7" r Pas 10 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem. Oripi Monday. December 21, 1953 t PACKAGE THAT WONT GET SMASHED I i II Here'f on parcel that won't get crushed In the Chrlst mai nulling rush. T. B. Bennett, foreman of parcel clerks in Addison Road Station, London, check weight of surprise package that stepped on the scales. The two-year-eld tiger, Nizam stopped off while enroute through the station with other animals bound for Olympia, Lon don. The beast actually weighs 230 pounds but trlri to get by at half-weight. Anyway, Britons liked the gag. (AP Wlrephoto) Dry Office Parlies Loom Washington ( It may be a dry year for Christmas of fice parties In government buildings the drought al ready has reached the state de partment press room. The State Department Cor respondents' Assn. called off it traditional Christmas party, usually attended by top offi cial, when Under Secretary of Bute Donold B. Lourie sent the newsmen word the ban on liquor would extend into the quarter they use. All office partie in state de partment divisions will be non-alcoholic. And there were signs the same rule would ap ply In other government de partment. . Mrs. Wesley Alt. The name chosen for the club Is "Nee dle and Thread" club. ' Mr. and Mrs. John Schafer have returned to their home from a trip each where they visited relatives and friends in Nebraska. Middle Grove Middle Grove The first of East Salem'a school programs was that of Middle Grove pu pils Thursday night at the school with a capacity filled bouse of parent and friends. The program was entitled "The Christmaa Story." Tak ing part were Sharon Van Hall, Mark Fields, Linda Kara, Mary Jeann Surgeon, Barbara Sllmak, Bonny Sides, Beverley Hagen, Dennis Her- Igstad, Mike Bayer, Delvan Handley, Patricia Selby, Su san Humphrey, Lesline Ann Swlnk, Kitty Newcomer, Nan cy Roberts, Vickie Smith, Gary Malm, Gary Reynolds, Mike Barker, Jan Anderson, Tommy Thomas and Larry Unruh. Friday night the December meeting of Middle Grove Community club wa held at the schoolhouie. At the busi ness meeting it was announced that a covered dish supper would bet served the night of Jan. IS. For the program, Christmas carols were sung with Mrs. Paul Bassett at the piano. Instrumental numbers were played by Edwin Ander son, Richard Lloyd, Fred Scha fer and Billy Joe Sllmak. Gay lene Van Cleave played her accordion. Serving as a re freshment committee were Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Patterson and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Van Cleave. A new 4-H club organized the past week was one for girls in sewing. At the organ ization meeting officers elect ed were: President, Mary Alt vice-president, Linda Blan kenship; secretary, Gaylene Van Cleave; reporter, Julia Blankenshlp; song leader, Garyle Gallagher. Other mem bers are Janice Reynolds, Sandra Everhart, Charlene Wyatt and Sandra Alt. Lead ers are Mrs. Melvin Alt and Nixon to Report on Trip by Radio end TV Washington VP) Vice Presi dent Nixon will make a report to the nation by radio and tele vision next Wednesday on his 49,0j-mile good will world tour. The address will be made over NBC facilities between 7:30 and 8 p.m. PST. The White House announced Saturday that Nixon is making the report at the request of President Eisenhower. Nixon returned from the trip last Monday. KING FREOERIK IMPROVES Copenhagen. Denmark VP) King Frederik IX was recover ing Monday from an inflam mation which has kept him in bed since Thursday. Farm Mutuals Elect Officers Wood burn The annual convention of the Association of Oregon Farm Mutuals, held in the home office of the Butte ville Insurance company In Woodbur", closed Tuesday af ternoon. Dec 15, with the an nual business session of the organization. Officers elected were: Pres ident 'Rsy Glatt, Woodburn, vice president of the Hop Growers' Fire Relief associa tion; vie president, L. M. Waugaman. president of the Oregon Fir Insurance com pany, McMinnviUe; secretary treasurer. G. E. Ahre, Wood- burn, secretary of the Butte- vllle Insurance company. Mr. Ahre was also named to the Board of Directors of the Na tional association of Mutual Insurance companies, and the delegate of the Oregon body to the National convention to be held In New York city In 1954. The 1954 convention of the association will be held in Mc- Mlnnville with the Oregon Mutual Insurance company as the host company; The banquet of the conven tion wa held Monday evening at the Woodburn American Legion hall with 87 delegates and guests attending. Robert B. Taylor, state insurance com missioner, was the featured speaker and G. E. Ahre was toasUnaster. Fred Dentel of Aurora, director of the Hop Growers' Fire Relief associa tion for 27 year and presi dent since 1930, received spe cial recognition at the banquet. NIXON ON TV WEDNESDAY Washington Vice Presi dent Nixon plan a radio television report to the nation Wednesday night NBC. 7:30 p.m. PST en his just-completed 45,000 mile tour through Asia and the Middle East. I Weyerhauser Strike Ended Xnumclaw f) A month long strike at the Whit River branch of the Weyerhaeuser Timber Co. bere, ended Satur day with an announcement by officials of local 23-157 of the International Woodworkers of America CIO that member had voted to return to work. A company spokesman In dicated it wa hoped work could be resumed Monday. The strike began Nov. 21 In a dispute over the demotion of a veteran lawyer. A plan wa reported worked out in negotiation whereby the company will bring In an expert lawyer to train the man who wa understudy to the de moted sawyer. The demoted lawyer will not regain hi position. About 80 per cent of the au la nitrogen. Skid Row Bums AT Wedding Chicago A divinity stu dent term project led him to hi bride on skid row. Last March, George E. Weber, 25, grew beard and became a bum as a part of his sociology studies at Gar rett Biblical Institute. Later he abandoned this roll to work in human rehabilitation with the Rev. William Seath. su perintendent of the Chicago Christian Industrial League. Weber and Mr. Seath' 18-year-old daughter Wilma were married yesterday in the league' chapel. Mr. Seath both gave away the bride and performed the ceremony. Guest Included about 50 former akid row bum who sipped nonalcoholie punch. Robins rarely live more than 12 yean. Are You a Poor Sleeper? dv to add smflgsationf Take 2 TUMS a a "Nightcap" Try this sun pie, modern way so get rid of sleepless nights doe so orar- I add stomach. Just eel 1 or 2 Tarns j before bedtisse. Coaatleas the- nods who do this base discovered ! they fall asleep faster feel nocn fresher mornings. Always keep j Tumi haedy to counteract soar stomach, gas, heartbara day or j night. Get a roll of Tarn right aowl (oJmaFfojl WW- MSLG for only J36495 Fed. tax and warranties Included I I I J !" IV III .1 w jervivit. Tele-fun by Wirrtn Goodrich With Super Co scad Long Distance Chassis! - 252 tq. In. anti reflection picture "Isn't ha little dear! Always makes sura of the correct number before ha colls I" . . . Be ure to look up number you're not sure of . . . ifore you make telephone call. You'll aav time and avoid wrong Bumbar!.Pci6c Telephone , Enjoy the extra wide angle, glare-free viewing of a big 252 sq. in. picture In Admiral's beautiful walnut, mahog any or blonde 21" TV console. And enjoy a SAVING of as much as $100 over other name brand TV! It' pow ered by Admiral's sensational new Super "DX" Long Dis tance Chassis, with Super Cascode Turret Tuner that GUARANTEES TJHF . . . plus new "DX" Range Finder . . tone control . . . convenient casters . . . optic filter . . , anti glare . . . and many other advanced 1954 features. Come in compare: You'll agree there' no finer picture at any price! EASY TERMS Salem's Leading Music Star far the Pott 74 Years Wills Music Store 432 Stat Phone 3-4959 OPEN EVERY EVENING TIL DEC. 23 fro- OSS JUSTO STILL HUNDftlDS OF WNNIY WAYS TO SAT MERRY CHRISTMAS SALEM, OREGON t OTMGKED! open TILL 9 IP. At MB 6 ml 4 A -k ' - a vx V I m 1 li 1 - I I a 11 "lm w-m. - - ' mi m m w - m i FOR PERFECT FIT, WHATEVER HER HEIGHTI FOR LONGER WEAR, EXTRA BEAUTY I pair BUY BY THE BOX 60 gauge, 15 denier Perfect beauty, perfect quality, perfect gift! In Penney 's proportioned length nylons, you'll find perfect fit; in the extra high twist, longer wear, more leg-flattering loveliness. And, they come with plain or dark seams to please every woman. Choose from 4 fashion-right shades; MAIN FLOOR C4 St " 'A 1". I V 1 ' I V v 4 , f . . f . t '"')' t' f ft : "f v. ' :J 4. x tfc fly 1 ,'K. " v ' 1 J SHEER, HIGH TWIST GAYMODES "Vsloe, quality, beauty!' 1 bees sheer beub high twist for wear, unees; com with or dark seem to an's taste. 8(4 to 11 denier hare dark .wot PROPORTIONED' LENGTH, 66 GAUGE, 12 DENIER special occasion sheers, f-v ery special gift raere. - tion from Peoney'sl The JJ sheerest of nylon, extra II height high twist, and ropor- tioned to fit, whaterer . 1 1 . J yuar neigni. Sise IVi to 11, HOSIERY t f 1 C I V : W 1 MAIN FLOOR NOVELTY HEEL GAYMODES . Outline Heels 1.15 60 gauge, IS denier nylons in propor ' tioned lengths. Lace-Accent Heels 1.25 Dramatic, dressy high style nylon. 60 gauge, IS denier. Dark Accent IleeiV 98c Smart, anUe-lirnming fashion tonch. 51 gauge, IS denier: IT