Pace 14 THE CAPITAL JOUBNAL, gales. Oregon CHURCH CENTERS CONTROVERSY" 4 V r j r, " i MM Lebanon Providence church, n historic landmark founded by Joab Powell the circuit rider, and a center of community wonhlp for more than 100 yeari, hai been deeded to the Comervatlve Baptist church of Albany. The deed was recorded at the courthouse in Albany Nov. X7. Providence Church Deeded; Controversy Flares Again Kidnap-Slayers Both Die In Gas Chamber By LABRT BALL JeUexun City, Mo. ) Lips reddened by final kite but si lent on the missing raniom myitery, Carl Austin Hall and Bonnie Brown Heady died to gether in the gai chamber ear ly Friday for the kidnap lay ing of 6-year-old Bobby Green-lease. Fletcher Linn Riles Tuesday Friday, December 18. 1951 PENITENTIARY EXTENDS SEASONAL GREETINGS Portland ( Memorial serv ices for Fletcher Linn. 87, in dustrialist and financier, will be held here Tuesday. He died Wednesday night. TLJVLX !iter both had prayed with two The notorious pair refused iinai .official request for a statement which might have shed light on what happemd to half the record S800.000 col' lected from the multi-million aire father of the child they stole and murdered last Sept 28. Instead they spent their last minute in a brief conversation a ad farewell embrace, shared a final cigarette, bid their Mis souri prison guards good-bye and died aide by side amid swirling clouds of deadly cya nide gas. Mrs. Heady, 41, plump and dark-haired, mustered a parting jest at the leather straps that bound her to the death chair. The 34-year-old wastrel lov er bad words for none but her public high school, at Jackson ville, he was graduated from! the University of Oregon in 1890 and then followed his fa- ministers who attended the midnight execution. Hall gulped in the poison ' ' - . - a-U . if. t . -..r- H t ! ' ' ', -'' -' vl t fJ V ' "'- V I: ' A. 3 ! ll MIHI.Q 00 rF II it H I) U 'Is I I i ! BHIH.Mil SI 11 HI" I ther into the furniture business .u' Lebanon Another chapter In the troubled affairs of cen tury-old Providence church was recorded when a deed was filed at Lino county court house on Nov. 17, transferring Joab Powell's Baptist Mission church to the Conservative Baptist church of Albany. This move, which was orig inally proposed on Feb. 18, 1952 by Benton Arnold and Mr. and Mrs. Lonard Arnold of Sclo, three of the remaining seven members, has been vig orously opposed by a large number of Providence resi dents who use the church as a community worship center, as well as many members of Linn's pioneer families. The first move to give the old church away was thwarted HEALTH TO YOU After Correcting HEMORRHOIDS (PILES) Fistula, Harare, Prolapse and Other Rectal Disorders. With out Hospitalisation. Stomach, Colon and Other Digestive Disorders, Write or Cat1 for Free De acrlptlTo Booklet Today. Dr. R. Reynolds Clinic Naturopath Proctologist 1144 Center St. Phone 1-946 when Mrs. Wayne Davenport and her sister, Mrs. Effie Peery of Lebanon, also members of the church, filed objections. At this time, there was no governing church board as the original chu-'-'i organization had become inactive and was allowed to lapse in 1943. The building, however, has been kept in excellent repair by res idents of Providence and has long been used as a center of worship by them. According to the corporation record, on Feb. 24, 19S2, Ben ton Arnold appeared at Salem and filed a re-instatement of the church corporation with himself as attorney-in-fact. On March 20. 1953, another meeting was called by the Arn olds who had not abandoned their determination to transfer the property to the Albany church. At this time the pro posed session received wide publicity through the press, and descendants of the pioneer clans from all sections of the county came to protest. The op position was to overwhelming that no action was taken. Wor shippers at tho rrovidence church felt that the matter had been settled by public opinion. The deed now on record is dated May 20, 19S3, two months after the protest meet ing. The entire Providence prop erty, now considered a state historical shrine, consists of the church founded by' Joab Pow ell in 18S3, and the adjoining cemetery where he and many members of Linn pioneer fam ilies are buried. The Provi dence Memorial association, foundedin 1938, administers the affairs of the cemetery. Re cently the group with a large state-wide membership, raised money for a deep well on the property to fit their long range plan for perpetual care of the at 12:12 a.m. (CST). Mrs. Heady seemed reluctant. She appeared to bold her breath. Although she was un conscious after the first sniff, her lung labored for two min utes and 10 seconds after Hall's body had slumped motionless. U.S. Marshal William B Tatman after the execution, confirmed the two had given each other a final embrace and kiss. "You wouldn't want to de prive them of that," the mar shal said. Hall was puffing on a ciga rette as they approached the gas chamber. He passed It to Mrs. Heady who took a final puff. Tatman stepped Into the gas chamber with the two. After guards had blindfolded them and strapped them to the chairs. the marshal asked: "Have you anything to tell me?" Pittsburgh m A noisy Witnesses sensed in this ques- mass picketing . demonstration tlon a last extort to Una out If Thursday night at one of five either knew what had hap big Pittsburgh department pened to more than $300,000 of stores hit by a Yuletide strike the ransom money they collect brought the arrest of an AFL ed in Kansas City on Oct. 4 local union president and nine and which was missing when other persons on disrderly con- they were captured in St. Louis duct charges. on Oct. 6. Between 100 and 150 pickets Bom snoox tneir neaas in the circled chain-fashion about the ga".v "n n"a nla entrances to Gimbels. Crowds Aa th .tr.n of Christmas shoppers gathered being tightened about her to watch as police moved in to chest, Mrs. Heady, with a little keep order. The demonstration cn"?.re'.r Uleu,ras: , lasted two hours. . ""i J?-" Tm n0t ,oing The demonstration was the Then she called out lo Hall- first at Gimbela since AFL ..Are you doinf ,u rigM Teamsters Local 248 touched honey?" He came to Portland in 1896 and two years later became president of the Oregon rur niture Manufacturing Co. here. Later he built a factory now part of the B. P. John Furni ture Corp. here. He began financing various industries in 1914, including the Beaver Portland Cement Co. at Gold Hill. He devoted recent years to an Interest in the history of Jacksonville. His ashes will be placed in the fam ily plot there. Surviving are two sisters, Corrine Linn, 91, and Margar et Linn, 89. Union Pickets Gimbels Store ' This Nativity scene above the entrance to Oregon's state penitentiary extends seasonal greetings to the public, out side trustees and alumni of the institution. Materials for the scene were obtained by a prison official and inmates assisted in erecting it. off the strike Nov. 27. "Yes, mama," Hall repliqi. Young Burglars Nabbed. By Dense Fog, Bullets Roseburg MP) A fusillade of i police bullets ripped into a stolen car at a. roadblock here early Friday and a 16-year-old Lowell youth was hit two times and may die. It was a fog-shrouded high way turn, however, which stopped the car in its flight. A burglary at Dexter and a holdup at Lowell preceded the WANTED! FILBERTS AND WALNUTS AND NUT MEATS Highest cash price on delivery for orchard run MORRIS KL0RFE1N PACKING CO. 460 North Front St., Solem Tel. 37633 grounds. Transfer of the church came as a surprise to those wishing to keep the church under Prov ldence community control.' A spokesman for the group indi cated that a court order may be sought to obtain possession of the church records as the j first step toward determining the legality of the deeding. COLORADO PAN-SAN at the SAN SHOP THIS CHRISTMAS . . . GIVE FURNITURE GIVE Appliances -k Everybody Needs Furniture and Appliances Everybody Wants Furniture and Appliances k Everybody Appreciates Furniture and Appliances 4 Great Downtown Furniture Stores Ready with 1001 Furniture Gifts (or the Home STIFF'S WCODRY'S HOGG'S HAMILTON'S mad dash past the roadblock. The driver of the stolen car was unhurt. State Police Sgt Holly Hol- comb said this is what happened: Thomas Busby. 19. of Horn- brook, Calif., entered a sport ing goods store in Dexter, nro- bably late Thursday and stole 32 automatic and .38 re volver, then went to Lowell and picked up Joseph Daniel uusnneii, 10. The two then, Holcomb con tinued, held up the L Cafe Lowell shortly after midnight. took the cashbox containing aoout sriuo and took an addi tional $60 from the proprietor and stole hia 1953 Oldsmobile. Deputy Sheriff Dan Delaney spotted them north of here and radioed headquarters. A road' block was set up at the north ledge of the city, manned by city, state and county police. The stolen car swerved sharply at the roadblock and Jumped a traffic divider as po lice opened fire. It swept onto t h e North Umpqua highway ! and a hall mile easttof here, in dense fog, failed to make a turn and was demolished. Police closed in swiftly and sent Bushnell to surgery with two serious bullet wounds two of them In his back. Busby was held for Lane county authorities. Iron Lung Fails, Polio Victim Wins Death Race Hamilton AFB, Calif. UK Mrs. Pe&gy Plnske, a polio in valid, happily made Christmas plans with her family today after a life and death race to a hospital when her Iron lung lauea. The pert, 29-year-old mother barely won her race against time yesterday when two mechanical failures stopped the lung as she was being transfer red to her new home here from Marin County General Hospital. She was kept alive for the 12-minute return trip to the hospital by newsmen and at tendants who fought furiously to keep her breathing by oper ating the bellows with their hands. Trouble started for Mrs. Plnske after she and her lung were strapped in a huge van for the trip home. The generator unit failed a mile from the hospital and the respirator was without electri cal power. A hand lever for the pump was started immedi ately but broke after two strokes. The van attendants and newsmen, covering the home coming, jumped to her assist ance, lifting and pushing the rubber bellows to force life giving air into her body. They almost failed. Mrs. Pinske began getting less and less air as the van careened around corners in its race with death. I .Faster, faster." she said. "I can't breathe." But they transfered her to a new lung in the hospital 12 minutes after the accident. The second trip was success ful, and Mrs. Pinske will spend the holidays with her husband James, an Air Force sergeant, her eight-year-old son, Michael, and other members of her family. TOUGH BULL DIES Oklahoma City 11 Shot four times at slaughter house yesterday a bull broke loose and ran several yards into the street. Policeman H. J. Te brinke said the tough animal dropped dead either from ex haustion or loss of blood. There was little change In farming methods betw e e n about 3000 B. C. and the 18th century A.D. 4 I Salem's Gift Appliance Headquarters FOR THESE FAMOUS LIKES: ' 5? WesUnghouse, Sunbeam. Universal, General Elee- ft Mc:.,'. Hamilton Beaeh. Kitchen - Aid, D.rmerer, S i Waring, General Mills, Keren, Oster, Freito, Q 0I7V,. Manninf-Bowm.n. Deepfraeie, Nesea, A ktf Durabllt, Arrin, Lent, Shirk, Remington, - Seth-Thomas, Weitclox, LaSalle, Wetlx and A J Proctor. g choose'from this complete gift assortment J? Toasters, Mixers, Waffle Irons, Sandwich Grills, JS Sjt Percolators, Coffee Makers, Boasters, Steam Irons, "JS f Clocks. Healing Pads, Electric Blankets. Hair ) M Dryers, Electric Sharers, Radios, Home Recorders, " JS Elf Ranges. Refrigerators. Television. Washers, 3 J Dryers, Water Heaters. Varuum Cleaners, Sewing JS M Machines, Ironers, Home Freeiers. Waste-a-wajr, TO Z. Portable Radios, Desk Lamps, Pants Premiers, J? Clock Radios, Drink Mixers, Revere. Ware, Deep & fc Fryera, . g 0 0EN EVERT NIGHT 111 9 THRU DEC. 23 S I Yeaier Appliance Co. f 375 Chemeketa Open Wed. It FrI. Til 9 Ph. 3-4311 A It will be enjoyed, J.1L.J 7 i 7 .7 7 P mirm cwouv, cnemnea i w years. f To Acid Stomach ftltt-ajCtitrf TUMS Don ' tot acid idi gMtoa got dM bsat ofyoa. Dost safer atedleiily with hsartbara aad paias. Eat 1 car 2 Texas tor sob speed relief whenever distress ocean. Tarns caaaot toeraltsliss. Can't caase acid itboaa. Kscanra o water, ao Hixiox. ao waraag. Get a bandy roll of Tarns so carry ia pocket or pane today! SOHENLEY the test-tasting whiskey in ages in a fabulous holiday decanter T i . Slilt Only ljno epuutcoM, 5 iio . . . trif A e xrfuitpc expansion stopper. Tilt the bottle and tee how it uorkt. HENPfp WHttKfY, fU WQQF. tS QArM NtlfffM St1TS. SCHENtfV D'St., INC. NEW YQIt. N. T .. mm Yes, men, there's no low against giving yourself a present of wonderful shov ing. You'll get it with ony one or rnese electric razors. And, man oh man, how you'll save on that BIG trode-in! .. -.' See These REMINGTON '60" SHAVER $27 50 , SI. 00 DOWN $1.25 PER WK. IP) NORELCO SHAVER $24 95 SI. 00 DOWN $1.25 PER WK. eo o.e9 '"St., r "VP. e- e 1 9 C ei e. SCHICK "20' SHAVER $26 50 $1.00 DOWN $1.25 PER WK. ASK ABOUT OUR TRADE-IN On Your Old Electric Roior, Regardless et it's present londihon. EASIEST TERMS GREEN STAMPS SlaVICt STATIONS INC. 365 N. Com't. ?h. 3-41 63 OPEN EVENINGS NOW THRU DEC. 23 SEE OUR TOYS, TOO