Pits 10 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Orefo Saturday, December 19, 19SS Tele-Views Radio-Television XTTt SATURDAY SCHIDVLESt Th Tjmker ma His Frira, lilMIn children vlll appear. Batawtei' Matin, 1I: "Cunpitt rUivUun- tun Johnu feown. 0J tons, and Bob Lowcry, a tau t Mail Uat, !: Uv rmoU UectM from Ut Toy Boum With th Toymaker Calooel flack, 4. to A bcauUful blond morl ttar U akUtracked hi har quest (or an oil wtU by th colonel. Ufa af aUtor. l:aa Blara William Bendii and Marjori Reynolds Junior Vacation. JUy alana out on aa Innocent camplns trip ana nas up in jau. Elhal a Albert, l:ie Mart, havlnt aocldantally broken a oburob window, tm ennvlncMl that ha can never ba an anaaL Sh.w at Sham 8M Caeaar and Imogen Coca atar In master Brooueuon. Hlt Panda, I.: Too tunes of tha vara. Craataat FUfata, 11: J.tt LaMotta n. Danny Nardlco middle. wltfttt tvait at fWal rWib VWbla m Hw Year's Eve. 1063. rramlera Theater. 11 :15 "Crrital Ball" (tan Paulett Ooddard, Ray atiuand and William Bendlx. a ATDBOAT PROGRAMS ON KOIN-TV: t:M fjaw Aratchair Theater -Rocket Ship X-M" ttart Lloyd Brldg, Ota Hasten, Noah Beery, Jr.. and Hugh O'Brien. Alao "aiafle Bow etarrlne Stewart Oraneer. (Will run until 4:30 p.m.) :J pjB, Laurel and Hardy Feature "Sape at Sea." :H pjn.. Tbla la Shew Bualneaa Queat panellat: Joan Bennett. Oueat parfonnera: Jack Canon, Gloria de Haven and Ray Malone. 1:1 p-m, Ufa with Father Comedy aeries baied on the Clarence Day ttorlea atarring Lurene TutUe and Leon Amea. 1:M Bjaw Oearre Jeaael hw "Mfmorlr of the Theater.- Oueata Include: Nat "King- Cole, Jane Morgan and the Vlklnga Quartette. 11 :ae .m Rhawtima aa bU "Charlie Chan In Panama" alara Jean Rogari and Jack LaRua. . a JOYFUL HOUR SUNDAY ON KBLM; For the aUtb auccesslv year, Mutual-Don Lee't "Family Theater" will preterit Ma -Joyful Hour" broadcast. Trila year's production will ba aired Sunday, December , t oo to 1:00 pm. Appearing on tha now traditional Christmas broadcaat will be Ann Blyth. Prancle X Buahman, Jeanne Oagney, Macdoneld Carey, Jeff Cbandlar, ataa Clark. Jeanne Craln, Bobby DrkwoU. Bteve Dunn. Jimmy Durante. June Haver. Ruth Hurjiey. Tilt Johrnon. William Lundlgan, Betty Lynn, Rod O'Connor, Maureen O'Sulllran and Olgl Perreau. Crulttmat aolot will bo tunc by Perry Cotno. Llcia Albaneat, Nan Uerrlman and Brian Sullivan. Thla mistical and dramaUc adaptation of the story of the Pint Christmas will be recounted from the standpoint of Balthasar, one of the Three Wlae Men. Bcnpt lor sia -Joyful Hour wa written by John T.'Kelley. Joaepb r. Mannieia it vie airecior. For three consecutive yean the "Joyful Hour" haa been voted im MOHuuutanaina; program of uit Year" by Kacuo Dairy. SUNDAY ON KFTYl What One Perm Can De, 1:45 Father Keller discusses the Chrls- EPTY MONDAY PROORAMt Mac Daag SCBeaL 1 ajawMurafyr school of air. prepared especially for pre-schooi youngsters of I to I yaara of age. Fea Uires Dr. Franc Horwleh. Whara Ceakbigy M:M ataOooklng show with Barbara AngtU. Lamb hearts, (ttufled and tauud). Individual cotfes cak with Chnat maa theme Friend ef the rasaDy, U:M ajav-Homemaiert program featuring Michael Davenport. Bride aad Oraeaa, It Dorothr jane Mohr of OarreUaTllle O. and Robert Trarki of Beacon. N T, wul be married. John Nelson. """This Is Ufa. II Je-Grandpa Plaher reads trie true "atory of ChrUunae" to Preddlo and the whole Nativity scene cornea to life MtmeTbeati, 1-Tsl of Mkwint Men- stars Helen Gilbert. Oisen Jtoiano ano jusn atowniar. The Teyasaeer, 4: Loctl "live" children's cogram. A rlatt to tha Toymeker's shop etara Fred Olermann a . Bar tl terral. I:l-rstures Heck Harper Serial: The I Meaoulteen . Arthur M array rany, v: unarm nvvKw,tm. Name That Tone. conwoy-inueicai anow wmi . quia matter: Vlckl Milk, vocalist, and Harry Salter, conductor, Marg- Dennia Day Shew, MUn Dennis Day from Hollywood as he recall, tome of the ctorutmaats of hie ancestors at a party for the iSufJ. t:J--No VUftl. ant" tun Robert Mont gomery and Claudia Morgan with PatBrealln. Storyof a gote ta a rru7speakeaay durtngthe rciw Twentiea who falU ta few wl a -aocletvhelreas." Unknown to either is the fact that neither hare n.mon?Ti. -. r-.A t Town atari James ril uvi nn", a wwhw aieawn. As Always Valley TV Center , Wills Open Sunday trotii 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. Toy for the Kids Fre Refreshmtnrt VALLEY TELEVISION CENTER J303 r.lr9roundt Rd. " 91 3 . Open Every Ivening 'til 9 0p Sunday 1-6 On Television KPTV(27)-KOIN-TV(6) VHf VHF (OtH triiu cail'"' "'- topher movement. prrati ntiera af Faith. 14:Je NBC.TV rdlrlau mnn nmimrmmu iiimwT, iiivu ijocumentary-oxama mm. American varan 1 1 -u timham nnniv nuvimiM Prldeat't Waek. U:s Berlea recounting experience of President SUM Mn. Xlaenhower. Presented by Tex and Jinx McCrary. Wrtd"f' Belles, t:M Gene Brendler emcee on show designed for Kukia. Fraa and OOie, l:H "A Christmas Paeeant" with AURJVtJU WM. sU Rov Raeera. 4:SS ri Un.rryiiuj " bm dam j r-i. jjvani. - ' Zoo Parade. 4:4 R. Marlln Perkins, director of the Lincoln Park Boo in Chicago, featured with Jim Hurlbut Hallmark HaU ef Fame, 5:00 Carlo Menottl's -miracle" opera 'Amahl and the Night Vial tort," with Rosemary Kuhlmann and Bill Mclver. Victory at Sea., : "MeUnslan Nightmare." The New Guinea campaign. Portrays rlgon of fighting In Jungles and swamps. Shows how Allied alrpower destroyed a Japanese troop convoy in the Bit mark Sea. life with nisabeth, : Family situation comedy aeries starring Betty Whit. - The Paul Wlneheti Shew. T:H Winners of the fourth annual Look mamulne awards, presented. Mr. Peeper,. 1:10 Frank Whip, the new physical ed" Instructor accompanies Peepers on a shopping tour for Chrlatmas present. Colrata Comedy Heur, 8:00 Starring Donald O'Connor. Television Playhsut. f :00 "Wlngt Over Barriers" will stress man's attempts to conmier bv air nover the wen hftrrlra 1a nhtAtnina limitless passage through apace. Film will trace period of tint flurhl to present tatter-than-eound fllghu. Eddie Albert, guett. Utter t Lerelta, 14:00 -Laughing Boy" start Lorttta Young as tin wno use a man to inspire jealousy, reautrea AJex Micnoi ana Walter Reed. Man Against Crime, 14:14 Detective drama starring Ralph Bellamy. SUNDAY ON KOIN-TVt 1:0 pjn. Juvenile Jury Children panel program with Jack Berry, stneee. 0 pm, Omnibus AUstalr Cook at emcee. Helen Hayes will read a Christmas poem; tvi plays fry Mary Chase titled. "Irish Linen" and "Man and Leo"; and two features, "Fifty-First Dragon" and "The Fighter." 4:M PA, Adventure Associate Justice of the U. 8. Supreme Court William O. Dousiat, and Maurlc Henog, whoa account of the expe dition he 14 in the French Himalayas became the but seller "Anna puna," will describe haiards and rewards of mountain climbing. 4:5 pjn. Yea Are There "The Crisis at Valley Forge." recreation of the grim days when Oeneral Washington's ragged and etarrtng troops were shaped Into the flrtt truly unified American Army. :0 gun. Toast ef the Town Oueata of Ed Sullivan are Nora Ko- vech and Istan Rabovsky, husband and wife ballet dancen who Bcaped from behind the Iron Curtain: the dancing Nicholas Broth en: Menu, billed as a "unique novelty act" and singers Prancle Lalne and Jimmy Boyd. 0:04 am. Fred Warlnr Hhew Bill and Cora Balrd', mirmetx fea. tured In "Twaa th Night Before Ohrlttmaa." The Pennsvlvanlans do Waring's interpretation of "Our Lady's Juggler," featuring dancer naaine uh. t:M p.m The Man Behind th Badge Hostile schoolmates and a frightened girl friend stack the cards agalmt a teenage boy 'a chance to live down his criminal record durinir the program. 10:00 pjn. The Web Seeking to thwart a cellmate's efforts to eoax him back to a hfe of crime, an aged counterfeiter about to be released from prison dreams up a daughter who will care for him. In "Somewhere to Go." MONDAY ON KOIN-TV: 1:30 p.m. Armchair Theatre "Arkansas Judge" atarrlng Spring Bytngton, Weaver Brat. 4:45 p.m. Mr. Moon Start Mr. Moon, Mrs. Cow, Rocket and Kitty Cat. 4:45 pm.. Greatest Drama "I Shall Return" featuring the atory of General Douglas MacArthur. 1 p.m. btudle One Walter Malthau stars In "Dry Run." a documented account ol one of the most dramatic ampniblous rescues of World War Two . . . the evacuation by submarine of survivors of the Japaneae Maatacre on the Island of Panav in the Philippines. 1 pjn. Burns and Allen Show Oracle gets all prettied up to attend a movie premier with Oeorge, then suddenly recall ahe has given away th ticketa. 1:10 pjn Adolph Menjou Favorite Story concerns mtluonslre Brian MacReady who wagen a million dollars that Lavton Miles, a Pennyless painter, rant voluntarily remain 'mprltoned for ten yean, in The Prison With the Open Door " p.m, I Lovt Lacy A fictitious old flsme of Ricky's provides a nighunur for Lucy alter the Rlcardoe Join Fred and Ethel Mertei In a quia on How to Rat your Marriage, In "Ricky's Old r.lrl Wrlend " It a,nv, VS. Steel Theatre Rex Harrison and 1J11I Palmer, cele brated actln; couple, eo-atar In "Hie Man in Possession." a lal of a happy go lucky rogue and what happens when he la put "In PoMMlon.'" of the attached property of a debt-ridden beauty 11 p.m. Showtime en Six "Second Chance" starring Kent Taylor and Betty compson. MARR RADIO & TELEVISION rrvrj TV Solei Service - Installation Open from m. Ph. 1-1611 114 8. Com! Salem's First Television Btere 4 10 m. KPTVloo 9ttnH KOIN Alvtntur I N p.m. KPTV Mat of Tut KOIN Ono) Autrty II p. Da. KPTV Uta of Vttr KOIN Com-baCk I NH. KPTV vutorr at rOIM You Vr. Tbtr f 9 m. KPTV Lift With KlliRbtt KOIN PTrtW f Pimllf 0pB. KPTV Wloebatl WthOMr KOIN PrlTkU aacritsrr T: P m- KPTV Mr. Perpera KOIM What'l U$ Una l ot p im. KPTV ComtdT Hour KOIN Tout at Tamm I N p.m. KPTV TV P!arboait KOIN Pratl Warinp JRiov a ia d bl kptv tv PiyHouM KOIN Man BablM Battoa II M p.m. 1'PTV Latttr to Lorttl KOIN Tht Wrt 11:10 p.m. KPTV M ib vi- Crtma KOIN Pi tar Potur abtnr 11:11 p.m. KPTV Tbi a Raaalla' ATCROAT I SI a m. KPTV Termakar and Prlaad 10 00 a m. KPTV flpaca CRdtia 11 U a, rr. mVTV0em PtUol 11.00 a-m. KPTV Bd McCoansU 11:10 i d KPTV Dot Talti 11:00 noon KPTV TaUnt Patrol 11 10 p.m. KPTV flaturdar Mattnaa 1:10 p.m. KPTV aturaar Matwn roIN Bts PletuTa t OO p m. Tnai Raaslln' KOIN Armchair Chow 1:11 p.m. KPTV Atraoftt- Than Plct.ot. KOIN Armwiair how 10 p.m. KPTV Saona Ranacr KOI S At me halt Uio 4:N p.m. KPTV Johnny Jupltar KOIN Armchair Show 4:K P.m. KPTV Captain Mtdnlthl KOIN Laural Hardr 00 p.m. KPTV Santa'a UU tut KOIN Laartl and Batdr )0 p.m. KPTV eaparman KOIN Plfhtlnc UtIOS . 1:00 p.m. KPTV Colonal Plack KOIN Thla la Show Baalniu 0:00 P.m. KPTV Trtaaura Hunt KOIN Beat tha Clock 1:00 pm. KPTV Ufa of Rlr KOIN Medallion Thtatar f :M p m. KPTV Cthal and Albari KOIN Lift with Pathar 1 0:00 P.m. KPTV Bonlno KOIN Jackia Olauot. I II p.m. KPTV Am a taur Hour KOIN Jackia Olaaion 0 00 p.m. KPTV how of ftbowa roni Two for tha Montr 010 p.m. rPTV BheJW Of Bhowi KCtiN Mr Pavorita Huibaad 10:00 P.m. KPTV Show of Bhowa koin uaorat jum 10:10 p.m. KPTV Hit Parada KOIN HOT WHfr vnow 11:00 p.m. KPTV Oraatait Plthta KOIN nowviino on ats 11:11 p.m. KPTV Prat mar ThaaUr KOIN how Tlraa an ll Does TV Hurt Your Eyes! Try HOFFMAN Television PHONE 1-1913 IJOS Fairgrounds Bd. .Valley TV Center Sales - Service - Installation Open Till 9 p.m. Daily Sundav from 1 to ( p.m. Jason Lee Will Present Concert The Jason Lee Methodist church choir, under th leader ship of Clorlnd Topping, will present its Anunsi Christmas Concert, Sundsy morning at 11 o'clock. The program will fea ture anthems, solos and chorus group. At 8:30 p.m. the Sunday School will present Its Annual Christmas Program in the Sanctuary of the Church, and under the direction of Mrs. Otto Yunker. The theme of the numerous departmental pre sentations is "What Can I Give Him?" Mrs. Arthur Cummingi will be the reader. Christmas Eve Mass Planned Solemn high mass will be offered at midnight Christmas Eve by the Reverend Jos. E. Vanderbeck, who will also preach the occasional sermon. The adult choir under the leadership of Mrs. Raymond Barton will sing the mass. Car ols will be sung before mass. Services on Christmas morn ing will be at S, 8, 9:15, 10:30 and 11:45. The high school choir will sing high mass at 8 o'clock; St. Joseph grade school choir will sing hymns at the 8 o'clock mass; the high school at 9:15; the adult choir at 10:80 and 11:43. The Reverend Robert Ren ner, S. J. professor at Gonzaga university, will assist in Christ mas services. Father Renner is the son of Frank Renner who lives on Dallas road. Confessions will be heard Wednesday. December 23, from 3:30 to 8:30 and 7:30 to 9, and also on Christmas Eve from 2 to 5:30 and 7:30 on. NEW MINISTER 1 ' , ' V - ' w Wayne Greene who has been named pastor of the First Christian church. He succeeds Rev. Dudley Strain and is expected here In February. He is at present pastor of the First Chris tian church of Beatrice, Neb. Salem Heights MITCHELLS Fatter? Trained Service and Installation 1M0 BUI. SL Phone 1 1571 HOLLY Mather s H A D E UMDAY I l a m. mV HaaeUnt Punnlaa I 10 a m. KPTV Tht Pastor I a m. rPTV What 1 Ptraon Can tk 10 00 m. KPTV Wht a Tour Troubia 11 a m. KPTV A mar wan Porum 13 00 noon KPTV PrfsKlvat a Wtsk KOIN Juventla Jury 13 IS pm. KP1V fiundar Mstinta 1 00 pm. KPTV undar MRiinaa 1 II a m. KPTV 41 un day Mttior KOIN-Lamp Unto Mr Pt I 00 pm- KPTV Bok Cons Win koin omnibus I It p m. KPTV Art Linkltttar KOIM-Omaibua I H p.m. KPTV watutnt Baiia KOIW Omnibus 01 pm. KPTV-uia Battma tl 00 KO!Kmnllua I H p m. KPTV How Doaa Oard. Orow KOIN-M It How l.M p m. KPTV Roy Hoaars KOIM JulrE aa Plaak MONDAY I 4S am. KPTV Klddia Corntr 10 00 a m. KPTV Dint Doni echoed 10 JO a m. KPTV What a Cookint 1100 a.m. KPTV Hawk In Palla 11:10 a.m. KPTV Tha Bannttta 1110 a m. KPTV PrltnU of Pamllr 13:00 nooo KPTV TBA row UH Par off 11:00 P-m. KPTV Thla la tht Ufa KUlif uoa V.TUSJt-7 1:00 P.m. rPTV Matlnaa Thiattt KOIN Lova of Ufa 1:11 P.m. rPTV Matlnta KOIN eSearch Tomorrow 1: p.m. KPTV Mattnea KOIN Ouidtna UgM 1:40 P-a. KPTV Matlnca KOIN Valiant LM)r I M p.m. KPTV-Matinaa KOIN Doubla or Notblnl I M) pm. KPTV On Your AeceuDl KOIN fltrtkt It Rich 1:00 p.m. KPTV Kata Smith KOIN Oim Moora Show 1:10 p.m. KPTV Kata Smith KOIN Arm Chair Thaatat 1:00 p.m. KPTV Wrleomt Travalara KOIN Arm Chair Thaatar 4:10 p.m. KPTV Tlio Toymalier KOIN Armchair Thaatar 4 4ft pm. KPTV Tormake-r POIN Mr. Moon 0 00 P.m. KPTV How d r Doodr POIN aMl Pala :I0 p.m. KPTV Bar 31 Corral KOIN Laura 1 and Hardr I 00 p.m. KPTV Wild Bill Hlckoa KOIN Mlsiar Wtatbtrman 010 pm. KPTV M til Enda KOIN Dout Ku wards I 41 p.m. KPTV North wait Distil KOIN Ort a teat Dram 1: p m. KPTV-Chkato PVhU wniM Atudlo Ons p.m. KPTV Arthur KT.:rraT Daota KOIN tudto Ona 7 41 p.m. PPTV Nfwa Csravsin KOIN Studio Ona I 00 a m. KPTV Nama That Turn KOIN Burnt and Allco I H p m. KPTV Vole of Plraitooa KOIN Adolph Mmjou I 00 m. KPTV Dunl Dar KOIN I Love Ljct I 10 p m. KPTV Robert Mor.tfomerT KOliT Bk1 Eultora II 00 pm. KPTV Robm Monti obi TT KOIN V. B S1 Theaiar 10 II p.m. KPTV Pepsi-Cola Plarhoutt KOIN-U . Stl Theaur 11 00 P-m. rPTV 11th Hour Npws KOIN lUiawtlmt mi Sit 11.10 p.m. KPTV vvrati-tr Vane U la p.m. KPTV Mta Owl Theaiar Nazarene Choir To Give Cantata The First Church of the Nai srene choir will present its Christmas program Sunday night, Dec. 20. The feature will l be the cantata entitled "The , ' Chorum in the Skies" by Bol-, ! ton. It incorporates number j of the familiar carols, j In addition to the choral numbers, solos will be sung by Miss Estelle Schroeder, Mrs. 'Ann Wilson, Don White and 'George Rickard. , I The choir is directed by John , , Eby with Mrs. Doris Newberry, pianist and Mrs. Ruth Eby, or-1 ganist. , . ; Faith Tabernacle Christmas Program Faith Tabernacle will pre sent their Christmas program Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock. A play "Christmas Eve and All Is .Well." will be given by the young people. The lun ior choir will sing new and old carols. Treats for all the children. Salem Heights Dr. Walter Snyder was the 'guest speaker at the South Salem Suburban Chamber of Commerce on Wed nesday evening at the China City restaurant. He spoke on the growth and development of Salem and the Salem schools and the neces sary groundwork which needs to be. laid now for the popula tion to come. Myron Butler conducted the business meeting and the con stitution revision committee re ported. Also discussed was a traffic light problem on Lans ford Dr. near the 12th St Junction, which would enable the Liberty Salem Heights fire truck to get on the highway where traffic is heavy. At pres ent the siren can be heard but the truck not seen as It ap proaches the highway. New Year's Eve Fellowship Members and friends of First Methodist Church are Invited to a Mew Yesr't Eve All Church Fellowship, Thursday the Jlst. at the church at 8 o'clock. There will be a varied program for all consisting of recreation, parlor games, sing ing, a dessert snack, and a movie, "As We Forgive." The evening's activities will culmi nate with a worship service In the sanctuary led ty the minis ter, Dr, Brooks H. Moore. Arrangements for the Church Fellowship on New Years Eve are under the direc tion of the Church Assimilating Committee composed of Dr. waiao c. Zeller, chairman; Dr. Robert F. Anderson; Dr. Brooks H. Moore; Mr. William Retter ath; Mrs. Henry Otto, and Miss Adeline Wilson. This commit tee will be assisted -by the Woman's Society of Christian Service and the Methodist Men of the church. Pratum Mennonite Features Music The music department of Emmanuel 'Mennonitf chusch, Pratum, Is sponsoring a Christ mas program of music and song at 7:30 Sunday evening. Included In the program will be a variety of selections, both instrumental and vocal. The children's and young people's departments will be represent- , ed with piano solo, accordion quartet and a vocal duet The Sunday school depart ment will present their Christ mas program on Christmas eve, December 14 at 1:10. OPEN Every Might til t Froea New 'til Xmae FREE Engraving on Schafer And Parker Pens The Jewel Box DO YOU II Kl Sunwley m la 4S Slate Salem um vwesr' -v. r-aw Itsa tOWMULOHB mm m mwer ' HfHrtMnret4STf YOUR NORGE ' DEALER IS CHERRY CITY ELECTRIC 339 CHEMEKETA 9m or CJmw4 2715 So. Commercial Ph. 4-6313 Liberty T ik-Wv Tha I.lhertv Chris-' tian Church of Christ will have their annual Christmas pro-, gram from the Bible school on , ctnnriav Dee 20 at 9:45 a.m. at the church on Skyline Road. ; The choir will give tne can tata and the Junior Christian; TTnriavnr ffrmin will oresent ' their play at 7:30 on Sunday evening. Scheduled for Wednesday, Dec. 23 at 7:30 is the Senior Christian Endeavor play. Kathy Brysnt, four-year-old daughter of Rev. and Mr!. Wavne Bryant of the Liberty church came home raaay irom the Salem General nospitai where she has been confined with spinal meningitis. Her condition is considered good. Mrs. Laura Hoppe of Pros pect road was taken to the Sa lem General hospital Thursday with fractured bones in her left leg. suffered when she fell off a stooi. SURGICAL SUPPORTS Of all kinds. Trusses, Abdom inal Supports, Elastic Hosiery Expert fitters privat fitting rooms. "ASK TOUR DOCTOR Capilal Drug Slore 405 State Street Comer or Libert r Bn Green Stamp. 1$ tribute Our Salvation Armul If you think that the spirit of God. pervades only handsome churches, consider the sim ple religious services of those men and wo men who worship on street comers. Theirs v is no faith of class, creed or color. All tht world is their congregation . . . and what won- derful work they are doing! The derelicts, the homeless, the heartsick and hungry. These are parishioners of The Salvation Army. No one is turned away. No one is beyond redemption. If you believe in man's humanity to man and want to exemplify it, be generous with your change when a Lass . or Laddie In blue passes the tambourine! Capital Drug Store 405 State St. Corner of Liberty WE GIVE 2V GREEN STAMPS We Salute Our Town! BARBEQUED CRAB At NORTH'S 1171 Center St ROSES SHRUBS CAMELLIAS R MAGNOLIAS RHODODENDRONS PINK DOGWOOD m p m MR. Topcoat Buyer! DO NOT BUY UNTIL YOU HAYE SEEN OUR URGE SELECTION OF OYER 300 TOPCOATS! WI CAN FIT MR. SHORT MR. MIDIUM - OR MR. TALL We De Not Sell 2ndi or PromctHovMl Met er.or.dlte Only 1st Clost Nationally Ad vertised Goods - Specially Budget Priced. Should This Happen In Salem 1. Does the public realize thai other Industries are not allowed to put up orders for Bergs! The unions are violating our laws . . . they are forcing a secondary boycott (illegal) upon some Salem firms. 2. They are slopping public common carriers from coming lo Bergs which is contrary lo official rulings. 3. Ask our clerks about this one . . . 77 ouf of 78 employees refuse fo recognize the pickets because they do not represent our employees. They are satisfied so . . . what's the dispute about! 4. The original issue was based on having a journeyman butcher on duty af all limes . . . which our journeyman butchers do not want. Also, we dislike the unions belief in feafherbedding. 5. Will you help us In our fight for free enterprise! Support our two stores... We need your help. Elmer 0. Berg .- Employees FERRILL'S NURSERY H Mite C. of Kelier Ph. 2)307 mm shoppin.6 ramp. f.nity . fc, , It