Warner Pictures .. Wutera Union TeL Wutlathouae Atr drake . Weitlnthou Electrlo .. Woolwertb . sow ... 1 ... to ...107 ... 4T .... 10 ... oo .... do .... 40 ... 10W .... slit .... MV .... 11 .... 00 , 04 . 10 . 11 . tt . OSS . 10 . i . 40 1 . 00 .114 . 1 .. 11 .. 13 .. 11 .. U 40 ... 00 ... 01 ... 15 ... 31 ... SI ... ... 11 41 ... IT i... 10 ... ....100 ... K .... 40 .... 4 .... 10 .... 11 .... 11 41 .... 13 .... ftl .... 41 A. S. Johnson Died Saturday Arnold S. Johnson, who for several year owned and oper ated a grocery store at SSS Market street, died at his home at 1345 North ltth street Sat urday from a heart attack. Born August 1, 1898. at Den ver, Colorado, Johnson with his parents, moved to Buhl, Idaho. and was graduated from public schools there. H and Mrs. Johnson csmt to Oregon and to Lebanon In 1923 and a year later moved to Salem. At the time of his death Johnson was a salesman b Portland. Johnson was a member of the Masonic lodg. at Lebanon and of tha American Legion, being a past commander of the post at Buhl, Idaho. ; Survivors include his wife, Grac H. Johnson of Salem; a son, Jsy W. Johnson of La. Grande, Oregon; father, Hild ing Johnson of Buhl, Idaho; aad two sisters, -Mrs. Carl Moss of Weisner, Idaho, and Mrs. Jack Miss of Buhl, Idaho. Funeral services will be held at the Clough-Barrick chapel Tuesday, December 22, at 1:30 p.m. with Rev. B. J. Holland officiating. Interment Is to be in Belcrest Memorial Park. Rit ualistic services will be by Sa lem lodge No. 4. AFtVAM. The casket will be open to friends until noon Tuesdsy. Portland after aa extended illness. Rev. Royot Coan of tha WUlamina Meth.dlst church officiated, and Inter ment waa la th Forfait View cemetery. Robert Buffington was born at Plattamouth, Neb, Decem ber 11, ltlS, and died on his 37th birthday. He married Dorothy Nelson May 13, 1B40, at Vancouver, Wash and to th. union were born two chil dren, Bonlta and Kenneth. The Buffington family mov ed to Willamlna two years ago when Mr. Buffington was made; manager of the North west store here. Survivors Include his widow, two children, Bonlta Ruth and Kenneth Robert; his mother, Mrs. Ruth Buffington of Plsttsmouth, Neb.; thre sis ters, Mrs. Delmar Fsrls of Ca lomel, S.D.; Mrs. Vein. Palte of Kent City. Mich.; Mrs. Douglas Tilson of . Platts- mouth; nd three brothers. El mer of Beatrice, Neb.i George ana nsroio of Plstuemouth. Let iwUt aetint, wi be arid at lb. Vtrall T. Oalita. CUM Tana.y. Dee. n at 1;M B-m. an, aaeaat X. SWIM al fwra IU rata ratlSea. f Iia S. laat at. Uoumh. at a rerlleaal tM. vital. Dae. II aa Iba aaa at a) run. Sur vived by aoa. Lao. O. Flaa. Seliaa. Eee bort D. Biui. ItarvavUla. CallLi Aiwa tee. Ufa. Weetoy Hut. Dallaa. Samoa, win be rea by a Cnnatta. Sctaauu km tha Bawall-Sdwaraa Cbaaal. Taaa. Sea. I B a.m. coneladlas aarvaaaa ak Beiereet alaautlal rark. Slaek Herbal Mew York UPr The atoca maran eoiv ad Monday alter ahowtas improve ment early la tba aaaatea. Ohanaaa either war amountw vo aoau a point with loaiaa aUahUy otitavmbw- ib. tna aaini. Volume built u durlnf ritlnB vhataa a. eantractad when the alow retreat bo- Ben. But the day came to an aatlmated l.MO.OM ahare,. That compare, with 1.3S0.M. aharaa treded rrldey when Ute market waa advancina. PertUM Uveetaa. Portland P Hot prloaa w,r, hlaher Mala today. Cattle l.lMl market vaeveat ataara aad neltera active; fed ataara atrona u tea hlaher: eommere el ataara aad nail er, -eoo up: load choice l.lte-lb. ateert .-aa; I to, da llehter welihu bat leee hlablr llalaaad kl.tti few aood fad etconi Sl.bO-Sk.U. Includlns load Canadian ateera at st.M: few commercial and low aood ateers 11-10: eemmarctal helfera 11-tT.M: uUllty heifer, 11-14: canner. cutter eawa 1-l.fO: atlllty aowa 1B-II: commerclel 11-11: atlllty - commercial bull, atron. at 11-11. Calvea no: market ateedy: tood-chole, vMlera waree. aaUbla lt-11: few aood araaa calvea etrons at H.M-1I.M; ebolca tin i. iv an Hoaa l.laa: rnarket active, arawaet IB. hliherl abolcc laa-Slt lb. buUhare It. 71: choice twe-H. la. 7aia.aoi aawa around aoa BlBBefl .noiea a-a-aa. ,9.31 aa. Aheep l.Boo: market eaoat ataaoyt load chalca-prlme lMlb. I Ml woolad lamb, Taw track lota cholee-prlma U.10; aood-eholeo It.W-ll.H: few aaa. tad ara 1. .ull-atllltr ewea 1H-H. Mid Willamette Obituaries Abigail Bennett Sllverton Abigail Bennett, 93. died' In the Patterson Rest Home at Silverton sunday. Mrs. Bennett was born at Bethel, Ohio, April 2, 1860. Surviving is one cousin In California. Anno uncements will be made by the Ekman Funeral home. Pertleai Orala , Portland lAVatOBDAl lto bide. Tnd.v. oar TeeetBt,: Whcet et: ber- ley It; flour 11: corn A. oat, Ji mill feed 11. Christina F. Stuwe s Aurora Miss Christina T. Stuwe. resident of Needy, Ore., for many years, died at her home Thursday, Decern- ber IS, following several years illness. She was a sister of William of Molalla; August and Fred of Needy; John of Canby, and Herman of Wood burn. Funeral services were Saturday, December 19, at the Canby chapel of Everhart & Kent. Interment, Rock Creek cemetery at Needy. Robert Buffington Funeral services were held in Forest Grove last week for Robert Leroy Buffington, 37, of Willamina, who died in Lo'rno M. Moshberger Canby Mrs. Harvey L. (Lorna M.) Moshberger, 44, resident of RL 3, Molalla, died Thursday at the family home following an extended Illness. Mrs. Moshberge. was born Oct. 7, 1909, at Woodburn and at tended schools there and at Willamette University. In 1934 at her parents home in Woodburn, she was united In marriage to Harvey L. Mosh berger and they since had lived at the presen home. Surviving an the husband Harvey L. ' Moshberger; three daughters, and one son, Darla, Ruth, Mary Jo and Henry; her parents Mr. and Mrs. Henry Chapelle of Woodburn and sister, Mrs. Henrietta Seely of Woodburn. Funeral services were Sun day .Dec. 20, at the Everhart and Kent Canby Funeral Home. Commitment services were Mondsy morning a' the Port land Memorial, 14th and By- bee St with vault entombment. DEATHS Anata rraaow Ansa Prancta at It! R. Commercial St. ooc. 10. Late reatdeat of 1160 Smith at. Rale at, Rurvrved by nephew, Harold Starr, torment City Vie Cemetery, PhiUlo Relvaar at a laeal aoawttal De cember 10 at tho as aC 11 yean. Bore ice wlU be held la the HoweU-Rdwaroa Ooapol TuMday, Do, tt at M M -av Was. JaaMe. Cooaeaa, Jaekaoa Oacluran. at Lakrvw. Orogoa. Dee. 10. ass of 11 year. Rut. vtved by wife, Mellu Cochraa. LaAegrove. Oreaee; datighver, Mr. LeRoy Putti rrod coenraa. Claude oocaraa. Olana Cochraa; atepeoss, Dolbort Cahlll, Melvia Cahlll; sister, Mrs. Prod Arm strong; brother. John Coehran; sevem grandchildren. Service will a held ta ho UowtU-Rd wards Chapel Wedntoday. Doe. U, 1:00 p.m. Rot. 4. Wat. Jones will omelet. CoasladiBS oorrtoao CUy vie Cemetery. Mrs. Mabol RaU Mr. Mataal Mai at tha Tasldeaoe ha Ruiene, Dee. 10. Survived by aoa. Cecil R. Hal. Rut . Iivino O. Halo, atean wlck. Wash., eight grkjidohUdnrs. Serv Kea will be held la tho Oough-BekA Chapel, Tuesday, Dae. El. at 1 -au la urmeat Belcre! aAwmonal Park. Araold R. Jabave. , Arnold R Jortatvoa at too Twildeatca. 1140 N. 10th Rt.. Dee. 11. Survived by wife, Mrs. Oreo H. aohnoe, Ralemi on. Jar W. John ton, LaOranda, Or.; father. Hllding Johnsoa. Buhl. Idaho; als urs. airs. Cart Mom, WeUer. Idaho, and aire. Jack Moos, RuhJ. tda.- Rerrkea will he held TuesdAy. Dec n. at 1:04 pm. at the Cloture Bertie Chapel with too Rev. R. J. Rollaad fftclatiai. Ritu ualUtlc aorvioes by Beiem Lodss Mo. 4. APAAM. Interment at Belcrest Memo- , lal Park. Caket wlU bo BPR to btdnds until oooa Tuesday. . ioaoph Relier. lat rasMoBt of La Orand. at tttl Town end Way, Doe. 2. Survived by slater, Mr. Ida McCannell of P la math PaU and Edward MCotutll of aposaa. wash. Announoement oi ervice later by tho VlxiU T. OUaa P. RUIoek Rarah P. Elaloci, lata reildent el Ra lorn la a kwal hospital Doe. 10, at tho aoa of 10. Rurvlvod by daughter, Mrs. Ber th Shannon And Mrs. W. B. Hales of Salem Mr. Parry Holt of Longvtew, Wash., Mrs. Jews! Oils and Mrs. Rubp Varbel or Moa Lake, Wain., and Mrs. Winnie Roland of MoltlUl ion. Henry BiAlock of Abornathl, Tea., sister, Mrs. Rose Hardman and Mrs. Wlnnls Ren ley ci Dalla, Tex., Mrs, Anal Hnon of Loo Angeles. Calll aad Mia. Alpha OomblU of Venice, Calif.) 44 irandchll dreo Aod M Breat-oraadohlldren. Mem bar of CaatrM Church of Chrlit. Sere Ice win be bold la the HoweU-Bdward Chapel Wednesday. Dee. SI, :M a m. Rev. Ohoteo Bryaot will offielAta, Cor eludlos Beiereet Memorial Park. Saewa Rellb Boruo Hoitbe, st a local aurttng hovv Dec. 11. lat reildenc of 14M If. 10 th 4k Survived by wile. Mrs. Inca Holttve. Se lem; eUuotators, Mrs. W. K. Mefford, R. tene, Mrs. Wayno Mentaer, Saiem; two grandoBA, Raoale Coleman. Ruserj, Dad. uaniorm, uan, fsu meso, cam. stere lcee will be held la the Vlntl T. OoldoR Chapel Wednevday. Do. Eft, t Ia- WANTED WALNUT MEATS Orcutts Market 4200 N. Mvar M. OrcuttsShellNulCo. 1430 Broadway St. WINDOW CLEARING Acxss Window Cleaoere. Indattrlal floor waxing, bottsecleaning. Phone 1-1117. 141 court. o" LODGE j 6aJeai Lodge No. 4, A. F. b A. 1st, will open Rt Clough Barrick Mortuary Tues., Dec. 32, Rt 1:15 pjn. to condust the fu neral service for Bro. A. 8. John son. 308 i BALEM LODOI No. 4, A P. iX A A.M.., Wed Dec. 33. C. defree. 1:30 pm. 306 In 1850 the clipper ship Sea Witch went from New York to San Francisco around the horn in 97 davs which was faster than any steamship of that day could make the trip. Pert rood MsoeolUaeow Owlet M lb. Becks- Waah, yellow medium. 01-1.10, larte, ll.10-l.2t; Idaho; yellows, mad.. 41.14-1.40; large ll.M-l.M; , white, 02-1AO. , Petatees Oro. local Loot Whites $1 00- 1 10; Red Res 1.10-50; Deschutes Rus-! aats No. 1. 1.44-00: lso A, 70-100; 10 lb. ak., 00-00; 10 lb. mash, 44-40; paper, M il; wladews 1J-17; He. J, 00 Lbe, 10-00; Wash. Riuaeu. No. 1-A. 1.10-00, i lew 1.T0; Idaho. 1.40-00: 10 . paper. it-44; vent, 41-40; N. Dakota Pontiacs, . l-A. so IOC., a.-M. ay D. R, No. 1 sreen alfalfa, do-1 Uvored ear lot l.o-b. Portland aod Be- attie, u-io. Wool Ortow hast. Willamette Val-; ley medium. 01-10 Ib.t Eastern Orogoa fin and hiI-b!o3. St-CSc, Wiiiametie 1 Valley lamb wool, 43i 11-month wool. I 00-OOe. Mehalr 0407 Da, a 11-month gTOW th. f.o.b. country thlpplng points. Hide Producer paying price f..b. Portland, calf aklnt. 11-11 lb., accoro lot to conditiom green klaa, li-io lb.: trtea cow hides, t-ls lb -a according to weitnt and eualltyt buU hid, l-4e lb.; slue hide. 00 per sent below prices lor above classes Filbert Wholes el MlUat prie l.o.. Oregoa plants No. I Jumbo Barcelona lie: large 17 We lb.: medium IS We la.; to growers f.o.V plant. 10c lb. for Bsrco lona. DuCblllys halt eent loss. Wale et Producer paying price, f.e.4. plant; laree Pranquettes, 10-10 lb.: IvOer ettes, 10c ib.t seedlings, ll-I4e lb. Whole tale aelllnt prleea first atllty large Praneuettet, 11-31 H.t Htbt halve. TO-oie lb.i aboilod light amber half. TO-rocI. i I DENNIS the MENACE By Ketcham wff SALEM' MARKETS Compiled from itpoitt 1 Sateca etibn fee the cotdaae l Capitol Jevtaal readera. iRevleed Retail Peed PrtoMt RabMt PeUete 0! 40 (00-la. bag). 04 30-0 00 10-lb. bag). Ett Maea 44.00-I010. Dairy Peed OIJI-IH (04-Rt. ; tl 00-4.04 (100 tru. , pealtry Rartac Prteee colored tryere, lie: c4d rooster, ; colored fowl. 14; let horn fowl 10c; colored roe tart. lie. Bering Prteee--Bet. AA. 01c: large A. ; it-OJt: medium A A, 4T; medlom A. ; 41c: amali, 33c Etta, wholeaal prke tenerally 1-1 coat hither thoa prices , sbove; larte trad A teseraUy aetd at 00: mediums at 04. Batter. Bwtterfat Rottertal Bnrtno prlee! Premlam, t4 11 ooaui No. L 01-00 oeaui No. 1 00a. From 1040 to 1050 the pro portion of women in the U. S. population who were married decreaaed from about 24 per cent to about 20 per cent m I US' nnjJf aBB.BbBjraTAWiWlwaYa.r-a A N ICrtl, W! 1 90T IT OUW WT GOfS KIT Dt. f . L La. R D Dr. O. Chaa. H-0. DI18. CBAN and LAM CHINESE NATUROPATHS tUtr, S4I North Uberty Office aaa Satwrdey awry. 14 a at. U I p m i 4 to 1 P.m CwBtnruuaa, blood preeeure and trrtii teete re free of cberee Prtctjcot tSoc 101T writ far ttTt-r ra Rw awtt eetroe - !SSS.SL 1 fSirSV vg p.ry j,"jr"" Wfto- fntS tn-y Q5 irffi7roBSiSZwBir fTSr y Bm at Whatever You Have Sell to Whatever You Have to Rent Chances are you'll Una someone who is looking for usf that very thing through the Capital Journal classified columns. Try II NOW Phone 22406 Before 10 A.M. to Place Your Classified Ad For the Same Day's Paper SAY "CHARGE IT" CapitalJournal PH. 22406