rridiy. DeeMibcr 18, 1953 ! RETURN TO SCENE OF CRIME 1 I ! 1"! THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Wem, OregM b ti v. fi h J el B Ir II i S H Ol III d cc w L ol I u.r.m.. A ltiv Jnhn Manrlnl t center Robert N. Malm (right). If taken to the backysrd ipot in Hart ford, ConiL, where 11-year-old Irene Flederowict was strangled. With them la Timet' reporter Don Hogan (left). Hartford police say "Malm confessed the ilaying. (UP Telephoto.) Dallas Author Publishes Book Dallas A Dallas man will autograph his latest book at the Dallas book store at 10:30 a.m. Saturday. , "Hi, Everybody!", a book of poems written by Charles Gtovall of Dallas and recently published by P.igeant Press of New York, has been on sale for a comparatively short time. The volume consists of 55 pages of poems and photo graphs taken by the author, and others used through the courtesy of the U. S. Fish and Wildlife forest service and the U. S. forest service. Stovell states that the Idea for the book came In 1040 when he was snowbound in logging operations of the Wil lamette Valley Lumber 'com pany. Being called upon by the children of the camp, who were well acquainted with his songs and stories, he en tertained them during the dreary days that the camp was snowbound. Since the children were thrilled with his produc tions, he decided to publish the book so that more children could enjoy it. The author dedicates his "Hi-Everybody!" to his grand children and to Neil Smith, who was cared for by Mrs. Stovell during the first years of bis life. After following the teaching profession for 10 years, he decided to change his occupation to logging. Mrs. Stovell is teacher In the Morrison school Small Farmer May Expand those in towns more then the size of Dallas. Mr. and Mrs. Kliever will leave the day after Christmas for the islands and expect to return Jan. 5. Going by West ern airlines, they will join a party composed of eight other leading salesmen and their wives, and nine sales managers and their wives, who competed in a separate contest. Wsikikl beach will be the center of the activities for the party. Davenport in 'Copter Crash Nashville. Ga. VP) Col. Dean Davenport, Portland, Ore., one of the famous Doo- little fliers who made the first air raid on Tokyo, was injured slightly Thursday in a helicop ter crash. Now commander of the 3550th Training Group at Moody Air Base in Valdosta, Ga., he was aboard a helicop ter sent to look for wreckage ot a jet training plane that had crashed The hellco-ter found the wreckage, and the dead pilot, 1st Lt Thomas Ray Murray, Nederland, Tex. But the hell- copter crashed in a com field. No one aboard the helicopter was hurt seriously. Davenport t B-25, which took part in the Tokyo raid in World War II, crashed on the China coast and he and other crew members were conducted by friendly Chinese to freedom. Western Veneer Takes Bill Affolfer Dallas Bill AHolter, assist ant aales manager of the Wil lamette Valley Lumber com pany, will assume a new roll when he takes over the sales management of the Western Vneer company at Lacomb, December 18, according to Ar thur Qulrin, manager of the Washington UP) Secretary of Interior McKay said Thurs day that farmers on federal ir rigation projects whose farms fly may now be .ble to enlarge P1?11 Lumber Co. r MPhnn.. th nniu i h A f toiler will commute be- iwtrn junction vny ann ia- AnmVi via TjiratnAft until Ta!. Reclamation C o mmlasloner ruBry' wne ln lfl f(ic of the plywood concern will be moved to Lebanon. Affolter has been with this desire. w. A. Dexheimer ssid in a statement that settlers on fed eral projects who consider their farms too small should contact reclamation officials in charge of the project on which their farm units are located. He said the new or enlarged unit may not exceed 320 acres, of which not more than 160 acres may be irrigated. Dallas Salesman Wins Hawaii Trip Dallas Ray Kliever, auto salesman for J. A. Inglis Mo tor company, has been award ed a ten-day expense paid trip to Hawaii for himself and his wife, by being one of the lead ing Ford salesmen in the Pa cific northwest. Kliever'e selling record was 455 points for selling 89 cars and trucks since Sept. 21. He was in the lead in his division several times since the start of the contest. Some cash is in eluded in the award. Since all agencies of the northwest were Included in the contest, regardless of size, Kliever was competing with the larger agencies as well as company since returning from the Korean war theater. Prior to that he was manager of the Dallas Lumber and Supply company. His fsmily will remain in Dallas for the present. Cffi) TALLMAN'S If) XMAS PIANO SALE II tUMa Una iW Xt Drtltvrv. lavaata Btain Natl Yaa.fl1 rrzrN V at awn warn V f SPINETS $393 UP 8m a! 1 Mahottn Bplbat ,,..1H mu4lo Spinal 191 II a ton fc Hamlin CobmI plnfl jaj Barb Spina 431 tlaiitr Spin ... ttt H Uabofant spinal .. $l Htlowr Oenanl Spinet .... tu TJ H Blond Spinal IH TU Ntw RaUal Pari Ppttlfft T ?! Hr L!rr4 Oak Spina I . MT Mt Haw Rater Rum Spinal . MT till franc ta Provincial Spinal TM Man Othari Grands $427 up Ow Mft Plan tlarratM tprtrhti S9 Up ftai Trrtna Wa Cwtr Tatar Caalrtvt Open Every tr: EST. law TALLMAN PIANO STORES m a. Ittfc, Satata ti. J Wli. Fay Haw tv I AIIANfMIHTrl A itfeit or TNIII MttlTIV1 aeteaani esMifMS AT A MHCE YOU WOUtD EXPECT TO PAY FOR OftOfNARY FURNITURE 9 iiesnaii ml IMm' 4&uni awsaanpsVa arf ttrnf IMMf n.ilr.cllo m 3 ViluslmiJ WnJoi film IM raoan. lk Ot mt m4 tort ahitk tm I Ml r Mrf m " t V S W pmliSi fmi M 1 as.iiilli J.- km- I asf rIWIl HOSTESS CHAIR Regular Value $44.95 Krochlt r fashionable Hostess chair. Coil spring construction, button tufted bock, styled for eosy relaxa tion. Many attractive cavers f rani which fa choose. 6-WAY FLOOR LAMPS "The Gift That Anyone . Can Always Use" Reg.$15.95 $Q95 7 END TABLES Unbelievably Low Prices SAMPSON CARD TABLES ONE OF A KIND-CLOSEOUT ON DISCONTINUED MODELS 41 TO CHOOSE FROM HURRY! HURRY! HURRY! THEY WONT LAST AT THIS PRICE f nuismtfuintiuitiiirmiictiimriiiuiiu I SALEM OREGON CITY J 260 STATE ST. No Down Payment on Our Approved Credit $295 2nf 3 M. 4-3333