THE CAPITAL JOI RNAI, Faleaj. Orccra Fridiy. Peeemher IS. 1953 In The Valley Edited ftUU FOBBES Woodburn Woodburn Member of the staff of the Woodburn brinch of the Flrit National Bank of Portland enjoyed a turkey din ner and Chriitmai party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Seely. Camea were planned by Mist Darlene Oitrora and winning prises were Mri. Seely, Mn. Earl Houaeweart, Mri. Lloyd Froom and Miss Maybelle Alcber. . Preient were Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Froom and daughter! Cynthia and Carol, Mr. and Mri. Melvln Bilyeu and Dickie, Mr. and Mn. Robert Smith, Mr. and Mr. Earl Houaeweart, Mitt Virginia Klrsch, Mickey McCIure. Mitt Darlene Oitrom, Dtck Murphy, Miaa Dorothy Miller. Byron Schriever, Mlia MaybtUe Aicher, Otto Halter. Wilbur Green and the host, Mr. and Mra. Lyman Seely, Charlotte and Douglaa. Tbe Woodburn Boy 3 e o ut troop was boat to the Silver FaUa district court of honor Tnsoday eveslag at the Wih ingtoet acbeel la Woodburn. The kacal trecav. directed by Seairr Patrml Leader Tommy Sail. tmutri the opening riiiiaiimi. storatt pactsrea takes at te wtirmal cboree l.'tilUlBiHlll Ok (VBH ' Ring tub max novnr Femrt Tmtkm. Brtu Tim if HOLLYWOOD UM 1LATINU - l:e U : l FMK CHKI8TMA8 TKUT CARTOONS - SERIAL Spreial Mi tint Feature: "TRAIL OF ROBIN HOOD" Rr Recera Trigger alt Beam's Birthday Cake for John Kraft, Linda Fade, Mike Yeanr, Jury Fen. Canaie White, Bhiro Thraaberry, John Beard, Kaesri Bawandar, Dale Whitehant, FraMes Tn ear, Bakert Doteaa. Mmrllyna Rlpa, Cant Christie, Jerry Whitehant, East. DeeMns, Alice Relnwald. Judith Rerber, Oary Blfler, Jean Bewen. Aa drey Daris, Steven Brltfi, Eaim Kekerman, euum Riley, Gary Allbon, (dummy Hasten, Kicky Bell, Jimr Rebenen, Unda Dent, Kathleen Mix, Tern Water, Janice Badeauh tr. ACORNS FROM THE WITH Ml MUNI PUR5I STRINGS TIGHT? That's what this friend told me the other day. "Del" he says, "either the cost of living Is up or xmai nas got me. Seems like everything is higher this year than last! "Aha." says I. "Friend," 1 says, "When you ssy everything please exclude the cost of din ing in comfort in the Marlon Hotel dining room. "Aw," aaya he, "I bet you cnarge more tor your meals too!'p "Oh you do. huh?" savs I "Well take a look at this!" I drag out last year'a menu and compare it to tnts year s. "Not only do we not charge more, i proudly state, "we even have more special dinners now. Fsmily meals . . . com plete dinners for 11.23 .. . chil dren's portions . , . bla, bla, oia. "Well." the friend savs. "then maybe you don't give people as snucn: "Ok, Ok," 1 answer. "You talked me into it. Come on in and have dinner on me. "Well." he says, wiping away the last crumbs. "I guess I'll eat my words, too. It this ts a sample, the quality's still here. Guess it won't bust me up to entov a mesl at the Hotel Mar ion once in awhile!" So he's still my friend. Remember In Sslem It's the HOTEL MARIOH Phone. 3-4 123 DANCE Mi 4. a nrwci or rat TMBW Tu aeraje. Mi iai "CACTUS" JACK KIZZIAH aad bla Texaa Ramblers, pins Several Gaeate and Tommy AGAIN! Dickson's "85 o ' IH Miles Seath ef Salem at 12th 8L Junctlen were ihown. Among the advancement! awarded by Floyd McLin of Aurora was second class rank to three Woodburn Scouts, Tommy Fry, Larry Hurst and Harold Smith. John Friend of Hubbard, Jerry Koenlg and Larry Bright of Woodburn, were given the initiatory degree by Woodburn chapter of DeMolay Wednes day night at the Masonic Tem ple. Announcement was made of the party for the DeMolay boys and guests December 30. The next regular meeting will be January 6. Following the meeting the boys Joined a group of Rain bow carolers for refreshments In the dining room. The annual Christmas party for the Firemen's auxiliary with the firemen a hosts will be Saturday night, December It, and will begin with ban quet at 7:30 p.m. at the Le gion hall. Tbe regular meet ing of the auxiliary was held Thursday night at the fire hall with Mra. Jack Bush and Mrs. Fred Kinns, Jr.. aa hostesses. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald E. (Gary) Butcher an parents of a six-pound daughter, Andrea, bora December 1 at the Woodburn hospital The little I girl has small brother, Rich-1 ara. Dayton Dayton Mr. and Mrs. J. Marlon O'Brien and daugh ter Sharon, of Florence, spent three days in the home of her aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Earle Co burn, last week. Mrs. O'Brien is showing much improve ment since her recent Illness. They were here for a check with her doctors In Portland. Mr. ad Mra. John Freeborn and family were dinner guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Freeborn, Sr., In Salem on Sunday. . Mr. and Mrs. Lea Ritchie have temporarily closed the S no-White Snack shop during the winter months. They plan to open In April. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hun' ter and children and Mr. and Mrs. John Ksslln and daugh ter, of Milwaukle, enjoyed din ner at Waddell's, Sunday. They later visited the zoo and saw Rosie in her new home. Week-end guests of Mrs. Laura Bartrutf were her sister, Mrs. Marcia Humprey of Sa lem, and her daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Alva Huntly and children of Portland and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tompkins and Rebecca of Grand Island. About 00 Dayton Lions, their wives and guests, enjoyed Christmas party and dinner at the Oirental Gardens cafe, near McMinnvllle. Monday ev ening. Kenneth Hunter, pres ident of the Dayton Lions club, and his committee of Les Ritchie, Les Leach and John Howard planned the program. The congregation of the Christian church in Dayton had a pleasant surprise re cently when a spinet Ham mond electric organ was pre sented to the church by Mr. nd Mr' RoV WiU Fairview Fairview A large gather ing of patrons attended the December meeting of the Fair view Community club held at the achoolhouse Monday even ing. Mrs. Alley of Amity gave selections on bells; Rev. Alley of Amity gsve magic demon strations; Mr. Height of Amity game several selection of mus ic on a saw, and Mrs. John Johnson whistled. Piano solos were by Lester Stephens and Wallace Wood. Charlea H. McKee waa chair man of the program commit tee. Mrs. Ross Rogers and Mrs. w. j. Mariey win De program committee for the January meeting. Stayton Stayton Immunizations were given to 30 pre-school sge children, two smallpox vacci nations and five tuberculin tests were given at tne nurs ing clinic Mondsy, Dec. 14. The next clinic will be Dec 21 from 9:30 a.m. until 2:30 p.m. at the Women's clubhouse In Stayton with volunteers from the Mehsma Women's Club assisting the county health nurses. Appointments may be made by phoning Mrs. Philip Bogstad. 4095. IVWY SATURDAY NI6H! Central Howell Central Howell Members of the Nemo Club met at the home of Mrs. Milton Kephart for their Christmas party- Mrs. Ernest Roth was co-bo tru. The business meeting was conducted by Mrs. Ernest Roth, chairman, assisted by Mrs, Kephart, secretary. A field trip will be taken later In the spring. Several members exhibited Christmas candles made with Parowax and with Glowax. Showing candles were Mrs. Rsy McKibbeo, Mrs. Harry McKibben and Mrs. Kephart Clothes and various other ar ticles were . brought by the members to be sent to Korean children. Mrs. Donald Kuenii and Mrs. Harvey Lively are In charge.. Each member waa prepared to contribute something to ward the program.. Miss Sharon Wells assisted the hostesses at the serving hour. Members present were Mesdames D. D. Kuenii, Clar ence Simmons. Jr., Harvey Lively, Leonard Roth, Maurice Hymes, Clarence Simmons, Sr.', Ed Hymes, Frank Way, Nellie Tuve, Earl Schar, George Plane, Will Roth, Harry Mc Kibben, Perle Wood, Ray Me Kibbon, Everett Milne and the bostessea.'' The January meeting will be at the home of Mra. Donald Kuenii. The Christmas program by the children of the grade school will be given on tbe evening of December S3 at the achool house. Mrs. Wolfard and Mrs. McCIure are in charge with Mrs. Harvey Lively pianist. Mrs. W. A. Roth returned home Wednesday after spend' lng a week In Portalnd get ting acquainted with a new granddaughter, Patricia Ann, recently arrived at the home or Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beach. The Beaches have an older daughter, Sharon. ' Mr. and Mrs. Robert Roth are. expected home soon from their wedding trip. Their mar riage occurred November 14 at the SUverton M. E. church. Recent guests at the Frank Way home were their daugh ter, Helen, of Los Angeles, also Mr. and Mrs. George Eck lund of Mead, Neb., parents of Mrs. Robert Way, whose home is at Fremont, Neb. Miss Zetta Carder' of Los Angelas, aunt of Mrs. Way and Mra. Alvln Krug and the Wikoff brothers, was also visiting here and in Bush Creek at the Krug home. Mr. and Mrs. George Plane had as their guests recently her sister and husband and a niece, Mr. and Mrs. Will Saul- cy of Loveland, Colo., and Mrs. D. B. Dennis of La Salle, Colo. The Planes and their guests spent several days at the coast and entertained while there at dinner, additional guests from here were Mr. and Mrs. Clar ence Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. Milo Wilcox. Recent news from the visitors who are now at home, tells of extremely cold weather In the Rockies. Central Howell Farmers Un ion will meet In regular session Monday evening, December 21. Due to the absence of Chair man Silas Torvend, Vice-chair man Clarence Johnson will preside. Me Till S:St IN TECHNICOLOR JAMES OAONEY IN "A Lion Is in The Street" ALSO REX ALLEN IN 'Down Laredo Way wnas a-eree HOCK HUDSON "lack f tee"! (airf In TechBlceler Victor Mature Marl 3lanchr4 "Veils ef loaded" In Technicolor meai s-eoee NOW PLAYING MARK STEVENS IN "JACK SLADE" e BOWERY BOYS "fRIVATI IYIS" las r nuns Boys & Girls Tomorrow at 12:30 SPECIAL KIDS SHOW Sea ... "The Great Adren tares ef Captala Ktdd" t Cartoon Jamea Cagaey "A LION IS IN TBI STREET Rex Allen In "DOWN LAREDO WAT" SHOPPING DAYS TO CHRISTMAS Fruit! and Fruitland The Christmas program at Fruitland achool will be Monday night, Dec 21, at S o'clock at the echool houae. The Sunday achool program at the Fruitland church will be at the church Sunday, Dec. 20, at 7:30 p.m. Fruitland Women's circle met at the church annex Tues day for the annual Christmas dinner. Places were set for thirty-two women. In the afternoon, Polly Anna pal names were drawn for next year. Pals were revealed. Mra. WlUiam Anderson di rected the program. A letter was read from a former member, Mrs. Lillian Yellon, who lives in Idaho now. She also sent a Christmas wreath to be used in the church. Cther program numbera were: Reading, Walter Wag nor; vocal solo, Kay Wagnor, reading, Mrs. Arthur Dalke; vocal solo, Walter Wagnor; ac ccordion numbers, Miss Evely Fischer; reading, Mrs. Will Anderson. Mrs. Ellen Silke led the singing. Mrs. Glddens waa at the piano. Grand Island Grand Island Mrs. Susie Douglas, Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Douglaa of Grand Island, were Sunday afternoon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Erwln Douglaa and their new son, Daniel Lee, at Sauvies island. Miss Marcena D. Fowler of Grand Island and Robert Mon roe of Unity district have re turned to O. S. C. at Corvallis after being called home by the death o this mother, Mrs. Harry Monroe, Dec. 0. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Will. Kenneth and Larry, were Sun day afternoon callers at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Will, and grandpar ents, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Will, Sr. DANCE Silvartoit Armory Sat. Night, Dec. 19 W Featuring Tommy Klsslah and Hia West Coast Ramblers DANCE t P.M. TO 12:30 ADM. 11.00 Tax Inc. Bpsnsered by V.F.W. ef Sllrer Ion SWIFT GRADE A OVEN-READY HEN TURKEYS lb, 63 Turkeys n. 33 Frozen Fryers . . . . . i.. 39' PURE Ground Beef 25' Steak T-Bone, Rib lb. 35' Beef Roast . 23 BONELESS Pork Roast . . . . . fc 49' Farm Fresh AA Grade Ocean Spray EGGS 59 craysauce ALL POPULAR BRANDS tm foi W V C0F5L,!b:79 ED'S MARKET SWIFT'S 81ifhtMT Dcotd 1120 So 12th St. PEANUT BUTTER nTtn3.. 5.1b. If 4? S10RE HOUBS 7 TO 11 D ., I PRICES IFFICTIVl FRIDAY "II THRU THURSDAY Turner Turner Mrs. Floyd Miller of Coos Bay spent laat week end visiting iends. Mrs. L. E. Peterson accompanied her to Eugene to visit Mr. Miller who underwent a recent major op eration. Sunshine club met at the home of Mrs. Manuel Keene Tuesday afternoon for the an nual Christmas party. Present were Mrs. E. E. BaU, Mrs. Wal ter Miller. Mrs. Arnold Phil lips, Mrs. Walter Harris, Mrs. Ada Rose, Mrs. Lawrence Brown, Mrs. Lva Sidwell, Mrs. Lloyd Sidwell, Janice and James, Mrs. Robert Mitchell and Helen, and Miss Mary Dis- brow. Mrs. Iva Sidwell has re turned from a vacation In Longiew, Wash. Mr. and Mra. Lloyd Sidwell, Janice and James last week end in Milwaukie. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mitch ell and Mr. and Mra. Roy Van Ottingham spent Sunday In Washougal. Wash., visiting Mr. and Mra. Leo Martin. Joint installation of Pearl lodge and Victoria chapter will be held In the Masonic hall Sat Dec. 19. 'LA ua'si a r- si:- m m ran M II 1 V "ciRcus-PCTs.:i PINK KtTTVV "ID CLOWN ROYAL BLUE BEAR, LIOHT BLUE BUNNT HUNDREDS OP XMAI IIFTJ Mrs. Helen Plckard arrived larl week from Vancouver, B. C. to visit ber daughter and ' family, Mra. Robert Mitchell. Mrs. Plckard plana to leave in February for a vacation in Cen terville, Ne7 Brunswick. This will be her first visit to her home town in 40 years.- Mrs. Manuel Keene and Gary will leave Friday for Seattle to at tend the wedding of her sis ter. . Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Coville ara In California. Airplane designers expect to have airliners In a few years Which can leave New York at noon and arrfre in Los An geles at noon the same day. POOR BOY SANDWICH At NORTH'S 1171 Center 8t . oiam lUNunoR Sentb ea -E CLOSED FOR VACATION Watch for Opening Date ' CHILDREN 99 HILDniri SIZES S TO 10 AT THIS INE LOW MUK 176 N. Liberty Ope barf MoM U9P.M. $aving At the Foot of the Bridge W. Salem OPEN EVERY DAY PRICES GOOD FRIDAY &mmm U.S. No. 2 RADISHES AND CREEK NffAVOB 50 65 An Avocado Free of extra charge With Each Quart of Best Foods MAYONNAISE 65" Quart Avocado li Mayonnaise Spread Over Kritpy Crackers Mmpiea ruts Sunshine Krispy Crackers LS LIMIT FIG BARS 25-ft. Roll Reynolds fl Aluminum mi ,,. IV Good Smoked Frankfurters Country Style Sausage Po,k ib EASTERN OREGON BABY BEEF YOUNG AND TENDER Your Satisfaction Guaranteed! 100 Pure leaf HAMBURGER L..25e CHUCK ROASTS ...Lb.29c RIB STEAKS lb 29e SIRLOIN STEAKS Lb.39c T-BONE STEAKS L..39c SWISS STEAKS lb. 39c STEWING MEAT Lb. 15c HALF or WHOLE LOCKER Centers I7 Mile North of the Underpass Salem 8 A.N. TO 10 P.M. - SATURDAY - SUNDAY LIMIT LIMIT OHIOHS 310c Quart LIMIT rriaay a Saturday f 2 k 39 LIMIT LIMIT Flavor 19 ib. LIMIT 29 LIMIT 25' BEEF Pound