Friday, December 18 19S3 THE- CAPITAL JOURNAL. Sale. OrereV ..ratine:: HIS MOST IMPORTANT MISSION PSsasantdale RELEASED SPECIFIED BY COURT ST Airman 1e William L. Randall (left) of OUa, La, Ulkj to reporter Frank Jordan on his arrival at Seoul City air port. Randall is on his way to Panmunjom to attempt to talk his boyhood friend into renouncing communism. Randall grew up with Cpl. Aaron P. Wilson of neighbor ing town of Urania, La., one of 22 Americans who have refused to leave their Red captors. (UP Telephoto.) Lyons Webfoot Lyons The Christmas story will be told in both word and song at the Lyons Community Methodist church, Sunday morning, Dec, 20, from 11 to 12. The topic of Rev. Sheriff's sermon will be "The Star." Sa cred overtures will be present ed by the church orchestra. Song service will be furnished by the junior choir. The annual program by the Mari-Linn school will be held in the gym Friday evening. Dec. 18. There will be treats' furnished by the Mari-Linn PTA. The social meeting and Christmas party of the Santiam 4 Valley Grange will be held at the Grange hall Thursday eve- fning. Dec. 17. With a gift ex change. The regular meeting of Faith Rebekah lodge will be held Dec. 23, followed by their annual Christmas party and gift exchange. Secret pal names will be revealed and new ones drawn for another year. f Donna Lu, small daughter of i Mr. and Mrs. Donald Huber, is ; in the Doernbecher hospital In : Portland. She was taken there i Friday and will remain several . days under observation. Mr. and Mrs. Alwood Aron 4 son, Ray and Paul went to apringiieia dunoay, wnere iney were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Christenson, for mer residents of Lyons. Don Remmenga of Seattle was a Saturday night guest at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Remmenga, returning to Seattle on Sunday morning. Miss Wanda Mills, from Denver, is now a guest at the Remmenga home. Mrs. Bessie BeBoer from El wood, Neb., as a guest at the home of her sister, Mrs. An ne Lechleitner. She will also visit at the Albert Remmenga home. She Is an aunt of Mr. Hemmenga. Mrs. W. W. Carter and little daughter have returned to their home here from Anchorage. Al aska. Mr. Carter is expected about Christmas time. Pfc. Donald Kuiken, from Fort Lewis, spent the week end in Lyons with his wife. He also visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Art Baltzer, also his mother, Mrs. Elva Kuiken. Members of the Lyons Ex tension unit held their phrist mas party and gift exchange at the home of Mrs. Ivan Smith recently. Mrs. Harvey Grimes won the cake. The next reg ular meeting will be held Jan. IS. At that time Mrs. Joe Johnson and Mrs. Ivan Smith will give a demonstration on "Copper Tooling." At the close of the meeting Mrs. Smith served refreshments to Mes riames John Prideaux. Alex Bo deker. Floyd Bassett. Charles Cruson,. Marvin Edwards, Al wood Aronson, Harvey Grimes, Alvin Palmer, Eugene Sperle, Earl Thayer, Donald McWhtrk, William Hargin and Glen Jul ian. Claudie Johnson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Johnson, re ceived laceratonls of the face, hands and arms, necessitating several stitches to close the wounds when she met with a Eighteen members of the Country Flower club attend ed the December meeting held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Benedict in the Web foot district Wednesday. Dinner was a one o'clock luncheon. Mrs. Carl Wood acted as auctioneer for a sale that net ted $24. A Christmas gift ex change was held. Attending were Mesdamea John Allison, Sam Alexander, Stephen Benedict, Marion Boulden, Robert Boynton, Ger ald Hadley, John Hardy, John Heffley, J. A. McFarlane, Glen McFarlane, H. A. Murphy, J. M. Murphy, Harold Parker, Carl Melzer, James Penland, Claire Rcichstein, James Watts and Carl Wood. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Boynton. Sheridan Sheridan The Sheridan Chapter No. 88, OES, met Tues day to elect officer for. the coming year. Elected as worthy matron was Lucille Board worthy patron, Don Menden- hall; associate matron, Alice Knox of Grand Ronde; asso ciate patron, Melvin Agee; sec retary, Letha Browning; tress urer, Lucille Smith; conduc tress, Aladeen O'Dell; and as sociate conductress, Bessie Thurber. The retiring worthy matron and worthy patron, Irene and Kenneth Smith of Willamlna. were honored with a "Last Round-up" degree, and pre sented with gifts from their officers, who were garbed in cowgirl and cowboy outfits. Musical numbers were en joyed, and refreshments served followed by a Christmas gift exchange. The January meeting will feature the in stallation of the new officers, Mrs. Margaret Neely was hostess to the members of the Past Noble Grands meeting for December. A Christmas party was enjoyed after the business meeting, and cards were in play. Those present were Mrs. Grace Bradley, Mrs. Glen Rob erts, Mrs. Frank Pratt, Mrs. Clarence Wright, Mrs. Perry Newton, Mrs. Opal Lux, Mrs. Letitia Haas, Mrs. Stacy Kil mer, and Mrs. Arthur Reid. Pleasantdal Mrs. Floyd McFarlane was at Berkeley, Calif.. 10 days, called there by the serious illness of her brother, Chet Morgan, who un derwent emergency surgery and la now out of danger and making a rapid recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Nichols were Sunday dinner guests of friends, Mr. and Mrs, Ben El selsteln, near Dayton. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Freshour were friends from near Dayton, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Gibbons. Maurice Jenson of Dayton Route 2 stayed with the Guy Freshour family for a lew days while his parents, Mr. and Mr. Alfred Jensen were hos pitalised after their accident on highway 223. Five local Housewives are taking a course in copper tool ing at Salem, one night each week. They are Mrs. Everett Joeckel, Mrs. Jack Flock, Mrs. Leon Blanchard, Mrs. Lloyd Zentner, Jr. and Mrs. Vernon Thompson. Otto Joeckel ol Gaston is convalescing from pneumonia at the home of his son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Joeckel. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Penland entertained 16 relatives at dinner, Sunday evening, her mother and four sisters and their families being present. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kipper and family of Salem, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Linke and family of Carlton, Mrs. Es the McQuesten and Mrs. Blanche Dennis, both of Mc-Minnville. The Arrawannah Club met at the home of Mrs. Glen Mc Farlane recently. Members present were Mrs. Marion Boulden. Mrs. Ivan Gubser, Mrs.- John Allison, Mrs. Carl Wood, Mrs. John Heffley, Mrs. Steve Benedict, Mrs. J. G. Penland, Mrs. Fred Finnicum and Mrs. Scott Edwards. Mrs. McFarlane served re freshments and plans were made for the club's annual fam ily Christmas party which was held a few days later at the home of Mrs. John Allison. Sunday afternoon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Nichols were her sister's husband, Ewald Johnson and two chil dren of Portland, and her fath er, William Moerke, of Donnel ly, Minn., who is in Oregon for a visit. Mrs. Gerald Hadley sang in a presentation of the Messiah at Newberg high school, Sun day, Dec. 13. There are about 500 IT. 8. companies each producing more than 100,000 ton of bi tuminous coal yearly. .8- So r r, Unionvale Unlonval Twenty mem bers of the Unionvale Farm Bureau attended the December monthly business meeting fol lowing the 7:30 dinner held at the Pleasantdal social center Monday evening. Three new members have been added: Jamie Ediger, Fred Rondo and Curtis Douglas. The Unlonval Evangelical United Brethren church Sunday school Christmas program "Christmas at th Cobbler's Shop" will be presented by students from high school age down to the beginners class at th local church at p.m. Sun day, Dec 20. Th girls chorus will preesnt a program of vocal numbers at the 11 a.m. local church serv ice Sunday. Gams 'were pkyed with ' award' going to Mrs. Anita Carlson, Mrs. Wilma Trykto -am.' Mrs. Shirley Funk. Following opening ol gifts, refreshments of cake, Jello and ', whipped cream, cofiee and punch were served. Present were Mrs. bene Planter, Can by, Mrs. Alice Wil- ; klnson. Salem; Mr. Evelyn i Christian, Canby; Mrs. Nora , Marsh, Aurora; Mrs.v Wilma : Trykto, Gladsone; Mis Joyce Marsh, Aurora; Mrs. Anita -Carlson.; Portland; Mrs. Pat Watson, Barlow; Mr. Arte Marsh, Portland; Mrs. Shirley . Funk, Canby, and Mrs. Caro line Scharenborn, Mullnn. Se -eral were unable to attend. Bethel Park Bethel Park The Bethel Park Missionary Group met at Mrs. Robert Swopes Wednes day aftern oon for a Christmas party, Gifts were exchanged. Refreshments were served to Mrs. Gardner Johnson and son, Mark, Miss Miry Goffrier, Mrs. R. Nelson. Mrs. C. Finley ar.d daughter Fay; Miss Stella Jordan, Mrs. A. Jensen and daughter, Ramona; Mrs. Ed ward Edmond, Mrs. Mary Il ium and Mrs. Kate Smith. Rev. and Mrs. A. Jensen, Clarence and Ramona, return ed recently from a California trip. In ' Delpaso Heights, Calif., they visited Rev. Jen sen's mother, Mrs. Elias Jen sen who was ill. From there they drove to Costa Mesa and visited several days with their son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jensen. Harold is s student at South ern California Bible College, Costa Mesa, Calif. Turner Members of the United States Suprome Court pose in Washington for their first official picture since th ap pointment of Earl Warren, former California governor, as Chief Justice. Left to right, seated: Associate Justice Felix Frankfurter and Hugo Black; Chief Justice Warren; and Associate Justices Stanley Reed and William O. Doug las. Standing: Associate Justices Tom Clark, Robert Jack son, Harold H. Burton and Sherman Minton. (AP Wire-photo) Aurora Mrs. Walter Schor- enborn of Mulino and Mrs. Ronald Marsh of Portland werc hostesses at a cradle shower Friday, December 11, at th home of the former, honoring Mr. Roland Planter of Canby and Mrs. Rolley Wilkinson ol Salem. Union Hill Turner Turner Farm Bur- eau Center held a meeting Tuesday evening. A pot luck supper preceded the business meeting presided over by Arn old Selness, chairman. Some facts regarding the dairy situation In Oregon were brought out. Plans were made for pro grams of special interest in January and February. Following the close of the meeting Santa Claua appeared and gifts were distributed. Union Hill Mrs. Henry Tate returned to her home Sunday from Salem Hospital where she has been hospitaliz ed for the past alx weeks fol lowing a heart attack. , Mrs. Marion Hunt Is ill at her home here suffering from a heart attack. Tne Union Hill Grange horn economic club members held Christmas party at the home of Mrs. Henry Peters on Wed nesday. After a short business meeting, the members ex changed Christmas gifts. The Union Hill Grange meet ing will be preceded by a hot supper Friday night, Decem ber 18 when It meets at the Grange halL Robert Humph reys, the newly elected master, will preside during the grange meeting. Mra. Maurice Heater will be hostess for the Christmas party of th Union Hill Woman's club at her home on Thursday afternoon, December 17 start ing at 2 o'clock. Gifts will be exchanged by the members. KORELL KsliHtHSli . MiHuSli" UTTlf RBKH SHOP 115 North High FOR YOUR APPROVAL Children's ' I PIECE BOCCLE SUITS Ma rg wen's Capitol Shopping Center Aurora rjvr nil W GIFT Of TUs Christmas, Mfhtaa It hard-of-Winf triaad er tetrad ooa give a tee ! sty, aaademtely prices' bank. HIAKINO AIDS Near S-trtnuaUr "Koyal-T" list; vacuum-tab awdsla, 71 Msh. Oiva th. easUy aV jastad mstrumant HwU er am attractive Gift Csrtif lost, flatiatactioa aeaund aadar ear 10-Day Messy-Back Omae SSsamnsitrlaesres.ttVaqrlaS Morris Optical Co. WSMttt. COMPLETE ik. ; EEAUT1FUI GIFT Wrappings ALSO FOR YOUR . SELECTION COMPLETE ARRAY OF BEAUTIFUL CANDLES . AH Six-Shape end Colon NWnTtKSTtlf T I . ee!Wr4 Heen el Hallmark Card 130 CourlS. mm x freak accident at the Stayton high school. Running down the hall, she stumbled throwing her hesd, hands and arms through a glass door. He's serving money He'd probably pay more for his cigarettes if it weren't for ad vertising. The cigarette manu facturers use advertising as their lowest cost way to get across news and information about their products. On the average, advertising lor a pack of bga- I rettes amounts to less than 4. Selling goods this way makes mass production possible which means lower production costs, lower selling costs, lower prices. Yes, advertising is a low-cost selling method that helps keep your living cosU down. SPECIAL Close-out Sale Genuine Leather ' Billfolds Value $2.00 end up for $fl 00 Plus. A Tax SCHAEFER'S ' DRUG STORE Ope Dally, 7:I AJH.-I P-M-Sundays, A.M.-4 P.M. lis N. Camsnercial THIS CHRISTMAS... GIVE FURNITURE GIVE APPLIANCES Everybody Needs Furniture and Appliances k Everybody Wants Furniture and Appliances k Everybody Appreciates Furniture and Appliances 4 STIFF'S Great Downtown Furniture Stores Ready Wilh 1001 Furniture Gifts for the Home WOODRY'S HOGG'S HAMILTON'S J M .T'jjr xjBV m r ee 1 1 sir-!f " - TAG Yo u re SANTA!" Tonight at MILLER'S TAG SANTA AND WIN A YEAR'S SUPPLY OF -FIN EST NYLON STOCKINGS! FREE, TONIGHT! A Fine Christmas Carol Book by John Boch- 7:00 to 9:00 2nd. FLOOR 1 A Rouble Orcftd Corsage f0 The Ladies I L20fo9;0o i -9