Friday. DemWr 18, 19SS THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Saba. Ortfta Pit IS Special Programs Feature Silverton Church Services SUverton A number of lo eil churches are presenting musical and "treat" program , for toe younier folk a a por tion of the Sunday, Dec. 20, observance In keeping with the holiday and worship season. . n fern w. im, him e taa al.taediu anarch. kM ennewneee' a cuwwatuuu, Thi cum at Beta Sweet Home Church Has Anniversary Sweet Home "he Commu nity church, Methodist, cele brated its 9th anniversary this week in special program which was preceded by pot luck dinner under the super . vision of Mrs. Dayt Elston, president of the Women's So ciety of Christian Service. Entertainment for the eve ning included skits depicting the history of the church by Mrs. Ivsn Hoy and Mrs. Larry Duncan, Mr.. Dayt Eliston, Mrs. John Gilbert Mrs. Eve lyn Herman and Mrs. Rulon McArthur gave, appropriate ridings, and Roy Weeks, pres ident of the church trustees briefly described the church history financially. A quartet composed of BUI Rhodes, (Charles Gilchrist, El ton Way and Herb Drew gave several musical selections. Bill Rhodes led the group in Christ mas carols following the, pro gram. Dr. George Roseberry, dis trict superintendent from 8s lem, gave a closing message pointing out responsibilities of Christians In Christisn service. Outdoor Scene Presented Again "The L!vin Picture," a preientation of the Chrtttmai story In pantomime by living character!, will again be pre sented by the young people of the Court Street Chriitlan church. The outdoor acent. which thit year will tell the story of the appearance of the angels to the sheptierds, will be presented each evening December 22, 23, 24, 7:30 to 9 o'clock, on a specially pre pared setting In front of the church. The public Is invited to drive by any evening and watch the outdoor scene which will change every 23 minutes. The sanctuary icene of the traditional manger story will be presented with a background of organ musle. All are invited to come In for a time of meditation and wor ship. lake. to mm ta Um MHturr r IM MV ttltfc st awMav. Chan KfcowJ it tt U . TM U 'uu rtki br Mimn ttm to: Thffi aM ft Um Ait," u . Umn ntktuM. At t hteh Kt mi ma ui b ikwi, atiM ai HTP l lit mm. hi UM ml CMl a It. M. Okmtiui S wniM will ImiS tnm u raw mm wMatfht im (MiMM aa i I Um Krrt Ctutouaa aaarta aW4 ratal rUl hmt a niMUMU mim utr. rm, Mto HrtM af Iiuwl will itMtu. Ma atwi Mturtaftta. at idtKl ? Mr. Jafca Braataa aed Mr. Jm Marta. will arMal ft Hlmtrf c tartwaot attfttfaur MAoa. arama ! 4 TaM CftrlAtlU BftsMtVM mtWkm wU) m uiUm at .a. taa rttura tr 4mtMl tad ntttaiinU, TtM 1;M MTMM MTM Ift ftftftCftHtS. Mvutf KwMtr f akftftrS ftsS Cacti mi viil M la hart af Um aud&r Mtaiaa wartai hr an aaaftar acftMl al Um MauaaK caarch. "Tba Chaaal m um mmr aa um ftu? rail kit a. Tft Vato af jaba" to Um ftaau af Um 11 'las auadar atrtsoa ft? um Bt. Attm L. MakooMB at Calvar? Lata- nu church. auaw waaal ctuiataaai Mrtica wui n i t a.a. wadaatdar, I p.m. intra Mrvle aad Btkig itudy I NruiUt. Plidur. CbrliUBftj dar. Daa. at, Mnrleftt al it:M a m. aaraaa taaM: "Tba SaTlaar la Bar. la Um UUrd af a rt-Cbrlsta.u atrtot af fey um Joan a. Pile af PUirUa loiiMU church, he UI ipcak ai u auadtf aarnla warthi hour aa: "Plfc Polou af Um Chrlstnaa atar." ThU aarvtea WUI tallaw aunday aeaaal wawaa a f t, rilfrm Touia mievuilp nU al :! m.t afrt. John . Price dlmUac. aTtnlsf traAttUitla atrvlcc 1:M p.m. tba JUv. Prlec ipcckiaf. Wad Dtadcr tTCDlnc, T:ll. Biblt tod pram crvlcc aad an hour af faitinc Prlday, 11 boob u 1 a'clock. Tha DcMmbcr BuBdar achoat hour U1 fee ferlcf ta lire Uac far the Chrlatmu prscraa dlrcctad by alra. Roy OavU, aaaUWd fey Mr. Ha iti Bcablla. Mn. John R. Price UM w. Prlea aad Mr. Jim Orahaai. Wbat ChrtatMi Mcaaa la Ma to it at man upi af Bct. Jaaapb R- Coo par af ChrUUan aad Mlutenary AUlanc far Suadar. Dot. JO. At tha Id a., auaday scAeal haur. tha Cbrumai atary will ba atadlcd ta all claaacs, At T:M a'clock la tba aytalnf tha Chrlitmaa pataRnt: "And Thcra Wa Uyht." wtu ba priMBtad. Na aaraaa wili ta gtvan. Tht Rar. A. W. Nalaoa of Immaoual LBtBaraa ehurcb, will apaik aa: "Thla, My Jar." at Um 11 o'clock auaday wor- hip hoar. Tba aaaior choir anotta at 1 39 la tha afteraoan for rahaaraal of in carnal ta aa lan Dacaaaar ST. ma anuMay acaaai Cbriataea praaraai via a araatBtad auaday avenlBi, Dec. Trinity Lutbtraa church, aa tha fourth auaday after AdTcat. mibm tAnia ft um woranip sour will bo: "Rc!va ChrUt cjoicc. uw Kr. joatpB A. Luth r apaaklDi. "Joyoua Chriatmaa BAnsi" bp Cbrlttlanioo. will aupptcmant tha f moo. Luther Laituc maeu al S:M. with rafrashaaaU foUowlaa, Scottish Pastor At First Baptist In Salem for two service! only will be Dr. Jock Troup, Scotland's most auressive evangelist. A former member of the British navy and then one of the century's best known out-door Evangelists In Europe, Dr. Troop comes to the First Baptist Church of Salem while on . a current tour oi America, visiting every state and the Province of Canada. He will fill Pastor Anderson's pulpit at the 11 a.m. service and will speak at a mass after noon rally at 3:00 p.m. The public ia Invited to all services. Church Women Installation Installation of officers was the main feature of th meeting of (he Woman's Association of the Presbyterian church Wed nesday. A s h o r t program featuring the "home at Christmastime" with the B. J. Holland family preceded the installation 'ser vice which was In charge of Mrs. F. G. Scherer. Assisting with the service were: Mrs. George Scales and Mrs. Wallace Eubanks, candlelighters; M ra , William C. Crothers, poem reader; Mrs. Hobart Jackson, service mosaic reader; - Mrs. William Bush, vocal soloist; Mrs. Robert Stutsman, Installa tion chaplain and past presi dent. Devotions by Mrs. X. A. Collier. New officers Installed during candlelight service; Ktw .mora butalM ta Ux tapreutf. Madia vara: rrMlSaal, afri. Ar thur Bonai mat tkM prasldaat, Mn. Bai Daurtt Mean Tic. ar.ilo.Bt. Kn. Br la Pataraaki raearSlas aatratary, alra. L. V. Bnion: araarant chairman, Mrs. HrM RoMbrauth; Iraaaiir.r. Mra. 0orta LaBord.; racial McrtUrr, Mra. Oil WUmai lallawahls coalman. Mrc Jiai Martaa; warld Mra. Sdward Malak: lturalar. Mra. W1UU Dallas; at.ward.blp and aalrllaal Ufa, Mra, Wil liam Cr.tb.ra; mlialonarr adueatlaa. Mr, c. A. Bpratua; natlanal mlwlena. Mra. Ln Km: fartlgn muilona, Mra. Jay Rem.; chriitlan aducatlen. Mra. Ror Olrad; national and avarMaa wwlaf. Mr.. Roy Smith; f oath advlaar. Mra Tom Hill; lnl.rd.nomlaallanal rapratantallra. Mra. Dancht ParMna; finance chairman. Mra. Rum.1 Pratt; nomlnaltna chairman. Mra. Barl Mcoiaarun: suud ninarn Mra. Baavna Manoek. Waatmlntlar mldi Mra. BJame Brlekun, Cran lulls : Mra. Robin How, lit Mra. Marian Urn., Mra. B. A. colll.r, Mra. Olana landara, Mrc Oaorta Brown, MM. A. B. 4lb. bald. Mra. Walter Ptiih, Mn. Hiw.u Wllllami. Bo.ln.ia and Prafcwlanal eluaj Mra. A. B. Bwlnt. WUlunlla auaUlarr, Kingwood Lodge to Install Officers Newly elected officers of Kingwood Lodge, No. 204, will be held ln the West Sslem City Hall Monday night at 8. It will be an "open" installation and all Masons, their famailes and friends are invited to attend. The new officers who will be instilled Include: Winfred Wilson, wo-shipful master; Jess . Hunley. senior warden; Ted Buraa, Junior warden; Guy Nugent, secre tary: Do Kuhn, treasurer; B. G. Kelso, senior deacpn; Steve Roienbaum, junior deacon; Don Cross, senior steward; Harry Phillips, Junior steward; Rev. Harold Black, chaplain; Walter White, marihsll and Merle Phillips, tyler. AMERICA'S ' Men Mtotrs (Hcke. CAPITAL 111 N. High WE WILL NOT BE OPEN NIGHTS BEFORE CHRISTMAS In deference to our personnel, who 1 1 make every effort to give perfect serv ice to our trade, we do not feel it is consistent to stay open nights! This has always Been and will remain our policy! 135 N. Liberty v., - SOME HOUSE- PET i i ; 5. f V W ft- ri 1 I I ' "T " 'I 1 9 i Program to Be Given Twice , In order that the majority of tba) US Richmond elementary school pupils may take part ln the annual Christmas program, it will be presented twice Fri day night et this week and Tuesday night next week At 7:S0. . The pageant, "The First Christmas," will constitute the principal part of the activity and Friday night participants will Include first, second and third grade pupils. The fol lowing Tuesday night fourth, fifth and six graders will Uke over the production. Following the processional, the pageant will be presented ln four scenes: Angel Speaking to Mary; Mary, Joseph and the Babe in the Manger; Shep herds With Angels, and Shep herds, Angel sod Wise Men. . The Richmond PTA wlU serve refreshments at the close of each program at nominal fee. Jess Parker Called To La Grand Office La Grande W Jess Park' er, who ueed to live in La Grande before becoming city manager of Sweet Home, will be the next city manager here. Th City Commision an nounced his appointment Wed. nesday. H will succeed Ed Ford, 'who resigned from the Job last July. AUTO VICTIM IMPROVE! Silverton The four-year-old son, John, of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Conroy of South Water street waa reported as lmprov ' ing normally at Silverton bos. . pital where he Is under treat ment for injuries received Tuesday when he was struck by a passing automobile. .. Th Great Lakes could be seen from the moon with th naked eye. ' BARBEQUED ' CRAB At NORTH'S 1171 Center St. r CAR t TRUCK RENTALS JM North Church Phon S-9600 Bob Holder keeps a tight (rip on Baldy, an eagle that stumbled into a muskrat trap on Spanaway Lake near Ta coma. Wash. The huge bird flaps his wings in an attempt to take off. Holder found Baldy and nursed him back to health before setting him free. Baldy wouldn't make very congenial house pet, and besides, there's a law against it. (UP Telephoto.) Three Children All Born on Same Dale Portland UP) Mr. and Mrs. Harry Owens have three chil dren. Etch was born ln a dif ferent year. And each was born on December 16. A mathematics professor here estimated the odds against that at 1 to 18,:sl,82S. A daughter was born four 1 years ago, a son three years! ago, and another son Wednes day. Mrs. Owens chuckled when she heard what the odds were. She insisted there was no co incidence about th December 18 births. "It was planned that way," she said. OPEN Evening 'Til CHRISTMAS TAYLOR'S VARIETY 1115 Edgswiltr PI. 25415 LOCKER FROZEN FOODS Complete Line Stokely's - Pictsweet - Flav-R-Pac LOWEST PRICES IN THE STATE 10 Less Than Wholesale Prices While This Supply Lasts Only PRICES ON ONLY A I-EW ITEMS PEAS lie LEAF SPINACH Il0J5c ASPARAGUS Cuts and Tips. .Hoi 25c BABY UMAS.... .,25c tnir.UCm and Meat irMVilkiii 43c Balls II os. STRAWBERRIES I.e..... .... 20c COD Finns.; ....;.;.:;.:. 29c R0CKF1SH FILLETS. ....... 33c SALMON FILLETS ........ 47c SALEM FROZEN FOODS 132S S. 25rh Phon 4-5432 er S-4831 ; Ike (Mrcette thai tabs M - ,t ett I ! ' awaawaa ' " J f"lwa?- ' .''r". I .'V ,mA " v "4,KJ, 1 v " . . ' if t ' 4 a 1 :f. fr - rX. 't-vfc -0 IA -t..'-. . I lkaBeaBk. . .-wav T - l .i, , - aw r'w. - i s r KING SIZE feTA riwS& J A f ;.-n f,AT,T, ifMnnnr Trim n ffnTvhTi,"iTrCi Only line cigarette . . . PHILIP MORRIS ... is made with "Di-GL"... the great scientific discovery that protects you from certain harsh irritants found in every other leading cigarette No other cigarette , . . with or without filters can remove all these irritants Th excluiim, modern tngiweTfail "Di-CV for gmlUr tmoking that has almryt been uied in Philip MorrU, Other important refining steps add greatly to the mildness . . . aroma M richness and rare smoking pleasure of Philip Morris I All the rich flavor and aroma are your . . . mlKout th need for latte-detlroying gadgeti or filter. Only Philip Morris olTers you this record of safety. For your pleasure . . . for your protection ... try a carton t America's Finest Cigarette . . . Make It Yours l '4 'V J . .. ..