Pag 20 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Stleni. Orra Monday. December 21, 1953 FOR SALE HOUSES NEW MODERN T room bouse with Km uuir iTrtseiioa. Phone 304. Madras. Oft. 0404 BY OWN ICE. I bedrooms. Lars seaing room, living room. dining room. hard wood floor t. Fireplace, scaled basement. Clean, eouth, Immed, pose. $11. too. term. Prion 4-I1M. aiot Good Family Home 1 bedrooma, living room, dining room, kuchan, full biHDiHi, alee lot. paved street. iot to school. Priced lor eulck eale. t loo. 00. Term. See or ctJl Prank Ulasie wltfe McKILLOP REAL ESTATE Daytime luu Evenings : M.1S0 SPECIAL t bedrooms on oat floor. Pleilered 11 heal, lou of built-in. South. JJM Wlnoln St. Will take lot or car for down payment. Open ill day. Phone I-13T1 evenings eller p. at. for ep- pointment, aoi $5oaTt4M DOWN. Two bedrooma. Im provement! in. Phono 1-1711 aflr 00 p m. a30l MALL t bedroom noma, oo acr. WiU sell acuity 12.004. Phono 4-45U. 4121 DurWn Atl sjM FOE SALE or rant, two-room hou oo larra lou 1151 down. Ill moo Lb. Phone 4-1141. " Including lot. or only IT 454) oo your lot. This I -bedroom dream homo u abaolulalr tha beat bur In the cttr. Just look at thaao wonderful features compart value wita any ou nam rcrardleas of price. 0 DOWN OR HOTHINO DOWN ON TOUR OWN LOT f'T Bo.. FT. I bedrooms e Larra living room and dining area with bag picture window Beautiful deslgntwl tttcQea wiw natural oiren ceomei ay Both shower and tub I ft. wsrd robo closets tn fill bodroomi Hard wood floors Thermo-con trolled oil , furnace Insulated and weather tripped Large storace room Your choice of exterior and interior colors Appro. 159 00 per mo. in cluding Interest. ttKcs. Insurance, etc. ALL THESE WONDERFUL FEATURES PUR ONLY II.3M M SKI FOR YOURREI-Pr COME OUT TODAY I A Lockwood horn la perfect Xmsg present for pour entire family . . . Thtr deserve a tood hornet OPEN XVENINOS TILL 1 00 PM. j PHONE 1-0071 REAL ESTATE 4 A. (Kaitl with Sandy 1 bedrm tod. horn, bescment. good barn, and out bldf i. 11 A. Una English walnuts, 4 A. strawberries, bal train and pes tura, I tntlk cows, tractor md all tools. Mi, 500. Call Mr. Anderson. Blm. Ives, 43714 Dallas 3 bedrm home on hwy with t nice lots. $4,ft0Q. Taka Salem home or 11,600 dn. Call Mr. Anderson, Blm. Eves. 4-1714 SOUTH SALEM New 3 bedrm nesting completion- Dey- Hiht bBHpmenl. Buy now and (ho Inalde rolort. Bargain prlca of 112.000. Call Ur. Xliilni, Salem. NORTH SALEM New t bedrra daylltht baiemeot with fireplace. Forced air oil furnace, lit lot. Owner may consider amall howit la trade or reasonable down payment. 11.0ft. Call Ur. Kiralna, Blm. EAST tana corner lot with numtroui trees, omfortable one bedrm home. Prlred at IS.S00. I1.S00 down. Call Mr . Otiei bet. Sim. vea. 3S373. SUBURBAN On and fourth acre with loyalp t bedrm l-yr.-old home. Fireplace, oil P A. heat, aep. utll rm. dble attached tar. nlro ahrub. treea. ahallow awlm mini pool. 114.100. Seller needs lartrr ttnme. Call Ura. Otleabet. Blm. tvea.. $75 DOWN 13 per mo buys a amall run down OllM" in South Salem. City Waiei. hot water tank. Corner lot. Only 1160. Don't eirect to move la until you do some woik. 4 BEDROOM Only IM0 down. 11000 tuU pries. 1 ainry older home In S. R. Salem. All larte room Only 4 blocks to rede ecnooi. local lor troelns family. 2-BEDROOM FIREPLACE 11000 down. An extre tood nest end e;en Dome eith hard mood Coora I arre bedrooms. A lUf't and oheerfui s ''rtien end nook. FncWed utility. P rd atreet itiine limiU. Xatra gn.Kl buy e 4tw. tOl South Hlth Street Phone 1-1303 Phone Evrnlnat Sundav 4-1671. I-3K1. 1 !-. s-Hlt. J-J3M $1,000 Down Smaller 1-bcdrorm home on 9Ssi:t tot uerase. Paved street. Close to tel. not and but. t'nlurnlshed 14 150 r-imlthed $5,100. 2 Bedrooms $6,550 LHinr room Kitchen with satins littv porch Oaratf . to a: I schools. Home area Bsth. C Oood lot Cloag fully furnUhed. RAMSEY, REALTOR te4 Nortn Commercial Office t-a;u A-e. Al Tender. Salesman. 3-TH4I Ev. Jim R ame-ey. 4-164 . cJ03 tcH'loxenClaTsiedAds Phone 2-2406 t'LAMtlrlKD ADVEBT1S1.VO Per Ward. Dm .Is Per Bard Per Ward, I time o Par Word. I month as No RereadsMinim am 14 Word RE 40 ERA Ir Local Newt Celima Only, Pee Ward 1 Mialmim 10 Wards, To Place Art tn Same Daj'i Paper, rhons I-toof Before la s.m. mm i Mil m (ipl REAL ESTATE mm WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES Federal GI & FHA Mtgs. LOOK NOW! 5-BEDR00M ENGLEW00D Plua a eeparate litlllty room. Plra. place. Vac bUnd. Good ahlnilt loot Oarue. Prd eU Sidewalk. 1 food rnrwiituMi Owner hai bout tit a farm la bla only raaioa for eflerlnc ihu home for sale. 11200 down will Dandle wltn a full price of only I'tTV 'Till for UR. CRAWPORO, tv. ph. 4-M20 VERY DESIRABLE Tt not too tiMUitt. Just lilt new Imtde city. Loada of builtloa. Stone throw from arhofl. Intulatad. oil neat Att. faraae- A pleasure to show. Pull price only irO0. 'Call for UR- BARE, v. ph. I-IU2 Elm EXCEPTIONAL KITCHEN In thla fine, clean home. Dandr atiruba. PiKd yard. Wired for drrer. Oil heat- Tilt bath. Prat rant flowers. Patio. Owner lealnr city. Pul! price only MHO. 'Call for UR. ORIUMETT, ve. ptu 3-;i7 Slm. $4250 FULL PRICE Por thia analler home. In eicellenl re pair. Well-to-vall carpets. Only I Trs. old. Insula led. Ven. blinds. Only 11000 down wtll bandit. iCall tor UR. CRAW FORD, eta. ph. 4-M3I Sim NEW GEM AT A PRICE Too can afford. I bedrooms en ne floor. Poreed air oil furnace. Warmth ivlnf fireplace. Pvd. at. New district Att. caraia. 71 by U lot Sep. uwntr room. One you 11 love. PHA term If desired. Pull price 111. MM. (Call for N. O. "DAN IflAAK, art. PA. 4-111J SH0E REPAIR SHOP Thla ta hot. The location Is Ideal Established for many rears. Really a i busy place. Low overhead. Pull price I for ererrttilriB oo. 'Can ror n. u "DAN" 2SAAK. eve. ph. 4-3l Blm.t GROCERY And a food one. Owner rrpoTts tat caab busmeit. Averaie sales ever !OO0 per mo. Very steady biunneaa. nonern livlnf quarters. Rent lor store oics., aarace and llvlni auarl-r only 1100. Pull price 14000 p!ua stock Inventory. (Call for N. O. "DAN 1AAAK, )V. ph. 4-1UI Sim. I TRADE Por tmaller home in Salem II acres with II under cultivation. Extra rn amaller house. Wall-to-wail car pets. Partially fenced. Pull price 112.000. (Call for MR. CRAWPORO, vt. ph. 4-5030 Sim i 10 ACRES With a modern 3-bedroom hc-uie In sulated. Oaraie. Nice view. Barn Chicken house. M A. strawberries. 4 A bottom land. 4'i A. fmcue. Real value for 17500. ICall for UR. CRAWFORD, eve. ph. 4-9020 Sim.) $500 DOWN On thla ft-ecrt tract. AH under eullt vatlon. Modern 3 -bed room house. School bus. Near town. Will. soil. Pull price only 4sO0. (Call for MR. LZAV ENS, OVt. Ph. I-473S fllm 125 ACRES . ATI cnltt rated. Carlton toll. It A. alfalfa,. r0 A. tray oats. 33 A. rye trass. Bal, In fescue and clover. 1 well. Sprint. Very food modern 4 bedroom house. 50 by to barn. 40 by 50 atird. Oaraie. Pump house. Lane hot shed. All crops Included In the banaln price of l34,BftO. Only 15000 down. (Call for UR. LEAVENS, ve. ph. 1-473 Sim.) PHA CONVENTIONAL MTOS.. 30 Year FEDERAL OI UTUa., 30 YEAR LICENSED AIAO IN WASH- it IDAHO Al Lsaak & Co., Realtor Off. Phone 4-1111 or 1-7120 Ere. S-4735, 4-1MI. 4-5010. 3-7071, 4-IM7 II no answer cau -z?ta cSflS' WONDERFUL BUY! Brand hew 1 -bedroom ranch type. Pmnan brick fireplace. Separate util ity room. Birch kitchen. Porred-alr oil heat. Corner lot. Eolli streets paved You'll buy It If rou eee It. Pull price ONLY 110.700. PliKAAE, do not ak tor drive-by as It UUAT be shown Wy ap pointment only. Ask for Ur, Kitttns. C304 A. A. LARSEN REALTOR A HWe-A-Wav Del.uie Onlv a few ml let oit. and eaat.r arceuible' An 1 nam rational tell in for the ArtLat or Writer. Vou can rawe berries, rabbits, dots. Boats .or Jiut pi sin HFCK. N"b"dr '.11 knuw 9 Airrj. tumt'.'.&s yr. round creek, tall trees, ft rm rus tle snake house. vtt nuKlern. 3 Edrms . Ian I. Room with Mew win dows. If rou want to set sear from It 11. thia ! it. Pi ice H 000 down Oreclou Home on N. Rummer at Clot to St Jnaeph i and Sacret Heart. 1 Fdrtna dole piumt,. Pit baen.'nt. craek. l 1 oaks. palm. int. Au dio L Knom ibeamerl eetlln Iire p ace. D. Boom, L. Boom rus drape stay. Meikele Rose w.trt White trim- sit uated neatly in ht ahtde of a treat oa a 1 1 BdrT rnr kr.;!' nine, car peled Llvlni A P Hm l:nlsied pert room. 1 flrepiacet. Near Leaite errtool ltl S Hlth Eve 37111 Phone 15419 2TS1 WANTED REAL ESTATE NOTU E: If your property te tor st:t. rent or tjrhanse. Hit It with us. We have all kinds of caah buers. STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS lf.2R Hlsb St. ca WE ARE in need of tood homes te sell. In or near Salem. If you ub te list your property for sa'e, tea ORABENHORrVT BROS REALTORS H4 J Mbertv Ph. 3-3471 EXCHANGE REAL EST ATE SIX ROOM modern house. I hree lots, over hundred foot froniese Pour blocks south of dty hall on Hlshway 111 tn Newport, oreton Will consider tred-, IM Writ C J Stanton. Box 531,! B. W. Court Htihwey or phone 7IJ I ebJM COI NTBY INCOME property for sal or trade for Stavton, Sublimity or Salem (no farmti. Onnd opportunity for rliht party. Prion aclo 23F. B. W. Holt. Rt. 1. Mo, Orr fhn5 BUS! N ESS C PPORTUNITI ES RRnWARF Bl' HI VE SS Impaired health and pretiur of ether intere.' fnrcee sacrlnce or eolni bulre.i Of fering entire elect et 40 or retail for next 14 days 30(H) sq. ft. floor snare, loo ft. front, an I'.tw -vei v attrac tive Ttese--low rrnt--3-5 vri flee E fllckflon. Plckaone Shopnns Center South Salem or phone 33111 for aptmt FOR I.EAKE. kt station. Ctll 444'P FURNTURE FOR SALE TRADEH LOUIE OPEN FRIDAY MONDAY EVENINGS dJOl To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 REAL ESTATE S"e Wt MCUIITT ' HOUE WITH INCOME Lovely 1 bdrms . Ur. rm . la rm , kltohea. bath and utility rom. plua 1 bdrm.. Uv. rm . kiichea, dinette a bath. Ue. doit, tarata far atllltr far amalier borne. Seen by appL only. CALL J. S. LAW. VIEW PHOtl EVERY WINDOW-Uvelf west Ttaw overlook In t river towards Independence, larte lovely birch kitchen, bdwd. firs. Utruout. L-shapo Ur. rm. and din. rm. Philippine mabetany mantel and turn. 1 nice bdrms. lovely bath, central hallway, dble. taraee. darlltht burnt . a u lo-oil beat, lane lot. Reduced to III.IM. CALL ROY S. PCRRIS. TODAY'S BEST UY-New ranch type t bdrm. borne. lt. rra.; II' lent. Entrance ball, excellent room arrangement, bath with dble. la artery, dble. carport, lou of book ahelvee m cupboards, esiuipped ' with diahwaaher. clothes washer drrer. P. A. oil heat, fireplaces, trees. Lot 100 HOC. Sua by door. Only 113.000. CALL U. K. LAYMON. Please Drop In and Pick Up Your 1954 Calendar! GRABENHORST BROS. REALTORS hi a. umw at. n. -m rraalnii ind aundan ctll altjan J . L.W l-lt Ror A. rtrru S-Mtt H. K. UffM 1-1111 For Your Insurance Needs Call W. H. (Bill) Johnston 2-2471 or 3-S35 ENGLISH COLONIAL la a beautiful location, larte llvlnc room, separate dlnlnt room, kitchen with nook. dcs. part bath down. 1 larte bedrooms and batb ap, double terete, beautifully landscaped lot with larte shade trees Call Bsnry Torvead to show you this lovely home. Lee Ohmart Rudy Calaba IF YOU NEED A GOOD FAMILY HOME FOR $10,000 Don't ailas this attractive 1 bedroom home. yas. it has a basement with auto, oil heat why not take a look TODAY. ON HOLLYWOOD DRIVE 44 acres with S bedroom home, double terete and 10x41 chicken house 112.500 will consider trade on 1 bedroom home with lerte lot la tow a, WILLAMETTE VALLEY STOCK OR DAIRY FARM 114 acres tood loem sol), l A. now tillable, bal. caa be cleared and farmed, 135 A. seeded to pasture trass, 1 A. irritated from all yr. creek, lane bsras. 41 stanchions plus bos. stalls, larte loaf in t barn. 3 alios, milking parlor, 1 bedroom home plus duplei. farm now opereted as stock and sheep farm, owner forced to retire, excellent terms Total price 100,000. Call Henry Torvend. , OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS 477 COURT ST. ' PHONES 2-4115, 2-4116 Eve. Salesmen, Henry Torvend 13132: Ralph Maddy 33401 Louts Lorent 1510; Ted Morrison 25044 WANTED FURNITURE AUCTIONS AUCTION OF FURNITURE AT SCOTTY'S TUESDAY EVENINGS 4S40 CENTER ST., SALEM FOR SALE LIVESTOCK LOCKER REEF White face Hereford, 3oc. Nothlnt down, I months to pay. Custom kllltni. Trailer loaned free. Salem Ueat Co, 1330 . nth. 3-ISM PETS PARKAKKKTM: BREEDERS Babies. Alto birds-fuliv Hunted. Willamette Va.lry AMertes, m mite South of Prin tie School Phone Sam 4-3074. ecSO.l SIAMESE KITTENS, twdttree. 1 old. Ueltfhtlul tlfts. 1441 Neet. 3-1013. week 1 Phone ! ec304 ' PARAKEET ASK RANT to brine no other birds but Paradise Birds. Select from oter 100 youns birds. Heated in oir o n Independent bird paradise. Eery bird guaranteed. Cases supplied. Open Chrlatmas. 3'.M Llvlnsston. Phont 3-H42 erjoe PARAKEETN. IS.eo. Haiti Oreen Bd Phone ri307. ecl03 SIAMESE KITTEN a tnr sale' Lovely Christmas pieacnls. Phone 3-0B ec305- HtlMDAT airtt IA1.. Youne Psrakeett", 18 00. Mr l.rteraood. 1010 WtUace I Rd Phone 4 -Mb J et30fl AM RrtilxTFRMI Mo.loi PUPPlea. A150 e 3tiK; Ai er308 Daclialtund puppies. P'n banv (ilOUlt MtMMI kittens and cats. Hea jii s en l. e net. InteUlaenie. devo. Hon. Priced risht. 3 0411. ecllO CHAMPION BRED Boxer" puppies. Moo ret Tropica: Ptri Enutpment Parakeets. Pel a Macleay Riad. 4-3773. Cloted Wednenitvt. ecSlt PARtKrfTit. lovable companloni for shut-ins. Reasonable. 1110 Llvtniiton ll(t43 ecSOl rililtlRIE M4.IE Siamese kittens. Rea sonable Ptione 4-4J54. etlOJ' iC'ANARlfS. Fine Chrittmas sift Small I depoait. Phono I-43H5. 13 4 Chemeketa at. ec305 PARtKEETa All colors. M 00 Mil Bsiee, 176 Broadway. Phone 3-U04 erSOS F,ir kaI E 10-moaths-eld spared e- me! Beagle. 4754 Heger St. c307 PARAKEETS SELECT and CVU AR ANTEETJ. - Quality babies All tewww. 4 Salem. Cages, IB"4 PHet. ecioi' PAR iKEETS: BREEDERS- Babies. 16 00 A. I colors. Wl.lamette Valley Aviaries. 1 mile South of Print !e School Phon fa!rn 4 70T4 clr4 FUEL ANDERSON'S SL4BWOOD. 114 00. tjellvtrtd.. Fhoae 4-4154. 1 re -77II h am go- da REAL ESTATE SSTIWACTIo'w' I FUEL II" 8 LAB WOOD, 115 00 per loed. Saw dust, 12 W per load. Delivered In SU vsrton area only. Twin Falls Lumber Co, SILVERTON, OREOON PHONB 1-1301 eeSM- FOR SALE POULTRY 71 GOOD LAYING Perm enter Red Pul- iet. just aouui of Pee Dee at old loi tlnt eemp. f303 WE ARE hatching New Hampshire Oold- ea Broad and Arbor Acres White Rock, every week. Special prices lo year around fryer growers. Pot's Hatchery. 1130 State St Phone 1-SB f PRODUCE srKLlAL DATE rune ' available tn bulk. ft 44034. Lancet- venry rarm Store. ter-SUverton crou roads. ff IS- WANTED: VALLEY Alfalfa or tTaaa hay. riiona v-ivya mornints or evenlntt. b720 Atlburn Road. U3Q& WORM FREE SP1TZENBERG. Delicious ppim, su. Tij center. Phnn inot Cornice Pears $2.00 per bushel box. Phone your order at once. Salem 4 6268. fflnl' HELP WANTED FEMALE HO f HE KEEPER, middle eted for moth erless raome. Care of children It cook Int. No clean in t or laundry. Contac Mr. Barnes. 44471. tb305 HOt HtkllJEsTrOR IlrRrfBliVtrton couple Phone 3-6431. Bilverton g bio , EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES WE NEED P-Res- Burte. dr's. ole ... P-Cen.. ofe. aery.. I da. . P-Typut. It. dictph. sales ofc ... iui DOWNTOWN, nice clean imtl apsrt-F-fen. ofc. tvptst. It. sttno. . 1300, Oood heat. u::::iei tbt Center P-Y. tlrl, t l sroomed. trp . rerep )i303" It sh bd. tk fltrs A-l of lut. 1171, CLEAN. FUEMSIltD three rooms. Closed Seles, in... appl, Open ' - Phone 1-5013 Jp305J ,iwtl CIKW M RMMII 11 three room.', rluie- COMMERCML PLACEMENT AtlENCY in. Winter Street Phone 2-5043. jpiW eivnt WANTED POSITIONS EXPERT TREE service! Trees topped! trimmed, removed. Hedsrs trimmed. yard cleaned, trash hauled. Free esil- nasttt. J;7464. h-l- RELIABLE BABilTER Will go devs or nishf. Phone 3-5M4 n30 PAPER RANGING A PaTnTlnT Jerrr Johnson. Phone l-OTst nii LIGHT cT4WLER7dotVnt. dirt leveN tng, grading. Phone 3-3330. hill GENERAL BEWINO7nd button bales Phone 1-7610. Mil PAPER BANGING. Br the hour, fhon J': .hiL'i EXPERIENCED BABY titter. My home ! or yours, rnone 3-5323. hJ0J CARPENTER Repair. remodeTTeblneta and taracet. small jobs welcome. Phone 4-4369 ni05a P A I NTINtCp A FEB iffj S 0dTT o'r conlrsel. Small job weicoms. Phone hi' FAPrRRAVi.lNU, palntlnt Free en- maiej uon Lure re. Ph. 3-K33 hB" MIMEOfiR 4PH1NO A I pint Quslllr nrasonaoie rat en Mre Poe. Hi h Pfion J3I43 hi 3 FINISH LADY will do ironins at home 1B95 Fatrsrounds Rd. Desire steady j euttomers. hJ01 IBOCSEWOEK A child cere desperately needed by mother with 1 small girls mj nom vemntt write Eva Brown, Oeneret Delivery. Salem. Oreton. hJOJ CHILD CARE lay homeT West Salem. Fncd raid. References. Phone l itis . hJM CARPENTER rtpelriag boUdlag ft nay kind. Phone IMtl. hill CHILD CARS by dey er week. to Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 FOR RENT LARGE warehouse apace fat real lease. Cement floor a, brie buUdlnt, Down teen Ueulra U. U SUfl pwr- aiture Co. Phone I -), y WANTED TO RENT S-SKDEOOM home. Ill brackeL Con tact Ur. Walker at Capital Drue? INUT EY TELEPttONE PLEASE), .' 1031 UcCer. Ja' WANTED OPrtCE SPACE Insurance firm aeedt two eeaall reemi r one larte room eutslde main busi ness dUtrlcl. write description. eai-oa and terms, loa 111 Capital Journal. ja304' ROOM a BOARD OAID AND IOOH (et ur U- 1-J7t. BUSINESS RENTALS fUOB trACI lltlllbll, 1M M. Com ! FOR RENT ROOMS WaRH, NICE, lltbt housekeeplni room. FOR RENT HOUSES HOIK DOWNTOWN Save bus fare, lb Din, from court house a paper mill. Pireplact, oil circulator, carpeted curtained. Clean, t rooms. Adults. Oa rate. 441 S. Hitn. Ph. eve. 1744. JmlOl WEEKLY OS monthly rentals. Nod-A way MOtei, u Portland Rd. 1-H74 jmSOl ONE BEDROOM tin furnished collate. Attached terete. Ill month. Phore 4-5317. m' THREE-EOOM Dl PI-EX. cUove. water. tar at fiirnlahed. in. 1140 Center St. JmlOl NICE CLEAN one bedroom house. With nrepiace and terete. 10W m, joth. Inquire at 1SU m. llth. ImMM SHALL TWO bedroom house. Nice fur niture, riano. west aistrtci. one block bus. 150. Phone 4-3143. 00 p m. to 00 p m. Jm3M POB RENT or leaee. new duplex apart ment, rnooe jmioi ONE BEDEOOM home. Stores furnished 13 month. Phone 1-4230. Jm303 BEDEOOM unfurnished house. 14M Psrk Avenue. 145. Phone 4-1111. Jm304 FURNISHED 1-EOOU, duplet, 150. Phone 1-1341. rmjot POt'B BEDROOM unfurnished. New ta rata. Inquire 19H N. Ith. Phono 1-1474. Jroios MODERN1 COtRYK One and two bed rooms before January 1. Stove and re frlteretor furnished. Near Salem Oen erel Hospital. Phone 1-1440. JmJ04' UNFURNISHED one-bedroom house. Au tomat io heat. Oarage. 13ft E. St. 1141. Jm304 1-BEDEOOM, ONE-Bedroom. Both elec tric, clean and alee, inquire H s llth St. JmlOl THREE-ROOM, c lost -in, across Wallace road from Emery's Store. Wired for electric stove, new hot water beater. Bit fenced yard, trees. Electric water system. 3. 430 Union St. 1-1716. imlOl 8MAIX WEST Salem house with tood view. Work shop and den oa flrat level. Kitchen, bedroom, be Lb on low er level, tno. Phone 2-13S3. ImSOft CLOSE IN, 3 -bed room unfurnished cot- lets. All electric. 115 N. Church. im308 S-BEDROOH HO CHE per month. Phone , NICE. CLEAN, one-bedroom house. 111! Ststt. Also 4-bedroom house. 724 2i. Hlth. Thomas Roen, Phone 1-1773 JmSOS ALMOST NEW, GOOD, clean 2-bedroom nouie. ins. tan in person, see jeirer aon St. or 6r5 flunaet. Jm104 FOR RENT APARTMENTS ADt'LTS. WARM. HOMEY apartment. Brick bids. Neaj state office bldai. Ai shopplnt center. Phone 35533 or 35341. 1P303 THREE - ROOM furnished apartment. Quirt, warm. Walking distance. Phone 3-8693 or 4-ft9V Jp303 X-ROOM FURNISHED. All Utij'tles. StOVS. rerrtg. Ateam heat. Bloc It to Capitol. 35.00. Lady. 130B Court. Phone 1-1354. Jp3 ROOM FURNISHED, Close IB. AdulU. too N. HKh. Phone 1-6371. JP30I GROUVD FLOOR 3-room apartment. Clean end warm. Lady preferred. Iff Perry Bl. Jp305 1-ROOM FURNISHED epartment. 3ft. Private beth. 3770 N. Front. Phone 3-7717. JP30S CLEAN FURNISHED, private bath and entrance. Phone 2-7 ltA. JplOl WARM, COMFORTABLE furnished Pull- men epartment. Electric washer et dry er. tH Ultles paid. 2 blocks from Stele Buildings m Shop pine Center. 44R N Winter St jp03a APARTMENT IN WEUT Salem. Children welcome. Phone 1-3111. 1111 Ith St. JP3I1 NICE 1 BEDROOM apartment. Located near 'shopping center, state offices and ecnoois. Rent S5 per month. AL ISAAK CO. REALTORS Phone 4-1311 Jp3oe Fl RMKHi D COURT apartment. 1 roome at tarasa. Close in on North Comma r ctal. 53. Ptione 1-1441 or 1-6144. Jp EVERAL furtilshed apartments, tood location Inquire H U Stiff Furniture Phone 1-lin. jp CLOSE IN, pleasant 2 rooms, garate a v suable. Reasonable pcma J 78SC. JP3011 FIRNlHHED APARTMENT. I&3 ft I6C Utilities included. Inquire 1160 N. Cap ital St. Hollywood Motel. p303' ROOM fumlthed basemen IrehL. water, heel A N Libert. erartmen beth. 50' 1P104 THREE LRiE furnished rooms, bath All utlimee fur mined. 145. 1310 Lan i;nt Avenue. none 4-6531. Jp304 3-BFDROnM APARTVrVT. anrf" 1 h room court. Phone 3-1013. JP304 i RFMtlDI'I I'D TWO ROOM. furnlahed private bath. 330 S. Ittn. Phone 3-3231 JPJ04 VERT Mtt io-bedroom furntshed and unfurnished epartmentt. Water, ranse. refr iterator f urnitbrd ftft end 573 Inquire at i:o N H th )pJ07 TWO ROOM, pnvttt bath, entranc7 RefrHerator. Adults. Afler 1 10 p m 735 S. llth St p?07 CLEAN l-ROOM ""furnished" apartment' uiilitlen turnuhed. 137 50. Phone 39014 3361 Harel Ave Til Fl R N I H r I J - R o o Mtt tracTl vt a - m" rlean. 13T0 Chemeketa St. )r"4' LEE APTS. Salem s UMt Duttrwutshed Address Thoreughly mMern. Ides'.lv locsted for those deslrms better itvint. Ont heslroom units from 111 00. bachelor units at low a EM 50. Inspection In vited. i n. Winter ip301s NEW I T DECOR 4TFO two-room Tur ntshed Cour: epartment. 1065 Msdl son St. 4-474 JP304 JOE PALO0KA r owatt . MAvf -ZT'm. r "5 rr."1?".' I ll about that i bun out. nriii. I I vhi iBfFu inTe a """""'w in-u..TMe 1 ami ir. I TXV AM barmeo koala A i FAvti rJTrtri,. I fJr yT TNATAA- STORM AtAy JujLKVtlf MAO L auTM , BtAflTVE GOT AiS.' i FOR RENT APARTMENTS l BEDBOOIC, furnlahed. roomy, prleate batb and enuance. newly BMHtlfully decorate, an sj. mtn. JpJOT LOST FOUND LOT Benrua lady's white toJd. black bandAnaa May ward. 14131. kill BE WARD POB Loet toldea retriever f mele wearing chain cellar. Phone laelt. M Terrace Dr. k3U LOiY ON CENTER, vicinity of 11th. of Ski rack carrier. Reward, phone 1-0413. k303 LOST YOLNO BIAMESE cat. WhlU with dark brown marklnts. Vicinity North 15th and Market. Children mUs her. Pfione l-IOOft, klOta MISCELLANEOUS BEE-HIVE TRDCK.S U-DRIVB UOVE YOURSELP SAVE S CAR RENTALS STAKES VANS TEXACO STATION fit COURT ST. PHONE t-llll PAOE ETEVCNSOP SJld AL MEPOBD at DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 1-HR. SERVICE IN kfOST CASES DR. BARRY SEULER, DBNTlaTT Adolph Blot, SUU it Commsrelai Bts SALEM PH. 1-3111 m SALEM BAND ORAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Road Clearing Ditches Sewer and Basement Equipment Rental Dltcblnc by the Poet Phone Days 1-I4M Ives. 1-4411 or 1-741 Salem, Oreton BUILDING MATERIALS MATERIALS GALORE!! Oash "It's" here somewhere. Fly wood everywhere, lou of tood 4x1 sheets. Pint Pont table tops rt loo a sheet. Several thousand pes. plywood W low aa Ic 4 10c Zlrch too. Beeattful 1U hemlock VO panel. Inotty pine 114.50, shelving boards 13'ic ft. Sdt SIM. D fit tl.M, oak fig In heeled room. 4x1 mabog ply lie It. Windows ta your spec's. Inaulatloa, weather stripptoa. and hundreds f ther Items. Free et time tee II me. lo pey. ao down payment. See "Your Building Supply Friends" Portland Koad Lumber Yard 1541 PORTLAND RD. PH. 4-4431 ma BARGAINS Loose Insulation per bat 11-00 Fibers lass roll blanket tasui. ....vneap 14-2 elec. wiring ISc 13-3 elec. Wlrlnt I'4c NetU 11.71; 1 kegs at ,.Ms Asbestos siding er sq 19 M Painted shakes with undert 100 New doors, all SO Used windows 11 "x54" H 50 100 used doors with irsmas Used cast Iron vuh basins 17 .M New toilets with sesU 534.51 New bath tubs, complete 167.50 Double kitchen sinks, complete .,..141.50 Lao gal. elec. water heater 16190 Laundry trays, pipe, oasiu ....fsraam 500 tel. Bleel aeptle tanks M2 50 cast iron eon pipe - isc solid oranteburg pipe .....Ike Roll rofflng, larte supply I tab com p. too Una -17. Cedar shinties, 4 grsdss Cheap plcturs windows ssw weather stripped windows .. 114.30 Ceder fence potts Cheap C. G. LONG & SON m. 4-totl ml. H. .f K,lun NURSERY STOCK FOINSETTIAK ftl.tB. cut holly 75c pound, holy wreaths 13 34. MKldie urors wwr. tery, 4030 Sllvertoo Rd. Phone 4-4933. mb303 AFRICAN VIOLETS, many vertetlea tn bloom. Toe up. Rooted leaves. Buer ger's Oreenbouse, 1101 Third St., Stay, ton. Phone 20S6. mb3 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS DEEPFREEZE BOMB freeters. Yea tar Appliance Co, ill Chemektta St. Phone 1-4311. A 130.0 ALLOWED for your old water heater. Regardless of condition or make, on a new Weattmbouse auto mat electric water heater, with a 10 yesr tuarsntee, Yeater Appliance Co., 375 Chemeketa St. Phone 3-4311. a GOOD USED weshers. 111.05 St up. YeaU er Appliance Co., 17ft Chemtkata St. Phone 1-4311. a HOSPITAL BED for tale or rent. H. L Stiff Furniture Co. Phone l-tite. a- GOOD USED refrigerators. 140 90 m up Tester Appliance Co., 175 cnemexte St pnone 1-4311. a' USED ELECTRIC Rentes, til It Sj Yeater Appliance Co., 17ft Chemeketa St. Phone 3-43H. PLASTIC-KOTE requires no waxing for your floors or linoleum. Yeater Ap- p.isnce Co., lie Chemeketa SL Phone 1-4111. n AMERICAN? ' OK1YNTAL rut. Like new, I x lft, 1&. Phone 4-MSO or l-ntl. n30V HAND PAINTED ortendy aprons. 1131 ear h. Martha Wilson, p o. Box 13 Phoenix. Oreton. nl TALLMAN'S PIANO SALE Holde a Fieno for Xmes Delivery Payments Bet In Next Year I BRAND NEW SPINETS $393 UP Smsll en a hot any spinet P3I fttudio ..... 367 Maaon 4k Hamlin console spinet .... 391 Bscti spinet 437 Aldnch Coneole 44 1693 New mehojany spinet 3tA STrinaay ronso.e apinet f97 1743 New blond Spinet 505 5743 New H.;ei At Davit spinet IT5 "S New limed oak spinet 687 5U7 New Betsy Tom spinet 167 9"l French Provincial spinet ...... 703 Many Others GRANDS $427 UP OVER ID, PIANO BAROA1NS UPRIGHTS $89 UP Easy Terms We Csrry Your Contract Open Every Eve. Eat. III! ' TALLMAN PIANO STORES 195 8. llth. Salem 15 S W. Ith. Portland a30S TANK VACITM Cleaners with full at tachments as low as IJ4 Bl. Montgom ery Ward e C-, Appliance DepL Phone 1-1111. B10I FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS STONE'S PIANO -ORGAN SALE! Stone's offer special vines floor samples, discoattausd BxtxMls uede-la planet at vtaas SPINETS Baldwin Acroesnle. weJ chanted model ,,,, Wurliuaer. 11". waL ebanged model Story is Clark. 40", mahogany, trade-la. New allft M Wurlltller, 13 aole eboaised. a beauty Kstr, 41" mah. trade-in, alee Instrument Beldwia Aereeonke. meh , chanted model. Reg. Mil. 00 Lester, men., nice appearance, trade -in, must sell , GRANDS r Beldwia Concert Oread. World's Finest t Artist Used. Ret. 47 4400 Spec I50W 00 Melville Clerk, mah. Baby Orand. refinished and rebuilt, bargain .... I 71100 Bush at Lane ''' man., excellent tchool or leaching instrument. - only .... 11450 00 Oulbrensoa. b.esmint ebony, rebuilt end a dandyl ,,..t Spec. I evft.OO Methuthek roseeood seuare grand. Loueiy tnliaue, refin. and rebuilt .....Spec. $ HI. 04) Square Orand, beautiful rosewood, lousy condition. Yoil haul, only , 30 Ot ORGANS Ortantroa, single manual, rebuilt. Fine for chapel er home. Hammond Chord, demonstrator. An ertao you caa pier! Lowery Org an e, attaches to your piano for organ music New. Ortantroo, full else, two manual church organ. Rebuilt, only UPRIGHT PIANOS Schroeder A Boa. II" mah. Ref in lined and a beauty) . Harrison, ftO ' mah.. rebuilt, nice Chlckerlnt, el" rosewood, attractive, recently refinished i'-w Zntlaad. practice plana Trowbridse. bag tood uprtiot Fairenrf Plavar i Many other tood practice pianos widi iLnau DEiiLQ. DELIVERY TUNINO PR EE I OPEN WEEKDAY NIGHTS TIL f 00 P. U. STONE PIANO CO. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS New Spinet Piano. Ph. 4-4746. n30 SPECIAL USED electric portable sew ins Sinter Sewing Center, ill N. Com'! Open evenlnts. niOt1 BOY'S BIKI with tesr shift, ood con dltlon. 110 W. Uadrona. Phone 1-2741. . aloft MOTOR SCOOTEB, 50. 11 automatic pisioi, n. Target rifle. 30. Tartet scope. 30. 1375 M. llth St. Phone 1-5341. n306. ACCORDION INSTRUCTION. Instru ments rented while you learn. Salem's oldest and lartett accordion school. Wilucy Mutlc House, 1100 State. Ph M al07 FORTIFIED FEAT moss, only tie seek, fldeel for mulching). Valley Perm Store. Phone 4-4634. nl4 HOLLY fo tele tt 111 . Commercial B303 st. joe a pound. WABD'S BOME FREEZER, medium slxe. A reel food money eaver. Ret. 3M 91. sale 1311.11. air .'tomery Ward Jk Co.. Appliance Dept. hone l-llll. nioi CHRISTMAS TREES, wreaths and swats. oitnai oiaiion, at. Commercial opposite Liberty Road Junction. Claude South At John Lacey. n305 RECORD PLAYEES. 1-iPeed. leatherette nnitn. net. t it. sale price 123.11. Montgomery Ward Co., Appliance Dept. Phone 1-3101. n303 RECAPS I3.M 470-1 ft. Guaranteed na- imnwiae um cold rubber Lytle'a Tire, No. Com'l at Fine Ph. 4-0031. nil" BATTERIES, Id. IS. 57,15. M M, exchange. i no, tuaraniee. Lrue a Tire, No. Com'l et Pine, Ph. 4-S033. nl2 COLUMBIA PIANO. Will consider term. rnone days 1-5333. 1-5111 after 6:00 P-m. n304 SKATER SPECIAI-Palr Men s Chlcato Shoe Skates, slss I. meple wheela. Skate cese included. Bargain at ll 80 165 Garnet St. 3-6355. D304 REMINGTON IIS Tsrtetm alter .21 bolt action rifle. Red field althte. IW lbs. 165 Oarnet St. 3-6255. n304 LARGE SIZE hassocks, coo Ira red and treen. reg. tJ, ns.ig. Uont- tomery Ward Co., Appliance Dept. Phone 1-1111, dSos FOLDING PINQ pong table. Phone 11016 aner e p.m. n203 ONE GIRLS, one bora bicycle. II", e-lIBB. Rl. , Box 463. STROLLER. PLAY pen, butty, baby scslt, Miracle Maid pressure gooker. CS1117I60. n303 NEW LIONEL ELECTRIC train. ll5l"Elm St. phone 1-B060. n303 FUB COAT for sale. Very nke. Phone 3-4107. n303 HAMILTON PLAYER PIANO, la tood condition. 1145. Phone 3-dlftl. a307 CHILDREN'S SWING SET, knotty pine vomer cupboard (pain. Hi s. Elma Ave. B304 CLEAN-UPS PIANO Medium stsed upright. Whet t don't know about pienoe would fill a bit book but 2 priced this piano X traded In oa a new television at 109. M be ceuse eo-celled ezperts told me thet was a low price, a heera Christmas pectal at 175 00. REFRIGERATOR This is not a trade-in. My wife and I boutht this OR six cubic footer in Yakima In 1941. Last week I gave my wife a new Phllco. A friendly com petitor sere It should sell for 1119 50 If I will hold It awhile. I don't want to hold It ao you can have it for I5 and I'll guarantet It. ELECTRIC RANGE Stewart Warner full slsed rente with everythlnt but hot and cold running water. I think It's a tood buy at 1100 b jt you come on in and tell me whet TOO think H i worth. RADIOS New ones used ones table models consolesone speed combinations three speed combinations. New or used I don t want them on the floor on January lit to pay on. At the prices I'm of ferine them et there sboutda t be any left by December Itth. TELEVISION SETS Some real specials both new and nsd. We've sold e tot of television ' sets during 1953 and are happy about ' the whole thing. We don't mind tn the lestu tsklnt a tons on few sets 1 w want to move real bed If It 11 I yea a Merry Chrutmaa. PRALL'S 111 N. Liberty NEW METAL covered steamer slag trurk" Priced to seU 1-4373, n305 ARCHERY SET - Metal bow, vulvar, ar rows, finter tab. ena tuard. 1041 Rap oh arm Rd. 4-4163 nMI ANTlQl'SS. DON'T let your wife rtslt Lembert't. ill Bo. Comm. (that lu ll you don't -vent to loosen up for a beautiful marble top table, swmt rocker, whatnot, told framed mirror, marble Up 4hesL love seat All re finished the aatleue way end rot little more then modertt pieces, ntoi FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS . Save I lit m save 154 et) , Spec. I 175.00 I 411.00 ..Save I , Spec. I 4B5.00 , Spec. IH H Spec. 5 W O Save ft 100.00 Save 300.0 11500.00 Spec. 375. 00 Now 295 00 Only 150.00 Spec. I 135 00 Spec. 175 00 NOW 250 Ot to choose from All rebuilt. Phone 1-1311 Rsae FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS Reduced $3 Per Day Until Sold STARTING PRICE DEC. 22 . 4 95 1 Tliermador wall heater. 2,000 Watt Thermostat control. Keith Brown Lumber Yd. Phon. 3-1111 Front Court St. "WI OIVI U QRHN (TAllPr Salem's Gift c Appliance Headquarter! ' For These Famous Lines WtitlBthoui., euBbt.n, OalvtrtrJ. OtDirtl llactrle. HimUton Bites. KlieheB-AM. many .tbtr l.nou, mkw. Opto .vtrr til Xmu. Yeattr AppllIM. C. 171 PH -lll. olM- ' METAL FENCE Permanent, mates. II an He upkeep. Free sti e. ta pay. BORKUAN LBR. 4S HWD. OO HW stale St. phone l-noi . Bill USED OFFICE FURNITURE 4 Used Wooden Typewriter Desks 1 Used Steel Flllnt . Cabinet 1 Used Duplicating Machtna 1 Assortment Used Wood Office Chain 1 Used Walnut Wood Table 1 Used Safe COMMERCIAL BOOK STORE 141 NO. COMMERCIAL eTTHEBT B307 ONE YEAR OLD Montgomery Ward I' refrigerator. Very good condition. 4 at Center B: Phone 4-1361. n!07 GOOD USED Spark haetsr. tel. Bee la operation at 3001 MUtloa. Ph. 16554. 4-FOOT STEP ladder. 12 bowl, S. Phone 44211. DAMASK LINEN table eJotb, white, 1 yds. loot: II Btpklna, hand-hemmed, 111. 4-5133. b301 USED SINGEB treadle sewing machine. A-l condition and guaranteed. Only 13450, sinter Sew In t Center, 111 N. Com'l. Open evenlnts. nlQ4 HERE'S A wonderful Sinter buy. At a portable. 1101.50: as a cabinet, 1144 50. The new Sinter famous "' round bobbin sewing machine, sewg forward and revere, has floating fool and automatic tension, plus free sew lnt lessons. Wednesday only. Sinter Sewlnt Center. Ill H. Com'L Open evenlnts. B304 BENDIX DRYER. Like atw. 1130. Terms. Ph. 43684. B304 QUAKER OIL circulator. or 4-room tlic.with fen. 10. 4-U16. nlOA CHILD CBAFT, 14 volumes. 35 er make offer. Phone 1-7830. n!04a Wonted MISCELLANEOUS WOODBY WANTS Pianos. Fboag Mllft. aa ELECTRIC 1-6110. RANGES. Woodry's. PERSONAL SECURITY DaTI fcCTlVE AOENCY Prlvau iBvestttatlone, dU, crlmtaaL domestic, musint person. Qualified questioned document examiner. La teat equipment. Connections throughout the world. See telephone directory or phone dsv or nleht 4-17A6 or 4-3341 pit AUTOMOBILES JAGUAR MARK VII. new 1954. with ape del modified engine. Call Harry Brer. I y. Phone 3-3097. Belem. q04 WILL SELL acuity for 1200. In top shepe. '41 BuVck convertible. Leeve meajage at 3-9431. qjo4 '61 OLDS Sedan. Radio heater. Bet tery and tires sood. 1435. 2075 Fair grounds Rd. Phone 1-7647. eJOl MI ST SACRIFICE mr eoulty in 1151 Wiliyg 1 dr. Ace. 90 HP meter, heater, radio, overdrive, white side wall tires, 2 tone treen color run only tOOt) mile Mr 1900 00 equity for 1235.01. Terms can be arransed en balance Phone 352M 1,41 -IOOR Old's. Must sell. EXCE1 CONDITION. Phone 1-4136. a!04 rnsin-.n., J Z 1 ,L,J.? P"'1' tM - . oMI" ItAS CHtV. 4-nooR Seden. Belelre De7! rux equipment. Price 13. MM. Phorle 4-1131. 304 IM! CHEVROLET S-DOOB Sedea. Oodd lire, seet covers, runs tood. take older eer oa trade, bank terms. itM.oi. 1474 Court. Fb. 1-1354. inb GOOD XOLID l4o Studebeker sedsa New tires, tubes. IM. All dty Satur- . , -T p- w" sis N. Commercial St. ma FONT! AC hydramatie. 3 -door tedanl AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR BAV1NO (ADIATOB Ta0UBliS3 .01.. tout vrob. lonu u to. non.T. Pin ut. """ "Md' Cmft tl ti- By Ham Fisher II !ardi Boor the la. UMt Wt low. and th a tna coot, I". ant daa oitt their rton, and cret an tail low. JV rcier II I I 1 i a t I i i ua r Oil :ial I.