Saturday, December If, 1953" Pate 14 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, S1m, Ores FOR SALE HOUSES MEW MUDIIN 1 room house with Kr under lirteftUW. faoM 34 UMIU. Oft BY OH NEB. bedrooms. La g-wint 1 toon living room. dining room, hard- ood fleor PUp.c. sealed ttwaroL ; Clean, eouib. lmmed. tll-MO. trim. Prion 4-1. bo. Jut- Good Family Home 1 b4rooau, living rooaa. dialog toon, kitchen, full baeexntnt. We lot. paved street, clOM to school. Priced lor talcs. Ml. lUOO.Od. Tirw. V Of call Prank Ulatlc wit McKILLOP REAL ESTATE Daytime IMM KtmIbm Orrt uei tNFlNItHtD TWO bedroom 134 for .uUy. I11U bmUl 14 Troy. OMltm. Phone 1443J Albany, aloi S3.T30 BPEC1AL Mrtoui mi cdi floor. Flattered H beat, lou of built-in. South. UU WtnolA At. Will tab lot or cor for sown payment. Open all dor. Phon S-3271 OYCOiMt Hlof m. lor ep- vouitntnt. " uim. UM DOWN. Two bedroom. provtmtnt U. Phone 3-6743 alter I 00 P . MALL 3 bodroom too mo. on So ocro. wm Mil Muiir Pnaat 4-ii 411 Durbln Art. ' Fob SALE or rent, two-room house on large lot. 1H dews, lit moots. Phone 4-11 U. 63 380 Xoeludinf lot. or oolf IT.4M your lot. This 8-pdroom dream homo li absolutely th best bur lit trio city Just look t la wonderful feature Ac com pore value ith any other home retard! of price. 400 DOWN OR HOTHlNO DOWN ON YOUR OWN LOT IT 0. It. 3 bedrooms Large living room and dlnlni or to with bw plcturo window Beautifully designed kitchen with natural birch cabinets g) Bold tbower and tub ft. ward rnbo rloiel In Oil bedroom Herd- wood floon The r mo-con trolled oil furnort Iniulotad and wtotbrr atrlnDd Larat OtOTUO fOOm Your choic of exterior and In tor tor eolor 6) Appro. 639-00 per mo. in cluding inUrent. toiM. insurance, etc. ALL THEHB WONDERFUL FEATURES MR ONLY IB 350 Ofl SEX FOR YODHSFLP! COME OUT TOUAYI A Lor k wood homo la prreel Xma ? resent for tout entire family her deaerve o food horn' OPEN rVKNINOfl TILL 3;0 FU. PHONE 3-071 fer OWNRB HUhlond echool, bui. iro crrr ono block, cloao to St. Vincent, Hollrwood ahopploi. Built Two UrMiu dlnettt. IrmldO VtllKr. t- tocntd torua. inaulotod. Bit foncod Tord, fruit traoi. Immodloto poaaaa aioru Owoar vovlni. ftl.ttO 31 N tn FOR SALE ACREAGE 5 Acre Home IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Tnflndaa 1 room houao furnlabod. frrah oowa. ISO Urlnv bona. Surtt mllbrr. hay, wood, wattr pipfd in bou to, fruit trooa, borrloa. fooord nd croaa fncod. Morloo-Tnrnor Bd., H mil wat of Coacod arhool, north atda. Would aall plaet, Ilroitork ond ooulp mtnl acparotflr. M. Btanditr. Ph. Tur ner J1S3 or flti?ton 3rF5. bMOl REAL ESTATE $10,750 2 BEDROOM HOME Birch kitchen Large dining room Lirga plastered garage Lawn in Insulated and wcather- utrippcd Beautltiil brick fireplace G. E. oil furnace LOTATKTJ IN Bf ADTIFOTj SOUTH VILLAGE tiOOO TERMS R. C. VAN SLYKE HOME BUILDER PHONI Mil WONDERFUL BUY ! Brand new J-bedronm ranch to. Roman birrlt fUrplao. Separate Utll- (lv rn.vm Hlrrh kilt lirti. K(irrl-alr of heat corner lot. loth etretl paed. Yuril bur it U ',i e ii run pint ONLY 410 ftOO. PLEAAK. do not Ak for I drie-hv a, it MUavr e iliowo W ap-1 r"lntment on'y. AK for Mr. KUln S.m. 40 A 'Easti with dandy 3 bedrm mod. hime. basement, aoon barn, anri out bide i It A ftne BncHah walnut. 4 A. ITbr,TlM, b'. ftin and pa itire. 4 tiit-fc co, traitor and all toe J 434 &0G Call Mr Anrierion. r.m rve 4 3:14 3 hedn tue on hwj aith 1 1 lot. 3 00 Te Sai i'; 11 too On. Call Vr. Andtrtoa. S.m Kes. 4 3714 SOUTH SALEM w 3 beiim nraring romvle tion Dav lisht baemriii Buy now nrt rhr Inside colors Hargaln price of 1 13 900. Call Mr. Kii,n. Salem. NORTH SALEM New 9 bedrm davlmht basement with 1 ifp'acr Foreed air oil furnace. Ite lt () oer may ron-lder imal) house In trace nr reaannable down payment. 3.3 9M. Call Mr. Kitsin. Sim. EAST I arte corner tt w th nutierous trees, rmnfortable one bedrm home Priced at 93.500. 61.300 lon. Cal. Mrs. Oslea . Sim. evt. 35371. SUBURBAN I On and fourth arrt wttb lovely 3 bedrm 3-yr -old home. Fireplart. otl P A. heat ep utll rm, dble an ached tr, ntro ahruh. treev anallow awim fnifii pnni H 00 tv:r neM larger home. Call Mr. Otltsbee. Sim. evesH 1-3173 t'LARSIEIED ADVERTISING Per Ward. S timet S3w Per Ward 4 Pet Ward, 3 ! Per Ward. I menlb twt Na Refnda Mlnlmaia I Weed RP4DIR in Lweal Ree Calawta Only, per Ward , . ft M tat me at U Wards. Ts Mt Arl in sm Drjb pAfer. rhsnp t-t4C-a Br for 10 a.m. REAL ESTATE wmm WE SPECIAUZE IN TRADES federal CI & FHA Mtgt, LOOK NOW I 5-BEDR00M ENGLEWOOD Plvii aaporau atlllty room, piro oiac. Vaa. b.tsda. Oood ohioal roof Cioruo. Pvd. at. Bioawaik. la food coDdlUoa. Owner bu boairit a fai la hia rtaioa for ofranoi tnia homo for aalo. IllOo owa will nanale Wlia a lull prlct or aoly 'Ca.1 for MR. CRAWFORD, ptt. "VERY DESIRABLE i mat too oiDonalvo. Juat Ilk w Iniido city. Loada of buiaina. Buna throw from r boo 1. Inaulaiod- Oil baat Ait. oaraoa. A Bloaaur to ahow tul, pneo ooly tr09. (Call fn MR. HAAS. vt. ph. l-ft5i Sim ) EXCEPTIONAL KITCHEN In thia flno. rla hootf Dandy ahriiha PviM-od yard. Wlrrd for tfrror. Oil btat. Til bath, friar a i flowtra. Patio. Owner lavin city. Pull prlea nlr H9M. 'Call for MtV. ORIM04ETT, v. Pa. 177 Blm.l $4250 FULL PRICE Por tbia aallT bom. In twUni ra wair. Wall-to-wall carpet. Only frt old. Inaulated. Van. blind. Only 91000 down will handl. (Call for MR. CRAW FORD, va. ph. 4-WU Bin. i NEW GEM AT A PRICE Ton can afford, t btdrooma on floor. Ported air oil furnace. Warmth it id firaolare. Pvd. at. Mew dutrlet Ait. car ace. Tt br 113 lot. Bop. utility room. Ono rou'll lor. FHA term If del 1 rod. Pull prtr I10.SO0. (Call Tor N. O. "DAN" 1SAAK, tvo. PA- 4-3U3 Blm.i SHOE REPAIR SHOP Thia la hot. The location ! Weal atatahiuhod for many yari. neallr buay plac. Low overhead. Pull price for oyerythtni 5ftO0. iCall for N. -DAN" IB A Art. tve. ph. ! Bin. GROCERY And a aood one. Owner report cuh bualneas. Averne aalea over I&000 per mo. Vary atcady biuioej. Modem Jlvlnr ouarteri. Kent lor autre omw . varaa and living quarter only 1100 Pull prlc $4000 plua atock Inrentory. ICall for N. O. "DAN 1BAAK, ve ph. 4-S533 film TRADE Por imaller home In Salem, 3S acrei with 14 under cultivation. Extra mod ra am a Her houa. Walt-to-wall car pet . Partially ftnrrd. Full prtc (Call for MR. CRAWFORD. to. ph. 4 -50 JO sim i 10 ACRES With a modern 3-bdroom house. In- oulated. Oaraae. Nice flaw. Barn. Chicken house. 4 A. atrawbemei. 4 A bottom land 'i A. recUf. Real vame for fTSOO. C11 for MR. CRAWFORD, va. ph. 4-HfT30 B!m i $500 DOWN On thU 8-acre tract. All under culti vation. Modern 1-bodroora houao. School bus. Near town. Will. soil. Full price only 4o00, (Call for MR. LEAV ENS, tve. Ph. I-47SS Sim 125 ACRES All cultivated. Carlton aoll. 11 A alfalfa. M a. trar oau. A. rye raaa. Bal. In fescue anS clover. 3 well. Sprint. Very rood modern 4 badroom houao. H by 60 barn. 40 by 60 ahed. Oaraae. Pump hnuo. Larte hoc ahed. All crop included In the bar i aln price of S34.K0. Only I&000 down 'Call for MR. LEAVENS, va ph. Blm.) FHA A CONVENTIONAL latTOS 3" Year FEDERAL C-l M'lUB., 30 YEAR LICENSED ALSO XX WASH. IDAHO Al Isaak & Co.. Realtor Off Phono 4-1111 or 1-7130 Eva. I-4T13. 4-3SM. 4-M30, 3-?7, 4-4047 u no answer can a-ja c301' A. A. LARSEN . REALTOR A HMle-A-War DeLuiel Only a few ml lei out. and eaUy acrfuible' An inaplratianal settlnc for in Artist or Writer. You can latae berries, rabbits, dota. loan .or JtiAt plain HECK. Nobody will know. 0 Acre, tuinblina yr. round creek, tall treea, t rm. raa tlc alia It a house, very modern, 2 Edrmt.. larte L Room with view win dow. If you want to let away from U all. this I tt. Price IffttW. 14 0OO do Oraclona Homo on N Summer St. Clot to Si- Joseph i and Bai rri Hratt. I Cdrma.. dble. plumb. Diy basement, creek, tall nak. pa to. dlst. Stu dio L Room (beamed cetlinn fira plare, D- Room. L. Room rua at drape atar. Mrxicale Fo with White trim sit uated neatly in the shade of a treat oakl 1 Bdrmi.. one knotir pine, car peted Ltvln D Rfvim. flnWhed party room, 2 fireplaces. Near Leiilt s nool. RENT WITH OPTION t( but Rparloua 1-hertroom home ahout 6 vtar old All Hardwood floor Pan dv laisr ttch-ii and nmk AMb hd aaraae with extra Ptre fn- work- Imp or loia. payments 643 00 per ELBOW ROOM! Tired c? nei!iQota too cloe tr rem fort Then Irai'e our h.'O'f In- aa extra auod 1-bed room Our ntan wants a aniaiL lot due to Iiraith. btit would like a good hontt up to 4l3 0OO He la avkine 410 S00 lor his and ll U worth ttcry penny of that. WANTED AN ACREAGE If ru hate 3 or mora acre that yov can't take rare of ntht then trad It for a tnixl I bed loom hnrns In Ke er This l a ni,e plastered horn w .1 n 'arte a'tarhei ear ate A skint prue V7O0 w:y trade for up l about II! 000. l South High S-reel Plan I-9J03 Prion Evenings tnd Sunday 4-1471. 8-1633. 1-4474, 4 ?1 19 3-334 WANTED REAL ESTATE NOTItE If rour property ta for a', rent or exchange, list It with tit. W ha all kmds of ch burn ST TE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 183 eVHigh St ra WF ARE ;n need of 10ml houses to sell, in of near Sa era If o wub to Hat VO'ir pmreriv icr ae. see OHSLNHtH'f.r PROS KRAI TORS 14 Itrerti P.i J-1471 f 7oi lTPi R4N4H rorrPle atth ronl try Near S:m Small acreat trade !:,. M' leasie Moffvlt, 904 Oale Si. Woodburn c n3 To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 ltl S Hlth Phone 7M19 XM, 3714 - 13724 3t91 C304 rassiSiGssi iimnstBaiPi. REAL ESTATE i. "jit SS inn. tmity k Dsrlaa (Ul. klsa sndiKlu AMI H4 H BrU t a,!m. Ud ,'Ba1aw tTM kM. siuwitfl, full Smmbi. Itrmlsc. I Ura, sadrMW, U tMraM. slurbs S car strata, aaada. anrua arrf Iralt, raal bom. Laria bars, auk aaua. lull saullrr boua,, laria li-ra auuk lr.f aod M14 slatalt. It M Waal Km thus sea, prlc4 rlsbl. sat " S32.000.00 SS acras saKHalM iKartta. 4S a. fta, talll.alaS. Mil IS 1. blU aastur,, balaaca umS far BoraMIW utf archard. S-aadraara MS. kaaia, lull baMataM, furaua, t taaraasu, larr, tiatu W baM- raaak S banu. $21.000 00 SS a. aUl.arua an va.aS rd U A cultlraiad, llr ''. l-bdraoal bouM. aid but toad caadlllaa, vlrad lar raaja, bath. clac. vatar haaur, baaulltlU via. Laria bars. $12,000.00 II aaraa. kllb sradiKUs arm ar Woodbura. laria nodarbUad ham, bcautllul kitchen, aaulppad ltn altctrle rahlt. wai.r baatar and rclru.ratar. Oaraia. laria ban, vault" Muaa, an biuldiui in stood condition 18,000.00 DOWN, BAL. EASY Dunn Realty Exchange, Pacific Hiway North Woodburn, Oregon BDB-DIVLSION BTTB 33 Acres on Lancaster Drl. An aiullHt :oe-!n location on a paved road. Prlc (31, 00. Trm. INCOME PROPIRTY 9 houiea on ono lot. located ttt Enilewood School District. Naal and eomforubl on bdrm. home. Prlc M400. TERMS. CALL H. K. LAYMON PINIST SALEM LOCATION New Lovely Nob HlU home, 3 brtrma.. Ilv. rm., din. rm., fireplace, hdwd. tlra., auto-oll heat, lovely kitchen, dblt. caraie, ckwo to all acboola, corner lot. CALL ROY B. FERRIS. APARTMENT HOUSE SNAP Two apta. and tar at root lot for $00 ot per month plua owner' apt. whtah would rent easily for 160.00 per month. Price for houa 1 10. 001. Furniture extra for $1400. Piiur it out for rouraelf. Property in top condition Ituld and out. Oood location. CALL J. B. LAW. CLASS "A" OFF1CKS OFF STREET PARKINO Locatod float to downtown Salem and Stat Capitol Bides. Will be available by Decem ber J let. For detail CALL C. L. ORABENHORST. Please Drop In and Pick Up Your 1954 Calendar! GRABENHORST BROS. REALTORS 111 (. Llbart' at Th. 1-1411 Cnlnn and aundara Call ftalMmm H. K. Layman S-9113 J. I. Law 1-Slt Rar . Farm S-S01S For Your Insurance Needs Call W. H. (Bill) Johnston 2-2471 or 3-3363 'or SA'ITV JICUIITY SATIS'ACTION REAL ESTATE OPEN OPEN $13,800 3 BEDROOM HOME Birch kitchen G. E. dishwasher Double garage 'Full daylite basement Front lawn in 2 fireplaces 'Insulated and weather stripped 'Good terms LOCATED AT 935 HARRIS ST.- SOUTH VILLAGE R. C. VAN SLYKE HOME BUILDER PHONK 4M12 tvr EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE SIX ROOM modern house, three lots. ' over hundred foot front. Four block aouuh oi citv hall on Htehwtv 101 M.bnnri ntrtAn Wl',1 roniiflff trad, i ttx-i Write V J Ht anion. Box 531, S. W. Court Hichwar or phon 79J ! cM04 tilt VTBtV IVrllMr arar.'lr f..r or trail lor Altitun, ftuDiimur or eaiem mo faimsi. Ood opportunity for rttMtl paiiy. Pttone Stio 23F. B. W. Holt. Ri l Scto O-e c BS04 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES HARDWARE BI'HlNllHH - Impaired nea.irt and pressure of olhtr in:erata torre tacrilice at eoine bulnat. of letini entire stock at 40, or retail lor next 10 ln 30"0 so., tt. i:oor space, too ft (root, al verr an r ac tive lra,'f low ten' 3-3 yrs ISec E lin-h..on DicksoAa Shopping Center Sot,irt a.rm or phone 31111 tor epimt cd I.IM R IL MKRt II tMtlM! BuHie.v In Nftatla Ji'inv t:0t 000 ratlv wub tu weil ln-ateti i.ire Prited to eell KAdHHFlNULEI V Irhlta. Fan Cd30J ri RNITI EF AND Appliance Store do me 430 0O0 yearly Oregon town of g 000. Prue 1:34.004). KfcSHFINDER. Wirluta. Kan cd303 GAR4(sl AND Auto Acencv in Idaho do ing 9360 000 yearly. Price 438 000 K ASH FIN PER, Wichita. K an . cd301 FOR LEASE, major all company serv ice station. Oood location in Salem. Call 444''8. rnrT WANTED FURNITURE STTTrm j ltCaaaiSsfa II aTv'y FOR SALE LIVESTOCK LO( Kf B BEEF WaSttc fact Hereford, oc. Notbmt down. month t par. Custom killing. Trailer loaned Ire. Saem Meat Co, 133 38th. PR !-4-St PETS P4RR4REETMVt, 4 Haiti Rd Phon 3-1J07 tcJM rRR4KEETS. BREEDERS -Babies. Also! select bird fully (liahted Wlllameuei Va.lty Aviariea. 14 mile South at Prin- tie School -Prion Solera 4-3071. eclOJ SIAMESE BITTINS. padwr. week old DalatbtlaJ Silt- 3441 Htel. Phttie 3-1073. COIR KB PUPS from a P Undid line cut aid Chrlatma tva. aia- 4-1043. SIAMEKR KITTrNS for Ml. Christ maa pttttni. Phen 3- REAL ESTATE - PETS LABRADOR Retriever pup. A K.C. rat- lstered. anieallent line. Your choice. Merrltt Truax, 1714 Park Arenue. 303 GLOVER'S SIAMStl kitten and eat Beauty, centleneaa, InteUltear, devo tion. Priced riant. 3-0431. ecJltP CHAMPION BRED Boxer pupplea. Mooroa Tropical Flah Equipment. Parakeet. Ptt. Mtclaar Road. 4-1173. Closed Wednetdaya. eclll" PARAKEETS. ALL color. 14 00. Merlin Marsh, 3414 Chester Art. Phon 4-1444. cW2 PARA R KITS, CHOICI. Xmas aelKtlon. DepotMt will hold. Open Christina Dar. Caiej. toys, supplies. Bird Paradise. 3140 Llvlnraton. Phon 3-143. eclOJ PARAKEETS, lovable companion tor shut-ins. Reasonable, uto uvintaton. 11443. ec303 PEDIGREE MALE Siamese kitten. Rea sonable, phone 4-4344. ei-303 FOR SALE Ttnr eutt Fillmore St. Weat oi Reiser dUt. Ph. 4-1J07. niinni.. Atltk Evana Ave . 1 OC303 CANARIES. Pint Christmas elft. Small I deposit. Phone 1-4335. 1340 Chemeketa RIGIHTFRRD MALE boxer for tale 17 months old. Phone 4-6034. tc304 FARkKETS-""All colors. 86 00. Mrs' Bale. 1706 Proadwar. Phone 3-16U4. ec!03 r(lB.Ti f " - CANARY ftlN'OER 66 95 each 11 do each. 316 Oawald St. ' r( PARAKEETS SELECT and 'H' AR ANTE ED. .) .i.ilv babifji. A.l bird) raised at Ss.ena Cages. PARAKEETS All colors, 14 00. Mr In her wood Wallace Rd Phone 451A3 e- i:o 1 erlOl I PARAKEETS! BREEDERS Bab., 00. A.l colors. Willamette Valley Avlarleji, 1' mile South of Prtntlt School Phone Salem 4-3074. J04 PARAKbTTTR OVFTt 100 RtRDS TO CHOOSE FROM REM.Y FOR TRAIN 1NO NO CRFEPFHA. NO FRENCH MOLT ONE PRICE 34-HOUR SFRV ICE CAOES, RtrPPUEH ftp TN chris rMAA Rinr paradise. MviNrtPTON J-'.,. erin; FUEL ANDIBSON-S SLABWOOD. 3 cords II 06, delivtred . Pnaea 1-773) or 4-4133. 307 It SLAB WOOD, 413 00 per load flaw duat, 413 84 per load t Delivered lA SU vtrtea area only. Twin Falls Lumber Co. ItVFRTftN. OREOON PHON B 3-4301 FOR SALE POULTRY 7) OOOD L4TINO parmentor Red Pul let j'nt South of Pea Dee at old lot ttng camp. ?3C1 ARb" bang Hampantr. OomI Ur. . .rtM -m f,trv ! rectal price la year around fryer grewera. Fox a Hatahery. a,,,, at, p. J tf f- mm .PRODUCE 'SPECUL DATE runt avallibit in balk 6 Vt'.er Parts Store. Ph 44434. Lanct ter-Bltrerton erne roada. ma- 20 - 7 ' TRlUMnif' ilil I VRlllV j VAEUJJ11-' i ARItTY OF aopl 13 bra. Bring con tainer. R H. Wacken. Rl 3 Boi 43 Heitasreea Dtit- Fhoe 3316 ffl 03 PRODUCE WALNUTS- i A) IS rol'ND kUL Sr fat iKlpBtnL SSSS rwtlSA M Orna woaxrmss arinxNUBO. Addiu. 1H bu. w- . i-iii. mat Cornice Pears 2.00 par bushel box. Phone your order at once. Salem 4-2BS. HELP WANTED FEMALE ollIIIiriB. aiUdla aaad tar ath um, c.r. ai catnm a. m. lai. Na alaaalu ac laiwdir. Caatact blr. marnaa. WTa. ioriiKtiru roa uobblt au.,rto eoupla. rnona j-mii. i,..i,n. WANTED POSITIONS arsraiKT TKEK awrrk. Treoa trlmmodv removea. nooiaa riiao. yard ciaaned. Wash hau.ed. Prat aatl ma Us. J-1444 RELIABLE BABY UTTti -WUl so dart or nlibtd. Fnont 3lM. Nt ID WORK, Janitor or nUht watch man, raid or iw woia. rmmi hJ03' PAFIB HANOINO FalaUnf. Jerrr Jofaoaon. Fnonc l-oin. hi1 LIGHT CRAWLER, ootlnt. UI lol- inc. tradlnt. Phone 3-Hl. m' GENERAL HEW1NQ and b lit ton bole Pnon 1-lMO. ' ; PAPER HAhiilNO. By th haul. Phon 3-3131. EXPERIENCED BABY sitter. MP bom or your. Phon 3-4333 J"' CARPENTER Repair, remodel, cabtoetai and taracea. amau jooa welcome. Phone 4-43M. b FAINTING. PAPEBHANGINO. day or contrack omau ion waicvmo. mns 3-7093. hi PAPERHANGING, paintlnt. Pre estl- tea. oon Lucere, ra. -mm. MIMEOGRAPHING As typlnt- Quality work. Reasonable rates, aara. rot, 46 It. ltb. Phone 31443 hl stinikh i.anr will do lronlM at home. !5 rtUklOunda HO. uturt ateaoy customer. hS0l HOUSEWORK A chUd car desperately needed by motner wnn z amau airta, Oo nome evenlnts. Write Eva Brown, Qeneral Delivery. Salem. Orel on. hJOS rnnn cars in my home. Weat Salem. rocd yard. iMierenc. rnone c-hjo. CARPENTER rapalruai Aj building of any kind. Phon isui. asiv CHILD FOR RENT LARGE warehoua apac for i rent or lease. Cement floor, brlek hulldlni. Down town. Inquire H. L BUff Fur niture Co. Phon 3-01ffi. f" WANTED TO RENT l.REDROOM home. 170 bracket. Con tact Mr. walker at capital wui rui BY TELEPHONE. PLEASE). Or 2on McCoy. J"' WANTED OFFICE SPACE Insurance firm needa two email room or one lana room outaraa main dubi mh .liatriet. WtIIo description, lo cation and term. Box 310 Capital Journal. ROOM & BOARD BOARD AND BOOM for your ated or dis abled dependent. Phon mornlma, 3-0079. J'4 FOR RENT ROOMS PLEASANT alteptnt room. For tentle man. 10 Norwayhona a-4a47.jk3oa WARM. MCE, liitht bousekeepint room. Lady. 4 N. Church St. uiiHT HOL'EKEKPINO and warm sieeptnr room. 434 N. Winter, Apart ment 3. kS0J FOR RENT HOUSES ONE BEDBOOM furnUhad cot l as a. Rea sonable. Berne utllltlaa. Inaulr 3849 Portland Rd. Jm303 WEST SALEM, very neat, unfurnished, lVi bedroom house and car as, wired for rant and water heater. Larte lot 440. Phone 3-704T Jm303 ONI BEDBOOM, lectric heat, tarate. In small court. Unfurnished. 375 So. 33n d .2- 04 14. )m 303 IMaTl HOUSE on bus llo. Verr clean 040 Fair view Ave. Phone 3-7U3. Im303 WORK DOWNTOWN? Save bus far. 34 blka. from court house da paper mill. Fireplace, oil circulator, carpeted curtained. Clean. rooms. Adults. Oa rast. 441 a. Hlih. Ph. tva. 17444. J ml 01 WEEKLY OR monthly rentala. Nod-A-Way Motel. S14 Portland Rd. 3-9074 jrosos ONE BEDROOM unfurnlahed cottage. Attached garage. Hi montn. rnone ' 1 BKDROOM home. taraKe. north. Phon 4-1438. Inquire JS10 Portland Rd. JOlJOJ' THREE-ROOM DUPLEX, stove, wattr. t Strait lyroiuieu. s. ainwv vsum a. jm303 NICE CLEAN on bedroom hotve. With ft re pi act and garage. 1060 It. 30th. Inquire al 1689 N. 14th )m306' SMALL TWO bedroom house. Nice fur niture. Piano. Beit district. One block bti 6?0- Phone 4-2S4J. 4 00 pm. to 00 P m. JmSJlg 1 FOR RENT or lean, new duplex apartment- Phone ;43: Jtr.303 lONF. BFllROOM V""ne Pt5 tVtit 133 monta. Phone j-Ta!o. I BEDROOM unfurnished house. HMl Park Avenue. 443. Phon 4-i7.t. )irt304 j Ft RMMII P l-HUUil, flUPiex. tM) Phoi 3-7341. .'mJOi'. 3 BEDROOM house 130. rnPQI JSa.1 I ; alter 3 m. im303 FOURRFDROOM nnf urnuhed. New ta rate. Inquire lsn N tn rnone . ;mJC5 NEAT. I NFl'RNISHED two-bedroom. Ca rta! On but line. 3686 B. Summer Pio e 3-3889 alter 8.00 pm imJOJ MODERv VoURTw- Oitt and two bad rnuina before January 1. Stove end Te fii:erator rwrnHhed. Neer Salem Clen-r-; ILr-vitil Phone 1-4440. JmJOl III LC HIUROOM house Cloae to down - I town. DjI line. Near schools. 163. 1703 F;r St. Phon 3-8J34: jm303 COitY. LIKE NEW one bedroom. Nice utility. 140. North lth. 3-7341. 1ml 07' A IM nol'SC, 1497 N. 6th St 338. B M Maaon. RH . 144 S. Comm'l. JmJOl FOIR-ROOM modern. Electric ranee, water beater. 430. 1330 Woodrow St. ImtOl WKLL BUILT one-room houa. Partly furt.i.hed C-ose-in Four Corners, Ideal for sinal person. r..::E:T X - - Sunday after 3 P p m. JrnlOl i Ntt RNlHFD"sB-bVdrfipm house Au tomatic heat. Oar ate. 436 B, St. 3M41. ImlOi 1 TnM-mm.c0e..n arros Wallace rad from Emerr a Store. Wired electric atove. new hot water beater. vlZ a :Ti?M'!"l F t 'enced yard aitiem. 136. 3a jralM I JOE PALOOKA kj -' I rlMOW IT.Si.'' i I.TWHfATfB. J)(T SUIT J CWT rVOAXV, Tl T AMY NEWS FROM Futv loinH tvi A TH' LeS A DOWN I I .. It l GONNA ftf I MNOBSV. bvt U I I I PalOOKA S OH CbOotlCS 1 FOR RENT HOUSES MODCBJf oavo bodroooi ottaaa. Kelao dMiiMt. oaxaa. li. paoao 4-3mi Pt BNIUED SMAXX BOCSE with a- raaa. cm sscut h. m. pnaaio i-rrii. ALMOST NEW, GOOD, cUan S-boos bouaa. P. ton in iswimb. U .toiler -eon St. or M Bunat. joi34 BUSINESS RENTALS WAKEBOUtE aPACB. Nt biUltUna with Ian parfctnf area, wub or wunoat of fiaa fact U tie. RaU tMintt. Drlvo-lu and truck dock. Perklifl truck and pal leu. Capital Cur Tranalar Coaaaany. Phono I-343E. JolOJ ifoRB Bt'ILDIWO al 311 N. Caanmer cial St. Beaaonaalo rtnt, B. H. Maaoa, R:i., 14 6. Corom'l. loltt FOR RENT APARTMENTS ADULT I, WARM, BOMEY apartnant. Brick bldt. Near atat office bMca. aheppina center. Phone fbU or 1S3U. JplOJ THREE - BOOM farnlihad apartment. Quiet, warm. Walklna distanc. Phone I - 4413 or 4-ma. fP301' WARM. COMPOBTABLI .urnUhod Poll-' man apart nan t. Electric washer 41 dry er. Utilities paid. 1 block from Btat BulVdlnt As Bhopplni Center. 444 N. Winter St. Jp3M APARTMENT Df WEIT Bal em. Chlldran wtlcoma. Phone I-141L .113 U St. )P3U NICE 1 BEDROOM apartment. Located near ahopplnc ceoUr. atat etflcca and acboola. Rent 141 per month. AL ISAAK At CO.. REALTORS Phone 4-3311 JpSOI ri'BNlHHED COL'BT apartment, S room Ai a a rate. Close in on nortn uoaamof dal. IM. Phono 3-M4J or 3-444. Jp SEVERAL furbUhM apartmtnta, foci location. Inquire wL U stui ranuuri Phon 3-9 Itri, Jp 71 VI BOOM anfnrnlahod apartment. ISO. Utuiti paid, oaxaia. rnoaa isih. Jpiot CLEAN furnUhad apartmai Cloae In. Phon 3-714. jpioj ONE BEDROOM aparmwt. a block from caoiioi BHiuaina, wmur nlshed. Call Pioneer Truat C. 1-1114. J pa 03 TWO. 3-room furntshad. orlvata bath. 704 n. uwrtr. jihj a iter a p m. r JP301 CLOlE IN, pleasant t rooma, taragl aKiibia. Reasonable. Phono J-itoo. JP303 rURNMHED APARTMENT, lil 340. Utllltit included. Inquire 1140 M. Cap ital St. Hollywood Motel. )Pioi' ROOM furnished basement apartment with lMhta, water, beat bath. 41 N. Uberty. )PS04 THREE LARGE furnished room, bath. All g till lie lurnlahad. 146. 331 Lan aint Avenue, hon 4-46M. Ip304' l.REDROOM APARTMENT, and 1 bed room court. Phon 3-3093. JP304 REMODELED TWO-ROOM, furnished. private bath, lu & 14th. Phon i-wm. JPW I BOOM furnUhad apartment near high echool, ahopplnr center and Capitol Bids, call after a p-m. TH N. 14th. Ph. 308. 1PJ03' DOWNTOWN, nlc clean email apart ment. Oood heat, utllltlaa. IU Center. )p304 ATTRACTIVE. CLOSE IN, Clean, fur nished apartment. Ground floor and private entrance. Electric rant, re frigerator, private bath, w a hint factl Itien furnished. 344 Union. Ph. 4-1441. JP303' CLEAN, PURNIIHED three room. Close in. Winter Street. Phon 3-403. JplOf CLEAN, FURNISHED three rooms, close in. Winter Street. Phone 3-8043. Jp304 iROOM FiJRNrSHED apartment. 3s! Prlvattj bath. 3770 H. Front, phone 3-7717. JP303 FOl'R-ROOX furnished apartment for rent. 93 N. Winter. Phone 3-0341 jp3M VKRY NICE two-bedroom furntebed and un turn tan ed apartments, water, ranee, refriceraior furnlahed. tb and 873 Inquire at 430 N. 14tn. jplOT TWO ROOMS, private bath, entrance. Refrvcerator. Aouua. auh a. pm. 735 S. l!th St. JP307 EXCELLENT three -room. Two blocks from Capitol, downtown, seasonable. Unfurnished except rente, come car pet. Suitable for two persons. 39t a Winter. 3-63. Jp303 CLEAN t-ROOM furnished apartment. utilities I urn lined, 127.M. rnone aw. 3361 Haiti Ave. )Pl FURNISHED t-ROOM, attractive warm. cjean. 1370 Chemtktta St. jpioi- LEE APTS. Ba'.cm'a Moat DUUntulshad Addresa Thoroughly modern. Ideally located, for thoae desiring better living. One bedroom uniu from 883 00: bachelor unit a low aa IM M. Inspection In vited. 88 J NWlntfT; l05! NEWLY DECORATED two-room fur nished Court apartment. 10A Madi son St. 4-4TS4. Lp04' I BEDROOM, turnUbed, roomy, private bath and entrance, newly beautifully decorated. 4B3 S Hllh. Jp307 LOST & FOUND LOST Benrus lady whit told, black band. AnnaHayward. 94134. kl03 REWARD FOR lot golden retriever fe male wearing chain collar. Phone 38317. 998 Terrace Dr. k308' LOST LAD Y"SR08R GOLD Watch. TtC day, December 11. Keepsake, tlft from husband. Reward. Phone 4-1034. k303 LOUT ON CENTER, vicinity ,)t 13th, ' Of j Bkl rack carrier. Reward Phe 3 0153. k33 1 SIAMESE cat. White with dark bron marktnas. Vicinity North 2jth :.d Market. Children mL'i her Phone 3-1088 k104 kiKrci I A KJ CO llI BEE-HIVE TRUCKS U-DRIVE MOVE YOURSELF SAVE i CAR RFNT'.Lft - STAKFR . TANS TEXACO STATION 6t9 COURT ST PHONI 1-131 PAGE STEVEN OF and AL MEFORD DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 3-HH SERVICE IN UOST CASKS DR HARRY SXMLER. DENTIST ' AdOiprt R'de , State Commercial Sis PH I-11 11 m SALEM SALEM SAND At ORAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Road Ciearinc Ditch a Sewer and Basement Equipment Rental Ditching by th Foot Phone Dart 3-9404 Ems. 3-4417 or 3-7413 Salem. Oreeon j NURSERY STOCK AFRICAN VIOLETS, man? varieties In bloom 74c up. Rooted leavea. Bar Orenhou. 1101 Third St . St. ton Phone 9096 mb3 POINSETTIAS. other flowertna plant Also laret selection of foliate plant Otbher interesting novelties for Cbmt mas PEMRERTON'B FLOWER SHOP. 196 S. 11 IU St. mb!03 Journal Want Ads Pay! T DENNIS the MENACE J, STAer THINKING BUILDING MATERIALS MATERIALS GALORE!! ' OatB "It't" htrt aomewbere. Vlr wood ti try where, lota of tood 4it heats. Pint Pon table to pa ta oo aht. Btveral thouaand pea. plywood low aa le, 4 luc Birch too. Beautiful HI hemlock VO panel, knotty pin 114 50, abalvlnt boarda 130 ft. Bdt UM, D fll tl.M. eak fit tn baatod room. 4x1 mahoc PIP 34 XL Window to your cpce'c Insulation, weather atripptrn, and hundred of tthar Itcma. Pre estimate;. 31 ana. ta par, so sown payment, see "Your Buttdini Bupr'.y Friend" Portland Koad Lumber Yard 1641 PORTLAND RD. PH. 4-44)3 ma ROOFING. INSULATION, Venetian Blinds. Call Western Auto Supply Co. for fret as timet. 3-7177. ma BARGAINS Loos Insulation per bac II Fiberglass roll blanket InsuL ....Cheap 14-3 !C wiring 314c 13-3 tlec. wiring 5Wc NalU 18.71: 3 keia at 4B46 Asbestos siding per 49 40 Painted shake with under 410 40 15 to New doors, all sties , Used windows 36"x54" , 100 used door with frames Osed caat Iron wa.h basin 43 60 ..-17 60 New toilet with teats t34 40 Hew bath tub, complete 867 50 Double kitchen alnka, complete ....14190 40 aal. elec. water heaters 164 80 Laundry traya. dIp. baain ....Earcaln 500 aal. steel septic tank 863 50 4" cast Iron tuti pipe ..73c 4' solVd oranteburg pipe' 34c Cedar shinties, 4 trade Cheap cnriD Piywooa, new carload Bargains New picture Windows in oo New weather atrlpped window ..414 30 Cedar fence posts Cbcap C. G. LONG & SON Ph. 4-5031 1 ml. H. of Kelter FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS USED SINGER electric cabinet tCWInc machine. Oood sawing condition. 869.30 full price. Sinter Sewing Center, 130 K. Commercial. Open Friday evening. nsol DEEPFREEZE HOME freeser. YeaUr Appliance Co., 373 Chemeketa St. Phon 3-4311. n USED SINGER tread a aewlnc machine, Round bobbin, Only 914 80. Guaran teed. Sinter Sewing Center, 130 H. Commercial. Open Friday evening. n3"3 30.0 ALLOWED for your old water heater. Retard! of condition or make, on a w Waatlnghou auto mat electrle wattr heater, with a 16 pear guarantee. Yaater Appliance Co., 373 Chemeketa St. Pnona 3-4311. P USED ELECTRIC porTablt sewing ma chine. A-t condition. Guaranteed. Cash price 639.80. Sinter Sewing Center, 130 If. Commercial. Open Friday eve- nlng s.303 LADY'S RirYCLI (new Imported Bar gain. 650 M. phono 4-8676 after 3 pm. nJOl GOOD USED wasnara. 313 06 At up. Yeat r Appllanc Ce 371 Chemeketa St Phone 3-41U. a' GOOD USFD relrlseratora, 143.80 is up Yeater Appllanc Co.. 373 Chemekta St. Phone 3-4111. 1 USED ELECTRIC Ran its. 87, 9 08 At St. Phon 3-4311. n PLASTIC-KOTE requires no waxing your floora or linoleum. Yeater pllanc Co., 178 Chemeketa St. Phone 8-4311 n I AND PAINTED organdy apront. 3133 each. Martha Wilson. P O. Box 33. Phoenix, Oregon nt Reduced $1 Per Day Until Sold BTARTINO mid DEC. 11 T One Ui . Office Desk With Glass Top DECEMBER II, $51.00 Keith Brown Lumber Yd. Phnn, 1-1111 rront Court at. "KB OIVB BAH GREEN BTAMPS' Salem's Gift Appliance Headquarter! For These Famous Linea Wtstinthouie. Sunbeam Unlvertal, Oentral Electric. Hamilton Reach. Kitchen-Aid. At many other famous make. Open tvery evening t ill Xmaa. Yeater Appliance Co. 376 Chemeketa Ph3-4111. Rm TASK VACUUM Cleaners with full at tachment i as low as 914 84 Monucm I cry ward At C Appliance DepL Phone 8-3141. MM By Ketcham FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS ACCORDION INSTRUCTION. Instru ments rented while you learn. aUieao') oldaat and largest accordion school. Wiltsay Muaic Home, 1840 Btat. Ph. 37194. B307 FORTIFIED PEAT moaa, nly tie sack. (Ideal for mulching). Valley Farm Store. Phon 4-4834. nl4 HOLLY for 41 at 1333 M. Commercial St. lOo A pound. n)03 WARD'S HOME FREEZER, medium ilva. A real food money eavar. Rag. UttVOt, sale 8311.83. IJontg ornery Wart. At Co . Appliance Dept. Phone 3-1141. n303 CHRISTMAS TRIES, wreath and waa. Signal tvtatlon, 4V Commercial oppojllo Liberty Road Junction. Claude South h John Lacey. n05 RECORD PLAYERS, 3-apaed, athratta finish. Reg. 439.94, aal prk JJ95. Montgomery Ward CO., Applianae Dept. Phon 3-3131. pl03 RECAPS 97. 074-15. Ouarantd Pa t lot. wide 100 cold rubber Lytle't Tire, No. Coml at Pine Ph. 4-40JJ BATTERIES, f 45, 47,98, SA.M, etchante. 13 mo, guarantee, Lytlc'a Tlra. No. Com l at Pine, Ph. 4-40!!. nl3 COLUMBIA PIAVO. Will conalder term. Phone day 3-5313. 3-5911 attar Oo P.m. P304" SKATER SPECIAL Pair Kit' CbTcaao Sho Skate, alt t, maple wheels. Bkatt cas Included. Bargain at 113 50. 963 Oarnct St. 3-63SS. n304 REMINGTON 313 Targetmester .33 bolt action rifle. Redtleld sights. t lbs. 90S Garnet St. 3-6355. n304 1 aALL MAHOGANY piano. Very reason- 01 lm cottage at. fbooc imt. nstia LARGE SIZE hasaocks. coolrs red and green, reg. 314 , salt 413.83. Mont . comeryWard s Co., Appliance Dept. Phone 3-3 1 9 1. nS03 FOLDING PINO pong table, phone 310M after 3 p.m. n!0! STROLLER. PLAY pen. buggy, baby scale Miracle Maid pcacure cooker. Call 37600. n303 MARE YOUR son happy at OhrUtmaa witn a wniiser motor bike. . Looks, run Ilk new. Bgulppad with light. See at 693 Marino Drive. n3Tl St VOLUMES colliers encyclopedia. 1983. Never used. Phone evening 4-4333. nlM NEW LIONEL ELECTRIC train. 1381 Elm St. Phone 3-6069. nSOJ- COLEMAN OIL Circulator. Coronado washing machine. 3963 State St. Phono 4-3913. n303 WKSTINGHQUSE ELECTRIC ranee. Csl- roa unit, in n. winter nt. Phone 3-1343. n!0l PUB COAT for aal. Very ate, phono 2-407. nW HAMILTON PLAYER PIANO. Da good ondltlon. 3163. Phone 3-4143. n3Q7' CHILDREN'S BW1NO SET, knotty pine corner cupboards (pair). 363 SL lima Ave. O304 USED PUR NmJM, MART 170 S. LIBERTY ST., SALEM Phone 46371 c rot th Street from tht Armory Te.'tn of Court MERRY CHH18TMAB Boy'9 14 Btcrcle Excellent condition, many txtrat, 334.36. Tricycl, 13" front wheal, tood oondl tlon. O E. Port tb in Radio. 316.99 cam pietc with batteries. Price cut to tht boot for Christmas Bargain Com in early for lane election. n!63 USED OIClT FlTRNrTURE 4 Used Wooden Typewriter Desks 1 Used Steel Filing Cabinet 1 Uil Duuiicattng Machine 1 Asiortmect Used Wood Office Chalra 1 Used Walnut Wood Table 1 Used Baft COMMERCIAL BOOK STORE 141 NO. COMMERCIAL STREET B307 j KODAK MMM. F 98 lens. Perfect condl tion. 33fl.oo. usMd Rot Wattr Tank. Walter B. Mtnler. Ph. 38841 after 11 33444 - 37319. nl3 ;rr- ONE TEAR OLD Montgomery Ward refrigerator, verr good condition. 4 Center St. Phone 4-3341. nJOT EXCFLLENT REFRIGERATOR and elec tric rente. Just reconditioned- 99 etch to private party. 1340 V. 17tn. n303 KIKBY VACUUM cleaner like ntw. In ciuding all attachmtnta plus floor polisher. CU evening or Sunday 45844. n303 QI AKEr OIL elrculater, 3 or 4-rootn s irejr ith fan. 310- 4-1116. n!04 BOY'S BICYCLE. 3d". Very good condl' t on. Phone 3-6164. 1463 Hickory after 5 : B303 CHILD CRAFT, 14 volume. 3 or maka offer. Phone 3-7830. nS04 WonUd MISCELLANEOUS WOODSY WANTS PIS no. FhOOe 3-8110. ELECTRIC 8-5116. RANGES. Woodry-a. WANTED Small Junior alia pool table. Fhon days 3-9863, evening 4-893 n3"T INVESTMENTS SMa. PIBST MOBTflAGB or apartraM. autldlni lb CerrallU. Will dluount lor ch ta lattl. aatau. Bos SOT. Capi tal Journal. .bSM" By Ham Fisher not a woflo..THerRe BOTH VOW-SOWO.' TWE rXmAW MIT 1L ACROSS IX STATE.