-). ' THlS CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem. Oregon - Friday, December 18, 1953 I ( -from- Peg in Washington -BX Washlngton, D. C, Dec. 13. Dear Marian: The annual Gridiron dinner and attendant event! gave Sec retary and Mrs. Douglas Me Kit an ei per tally busy week end. Duke Shoop, who repre sents the Kaniaa City Star in Washington and who is retir ing president of the Gridiron Club, was Secretary McKay's host at the dinner Saturday night when Republicans and Democrats alike took a ribbing - from the newspaper group. The songs and stunts have been recorded in the news services that you have read but prob ably no report was made that the wives 02 many of those at tending the dinner are invited to what is termed the "Grid iron Widows" dinner. Mrs. McKay was in this guup that was entertained at the Shore ham, while the husbands dined at the Statler. On Sunday Mr, and Mrs. Bichard Harkm he, of course, is the well' known commentator enter talned at their beautiful old Georgetown residence at brunch, which was followed in the lata afternoon by a special reception at the hotel where a repeat of the Gridiron per formance is put on for the mixed audience, giving the wives an opportunity to see the show, even if warmed over. On Friday evening the Mc Kays attended the preview of the Christmas Greens Show which is presented in the Cor coran Gallery of Art Several of the embassies provided Christmas decorations typical of their home countries. Mrs. McKay admired the entrance with a varied assortment of trees lining either side of the stairs and a huge wreath over a window of three shades of arbor vitae studded with red berries from Florida. However. she remarked that the greens shows in Salem which she has attended in the past compared more than favorably with the one in the nation's capital. The Auxiliary of the Meteor ological Society of the District asked Mrs. McKay to give a Christmas reading at its lunch eon meeting this week and "A Pint of Judgment" by Elisa beth Morrow was the story that she read. During the week Mrs. Roger Kyes, wife of the Deputy Secretary of De fense, entertained at a tea For Miss Vibbert Honoring Miss Aletha Vib i bert, who is to be married Sat urday evening of this week to Jack Utterback, Miss Feme Legler was hostess for a party and shower on Wednesday eve ning. A group of 12 was Invited, the shower being a crystal one. BOMB FBOM three months in Europe Is Dr. Mary B. Pur vine. She visited in Spain, Italy and Egypt and stopped in other countries. After land ing in New York City, Dr. Purvlne flew to Los Angeles visiting a day at Santa Bar bara with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. An drew H. Burnett, and in Ber keley a day with her daugh ter, Miss Margaret Purvlne. The Burnetts and children, With the Purchase of a Limited Number of Console Models On Our Floor NO DOWN PAYMENT (Cn Approved Credit) IN ADDITION Free Christmas Turkey k Free Home Trial -k Fjee 90-Day Service Trial All Channel Tuning All UHF & VHF First Payment Jan. 25, 1954 VALLEY TELEVISION CENTER . SALES WITH SATISFACT10H SUPERIOR SERVICE Open Eves. Till 9 ALCNI (PIG) fHILUFS- which was attended by virtual ly all of the cabinet wives. In addition to these activities, the McKays also attended a recep tion given by Dr. and Mrs. E. L. B. Elson, for visitors from Jordan. Dr. Elson is the pas tor of the National Presbyter lan Church and speaking of the church during the past week, the Secretary attended his first meeting as a newly elected member of the Board of Trustees of the church. Joe Smith, of Portland, member of the Oregon Devel opment Commission, dropped in for a chat with the Secre tary this week and the latter was interested to learn of the work of the Commission which was an outgrowth of the Governor's Committee on Industrial Development that served when the Secretary was chief executive of Ore gon. Other Oregon lans In the city have been Chief Justice and Mrs. Earl C. Latoorette, of Salem, as he has been at' tending a meeting of a spe cial committee of Chief Jus. ticea She reportedly was do. ing some "antiquing," which is always a temptation to visit ors here. George B. Wallace, Portland automobile dealer, and former "tate Senator and Mrs. Lew Wallace have been here, too. Incidentally, while we were touring the United Nations the first persons we met as we walked into the building were two Oregon couples, Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Yonnrman and Mr. and Mrs. Coleman H Wheeler, of Portland. The two men were in New York for a meeting of the National Association of Manufacturers. Mr. Youngman is vice-presi dent of Crown Zellerbach and Mr. Wheeler is president of the Santiam Lumber com pany. . Even though we have seen- many Oregonians in the east this year, it is always a surprise to encounter them when doing a bit of trlping away from Washington. Ro bert C. Fanlus, of Salem and Thomas W. Deliell, Portland, were in New York also for the NAM meeting, but our paths did not cross. Until tomorrow night, suf fice. Peg. Birthday Party Douglas Elwood, son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Elwood, ob served his fourth birthday, Thursday, his mother giving a party in the afternoon. Christ mas decorations featured the party. Feting Douglas were Karen and Tommy Salter, Shirley and Bobby Lawless, John Stone, Patrick Combest, Randy and Scott Struble, Dianne Boehmer, Bradley Pence, Carol Ann O'Connor, Dianne Elwood and Kyle Elwood, the latter two sister and brother of the little boy. Alison and Judith, and Miss Purvlne are to be in Salem for the holiday week-end, ar riving Christmas eve. SALEM STORE 2303 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 11913 mm Miss Sowa - To Be Wed On Dec. 23 Mt Angel Announce ment is made of the engage ment and approaching wed ding of Miss Anna Sowa, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Sowa of Molalla, Rt. 1, to Richard P. Phillips, U.S. navy, stationed at Port Hueneme, Calif., son of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. PhlUips of Middleton, Idaho. The ceremony will be sol emnized at a nuptial mass in St. Mary's Catholic church here Wednesday morning, De cember 23, at 9:30 o clock The Rev. Cyril Lebold, OSB, will officiate. The bride-elect, a June 1852 graduate of Mt Angel academy, is a freshman at Mt Angel Women's college. A surprise kitchen shower and no-host luncheon were given in ber honor Monday noon in the college lounge by the college freshman class. Alumnae Entertained Kappa Delta alumnae gath ered at the home of Mrs. H. M. McDaniel for their annual Christmas party last evening. Gifts were exchanged, carols sung and a musical program presented by Mrs. Harris Lietz. Mrs. Ralph Slpprell was co- hostess. Attending were Mrs. Hope Edwards, Mrs. John Ficklln, Mrs. Harris Lietz, Mrs. Robert Hoftetter, Mrs. F. G. Rankin, Mrs. J. B. Monnette, Mrs. Wil liam Ashby, Mrs. George Bag- nail, Mrs. Peter Stoltenberg, Mrs. J. E. Warnock, Mrs. Leo G. Johnson, Mrs. Floyd Col- burn, Mrs. Eugene Mannock, Miss Arlene Sholseth and the two hostesses. Joint Installation For USWV Groups J lint installation for the Hal Hibbard camp. United Spanish War Veterans, and the tuxiliary took place at the Sa lem Woman's club house Thursday night Installed as president of the auxiliary was Mrs. Johanna Perry, and as commander of the camp waa S. H. Cable. Installing officer for the camp was Dr. W. E. Buchan an of Eugene, department com mander of the United Spanish War Veterans of Oregon. Mrs. Bessie Sutton, Corvallis. de partment president of the aux iliary, installed the auxiliary officers. The installation cer emony was preceded by a din ner at which 50 members were present Officers Listed The following officers have been nominated for Salem Toastmasters club: Mrs. A. J. Ullman, president; Mrs. Mar lon Wooden, vice president; Mrs. Ethel Niles, treasurer; Mrs. Robert Morrow, secre tary, and Mrs. Edwin White, corresponding secretary. Open Sunday 1 P.M. lo 6 P.M. Capital Edited by MARIAN YW Girls Plan for Holidays Christmas activities of the Try-Y and-Y-Teen groups are off to a good start beginning with the all-city Snowball dance at the Marion hotel last week, and continuing until Christmas. Among the projects sponsor ed by YWCA groups will be the "banging of the greens. Members of the Try-Y groups will Join with those of the YMCA in decorating the posfi office, hospitals, Methodist old folks home and Hillcrest Miss Joline Matthew is chair man of the project One of the projects already completed Is the decorating of the YWCA which was finished last week by members of the Parish 9th group. Many of the Try Y and Y-Teen youths hsve been Christmas carolling ind will continue through this week. Another civic project plan ned by the groups is the pre paring of Christmas baskets for the needy. Members of the Margaret Mead group are col lecting old toys for Christmas gifts to needy children. Sunday Wedding Pleasantdale Miss Freda Cooper, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Cooper o'. Maiden, Missouri, and Albert J. McFarlane, son of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd McFarlane of Day ton, will be united in mar riage Sunday, December 20 at the Maiden Air Base chapel, and will leave immediately for Oregon to spend the holi days here with his parents. On December 16 Mr. McFar- lane was graduated from ca det training with the commis sion of second lieutenant, and received his pilot's wings; I THE X -v I m Jt " 4 too ... ttio tomous noemor l Shoo sow. j J VJ s " P"1' r9,lf Py only $1 A i"1 or C0B P"'r' Htrt't your chenc to buy if l,ot pfl'r ''y holidoy shoes for $1 . . . c , olong with another poir ot regulor priet ... DONT MISS THIS 116 OPPORTUNITY! j BUY ONE PAIR AT mm 7nnn DAI ' j ORIGINAL PRICE OVER 2000 PAIR 1 1 BUY SECOND PAIR OF NATIONALLY AD- A for j VERTISED SHOES IN- JV $ 1 0 0 A CLUDED IB SALE Jj, All from Regular Stock! $ tbr W9h l0W' Medium Hcels! f I Assortment of w Colors and Styles! Women LOWBT FISCHER Garfield Schools Parents Entertained A greens sale at the meeting of Garfled Mothers and Dads club proved a successful money making project when the group met this week. ' , For the program. Dr. Walter E. Snyder, ctiy superintendent of schools, spoke and showed the movie, "Skippy and the SRs." He was introduced by Dr. Charles Derthick. Carols were u n g by the fifth and sixth grades. Fifth grade mothers were hostesses, Mrs. Edwin Sahno and Mrs. Ronald Ross as room mothers. Cootiette Club Cootiette club No. 140 met recently at the home of Mrs. Paul Slaughter. Mrs. Margaret Biery and Mrs. Dorothy Kurd of Cootiette club No. 308 of Portland, were guests. Plans were made for the adoption of a needy family for the holidays, club members to furnish food for Christmas din ner and clothing and toys for the children of the family. The annual Christmas party for Cooties and Cootiettes will be the evening of Jan. 1 at the Veterans of Foreign Wars hall. After the meeting, a buffet supper was served by the host ess Mrs. Slaughter. The next meeting will be January 8 at the home of Mrs. Arvin Strayer, 555 Locust St. Huffman-Camm Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Starnes announce the marriage of their daughter, Miss Ruth Camm, to John Huffman, the wedding being December 16 in Vancouver, Wash. The ceremony was at 11:30 o'clock in the parsonage of the Rev. Paul Kunzman who officiated at the service. Mr. and Mrs. Starnes and Mrs. Boyd Wellmschen were present for the service. The couple will be at home In Salem. Some Notations... Thursday' was a party day for this department, two charmingly arranged Christ mas time events being on the calendar. . . Mrs. Chester Loe was hosteu during the morning for her annual "Jul koffee," a de lightful affair featuring Nor wegian goodies. . . Guests were invited to call between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. ... It is an antici pated event this party, an occasion to emphasize how nice it is for her friends when one shsres her accom plishments with others. . . Mrs. Loe makes all her own holiday pastries from recipes from her mother and grandmother, and her coffee table Thursday was 1 1 k e a picture-book one. . . There were heaping plates of fattigman, lefse, rosettes, Nor wegian Christmas breed or Julekake; spriti, Christmas rocks or fruit cookies, and butter fingers, all perfect in form and taste. . . The table, too, was beautifully decorated, covered with a dark green cloth, the centerpiece a large Jewel Christmas tree made by Mrs. Loe, with smaller Jewel ed trees and strands of green beads around it. . . . Greeting guests on the door was a pretty swag. . . The mantel featured silvered greens with a white branch at one side, decked with tiny red ornaments, white candles at the other end. Decorative candles were here and there around the room. Greeted during our call were Mrs. James T. Brand, Mrs. Robert Y. Thornton, Mrs. A. B. Davis, Mrs. Raymond Bnsick, Mrs. Rnssel E. Pratt, Mrs. Ralph Wirth, Mrs. George Rossman, Mrs. Guy N. Hickok, Mrs. William Crothers, Mrs. William C. Perry, Mrs. John Lewis, Mrs. Garlen L. Simp son, Mrs. Kenneth Potts, Mrs. J. B. Monnette, Mrs. Robert B. Ebereole, Mrs. Arnold Krue ger, Mrs. William H. Ham mond, Mrs. Csrl Quistad, Mrs. Roscoe Wilson, Mrs. G. Herbert Smith, Mrs. Harry S. Donnan, Mrs. Frank Bnrllngham, Mrs. C o b n r n Grabenhorst, Mrs. Robert Cannon, Mrs. Al- By M.L.F. bert C. Graff. Mrs. Paul N. Poling; from Albany, Mrs, Neal Craig; from Newberg, Mrs. King Cady, Mis. Cirawa Fer guson, Mrs. M. E. Doastoa. . One of the most "Christ- snasy" homes we've seen this season is the Ralph W. John son residence atop Fairmount Hill, the scene for a brunch for which Mrs. Johnson and Mrs, H. M. Boesch entertained Thursday between 10:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. . . . Cheery candles burn here and there and greens arrangements are all about through the rooms. . . Eye-catching is the tree set up in front of the big window in the living room. . . It is all white, decorated only with bright red balls and red satin ribbons. . . Suggesting the new year and spring are not too far away was the beautifully set eoffee table in the dining rroom with its touch of fresh flowers. . . The cloth was a pretty green one and at o n e corner at the back was a large bouquet of pale lavender chrysanthemums along with heather. On the door to wel come guests was a large greet ing card type of arrangement with greens over one corner. For "seconds" the guestj sip ped their coffee in the atttrac tive den where Merry Christ mas streamers were festooned across the fireplace mantel. Among those greeted during our call, Mrs. Earl C. Latoor ette, Mrs. Wlll'am J. Braun, Mrs. LeRoy J. Stewart, Mrs. Henry A. Simmons, Mrs. G. E, McCormick, Mrs. Edwin Keech, Mrs. Peter H. Geiser, Mrs. Charles D. Wood, Mrs. A. W. Loucks, Mrs. John H. John son, Mrs. Lewis D, Clark, Mrs. EvVrett Holmes, Mrs. Eddie Ahrens, Mrs. Lionel Trommliti, Mrs. Charles Vavrlck, Mrs. Jack Price, Mrs. Mark Gehlar, Furs Exclusively For 35 Years LACHELLES 1348 Ferry St i j ii Mrs. Tem Wlndlshar. Mrs. X. A, Lebold, Mrs. Tons H. Daa. aasa, Mrs. Boy Tadd, Mrs, Bay Earlaad, Mrs. Paal Kobia. sea, Mrs. L. A. 8 tea back, Mrs. J. Edgar Re ay, Mrs. A. L. Elvla, Mrs. C. F. Xeayea, Mrs. F. E. Kenyan. . . ... Days can be pretty rushed and hectic during these times, but how quickly all the pres sure and snapping nerves can be forgotten when someone does a friendly deed. . , And so it happened for this writer the other .evening when upon going home late In the evening to find at the door a beautiful Chris Unas tree and along with it a collection of greens ce dar, pine, hemlock, Oregon grape, etc., all left to deck the home. . . It's a nice old world, after all, thsnks to friends. . . , Gold Star Mothers Christmas party of the Am erican Gold Star Mothers was an event of Thursday night at .the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Lappin. Assisting hostesses were Mrs. Laura Johnson, Mrs. Lloyd Kennedy, Mrs. Frank Young, Mrs. Maude Dutton. Gifts were exchanged among members and a Christmas box prepared for a needy family. Next meeting will be a bus iness session January 7 at the Veterans of Foreign Wars hall. For Bride-Elect Miss Jodelle Parker enter tained Sunday at a party and shower to honor Miss Shirley Koutny, bride-elect of Wayne Mercer. Attending the party, a mis cellaneous shower, were Mrs. Ralph Mercer, Mrs. Lade Kout ny, Mrs. Florence Perkins, Mrs. Byron B. Herrick, Mrs. Edward Koutny, Mrs. Carl Vogle, Mrs. Virgil Parker, Miss Jeanette Weber, Miss JoAnn Windishar, Miss Dolorse Koutny, Miss Pat sy Ackerman, and the hostess. Is Yonr Fuel BUI Over A Month? . Better Convert to ' Continental Radiant GLASSHEAT 1548 Fairgrounds Road Phone 4-M6S